COMMON DATA SET 2020-21 Table of Contents CDS-A General Information CDS-B Enrollment & persistence CDS-C First Time, First year(Freshman)Admissions CDS-D Transfer Admissions CDS-E Academic offerings and Policies CDS-F Student Life CDS-G Annual Expenses CDS-H Financial Aid CDS-I Instructional faculty and Class Size CDS-J Degrees Conferred CDS Definitions Common Data Set Definitions Common Data Set 2020-2021 A. General Information A0 Respondent Information (Not for Publication) Name: Nasrin Fatima Associate Provost for Institutional Research & Title: Effectiveness Office: Institutional Research & Assessment P.O. Box 6000 Mailing Address: Couper Administration Building Room 306 City/State/Zip/Country: Binghamron, NY, 13902-6000 USA Phone: 607-777-2365 Fax: 607-777-4513 E-mail Address:
[email protected] Are your responses to the CDS posted for X Yes reference on your institution's Web site? No If yes, please provide the URL of the corresponding Web page: A0A We invite you to indicate if there are items on the CDS for which you cannot use the requested analytic convention, cannot provide data for the cohort requested, whose methodology is unclear, or about which you have questions or comments in general. This information will not be published but will help the publishers further refine CDS items. A1 Address Information Name of College/University: State University of New York at Binghamton (Binghamton University) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6000 City/State/Zip/Country: Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 Street Address (if different): 4400 Vestal Parkway East City/State/Zip/Country: Binghamton, NY 13902 Main Phone Number: 607-777-2000 WWW Home Page Address: Admissions Phone Number: 607-777-2171 Admissions Toll-Free Phone Number: not applicable Admissions Office Mailing Address: P.O.