
A&A 438, L5–L8 (2005) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:200500140 & c ESO 2005 Astrophysics Editor

Scattering of gravitational waves by the weak gravitational fields the of objects to

R. Takahashi1, T. Suyama2, and S. Michikoshi2

1 Division of Theoretical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan Letter 2 Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan Received 17 March 2005 / Accepted 7 June 2005 Abstract. We consider the scattering of gravitational waves by the weak gravitational fields of lens objects. We obtain the scattered gravitational waveform by treating the gravitational potential of the lens to first order, i.e. using the Born approxima- tion. We find that the effect of scattering on the waveform is roughly given by the of the lens divided by the wavelength of for a compact lens object. If the are smoothly distributed, the effect of scattering is of the order of the convergence field κ along the line of sight to the source. In the short wavelength limit, the amplitude is magnified by 1 + κ, which is consistent with the result in weak gravitational lensing.

Key words. gravitational lensing – gravitational waves – scattering

1. Introduction which is the ratio of surface density of lens Σ to a critical density Σ ∼ c2/GD ,whereD is the distance to the lens Ground-based laser interferometric detectors of gravitational cr L L (Kaiser 1992; Bartelmann & Schneider 2001). In the strong waves such as LIGO, VIRGO, TAMA and GEO are currently lensing regime, κ ∼> 1, the multiple images of distant source in operation to search for astrophysical sources such as neutron are formed. But the strong lensing probability is small, ∼0.1%, binaries, binaries and supernovae (e.g. Cutler for high sources. Hence, the weak lensing approxima- & Thorne 2002). The gravitational wave signals from these tion, κ  1, is valid for most sources. We use the weak field binaries are extracted from the data using matched filtering approximation in the wave optics. with a gravitational waveform template. If the gravitational In the past, Peters (1974) studied the scattering by a point waves pass near massive compact objects or pass through in- lens and a thin sheet of matter in the weak field ap- tervening inhomogeneous mass distribution, the gravitational proximation, and obtained the scattered waveform for these waveform is changed due to the scattering (or the models. The gravitationally lensed waveform (which is lensing) by the gravitational potential of these objects. The the solution of wave Eq. (1)) was given in Schneider et al. gravitational waves do not directly interact with matter (e.g. (1992), Sects. 4.7 and 7, using the diffraction integral under the Thorne 1987), but the gravitational lensing occurs in the same thin lens approximation. Recently, several authors have been way as it does for electromagnetic waves. In this letter, we in- studying wave optics in the gravitational lensing of gravita- vestigate the effects of scattering by lens objects on the gravi- tional waves using this integral (Nakamura 1998; Nakamura tational waveform. & Deguchi 1999; Ruffa 1999; Takahashi & Nakamura 2003; In the gravitational lensing of light, the scattering is dis- Yamamoto 2003; Macquart 2004; Takahashi 2004). In this let- cussed in terms of gravitational lensing under the geometrical ter, we present another method to derive the solution of Eq. (1) optics approximation, which is valid because the wavelength in the weak-field limit. We treat the gravitational field of lens is much smaller than the typical size of lens objects. But in to first order, i.e. using the Born approximation, and discuss its the case of gravitational waves, since the wavelength is much validity. We use units of c = G = 1. larger than that of light, geometrical optics is not valid in some cases. If the wavelength is larger than the Schwarzschild radius of the lens, wave optics should be used (Peters 1974; Ohanian 2. Gravitational waves propagating through weak 1974; Bontz & Haugan 1981; Thorne 1983; Deguchi & Watson 3 2 −1 gravitational fields 1986). This condition is rewritten as M ∼< 10 M( f /10 Hz) , where 102 Hz is the typical frequency of gravitational waves We consider the scattering of gravitational waves by the weak for ground-based detectors. Hence, we use wave optics in this gravitational fields of lens objects. We consider the scattering letter. of scalar waves, instead of gravitational waves, since the ba- In the geometrical optics for the lensing of light, the strong sic equation is the same as the scalar field wave equation (see and weak lensing are distinguished by the convergence field κ Sect. IIC of Peters 1974). The gravitational fields of the lens

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.edpsciences.org/aa or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:200500140 L6 R. Takahashi et al.: Scattering of gravitational waves by lens objects

z observer Using the second-order Taylor series1 for these small quanti-  1 ro=( s o ,DL ) ties r and so, φ˜ is reduced to 0 1 1 2 φ +φ φ˜ (ro) ω DS     = − d3r U(s , z )eiωtd(s ,so), (4)

