CA s s CITY CHR ONICL, E Vol. 16, No. 46., CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 10 PAGES I I,~ , ,q

Beach. This camp site is furnished for many milestones of contented, with electric lights, city water, nice b~issnfdU:.travelisthewish°fah°st°f TWO 80HOOL8 - driveway encircling the park and is The Garden Plot BILL P[}ST[R CU, only five hours trip from Detroit on gravel roads. A rustic casino with DIVIDE HONOlt] fine dancing pavilion on the ~second AUCTION ~ CALENDAI~. i; IN;O POR TED / floor, huge cement stoves under roof are erected, boating facilities are pro~ Wm. Parrish has sold his farm 21~ RUBA MARSHALL WINS ORA- vided and a free bath house will be at miles west of Cuss City and will have S. CHAMPION ADMITS PAR.T= TORICAL CONTEST AT the disposal of the tourists. County an auction sale on Wednesday, April NERS AND ENLARGES CROSWELL. League baseball games will be played 6. Full particulars are printed on on the ball grounds adjoining and the page 9. BUSINESS. rocky rip rap of the north pier fur- Dr. J. T. Redwine has sold ~is resi- nishe,~ a wonderful haven for black dence property and wilt sell his CroswelI School Representative Suc- Company Will Extend Working Field bass. household goods at auction on Satur- cessful in Declamatory Contest day, April 9. The list of articles i,s to A|ma, St. Louis, Mr. Pleasant, Friday Evening. )tinted on page 8. Ithaca and Other Points.' Alex McPhait wiil hold an auction sale Of live stock and implements on Miss Ruba Marshall, the represen- 12 STATESPt88[D the McPhail farm lb~ miles'north of When Gee. Rumble of Marlette tative from the Cass City high school, Argyle on Saturday, Apr. 9. Full asked Samuel Champion to tack up won the oratorical contest at Cros- particulars in advertisement on page some signs in 1902, he nor Mr. well Friday evening'. BOXU8B)LL 10. Champion had any thought that this The title of Miss Marshall's era- request was the beginning of a $25,- tied was "Armenia and the Near 000 out-door advertiMng organiza- East," while her opponent, Milton iN NEARLY EVERY CASE MEAS- !tied with headquarters at Cuss City!~ M]ddleton, spoke on "The Danger of URES CARRIED Yet that result was realized Wednes- Unrestricted Immigration." In the '[[A(IU[ Ffl]HTS day when incorporation papers were 3T01. first vote o~ the judges which was received from the State by the S. taken on the composition and thought Champion Poster Advertising Co, Miss Marshall received a unanimous UTILITIES DDNTRD[i tnc. Win. Day is president of the Michigan's Former Service Men Be- decision, but on the second vote taken l¢ompa.ny; A. B. Champion, vice pres- on delivery, she received one ~ote lieve Bonus Is Due tident; John H. Barnes, ~reasurer; and "Rhode Island is paying" $100 I privilege for Cass City to be a host while Mr. Middleton received two. Them. to each former service man. At the last SE~ATE APPROVES IMEASURES IS. Champion, secretary and general This made four points for Miss Mar- ire the Presbyterial for great benefit general election South Dakota voted PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED manager. In addition to Huron and shall and two for Mr. Middleton. has been reaped in the community. by 3 to 1 in favor of a bonus of $15 Tu,scota counties which are now well ,In the declamatory contest held the (From the Detroit News). LOST. for each month's service. Vermont covered by the company, it has taken saxne evening', the Croswell represen- [ Michigan's former service men are is paying $10 a month for each on new territory embracing- the towns tative won from Miss Emma Bearss, lnot seeking to commercialize their month's service and co-operating of Alma, St. Louis, Shepherd, trite who represented Cass City. Large Number Petit~o~ Legislature t patriotism in asking a state bonus. with Federal authorities in settling Pleasant, Ithaca~ Wheeler, Merrill, far Censorship of Moving tThey believe it is due them, senti- soldiers on the land. Breckenridge and Hemlock. trnent aside, as a matter of financial "Washington voted by 3 to 1 to Pictures. Mr. Champion was eno'~,a~edo'~ in the compensation, according to Lyle D. spend $11,000,000 to give $15 for barber business at Cass City when M, h, D, PiNS FAITH Tabor, department adjutant of the Gee. Rumble, the traveling" salesman each month's service. Wisconsin (From Staff Correspondent.) American Legion for Michigan. voted $15,000,000 to gix~e each man of the American Tobacco Co., }secured TO BROO[ER POLE VAULT State control of public utilities has "An analysis of 220,000 Detroit $10 for each month's service and his aid in tacking signs in 1902. His come to the fore in the legislature workingmen's bank accounts has give $30 to each man for re-educa- health was not of the best at the time Track Team Reports Early to En- shown us," he said "that during eight tion. and a determined battle is in progress and he felt the need of being out of over the bill introduced by Senator doors more so when the American gage in Out-Door months of the war period the aver- "In Canada bonuses have been age workingman's savings were $421. Don Osborn of Kalamazoo to give the Tobacco Co. asked him to do bill Training. graded from as high as $600 for a These men stayed at home and private to $4,758 for a major-general. public utilities commission absolute posting', Mr. C~ampion decided to reaped the benefit of high wages. In France, privates received as high control over all public service cor- take it up as a side line, securing - - Service men took war's hardships as ~233 58 in Gre " B "t "n ...... porations. The latter are reported to two wooden bill boards in Cass City Track men at the M. A. O. have nd wh n ..... - " ~ . ; a~ rl al , ¢±, .. K, veral- a e ~ney were alscnargea g'o~ a n'"(~ in ~us~rana,-- ...... ~b ~z favor the" Osborn bill and the league for that purpose, which had been opening" of outdoor wor se ~aa,, " " erected by J. L. Hitchcock & Sons. days before college reopens and Jas. ]v',,~^ ~...... ,-^~ -~ ~^~_..~ ,, ~^ "Australia sent 10 per cent of her Of municipalities is openly fighting this humble beginning, he popu atmn oversea and pa~d them 40 the measure. From Brooker, a member of the team, has continued, "the more insistent is the -e cent hio'her than our m n H The league adherents will be satis- had hm Easter vaeatmn perm~ a~ ms !demand that somethin~ c6ncrete b ~ p r ~ e . er ~n~,l h~, ,*. ~,~ City cut short i _ ~ . ~ returned men were paid from $10 to fied with nothing except city control ...... done When the armistice was 1 k " because of thin" ruhng." I .~ "" i n' $ 5 a wee until they could get ~obs of utilities and declare that if the In B~ooker," pole-vaulter, E rnst , a s~ned, the boys d d" t ' care 1 so much " Canada s e nt ov ersea 5 per cent of her Osborn bill gets through the legis- quar~er-mlmr,...... r essenflen, WhO en~ers, Many .of them sa~d, 'Wel, we can ~~o~ulation ~ and adlusted~ c~m~en~-~ ~ "~'- S h WM." DAY, Premdent lature it will only do so with a ref- ~get a lob and soon well be on Easy .... C ampmn Poster Adv Co, Inc the weights," a n d Adot P h and Thurs -' ...... e^~, ~r ...... n-- ~f ~m ..... n'~ tmn to veterans, according to wheth- • • • erendum clause attached and that it two-mli r s C each Art Smith" has mb£ ~¢b. , ±uuw ilia , .v u bllt~ , ll~:tVt:$ e r a man was married" or stogie." Re-. will ~e defeated at the polls when the ton - " months--and ~hey need • • che' m~cleuseof ' the best track team h;:0m~%~i'°r t turned Canadmns received $75 a I 5{ARRIED 50 YEARS city people get a chance to vote on it. .... ~.~ ~, t~e A~ricultural College I ~" Imonth while awaiting employment. Some members are threatening to put ?~-~W~ .... ~ ~ i "First we were told the countrv[ "Great Britain with half its ~o~u { mseverm.years. " .... k !couldn't afford a bonus; then we were lation and a net expenditure in ~t~elMr. and Mrs N Bigelow Enjoy Half in bills to abolish the public utilities commission. a ~::wngo~ne~:~e::rpu~ ~ t~ s :v:;:r told to wa:t till the d,sabled men .hadwar $12,500,000,000r greater than I Century of Association. Path at M A C in shaDe~ oeen.... care~ ~or " ~na~...... was a~ mgn~ ]ours, pazd• her former serwce men[ LOG-ROLLING CHARGED. for the return of the track team.!~ '~n us~CaUe~e th~ ~regt°n's P~nr:Y from $140.94 for privates to $7,290, _ . Vote trading and log-rolling were ~^..~ ~...;+~, ~ ...... ~ ~ ]~ ,w a w ys oe n a s co s e a- for maior-~enerals i Comparatively speaking it is not charged to the senate after one after- 24 men whom he has ~icked for the i tz°n should be ,for the dzsabled. But "Out of the American private s $30 ]gzven to many to enjoy half a century noon session in which two apparently intensive"" tzam-" ing- of 1"the next few ~while...... Michigan. . s former.. service tu-. a month, or $55 ff• he had a wife" andJ of association as. ma n and wife." It ~s" oercma~ pa~mn~s continue ~o receive a ton s dead measures were taken up and weeks It includes the best material treatment on oor farms we ntinue child, $15 went as an allotment f0ri g pan of hfe and those who are passed along with the Bryant bill to " d of mote than 50 candi p , co : the family, $6 or $7 for insurance permitted to complete the journey abolish the state constabulary. The •rom a squa " " to wait " , o,o.t on *or iber , V° a .ra,y Finance Committee latter measure went through with o You can figure what he had left for the s;ukbjects of sincere congratula- scarcely any comment except that oc- has indorsed the justice of our claims. ~cigarets at the canteen." tions on the part of friends and kins- folk. casioned by the fact that the new de- MISS HENKEL .WINNER ~ its report the committee said: partment of public safety bill is to JOHN H. BARNES, Treas. "'The general assumption that the Mr. and Mrs. Netted Bigelow have dispose of the present state police enactment of this bill into law will enjoyed this rare experience, arriving gradually worked himself into a pay- body and supplant it with another. IN BEAUTYCONTEST immediately load upon the backs of 18 OHUROHESREPRESENTED at 50 years of married life on ing business, and before many years fan already excessively tax-burdened Wednesday, March 23. No celebration The constabulary has many deter- passed, he was devoting- his entire i public an immense sum of money is AT MISSIONARYOONVENTION attended the anniversary, Mr. Bige- mined foes, however, and they re- attention to it and erecting plants in Sister of Mrs. B. L. Middleton not warranted. low facetiously remarking to the joiced over the senate action on the different townis in the Thumb dis- Successful in Detroit News- [ "'Leaving out the equation every Chronicle representative that he repeal bill. trict. Mrs. F. E. Kelsey Elected President In connection with the passage of Paramount. i vestige of sentiment, every element didn't want his friends to know he Mr. Champion believed in the best of gratitude and applying only the and Mrs. A. D. Gillies • Second was growing old. The real reason, this bill opposition was dropped to equipment and was the first man in the proposed constitutional amend- rigid rule of mathematical calcula- Vice President. however, is that sickness was preva- Michigan to erect what is known to Miss Juliette F. Henkel, a sister of tion, we can not deny that by allow- lent among the Bigelow families. An ment to allow counties to establish the profession as an AA poster board Mrs. B. L. Middleton of Cuss City, ing the man who fought for his coun- anniversary celebration may be commission form of government if and later supervised the construction has been announced as the winner of try, who placed his life in pawn for The thirty-fir'st annual meeting of planned for a later date. they so elect. The joint resolution of similar boards for other bill past- The Detroit News-Paramount beauty his country, the increase in compen- the Woman's Missionary Societies of Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow were married providing for the submission of this ers in Care, Vassar and Traverse contest for a chance to go to New sation provided by this bill, we are Flint Presbytery was held in the by the Rev. Samuel Bird at Davis- amendment was taken off the table City. He has .been a firm believer in York and compete for the role of still giving him for his service, with Cuss City Presbyterian church TUes- burg, Oakland county, and came to where it has reposed since its failure organization work and has been for "Beauty" in the Paramount play all its risks and hardships, a compen- day and Wednesday, March 29 and Cuss City in" the late eighties, since to get the needed two-thirds vote and several years a member of the Mich- "Experience." sation much bebw that which the 30. About 18 churches of the district which time they have been respected was. passed with several votes to igan Bill Posters As,so., holding sev- Miss Henkel is the daughter of Mr. common laborer in the United States were represented by delegates, and honored residents of this corn- spare. Then the sen.ators put thrdugh eral important positions with that and Mrs. Walter Henkel of 858 Phil- received during his absence. Can a The principal speakers were Miss munity. the bill to reduce auto license taxes society. He has been active in pro- adelphia Ave. West, Detroit, is 17 grateful country do less than this? Mary Burgess, R. N., of Urumia, Per- That the future may be unimpeded Continued on page two. moting the business interests of his years old and a student at the Liggett "'The American appreciation for i sia, and Miss Sara Cochrane of Juni- community and in the past has been school. She is well known in De- heroic service will not die with this mr, Tenn. Both were fine, interest- generous in donating space on his troit's younger society set and led the Congress nor with the ensuing scores lug speakers and it was a real treat boards to further the interest of pa- "soph prom" at Ann Arbor two weeks of years. Though often forced to de- to hear them. Miss Burgess was in triotic and religious activities. ago. At the Liggett School, Miss lay, the American people have never Persia during the famous massacre Owing to the growth of the busi- Henkel has been prominent in ath- failed ultimately to do full justice to of May 24 and in her addresses she ness Mr. Champion has secured as letics, being captain of the basket the men who fought their battles.' stated p]ain!y the conditions in that partners William Day and John ball team. She is also a swimmer, "'Twelve states have passed bonus country. Miss Cochrane has worked H. Barnes, £wo progressive Grant fancy dancer and expert horsewoman. bills in which a cash payment is among the mountaineers for nine township farmers, whom he has Miss Henkel's picture was repro- granted. In nearly every case, the 7ears and Tuesday she told of the known for a long time, who with his duced on the first page of the roto- measures were carried by votes of work which has been done and which son, Andrew B. Champion, are mem- gravure section of the Detroit News 3 to 1. Forty-four states have passed ought to be done among them. Her bers of the new company just organ- last Sunday. some sort of legislation beneficial to address Wednesday was on the Na- ized. The judges who awarded the prize the former service man. In New York vajo Indians. The company will retain its offices were Clyde H. Burroughs, director of state a referendum on a $45,000,000 During the convention, the dele- at Ca~s C'ity from which point all the Detroit Institute of Arts, Phil bond issue carried by more than a gates were favored by special music work will be conducted. They expect Gleichman, manager-directoF of the half a million votes. l in the form of two vocal solos by to employ seven to ten men dm-ing Broadway-Strand Theater, ~and Jo- "Maine has passed an adjusted Miss Dorothy Seegar of the Redpath the year. New steel faced boards seph L. Kraemer, Detroit News ar- comper~sation bill granting $100 to i Lyceum Bureau, a piano solo by built to conform with the AA class- tist. She was one of a number of each former service man, has estab- Mrs. I. D. McCoy and vocal duet by ification will be erected in the new young women chosen by vote on their tished a soldier settlement board, and Mrs. P. A. Schenck and Mrs. Edward territoXT which the corrLpany ~411 .photograpl~s alone, who were asked has appropriated reserve land. Mass- Pinney. occupy. Seven tons of steel for these to appear personally before the achusetts is paying a bon{~s of $100 [ At the business meeting Wednes- arrived from Pittsburg last week by judges for decision as to general fit- and has a commission studying the i day morning, Mrs. Fred Kelsey of freight, This arrived at Cass City ne.~s for motion picture work. question of further relief. lCaro was again elected president. just seven days after the order was Miss Henkel is at the Paramount "Minnesota is paying a bonus of Cass City was specially honored by placed with a Chicago firm. studio, Long Island City, where she $15 for each month s service and is having Mrs. A. D. Gillies elected sec- will meet five other young women, providing a $200 tuition fee for voca- end vice-president to succeed Mrs. chosen in similar contests in as many tional training. New Jersey is pay- Jas. Mahaffy of Marlette. All the THIEVES ENTER MOULTON different cities, and professional ac- ing $10 for each month's service. other officers were re-elected. Other STORE AT WILMOT tresses who already have applied for "New Hampshire is paying a bonus business of this meeting was to de- the role in a competition for the role of $100, for which $1,500,000 was ap- cide the place of meeting next year (From Wilmot correspondent). of "Beauty." propriated. New York is paying $10 .and it was decided that the convert - Thieves entered Win. Moutton's for each month's service and provides tiori will be held at Fairgrove. store last Wednesday night stealing scholarships for veterans in univer- Those present from out of this dis- shoes, boots, rubbers, socks, blank- HARBOR BEACH PARK sities and normal schools. trict were Mrs. J. K. Mitchell for 14 ets and tobacco amountin~ to about O DEN.. m,~.~ TOURISTS "North Dakota is paying $25 for yea~:s P~'esident of Synod, Mrs. G~c. 5150.00. Mr. Moulton's watch was at each month's service and has author- Brown and Mrs. Moulthrope, all of the store and was also taken. Two of A splendid camp site of 120 acres ized a tax of one-half mill for a 'Re- Detroit. Mrs. Mitchell, who attends the four men implicated in the rob- at Lakeside Park near Harbor Beach turned Soldiers' Fund', which aims to meetings of this kind throughout the bery have been arrested and most of is to be at the disposal of tourists in help veterans build homes, purchase state, said that this was one of the the goods have been returned. The Michigan this summer and i,s prbvid- farm machinery and start in busi- best she had ever attended because of SAMUEL CH)riM~PION, Secretary and General Manager thieves removed glass from a side ed for them by the city of Harbor ness. ,the interest manifested. It was a S. Champion Poster Advertising Co., Inc. window to get into the building. l•


CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cuss City, Mich., April 1, 1921. PAGE TWO. ~ ......

