Buildings and Classical Groups Linus Kramer∗ Mathematisches Institut, Universit¨at W¨urzburg Am Hubland, D–97074 W¨urzburg, Germany email:
[email protected] In these notes we describe the classical groups, that is, the linear groups and the orthogonal, symplectic, and unitary groups, acting on finite dimen- sional vector spaces over skew fields, as well as their pseudo-quadratic gen- eralizations. Each such group corresponds in a natural way to a point-line geometry, and to a spherical building. The geometries in question are pro- jective spaces and polar spaces. We emphasize in particular the rˆole played by root elations and the groups generated by these elations. The root ela- tions reflect — via their commutator relations — algebraic properties of the underlying vector space. We also discuss some related algebraic topics: the classical groups as per- mutation groups and the associated simple groups. I have included some remarks on K-theory, which might be interesting for applications. The first K-group measures the difference between the classical group and its subgroup generated by the root elations. The second K-group is a kind of fundamental group of the group generated by the root elations and is related to central extensions. I also included some material on Moufang sets, since this is an in- arXiv:math/0307117v1 [math.GR] 9 Jul 2003 teresting topic. In this context, the projective line over a skew field is treated in some detail, and possibly with some new results. The theory of unitary groups is developed along the lines of Hahn & O’Meara [15].