Editor 0 lens φ˜ (r ) π DLDLS

o where D = D + D and we set r = (s, z). x,y S L LS the Here, td is the geometrical time delay which is given by   2 0 td(s , so) = DS/(2DLDLS)×[s − (DLS/DS) so] .Usingthetwo- φ     to s = z U s z dimensional gravitational potential ψ( ) 2 d ( , ), the result in Eq. (4) is reduced to source r =( 0 ,−D ) S LS 1 2 φ˜ (ro) ω DS    = − d2 s ψ(s )eiωtd(s ,so). (5) Fig. 1. Gravitational lens for the source, the lens and the 0 φ˜ (ro) 2π DLDLS Letter observer. The lens is distributed around the origin. The source position = − = is rS (0, DLS), while the observer position is ro (so, DL)where The above equation is also derived by expanding ψ to first order | | so is a two-dimensional vector with so DL. DL and DLS are the in the diffraction integral (see Schneider et al. 1992). The sur- distances from the lens to the observer and to the source, respectively. face density of the lens is defined as Σ(s) = dzρ(s, z), where φ0 is the incident wave, while φ0 + φ1 is the scattered wave. ρ is the mass density. Since the potential ψ is written using the surface density as ψ(s) = 4 d2 sΣ(s)ln|s − s|,there- 2 µ ν objects are described by the metric gµν as ds = gµνdx dx = sult (5) is rewritten as (Appendix A), − (1 + 2U) dt2 + (1 − 2U) dr2,whereU(r) is the gravitational φ˜1(r ) potential of the lens. √ Since the propagation equation of the o = 2iω d2 sΣ(s) − µν = φ˜0(r ) scalar wave is ∂µ gg ∂νφ 0, we have the wave equa- o tion as 2   DLS × Ei iωtd(s , so) − ln s − so , (6) ∇2 + ω2 φ˜(r) = 4ω2U(r)φ˜(r), (1) DS where E is the exponential integral function: E (ix) = where ω is the frequency of the gravitational waves and we set ∞ i i iωt − it φ(t, r) = φ˜(r)e . x dt e /t (e.g. Abramowitz & Stegun 1970). If we shift the 1 0 We show the lens geometry of the source, the lens and the potential ψ by a constant value ψ0, φ˜ /φ˜ in Eq. (5) is shifted 2 observer in Fig. 1. The lens is distributed around the origin of by −iωψ0 . Hence we can choose ψ0 so that the second term of the coordinate axes. The source position is rS = (0, −DLS), Eq. (6) vanishes, and we eliminate this term. while the observer position is ro = (so, DL)whereso is a Let us discuss the validity of the Born approximation. If 0 1 two-dimensional vector with |so|DL. DL and DLS are the the scattered wave φ˜ + φ˜ is not too different from the incident distances from the lens to the observer and to the source, wave φ˜0, this approximation is valid. We discuss the condition respectively. of |φ˜1/φ˜0|1 for the two lens models, point mass lens and In the unlensed case U = 0inEq.(1),wewriteφ˜0(r)as smoothly distributed lens, in the following subsections. the solution of this equation. Including the effect of U to first order, the scattered wave at the observer is written as 2.1.1. Point mass lens φ˜(r ) = φ˜0(r ) + φ˜1(r ), (2) o o o The surface density is Σ(s) = Mδ2(s)whereM is the lens where φ˜1 represents the effect of scattering. Using Green’s mass. Then, φ˜1 in Eq. (6) is rewritten as (see also Peters 1974,  function for the Helmholtz equation, eiω|r−r |/ |r − r|, we obtain Sect. III A) 1 φ˜ (ro) from Eqs. (1) and (2) as φ˜1(r ) iωD | − | o LS 2 2 iω ro r = 2iMω E s . (7) ω  e   0 i o ˜1 = − 3 ˜0 φ˜ (r ) 2DLDS φ (ro) d r  U(r )φ (r ). (3) o π |ro − r | In Fig. 2, we show E (ix) as a function of x. The solid line is Note that the above result (3) can be used if the lenses are i the absolute value of E , the dashed line is the real part, and the broadly distributed between the source and the observer since i dotted line is the imaginary part. From this figure, except for the thin lens approximation is not assumed. | | 0 small x ∼< 1, Ei is smaller than 1. Thus the Born approximation We use the spherical wave emitted by the source as φ ,then 1 0 | − | is valid φ˜ /φ˜  1 in Eq. (7) if the lens mass M is smaller than we have φ˜0(r) = Aeiω r rS / |r − r |.InFig.1,φ0 represents the S the wave length of the gravitational waves λ = 2π/ω except for incident wave emitted by the source, while φ0 + φ1 represents small impact parameter s ∼< (D D /ωD )1/2. the scattered wave. o L S LS 1 |r − r| r − (r · r) /r + r2/r − (r · r)2 /r3 /2forr r. 2.1. Geometrically thin lens 2 In other words, this corresponds to an additional phase shift in the 0 0 −iωψ0 0 1 incident wave: φ˜ → φ˜ e φ˜ (1 − iωψ0).But,φ˜ is not changed 1 2 We assume that the lens objects are locally distributed at the under this shift since φ˜ ψ0 ≈O(U ) is negligible. Hence, we are free  origin. Then we have |r |DL,LS and |so|DL in Eq. (3). to choose ψ0. R. Takahashi et al.: Scattering of gravitational waves by lens objects L7

