1960 Schedules Set for Regional
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UGwaQ3(3iL(Diias'i?ii® isasaaa VOL XLIII AUSTIN, TEXAS, MARCH, I960 NO. 7 TILF Acquires 1960 Schedules Debate Award J. O. Webb, Houston, chairman Applicants may secure additional of the Texas Interscholastic details, plus an application blank, League Foundation board of from R. J. Kidd, secretary, Texas Interscholastic League Founda Set for Regional trustees, has announced a new $500 college scholarship to The Uni tion, Box 8028, University Station, versity of Texas for contestants in Austin 12. Many regional meet directors have an The deadline for certifying district win the League's debate contest. nounced tentative contest schedules for the ners to the regional meet is Monday, April The Charles I. Francis Debate Active Alum April 22-23 weekend and all schools qualify 18, and regional directors are authorized to Scholarship will be awarded each The scholarship donor, Charles I. reject late entries. District directors who have year for the next three years, be ing contestants from district to regional Francis of Houston, is vice-presi contests the weekend of April 16 should ginning with the 1960 spring meet dent and general counsel of Texas meets are urged to contact their regional di contests, to an outstanding debat- certify winners immediately, either by tele Eastern Transmission Corporation, rectors for an official and final schedule of jr ing contestant who was a member phone, telegram or special delivery letter. and was honored in 1958 as the of a winning debate team at the contests. Regional directors have only one week to con outstanding alumnus of The Uni regional meet level. The scholarship versity of Texas Law School. He Each district meet director general is tact winners of these late meets concerning is open to both boys and girls, but is a native of Denton and has had responsible for certifying winners from his contest details, and they cannot possibly do the applicant must have won a long and valuable association district to the general meet, but it is also the regional honors in debate during so unless all certifications are in his office by with The University of Texas. In his senior year. duty of each administrator to check his April 18. addition to earning three degrees regional meet schedule and see that his stu Tentative regional meet schedules an from the University, Francis: dents are properly entered. served as an instructor in public nounced to date are: HAPPY AWARD WINNERS—These Happy High School award winners offer a graphic illustration of 50TH speaking, served as a regent, has Region I, Conferences Region II, Conferences April 22 twice been president of the Ex- that school's Achievement Award System designed to reward students for taking part in activities other AAAA and AAA AAAA and AAA 9:00 a.m.—Literary events. Students Association, helped estab NOTES than athletics. The award system was worked out under the direction of Supt. Sam T. Bryan, and was first Region VIII, Conference B 1:00 p.m.—One-act play, confer- lish the Texas Law Review and Site: Southern Methodist Univer tried on an experimental basis in 1955-56. Two years later it became a permanent part of the school program. Site: Odessa College, Odessa; ference A; volley ball, all confer The League's annual state cham served as its associate editor, sity, Dallas; director general: Bar Students receive Achievement Award jackets when they earn 200 points, or more, and points are given director general: Nathan Ivey. For: ences. pionship basketball tournaments founded the University of Texas ry Holton. For: conference AAAA conference AAAA—districts 1-3, (40th boys tourney and 10th girls) Law School Foundation and played for such activities as semester grades of A, holding class or club offices, taking part in League literary and —districts 4-8, inclusive; confer inclusive; conference AAA—dis April 23 are over and, as a result, another on the Longhorn baseball teams of academic contests, serving as business manager or editor of the school newspaper or yearbook, etc. Kay Har- ence AAA—districts 4-8, inclusive. nice "dab" of Golden Anniversary tricts 1-3, inclusive; conference B Contact director general for de 1912, 1913, 1914 and 1915 under man, left, and Pat Flaherty, far right, won a state championship in conference B debate last year. Gracyne 9:00 a.m.—Volley ball continues. publicity has been received. —districts 87-90, inclusive. tails. 10:00 a.m.—Track and field. the legendary "Uncle Billy" Disch. Devin Parker, second from left, graduated last May with an outstanding record in girls' basketball and A giant Anniversary sign was Francis joined the army in 1917 1:00 p.m.