CA s s CITY CHR ONICL, E Vol. 16, No. 46., CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 10 PAGES I I,~ , ,q Beach. This camp site is furnished for many milestones of contented, with electric lights, city water, nice b~issnfdU:.travelisthewish°fah°st°f TWO 80HOOL8 - driveway encircling the park and is The Garden Plot BILL P[}ST[R CU, only five hours trip from Detroit on gravel roads. A rustic casino with DIVIDE HONOlt] fine dancing pavilion on the ~second AUCTION ~ CALENDAI~. i; IN;O POR TED / floor, huge cement stoves under roof are erected, boating facilities are pro~ Wm. Parrish has sold his farm 21~ RUBA MARSHALL WINS ORA- vided and a free bath house will be at miles west of Cuss City and will have S. CHAMPION ADMITS PAR.T= TORICAL CONTEST AT the disposal of the tourists. County an auction sale on Wednesday, April NERS AND ENLARGES CROSWELL. League baseball games will be played 6. Full particulars are printed on on the ball grounds adjoining and the page 9. BUSINESS. rocky rip rap of the north pier fur- Dr. J. T. Redwine has sold ~is resi- nishe,~ a wonderful haven for black dence property and wilt sell his CroswelI School Representative Suc- Company Will Extend Working Field bass. household goods at auction on Satur- cessful in Declamatory Contest day, April 9. The list of articles i,s to A|ma, St. Louis, Mr. Pleasant, Friday Evening. )tinted on page 8. Ithaca and Other Points.' Alex McPhait wiil hold an auction sale Of live stock and implements on Miss Ruba Marshall, the represen- 12 STATESPt88[D the McPhail farm lb~ miles'north of When Gee. Rumble of Marlette tative from the Cass City high school, Argyle on Saturday, Apr. 9. Full asked Samuel Champion to tack up won the oratorical contest at Cros- particulars in advertisement on page some signs in 1902, he nor Mr. well Friday evening'. BOXU8B)LL 10. Champion had any thought that this The title of Miss Marshall's era- request was the beginning of a $25,- tied was "Armenia and the Near 000 out-door advertiMng organiza- East," while her opponent, Milton iN NEARLY EVERY CASE MEAS- !tied with headquarters at Cuss City!~ M]ddleton, spoke on "The Danger of URES CARRIED Yet that result was realized Wednes- Unrestricted Immigration." In the '[[A(IU[ Ffl]HTS day when incorporation papers were 3T01. first vote o~ the judges which was received from the State by the S. taken on the composition and thought Champion Poster Advertising Co, Miss Marshall received a unanimous UTILITIES DDNTRD[i tnc. Win. Day is president of the Michigan's Former Service Men Be- decision, but on the second vote taken l¢ompa.ny; A. B. Champion, vice pres- on delivery, she received one ~ote lieve Bonus Is Due tident; John H. Barnes, ~reasurer; and "Rhode Island is paying" $100 I privilege for Cass City to be a host while Mr. Middleton received two. Them. to each former service man. At the last SE~ATE APPROVES IMEASURES IS. Champion, secretary and general This made four points for Miss Mar- ire the Presbyterial for great benefit general election South Dakota voted PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED manager. In addition to Huron and shall and two for Mr. Middleton. has been reaped in the community. by 3 to 1 in favor of a bonus of $15 Tu,scota counties which are now well ,In the declamatory contest held the (From the Detroit News). LOST. for each month's service. Vermont covered by the company, it has taken saxne evening', the Croswell represen- [ Michigan's former service men are is paying $10 a month for each on new territory embracing- the towns tative won from Miss Emma Bearss, lnot seeking to commercialize their month's service and co-operating of Alma, St. Louis, Shepherd, trite who represented Cass City. Large Number Petit~o~ Legislature t patriotism in asking a state bonus. with Federal authorities in settling Pleasant, Ithaca~ Wheeler, Merrill, far Censorship of Moving tThey believe it is due them, senti- soldiers on the land. Breckenridge and Hemlock. trnent aside, as a matter of financial "Washington voted by 3 to 1 to Pictures. Mr. Champion was eno'~,a~edo'~ in the compensation, according to Lyle D. spend $11,000,000 to give $15 for barber business at Cass City when M, h, D, PiNS FAITH Tabor, department adjutant of the Gee. Rumble, the traveling" salesman each month's service. Wisconsin (From Staff Correspondent.) American Legion for Michigan. voted $15,000,000 to gix~e each man of the American Tobacco Co., }secured TO