33/18 Parish Council

The Chairman and Councillors noted with sadness the deaths of two Aymestrey parish residents; Chris Williams, and Gillian Hodges. Their individual contributions to the parish are remembered with much appreciation.

Minutes of Scheduled Meeting of the Parish Council Wednesday 24 October 2018 at 7.30pm in Aymestrey Parish Hall

Present: Cllrs Ian Goddard (Chairman); Annaly Goodwin; Helen Hamilton; Ken Holland.

Absent: Cllrs Ian Banks and Wendy Bowen.

In attendance: 1 member of the public; Ward Cllr Carole Gandy; Maggie Brown (Clerk).

1. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs John Probert & Eleanor Waldron.

2. Declarations of Interest: to receive declarations of interest from Members and requests for dispensations. 2.1. Cllr Ken Holland declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in items 10.1,10.2 & 10.3 as Trustee of Aymestrey Parish Hall, and 10.6 as a neighbour. Cllr Annaly Goodwin declared an interest in item 10.4 as a neighbour. 2.2. No requests for dispensations were received.

3. Open Discussion 3.1. Ward Cllr Carole Gandy. Cllr Gandy’s report had been circulated to Cllrs, and is available on the parish council website. Updates on planning applications were reported, see item 10 below. Cllr Gandy has requested the lane between Aymestrey and Lingen be included in the surface dressing programme for 2019. Grit bins displaying stickers have been filled; all bins should be filled within the next two weeks. Balfour Beatty will be on ‘bad weather’ alert from 1 November 2018.

3.2. To hear views of local residents on parish matters. No comments received from the public who were present.

3.3. Update on parish matters from Chairman. Cllr Goddard reported as follows: ➢ The Chairman & clerk went to the Parish Council Summit, Wednesday 17 Oct 2018. ➢ Council’s Intelligence Unit gave a presentation. Information available at the following site https://factsandfigures.herefordshire.gov.uk/ may prove a useful resource. Reports from the Director of Public Health, and the parish clerk were interesting. It was regretted that a video from Town Council was impossible to hear. ➢ Responses from Mike Brookes, Balfour Beatty: Dips in road at Mortimer’s Cross are due to compaction of subbase by heavy goods vehicles. This road is inspected monthly. The road sweeper is not equipped to dislodge weeds, and is not a “kerb” sweeper. Obstructions caused by ivy, and of the path in Mortimer’s Cross were not located. ➢ PCSO Steph Annette and The Safer Roads Partnership have been using speed guns in Aymestrey village. ➢ A discussion had been held with the Footpaths Officer, who will report to Council quarterly in future. ➢ A discussion had been held with the clerk on procedure for contacting those signed up for Parish Council updates. The clerk will contact Cllr Ian Banks 1 | P a g e


4. Minutes After a correction in item 1, it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Scheduled Meeting of the Parish Council 26 September 2018 be agreed and signed as a true record.

5. Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) It was confirmed that the Parish Council’s response to Regulation 16 comments were submitted to the NDP Team at Herefordshire Council on 24th October 2018. These will be forwarded to the External Examiner. It was noted that the Examiner will make a site visit, and it is hoped the examination may be concluded by mid-December.

6. WW1 Project The commemorative mirror has been delivered to the engraver. Cost of engraving, estimated at £40-£50, is likely to increase to £125. It was RESOLVED that the council meet the costs of this memorial. It was noted that there will be a service in Aymestrey Church on Armistice Day, 11 November 2018, and a ceremonial tree planting by the youngest children in the parish. The WW1 Project has also completed the Walking Book, with walks named in memory of the fallen, and published WW1 research. Thanks were recorded to the six members of this group for their hard work.

7. Aymestrey phone box A working party of Cllr Ian Goddard and the Footpath’s Officer has been set up and the following discussed: • Liaising with Parish Hall to agree location to which the box will be moved. • Arranging disconnection of electrics. • Providing a suitable machine to remove the box, and make good the hole. • Ensuring the hedge next to the phone box is trimmed.

8. Internal Audit 2018/19. It was RESOLVED to appoint SDH Accounting Services as Internal Auditor for the next three years; 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.

9. Highways 9.1. Update on Traffic Calming scheme. The additional costs of completing projects piecemeal against the benefits of concluding the whole project in one go were discussed. Cllr Gandy is expecting to hear from Balfour Beatty in the next few days having spoken to them on Aymestrey Parish Council’s behalf. Thanks were recorded to Cllr Gandy for her interventions.

9.2. No works were raised for the Lengthsman. It was noted that calls for the Lengthsman and Parish Paths Partnership (P3) schemes to be reinstated were made at the Parish Council Summit. The importance of sanctioning works for the Lengthsman in advance were discussed.

10. Planning Applications

10.1. P182069/F - Planning Permission Land Adjacent to the Village Hall - Plot 6 Aymestrey Leominster Herefordshire, Self-build retirement dormer bungalow with garage. Additional documents.

