



FEATURETail ARTICLES Bifurcation in a Marine , . Chasing Bullsnakes (Pituophis catenifer sayi) in Wisconsin: OnAmblyrhynchus the Road to Understanding the Ecology and Conservation cristatus of the Midwest’s Giant Serpent ...... (Reptilia: Joshua M. Kapfer 190 . The Shared History of Treeboas (Corallus grenadensis) and Humans on : :A Hypothetical Excursion ) ...... , from Isla RobertSanta W. Henderson 198Cruz, RESEARCH ARTICLES . The Texas Horned in CentralGalápagos and Western Texas ...... Emily Islands Henry, Jason Brewer, Krista Mougey, and Gad Perry 204 . The Knight Anole ( equestris) in Florida ...... Brian J. Camposano, Kenneth L. Krysko, Kevin M. Enge, Ellen M. Donlan, and Michael Granatosky 212 Cristina Arrivillaga1,2 and Tom W. Brown1,2,3 CONSERVATION ALERT 1Operation Wallacea, Hope House, Old Bolingbroke, Lincolnshire PE23 4EX, UK ([email protected]) . World’s2Mesoamerican Mammals in and Crisis ...... Network for the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles (Red...... Mesoherp Network) 220 . More Than Mammals3Kanahau ...... Utila Research and Conservation Facility, Isla de Utila, IB 3420,...... Honduras 223 . The “Dow Jones Index” of Biodiversity ...... 225

HUSBANDRY . Captive Care of the ...... Shannon Plummer 226 utotomy is an ’s ability to voluntarily amputate that ability with age (e.g., Iguana iguana; Etheridge 1967). a specific bodyPROFILE part, limb, or appendage (Bateman and However, although present in many iguanids, fracture planes A . Fleming 2009). CaudalKraig Adler: or A Lifetime tail autotomy,Promoting Herpetology considered ...... an do not occur in Fijian Michael L.( Treglia 234 spp.), Galápagos ancestral trait inCOMMENTARY most squamate families, is used frequently as Land Iguanas ( spp.), the a defensive strategy. The against Turtles Havepredators Been Watching (Bateman Me ...... and Fleming (Iguana delicatissima), and the Eric Marine Gangloff 238Iguana (Amblyrhynchus

2009). Most lizardsBOOK are REVIEW able to regenerate amputated tails, cristatus) (Pregill and Worthy 2003). A loss of fracture planes and most .possessThreatened adaptations Amphibians of the that World both edited limitby S.N. tissueStuart, M. Hoffmann,and an J.S. inability Chanson, N.A.to autotomize Cox, the tail appears to be related damage in response toR. Berridge,injury P. and Ramani, initiate and B.E. coordinated Young ...... regen- to adaptations involving tail Robert specializations Powell 243 that are critical to erative responses (Lozito and Tuan 2017). capable of survival (Fleming et al. 2013). Losing a specialized tail could tail autotomy possess CONSERVATION caudal vertebrae RESEARCH with REPORTS: breakage Summaries planes, of Publishedresult Conservation in a loss Research of tail Reports function ...... and incapacitation 245 until regen-  NATURAL HISTORY RESEARCH REPORTS: Summaries of Published Reports on Natural History ...... 247 preformed areas NEWBRIEFSof weakness ...... that enable the tail to detach eration occurs,...... thus rendering autotomy 248 more costly than or self-amputate whenEDITORIAL external INFORMATION pressure is ...... applied (Etheridge beneficial (Arnold 1984)...... 251  1967). RegenerationFOCUS is important ON CONSERVATION following: Acaudal Project Youautotomy Can Support ...... Eleven of A. cristatus occur 252 separately on thir- (Clause and Capaldi 2006; Gilbert et al. 2013), as it ensures teen islands in the Galápagos Archipelago (Miralles et al. the cost of temporarily losing the tail will not affect the long- 2017) and all were believed to be incapable of caudal autot- term health or mobility of the individual. omy. Tail regeneration and bifurcation was reported only Research has demonstrated Frontthat Cover.some Shannon iguanids Plummer. are able recentlyBack Cover.in two Michael individuals Kern in the subspecies A. cristatus crista- Totat et velleseque audant mo Totat et velleseque audant mo to autotomize their tails duringestibus early inveliquo ontogeny velique rerchil but lose tusestibus from inveliquo Isla Fernandinavelique rerchil and A. cristatus hassi from Isla Santa erspienimus, quos accullabo. Ilibus erspienimus, quos accullabo. Ilibus aut dolor apicto invere pe dolum aut dolor apicto invere pe dolum fugiatis maionsequat eumque fugiatis maionsequat eumque moditia erere nonsedis ma sectiatur moditia erere nonsedis ma sectia- ma derrovitae voluptam, as quos tur ma derrovitae voluptam, as accullabo.

