Ordered by: Date of Report: 10/04/2017 Your Reference: Sample Order Number: DAC DA PA 4497 Our Reference: DA4497 Property: Development Project at Sheepcote Street Birmingham The risk of development being undertaken within 75m from the boundaries can be considered: SUMMARY Are there potential development sites identified within YES 75m of the site boundary? Are there major planning applications that will impact YES the subject property? Are any important views that the subject YES property enjoys going to change? Is the immediate area currently under YES threat from major development? Is there any identified development risk that may NO negatively affect a valuation on the subject property? Does the subject property have any development YES potential? If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above questions it will be expanded upon further within this report. Data Provider The DevAssist product range of DevAssess, DevAssess Premium, DevCheck, DevProbate and DevCity are services provided by DevAssist. Reports are compiled by DevAssist Ltd. Registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board. SearchDevelopment Details Potential This search is subject to DevAssist’s standard terms and conditions which can be sent on request or viewed on our website www.devassist.co.uk. DevAssist is registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) as a subscriber to the Search Code, further details of which can be found at www.pccb.org.uk Data Provided by: If you require help or have any questions regarding this report phone our helpline: Tel: 01342 890010 Email:
[email protected] www.devassist.co.uk Page 1 PROFESSIONAL OPINION KEY FINDINGS The subject land has the partial benefit of a live planning permission and a further application pending.