1       2 with td(s , z , so) = DS/ [2z (DS − z )]×[s − (z /DS)so] .Ifthe |Ei| lenses have a thickness of ∆z in the z direction, the correction 1 Re(Ei) for this thickness in the scattered wave φ˜ is of the order of Im(Ei) ∆z/DS from Eqs. (4) and (10). Thus, if ∆z  DS the thin lens

E (ix) Editor i approximation is valid. 0 Especially, for smoothly distributed lenses the result (9) is valid but κ is replaced by the   DS − =  z (DS z )   − κ 4π dz ρ (z /DS)so, z DLS , (11) to 0 DS

−1 0 102030 where ρ is the mass density of the lens. x Fig. 2. Ei(ix) as a function of x. The solid line is the absolute value 2.3. Two-point correlation function of Ei, the dashed line is the real part, and the dotted line is the imagi- Letter nary part. Recently, Macquart (2004, hereafter M04) derived the correla- tion function in the wave amplitude of the two detectors under the thin lens approximation. He suggested that measurement ∼ Especially for large impact parameter so,sinceEi(ix) of the correlation function provides the power spectrum of the − ix ie /x for x 1, Eq. (7) is reduced to mass density fluctuation. In this section, we derive it without φ˜1(r ) s 2 iωD the thin lens approximation, but within the limit of weak gravi- o = E exp LS s2 , (8) 3 + 0 o tational fields . We consider two observers at ro and ro r1 with φ˜ (ro) so 2DLDS |r1||ro|. The mass fluctuation is usually characterized by the  ·   where sE is the on the observer plane: sE = power spectrum defined as P(k) = ρ(r)ρ(r + r )eik r d3r . 1/2  (4MDLDS/DLS) . Hence if the observer position so is larger The correlation in the potential U(r)andU(r ) is written as than the Einstein radius sE, the Born approximation is valid 2 1  irrespective of the wavelength of the gravitational waves. U(r)U(r) = d3k P(k)e−ik·(r−r ). (12) π k4 ˜1 2.1.2. Smoothly distributed lens We obtain the correlation in the wave amplitudes φ (ro)and 1 φ˜ (ro + r1) from Eqs. (3) and (12) as We assume that the lenses are smoothly distributed on the z = 0 2ω4 1 plane in Fig. 1. In the unlensed case, the wave propagates φ˜1 r φ˜1∗ r + r  = 3k P k 3r 3r  ( o) ( o 1) 3 d 4 ( ) d d through s = (DLS/DS)so in the lens plane. Expanding the lens π k  1 iω|r −r| −iω|r +r −r| potential ψ(s ) around it, φ˜ in Eq. (5) is rewritten as o o 1   × e ˜0  e ˜0∗  −ik·(r −r )   | − | φ (r ) | + − | φ (r )e . (13) ˜1  2  ro r ro r1 r φ (ro) i DLDLS 2  DLDLS 4  = −iωψ + κ + ∇ κ + O  ∇ κ .(9)   0 s s It is useful to change the integral variables to x = r − r and φ˜ (ro) 4ω DS ωDS y = (r + r) /2, and we assume that x is much smaller than the The first term, being −iωψ(s)ats = (D /D )s , can be elim- LS S o distances DL,LS. Then, expanding these small quantities x and inated for the same reason as the second term in Eq. (6). In r1 in the exponentials, Eq. (13) is rewritten as the second term, κ is the convergence field along the line of   4 2 =Σ Σ = ∗ 2ω A 1 sight to the source defined as κ (s )/ cr at s (DLS/DS)so φ˜1 r φ˜1 r + r  = 3k P k 3 x 3y ( o) ( o 1) 3 d 4 ( ) d d with Σcr = DS/ (4πDLDLS). The third term is a correction term π k ff 1 − −y+ −y · + −y · − · arising from the e ect of finite wavelength. If the scale of the iω[(ro rS ) x (ro ) r1] ik x − × e e , (14) ∼∇2 1/2 | − y|2 | − y|2 density fluctuation s κ/κ is much