CASS CITY CHRONICLE. CANBORO. MUHICIPALITIES LEAGUE [cent fares on roads earning groin $8,. Published Weekly. mile and I 1-2 cent FIGHTS UTILITIES COHTROL[faresI°°° to onroads $1,000 earninga more than $16,- The Tri-County Chronicle and Ca~ Real winter weather again. 000 a mile. These r~tes would pre- City Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, Cleatus Parker of Owendale was a 1906. l vail while the public utilities corn Checks ,g caller at the Win. Parker, sr. home Continued from first page. mission is making inventories and ap- Thursday evening. one-quarter on-all licenses purcnaged praisals on which to base permanem Just notice how often you are tendered a check Subscrip¢ion Price Payable in Mr. and Mrs. Lonzo Gunnsell and after April 1 of each year. The house Advance. rates, those to be on the basis of a instead of money for obligations which are due you chfldren of Flint spent the week-end already has gone on record as opposed "fair return" on the investment. A and then reason this way: One year ...... ~ .$2.00 at ~. F. Parker's home. to this idea. bill introduced some time ago by Sen- Six months .... •.... : ...... 1.00 If so many people find it advantageous to deposit Mr. and Mrs. Dan Haley of Bad INCOME TAX BILL DEFEATED. ator Osborn turns the whole matter i Three months ...... 50 their money in a bank and then pay their bills by Foreign subscriptions, $2.50 per year. Axe spent Easter Sunday at the Geo. of interurban rates over to the utili- Jarvis home. The administration bill for the de- ties commission at once, but it is ques- check it must be the most convenient way. partment of safety would place in the • Carl Brewster is quite sick at this tioned in some quarters if the legis This bank gives you the opportunity to try the Advertising rates made known on hands of this department the, enforce- application. writing. lature can delegate its rate-making plan. Simply come in, tell us you wish to start a check- ment of prohibition, the dutfes of the power to any other body. Entered as second class matter Apr. Alice Hartsell visited the week-end ing account and we can explain in a few minutes how 27, 1906,.at the post office at Cass •state fire mashal and of the state oil The house is considering the Town- with her parents in Pigeon. simple and easy it is. It costs you nothing. If you do City, Michigan, under the Act of Con- inspector. It would abolish the con- send bill for the creation of a state Mr, nd I~rs. J;ames Brackenbury gress of March 3, 1879. stabulary next June. The bill pro- advisory health council ~d for full- not like it, after trying it out/you may discontinue at and daughter, Beryl, of Cass City H. F. LENZNER, Publisher. rides for a $5,000 a year commission- time health officers in all counties, the any time. called on Win. Parker, sr., ~Sunday. er to have charge of the department. measure having been reported out But our hundreds of check accounts testify to the Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sotden of The house was the scene of a pretty I , Foreign Advertising Representative 1 favorably. It has the backing of Dr. fact that once a check account is started, the customer Farmington visited Sunday and Mon- battle when the proposed state in- THe: AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION R. M. Olin, state health commissioner, finds it to be the simplest and most logical manner of day with Mr.~:and Mrs. Bert Libku- come tax plan came up for discussion. who declares it will reduce by one- keeping tab on his business affairs. % man. It would require an amendment to the half the death rate from communic- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rasmussen and constitution to have such a tax and able diseases. Under the terms of the two daughters, Beryl and Helene, it takes a two-thirds vote to submit bill there would be 41~ealth officers and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleishman, all an amendment to the voters. After at salaries of $3,000 ~a year; 12 at i of Oliver, spent Easter Sunday with much heated debate and with the $3,500; two at $4,000 and one at $4,- Pinney State BanR Mr. and Mrs. Lew. Jarvis. Wayne delegation s~anding solidly 500. The state would pay one-half the Sad news came Wednesday to Mr. against the plan the house vote salaries and the counties the other and Mrs. Nelson Shaft of Oliver that showed '64 members favoring the in- half. Dr. Olin says the expense would 1 GAGETOWN. ] their daughter, Mrs. J. Davis, of come tax, just three less than two- be offset largely by savings on present Battle Creek, aged 34 years, had thirds. The matter then was tabled expenses, as the bill would abolish The Easter supper held Wednesday passed away Mar. 23. Mrs. Davis had temporarily while the advocates of the about 1,700 health jurisdictions which at the M. E. Church dining room was been sick about nine days with pneu- tax started t~ campaign for the nec- now cost about $100 each. well attended. monia. She was formerly known as essary additional three members' sup- REGULATE WIRE FENCING. i l eal Estate For Sale Master Carroll Hunter is listed Miss Olive Sharr. She left to mourn port. among our sick. her loss her husband, father and The house adopted the Groesbeck Senator Wilcox put in a bill to al- mother, three brothers arid many administration bill to substitute u new low voters of towns to utilize for road Over- Mrs. Tressa Wald and family and 100 Farms friends. The funeral was held at the department of labor and industry for purposes money previously raiged for i . i Miss Deana ~Wald spent Sunday with Canboro church Sunday. The burial the present state labor commission. town hails, if they so elect. The i All sizes in theThumb Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. was at Williamson cemeteryy. The The bill is the third of the series of house military affairs committee has Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Purdy enter- bereaved friends have the sympathy administration measures. It calls for reported out a bill carrying appro- 15 HOUSES AND LOTS ~ained Mrs. Purdy's relatives at Sun- I of all in their sorrow. a commission of three members who priations of $360,000 for next year day dinner. witl be paid $4,000 a year each and and $300,000 for the year after for Mrs. B. Bentley of Elmwood visit- SHABBONA. who must devote their entire time to armories. Flint and Lansing are in- Farm property near NayvilIe ed Saturday at her aunt's, Mrs E S the work of the department. cluded for $90,000 each for armories simmons. in the first year and Detroit for two i Vitlage proper~y in E[kton Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunlap are en- DISCUSS MOV~E CENSORSHIP. Miss E. Miller and niece, Nabel tertaining their niece from Pontiac; armories in 1923. I Farm property near Marlette Nay, of Pontiac spent Easter Sunday this week. The biI1 to est,ablish a state welfare Senator Wood, of Detroit, has in- commission to supplant the present with relatives in Care. Mr. Retherford of Grand Blanc troduced a bill to provide for the boards of all state institutions has Earl Hurd returned • Tuesday last spent the week-end at the home of Torrens system of land transfers, a been introduced in the house. It pro- week from Pontiac and Detroit. his brother-in-law, Gee. B. Gotham. measure which has been the subjec~ vides for a $5,000 a year welfare com- of contest in several recent logics- i McCutlough, & Lamb I Chas. E. Williamson of Grant, who Emiline, the five year old daughter missioner, with four commissions has been in poor health, went to Ann latures. of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bullis, passed serving under him. One would have Arbor Tuesday for treatment. Possi- Senator Eva Hamilton has introduc- away at her home S turday morning, charge of all prisons, another of state bly ~n operation may be necessary. ed a bill to amend the teachers' re- Mar. 26, after a tent: days' illness of hospitals, a third of corrective institu- tirement fund act so that any teacher diphtheria. ~urial was Sunday in John Carolan is wrecking the barn tions and a fourth of in- retiring at the age of 60 would receive Elkland cemetery. The sorrow strick- on his residence lot, the material to stitutions. Each commission would $600 a year, half from the state: and en parents have the deepest sympa- be moved on his farm to build a barn. consist of five members to be appoint- half from the fund maintained by con- thy of their ~ many neighbors and Everything for Miss Leola Beach entertained some ed by the govern~r and to be paid $10 tributions from teachers. A board friends. of her schoolmates Thursday eve- a day each for time devoted to state consisting of the superientendent of the KitChen ning at a maple sugar party. work. " public instruction and five others A clean, reliable oil cook stove Quite cold at present. Mrs. Clyde Davenport and Miss B. Both houses have passed the Len- named by the governor, at least one complete wkh oven and warming Mrs. E. Travis is on the sick list. non bill to prevent aliens from own- Binton were in Bad Axe Wednesday. of whom would have to be a woman cabinet. Durable Jlluralnum or ing firearms and it has gone to the teacher, would administer the plan, The public school entertainment Oscar Chambers is having an at- Enamded Steel utensils for every tack of rheumatism. governor for his consideration. the bill provides. Another bill by given in the high room was largely cooking purpose. Food grind- attended. The program was well There is much interest in a bill be- Senator Hamilton provides for $400 a M. B. C. prayer meeting" was held ers, canning racks, graduated rendered. fore the senate to establish a new year payments to blind persons of the at the home of Frank McGregory measures, drinking cups, knives Miss Leola iBingham spelled the Tuesday evening. trunk line highway across the state state, judges of probate being em- from the ~Indiana line below Kalama- powered to investigate all claims. and forks. school down Friday. Mrs. Alma Mudge left Monday for zoo to Port Sanilac, via Ionia, Stan- The senate has passed Senator Mc- A completely equipped kitchen Mr~ a~d Nrs. Anthony Carolan an- a two weeks' visit with friends in Pt. ton, ithaca and Saginaw and to be Naughton's bill to regulate the manu- nounce the arrival of a little son. Huron and' Detroit. makes your work.-pleasant and known as the Colgrove highway in facture and sale of wire fencing . It ~asy----saves time, too. Ed. Fischer left Saturday for Jane, the little daughter of Mr. and honor o£ Phil T. Colgrove, of Hast- sent back to committee, however, the See the-popular New Per- St0ckbridge, Mich., to spend the Mrs. Earl Phetteplace, has been quite ings, an arden{ advocate of good Hicks' bill "to combine Tuscola coun- sick since Friday. fection Oil Stove and the big- week-end with friends. roads. ty with Lapeer in a judicial circuit, in Thos. Jameson and A. Rochleau / Mr. and Mrs. R. Ford and son of An unusually heavy number of peti- order to hear from the counties af- value cooking utensils at this were in Sebewaing one day last week. Royal Oak will spend a few weeks at tions concerning censorship of mov- fected. Tuscola now is included with store~we are headquarters for Miss Mabel May of Pontiac is the Loucks home. ing pictures is coming in to the sen- Huro~ and Sanilac in one circuit, c~mplete kitchen equipment. spending" the week with her aunt, Mrs. Harriman and sons of. King- ate fyom all parts of the state. This wl~ile L~peer is all alone at present, Miss E. Miller. ston are visiting her parents, Mr. and subject appears to have more interest having been separated from the Oak- Mr. and~ Mrs. J. F. Seeley and fami- Mrs. George Jones. centered in it than any other matter band circuit. gi el-0w Sons yt were Sunday callers at J. L. Pur- Mrs. Emery Meredith and son of before the legislature except the cap- dy's home. Cass City spent the week-end with ital punishment bill. Moving picture ELKLAND-ELMWOO~ Pat Kehoe is building a porch on relatives here. men are fighting hard against a cen- TOWN LINE. the south and east side of his house Mrs. I~arvey Fl~ming of Detroit sorship, claiming that the Detroit po- on Helen St. spent Easter with her parents, Mr. lice censorship is all that ig neces- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Livingston were and Mrs. D. R. Leslie. Rolland Be[ton is home after spend- sary in Michigan. callers Friday. Arthur Meredith is suffering from ing many weeks ~n Ann Arbor for an Two bills to establish a poll tax a severe attack of rheumatism. Alvin Summers of Cass City spent operation on h~s eyes. His sight is made their appearance in the house Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Colin very good. on the same day, one being introduced Bingham. by Rep. Smith and the other by Rep. Mrs. Alfred Carr was here several - EVERGREEN. Misses Bell and Matie Anker re- Rowe. The Smith bill would levy a days last week packing their house- turned Saturday from a visit in Pon- poll tax annually on every citizen be- hold furniture to move to Pontiac Emline, the only daughter of Mr. tiac and Detroit. and Mrs. Ed. Bullis, died Saturday tween the ages of twenty-one and fifty where Mr. Carr has a position. Miss Marian Livingston is enter- morning, March 26, of diphtheria, and the Rowe bill would levy it on all Dr. W. J. Sugnet accompanied De- taining the chicken pox this week. ~ aged 5 years. She leaves to mourn citizens between the ages of twenty- villo Burton to the hospital in Bad her loss, father, mother and five one and sixty. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beach enter- Axe Tuesday for an operation. Mr. brothers. tained the following on Easter Sun- Burton was taken suddenly ill Sun: COUNCIL "FRIEND IN NEED." day: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Butler and Mrs. Herb Ferguson died Sunday day. legislature still making a family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Beach and at her home, two miles east and one- This is Mr. Hilton and famfly will help record for inve3tigations, most of family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ames, r i I i[i r, i " ~ ...... i J half north of Shabbona. Stme weeks with farm labor on the L. T. Hurd which are far from completion accord- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Luther and family. ago she was taken to Marlette~has - O~'O"O~'O.'O~$..O.'O..O.'O.,O..O~.O.,4.,.O..O..O.fO.O.oO.,~ ~ _-- ~ - - = "2_ - 2 .= - - - m _l .= = - = = .= = = ~ - farm. ing to ,present indications. The Baker Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ewald and son, pitdl where she underwent an opera- f Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Palmer spent inquiry into the Michigan Community Rolland, came Friday evening to visit tion. On Tuesday, March 22, she was relatives in Elmwood. Mr. Ewald re- week at Cicero, Ind., the guests of brought home and on Saturday, Mar. Council Commission, one of the ,first . o Mr. and Mrs. Clayton H. Palmer. started at this session, bobs up weekly i turned Wednesday, and Mrs. Ewald 26, She underwent a second operation remains until Saturday. Miss May North will" spend her which proved fatal. She leaves to with a few added details but with no sign of ending. American Legion of- Ev e ntu all y Easter vacation in Care, Vassar and mourn a husband and three sons. • Too late for last week. Bay City. ricers gave interest to a recent hear- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Coulter were Mrs. E. S. Livingston of Gagetown ing by insisting on filing a statement , You will get tired of spaying the freight both ways. Mrs. Jack Lehman i,s sick with a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Nichois visited her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Liv- severe cold on ~r lungs and confined on Sunday. they had prepared in,~which they de> clared little had been done for the re- ingston, Monday. 1 That is just what you are doing when you use Foreign "~" to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Nichols went to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hiser and Mr. turned soldiers, but giving the Com- Brands of flour. You assume the entire expense of Freight, ~ R. J. Wills spent the week-end Detroit to attend the funeral of the munity Council credit for real a~d, one andFMrs. Chas. WickWare spent from with his fmily here. latter's sister, Mrs. James Bullon, of the concluding paragraphs of thei~ Sunday until Monday at Calvin His.- i Cartage and Commissions. Let us save you this expense .~ and while there they received the sad Basket ball girls beat Sebewaing 9- statement declaring: er's. i~ and still give you satisfaction in quality. We make two ~: 11 at Sebewaing last week ~Wednes- news of the death of their little "When the government of the Uni- Floyd Morgan's have moved in granddaughter, Emline Bullis. ! brands of flour, ~ Zl day. The first time Sebewaing girls ted States ,and the government of with Amos Martin's. Mr. Martin were defeated on their own floor. Wm. Mitchell purchased some thor- Michigan, with all their resources, and Mr. Morgan have rented their Win. McCarron's of ~Brookfield are oughbred stock at the auction sale of failed to bring relief at a time when farms for the coming year to Ed moving to their new farm in Sheri- Pete Rushlo on March 23. it was needed most, the Community Henry of Marlette. dan. Rex Nichol~ had his right hand Council Commission, first with an ap Miss Rose Ritchie, who has been teaching in the Bingham school for ,'.' l ed Rose .." Miss Helen McGregory will spend badly mangled while working with propriation of $25,000 for organiza o Easter vacation in Ann Arbor and his ,steam engine last week. tion work and later with $50,000, has the past seven years, was united in Detroit. W.m. Bullock and Frank Auslander been the only organization that ha~ marriage to Stanley Muntz of (?ass City Friday, Mar. 18. z for Bread and i M:iss Iva Ryan of Flint is earing are preparing to build new barns this risen to the occasion ~.nd made avail- spring. for her sister, Mrs. Jack Lehman, able funds whereby the veterans oi" g o Flo~d Rushlo sold a team to Clar- who is very sick. Michigan could present their claims NOVEsTA CORNERS. o ence Leslie Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wills and fami- and demand the recognition to which Iy were in Care Saturday. theey were entitled." Sam Gowen spent a few days here ' Tuscola " Fred Gunsel of Care tuned ,several RESCUE. The balance of funds of the Corn the first of the week preparing to pianos here Tuesday. munlty Council Commission are to be move his household goods to Rogers Dr. W. J. Sugnet is among our, sick, Miss Violetta Lince returned to her turned over to the Legion, it is plan- where he now resides. for Pastry ,,: suffering with a severe cold. home in Kinde Monday after visiting ned, but the way the veterans came Win. Patch, jr., is suffering with i. Miss Rose Ritchie, popular and tal- a short time in this vicinity. to bat on the aide of the commission bruises caused when his team be- ented young lady of our town, became Carl Brewster is on the sick list was a, surI~rise, to the investigwtors. came frightened and ran the wagon each No. 1 for what it is intended for. We exchange flour i.i~ the happy bride of Stanley Muntz of these days. Investigations into the defalcations at onto him. for wheat and have Bran, Middlings, Chop, Calf Meal, Corn, i.i" Cass City last week Friday. They William, Howard and Arnold Mc- Marquette prison, into alleged ill-treat Mrs. Archie McLarty and three etc., for sale. ~!~ were quietly married and took the Callum spent Sunday at their grand- ment of boys in the Industrial school children of Brown City are visiting io afternoon train for Detroit to spend father's home in Linkville. and into health conditions at the Cold- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Think this over before ordering your next sack of flour i: the week-end. Tuesday, Mrs. Muntz Mr. and Mrs. Char)es Britt and water school also are proceeding. Collins. or exchan~ng your next. ~ist i: gan her duties as teacher in the children o~ East Grant were Sunday Sheriff HolcOmb is buying potatoes A~KS RATE REGULATION. ld d~strict, where she has taught visitors at the Frank Britt home. in this locality. five years with marked success. This M/-s. John McCall Um and son,, Nell, Interurban railway rates~ were Mrs. Biddle is very poorly at this was, among the first schools to be and George Myers autoed to Baci Axe brought to the fore in the house when writing. EIBland Milling Co. 0: made a s~ndard district school in the Monday to see Mrs. Myers, who is a Rep. Glaspie put in a bill to allow Leslie Collins is moving his family county, New hQsts of friends are patient there. She continues about 3-cent per mile fares on all such roads into the store building at Novesta sending :congratulatiofis and gifts. same. ~earning less than $8,000 a mile; 2 ~)2 Corners. .) Cass City, Mich., April 1, 1921. CASS CITY CHRONICLE ~,! iiii , i ~ i, i Rill i i ' i i m PAGE: THREE. Norman Morrison of Harbor Beach ELMWOOD. Ancient .Symbol. spent Sunday with relatives in Cass City. The initials I. H. S., appearing tn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ewald of Pon- grave stones, in churches, etc., are tl~e Louis Smith of Detroit was the initial letters of the Latin phrase week end guest of Miss Esther Crid- tiac are visiting their parental homes Pastime Theater here. "Jesus Hominum Salvator," w~dch land. means "Jesus the Savior of Man." FRIDAY AND SATURDAY--SEE NfN S. Champion was the guest of To- Mr. and Mrs. James Griee of Col- This was originally ~ritten in Greek ledo relatives from S~turday until wood and Mr. and Mrs. H./13. You- and was the first three letters of the "The Sagebrusher" ~onday roans of Gagetown were the guests name Jesus, but its origin was h)st -Harry Crandell is driving a Ford H. T. Crandell transacted business of Mr. and Mrs. George Youmans sight of through substituting the "S' You have all read this wonderful book o£/the west. ~ungbout. in Chicago from Friday until Sunday. , for the Greek sign Sigma. Then by Don't miss the picture. It is fine. A. A. Jones transacted business in Wednu~sday.. - Mrs. Benj. Saddleberg is entertain- mistaking the Greek H for the Latin H a significance was found for each • Saginaw Thursday. , Ernest Van Conant of Decker was ing her mother, Mrs. Ewaid, of Col, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 12th EPISODE: OF "VEILED Miss Alice King left Wednesday the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. ling this week. letter. MYSTERY" for her home in Adrian. Fred Smith: Carl Winchester, who was very Fatty Arbuckle in Fred Hemerick of Gagetown was a Miss Esther Cridland of Laing vis- sick with grip and other complica- To Make a Hole in Glass. business caller in town Monday. ited at her parental home here over tions, is reported to be gaining nice- To make a hole In glass make a circle of clay or cement rather larger "Reckless..... ROmeO" Earl Streeter and Clem Tyo were the week end. ly. Come and laugh. ~usiness callers in Pigeon M~)nday. than the intended hole; pour som~ Miss Helene Bardwell of M. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram McKetlar and C%as. McCaslin and Earl Heller ig spending the vacation week at her kerosene into the cup thus formed, daughter, Bernice, visited Mr. and ignite iL place the plate upon a mod- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY;, API~IL 8 and 9, were business callers in Flint Tues- home in this place. Mrs. Thomas Smith of Colwood Sun- erately hard support, and with a stick ,day. See "Off~©ial France'" The Misses Doris Bailey and Lucile day. rather smaller than the hole required Mrs. Harvey Hyde left Tuesday to Hall of Care were visitors at the and a lmmmer strike a rather sharp -visit at the home of her brother at Fred smith home Sunday.~ blow. This will leave a rough-edged NOTES. , , , , -Muir, Mich. Miss Edna Colwell is the new CHURCH bole, which may be smoothed with a Mr. and Mrs. R. W. House and bookkeeper at the Kingston branch file. Cold water is said to answer even :family were in Pt. Huron Thursday of the Cass City Grain Co. Christian Science~Services are held better than a blow. :and Friday. Beaumont Redwine and Willis At- every Sunday morning at 11:00. Mrs. O. W. Nique of Decker visited lee of Detroit were guests of Dr. and Greenleaf Presbyterian ~ Paul J. Exhaustion Was Mental. Share the Profits of a Cream her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strif- Mrs. J. T. Redwine over Easter. Allured, Minister. Service on Sunday, The golfer who was employing him tier, Wednesday. Creighton Cathcart of Alma Col- at 3:00 p. m. was playing very badly and the cad- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Frutchey of lege is visiting with his parents, Mr. Evangelieal~10:00 a. m. Sabbath die threw himself down on the grass Gaines were guests of Pass City rel- and Mrs. J. L. Cathcart this week. school. At the close of the ~Sunday at'one point and watched him. Whe~ Station on Your Cream ,atives for Easter, scho61 session, a superintendent and the man had at last succeeded in get, Misses Dorothy Peterson and Net- a church trustee will be elected to fill ting his ball out of the bunker, he ¢ Get a good lprice for it. the vacancy, caused by the moving glanced toward the boy and remarked: ~ie Hill of Mar lette are "guests of I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ] .~ Get an accurate test on it. Miss Belva Tibbals. away of D. F. Schiele. 11:00 a. m., "You must be tired, lying down at and 7:30 p. m., regular preaching ser- this 'time of day." "I aint' tired of :- Come in and see reports of overdrafts and shor~o Ernest Reagh went to Detroit Henry L. Pinney, executor Elijah vices. 6:45 p. m., Junior and Senior carrying," said the caddie, "but i ages on my shipments. k~onday to drive home a new Ford H. Pinney Est., to Pinney State Bank Y. P. A. A cordial welcome awaits certainly am tired of Counting." = ~ruck for Dugald Krug. Get a good clean can returned to you. pt. blk. 3, Cass City, $10.00. you if you do not attend elsewhere. Boston Transcript. Rev. Wm. Richards Wi'S"in Port John F. Seeley and wife to Benj. The Young People's monthly busi- / WHERE? AT Huron Monday attending" a meeting M. Babcock, se ¼ of se ¼ section 28 ness meeting will be held Tuesday Vf the district ministers. Elling~on, $600.00. Getting Results, night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "When it comes to Impressing the John H. Davis and wife to William.. Mrs. Harry Annis returned to De- Joseph Benkelman. popular mind." sa.ld Senator Sorghum~ [ Parrott's Cream &ration Rath and wife, se ¼ of se ¼ ~ection troit Friday after a two weeks' visit Prayer meeting" and choir rehearsal •"e party platform ls quite likely to with her father, Mike Seeger. 3 Kingston, $4,000.00. .~ THE STORES HANDLE OUR BUTTER. on Thursday night at 7:30 p. m. ~rove important than s Warren E. Little and wife to An- l~ss the rear Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Tibbals and F. L. Poh!y, Pastor. ,lartor~ ~)f n Special tr,'tln." ~£amily were guests at the A. B. dria Cawka Pt. section 9 Fairgrov~ ,Cummins home in Care Sunday. $500.00. . ~ Nell McNeil and wife to George D. Miss Vania Gable left Tuesday for McKay lot 14 of A. H. Ale's addition Bay City where she will be the guest to Cass City $1.00. g g ,:~f her sister, Mrs. Bruce Johnson. .Maude Middleton et a'l, to L. B. Glenn Reid, Alwin Ward and the Middleton and wife, pt. blk. 1, Cass Misses Laura ~allaugher and Alice City, $7,700.00. King" spent Sunday evening in Gage- Abraham Cor]4ss to Irvin Wright, ~own. ne ¼ of se ¼ .se~tion 27, Indianfields NEW API INO AND SU/I/IhlER Frank Champion, who is attending $1.00. school in Mt. Pleasant, came Satur- George Hunter to Joseph T. Davis, day to spend a week at his parental ne ¼ of ne ¼ of section 7, Fairgrove ?tome. $8,000.00. 31er chand se Arr v ng EveryDay * Cqark Knapp left Friday afternoon William A. Forbes to A. E. Turner N ffor Detroit where he is spending and wife, pt. blk. 3 Charles Montague ~fiis week with his aunt, Mrs. A. A. sub. div. to Caro, $4,000.00. Hitchcock. Hiram T. Crandell et al to Harry Our merchandise was never better; our selections were never greater; and N Young and wife, nw V~ of se ¼ and g The Misses Letha and Anna Ewing sw ¼ of ne ¼ and ne ¼ of nw ~/~ see. left Saturday for Detroit where they 15 Elktand, $5,000.00. our prices, while higher than many years ago, yet are at the N :are spending the week as the guests Anthony Kreps and wife to Minnie of friends. RauscIi n ~/fi of se ¼ section 1, and w lowest possible mark in comparison. Miss Jeanetta MeCallum, who ~s ½ of sw ¼ of ne. ¼ section 1, Almer teaching in the Hastings schools, $6,400.00. ¢ame last Saturday to spend the Eas- John Semson to Wilt O° Barowska ter vacation. ne ~ nw ~/~ of section 22, Fremont just Received Another Shipment John Barnes and family moved $625.00. from their Grant township farm to a Montague Land and Timber Co. to of wraps of the soft wool coating, feather-light, fleece-soft, color residence, on Pine St. West the first James Westfall, pt. blk. 11 Chas. M. rich. Priced from of the week. Montague sub. div. to Care $125.00. Mrs. A. A. Ricker and son, James, William Hutchins to Win. P. John- $20.00 to $75.00 left Tuesday for Clio where they are son and wife, ~sw ¼ of sw ~/~ of sec- the guests of Mrs. kicker's sister, tion 26 Watertown, $1.00. Coats of superior quality at rock-bottom prices. Mrs. Fred Smiley. Amos L. Sellers to Sarah J. Wee: It is a pleasure to us as well as it is to our many customers Miss Dorothy McPhee left Satur- den pt. section 34 Akron $350.00. that we are able to offe~, high grade coats from $8.50 and up.


