PROSTOR 24 [2016] 1 [51] ZNANSTVENI ÈASOPIS ZA ARHITEKTURU I URBANIZAM A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING SVEUÈILIŠTE POSEBNI OTISAK / SEPARAT OFFPRINT U ZAGREBU, ARHITEKTONSKI FAKULTET Znanstveni prilozi Scientific Papers UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, FACULTY 62-73 Svetislav G. Popoviæ Planning and Creating Planiranje i stvaranje OF ARCHITECTURE Nenad Lipovac Place Identity for Podgorica Prepoznatljivosti mjesta Sanja Vlahoviæ as Observed Through Historic grada Podgorice oèitano kroz ISSN 1330-0652 CODEN PORREV Urban Planning povijesne urbanistièke planove UDK | UDC 71/72 UDC 711.4-122 (16.16 Podgorica) ”19/20” UDK 711.4-122 (16.16 Podgorica) ”19/20” 24 [2016] 1 [51] 1-130 1-6 [2016] Fig. 1 Aerial view of central Podgorica by the confluence of Ribnica and Moraèa River Sl. 1. Zraèna snimka središnjeg dijela Podgorice pokraj ušæa Ribnice u Moraèu PROSTOR Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi 24[2016] 1[51] 63 Svetislav G. Popoviæ1, Nenad Lipovac2, Sanja Vlahoviæ1 1 University of Montenegro 1 Univerzitet Crne Gore Faculty of Architecture Arhitektonski fakultet MNE - 81000 Podgorica, George Washington bb MNE - 81000 Podgorica, George Washington bb 2 University of Zagreb 2 Sveuèilište u Zagrebu Faculty of Architecture Arhitektonski fakultet HR - 10000 Zagreb, Kaèiæeva 26 HR - 10000 Zagreb, Kaèiæeva 26
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Preliminary Communication Prethodno priopæenje UDC 711.4-122 (16.16 Podgorica) ”19/20” UDK 711.4-122 (16.16 Podgorica) ”19/20” Technical Sciences / Architecture and Urban Planning Tehnièke znanosti / Arhitektura i urbanizam 2.01.02. - Urban and Physical Planning 2.01.02.