IF YOU ARE A CONSTITUENT OF ANY OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS, please indicate this information in your subject title. Constitution and Ethics Committee members CHAIR Representative Chuck Wichgers (R) Rep.Wichgers@legis..gov Vice-Chair Representative (R) [email protected] Representative (R) [email protected] Representative (R) [email protected] Representative (R) [email protected] Representative (R) [email protected] Representative (D) [email protected] Representative (D) [email protected] Representative (D) [email protected] And your own Representative - You can find your Representative here by typing in your address: https://maps.legis.wisconsin.gov/

Dear Representative I am writing you to request that you call a hearing on AB783. AB783 is an important bill because it will protect personal health information. This bill will require any government entity, school, childcare center or health care provider who sends mail regarding a person’s immunization status be sent in a sealed envelope with no information visible from this outside.

Vaccination status is confidential health information and should not be sent on postcards – something which is currently being done by government entities, schools and health care providers in this State. This bill will ensure that this practice is halted.

I respectfully request that you call a hearing. Personal health information such as a person’s vaccination status must remain private and this bill will help ensure that this occurs.