,~¢ .? (

PAGE FOUR. ~ CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Mich., April 1, 1921. , --~-- ii ~[,ll: r rrt . i ' I ii'l"' i ' 'rl I' I'U 'P

I Malcolm Ferguson is ill with blood[ Win. Foe left Saturday on a busi- B. L. Middleton, who was so seri- Mr. and Mrs.. W. /L. Ward and Mr. poisoning in his foot. l ness trip to Detroit. ously ill last week, is greatly im- and Mrs. Lewm Notty were Easter proved thiz week. guests 6f Mr. and Mrs, Harry Park- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dodge were Ca-] Harold Murphy spent Wednesday er at Grant. M ch gan News $ re callers Tuesday evening. ]and Thursday in Deckervitle. The Cass City Sand and Gravel Co. opened their plant~• and commlenced Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doerr are moving! Dr. I. D. McCoy and Miss Adah the season's operation the first of the + rer, e+yTold CASS CITY MARKETS. into a house on West St. south. I Taylor •spent Thursday in Detroit. week. The company has several or- Guy Watson and John Seeder made I Chas. Ricker)of 0wendale trans- ders, and if not held up for cars, the Cass City, Mich., ~ar~ 31, 1921. Royal Oak--An overheated motor a business trap to Pontmc Tuesday. l acted business in town Wednesday. outlook at the beginning of the sea- Jas. Quinn was in Detroit o b si- son is promising. Buying Price--- caused a fire which destroyed the ness a few days last week. ~ Mrs. Grace Krug ]s the nurse at the i Miss Tillie Willert0n is employed ~v,rs. ~vL ~ace home m ~oves~a. lat the home of Mrs. Edward Pinney. The traveling clinic of the Depart- Wheat, bu. 1.3'0 automobile of Philip H. Beauvais, vil- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sandham and lage manager. Miss Edna Robinson underwent an[ W F Ehlers of Decker was a merit of Health will be in Cass City Oats, bu ...... 29 family were in Care Wednesday. May 6 and the officers of Adams-See- Rye, bu ...... ,.... 1.24 Coldwater -- The Hoosier Shoe Co. operation for the removal of tonsils business caller in town Wednesday. Bfickwheat, cwt ...... 1.90 Mrs. Salome Bien returned Satur- ger Post have been requested to have Corn, shelled, bu. (56 lb) ...... 56 and the Wolverine Portland Cement Thursday. Mrs. Bert Curran of G!aseville vis- day from a few days' visit in Care. all tubercular ex-service men in this Barley ' cwt ...... 1.10 Co. have reopened their plants and are Miss Janie Campbell has spent the ited at the S. B. Young home Mon- Chas. Wilkins of Detroit was the last two weeks with friends in De- community endeavor to meet this Peas ...... 1.20 running with a full force. day. board on that date for examination. Beans, cwt ...... 2.75 week-end guest of Miss Sarah La- troit and Flint. Petoskey.--Boyne Falls suffered a peer. Miss Myrtle VanHorn of Detroit Monday evening in the M. E. Clover seed, bu ...... 12.00 15.50 Mrs. Celia Edgert~on !is spending loss of $22,000 when fir+ destroyed the spent the week end at her home in church parlors, Mrs. H. W. Holmes' Potatoes, bu ...... 20 Mrs. Melissa Erie came from Flint the week with her son, Richard Ed- ~Baled hay, ton ...... 11.50 12.50 hardware and implement stores of Saturday for a visit with Cass City this place. Sundy School class entertained Mr. Grosbaski Bros., and the grocery and gertop, at Beauley. Eggs, per dozer~ ...... 20 friends. Mrs. P. E. Fleming left Tuesday Holmes' class in honor of Wayne Butter, per lb ...... 35 market of Grosbaski & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ostrander are for Detroit where she is the guest of Fleenor and Ray Oolwell, who are Miss Adah Foe returned Monday the parents of a baby boy, Harvey, Cattle ...... 5 7 Holland.- A straw vote will be relatives. home from Albion College on account Hogs, live wt., ]per ~h: ...... 6 8~ from a week's visit with friends in jr., born Sunday, IV~ar. 27. taken at the election on the pro- Bay City. Mr. and Mrs: John Mark were i of a smallpox scare in Albion. The Calves, live wt ...... 6 9 posal to build a municipal gas plant. Glenn Allison of Elkton was the evening was spent in playing games Geese ...... 19 Miss Ella Cross of Ellington was !guests of Pontiac relatives over the At the recent election the electors Sunday guest of Misss Gertrude after which light refreshments were Broilers ...... 20 23 the guest of her parents over the week end. voted down a proposition to buy the Schiele. l s~rved. ~As Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Hens ...... 19 24 week-end. Miss Helen McGregory visited with Ducks ...... 22 ~:mce taking a vacation this week, Mr. plant here. Abertha Willerton of Argyle was Detroit friends from Saturday until Stags ...... I3 Mr. and Mrs. Dana Losey spent the the guest of Miss Janie Henry and Mrs. Clare Keating chaperoned Port Huron~Mrs. Myrtle Woodhuli week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday. Turkeys ...... 40 Wednesday• l . Hides ...... received a 'judgment for $5,000 in cir- John Spurgeon. Mrs.. C. R. Townsend and daughter, cuit court against Evelyn Springborn Mrs. Clara Deming of Detroit came Alton and Ernest Mark attended June, return tomorrow from a two of Marine City for alienation of the Wednesday and is the guest of Mrs. the Detroit Auto Show from Thurs- weeks' visit in Flint. affections of her husband, Dr. Royden J. D. Crosby. day until Saturday. i ...... seri M.B. Auten left Sunday for Pasa- 6 A. Woodhull. Ivlrs ±vlarK Jsoncl unaerwen~ a - • ~, ,.~. - ..... Randell Lamb left Monday for Pt. • _ . _ ,aena, UallI., where ms moaner, lvirs. Baldwin.~Ray Trucks former prose- ous operation at the Bad Axe hospi-I ...... Huron where he is the guest of his ~x. ~. z~ugen, is very 111. cuting attorney of Lake county, has tal Wednesday. I + brother, Eldon Lamb. - I ~wr. and Mrs. Jas. Sommerville of I been appointed by Governor Groes- ! Carroll Clark of Care came Tue~ I Cumber were Easter guests of Mr. Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Binder of 6 beck as probate judge to fill the vacan- day to be the guest at the home o land Mrs. John Sommerville. T cy caused by the death of Judge Pigeon were guests of Rev. and Mrs. John Zmnecker F. L. Pohty Tuesday. t : Crystal McLellan visited her Bryant J. Russell. [ Mrs Chas R~cker of Owendale was l -, ...... Chas. O. Wright has purchased the -- " " "'~" --nes Coole-a few igranamo~ner, ~wrs. Anna rarKer, ac Charlotte~Palley Sexton, 18 years ~ne gues~ o~ ±~trs• Ag Y i Wilmot the first of the week. old, the third of a gang of allege+d residence on Pine St. east recently vacated by D. F. Schiele. tdays, thiS~arlWeeksfencer of Deford was I~ Miss Esther Newton of Pontiac is automobile thieves who operated in 2ars ~ p Mrs. A. S. Wood and Gee. Hender- t - _ ...... ] spending the week in Cass City as the Eaton arid Ingham Counties, has been ...... i'" the".... , guest.... of her moaner, ~v~rs. ~mma~,Igues~ o~ ~wrs. ~w. d. ±wct~ uvray. ! brought to the county jail. He was shot of Gagetown were guests at the into, weanesaay. arrested in Pontiac. Ao T. Crafts home Wednesday. -. I Miss Irene Dolwick returned to her I The ~ Ba P"ttst ladies had- a-- quittingM ~nome..... in ~age~own xv~onaay.... a~er De- Pontiac Standberg Bros., of Chica- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams are and ot tuck dinner at Mrs ~nna ~ c- moving this week to a farm seven P " ing employed at the Pinney home. go, are suing the board of education ~Kim's Wednesday. ? ? ~or $7,440 which they say represents miles north and three miles east. l . " ~ L get Baile and l Miss Eleanor Nique of Decker vis- ±v~r. ann ~wrs.. es .... Y of ~ited over Easter with her grandpar- the amount of a certified check ~ent Miss Pt~oebe McCartney of Deford famit sent Sunday a~ ~ne home .... ~ ...... with a bid for the construction of a and Mr. Stinger of Owendale were Y P ~en~s. ~v~r. an~ Mrs. ~. rL ~trir~ler. Dr. Clark in Care. ~" ...... h r + roth school building here. Easter guests at the Chas. Hatey i ...... riffl r be ins her du ~orrs ~yres VlSlrea w~n e o - ~mss ~one ~t e g l Muskegon~City Manager Ellison home. t .... as harmacist in the 0r; er' Stanley, at the John Retherford ? ? ~ies ~wonaay p ~home in Deford over the week end. announces that work will be started Leslie Whale, who came Saturday i drug store at Pigeon. on improvements in ~Muskegon at from Mr. Pleasant where he attends and Mrs Dwi*ht Barnes of ! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown of And naturally much more satisfying to , , once giving employment to several the Normal, is very ill with pneu- Mr. • ~ . ~. [Detroit are the proud parents qf a monia. " i Greenleaf were the guests o~ ~v~rs. ,baby girl born on Monday, Mar. 28. hundred men. The city pl.ans nearly Emma Hill Wednesday. $1,000,000 in street improvements this Rev. A. G. Newberryy left Thurs- l ...... t Mrs. Belle Ottoway came from oonn ~)arnng has ~een ame ~o re- ~ ..... BUY GOOD BREAD HERE' - year. day to attend the state B. Y. P. U. ]...... i rren~on ~arur~ay Io~" a visit with ~;urn from Isact 2~xe where ne was a - "; than to buy good flour, make poor .*. Saginaw.- Rev. George Emerson and Sunday school conventions~ at ~ al her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. i patient in the hosp't . .-- : bread ,and be awfully dissatisfied. ~ Barnes, pastor of the First Presby- Bay City. terian church at Flint, and head of Miss Myrtle Deming, who has been We don't guess or experiment in the BAKERY FOOD ~. & the Rotary club there, unanimously employed at the F. A. Bigelow home, $ turned out from our ovens, but work upon a thoroughly g was chosen by the Ninth District Ro- returned to her home in Cedar Run G eg y • from a trip to Detroit and AshviEe, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McGregmT and tary convention, in session here, as its Saturday. ~. C. ~ SYSTEMATIC BASIS whieh insures satisfaetion in every ~ nominee for district governor. John Hall went to Jackson last Fri- daughter, Helen, Mrs. I. D. McCoy Mrs. E. Garber and MrM O. W. purchase you make here. and children, and Mrs. J. G. Emerson Kalamazoo--Virgil Letts, an athlete day to visit a sister, Mrs. Roy E. Ris- Nique of Decker were guests at the were Care caIlers Thursday. who does the dashes in amateur track heill. On his return, at the end of J. H. StriffIer home Tuesday and' meets, was beaten An a foot race with this week, he will visit a brother, Fowler Hutchinson has blood poi- Wednesday. Jose~0h Milbeck, a patrolman, who ar- Frank Hall, in Birmingham. soning in his hand as a result of Lester IBailey was in Detroit on rested him on a charge of stealing Friends of John Spurgeon, who has dropping a barrel of eli on it. busirtess Tuesday. Darwin and' Crare, coal. Milbeck caught Letts ih~ spite been ill with bronchial asthma the The Mothers' Club wilI meet next who went with him, remained ih~ of the handic~ap of a heavy uniform. rest winter, are pleased to note that Tuesday with Mrs. C. Lo Graham. A Royal' Oak ~o vis~ ~heir aun t~ ~'rs. pot Iuck supper will be served Pontiac.~Through the efforts of the he is better and gaining steadily. G, C. Ross. Pontiac post, American Legion, two Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Elliott have Mrs. A. M. Westerby of Kingston Arthur Walker artff Cameron war- former service men, convicted here of moved from their home on East was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Iace came from Ypsilant[ Saturday attacking police officers last fall and Third street to their farm southeast Wm. Dodge, over the week-end. to spen'd th~ week with their parents sentenced to Jackson prison, have of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kelley Ernest Mark of Sandusky was the in this cfty. been released under parole. They are are moving into the house they va- guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. ~orton Orr and baby wen~ to Leo Majewski and Leroy Eisenhardt. cated. Walter Mark, over the week-end. • Hay Creek Sunday ~o~ spend' the week + ° o Onaway.--Contracts have been let Mrs. Wm. Bailey and daughter, W. N. S traube, .Mrs. H. T. Cran- at the home of Mrs. O's parents; M~r. aug F~rs. Jas. McQueen. by the state park commission for the Frances, of Pt. Huron were Easter •dell, Edwin A~drews and Frances erection of/two bath houses, and for guests of Mrs. Bailey's sister, Mrs. Seed' are on the sick Iist this week. Mrs. Kersey Young and two. chill C. L. Graham. Miss Frances re- .z. ~he remodeling of a hunting lodge for I Miss Helene Foe is out of town for dren left ~][onday for their tiome i~ • ~he caretaker's dwelling on the 152- mained in Cass City to spe~d the ia few weeks visiting with relatives in~ Colorado after a few weeks '~ viM~ ::.: week at the Graham home. IDryden, Oxford, Flint and Detroit. wi~h Mrs. Young"s parents, ML and For Saturday °+ acre state park site that the residents • of Onaway purchased and donated to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lorentzen 1 The many friends of ~rrs. J. D. Mrs;. Chris Sehw~derer. the state for park purposes. have the consolations of friends "on Ch-osby will be pleased to know that Mr; and Mrs. A. H. Lee and daugh- Albion.--One man, Paul Particle, a the death of ~heir three day oId son, !she is rapidIy improving fn~ hea~th. ter~. Marg~ret, arm grandsom Billy i April 2 Polish molder, four gallons of ~aisin Morse E. The baby was bor~ Thurs- Creighton Cathcart, Morley Smith, l~fchards, of Caseville werq~ calTeds day, Mar 24, and died with a para- of Mrs. Norman l~ichmond at Pleas- ¢+ whisky, several parts of stills and a Frank and Andrew Ghampion, anc~ lyzed throat Sunday Mar. 27. an~ t=~ome HospitaI Wednesday: large quantity of raisin mash fell into StanI'ey Crafts motored to Saginaw - A BARGAIN THAT IS WORTH * :~he hands of the police when several Dr. J. T. Redwine sold his residence Sunday eveni~K. John W ~. Mhrph~y has reeei~-eff worcf ::::.. • houses in the foreign settlement were property on Seeder St. to LewLs Law t Mrs. Durell Lane of Bad Axe came of the birth of a great grandson a~ last week. Mr. Redwine expects to the h omw o8 I~r. and Mrs. E-d%vard LOOKING AFTER raided. Particle was bound over to build a bungalow this summe~- if he Saturday to v~sft at the home of her : the circuit court under bond Of $500. Murphy at Saskatoon, Sask., on'. Mar. cannot find a residence which meets parents, Mr. and Mrs. t~o15~. Clel'an6, ]4. The l ac[ has been named" J-ottn W., • Wakefietd~County and city author- his fancy, because of iVh-. Cleland~s: illrmss. after his great: grandfather. ities are searching for Mike Mulivich The W. C. T. U. wilI conduct a siI-i Mrs. Chas. Rondo is back from tke who As alleged to have slashed his Bad Axe hospital very much im- l~ss Dorothy Seegar of" Green- No. Can Tomato - 10c wife across the throat with an axe and vet medal Contest at the E vangeIicaI •proved in health, after an. operation town, Ind., was the guest of lV[rs. M. beat her over the head, face and church Monday evening in which five fb~r obstruction' of the stomach. ]3'. Au~er~ T~es~ay afternoorr. Miss will compete for the prize. Miss AIe- Seegar; who ~ associated wi~t~ Red- ~houlders with .a piece of stove wood. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. lVl~cNamee and . 1 can Pumpkin - - 7c Mrs. M-alivich may live, say physi- tha Spurgeon was the successfuI con- path Lyceum Bureau, was on~ h~r way ~+. testant in a similar contest which Mr. and Mrs. Olare~ce Kercher are ,fi'om Bad Axe to Rochester. cians, unless blood poisoning sets in. moving into the house on' West Mairr was held here recently. lZ. S. Procter has the basement ex- Holland.~Orrie Brusse was arrested Albert and Chas. Haley Ieft Tues- street formerly • owned b'y L Waiff- euvate~ and preparations rrmde for 6 bars of good Laundry Soap 25c for speeding an automobile while in- , Iey ~ ];a.ying the foundations for" d seven- toxicated. He came up for trial in i day for Bay City to attend the fu- 1 Miss Ethel Reader an~ her sister, neral of their nephew, Lewis Haley, ~oom ~eMdence on the lbt ~orth of the court of his uncle Peter Brusse. a son of Walter Haley, which was Mrs. WesIe,y ttart~er, of Detroit. Ieft~ lVfrs. J. F. Hendrick's home. Mr. Nephew Brusse pleaded guilty and held Wednesday morning. They wflI iM°nday f~or. Wh~te~e%~a:t~eTstthe~ l~r~ctor expects to seI'l' the property begged for mercy. Uncle Peter, how- return home the Iatter part of this are spenmng • as soor~ as building operat%ns are J.H. HOLCOFIB ever, surveyed him with a cold eye. week. ~ ~rmnas. completed. "'Fifty dollars," quoth he, "or 30 days Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burk are Mrs. Richard Gwinn of Oaseville, "I wonder if the roa~s ~re frozen i CASS CITY in the county jail." Orrie paid. mourning the loss of their year oId 'idistr~ ct pres~ent°Z the W;^~LM.tS- ha~ enough to hold up, an automobile: Grand Rapids.~Charging repeated ~--, ~lmer who ~assed awa~ Tues ~oz ~he m. ~. church, ~u~e~m~u ,,= this morning," askec~ a local physi- ~"*" *~'~ ' ~ _~ ...... ~^~ -: Lenten meeting of that society at the ~romises of marriage were forgotten aay.~ ~unerat serwc~e~ were n~x~ ~,~ eia~ before he sta'~ed out on his ,after her friendship had been bought home of Mrs. E. W. 3orms Friday. country calls Tuesday. "If they're. i the ,Baptist church Thursday morn- 1 .~by increased wages and more pleasant Miss LilIian MacDermott of BattIe not, I'm bound to get stuck on the, ing, Rev. Newberry officiating, and . I I ,work, Selma Urban, 23-year-old em- interment was made i n Care) ceme- Cree~ came Iast week to spend a few road south of the Cass river: bridge -ploye of the American Seating Co., TONAL CONTROL tery. l weeks visiting with the Waiter Mark where so many ha~ te be pulled ~ut, ~has brought suit for $15,000 damages family and with other reIatives in Word was received here last week the past week. I cannot understand ~ in circuit court against William by Mrs. Travis Schenck of the death this community. why Novesta township wiit aI'low Dauser, superintendent of the steel B. J. Dailey and son, Maurice, and such an important stretch of road; to The of her brother, James Eno. Mr. Erie ,department of the company. was for many years a resident and IA. H. Higg~ins were in CaseviIIe a few stand unimproved. Ludington--A solid train of 42 cars business man at Cass CitY, but for days this week making various im- Mrs. M. A. Hicks of 433 Que St. N. ,~of flour from_ across the 1,ake, destined several years has conducted a mer- provements on the association W., Washington, D. C., writes the ~or Hamburg, Germany, was received cantile estabIishment at Siloam ~grounds at Oak BIuff. Chronicle as follows: "Am sending Cheney by the Pore Marquette railway here I Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Pohly enter- you a money order of $2.00 for'a re- Springs, Ark. This and delivered to the Lehigh Valley at The Woman's Study chub met at tained the Butzbach Missionary Cir- newal of my subscription to the Buffalo for the seaboard last week. the home of Mrs. P. A. Schenck IV[on- cle Tuesday evening. Refreshments, Chronicle. The paper usuaIly reaches TONAL CONTROL This followed a 25-car train of corn day afternoon when the following consisting of cocoa, angel food cake, us on Monday and if it is delayed we for the same destination. These are program was given: Current Events, cocoanut tarts, and baked apples with watch every mail until it comes as we enables one to play all believed to be the first l,arge ship- Mrs. J. L. Cathcart; Americaniza- whipped cream, were served after are always glad to get the news:'.~b~~ records wi:th a clear ments made to Germany since the war. tion Problems, Mrs. H. F. Lenzner; the bu, siness meeting and mission our friends in what we still call our Monroe~About one dozen suits Review~MgIting Pot by Zaugwill, study. home town. Washington is getting tone (n(~t muffled); 12 were started in circuit court, by Mon- Mrs. Chas. Wilsey. Response, Fun Lavern Keltey and Miss Ira Wilson beautiful now with the green grass, distinct volumes of tone roe residents against the Conservative Old and New. were united in marriage at three leaves coming" out and some flowers. We saw the great 'Inauguration', as "Life Insurance company, of Wheel- Sunday was Fern Benkelman's o'clock Saturday afternoon in Ponti- from very soft to loud much as we could for the crowd. A ing, W. Va., it being the contention of ninth birthday and on Saturday af- ac. Their friends remembered them and also keeps the tall man stood in front of me and I ~Jae plaintiffs, the company had no ternoon over 20 little girls met at with many nice presents. Mr. and only got an occasional glimpse of music from straying license from the Michigan securities her home to celebrate the happy Mrs. Kelley will make their home at President Harding but could hear his commission to sell stock in Michigan event, The guests played outdoor 523 South Jessie street, Pontiac. Mrs. away from home. ~ntii No-comber ~ last, Mo~t af these game~ antil five o'Clock when they Ke!!ey is ~el! known to Cass City speedh. Orders are ~oing through Government departments now that sales were made prior to that time. were invited into tlhe dining room •people, being the daughter of Mr. and Satisfy yourself by heating the Cheney at the force of clerks must be cut down The cases have been started through where Mrs. • Benkelman assisted by i Mrs. Andrew Wilson, but the last few before July so it is uncertain who are ':¢h~ office of Prosecuting Attorney Fern's teacher, Mrs. P. E. Fleming, i years she has worked in Pontiac. The to stay and who are to go. Good iWilliam Haas, and amounts involved and Mrs. Ernest Croft served a de- groom, who is a resident of Pontiac,~ Lenzner's Furniture Store wishes for the continued success of ~el~l from $500 tO $5,000, the com- licious supper. Fern received many ~works in the Wilson Body Works of ~ the Chronicle." iI~ed total ~mounting to con~idorablo. pretty gifts. that city.