BROO[ER POLE VAULT State control of public utilities has "An analysis of 220,000 Detroit $10 for each month's service and his aid in tacking signs in 1902. His come to the fore in the legislature workingmen's bank accounts has give $30 to each man for re-educa- health was not of the best at the time Track Team Reports Early to En- shown us," he said "that during eight tion. and a determined battle is in progress and he felt the need of being out of over the bill introduced by Senator doors more so when the American gage in Out-Door months of the war period the aver- "In Canada bonuses have been age workingman's savings were $421. Don Osborn of Kalamazoo to give the Tobacco Co. asked him to do bill Training. graded from as high as $600 for a These men stayed at home and private to $4,758 for a major-general. public utilities commission absolute posting', Mr. C~ampion decided to reaped the benefit of high wages. In France, privates received as high control over all public service cor- take it up as a side line, securing - - Service men took war's hardships as ~233 58 in Gre " B "t "n ...... porations. The latter are reported to two wooden bill boards in Cass City Track men at the M. A. O. have nd wh n ..... - " ~ . ; a~ rl al , ¢±au.va, .. K, veral- a e ~ney were alscnargea g'o~ a n'"(~ in ~us~rana,-- ........ ~b ~z favor the" Osborn bill and the league for that purpose, which had been opening" of outdoor wor se ~aa,, " " erected by J. L. Hitchcock & Sons. days before college reopens and Jas. ]v',,~^ ~........ ,-^~ -~ ~^~_..~ ,, ~^ "Australia sent 10 per cent of her Of municipalities is openly fighting this humble beginning, he popu atmn oversea and pa~d them 40 the measure. From Brooker, a member of the team, has continued, "the more insistent is the -e cent hio'her than our m n H The league adherents will be satis- had hm Easter vaeatmn perm~ a~ ms !demand that somethin~ c6ncrete b ~ p r ~ e . er ~n~,l h~, ,*. ~,~ City cut short i _ ~ . ~ returned men were paid from $10 to fied with nothing except city control ...................... done When the armistice was 1 k " because of thin" ruhng." I .~ "" i n' $ 5 a wee until they could get ~obs of utilities and declare that if the In B~ooker," pole-vaulter, E rnst , a s~ned, the boys d d" t ' care 1 so much " Canada s e nt ov ersea 5 per cent of her Osborn bill gets through the legis- quar~er-mlmr,........ r essenflen, WhO en~ers, Many .of them sa~d, 'Wel, we can ~~o~ulation ~ and adlusted~ c~m~en~-~ ~ "~'- S h WM." DAY, Premdent lature it will only do so with a ref- ~get a lob and soon well be on Easy .... C ampmn Poster Adv Co, Inc the weights," a n d Adot P h and Thurs -' ......... e^~, ~r ....... n-- ~f ~m ..... n'~ tmn to veterans, according to wheth- • • • erendum clause attached and that it two-mli r s C each Art Smith" has mb£ ~¢b. , ±uuw ilia , .v u bllt~ , ll~:tVt:$ e r a man was married" or stogie." Re-. will ~e defeated at the polls when the ton - " months--and ~hey need • • che' m~cleuseof ' the best track team h;:0m~%~i'°r t turned Canadmns received $75 a I 5{ARRIED 50 YEARS city people get a chance to vote on it. .... ~.~ ~, t~e A~ricultural College I ~" Imonth while awaiting employment. Some members are threatening to put ?~-~W~ .... ~ ~ i "First we were told the countrv[ "Great Britain with half its ~o~u { mseverm.years. " .... k !couldn't afford a bonus; then we were lation and a net expenditure in ~t~elMr. and Mrs N Bigelow Enjoy Half in bills to abolish the public utilities commission. a ~::wngo~ne~:~e::rpu~ ~ t~ s :v:;:r told to wa:t till the d,sabled men .hadwar $12,500,000,000r greater than I Century of Association. Path at M A C in shaDe~ oeen.... care~ ~or " ~na~....... was a~ mgn~ ]ours, pazd• her former serwce men[ LOG-ROLLING CHARGED. for the return of the track team.!~ '~n us~CaUe~e th~ ~regt°n's P~nr:Y from $140.94 for privates to $7,290, _ . Vote trading and log-rolling were ~^..~ ~...;+~, ~ ........... ~ ~ ]~ ,w a w ys oe n a s co s e a- for maior-~enerals i Comparatively speaking it is not charged to the senate after one after- 24 men whom he has ~icked for the i tz°n should be ,for the dzsabled. But "Out of the American private s $30 ]gzven to many to enjoy half a century noon session in which two apparently intensive"" tzam-" ing- of 1"the next few ~while...... Michigan. s former.. service tu-. a month, or $55 ff• he had a wife" andJ of association as.
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