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Cast Stone Masonry CAST STONE MASONRY: COMMON PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS MATTHEW C. FARMER, PE WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC., FAIRFAX, VA B UILDING E NVELOPE T ECHNOLOGY S YMPOSIUM • O CTOBER 2 0 0 6 F ARMER • 6 7 ABSTRACT Cast stone masonry is a form of pre­cast concrete that attempts to replicate the texture and appearance of natural dimension stone. Perhaps one of the oldest of modern building materials, cast stone possesses many unique features inherent with its fabrication and raw material selection that can greatly enhance the beauty of a project in a cost­effective man­ ner. However, without careful attention during installation and stringent quality control dur­ ing its manufacture, the material can also suffer from problems associated with those very same manufacturing processes and raw material selections that make it desirable architec­ turally and economically. This presentation will describe problems commonly associated with the material, typical causes of these deficiencies, and their potential solutions. It will also include recommendations for enhanced quality control to limit the risk of problems in the installed product. SPEAKER MATTHEW C. FARMER, PE – WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. – FAIRFAX, VA Matthew Farmer joined Wiss Janney Elstner’s New Jersey office in 1985. Since then, he has been involved with numerous evaluations of concrete, steel, and timber structures and­ failures of clay and concrete masonry, stone, and cast stone. Mr. Farmer has concentrated in the area of design, investigation, and repair of new and existing building envelope sys­ tems, including engagements as an expert witness for construction­related litigation. He was appointed manager of the Washington, D.C. office in 1994. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado and Cornell University, and a licensed professional engineer in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. 6 8 • F ARMER B UILDING E NVELOPE T ECHNOLOGY S YMPOSIUM • O CTOBER 2 0 0 6 CAST STONE MASONRY: COMMON PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS INTRODUCTION stone is usually far greater than is neces­ can be a durable and cost­effective substi­ Cast stone masonry is a form of pre­cast sary for the application; however, it can tute for natural stone, but it may not always concrete that attempts to replicate the tex­ serve as an indicator of good quality control look like natural stone. Over time, cast ture, appearance, and workability of natur­ and future durability. Cast stone with infe­ stone can develop characteristics such as al dimension stone. Cast stone has a rich rior physical properties, though perhaps cracks, crazing, and discoloration that and successful history of use in construc­ adequate for the particular application, may make it appear less like natural stone as it tion; it also possesses many unique fea­ not possess the same service life of a high­ ages. If quality control is poor, these defects tures inherent with its fabrication and raw er­quality material whose physical proper­ can be more apparent and appear earlier in material selection that can greatly enhance ties are consistent with cast stone industry the service life of the material. Manufac­ the beauty of a project in a cost­effective recommendations. turers should be candid with architects and manner. As a material, cast stone is really a vari­ owners about the potential risks associated As with other man­made construction ation of pre­cast concrete. Besides sharing with cast stone; in essence it is a good sub­ materials, careful attention must be paid common constituents, cast stone is typical­ stitute for natural stone, but not an equal. during the fabrication and installation ly mixed, formed, cured, and stored in a processes to avoid defects and deficiencies plant environment like pre­cast concrete, HISTORY in the finished product. Through an under­ which enables rapid, consistent, and con­ Cast stone was developed for use in wall standing of the standards governing the trolled fabrication. As with other concrete construction as a cost­effective alternative industry, careful control of raw materials, products, cast stone can be reinforced to to natural stone, primarily as trim, orna­ and stringent quality control testing, cast increase its ability to withstand flexural and mentation, or ornate building façade ele­ stone can be an attractive and durable tensile loads. Despite its many similarities, ments (see Figure 1). It has also been wide­ alternative to natural stone. However, too cast stone does differ from precast concrete ly used as wall cladding panels. Its cost ad­ often inferior cast stone is produced and in a few ways: the vantage is primarily delivered to a project site, detracting from mixes integrate finer due to reduced cost of the appearance of the structure and in­ aggregates to more the raw materials, the creasing maintenance requirements to the closely simulate the ability to mass pro­ building owner. appearance of