..... /, i i T: ~:•• ~:~ i)5 i~i~:+:: ! ...... ~ ,: re: ~:~::+_ :• • ...... i .... ,} /

Cass City, Mich., April 1, 1921. CASS CITY CHRONICLE. PAGE FIVE. H':Io U ,it I I I I " ' "' " • o .. I ~..M~,,,~..,.~..~,~.~,.,~,,~.....,~.~..~,~,~.,**.,.~.** ..... ~.,, ...... ~ ...... ,.,,...... ,,...... • .~ junction; Frederick Poppeck, et al., ling vs. John Hessling, Jr., bill to set Eighty acres of the Spencer Es~ a vs. Frederick Poppeck, et at.; Fred aside discharge of life lease. tate in Greenleaf township to Guy a .... " Wittman vs. Geo. Walrod, Ina Wal- Oleland. " _ rod and State Bank of Frank Hub- J. W. Keegan's residence in Cass W. REAL ESTATE DEALS. bard & Co., foreclosure; Ferdinand City to Jas. Dobson of Grant town- .~ Pawlitz vs. Caroline Pawlitz, divorce; •ship. l JUST ARRIVED\ SWEET PEAS Jos. Heaton vs. Jennie Heaton, di- Watson's Real Estate Agency re- John SecRet's 80-acre farm in { " i verGe; Edwin S. Benedict vs. Carrie ports the following sales: Austin township to Wm. Wiesler of T. Rebuhr's 120-acre farm in Ell- Benedict, divorce;Ida Koglin vs.Chas. Pontiac. Mr. Seeger secures Mr. -~: Plant Crocks, all s zes. [ For Seed. Sow Now. Koglin, divorce; G~enevia Doyle vs. ington 'towns~aip t~ John Davis of Wiesler's residence property in Pon- Carlos Doyle, divorce; Agnes Hess- Kingston. tiac in the deal.