larger than the Fresnel ro rS ∼ 1/2 scale (DLDLS/ωDS) , or if the geometrical optics is valid where u denotes the unit vector for u. A is the amplitude of →∞ (ω ), the third term is negligible. Then, the incident wave the incident wave (see sentences after Eq. (3)). Performing the + ismagnifiedby1 κ, which is consistent with the result in integral in Eq. (14), we obtain the weak gravitational lensing (e.g. Bartelmann & Schneider  ∗ 2 1 2001). If κ 1, the Born approximation is valid. φ˜1(r )φ˜1 (r + r ) = 16ω2 φ˜0(r ) d2q P(q) o o 1 o q4 DS  − · 2.2. Geometrically thick lens × dz e iωn r1 , (15) 0 We consider the lenses are broadly distributed between the = −  source and the observer. It is easy to apply the previous result where n ( z q/ωDS , 1) and q is the (x,y) component of the = in Sect. 2.1 to this case. φ˜1 in Eq. (5) is rewritten as wave vector k. In the geometrically thin lens at z 0plane, 3 1 2 DS The correlation function due to electromagnetic scattering was ex- φ˜ (ro) ω   DS = − d2 s dz actly obtained, not only for weak fluctuation but also for strong fluctu- 0 −   φ˜ (ro) π 0 (DS z ) z   ation. See references, Ishimaru (1978), Tatarskii & Zavorotnyi (1980),   iωtd(s ,z ,so) ×U(s , z − DLS)e , (10) for a detailed discussion. L8 R. Takahashi et al.: Scattering of gravitational waves by lens objects

P(q) is replaced by P2D(q)δ(z − D )whereP2D is 2D power we have LS spectrum. 1 φ˜ (ro) DS    = −4ω2 d2s Σ(s )eiωtd(s ,so) Let us consider a single power law model for the power 0 φ˜ (ro) DLDLS spectrum as an example. This model can be used for the fluctu- ∞ 2 Editor iαu ation of cold and gas (M04, Sects. 5.2 and 5.3). The × duuln u e J0(βu), (A.1) −n 0 power spectrum is P(k) = P0 (k/k0) for kmin < k < kmax,and  P(k) = 0 otherwise. The index is n ≈ 3 − 4, and k  k . where α = ωDS/ (2DLDLS), β = 2α |s − (DLS/DS)so|,and

the min max

= Then, the integral in Eq. (15) is dominated by the fluctuation at J0 is the 0th order Bessel function. By using series J0(βu) n ∞ − 2 2 −2 to the largest scale of 1/kmin. The exact solution of integral (15) n=0 β u /4 (n!) , the integral in Eq. (A.1) is rewritten as, was given by the hypergeometric function, but we present an ∞ iαu2 i approximate solution for simplicity. Assuming that the separa- duuln u e J0(βu) = − γ + ln (−iα) | | 0 4α tion of two detectors r1 is much smaller than the largest scale   ∞ n n of fluctuation 1/k ,wehave β2   min + i 1 −i  1 − − −  Letter  γ ln ( iα) , (A.2) 4α = n! 4α = k ∗ 2 − − n 1 k 1 φ˜1(r )φ˜1 (r + r ) = 16ω2 φ˜0(r ) P(k )k 2 D e iωz1 o o 1 o min min S γ where is the Euler constant (e.g. Gradshteyn & Ryzhik 2000). 2π π n 1 n × + 2 + O 4 4 Using identity = 1/k = dt[1 − (1 − t) ]/t,wehave (kmin s1) kmin s1 , (16) k 1 0 2 − n 6n ∞ 2 n n 1 1 −iβ 1 = −iβ2/(4α) dt − iβ2t/(4α) = e 1 e where r1 (s1, z1). The first term represents the dispersion of n! 4α k 0 t n=1 k=1 the scattered wave, while the second term is two-point correla- 2 2 β tion function4. If the lenses have a finite thickness ∆L along the = −e−iβ /(4α) E iβ2/(4α) − ln −i − γ . (A.3) i 4α z-axis, DS in Eq. (16) should be replaced by ∆L. = + − + In the second equality, we use Ei(ix) γ ln ( ix) ∞ n · n=1 (ix) / (n n!). Inserting Eqs. (A.2) and (A.3) into 3. Conclusions Eq. (A.1), we obtain Eq. (6).