natural duce pieces quickly, This paper attempts to describe this stone, the method of and the ability to cre­ interesting and unique material that is typ­ fabrication can involve ate complex detailing ically made like concrete but installed like very little water, and with formwork and masonry. It will also highlight problems the product is virtual­ casting as opposed to commonly associated with cast stone, typi­ ly always used in non­ labor­intensive carv­ cal causes of these deficiencies, and several structural applica­ ing or shaping. An potential repair solutions. It will also in­ tions. extensive range of col­ clude recommendations for enhanced qual­ Cast stone can ors and textures of ity control that can limit the risk of produc­ also be subject to sim­ cast stone are avail­ ing and installing inferior material. ilar quality control able through the use concerns as those for of varied aggregates, WHAT IS CAST STONE? pre­cast concrete. coloring agents, and Cast stone is defined by the Cast Stone These can include a modifications to the Institute (CSI)1 as “…a highly refined, archi­ lack of consistency in formwork used for tectural, pre­cast building stone manufac­ mix design causing casting. Many design­ tured to simulate natural cut stone.” variations in appear­ Figure 1 – An example of cast ers favor cast stone Properly manufactured cast stone is dense ance; premature stone used as ornament at quoins, not only because of and well consolidated. CSI recommends a cracking as a result of belt course, and window surrounds the wide range of aes­ compressive strength in excess of 6,500 psi inadequate curing or on this circa 1920s building. thetic qualities, but (ASTM C1194) and maximum absorption insufficient strength also because of the rates of 6 and 10 percent for cold water and gain prior to form stripping; damage as a uniformity of appearance that can be boiling methods respectively (ASTM 1195). result of impact during storage, transport or achieved with a controlled plant fabrication The combination of low absorption and high erection; and contaminants or reactive process. compressive strength makes the material aggregates in the raw materials that can Cast stone was first used in the year generally durable and resistant to freeze/ cause internal distress. 1138, and was employed extensively in Eng­ thaw distress. Compressive strength of cast When properly fabricated, cast stone land and France during the 19th century. B UILDING E NVELOPE T ECHNOLOGY S YMPOSIUM • O CTOBER 2 0 0 6 F ARMER • 6 9 Several proprietary systems were developed Cast stone produced using the VDT in cast stone produced using both wet cast during this period that utilized unique com­ method can replicate stone quite accurate­ and VDT methods, the majority of problems binations of natural cements, hydraulic ly, and is less susceptible to surface disrup­ observed in modern construction are asso­ lime, and other binders. These systems tion as a result of free water against the ciated with the VDT method of manufac­ were first used in the United States during form. However, quality control is critical to ture. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the middle of the 19th century. Many have maintain consistency of both the face and these discussions will focus on cast stone since been abandoned in favor of the com­ back­up mixes. Changes in thickness of the created using the VDT method. ponents we commonly see today: a combi­ face mix can result in variations in density These problems range in importance nation of portland cement and carefully and appearance of the face mix, as well as from those that may simply affect appear­ selected aggregate. cracks due to differential shrinkage ance or accelerate the need for routine between the drier face mix and the wetter maintenance, to those that impact the FABRICATION back­up mix. Back­up mixes are usually structural integrity of the material and put There are a relatively small number of highly variable in content since they are not the public at risk. Several of the more com­ cast stone fabricators when compared to visible when the finished product is used. monly observed deficiencies found with cast pre­cast concrete suppliers. Cast stone fab­ Wet casting of cast stone is virtually stone are discussed below. ricators can be large operations that focus identical to the process used for pre­cast on high production and often can produce concrete: a form is constructed and then EXCESSIVE SOILING architectural pre­cast concrete as well. filled with a mixture of aggregates, cement, Excessive soiling of cast­stone surfaces They can also be relatively small operations some additives, and water. Some wet­cast can result from exposure to pollution, soot, that may focus on more ornate cast pieces. methods can involve multiple lifts of mater­ and airborne dust. It can also be a result of No matter the size of the operation, each ial or variations between the face mix and these materials washing down from other fabricator must have the ability to store and back­up mix.
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