t @ • @, , ....HOSPITAL NOTES. Chronicle Liners I Fay Southerland entered the hospi- BARGAIN tal last Wednesday and was operated REAL on for ruptured appendix. SEEDS! SEEDS! Rates--Liners *of 25 words or SEVEN-ROOM house with bath in Minute Tapioca, 4 pounds for Cass City for sale at $2,500. House Mrs. Matilda Duke of Kingston less, 25 cents each insertion. Ov- entered the hospital Friday and was 4~ Package or bulk. Onion Sets. er 25 words, one cent a word for is newly painted, equipped with electric lights and water, nicely lo- operated on Saturday for abscess, of each insertion. cated on corner lot: Guy Watson. the kidney. 25c 4-1-2 Win. Duffield entered the hospital & ANY MAN who wears a 34 to 38 suit Sunday and was operated on Mon~ will find them in Crosby & Son's BETTER the Brush the finer • the job. day for amputati~on of leg at the special ,suit cabinet--all wool at Paint Brushes at Bige'low's. 3-25-3 knee. t¢ $13.50. 4-1-1 FOR SALE--Bay mare, 5 years old, Mrs. Frank Horton of Kinde en- ? HIGHEST PRICE PACK YOUR EGGS MARION OHIO, has two "First Citi- wt. 1350; guaranteed sound. E.E. tered the hospital Wednesday and zens"--Warren G. Harding, now Hartwick, Phone 133--3S, 1L. 4-1- was immediately operated on for ap- Cash or trade for your EGGS. now for next winter. Order a president of the U. S., and Brooks tf pendicitis. Fletcher, the outstanding dramatic Mrs. Verne Schenck, Mrs. Norman Bring them in. can of Egg-I-Pack, • orator of America. Brooks Flet- TO RENT--32 acres pasture with Richmond, Mrs. Arnot Marshall and cher at opera house, Cass City, running water. Guy Cle'land, Tyre Mrs. Herbert Spencer are still pa- Friday, April I. R1. 4-1-2p tients at the hospital. SHUT UP the chickens. Owners of JACKSON Fence is quality fence. Mrs. Milton Hoffman was able to chickens within the village limit Bigelow. 3-25-3 return to her home Wednesday even- Phone'~6 E® are requested to keep them shut up ing. W. Jones as required by the village ordi- FOR SALE~Span of Belgian mares, Mrs. Maude Orr is the new nurse nance. Henry Herr, Village Mar- well matched, weight 3520. Stanley at the hospital while Miss Edna shal. 3-25-3 Muntz. 4-1-2p Wolper is attending a nurses' con- vention at London, Ont., and visiting I WISH the party that took canned PLUMBING Goods 'way down at her parents at Sarnia. Bigelow's. 3-25-3 fruit from my cellar, would please All operative cases are getting return the empty cans. Mrs. Julia along nicely. Streeter. 4-1-1p SINGLE MAN wanted for work on farm. Frank Burgess, 5 miles Marie Keenoy and Velma Warner REGISTERED O. I. G. boar for .ser- west, ~ miles north of Cass City. had their tonsil,s ~'emowed Tuesday vice a% John Day's farm $1.25 for 4-1-1p morning. cash; $1.50 on time. 4-1-4 Leo Turner of Pigeon underwent FOR SALE--I want 3 farmer-dairy- an operation for the removal of ton- YOUNG TURKEY gobbler for sale. men to buy 80 bu. carrots; also sils Wednesday. cabbages, beets, parsnips, onions. Robt. McConkey, R. R. 2, Cass City. Samuel Cole underwent a second 4-1-1 Early and late seed potatoes. John J. Johnson. 4-1-1p and critical operation Thursday. One of the ladies sewing circles of BROOKS FLETCHER has a national reputation as the platform's fore- ROYSTER FERTILIZER for sale--I Bad Axe made and presented the lo~ most dramatic orator. At opera have on hand acid phosphate 1-11-2 cal hospital a number of table covers, house, Cass City, Friday evening, t-8-3 and other analyses ready for napkins, tray covers and pillow slips. Apr. 1. spring: delivery at prices that are We take this opportunity to let Bad right; also any one desiring Glean- Axe ladies know that their kindness A COUPLE from Chicago wants er binder twine, phone orders to is thoroughly appreciated. farm on shares where owner furn- me. Clyde Quick phone 146--1S, 3L ishes everything, or work by 3-25-tf month. I want a place where I will Methodist Episcopal--Divine wor- have every opportunity to learn. FOR SALE--A good frame barn. A. ship 10:30 in the morning; anthem, Call Mr. Fred Ball. Telephone 109 H. Higgins, Cass City. 3-25-2 "Hear Me, O Father"; Sunday school --2L, 2S. 4-1-2p REPUBLIC ton milk truck for sale~ at 11:45. All the men of the congre- gation are invited to stay to the pas- THREE year old colt for sale. John A bargain; better hurry. James Day. 4-1-2 D0err. 3-25-2 tor's Bible Class. Epworth League at 6:30; evening worship at 7:30; ser- HATS FOP, SPI;(INO ANY WOMAN who wears a shoe FOR SALE--Blocky bay Belgian mons for the day, "The Proof of the size 2½ to 4 will find them on Cros- mare coming 4 years old. Frank A. Resurrection" and "The Purifying by & Son's bargain table at $2.7~. White, R. R. 3, Cass City. 3-25-2 Hope"; prayer meetings Tuesday and *ooA Remarkable Showing 4-1-1 / Thursday. {. FOR SALE~Choice of two trailer.s; also Old Trusty incubator, 240 egg. Bethel--Divine worship at 2:30. ~UY it the modern way. Our truck Emery Lounsbury. 3-25-3p Sunday school at 1:00. Sermon, "We will deliver pure milk and cream at --IShall Be Like Him; We Shall See Featuring refinement and distinction in your door every morning. Milk 10c A RARE TREAT-'Brooks Fletcher:Him as He Is." " quart; cream 20c ½ pint. Dodge & at the opera house tonight (Fri- ! Baptist--10:30 a. m, morning wor- Kelly. Phone 142~3S, 1L. 3-25-tf all the new, smart shapes of the season. day). l ship. Subject, "Jesus the Inspirer . to Philanthropic Work. The obse FOR SALE~Work hor, se, 7 yrs. o id, FOR SALE--One Belgmn horse 7 yrs. t ...... of +he T~mS ~un~er will fol- All colors, including the newer shades of 'wt. 1200. Enquire at C~ronicle of: old, one Percheron horse 8 yrs. old, I,~ .... .~ ~..... , .... ,~ y vv ,~'-" rice. 4 1 2p also one new milch cow 7 ve-~ -l~ Imw ~ao morning service, lz m., imme grey, green, tan and brown--- Amos Martin, Phone 98~::1L~ 48, i seh°°l. 6:30, B. Y. P.U. 7:30, E e- CATTLE taken to pasture for the 3-25-tf ...... thing service. Subject, "Kindling a coming season, 1 mile south of ~ ~ [Fire." A cordial invitation is given New Greenleaf. Woven wire fen- FOR SALE~Ford one-ton truck and lip you to attend. $2.50 to $7.00 ces, good grass and water. Inquire bay gelding 7 years old, wt. 1,500. A, G, Newberry, Pastor, of Angus McLeod or Guy Hoadley. Harry Tallmadge. 3-25-2" 3-25-tf LIKE DAYLIGHT--~Btue Lamps at Wood for the World's Pencils. FOR SALE--New milch cow with Bigelow's. 3-25-3 The Ozark hills of Missouri furnish calf by side. Enquire at Schwader- wood for a great proportion of the er's Restaurant, Cass City. 4-1-1p BROOKS FLETCHER, noted lec- world's supply of lead pencils. The Saturday SI) cial April 2 turer, at opera house Friday, Apr. trees are stunted red cedars which TWO FARMS for sale or rent; one 1. grow on the hillsides. Their trunks farm 5 east, 3 south, ½ east of a.t the butt seldom attain a diameter Cass City; one farm, 5 east and 2 LOST--J20 bill in Cass City Satur- of more than a foot. The red heart north of Cass City or 1% south of day. Return to John Newman, R. of the wood only is used. The white 48 Pair Women.'s Nurses' Oxfords Greenleaf." John Connell, sr. 3-25- R. 3, Cass City. 4-1-1p sap wood is rejected. The lumber is sawed up Into "slats" and shipped to MAZDA Electric Bulbs at Bigelow's. GLASSES FOUND--Pair of glasses Elastic goreing on sides, easy to pull on, the factories In this country and 45 3-25-3 found in pile of potatoes in Gordon formerly $3.00, Saturday only . . . ® Tavern basement. Enquire at abroad. No other wood seems to an- SUITS AND Overcoats cleaned and Chronicle office. 4 1 swer as well for this purpose. pressed. Myrtle McLetlan, over T & M store. 3-25-2p BARGAIN in stock ranch and farm lands. 800 acres watered by two Remarkable Sleep-Walking. TRY the 75 Watt Blue Lamps at nice brook trout streams. One and A boy told his parents one morning Bigelow's. 3-25-3 ope-half miles from R. R. station. that the previous night he had dream- Price $10.00 per acre. Also other ed he got out of bed and climbed to CAS~ ¢173~S Slf O£ a ¢I O THINa M£N ~ I WISH TO SELL, within two weeks, good farm lands welt located, from the summit of an enormous rock, the building known as the McLel-i 40 acres up at very low prices. where he discovered an eagle's nest Terms to suit purchaser. John Mac- lan hotel, or exchange for a farm which he brought away with hlm and 38 years in one spot of 60 or 80 acres. George Brkljacic. Rae, 909 Grant St., Bay City, Mich. 4-1- placed beneath his bed. It was dim- Those interested enquire of Peter covered later that these events had ac- Mihalich," Shoe Shop, West Main St. 3-25-2p VIOLINS REPAIRED. Organs re- tually taken place. The precipice he paired, cleaned and tuned. Lenzner's bad ascended was of a nature that baf- THE FAVORITE Combination Coal Furniture Store. 3-4-4 fled even the most experienced moun- and Oil Range is a sensation. Bige- taineers, and the nest was discovered II • low. 3-25-3 FOR SALE Heavy team of horses beneath his bed, just as he had stated. and harness. Will sell cheap if ta- --Exchange. ] ken at once. 2½ miles east of New liquor law; The People vs. Edward fry A. Bill vs. H. G. Grassman, narr; AM BUILDING a new and up-to- Greenleaf. Gee. Bennett. 4-1-2 Kowalke, violation of the 'liquor law; [Alex Heleski vs. Victor Brezinski, date modern semi-bungalow of four For Growth and Strength. CIRCUIT COURTCONVENED rooms first floor, three rooms and The People vs. Isa Cowper, violation l replevin; Joseph Smith, drain corn- ¢~bath second floor, which will be for CAN'T Sag: Gates at Bigelow's. 3- Poor food ,in childhood means poor IN HURONCOUNTY of the prohibition laws; The People lmissioner, et al., v,s. John Bradford, sale as soon as finished. Can be 25-3 health In manhood and womanhood. vs. Barney J. McKeever, violation of}Ernest Oeschger et al, summons; decorated to suit buyer. R. S. Proc- rhere is but a single use for food; the liquor law; The People vs. Elmer[Thomas Moran et al., vs. Pere Mar- tor. 4-1-1 WHY MOVE your household goods to furnish outrltive value to the hu- Seventeen Criminal and Six Jury Deenen and Glenn Forshee, larceny; [quette Railroad Go., a corporation, with solid tire Trucks that jar like man body--to stoke the human engine. an old lumber wagon, when you can A food Is worth only as much as the Cases on Calendar of Fifty- The People vs. Ryno Oberski, assault trespass on the case; Gee. H. Pleitz CASS CITY Farm Bureau members move with our Big Union Truck ]and battery; The People vs. William vs. Allen H. Taggart, appeal; Wm. wishing to ship live stock will outritive value it supplies; its true eight Cases. equipped with Big Air Tires that value is measured by the amount pf i McAllister, felonious assault; The E. Hahn v,s. John Amey and Wesley please notify N. A. Gillies, Mgr. rides like a Touring" Car? For long IPeople vs. John Dutzel, wife deser-Amey, attachment; Hugh Shaw vs. Phone 150~IL, 1S, 1L. 3-25-tf distance and local rates, phone fuel it furnishes the body. The Huron county circuit court Ition; The Peoplevs. William Thiel, tJohn J. Thayer and Ellen Thayer, Schwarzkopf Bros., Bach, Mich. 3- convened at Bad Axe Monday in its iviolation of liquor law [narr; Michael O'Mara vs. Wiliiam GIRL WANTED for general house- ll-tf Real Meaning of "Gymnasium." ' - " Dich, appeal; Arie Polley vs. Farm- work. Mrs. Clarence Boulton. 4- regular March term. If pupils entered a gymnasium in Jury Cases. NEW DORT touring car for sale There is a total of 58 cases on the er's Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ofl l-if their birth attire the instructor would Anna H. Spear~ Ws. George V. cheap. Frank Cranick, Cass City. calendar, 17 of which are criminal, 6 Huron Co., narr; George Zimmer vs. 140-ACRE FARM in Elmwood town- 2-25-tf receive a shock. All the same, the jury, 19 court and 16 chancery cases. Black, narr; Samuel Hack vs. Frank Wellington Spittler, appeal; Henry ship for sale for $1,000. 4 miles word "gymnasium" Is derived from a Of the criminal cases 10 are for vio- W. Mem'ick, narr; Thomas Walsh vs. T. Nemitz, et al., vs. Dunlap Garage from Gagetown; 7 miles from Cass MATCHED TEAM, black Percheron Greek word meaning naked; for the lation of the prohibition law. John Sageman et al., trespass on the Co., replevin; Frank Butterwick vs. City; nearly all cleared; fair build- mares, 4 years old, wt. 3400; cheap old Grecian athletes used to strip be- The following is the complete case; John J. Grafka vs. Win. Min- Jacob Butterwick, narr; Wm. Fritz ings. Enquire of Mrs. Win. Mc- if taken at~once. L. E. Wright. 3- fore exercise. Neil at Mrs. J. H. M~toon's resi- docket: neck, appeal; State Bank of Harbor vs. Michigan Sugar Co., a corporation 18-if Beach, a corporation, vs. Henry appeal. dence, Cass City. 3-25-2p Criminal Cases. Binkle, attachment; Charles Lewis GOOD FARM for rent--Lots of land In memory of Clinton; one year Chancery Cases. JANITOR WANTED at Evangelical and good buildings; 40 A plowed. The People vs. A. J. C~nie, issuing vs. James B. Lewis, appeal from pro- ago April 5 our darling son, Clinton, church. Apply to Wm. J. Schweg- Enquire of Gee. L. Hitchcock. 4-1-c departed this life. checks without funds; The People vs. bate court. Mahala Robertson vs. Ja~. Hunter, ler. 4-1-t Anthony Ober, rape; The People vs. bill for partition; Daisy ,Binkle vs. CARD OF. THANKS--We wish to A bud the garden gave us a pure A. J. Cunie, drawing and delivering Court Cases. Robinson Wellock, et al., bill to set TONIGHT--Be sure and hear the thank our many friends and neigh- and lovely child Angus Wruble, by next friend, vs. aside deed; Marion F. Parker vs. lecture of ~rogks Fletcher at the bors for their kindness and sympa- It gave it to our keeping to cherish worthless checks; The People vs. undefiled, Robt. Mercer, violation of the pro- Frank Gwisdalla, trespass dn the Lewis C. Parker, divorce;/ Sarah A. opera house. thy in our sickness and sorrow; al- Smith, et al., vs. Andrew ~J. Foster, ' so for the beautiful flowers and But just as it was opening to the hibition laws; The People vs. Albert case; Allison L. Wright, eL al, vs. glory of the day, C~ee~, Vio~tio~ of the pl~ohibition Jas. Morrison, treas, of Sheridan bill to set aside land contract; War- FOR SALE--7-room house on Third Mr. Edwards f0~ 0aisi domLforting ren E. Ramsey vs. Anna Oorning, ex- S'L., ~Is~ ball-beaching medicine words. Mr. and iv~rs. Ernest Lor- De,~ came %he Heavenly gzrdener laws; The People vs. William Ender, twp., eL al., summons; Chicago Tele- and ~ok our child away. ecutrix, bill to quiet ,title; Eliza Con- wagon, pair small bob sleighs, sin- entzen. Jr., violation of the prohibition laws; phone Supply Co., vs. Win. L. Bed- gle buggy, side board, bedroom This lovely bud so young and fair The People vs. Peter Frederickson, ford, narr; John M. McIntyre vs. Jos. nel vs. Robt. Connell, divorce; Mable ! suite, organ, extension table, kit- DINNER and supper will be served Called hence by early doom violation of the prohibition laws; The N. Rankin,: narr; Allison L. Wright, Anderson vs. Gee. Anderson, divorce; i chen cabinet, cook stove, 4 dining to Grant township voters at Just came to show how sweet People vs. Curtis Adler; The People et al, vs. Roy Sorenson, treasurer of Michigan Sugar Co., a Michigan cor- t room chairs. Mrs. J. N. Dorman. Emanuel Duffield's on election day. A flower in Paradise could bloom. vs. Chas. Hartz, Jr,, violation of the Sheridan Twp., et al, summons; Hen- potation vs. Win. Fritz, bill for in- 3-25-2 4-1-1" Mr. and Mrs. James Tracy and son. / PAGE SIX. CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Mich., April 1, 1921. .~~ . _ ~ ...... _ Y~%~%'~=%%==%%%%%%%%%Y=% and Irene Brown, Mack Little, Isaac .. 'ELLINGTON AND NOVESTA It rained some on Friday evening" e = :,a Gingrich and Roy Kilbourn were en- and the mud was deep, but the Dan Gillis is very ill with asthma. tertained Sunday at Roy Brown's. League of Neighbors to the number M ch gan News i: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson and The Brownies played a return of about 40 assembledat the home of FSe children of Elmwood were guests of game of base ball with the Quick Mr. and Mrs. Anson Henderson and l LET'S GO! WHERE? re lyrold I Wm. Little's Sunday. o school Friday. Score, 20-33 in favor after having the usual big feed, pro- Clai-ence Kolb spent the week-end of Quick. Failures are stepping ceeded to make the time fly with at Chas. McConnell's. stones to success. songs, games, charades, recitation% Ionia Bert B. Baxter, of Rochelle, TO THE On Friday evening about 70 friends and instrumental music. A proposi,7 Ill., has ~PUrchased the Bailey Hotel Mrs. Frank Putman of Elmwood and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. May- tion to hold our meetings every ,, two in this city from S. C. L. Brown. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Collison, Tuesday. nard Delong gave them a shower at weeks instead of every week win, Ann Arbor~Oswald Dietz, charged propo.sed by the elder ones, but when Mr. and ±vlrs...... r~oo~, tmmpoeu made ....the home of Mr " and Mrs • C • W_ • Hul- with selling patent medicines con- ÷,.;~, +,, (~,, ~a~o~,,, tvurt. Thy were presented with many put to vote was badly snowed under taining" 60 per cent alcohol has been by the younger people. The next A. B. C. a business Mr~V L ~. H,~, :,~,~,~#. ]beautiful and useful gifts. Games Sales and bound out over to Circuit Court. • Mr~/and s. , . . wr~'n~ oi t~aSSlan d music furnished entertainment meeting will be :held at the home of Owosso~E. J. Willman, superin- City were guests of J: u. 'ruc~ey s for the evening after which refresh- Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Churchill on Fri- Sunday. tendent of schools at Gladstone, has ments were served consisting of cof- evening, April 1. been named superintendent of the William Walmsley of Cass City fee, cocoa, pickles, sandwiches, and 1 Service Garage visited his grandparents, Mr. and iday " " Owosso schools to succeed O. H. cake. One cake, large and three MARRIAGE LICENSES. Voelker. Mrs. O. Delong, over the week-end. storied, was very attractive. In the Mrs. Myrtle Campbell of Mayville top story had been baked a small ar- for ~ Flint. ~ Morris Hill, Elm Crest. Walter E. F. Schroeder, 22, Wyan- Grand Boulevard and Lyncroft, four was the guest of laer mother, Mrs. ticle. There was a guessing contest Bhrt Karr, last week. as to what it was. Morris Hulburt dotte; Gertrude Dawson, 19, Minden adjoining communities five miles won, the prize being the top sto~. City. north of Flint, are considering in- H. P. Deming and family are mov- The remainder of the cake was cut John-'R. Handley, 23, Palms; Cath- corporation as a village. ing this week to a farm b~ mile out Dort Cars, Tires, Tubes, Accessories, of Caro. by Mr. Delong into 70 pieces. erine Hardy, 22, DeckervHle. ML Clemens.~John Donna, 12 years We are pleased to learn that Rev. Wm. J. Bennett, 32, Brown City; old, is in a hospital with a serious Katherine Gillis visited in Lapeer Oil, Greases, B attenes,"' Batteries F. A. Jones will be at Riverside for Mabel Kalbfleischer, 26, Brown City. wound in his neck as the result o~ the last week. another year. Services at 11:30 on ~Bruce McAllister, 21, Brown City; accidental discharge of his rifle while Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin spent Sun- LoJ,s McNary, 23, Burnside. Sunday morning and every other *.% day at Nell Martin's of Deford. Repaired and Charged, he was carrying it under his arm. Sunday evening. Sunday school at Wallace L. Copeland, 22; Marie Sault Ste. 5/[a"'e.--Representative H. Mrs. John Clark of Deford and 10:30. Jane Woods, 19, both of Grindstone L. Osborn of Chippewa county, will be Mrs. Clyde Lamb of Imlay City visit- City. i , Vulcanizing and opposed ior re-election as supervisor ed at A. Martin's Saturday. Ernest C. Kohtz, 22, Sebev~aing; by W. L. Campbell. A full ticket has John Shank of Green leaf spent NOVESTA. Martha L. Warschky, 22, Sebewaing. been nominated in opposition to that Sunday with Alfred Phillips. Roy Hartman, 23; Margaret E. Repair Work on All Makes of Cars. ! headed .by Osborn. Roads were bad, but now are Cove, 19, both of Owendale. Norman Gillies spent the week-end worse. Muskegon~Judge Davis, of Ionia, in Detroit on business. G. William Lauterwasser, 27, New- What became of our young spring ? ark, N. J.; Ruth Binhammer, 28, Satisfaction Guaranteed. i has set aside two deeds to the home- Misses Florence and Oarmon and Sebewaing. stead of the late John Torrent and Irvin Wanner were guests of Claud Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cunningham Alvin Daniel Knechtel, 22; Verda given the property to the wi~ow. The Asher's Sunday evening. are moving to their new farm recent- ly purchased from Jas. Rodgers. Elizabeth Eidt, 20, both of Elkton. We ask a chance to show you that we give service home is valued at $40,000. The wid- Mrs. Je!ssie McDonald of Detroit ow charged the two deeds frauds. Mr. and Mrs. gas. Rodgers spent Gustav H. Reda, 22, Caseville; that you appreciate. We want our cdstomers to feel visited from Thursday until Sunday Catherine M. Deering, 21, same. Sault Ste. Marie--The body of and Nelson Anchor of Elmwood Sun- from Friday to Saturday afternoon that they can. depend on us. This is an in~itafion for with ~r. and Mrs. Arisen Henderson. Peter Baldoni, 25, Detroit; Cath- Charles Koski, 21, farmer, was found day at the Gillis home. erine Kranz, 25, Sherman township. you to become one. in a field near here following one of The Brown school is holding a Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ttolcomb of Cass John Dondineau, 31, Kinde; Mar- the heaviest electrical and rain storms brown fur mitten found on the play- City and the Misses Sarah and Alta garet McPhee, 20, same. McArthur ate dinner with Mr. and ever known here. His face burn- ground last week which the owner Wm. Schwartzkopf, 22, Bach; Mrs. Emmet Holcomb on Easter Sun- ed, showing he had been struck by may have for the asking. Florence Sting, 20, Sebewaing. lightning. Mr. and ~rs. John Coulter and day. I Wm. Otis Bowron, •18, Bad Axe; C. Sales Servicefiara0e Grand Rapids.~City Commissioner Mrs. Howard Coulter and daughter, The condensary patrons in this end/Violet Shaw, 17, same. ~: Two doors west Gordon Tavern I Julius Tisch has asked the city com- Florence, were guests of Glen Tuck- of the town are changing work by] Harvey Schultz, 26, Snover; Ellen mission to direct that the curfew ey's Sunday. hauling their own milk until the]Rogers, 22, Elkton. roads get better. whistle shall be blown at one hour Mr. and Mrs. O. Delong- and chil- Jacob El.s, 46, Sebewaing; Margar- The auction sale of L. A. Holtz was!et Reisig, 34, Bay City. intervals on election day to remind dren and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard De- not well attended but sales were very Louis Putzir~, 30, Harbor Beach; voters ~o visit the : ells. Tisch is a long spent Sunday at John Walm- satisfactory. ;Catherine List, 23, same. candidate for re-election. sley's. Advertise Your Auction in the Chronicle, Flint With infantry and machine Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Gingrich of gun comp,any rosters completed, Flint Bad Axe visited one day last week at National Guard officials have opened Ed. Gingrich's. Mrs. Frank Foeter is a recruiting drive for a battery of visiting there this week. artillery. There is a $90,000 appropri- Harvey Barker and son and Mrs. ation bill before the Legislature to George Morley and sons, Clare and provide an armory for the three units. Lee, of Akron were guests of C. Contract :or that Heating Port Huron Port Huron police are Asher's Sunday. puzzled at the activities of a man Misses tV[axine and Elsie Campbell now known as the "Saturday Night Bandit" who st,ages holdups in out- System Now BIENNIAL SP*RING 9. Certainlyl lying grocery stores at about the same hour every Saturday night. The ELECTION AND ANNUAL bandit uses a mask and a large re- TO~'NSHIP ELECTION. If you knew that by contracting now you would stalled, but in addition receive the recommenda- volver. To the qualified electors of the Town- invest at the lowest possible price for 1921~if we tions, without expense or obligation, of the chief Kalamazoo.~The administratrix of ship of Elkland, County of Tus- presented to you undisputable proof that this was cola, State of Michigan. Round Oak Engineer with regard to your own the estate o£ Sylvanus Mohney de- so~if you could know that you had safeguarded home. ceased, has brought suit in circuit Notice is hereby given, That the the health, comfort and welfare of your family for next ensuing biennal spring" election If your present heating system has given you ser- court against the Chicago, Kalamazoo the next generation, at the same time compliment and annual township election will be vice to the point where continued use is now an and Saginaw railroad, demanding $20,- your good business judgment by andnvestment held at Town Hall within said town- expense to you~if the quality of heat is a com- 800 damages. Several months ago ship on Monday, April 4, A. D. 1921, that added to the value of your property more promise--if you wish to investigate at the best Mohney, a-road empioYe was crushed for the purpose of voting for the elec- than the amount investedwould you desire to by a freight car. tion of the following officers, viz.: see the evidence ? We have it. possible time--do you not owe it to yourself and to Muskegon~A breakwater extending STATE Two justices of the Su- your family to test our claims by a personal in- preme Court, fulI term; one justice of By contracting at this time you will not only be in vestigation ? ~ across the ~nd of the Muskegon piers the supreme court, to fill vacancy, :will be constructed next summer, ac- (term expiring December 31, 1923); a position to have your heating system installed Forty minutes of your undivided attention will •cording to word received from Wash- two regents of the University; one at any time you desire, the way it should be in- permit us to lay before you the entire evidence. ~ington. The sinking of the City of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Muskegon, which cost the lives of 28 one member state board of education; ~ersons, is said to have stirred two members state board of agricul- Cclagress tc action. I ture; one .state highway commission- er. Lansing. A meeting of the State TOWNSHIP One supervisor; one Christian Calling Conference, which township clerk; one township treas- aims to help men who plan to enter lurer; one highway commissioher; one reiigicus work but have not selected justice of the peace, full term; one their calling, has been set for April overseer of highways; one member ljN D" board of review, full term; four con- :I~-16 city. A. Studer, MO|STA|r¢ HEATING in this Dr. J. stables; SY$'TE M •~eneral Y. M. C. A. secretary of De- Propositions also for the purpose of troit, will be one of the speakers. voting upon the following proposi- Holland~Sixty days at hard labor tions: Proposed Amendment to the and a fine of $25 were imposed by CorL~titution. To amend Article 10 of the Constitution of the State of Mich- Justice Brady on George Opperman, igan, by adding a section thereto, to charged with putting the stench gland Stand as Section 20 and to read as fol- of a :~kunk in the fresh air shaft of lows: District No. 6 school house. George's: Sec. 20. "The state shatl borrow not classmates, however, hail him ,as a to exceed thirty million dollars, hero. School was Suspended for a pledge its faith and credit and issue its notes or bonds therefor, for. the week. purpose of paying to each person who YpSilanti-i-Henry J. Pinckney, 80, entered into the military, naval or Civil war veteran, died at his home marine forces of the United States. mp~ • here. He was a captain of Company between April sixth, nineteen hundred I, Third Michigan cavalry which was seventeen, and November e'le~centh, formed at Whittemore Lake at the nineteen ~hundred eighteen, and •served honestly and faithfully therein beginning of the Civil war. The vil- during the late World War and who lage of Pinckney was named after his was a resident in this state at the grandfather, Joseph Pinckney. Five time of entering ,such service, the children survive. sum of fifteen dollars for each month East Lansing.- "Early History of or major fraction thereof, of such service, up to and including August L Michigan" will be the theme of the first, nineteen hundred and nineteen. annual pageant to be given at M. A. Relative to Opening and Closing of C. in June. The scenes will show the It is a compliment to your t0resight and business ceremonials of the Indians, the Jesuit the Polls. judgment missio:~aries establishi~&the first set- Act No. 20, Public Acts of 1919, A good'business investment is surely the one that administers to vitality, assures comfort, not only tlements, French Court dancers of the Special Session. is absblutely safe and sound and that returns to for seven, nine or twelve years, but for a genera- Seventeenth century and the discovery Sec. 1. On the day of any election you the largest possible dividends. tion or more. of the site of Detroit. the polls .shall be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon A trip,of investigation will permit us to show you We want you to see it with your own eyes. We Ionia.--Franklin Hoar, 13 years old, thereafter as may be, and shall be why a Round Oak Moistair weighs approximately desire you to weigh the evidence and then let your was badly burned in the face when a continued open until five o'clock in a ten--why every pound is required to render the charge of powder from a blank cart- the afternoon and no longer: Provid- good business judgment give the answer. ed, That in townships the board of in- kind of service you have a right to expect and de- You will readily appreciate that so important and ridge was fired at him by a boy play- mand. It will permit us to prove to you the posi- mate. The boys were PlaY~ng with a specters of election may, in its dis- dc~ailed evidence could not be presented in printed revolver, Franklin ~a.ys, when his com- cretion, adjourn the polls at twelve tive economy over all others. At the present price form. The Free Engineering Service of the Round o clock noon, for one hour, and that of fuels, this saving will, in a 'very short period of panion thrust the muzzle in his face. the township board in townships and Oak Heating Engineers is but one phase of the He reached forward to put it aside, the legislative body in cities and vil- time, actually pay the difference in price, which servlce you are assured. when the trigger was accidentally lages may, by resolution adopted fir: you receive immediately in weight as well as value -Will you kindly phone for an appointment, or if l~ulled. teen days prior to the election and But of more importance, we will show you how you desire we will call and lay the evidence before Paw Paw~Contrary to expectations published with the notice of the elec- and why the Moistair safeguards supreme health, tion, provide that the polls shall be you if it is not convenient to visit our display. among cour~ attaches, Judge L. Bur- opened at six o'clock in the forenoon THIS OFFER IS FOR IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE WHEN YOUR INVESTIGATION AFFIRMS THE get Des Voignes did not announce his and may also provide that the polls FACTS decision on a motion to dismiss Shall be kept open not later than charges against Mrs. Sarah Tabor. eight o'clock in the evening of the The motion was offered several same day. months ago by former Prosecutor The polls of said' election Will be ~iOy~ [, ~lar~, ~a['o, J. I1. BohnsacL6ass City Adams, who conducted the first trial open at7 o'clock a. m. and will remain open until 5 o'clock p. m., of said day for. the state last spring. The court of election, unless the Board of Elec- ~ We are also exclusive distributors,of genuine R.O. Pipele~ did:-n0t indicate when a ruling wouid tie_-. Inspectors sha]!~ in their discre~ be handed down. Mrs. Tabor is ac- t tion, adjourn the polls at 12 o'clock, H~fi~g Systems cused of manslaughter in connection noOn, for one hour: .... with the death five .years ago of:her Dated March: i5, 1921. rode Taborr Virgo. '- I-t~: L. HUNT, There are more than two million Round Oak Sp~ialties in use, each rendering unusual sgrvke " inu6h, attention. " 3 25 2 " Clerk,. ofsaidToWnship. CASS CITY CHRONICLE ..... ~ PAGE SEVF~,~ / Cass City, Mich., April 1, 1921. i .i i ~11 n ii i