—One-act play, confer extemporaneous speaking, and Marilyn Bryan, who also graduated last May, had an excellent record in hung at the east end of Gregory after graduating from the Uni April 21 Region II, Conferences ence AA. Gym to attract the attention of the versity and was discharged in 1919, poetry reading and dramatics. She won the best actress award in the district and regional one-act play 8:00 a.m.- -Rehearsals, one-act AA and A 7:30 p.m.—Track and field finals. thousands of fans that crowded into when he moved to Wichita Falls to contest. play. the gym for the two tournaments, become a partner in a prominent 1:00p.m.—One-act play, confer Region III, Conference B Region IV, Conferences and the Anniversary insignia ap law firm. It was while at Wichita ence B. Site: North Texas State College, AAAA and AAA peared on the official programs. Falls that he began his long associ April 22 Denton; director general: Dr. J. Televiewers report the sign a fre ation with the oil industry, includ 8:00 a.m.—Golf, all conferences. Harold Farmer. For: conference Region VI, Conference B quent scene on the home screen Dr. Ransom to Speak May 5 ing co-discovery in 1924 of an 9:00 a.m.—Tennis, conference B. AA—districts 9-16, inclusive; con Site: Southwest Texas State Col during the boys' AAAA champion important oil pool in Crane County. 1:00 p.m.—Debate, conference B. ference A—districts 9-16, inclusive; lege, San Marcos; director general: ship game. In 1933 Francis moved to Wash 2:00 p.m.—One-act play, confer conference B—districts 32-46, in Dr. Pat Norwood. For: conference Broadcasters, telecasters and ington as a special assistant to the ence AAA. clusive. AAAA—districts 13-16, inclusive; Isportswriters also gave a helping U. S. Attorney General, and a year At League Birthday Dinner' 7:00 p.m.—One-act play, confer conference AAA—districts 13-16, hand by including a word or two later he moved to Houston on the ence AAAA. April 21 inclusive; conference B—districts about the League's anniversary in The year-long observance of the Chairman Virgil Currin, assistant president of the Texas Ex-Students advice of the late Hugh Roy Cullen, 50th Anniversary of the University superintendent of schools, Alamo Association, who will serve as Tennis preliminaries, conference B. 72-78, inclusive. their coverage, as did the public famed Houston oilman and philan April 23 address announcers at the tourna Interscholastic League will come to Heights, San Antonio. The princi master of ceremonies; Dr. J. W. thropist. For 16 years he was a a close during the 50th Annual pal speaker at the dinner, reports Edgar, Texas commissioner of edu 7:30 a.m.—Debate, conference April 22 April 21 ments. partner in one of the country's * # * State Meet on The University of Currin, will be Dr. Harry H. Ran cation, will pay tribute to former AAAA. Tennis preliminaries, conferences 2:30 p.m.—One-act play, confer biggest law firms—Vinson, Elkins, Texas campus May 5, 6 and 7. som, vice president and provost of League directors; and Dean T. H. 8:00 a.m.—Volley ball, poetry A and AA. ence B. Thanks to Don Knoles, manag Weems and Francis—and in 1950 ing editor, and Jack Maguire, edi Highlighting this final Anniversary The University of Texas. Shelby, dean emeritus of the Uni reading, declamation, ready writ Literary contests, conference B. he opened his own law office to activity will be an official "birth versity's Extension Division, will ing, all conferences. April 22 tor, an article on the League and specialize in oil and gas practice. its Anniversary is scheduled for a day dinner" on Thursday evening, Jones to MC give the invocation. 9:00 a.m.—Journalism, typewrit April 23 8:00 a.m.—Golf, all conferences. May 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the Poly Music will be provided by Aus ing, number sense, all conferences; Literary contests, conferences A 1:00 p.m.—One-act play, confer prominent spot in a forthcoming Big Inch Buy Also on the program will be Aus issue of the Alcalde, The University nesian Room of the Villa Capri tin attorney Herman Jones, former tin's Stephen F. Austin High tennis, conferences AAA and and AA. ence AAA; tennis, conference B; of Texas alumni magazine . Francis' most ambitious under Motel. School orchestra and the art de AAAA. Tennis finals, all conferences. track and field drawing. tentatively scheduled for the May taking came in 1946 when, with E. Arrangements for this dinner partments of the Austin Public 10:00 a.m.—Shorthand, slide rule, Track and field, all conferences. 3:00 p.m.—Track and field pre issue, reports Editor Knoles. Holley Poe of Tulsa and New York, are being handled by the anni Schools are in charge of decora track and field, all conferences.