Fig. 1. An adult (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) with a bifurcated tail basking in close proximity to another adult on a dock in on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos. Photograph © Cristina Arrivillaga.

Copyright is held by the authors. Articles in R&A are made available under a 415 Reptiles & Amphibians ISSN 1098-6324 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. ARRIVILLAGA AND BROWN REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS • 27(3):415–418 • DEC 2020

Cruz (Barr et al. 2019). Herein we describe a third instance of suggests that limited access to those resources can be fatal. tail regeneration and bifurcation, also in A. cristatus hassi from This individual might have been able to survive by foraging Isla Santa Cruz. on intertidal exposed during low (Shepherd and At 1000 h on 4 August 2019, CA observed approxi- Hawkes 2005). Also, during times of food scarcity, Wikelski mately 30–40 Marine Iguanas basking on a dock in Puerto and Wrege (2000) indicated that iguanas expanded their Ayora, Santa Cruz Island (0.7433°S, 90.3157°W), and diets by scavenging on the feces of sea lions and conspecifics, noticed that one individual had a bifurcated tail (Fig. 1). That regurgitated material, and sea lion afterbirths, as well as by iguana appeared to be missing slightly more than half of its occasionally consuming land plants. Individuals disabled by tail, which had begun regenerating as two distinct branches. broken tails, even if partially regenerated, might be forced to Other than the broken tail, the lizard appeared to be healthy exploit a more opportunistic and unconventional diet. and exhibited no obvious signs of malnourishment. Although Tail regeneration and abnormalities such as bifurca- smaller than another adult in close proximity, the difference tion have been described in many species of lizards, includ- in size could be attributable to that individual being either a ing iguanas (e.g., Spiny-tailed Iguanas, spp.) that female or a subadult. Alternatively, because we do not know exhibit caudal autotomy (Hayes et al. 2012; Conzendy et al. when the original injury occurred, a tail break during early 2013; Ariano-Sánchez and Gil 2016; Koleska et al. 2017). ontogeny could have stunted growth by limiting the lizard’s Malformations usually are associated with regeneration fail- ability to swim and forage. Unfortunately, because we did ures following injuries or incomplete tail breakage, as opposed not have permission to collect morphometric data, we were to congenital malformations (Lynn 1950; Conzendy et al. unable to confirm that individual’s health, age, or sex. 2013). As in other lizards, tail breakage in iguanids can be Marine Iguanas forage underwater for algae and possess the result of intraspecific aggression due to crowding (Perez- laterally compressed tails that do not differ substantially from Buitrago et al. 2010), sexual aggression during mating those of terrestrial relatives but are crucial for swimming and (Iverson et al. 2004), or failed predation attempts (Hayes et diving (Dawson et al. 1977; Bedford and Christian 1996). al. 2012). Tails are thought to be indispensable for survival; however, We believe crowding and intraspecific competition are the individual we encountered did not show obvious signs unlikely to be responsible for tail loss in A. cristatus. Despite of malnourishment, leading us to assume that its broken tail considerable research on this topic (e.g., Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1966; had relatively little effect on its ability to survive. During El Raunch 1988), tail loss and regeneration has only recently Niño events, the disappearance of high-quality algal food been described in this species. Marine Iguanas live in colonies reserves has resulted in 90-percent declines in some popu- of as many as 500 individuals (Trillmich 1979) and crowding lations of Marine Iguanas (Laurie 1990); so, some evidence (Fig. 2) is not only inevitable but apparently essential. During

Fig. 2. An agglomeration of Marine Iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) at Tortuga Bay, Santa Cruz Island. Photograph © Cristina Arrivillaga.