I ready to hear complaints and treat "To Gordon KlngY ...... t~ c eiver to his ear and spoke into the them fairly. My men have been gen- Phyllis spoke casually as tf he were! instrument as follows : erously paid arid yet they have not a piece of ribbon that she had bought "Yes~ she's here! I knew all the hesitated to destroy my property and to use guns and, knives and clubs and at a store. facts before she told me. Mr. De- stones to prevent the plant from fill- Mrs. Bing sank into a chair and lane? He's on his way back to New ing its contracts and to force their covered her face With her hands far York. Left on the six-ten. Charged will upon me. How do you explain half a moment, Suddenly she picked me to present his regrets and fare- it? What have I done or failed to II Pr?digal i up a slipper that lay at her feet and wells to you and Phyllis. I thought do that has caused this bitternessT' flung it at the girl. it best for him to know and to go, "My God!" she exclaimed. "What Yes, we're coming right home to dress. ',;Mr. Bing, I am glad that you ask II Village I Mr. King will take Mr. Delane's place me that question," the old judge be- a nasty liar you are!" gas. "It gives me a chance to pre- It was not ladylike but, at that at the table, We'll make a clean sent to you, and to these men who moment the lady was temporarily breast of the whole business. Brace up and eat your crow with a smiling work for you, a conviction which has absent. Has He a Future? face. I'll make a little speech and grown out of impartial observation of "Mother, rm glad you say that," your relations with each other. the girl answered still very calmly, present Mr. and Mrs. King to our When Professor Evvard, the distinguished "First, I want to say to you, Mr. 1! By Irving Bacheller ,r] although her fingers trembled a little friends at the end of it. Oh, now, authority on swine breeding and feeding, asks Bing, that I regard you as a good cit- as she felt the violets, and her voice cut out the sobbing and leave this un- finished business to me and don't izen. Your genius and generosity "Has the Hog a Future?" he is concerned not 0opyflght, 1~, Irving Baohellor worry. We'll be home in three min- have put this community under great with the hog's immortality, but with farm utes." obligation. Now, in heading toward profits. That iswhy, you will want to read his the hidden cause of your complaint, I illuminating discussmn of this important ques- CHAPTER SEVEN. CHAPTER EIGHT. I tion in next week's issue of In Which High Voltage Develops In In Which Judge Crocker Delivers a the Conversation. ' Few Opinion~. It was a warm, bright May day. The pride of Bingville had fallen In There was not a cloud in the sky. the dust! It had arisen and go~ae on with ~oiled garments and lowered '7 e COUNTItY Roger Delane had arrived and the Binge were giving a dinner that even- head, It ,had suffered derision anal ing. The best people of Hazelmead defeat. It could never be the sam~ were coming over in motorcars. again. Shoed and Snodgrass recov- GENTLEMAN Phyllis and Roger had a long ride ered, in a degree, from their feeling together that day on the new Ken- of opulence. Shoed had become po- The drop in pork has hit the farmer hardf It tucky saddle horses. Mrs. Bing had lite, industrious and obliging. Shod- is time to pause a minute and take stock, in spent the morning in Hazelmead and grass and others had lost heavily in had stayed to lunch with Mayor and stock speculation through the failure order to know exactly where he stands. Mrs. Stacy. She had returned at of a broker in ttazelmead. They cal of an ahead-of-the-minute went to work with a will and without THR COUNTRY GENTLEMAN four and cut some flowers for the is the national weekly of profit- service flaat covers every farm table and gone to her room for an the haughty independence which, for able farming--its purpose is to interest. A full year ofthls serv- hour's rest when the young people a time, had characterized their at- show the farmer how to succeed. ice ~ with wholesome enter- returned. She was not yet asleep titude. The spirit of the Little Shep- And it's not just a fair-weather tainment for the whole family when Phyllis came into the big bed- herd had entered the hearts and home . friend of the man on the soil; thrown in.costs but a single dollar. If you send me $I.¢~tt of EmanueI Baker and his wife. Pau- it will tackle his problems with room: Mrs. Bing lay among the cush- today, the first of 52 weekly ions on her couch, She partly rose, line and the baby were there and him when those problems are hardest to solve. P~fessor Ev- copies will reach you in next being tenderly loved and cared for. tumbled the cushions into a pile and yard's timely article is just typi- Thursday's mail leaned against them. But what humility had entered that "Heavens! I'm tired!" she ex- home! Phyllis and her husband lived claimed. "These women in Hazel- with her parents, Gordon having 800,000 Farmers Read it Every Week mead hang onto one like a lot of taken a humble place ~n the mill. He hungry eats. They all want money worked early and late. The Bings for one thing or another--Red Cross had made it hard for him, finding it G.E. Reagh or Liberty bonds or fatherless chil- difficult to overcome their resentment I dren or tobacco for the soldiers or but he stood the gaff, as they say, I Phone No. 138 J R.R. No. 3 Cass City books for the library. My word[ I'm and won the regard of J. Patterson, broke and it seems as if each of my although Mrs. Bing could never for- ! I An authorized subacrlption representative of -MarriedP To Whom Are You Ma~= give him. legs hung by a thread." The Co~mtry (gentleman The Ladies' HomeJournal The Saturday ~v~.s ~ P~ Phyllis smiled as she stood look- ried?" In June, there had been public meet. Ings in the town hall addressed b~ ing down at her mother. was not quite steady. "It shows that "How beautiful you look !" the fond Judge Crocker and the Reverend Mr. "'If Virtue is the Price of a Nation's I am not so stupid at home as I am mother exclaimed. "If he didn't pro- Singleton. The judge had spoken of Life, Let Us Try to Keep Our Own at school." pose to-day, he's a chump." the grinding of the mills of God Nation Virtuous/" The girl rose and threw down the I '~But he did," said Phyllis. "I tried that was going on the world over. violets and her mild and listless man- beg to ask you a question at the out- to keep him from it, but he just would "Our civilization has had its time of ner. A look of defiance filled her set. Do you know that unfortunate propose in spite of me." trial not yet ended," he began. "Its ~ace and her figure. Mrs. Bing arose, son of the Widow Moran known as The girl's face was red and serious. enemies have been busy in every city her eyes aglow with anger. t!je Shepherd of the Birds?" She sat down in a chair and began and village. Not only in the cities a car of "I'd like to know what you mean," "I have heard much about him," We have just received to remove her hat. Mrs. Bing rose and villages of France and Belgium she said under her breath. suddenly, and stood facing Phyllis. have they been busy, but in those of Mr. Bing answered. "I mean that if I am a liar, you "I thought you loved him," she said our own land. The Goths and Van- "Do you know him?" taught me how to be it. Ever since with a look of surprise. dals have invaded Bingville. They "No. I have had letters from him was knee-high, you have been teach- "So I do," the girl answered. have been destroying the things we acknowledging favors now and then, ~ng me to deceive my father. I am R 9" loved. The false god is in our midst. but I do not know him." "What did you s y. not going to do it any longer. I am ~I said no." Many here, within the sound of my "We have hit at once the source of KOK going to find my father and tell him 0 I0 voice, have a god.suited to their own your trouble," the judge went on. "What !" the truth. I shall not wait a~other tastes and sins~an obedient, tract- "The Shepherd is a representative t "I refused him!" minute. He will give me better ad- "For God's sake, Phyllis! I)o you able, homeless god. It is my deliberate person. He stand~ for the poor and vice than you have given, i hope." think you can afford to play with a opinion that the dances and costumes the unfortunate in this village. You FENCE man like that? He won't stand for The words had fallen rapidly from and moving pictures we have seen in have never gone to see him because It." her lips and, as the last one was Bingville are doing more injury to ~well, probably it was because you spoken, she hurried out of the room. "Let him sit for it then and, mother, civilization than all the guns of Ger- feared that the look of him would / 171 I FTI I I you might as w~ll know, fi~st as last, Mrs. Bing threw herself on the couch many. My friends, you can do noth- distress you. The thing which would that I am not playing with him." :where she lay with certain bitter ing worse for my daughter than de- have helped and inspired and glad- There was a calm note of firmness memories, until the new maid came prive her of her modesty and I would dened his heart more than anything to tell her that it was time to dress. We have sold this fence for 15 years and have in the voice of the girl. She was pre- rather, far rather, see you slay my else would have been the feel of your pared for this scene. She had known She was like one reminded of mor- son than destroy his respect for law hand and a kind and cheering word satisfied a host of farmers with this particular brand. * it was coming. Her mother was hot tality after coming out of ether. and virtue and decency. and sympathetic counsel. Under those with irritating astonishment. The "Oh, Lord !" she murmured wearily. "The jazz band is to me a sign of circumstances, I think I may say We are satisfied to keep on handling Kokomo after calmness of the girl in suddenly be- "I feel like going to bed! How can I spiritual decay. It is a step toward that it was your duty as a neigh- ginning to dig a grave for this dear live through that dinner? Please the Jungle. I hear it in the beating bor and a human being to go to see a trial of 15 years; our customers speak highly of : ambition~rich with promise---in the bring me some brandy." of the tom-tom. It is not music. It is him. Now, he never needed money. Kokomo and we are glad to recommend it to new :" very day when it had come submis- Phyllis learned that her father was the barbaric yawp of sheer reckless- In the kindest spirit, I ask you if that sively to their feet, stung like the at his office, whither she proceeded ness and daredevilism, and it is every- money you sent to him in the best buyers. Come in and let's talk it over. tooth of a se~'pent. She stood very without a moment's delay. She sent where. of good-will was not, in fact, a species erect and ~a~:d with and Icy look ~n in word that she must see him alone "Even in our economic life we are of bribery? Were you not, indeed, her face: and as soon as possible. He dismissed dancing to the jazz band with utter seeking to buy immunity from a duty 'qgou young upstart! What do you the men with whom he had been talk- recklessness. American labor is be- incumbent upon you as a neighbor and T' ing and invited imr into his private ing more and more absorbed in the a human being?" G@ A. Striffler There was a moment of frigid office. manufacture of luxuries ~ embroid- Mr. Bing answered quickly. silence in which both of the women "Well, girl, I guess I know what Is ered frocks and elaborate millinery "There are plenty of people who have i began to turn cold. Then Phyllis an- and limousines and the landaulets and nothing else to do but carry cheer and on your mind," he said. "Go ahead." ~~¢~¢~$¢¢~-.. swered very calmly as she sat look- Phyllis began to cry. rich upholstery and cord tires and comfort to the unfortunate. I have ing down at the bunch of violets in "All right! You do the crying golf courses and sporting goods and other things to do." her hand: and I'll do the talking," he went on. great country houses~so that there "That, sir, does not relieve you of "It means that I am married, "I feel like doing the crying myself, is not enough labor to provide the the liabilities of a neighbor and a mother." but if you want the job, I'll resign comforts and necessities of life. -= human being, in my view. If your Mrs. Bing's face turned red. There it to you. Perhaps you can do enough "The tendency of all this ~s to business has turned you into a shaft was a little convulsive movement of of that for both of us. I began to put the stamp of luxury upon the or a cog-wheel, it has done you a great the muscles around her mouth. She smell a rat the other day. So I sent commonest needs of man. The time injustice. I fear that it has been your The Last Opportunity ~olded her arms on her breast, lifted for Gordon King. He came this morn- seems to be near at hand when a master--that it has practiced upon her chin a bit higher and asked in ing. I had a long talk with him. He boiled egg and a piece of buttered you a kind of despotism. You would a polite tone, although her words tell told me the truth. Why didn't you tell bread will be luxuries and a family better get along with less~far less like fragments of cracked ice: me ? What's the good of having a father of children an Unspeakable extrava- business than suffer such a fate. I "Married ! To whom are you mar- unless you use him at times when gance. Let us face the facts. It is don't want to hurt you. We are BROTHER FARMERS: ~ledT' his counsel is likely to be worth hav- up to Vanity to moderate its demands looking for the cause of a certain re- ing? I would ihave made a good upon the industry of man. What we sult and I can help you only by be- I have just a very few tons of fertilizer on ing frank. With all your generosity See McKenzie about that paint, father, if i had/: ad half a chance. I need is more devotion to simple liv- should hke to h~ve been your friend ing and the general w~.fare. In plain you have never given your heart to hand and you will have to order at once if you 100 per cent pure. and confidant in this important on- old-fashioned English we need the re- this village. Some unkind people Formula on every can guaranteed. ! ligion and the simplicity of our have gone so far as to say that you expect to use Varnishes, stains, fillers, flat wall i terprise. I should have bees a help fathers." have no heart. You can not prove it paints, barn paints, leads, etc. It will to you. But, somehow, I couldn't get on the board of directors. You and with money that you do not miss. pay you. Nuf Sed. your mother have been running the t Later, in June, a strike began in Money is good but it must be warmed # plant all by yourselves and I guess] the big plant of J. Patterson Bit~g. with sympathy and some degree of Homestead or Red Steer JAMES McKENZIE sacrifice. . Has it never occurred to I It's pretty near bankrupt. Now, my 1The men demanded higher pay and girl, there's no use crying over spilt shorter days. They were working you that the warm hand and the i tears. Gord()n King is not the man under a contract but that did not cheering word in season are more. vastly more. than money in the im- Fertilizer of my choice, but we must all take seem to matter. In a fight with portant matter of making good-will? ! hold and try to buld him up. Per- scabs' and Plnkerton men they de- o haps we can make him pay." stroyed a part of the plant. Even the Unconsciously, you have established i + # "I do not love him," Phyllis sob- life of Mr. Blng was threatened! The a line and placed yourself on one side & Please give me a TRIAL ORDER. # summer was near its end when J. ]of it and the people on the other. bed. # Patterson Bing and a committee of t Broadly speaking, you are capital and + "You married him because you + I absolutely guarantee to furnish the farmers wanted to. You were not coerced?" the labor union met in the office of !the rest are labor. Whereas, in fact, t Judge Crocker to submit their differ- you are all working men. Some of the "No, sir." more plant food, dollar for dollar than any other NONE BETTER "I'm sorry, but you'll have to take enees to that impartial magistrate for rest have come to regard you as their your share of the crow with the rest adjustment. The .judge listened pa- natural enemy. They ought to re- company doing business in Michigan. Please give i Foley's Honey and Tar of us," he went on, with a note of tiently and rendered his decision. It ~'ard you as their natural friend. Two ! 'rinds of despotism have prevented it. was accepted. me a chance to prove this by telephoning me at sternnevs in his tone. "My girl, when ;:irst, there is tf~e despotism of your 6 ~s an old reliable family me di- When the papers were signed, Mr. I make a contract. I live up to it ~usiness in making you a stave~so ,~ine for the relief of cold, cougn, Bing rose and sgid, "Your honor, my expense. + .~pasmodic croup, tickling throat, hoarse- and I intend that ~you shall do the mmh of a slave that you haven't time # =aness whoo ing cough, bronchial cough same. You'll have to learn to love there's one thing that I want to say. rn be human; second, there is the t P ,~ I have spent most of my lite 5n this ~and the' croup that hngers" after th e"fiu and cherish this fellow, if he makes despotism Of the labor union in dis- ..:]Made of clean, wholesome and tasteful it possible. You and your mother town. I have built up a big business couraging individual excellence, in tar demulcent of the here and doubled the population. I Robert Warner -~pine and honey believe in woman's rights. I don't demanding equal pay for the faith- :~ees. Contains no opiates. object to that, but you mustn't think have built comfortable homes for my ful man and the slacker, and in deny- that you have the right to break your laborers and taken an interest in the ing the right of free men to labor PHONE, 70--1S, 1L ~eld eominl . ff r agreements unless there's a good rea- education of their children, and built when and where they will. All this "3~onoY and ~&r I hsva used it :for It numge a library where anyone could find so~ for it. My girl. the marriage con- [S tvr~,'~l]y ~s gross find ,o,n,.-AD~erJc~n ...... ---= the best books to read. I have built tract is the most bi~ding and sacred as that of George the :Third in try- 1 =:::=::=~---:::'-:-':'-=:=:=="~-:---~-"~ ...... ~"~'~'=~°:~'-= ...... ' ' ' playgrounds for the children of the Burke's Drug Store. L. I. Wood & Co of all contracts. I want you to do ing to force his will upon the colonies.',= " -- " " Chronicle your best to make this one a success." working people. If I have heard of to wo =u ,Advertlse Your Auction m the There was the tinkle of the tele- any case of need, I have done my Nt our faces at[ain, t every_ form oI I b~t to relieve iL I have always been Advertise it in the Chronicle. phone bell. Mr. Bin~ put the re- - ...... PAGE EIGIIT. L ~' ,r CASS CITY CHRONICLE - Cass City, Mich., April 1, 1921. '"'' ' I I I ' I ~:....~ .,...., .....

