Recent Publications Relating to the History of Astronomy
RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY Books and Pamphlets Abstracts of contributed talks and posters presented at the scientific fall meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft at Innsbmck, September 22-27, 1997. Hamburg, 1997. 267 p. (Astronomische Gesellschaft. Abstract series, 13) Partial contents: Contributed talks. Bialas, V. The astronomical story as history of civilisation: some principal remarks. Szostak, R. The significance of the history of astronomy for teaching of physics. Eichhorn, G., M. J. Kurtz, and D. Coletti. Plans for h t u r e on-line access to the historical astronomical literature through the Astrophysics Data System. Haupt, H. F., and P. Holl. A database of Austrian astronomers (eine Datei osterreichischer Astronomen). Daxecker, F. Christoph Scheiner's main work "Rosa Ursina." Deiss, B. M., and V. Nebel. On Galileo Galilei's production of the reappearance of saturn's accompanying stars in 1612. Brosche, P. To the memory of Anton von Zach-soldier, geodesist and cosmogonist. Lichtenberg, H. Zur Interpretation der Gaussschen Osterformel und ihrer Ausnahmeregeln. Kokott, W. The story of the Leonids. Zur Geschichte eines sensationellen Meteorstroms. Dick, W. R. Tracing the fate of astronomers' papers. Firneis, M. G. Johann Palisa (1848-1925): in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of his birth. Wolfschmidt, G. From astronomy to astrophysics. Hamel, J. Die Neubearbeitung der "Bibliographia Keplerianan-Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse. Abstracts of contributed talks and posters presented at the scientific fall meeting of the Astronomische GesellschaR at Tiibingen, September 16-21, 1996. Hamburg, 1996. 253 p. (Astronomische Gesellschaft. Abstract series, 12) Partial contents: Contributed talks. Lichtenberg, H., and P. H.
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