Matthews Campbell +% Rhuads FILED McCluve October 21,2010 Thompson Secretary c:'? Fvyauf Arkansas Public Service Commission 000 Center Street (J P.A. 400 ATTORNEYS P.O. Box Little Rock, AR 72203 7 19 Souih Second Streef Re: Docket No: IO-0744 Rogers, AR 72756-4525 Dear Madam Secretary: PH 479/636-0875 FX 4791636-8I50 Please find enclosed the original and fourteen copies of an Affidavit of Publication as approved by Order No. 5 on October 11, 2010 and three (3) Affidavits of Notice in the above referenced docket. Please note that David R. Mafthews three separate affidavits have been filed because in order to simplify Craig A. Campbell both the logistics of notification and also to provide greater clarity to the George R. Rhoads. landowners, the mailings of notice were divided by the three major Edwin N. McClure portions of this project: 345 transmission line, 161 transmission line, and Larry J. Thompson the rebuild of the existing Centerton to East Centerton transmission line. Mark T. Ftyauf = The new Shipe Road Station, the expansion of the existing Centerton Maun'cio A. Herrera Station and the Greenhouse Road Switching Station were also included Sarah L. Waddoups in their respective notices. Please file the same and return all unneeded C. Eric Vester file marked copies to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped Vicki S. Vasser envelope. Jeremy S. Ament Nathan R. Bogarf If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincere I y , Kimberly R. Weber a Mary 8,Matthews of counsel Sarah L. W ddoups *dso admilled in Oklahoma SLW:sah *alsoadmitted in Missouri metso adminedin Tcxas Enclosures cc: All Parties Email
[email protected] Website wwwrncrmt.