tyranny. The remedy for all our hurt your feelings, I am sorry for it." in yer life, laddie boy," she said, a~ Moran, a man whom nappmess ann tug trouble and bitterness is real democ- Hiram Blenkinsop looked with as- racy, which is nothing more or less she lit the kindlings. "A great doc- Yeeling that he had really got back his tonishment into the eyes of the mil- tot has come up with the Bings to see than tl~e love of men--the love of lionaire. ye. He says he'll have ye out o' doors Old Self had transformed. justice and fair play for each and all. "I~I guess I ain't got you placed in a little while." l "This is the top notch an' no mls- "You men should know that every right--not eggzac'ly," said he,, "Some "He, ho! That looks like the war take," he remarked as he lighted his strike increases the burdens of the folks ain't as good as they Jlook an' was nearly over," said Mr. Bloggs. pipe. "Blenkinsop is happy. He feels people. Every day your idleness lifts some ain't as bad as they look. I Mrs. Moran did not hear the remark like his Old Self. He has no fault the price of their necessities. Idle- wouldn't wonder if we was mostly of the little tin soldies, so she rattled to find with anytI~ing or anybody." ness is just another form of destruc- putty much alike, come to shake us on : Mr. Blenkinsop delivered this report tion. Why could you not have down." on the state of his feelings with a seri- "I went over to the station to meet listened to the counsel of Reason in "Let's be friends, anyhow," said Mr. ous look in his gray eyes. 'era last night. Mr. Blenkinsop has _ June instead .of in September; and Bing. "If there's anything I can do "It kind o' reminds me o' the time brought us a fine turkey. We'll have thus have saved these long months for you, let me know." when I used to hang np my stockin' a gran' dinner--sure we Will--an' I Household of hardsl}ip and bitter violence? It an ~ look for the reindeer tracks in Goods That evening, as~he sat by the stove axes' Mr. Btenkinsop to come an' eat was because the spirit of Tyranny in his little room over the garage of with us." the snow on Christmas mornin'," he had entered your heart and put your Mr. Singleton with his dog Christmas went on. "Since then, my ol' socks, Mrs. Moran opened the gifts and judgment in chains. It had blinded lying beside him, Mr. Blenkinsop fell have been full o' pain an' trouble spread them. on the bed. There were you to honor also, for you men were asleep and awoke suddenly with a every Christmas." Having sold my residence, I offer the following books and paints and brushes and working under contract. If the union wild yell of alarm. "Those I knit for ye left here full clothing and silver articles and is to command the support of honest of good wishes," said the Shepherd. household goods at auction ½ block south of Wood's "What's the matterT' a voice In- needle-work and a phonograph and a men, it must be honest. It was quired. "Say, when I put 'era on this morn- check from Mr. Bing. Drug Store, Cass City, on Tyranny that turned the treaty with Mr. Blenkinsop turned and saw his in' with the b'iled shirt an' the suit The little cottage had never seen Belgium into a scrap of paper. That Old Self standing in the doorway. that Mr. Bing sent me, my Old Self kind of a thing will not do here. Let a day so full of happiness. It rang came an' asked me where I was goin' "Nothin' but a dream," said Blen- with the talk and merry laughter and me assure you that Tyranny has no kinsop as he wiped his eyes. and when I said I was goin' to spen' right to be in this land of ours. You music of the phonograph:. Mr. Blenkin- Christmas with a respectable fam'ly, "Dreamed I had a dog with a terrible sop had come in his best mood and Saturday, April remind me of the Prodigal Son who he Said, 'I guess I'll go with ye,' so 9 thirst on him. Used to lead him had to know the taste of husks and apparel with the dog Christmas. He here we be." around with a rope an' when we come helped Mrs. Moran to set the table at 2:30 p. m. tho companionship of swine before he "The Old Selves of the village have to a brook he'd drink it dry. Sud- in the Shepherd's r~om and brought came to himself. Do you riot know denly I felt an awful jerk of the all been kicked out-of-doors," said the that Tyranny is swine and the fodder up the platter with the big brown Shepherd. "The other day you told rope that sent me up in the air an' I turkey on it, surrounded by sweet of swine? It is simply human hog- looked an' see that the dog had me about the trouble you had with Dining and Kitchen Furniture gish~ess. potatoes, all just out of the oven. yours. That night, all the Old Selves turned into an elephant an' that he Mrs. Moran fotlowed with the jelly "I have one thing more to say and of Bingvllte got together down in the was goin' like Sam Hill, an' that I and the creamed onions and the New Piano ! am finished. Mr. Ring, some time garden and talked and talked about was hitched to him and couldn't let steaming coffee pot and the new cel- ago you threw up your religion with- their relatives so I couldn't sleep. It go. Once in a while he'd stop an' ery. The dog Christmas growled and Pathe Phonograph and Records out realizing the effect that such an was a kind of Selfland. I told Judge drink a river dry an' then he'd lay ran under the bed when he saw his act would be likely to produce on this Crocker about it and he said that that down an' rest. Everybody was scared master coming with that unfamiliar community. You are, no doubt, aware was exactly what was going on in the New Singer sewing machine o' the elephant an' so was I. An' I'd burden. that many followed your example. try to ~ cut the rope with my jack Town hall the other night at the pub- "He's never seen a Christmas din- I've got no preaching to do. I'm just knife but it wouldn't cut--it was so lic meeting." 50-gallon tank, full of gasoline ner before. I don't wonder he's kind going to quote you a few words from dull. Then all of a sudden he'd start "The folks are drunk--as drunk as o' scairt! I aink seen one in so long, an authority no less responsible than on the run an' twitch me over the I was in Hazelmead last May," said Etc. I'm scairt myself," said Hiram Blen- George Washington himself. Our his- hills an' mountings, an' me takin' Mr. Blenkinsop. "They have been kinsop as they sat down at the table. tory has made one fact very clear, steps a mile long an' scared to death." drunk with gold and pleasure" "What's scairin' ye, man?" said the USUAL TERMS namely, that he was a wise and far- "The fact is you're hitched to an "The fruit of the vine of plenty," seeing man." widow. said Judge Crocker, who had just elephant," his Old Self remarked. "'Fraid I'll wake up an' find my- Judge Crocker took from a shelf, "The first thing to do is to sharpen come up the stairs. "Merry Christ- John Marshall's "Life of %Vashing- self dreamin'," Mr. Blenkinsop an- mas !'/.. he exclaimed as he shook your jack knife." swered. ton," and read: "It's Night an' Silence that sets hands. "Mr. Blenkinsop, you look as "Nobody ever found himself "'It is substantially true that virtue him goln'," said Btenkinsop. "When if you were enjoying yourself." dreamin' at my table," said Mrs. Mo- "An' why not when yer Self has J, or morality is a necessary spring of E W]NEo Pr0prieta they come he's apt to start for the To ran. "Grab the carvin' knife an' go popular government and let us, with nighest river. The old elephant is been awa~,,an' just got back?" to wurruk, man." caution, indulge the supposition that beginnln' to move." "And you've killed the fatted R. N. McCULLOUGH, Auctioneer PINNEY STATE BANK, Clerk "I ain't eggzacl'ly used to this kind morality can be maintained without Blenklnsop put on his hat and hur- turkey," said the judge, as he took of a job, but if you'll look out o' the religion. ried out of the door. out his silver snuff box. "One by one "'Let it simply be asked where is the prodigals are returning." the security for property, for reputa- CHAPTER NINE. They heard footsteps on the stairs tion, for life, if a sense of religious and the merry voice of the Widow Mo- obligation desert the oaths which are Which Tells of a Merry Christmas ran. In a moment, Mr. and Mrs, Bing the instruments of investigation in Day In the Little Cottage of stood in the doorway. Farms :: Farms courts of justice?' the Widow Moran. "Mr. and Mrs. Bing, I want to make "Let me add, on my own account, Night and Silence are a stern test you acquainted with my dear friend. that the treatment you received from of wisdom. For years, the fun loving, Robert Moran," said Judge Crocker. Farms of at~ sizes and all prices. your men will vary according to their chattersome Blenkinsop had been There were tears in the Shepherd's respect for morality and religion. their enemy and was not yet at peace eyes as Mrs. Bing stooped and kissed Some good buys in residence property and va- "They could manage very well with with them. But Night and Silence him. He looked up at the mill owner an irreligious master, for you are only had other enemies .in the -~itlage~ as the latter took his hand. cant Jots. one. But an irreligious mob is a dif- ancient and inconsolable enemies, It "I am glad to see you," said Mr. ferent and highly serious matter, be- must be said. They were the cock~ Bing. Some good business property cheap. lieve me. Away back in the seven- of Bingville. Every morning they fell "Is this--is this Mr. J. Patterson teenth centur~y, John Dryden wrote to and drove Night and Silence out of Bing?" ~the Shepherd asked, his eyes a wise sentence. It was this: the place and who shall say that wide with astonishment. No matter what you want in real estdte, we have "'! have heard, indeed, of some very they did not save it from being hope- "Yes, and it is my fault that you virtuous persons who have ended un. lessly overwhelmed? Day was their do not know me better. I want to it. We can get you good trades for city property, or fortunately but never of a virtuous victory add they knew how to achieve be your friend." it. N,ise was the thing most needed. The Shepherd put his handkerchief can trade large farms for smaller ones. We want So they roused the people and called over his eyes. His voice trembled your business. Give us a tfiai. up the lights and set the griddles rat- when he said: "You have been very tling. Tt~ great, white cock that kind to us." roosted near the window in the Widow "But I'm really hoping to do some- Moran's hen-house watched for the thing for you," Mr. Bing assured him. first sign of weakness in the enemy. "I've brought a great surgeon from Estate When it came, he sent forth a bolt of New York who" thinks he can help sound that tmnbled Silence from his you, He will be over to see you in throne and shook the foundations of the morning." fie n cy the great dome of Night. It rang over They had a half-hour's visit with +% the housetops and through every the little Shepherd. Mr. Bing, who .<~ street and alley in the village. That was a judge of good pictures, said Office in Corkins B~g,, Cass City. started the battle. Silence tried in that the boy's work showed great vain to recoverr his seat. In a momtent, promise and that his picture of the every cock in Bingville was hurling mother and child would bring a good bombs at him. Immediately, Dark- price if he cared to sell it. When "i'll Have It °Chopped an' SpUr an' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ness began to grow pale with fright. Corded in a Minute," Said Mr. they arose to go, Mr. Rlenkinsop Seeing the fate of his ally, he broke 'Blenkinsop. thanked the mill owner for his Christ- camp and fled westward. Soon the mas suit. field was clear and every proud cock winder, I'll have it chopped an' split "Don't mention it," said Mr. Ring. surveyed the victory with a solemn an' corded in a minute," said Mr. "Well, it mentions itself purty mid- WE BUY sense of large accomplisment. Blenkinsop. dlin' often," Mr. Blenkinsop laughed. The loud victorious trumpets sound- He got along very well with his "Is there anything else I can do ing in the garden near the window of task. When they began eating he re- for you?" the former asked. the Shepherd awoke him that Christ- marked, "I've been lookin' at that pic- "Well, sir, to tell ye the dead hones' mas morning. The dawn light was on tar' of a girl with a baby in her arms. truth, I've got a new ambition," said the windows. Brings the water to my eyes, it's kind Mr. Rlenkinsop. "I've thought of it "Merry Christmas!" said the little o' lifelike and nat'raL It's an A nights a good deal. I'd like to be round nickel clock in a cheerful tone. number one pictur'--no mistake." sextunt o' the church an' ring that "It's time to get up !" He pointed at a large painting on ol' bell," "Is it morning?" the Shepherd the wall. "We'll see what can be done about asked drowsily, as he rubbed his eye~. "It's Pauline!" said the Shepherd. it," Mr. Ring answered with a laugh, Every day in the week and pay "Sure it's morning !" the little clock "Sure she's, one o' the saints o' as they went down stairs with Judge answered. "That lazy old sun is late God!" the widow exclaimed. "She's Crooker, followed by the dog Christ- the highest market again. He ought to be up and at started a school for the children o' mas, who scampered around them on work. He's like a dishonest hired them Eytalians an' Poles. She's tryin' the street with a merry growl of chal- "i Have Heard Much About Him," Mr. man." to make 'em good Americans." lenge, as if the spirit of the day were price. in him. Bing Answered. "He's apt to be slow on Christmas "I'll never forget that night," Mr. morning," said the Shepherd. Blenkinsop remarked. For a time they walked in silence, nation; Providence is engaged too each member of the little party busy "Then people blame me and say I'm "If ye don't forgit it, I'll never mend deeply when the cause becomes gen. with their own thoughts. The Shep- too fast," the little clock went on. another hole in yer pants," the widow oral. herd of the Birds had made a pro- "They don't know what an old shirk answered. found impression on the mind of Mr. "'If virtue is the price of a na- the sun can be. I've beer~ watching "I've never blabbed a word about tion's life, let us try to keep our own Bing, and he was, realizing that }here Co W. H eller him for years and have never gone it to any one but Mr. Singleton." nation virtuous.'" was more to the world than a fat bank l to sleep at my post." "Keep that in yer soul, man. It'g Mr. Bing and his men left the balance. After a moment of silence the little yer ticket to Paradise," said the "What is it that makes the boy judge's office in a thoughtful mood. clock went on: "Hello! The old widow. so appealing?" Mr. Bing asked of the i:~::::::::::~::.~.~.~`~%~*;.%~u~%%~v~°.%~.~.~.r~`:~r.~...~.~..~.`.%%%~;%~;~;~;.;~;.;.;.~;%~;.;%~`~.~v..~.~.~;~;.;~:.~.~.~*~.~v...~.~%v..:.:.:.:.:;:.:.~-:;:;~;:;:~;:~~:::::~.-.-.v.-...... • ...... The next day, Judg(! Crocker met the night is getting a move on it. The "She goes every day to teach the mill owner on the street. 'judge. ~ ~_ _ cocks are scaring it away. Santa Poles and Italians, but I have her here "Well, he has a spirit untouched by' "Judge, I accept your verdict," said Claus has been here. He brought with me always," the Shepherd re- r L_ any evil thought, unbroken to the lures the latter. "I fear that I have been ever so many things. The midnight marked. "I'm glad when the morn- and thorny ways of the world of which rather careless. It didn't occur to train stopped." ing come~ so that I can see her P he knows nothing, for one thing," an- me that my example would be taken "I wonder who came," said the again." swered Judge Crooker. J il[ That Cold With so seriously. I have been a prodigal Shepherd. "God bless the child! We was and have resolved to return to my "I guess it was the~-Bings," the sorry to lose" her but we have the "He has a wonderful personality," Mrs. Bing remarked. father's house." clock answered. pictur' and the look o' her with the F "Ho, servants !" Said the judge, with Just then it struck ~even. love o' God in her face," said the "Yes, he has that. But the thing a smile. "Bring forth the best robe "There, I guess that's about the end Widow Moran. that underlies and shines through it is his great attraction." and put it on him and put a ring on of it," said the little clock. "Now light yer pipe and take yer his finger and shoes on his feet and "Of what?" the Shepherd asked. comfort, man," said the hospitable "What do you call it?" Mrs. Bing asked. cascARa Quinine bring hither the fatted calf and kill "Of the nineteen hundred and eigh- widow, after the dishes were cleared "A clean and noble spirit! Is there it and let us eat and be merry." teen years. You know seven is the away. "Sure it's more like Christmas any other thing in this world that, in "We shall have to postpone the favored number in sacred history. I'm to see a man an' a pipe in the house. s, Coughs OM~ ~k~ ia Grippd itself, is really worth having?" celebration," said Mr. Bing. "I have sure the baby would have been born No, you can't help me with the to go to New York to-night, and I at seven. My goodness! There's a dishes, and i wouldn't have you pot- "Compared with him, I recognize Neglected Colds are Dangerous ~ail for England t0-morrow. But I l~t of ticking in all that time. I've tering around me if you could. Heav- that~ I am very poor indeed," said J. Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. shall return before Christmas." been going only twelve years and I'm ens, no! A man in the kitchen is worse Patterson Bing, and his associates in the financial world would have had Breaks up a cold in 24 hours--Relieves A little farther on Mr. Bing met nearly worn out. Sqme young clock than a hole in yer petticoat." Grippe in 3 days--Excellent for Headache difficulty in reco,nizin~,(r o" the voice with Hiram Blenkinsop. The latter had a will have to take my job before long." So Mr. Blenkinsop sat with the its unaccustomed note of humility. Quinine in this form.does not affect the head-LCascara is best ?onic plank on his shoulder. These reflections of the little clock Shepherd while the widow went about Laxative--No Opiate ifl I-Iil1's. "I'd like to have a word with you," were suddenly interrupted. The Shep- her work. With his rumpled hair, "You are what I would calla prom- said the mill owner as he took hold herd's mother entered with a merry clean-shaven face, long nose and ising young man," the judge answered. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL YT of the plank-and hel~ed Hiram to ease ~re~,.n, and turned on the lights. prominent ears, he was no~ a hand- "If you don't get (tisco~raged you're it down. "I hear many good things There were many bundles lying about. some man, but there was something going to amount to something. Imn about you, Mr. Blenkinsop. I fear She came and kissed her son and began in his face today that had been ab- glad, because you are, in a sense, the that we have all misjudged you. If I to build a fire in the little stove. sent for so long that it was a new father of the ~'eat family of Bing- l~tve ~ver ~ald or done anything to ~¢ ~hi~ll be the merriest Christmas ma~ that sat at the table of the Widow ville." Advertise your auction in the Chronicle CASS CITY CHRONICLE, \ PAGE NINE, Cass City, Mich., April 1, 1921. i , ' [ i , i , i rll ! i, , i!! i,,,[~ i~ , i i ..... I