10.2. P182071/F - Planning Permission Land Adjacent to the Village Hall - Plot 7 Aymestrey Leominster Herefordshire, Self-build 2 bedroom bungalow and garage. Additional documents.

10.3. P182072/F - Planning Permission Land Adjacent to the Village Hall - Plot 1a Aymestrey Leominster Herefordshire, Self-build 2 bedroom bungalow and garage. Additional documents.

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35/18 Items 10.1 to 10.3 were considered together. Cllr Ken Holland took no part in part in debate in accordance with his declaration at 2.1. It was RESOLVED to make no further representations in the light of the robust objection by Historic . Cllr Gandy confirmed that if recommended for approval, the application will be considered by the Planning Committee.

10.4. Planning Application P174073/O Land to the rear of Mortimers Cross Inn, Site for proposed residential development with new vehicular access. Additional documents.

Cllr Annaly Goodwin took no part in part in debate in accordance with her declaration at 2.1.

Cllr Gandy advised that this application had been withdrawn.

10.5. Planning enforcement relating to unauthorised building on the site at Mortimers Cross.

It was noted that Herefordshire council has arranged a PACE (The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) meeting in November with the landowner.

10.6. To consider progress of planning application P180509/F - Planning Permission Land at the rear of The Barns, The Farm Aymestrey Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9ST, Proposed 5 no. dwellings with garages and parking. , Valid

It was noted that a site visit has been arranged by Herefordshire Council highways department to consider access to the site. A report should be with the case officer, Andrew Banks, by Friday 26 October 2018.

11. Financial Matters

11.1. The Financial Working Group reported on the draft budget for 2019/20.

11.2. Accounts to the end of Quarter 2 had been circulated. The Responsible Financial Officer confirmed that spending was generally under budget. Projected figures to year end were provided as a guide. The second half of the precept, £5193.00, was received in September. The balance of the NDP grant, £2010.00, must be returned to Groundwork UK if not spent by 31 January 2019.

11.3. Wigmore School Prize. It was RESOLVED to donate a £30 Prize. 11.4. Tree Wardens. It was RESOLVED to subscribe to the Herefordshire Tree Warden Network for Cllrs Hamilton and Holland at a total cost of £50.

11.5. 2019/20 Budget. It was RESOLVED to budget for the following in 2019/20.

11.5.1. £900 to Aymestrey Parochial Church Council for mowing costs and upkeep of churchyards in 2019. Local Government Act 1972 S214 (6)

11.5.2. £350 towards costs of Aymestrey Fete 2019.

11.5.3. After advice on the legality of donating monies for the upkeep of the Church, it was RESOLVED that no donation be made towards decorative works at St John The Baptist & St Alkmund Church Aymestrey

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36/18 11.6. After identity checks by Lloyds Bank, application forms will be submitted to transfer the current account from NatWest.

11.7. Account balances and cheque signed between meetings were noted.

It was RESOLVED that payments be made as below:

FINANCES Balance at 30 September 2018: Natwest Bank 23,351.62 TOTAL ABOVE INCLUDES RINGFENCED FUNDS : For Traffic Calming Schemes 9,064.80 For Neighbourhood Development Plan 2,010.00 Parish initiatives including £250 for election expenses 2019 1,186.00 Reserve fund 3,000.00 TOTAL ringfenced 15,260.80 Total non-ringfenced funds @ 30 September 2018 £ 8,090.82

Amount INCOME VAT (incl. VAT) Precept payment two of two included in bank balance above 5,193.00

TOTAL £ 5,193.00 £ -

The following cheque has been signed since the meeting on 26/9/18: Christie Antiques (£50 deposit for WW1 commemorative mirror) 50.00 chq 000193

Amount PAYMENTS: approved (incl. VAT) Chq No Re-issue of cheque 000164 for Domain name SMTP access (VAT 21.00 000194 already reclaimed) Clerk's Expenses (mileage £12.38; stamps £4.15) 16.53 000195 Wigmore School (donation for prize) 30.00 000196 D B Williams Inv146 (Lengthsman 4.5hrs drain clearing) 81.00 000197 Herefordshire Tree Warden Network 2 x annual subscription 50.00 000198 Plusnet - Direct Debit payment for broadband 19.20 DD TOTAL £ 217.73

12. The next scheduled meeting will take place on Wednesday 28 November 2018.

13. It was RESOLVED to exclude members of the public due to the confidential nature of the following item.

A figure to cover the clerk’s salary for 2019/20 was discussed. It was RESOLVED that £3,500 be recorded for budgeting purposes only. It was noted that the clerk’s salary will be reviewed annually after an appraisal, in accordance with her contract.

The public returned to the room.

Meeting closed at 21:55

Signed ……Ian Goddard……. DATE 28 November 2018 Ian Goddard, Chairman. Original signed and on file.

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