The Analysis of File Carving Process Using Photorec and Foremost
The Analysis of File Carving Process Using Photorec and Foremost Nurhayati, Nurul Fikri Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta Jl.Ir.H.Juanda No.95 Ciputat 15412 Jakarta-Indonesia, Abstract— Rapid development of computer is followed by multiplatform, making it is easy to run and does not require development of digital storage device. One common problem of configuration. PhotoRec possesses carving by examining digital storage device is data loss. The problem of data loss could every existing blocks on the storage media. Meanwhile, be solved by using file carving techniques, for example. File Foremost based on Linux, can only be used on Linux and carving techniques could be performed using carving tools, such requires a configuration in the process of carving. Foremost do as PhotoRec and Foremost. This research was conducted to know the carving process by finding a header and footer files. and to compare performance of carving process from PhotoRec PhotoRec and Foremost will be used in research to restore and Foremost based on three parameters, which are the number files with various types: jpg, png, bmp, and tif, and of return files, file validation, and the rate of process. The multimedia files such as audio and video such as wav, mp3, research used simulation methods. The process of file validation wma, mp4, mkv, avi and flv. uses hash algorithm SHA1 to make sure the similarity between original and return files. The result of this research shown with Based on the explanation above, research titled "Analysis table that PhotoRec has a higher performance than Foremost.
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