due time west of his home and place CEDAR RUN. WILMOT. e 0 DEFORD. , = of business. Mrs. C. Gregory and two children ~ , It looks now that the minds of beet Our roads have become solid. Egbert H~.~dri?%k is! ,laboring fbr of Rochester, Mich., are spending" the ~ growers and the sugar manufacturers Henry Goodall of Novesta. week with her mother, Mrs. William , Bad bold boys burglarized a busi- would meet--and the business sea on E. S. Hendrick is still in very poor What shall the : Hoffman. ~ ness bazaar, at Wilmot. There was which they move be pacific. health. The members of the Friend- BUSy B. ~B.,~in their brain for each Mrs. Basil Hartt and two boys * Wm. and Joe McCracken will spend bore away a back 'load burden of ship Club sent him a shower of post went to Gagetown last Wednesday to } this week building new chimneys for Brougegans. "Do take care the B. B." cards Saturday. visit her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Z the preservation of~ our ~city. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith o£ Elling- McDonald. '~ Harvest ~ ~: ,Our elevator man entertained his Roy Colwell and Seth Spencer ton visited at the Thos. Hendrick Mrs. Ray Miles and three children ; .. brother a few days past week. moved a living house down to Imtay home here Sunday. x/isited from Thursday until Monday ~: Depends upon the seed: you sow. g We no~ice a correspondent writes City past week. They did the work Ed Beutler will work for Sherman at Akron with ~relatives. ~ , It must be annoying to waste money and hard work roads are bad, if not properly grav- with two teams regardless of roads. ~eled. We know of state roads that are Elliott of Ellington this season. Word was received of the arrival ~.~ /to little or no purpose. ~" Win. and Joe McCracken spent Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath of through the gravel. Monday at Pontiac and Detroit. of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and ~ Yet that is just what happens when you plant poor : I~ster Day has moved back to De- Cass City spent Sunday at W. Spav- Mrs. E. Landry. Mrs. Landry was ~ ~e:ed. ~. March came in lamb 'like. The go- en's. Miss May Burb. : ford. ing" out looks now like the king of The Irvin portable saw mill has Howard Deming drives a new Ford. Our pastor, Rev. Beynon, returned ~ iiableOUrofseedSgrowers,are andfresh'we TheYrecommendCome fromthemthewithmost ~re" | beasts. Little Mary Fletcher started to gone to the Lee woods. from a visit in Canada last Friday. i co(#,- The notice of road meeting at school last Monday. dence. i Wm. McCracken has bought two Prayer-meeting at Mrs. C. Wood- Cones schoolhouse in Ellington Apr. ruff's-~iday evening. ~ village lots from R. D. Lewis and The Friendship Club was enter- All are invit- All sorts of Flower and' Garden Seeds~ulk 'and 9 does not ,state time of day business tained at the W. Spaven home last ed. ~ package. , "-: wife. commences, but we 'learn one o'clock Wednesday evening. The evening" was Mrs. Orley Moulton and son came ~ A. Webster reports u good trade in p.m. All interested ~n the highway spent in recitations, readings, music fowls. through here should be present. homefrom Cass City Thursday where ~ C and games. ~they had been visiting the former's .~ E. Patterso.. : Mrs. R. D. Lewis made a business R. D. Lewis is improving the front Mrs. John Young and baby have mother for the past ten days. ~ ® ~rip to Caro on the 26th. of his residence. been visiting at the former's parental Mrs. Roland Rayw0~cth We.n~ to ,-~ Dro. Cones plans for a park in The Easter exercises called a large home here. Detroit Monday to stay with her ~. PHONE 155. crowd. Miss Myrtle Deming is home from daughter for a week and care for her ~ If the farmers hang together, sug- Cass City where she has been em- as she is undergoing" an operation on ~**.~,,~**...~-~.~*.M-M-M.~.,.~~ trector o ar will be reasonable to the consumer ployed for some time. her throat. for at least one year. Mrs. A. Beutler and son, Earl, were J. Kemp of Marine City was in our ~`.~*.~.®-"H~*..°"*~*.~..'"°..M..'"~"*..M..*"*..'..'..*~..N.~'-*~*~M'.*-°.~*..*~*.*..*.~M~"M**"*..*~*.*~ The boys, who t~ok the footwear in Caro Saturday. DEN'£ISTRY. away from the Wilmot store, seem I. A. Fritz, Resident Dentist. Howard Asher is •on the roads these townM~s. over C. Scribnernight Monday. spent Easter with i, Attention to have planned for a big" hunting days buying eggs. relatives in Hemans. ~ Office over Cass City Drug Co. We trip. Out in the brush yet. solicit your patronage when in need The children and young people @ E. R. Bruce received a letter from of work. ~ave a very nice program at the Pontiac recently that read in sub- The Byron Perry family have stance as fol'lows "I see by the Chron- moved, from Cass City to the Bay church Sunday afternoon. A long felt need~We have added ~o our line a corn- P. *A. Schenck, D. D. S. icle that the M. E.',s of Deford have Crane farm which they have rented The Ladies' Aid will hold a bazaar and serve dinner election day in the plete equipment for cutting and threading pipe, and a Dentist. bought a building for a parsonage. If for the coming year. Graduate of the University of Mich- in need of funds to pay for it, I wish Mr~and Mrs. Chas. Beardsley and Williams' building. T~ae ladies are igan. Office in Sheridan Bldg., Cass to add my mite of $50.00. Yours re- little son of Pontiac;are moving to all invited to assist. / City, Mich. spectfully, A1vey Palmateer." t~ais neighborhood this week. Mr. The regular minister is with us Beardsley has hired Out to Clare Tur- DR. P. E. FLEMING again. ner for the summer. TOWN LINE. Veterinarian Wm. Patch, jr., has been free with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright mo- CASS CITY, MICHIGAN his oats lately for the stuff is cheap. tored to Bad Axe Monday after Mrs. Miss Martha Soleman spent last StOER Oy Office at Whale~s Feed Barn. Hence the equines started home be- Wright's mother, Mrs. Chas. Rondo, week with relatives at Pontiac. Office 46--2R Residence 46~3R fore the boy was ready. Made about who is recovering from an operation. Mrs. Ben Hicks, who has been very ~~~~''~~#S 4 half a mile eastward without a reins- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Belknap enter- sick for a couple of weeks, is a little man and then calmed down beautiful- tained on Easter Sunday which also improved. F. L. MORRIS, M. D. ly. came on their wedding anniversary: Chas. Campfield of Croswell visit- Phone 62. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Belknap, Mr. tin's.edthe first °f the week at Ge°" Mar- and Mrs. Isaac Belknap and daugh- and Pip e i Our nice spring weather has taken ters, Elizabeth, Ruth, Dorthea and Miss Goldie Martin of Detroit cold. SHELDON B. YOUNG, M. D. Norma, all of M ayville, Mr. and Ml-s. spent Easter at her home here, re- Also now is the time to put up that fence we have ¢ Cass City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Roberts of Fred Church of Millington, Mr. Mill- turning" Monday afternoon, been talking about. Gagetown spent Easter at Henry er of Clifford and Hazel ;Belknap of Telephone~No. 80. Cuer's. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flynn 'Mrs. J. ~). Funk and Mrs. Lloyd Also can you afford to be without a cream separator, and son, Paul, and Miss Lottie Olark Osburn and children went last Fri- with cream at the prese~at price and milk at the present Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agar Of Cass day to spend a few days with rela- I. D. McCOY, M. D. ~ity and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gage of Novesta and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. tives at Birmingham and Highland price? Figures won't deceive you, so why not figure for Surgery and Roentgenology. spent Easter at C. L. Gage's. Burse. Mr. and Mrs. Be]knap were Park. yourself ? Office in Pleasant Home Hospital. presented witch some trice presents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tedford and Miss Vera Retherford of Detroit Phone, O/flee 96--2R; Residence 96--3R Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hunt of Kingston in honor of the occasion. ,spent Easter at Win. Gage's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and Mr. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R E J O h~ks O:~"~ and Mrs. Clayton Hunt and daugh- Retherford, from Thursday until ~ $ J. T. REDWINE, M. D. Chas. Wolv~n called in Deford on ter, Kathleen, of Pontiac, who have Monday, Physician and Surgeon Monday. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Barthall entertained a friend Deford Phone 78. H.~Cuer is papering for Mrs. N. R. Jones and other relatives, have re- from Detroit over Sunday. Kennedy this week. turned home. Mrs. Jesse Kelley is caring for her BOTH PHONES. There was a large attendance at Mr. and IVh's. Wm. Spaulding en- mother, Mrs. B. Hicks, at present. C. G. WOODHULL, M. D., the Easter program. The program tertained the following" guests Sun- Marlette, Mich. was fine. day: Mr. and Mrs.. Claud Spaulding Parrot Lays First Egg at 86. Phone 28. It is reported they have tl~e rob- and son of Caro, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. ~A London" oarrot recently laid it~ "' Office on Main St. opposite Com- bers that broke ii~to Moulton's store Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Advertise your auction m the Chronicle mercial State Bank. Recently re- at Wilmot. Spaulding of Cass City° trained from Army. Chief of Surgery Elmer Young', who was taken to Mr. Day and Forest motored 15 months in U. S. A. Base Hospital. Detroit to a sanitarium about two through on Tuesday and Wednesday Morrison, Va. weeks ago, is slowly gaining. did some settling of goods that were A. J. Knapp, Funeral Director in storage. They returned to Ponti- ac on Thursday. We expect they will and Licensed Embalmer. Mrs. Knapp, AVOID THE "FLU" Lady Assistant with License. Night return this week with family. and day calls receive prompt atten- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daugherty and tion. City phone. Clarence Chadwick motored to White In cases of "flu" there is a general Lake on Saturday to spend Easter infection with local symptoms as in grippe. Often there are other local New Undertaking Parlors t with Mrs. D's nephews and niece. Lee Block. infections with mixed classes of bac- Mrs. C. L. McCain returned to her teria. Everything in undertaking goods al- home on Tuesday evening after It is probable that these various film ill: I'0fl i]e ways on hand. Day and night calls forms of bacteria are constantly pres- promptly attended. Office phone 182. spending the winter in Detroit, Ponti- ac and Oxford. ent in t h~ nasal secretions, but do not cause trouble until the local general R. N. McCullough, Auctioneer CASS CITY LODGE NO 214, Lo O. L. Word came to Mrs. (Dr.) Merriman resistance is in some way lowered. that Rev. and Mrs. V. J. Hufton aaad meet the second and fourth Wednes- A good rule to follow is to spray little daughters will sail for England the nose and throat with Klenzo Liq- day of each month at Craft's Hall. on the steamer Carmania on May 17. uid Antiseptic used in a good atomi- Howard Parks and Miss Beatrice zer night and morning to keep the R. N. MeCULLOUGH nasal passages and the throat in a Having sold my farm, I will sell the following prop- Hack left Saturday for a trip south. Auctioneer healthy condition. Strict obedience Listen for wedding bells. to the laws of hygiene will almost in- Cass City Phone No. 134--5R erty at my farm 2 ]/2 miles west of Cass City on Master Stanley Retherford enter- variably prevent influenza. Make dates and arrangements for! rained his sister from Cass City over Exposure and Chilling Frequently the farm and other sales with the Chroni' Cause. Easter. This is usually due to t l~e fact that cle at Cass City. Mrs. Robert Hawkins and Mrs. the nerves controlling the circulation Floyd Hawkins of Wilmot attended are over sensitive. The result is a the Easter exercises. break in the power of resLstance. The Wednesday, April 6 bacteria the nose Mr. Stringer of Owendale spent ov- present in and throat become active and serious ill- er the week-end at Miss Phoebe Mc- ness results, unless prompt action is AT ONE O'CLOCK SHARP: \ Cartney's. taken. Service Mrs. Lillie WoIven returned to her If a cold is not treated when the Hay rake Wagon box sister, Zeliegh, from Pontiac to spend first symptoms show themselves, it Black mare 14 years old, wt. 1400 Yours is a Willard Thread- Easter. will freqiiently develop into more se- Black mare 15 years old, wt. 1300 One-horse cultivator rious complications. It does not pay ed Rt~bber Battery? Kenneth Charlton of Cass ,Chty anyone to take a chafice when relief Spotted cow 10 years old, due Aug. Handy farm truck wagon called in town on Sunday evening. can be ,easily and quickly obtained. 29 Set bob sleighs Get of us a box of Rexalt Laxative Fine! Then you're free ~ People, remember that the Ladies' Red cow 7 years old, due Dec. 24 Surrey Cutter Aid will serve dinner in the Society Aspirin (U. D. Co.) Cold Tablets to- from separator expense Hall on town meeting day, April 4, day. Take them according to direc- Jersey cow 3 years old, milking Set heavy work harness tions the moment the first symptoms and trouble, because from 12 until all are served. Come appear and you will obtain real re- Spotted heifer 3 years old Set light work harness and help the ladies as it goes for a lief. Calf 5 weeks old 4 horse collars Beet fork i Threaded Rubber Insula- good cause in helping the Church of We guarantee them. Calf 7 weeks old tion outlasts the plates. God. L. I. WOOD & CO. About 3 tons mixed hay Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gage ca'lied in The Rexall Store; 4 shoats, wt. about 75 lbs. each Load corn stalks ~ Cass City, Michigan. ~Adv. 16 But you need Willard Ser- Cass City on Saturday evening. Osborn grMn binder in good con, About 40 bu. corn in ear Mrs. Bessie Holt and son of Cass dition " ¢: vice just the same." State of Michigan, Banking ~' About 35 bu. ba~:ley .: City spent the week-end with her fa- Department. Osborn corn binder, nearly new ther, O. J. Malcolm. Office of the Commissioner. ~ 20 gallon feed cooker Our service is here for you I Mrs. John Ross of /Brown City Whereas, by satisfactory evidence McCormick mower 3 sets 2-horse whiffletrees ~, :called last week on Mr. and Mrs. Win. presented to the undersigned, it has Donaldson steel land roller Set 3-horse whiffletrees .: to use, and when you do been made to appear that the Pinney Bentley. She reports her husband is Potato planter Tile spade ~': make full use of it you'll State Bank, in the Village of Cass Disc harrow Wheelbarrow about the same in health. City, in the County of Tuscola, State Miller bean puller Stone churn ,, find your battery not only Win. Kilgore has purchased a farm of Michigan, has complied with all Syracuse 15-~oth harrow DeLaval cream separator, No. 10 , out from Pontiac a short distance and the provisions of the General ,Bank- Hard coal burner ": lasts longer but serves bet- ing law of the State of Michigan re- Spike tooth harrow is putting his two sons-in-law on it American 2-horse riding cultivator Forks, shovels and other articles too ' ter. for the summer. quired to be complied with before a corporation shall be authorized to Oliver Chill walking plow, No. 98 numerous to mention ,, The W. C. T. U. will meet at the commence the business of banking. Drop in. Ask about Wil- home of Mrs. B. Gage the first Thur.s- Now, therefore, I, Frank W. Mer- lard Threaded Rubber In- day in April. Every" one come as in- rick, Commissioner of the State TERMs--All sums of $5:00 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 stallation of officers will take place. Banking department, do hereby certi- sulation, and why it means All members are requested to attend. fy that the months' time on good approved endorsed notes at 7 per cent interest. Pinney State Bank so much to car users. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hmwey Os- in the Village of C~ss City, in the trander on Sunday, Mar. 27, an 8~ County of Tuscola and State of Mich- pound son. He will answer to the lgan, is authorized to commence the l name of Harvey Jr. business of Banking as provided in Howell Bros. sec~to, .seven of the General Banking law of the State of Michigan. [i¢~ Wm @ E @ Parr sh ~ Prop • Willard Service Station Ideal Married State. In testimony whereof, witness my]~ hand and Seal of Office at Lansing,]~ Nothing much that is wrong can hap- this first day of March, 1921 17 ...... JOHN WILLY, Manager pen to the man who thinks he has F W MERRICK," t rl±~l~x ~r2tr~ ~Al~r~, taerK married the prettiest girl tn the world, Commissioner of the Banking De-[~ Phone 33--2R ~o long as he keeps on thinking so. partment. No. 671 3-18-6 ] ~.}~.~,~l.~I,,l-~,t~: * )

PAGE TEN.__ CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Mich, April 1, 1921

lhe Republican Candidates, to Be t i Elected to State Of/ices April 4 ! :" B e Sure. Th en 15o Ahead @

..., When doing your sprm sho~ln~ consider ~ho¢o ~o~;,.,~ ~'~: ii points, Material, Style, Workmanship and Price. XX SURE CURES ..::: one season when, we are making a strong~ effort to .jve~" you ~,~ t~LD JINGLESON says he car cure any disease by drinkin~ merchandise at a popular price that contains all these leading points. ~ hot w~ter," announced the bald board er. "He has had every disease thai The Easter rush is over and if you did not get the help you needed i! OSEPH B.MOORE is officially recognized by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in selecting a Coat, Suit or Dress-come in now and our salesladies will ii and banished them all by thai do the very best they can to help you make a 100 per cent selection. simple means. "Anything• be- 'i,ll comes a curative ,111 i ._ _ , I Saturday i! .::~:~.~iii!..~¢'.:.. i agent if a man be- ...... ~ :::~ ~ lieves in it hard H,S, TEERE HOWARD WlE5 r"'l enough," said the ! Men sSu ts i ------taaies' su ts star bo.arder. "Jasper Jones says" he was tor- I Startat$15] _ IJ IO AUS startat$15 i mented with rheu- matism for ten ~. years, and tried ~'..': ~ everything of which we read in the almanacs, and nothing did him any good until he got oys' suits ® M[ '5 tadies'(;oatS a horse chestnut and carri,ed it around in his pocket. Then the rheumatism disappeared, and h.asn't played a re- VICTOR M.GORE WALTER H.SAWYE R turn engagement since. I have talked s arta $7 start at $9 ! with Jasper often, trying to point out pecial the folly of his claim, but he refuses to yield an inch. 'I used to have aI! kinds of rheumatics before I got theft ¢. horse chestnut,' he says, 'and now t NOW IS THE TtNE TO GET THOSE SPRING OXFORDS. haven't a single one. Who would ask Come early and get your pick. better proof than that?' g* "And echo answers who, my dear ¢+ Mrs. Jiggers. It may be that a horse chestnut in the hip pocket is a specific $ for rheumatism. It isn't safe to de- nounce any theory as a false alarm. ili THOMAS E.JOHNSON~FREDERICKA.JEFFERS "Ira Grifway use(t to be always groaning about his diseases, until it became unpleasant to meet him. He couldn't talk about anything else. He i ignored the crops and regarded the weather with contempt, and devbted all his great energy and talents to a discussion of the things that were hurting him. Then att of a sudden he began boasting of how hale and hearty he was. He explained that the road to health was absurdly easy, and there was no excuse for sickness any- where. All a man had to do, he said, JOHNA.DOELLE was to get up early in the morning, **~ before sunrise, .and draw in a hundred ¢- *z long breaths of the crisp morning air. "He made the discovery himself, and it was more important than any mod- ern invention. His sincerity is shown by the fact that there was no possible ¢. graft connected with it. A man can't FRANK F. ROGERS sell the morning atmosphere at so much per breath. Ira's great discov- ¢~ ¢.. ery free to everybody. If I were going to invent a cure for anything Seven of the ten Republican candidates for state offices heeded "-" I'd compound something that could be ¢. $ the demands of the people of Michigan that they seek re-election. put np in bottles and sold at a dollar *~ Justices Joseph B. Moore,~and Joseph H. Steers, both of Lansing, a throw. The man who invents a ¢. are candidates for re-election. Howard Wiest, of Lansing is a can- fresh air cure is running benevolence ~: Having rented my farm 1 miles north of Argyle, I didate to fill a vacancy. Victor M. Gore, of Benton Harbor and into the ground. Walter H. Sawyer, of Hillsdale are now regents of the University "His cure was so cheap that I de- of Michigan and seek re-election. John A. Docile, of Marquette, cided to try it. as I was zuffering will sell the following property at auction on and Melville B. McPherson, of Lowell, candidates for places as from a broken heart and a sluggish members of the State Board of Agric~qture, are newcomers. liver at that period. I set my ararm Thomas E. Johnson of Lansing, is candidate for re-election as Su. clock for an hour before sunrise, and { perintendent of Public Instruction and Frederick A. Jeffers, of got up in the pale, bleak dawn, and Painesdale, seeks re.election as member of the State Board of Edu- put my head out of the win do~ to in- Saturday, April 9 cation. Frank F. Rogers, of Lansing, is now State Highway Com. hale the prescribed hundred breaths. missioner and seeks re-election, I had reached the twenty-seventh breath when a dissipated bee or wasp, COMMENCING AT ONE O'CLOCK: ¢~, on its way home from a night of rev- 2republican ~tate Central Committee-- elry, stung me on the nose, and I was D. Cudy, Onatrman; Dennis E. Alward, ~eeretary. in such haste to put a porous plas- Bay horse 9 years old McCormick horse rake ., %2 ter on that organ that I didn't finish Black horse 15 years old Milwaukee binder Deering mower a~ the treatment, and never tried it Black cow 8 years old, fresh milker SHABBONA. Shabbona and Evergreen township again. McCormick disc, nearly new than in any other portion" of the good "But I :knew many people who Black cow 7 years old, milking, due Wiard riding plow Sap makin' is drawing to a close. old U. S. A., having one and a half claimed they were cured of everything Dec. 14 Sandusky plow ~' This will no doubt be a har4 blow to times the population. We are won- from the mumps, hoof and mouth dis- Red cow 9 years old, milking, due Spring tooth harrow ~, dering if this party realized the sig- many of the young men of this vicini- ease, by the hundred-breaths treat- Sept. 10 Set spike tooth harrows nificance of the present race between ment. ty as it has given the necessary di- Red cow 8 years old, milking, Steel roller Grindstone Jack NevilIe and Herb Parrott as to '~here was a spring on my father's version for the past few weeks. who can have their hair the longest. due Nov. 14 1-horse cultivator ,~. farm, and I doped it with sulphuric Red cow 4 years old, fresh, due July Transportation to Highland Park acid and a few other wholesome in- Set wagon springs, 3000 lbs. ,~ (one mile east of Shabbona) was well gredients, and then began selling the Red cow 4 years old Stone boat Milk cart ~ furnished by horseback, Carriages, Not a "Cheap Duchess." water to the afflicted for ten cents a Red cow 4 years old, milking, due Primrose cream separator, No. 3, ~:: cars and various other means of lo- Everyone told stories about Queen Jug. Some marvelous cures were ef- in August nearly new, capacity 650 to 700 comotion. It is intimated that W. W. Victoria. The one 1 liked best was fected. Men hobbled thei-e on Red cow 4 years, milking, due Sept. 2 milk cans, 10 gal. :: Auslander, our genial merchant of of her correction of a draft letter to crutches to buy the healing fluid, and 5 Narrow tire wagon °' long acquaintance, will have weekly say that the duchess 'of Connaught when they left they threw thell~l Red cow 4 years old, milking, due was to join the queen's train. The Wide tire wagon sales on cheese and crackers during crutches away. Oct. 2~ ~ Rubber tired buggy the entire sap flow next spring. q~een wrote in pencil qn the draft. "For a brief session I had more "You should always describe the duch- Black cow 3 years old, milking due Combination hayand stock rack '~ George Parrott is quoted as saying small change than any boy in the ess as 'her royal highness,' to show county, but my father returned home Sept. 20 Chatham fanning mill and bagger ,~ a winter top and a mustache do not that she Is not a common duchess.*" Black cow 3 years old, milking, due Set double'harness Cutter coincide. from a visit, and when he found out --From "The First World War," 0y what I had been doing, he inter- Oct. 25 Set single harness Logging chain .:~ Bills are now posted telling the Colonel Repington. viewed me. with a hickory pole, and for Red cow 3 years old, milking, due Set driving bridles ~ public there will be a public auction a year or two I was busy paying back Oct. 20 at the blacksmith shop every two Set Donaldson sleighs ,~ the money I had collected from suf- Black cow 3 years old, milking, due Set gravel planks ,~ weeks during the spring. There is a Mad Railroad Speculation. ferers. The people who had been current report that Robert Lenard is Soon after George Stephenson had in June 150 ft. inch rope and pulIeys healed suffered a relapse as soon as 2 red heifers 2 years old taking" this means of disposing of his completed his firs~ locomotive all Eng- they hear& the water was faked; 2 harpoon hay forks 3"hay slings o, ~Brush Lemonzene. land was ablaze with the railway fe- which goes to show, Mrs. Jiggers, that 2 black and white heifers 11/~ years Steel vice, new Tool grinder, new Wallace Bullock has not received ver.. In tl~e first nine months of 1845 we are entitled to a better quality of old 15 bu. Early potatoes which resembles the well minus the more than a thousand companies were butter on this table." 4 hogs weight about 200 lbs 50 bu. Russet potatoes "Old Oaken Bucket." floated; and October added B63 more. Keystone hay loader, nearly new Quantity of hay 200 bu. of oafs All England scrambled for shares. Rt. Hon. Geo. Holman has arrived Way of Escape. Keystone side delivery rake, nearly 1920 Dort touring car in No. 1 con- Then came tJ~e crash, followed by a Flatbush~"That's a funny thing safely home from his recent sojourn stampede as of wild cattle before a new dition in the Northern Hills above the Flats. about a bowlegged man. prairie tire. Bensonhurst~What's that? And you have changed your board- "Why, when he meets a mad dog In TERMS--All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 ing place, Dub. You will soon be in a narrow alley he's more bow-legged the heart of School D£sgrict No. 6, His Reason. months' time on good approved endorsed notes at 7 per cent interest. tk~n ever." Evergreen township, county of Sani- She was teaching the fourth grade lac, and State of Excitement. in one of the ward schools and had Just Like the Old Home. Markado Raymond has been ap- just finished the explanation of frac- Mr. Serapleigh~Can you give my pointed by acclamation to the office tions. In Order to see if the class un- daughter a home such as she has been of nigh watch whose supreme .duty is derstood her, she asked Willie Brown ALEX. accustomed to? McPHAIL Proprietor to ring the curfew at 6:45 p. m. which he would prefer, one-fourth or The Suitor~Well, I've got a bull ter- "Pat" Hyatt has received a receipt one-third of a pie. Willie said he pre- rier and a fighting cat and a parrot T. B. TYRELL, Auctioneer HENRY PRENTISS, Clerk from Thos. Gibson amounting to $2,- ferred the quartet', and when asked and if that won't do .~t I know where 000.00 in payment of the patent his reason, replied: "Because i~ I can get a chimpanzee. which Mr. Gibson says Mr. Hyatt wouldn't look so hoggish." swiped ~rom him January z6Ln, 1921, The Dear Gh'!~ about 2:30 p.m. "Pat" ,says confes- Dora~Did you see the way that man Mutual Confidence Necessary. snfiled at me? sion is good for the soul. No family ever prospered that in- Doris--Yes, dear. Let me have a The Chronicle travels over every street in town and The report has reached us that a l dulged in constant bickering. No ha- look at your face. Perhaps you've got certain lady in this vicinity stated l tion can prosper without mutual con- a smut on your nose ! road in the country. Let it carry your message. there were more bald-headed men in fidence and tolerance.--Exchange. ~.:::~::.::~::¢~;.:¢¢:~.~::¢~:.:~:¢.:....:~:.:.:...:....:...:....:.:.:...:`.~.:*..:~`.:.:.:.:..~.....:..~.:...:.:.:~:..%.%:*:..~:.:~:4...~%%.``..:.~....~...:....:.:~:...... :~.~g~::~~4:~'~::.;~¢.~::'.'.%:.'.-.%%.o:.:.:.:~