416 ARRIVILLAGA AND BROWN REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS • 27(3):415–418 • DEC 2020 the day and especially at night, Marine Iguanas agglomerate in We suggest that the fact that Marine Iguanas with broken tails groups of as many as 50 individuals in order to conserve heat and furcation have been observed on anthropogenically threat- (Jackson 1993). Intraspecific aggression has been observed in ened islands with high populations of invasive mammals is no egg-laying females and territorial males during the breeding coincidence. Prior to the introduction of non-native preda- season (Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1966; Rauch 1988), but territorial tors, Marine Iguanas experienced very low predation pressure fights between males rarely result in injuries as they consist for 5–15 myr and hence exhibit relatively little anti-predator more of head thrusts than biting (Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1966). behavior (Rödl et al. 2006; Berger et al. 2007). Nonetheless, Females, however, are more aggressive when defending their Berger et al. (2007) proposed that, even with an absence of nest sites and will frequently bite opponents (Eibl-Eibesfeldt predators for several million years, A. cristatus could rapidly 1966). Knapp (2000) demonstrated that female iguanids that develop or possibly resurrect anti-predator defenses. defend nests have higher tail-breakage frequencies. That said, Adults previously observed with bite marks on their tails when possible, reproductively active female Marine Iguanas did not show any type of breakage or obvious regeneration; usually avoid fighting to conserve energy (Raunch 1988). instead, open wounds apparently resulted in serious infections Considering their typical socially tolerant behavior, we and even necrosis in large areas of their bodies that eventu- believe that failed predation attempts are the primary reason ally caused their deaths (Berger 2006). This suggests that tail for tail loss in A. cristatus. Prior to the arrival of humans in breakage in Marine Iguanas until recently has been an infre- the archipelago, Marine Iguanas had only one natural preda- quent occurrence. As regeneration appears to be infrequent tor, the Galápagos Hawk (Buteo galapagoensis), which prob- in A. cristatus, perhaps it is an adaptive trait that is expressed ably colonized the Galápagos less than 300,000 years ago only under certain environmental conditions. Tail breakage in (Bollmer et al. 2006). However, hawks prey mostly on juve- the Lesser Antillean Iguana (Iguana delicatissima), which (like niles (Bollmer et al. 2006; Berger et al. 2007) and do not con- A. cristatus) lacks caudal fracture planes, was first observed stitute a significant predatory threat to populations. In the last by Knapp et al. (2016) and tail regeneration and malforma- century or so, however, predation on Marine Iguanas likely tion by Koleska and Jablonski (2018). These similar observa- has increased drastically owing to the human introduction of tions tend to support the hypothesis of Barr et al. (2019), predators such as dogs, cats, rats, and pigs (Kuuk and who proposed that the loss or lack of tail autotomy does not Snell 1981; Cayot et al. 1994; Wikelski and Nelson 2004; necessarily imply the disappearance of regenerative abilities. Nelson et al. 2004). Consequently, if the regenerative ability of these iguanas has The dock at Santa Cruz on which the senior author been dormant, the recent introduction of predators and the observed the A. cristatus with a bifurcated tail is a prime resultant increase in predation pressure might have triggered a example of an urban coastal habitat utilized by this spe- reexpression of the trait. Because both A. cristatus and I. deli- cies. Santa Cruz has the highest human population of any catissima have been subjected only relatively recently to novel island in the archipelago, and along with Isabela, has suffered predators such as rats, cats, and dogs (Powell 2004; Wikelski the greatest human impact (Watson et al. 2010). Although and Nelson 2004; Harris et al. 2006), we suggest that the feral cats have been reported on those islands, as well as on recent reports of tail breakage and bifurcation are associated Floreana, San Cristóbal, and Baltra (Cayot et al. 1994), a con- with increases in predation pressure. siderable population of feral dogs on those islands is among the most visible sources of predation on the endemic fauna Acknowledgements (Anonymous 1976; Kuuk and Snell 1981; Barnett and Rudd The first author thanks Operation Wallacea for the finan- 1983). However, the greatest declines in populations of native cial and logistical support that made a visit by the Galápagos vertebrates in the islands are attributed to invasive Black Rats School Expedition team (2019) to the islands possible. Both (Rattus rattus) (Harris et al. 2006). authors extend special thanks to Dr. Chuck Knapp, Dr. Hayes et al. (2012) demonstrated that tail-break and fur- Stesha Pasachnick, and Daisy F. Maryon for providing infor- cation frequencies are significantly higher in populations of mation and reviewing an earlier draft of this manuscript. West Indian Rock Iguanas ( sp.) that coexist with inva- sive rodents (i.e., R. rattus). They also concluded that failed Literature Cited predation attempts, rather than intraspecific aggression, were Anonymous. 1976. Tortoises, iguanas and the menace of feral dogs. Noticias de Galápagos 25: 1–2. the primary cause of tail breaks. Injuries caused by rats typi- Ariano-Sánchez, D. and J. Gil. 2016. 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