We have discussed the scattering of gravitational waves by the weak gravitational fields of lenses by using the Born approxi- References mation. We consider the two lens models, the point mass lens and the smoothly distributed lens, and discuss the validity of Abramowitz, M., & Stegun, I. A. 1970, Handbook of Mathematical the Born approximation. For the point mass lens, the effect of Functions (New York: Dover Publications) scattering is roughly given by the Schwarzschild radius M Bartelmann, M., & Schneider, P. 2001, Phys. Rep., 340, 291 Bontz, R. J., & Haugan, M. P. 1981, Ap&SS, 78, 199 of lens divided by the wavelength λ.IfM <λor if the im- Cutler, C., & Thorne, K. S. 2002, in Early Universe and Cosmological pact parameter is larger than the Einstein radius, the approxi- Observations: A critical Review, ed. P. Dunsby, G. F. R. Ellis, & mation is valid. For the smoothly distributed lens, the effect of R. Maartens (Bristol: IOP), 72 scattering is of the order of the convergence κ,andifκ  1 Deguchi, S., & Watson, W. D. 1986, Phys. Rev. D, 34, 1708 the approximation is valid. In the short wavelength limit, the Gradshteyn, I. S., & Ryzhik, I. M. 2000, Table of Integrals, Series, and result is consistent with the weak gravitational lensing. We de- Products, Sixth Edition (San Diego: Academic Press) rive the correction term due to the effect of finite wavelength Ishimaru, A. 1978, Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random in the magnification. The two point correlation function is also Media (New York: Academic Press) Kaiser, N. 1992, ApJ, 388, 272 discussed following the recent paper (M04). Macquart, J. P. 2004, A&A, 422, 761 (M04) Nakamura, T. T. 1998, Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 1138 Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the referee for useful Nakamura, T. T., & Deguchi, S. 1999, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 133, comments to improve the manuscript. 137 Ohanian, H. C. 1974, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 9, 425 Peters, P. C. 1974, Phys. Rev. D, 9, 2207 Ruffa, A. A. 1999, ApJ, 517, L31 Appendix A: Derivation of Eq. (6) Schneider, P., Ehlers, J., & Falco, E. E. 1992, Gravitational Lenses (New York: Springer) Inserting ψ(s) = 4 d2 sΣ(s)ln|s − s| into Eq. (5), we Takahashi, R., & Nakamura, T. 2003, ApJ, 595, 1039 change the integral variable from s to u ≡ s − s.Then, Takahashi, R., A&A, 423, 787 Tatarskii, V. I., & Zavorotnyi, V. U. 1980, Progress in Optics XVIII, 207 4 We comment on the first term. In the previous work (M04), he Thorne, K. S. 1983, in Gravitational Radiation, ed. N. Deruelle, & T. includes the correlation between the scattered wave being second or- Piran (North-Holland, Amsterdam), 28 O 2 der of potential (ψ ) and the incident wave. Then, the correlation at Thorne, K. S. 1987, in 300 Years of Gravitation, ed. S. W. Hawking, − · = iωn r1 s1 0 is subtracted (see Eq. (23) in his paper), and e in Eq. (14) & W. Israel (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 330 − ωn·r − ωz is replaced by e i 1 −e i 1 . Hence, the first term would vanish if we Yamamoto, K. 2003 [arXiv:astro-ph/0309696] included the second order of ψ in the scattered wave.