Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr at the Commissioning Ceremony of RSS Swordsman

30 Apr 2013

Minister for Defence, Dr , Minister for Transport, Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Defence, Dr Maliki, Chief of Defence Force, Chief of Navy, Swedish Ambassador to Mr Ingemar Dolfe, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon.

I am very pleased to be here today for the commissioning of RSS Swordsman into active service of the Republic of Singapore Navy and the .

Strategic Importance of the Sea Lines of Communication

Maritime shipping forms the backbone of international trade. More than 90% of the world's trade today is carried by sea with more than half passing through the major sea routes that are funnelled through Southeast Asia.

Singapore, therefore, plays a key role in these flows, and in Asia's increased share of global shipping. However, the stability and success of the maritime business depends on the major sea lanes of communication remaining open and secure. The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) plays a vital role in this regard. Vital Role of the Republic of Singapore Navy

A strong and capable RSN, working in concert with the international community, contributes to the freedom of navigation and the security of shipping in our region. The commissioning of RSS Swordsman today enhances the submarine capability of the RSN and strengthens the Navy's ability to safeguard our continued and unimpeded access to the maritime routes.

Indeed, maritime security challenges are evolving and becoming increasingly complex. Transnational threats like piracy and maritime terrorism continue to present risks to the safety of global shipping. Disputes in the East and South China Seas are also potential flashpoints that could destabilise the region and put merchant vessels in harm's way.

Singapore can respond with calm and confidence because we have built up a strong defence force. A policy of steady and prudent investments has allowed the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) to plan long term, acquire strategic assets such as our submarines when the opportunities are right and build a credible and integrated defence force.

Today's commissioning completes a journey that started about eight years ago when the RSN acquired two Archer-class submarines from the Royal Swedish Navy to replace some of the Challenger-class submarines. RSS Swordsman has undergone extensive refurbishment, upgrading and tropicalisation to adapt it for operations in the region. Its combat and sensor suites have been comprehensively upgraded and an Air Independent Propulsion system has been added, providing greater stealth, an extended reach and expanded operational capabilities. Taken together, these represent a significant step-up for the RSN's submarine capability.

Since RSS Swordsman returned from Sweden last December, its crew has successfully put the boat through a series of intensive sea trials. It has also successfully fired a heavyweight torpedo in local waters. The successful completion of these operationalisation activities in a short time frame of four months is a significant achievement, and I commend our submariners for their efforts and dedication.

With both Archer-class submarines entering active service, the RSN has reached a new milestone in its submarine development, and is now capable of conducting more complex and sophisticated maritime operations. RSS Swordsman, her sister boat RSS Archer and our Challenger-class submarines form part of an integrated warfighting system - together with our stealth frigates, naval helicopters, missile corvettes and minecountermeasure vessels - a force that safeguards Singapore’s maritime interests and protects our territorial integrity. Appreciation for Defence Partners and Personnel

On behalf of the Singapore Government, I would like to thank our friends and defence partners who helped make the Archer programme a success. In particular, the Swedish Government, the Royal Swedish Navy and KOCKUMS have been instrumental in supporting MINDEF and the RSN as we developed our submarine capability. The Archer programme reflects the deep defence cooperation and longstanding friendship between Singapore and Sweden that stretches back to the 1970s. Our bilateral defence relationship has matured over the years and encompasses wideranging interactions and collaborative projects, such as developing our minecountermeasure and submarine capabilities. We are deeply appreciative of the strong professional ties and bonds of friendship between officers that have been forged between Sweden and Singapore.

I would also like to extend my warmest congratulations to the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Loh Mun Heng, and the dedicated crew of RSS Swordsman. Commissioning RSS Swordsman into active service so soon after its return from Sweden would not have been possible without your tireless efforts and strong commitment. It has been a demanding and fulfilling journey - starting from the rigorous training in Sweden to RSS Swordsman's commissioning today - and you can be rightly proud of your achievements. Many of you had to spend four years away from home, training as a crew and overseeing the refurbishment of RSS Swordsman in Sweden. I wish to thank you for your commitment, professionalism and devotion to duty. I would also like to thank all family members for the sacrifices made over the course of this journey.

RSS Swordsman has an exciting mission ahead. I am confident that RSS Swordsman and its crew stand ready to undertake your assigned tasks and will achieve even higher standards in submarine operations for the RSN. Such is the tradition and reputation of the Republic of Singapore Navy and I know you will succeed in your journey ahead.

Thank you.