The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Did you know a partnership with American , the nation’s oldest conservation organization, can help your organization achieve multiple SDGs? Below are just a few ways collaborating with us to protect and restore North America’s forests can deliver solutions to address the world’s most urgent human and environmental challenges, including equity and climate change.

American Forests has Did you know the snowpack American Forests has American Forests and our If you map and wealth developed a STEM program of the Sierra Nevada launched new partners launched the in any US city, results show for high-school students in Mountains supplies roughly restoration partnerships in Vibrant Cities Lab website a lack of trees in lower- lower-income areas to help 30% of California’s water, cities and rural areas across in 2017, a first-of-its-kind income areas. Our plan urban planting providing for both people the US to expand career online hub delivering Community ReLeaf Program projects in their as well as the agriculture opportunities in , research and best practices is working towards “Tree communities and explore industry? In 2017 alone, we with a focus on providing to those in the urban forest Equity” by creating parks, careers in . planted 268,500 trees in CA special training to help field. Resources include tree nurseries and shade to help capture and filter underserved populations tree canopy mapping and a coverage in the most this critical water source! participate. step-by-step toolkit. underserved communities.

Helping communities We work with a variety of American Forests leads the Our American ReLeaf In addition to leading the become more resilient is organizations to help Forest-Climate Working program supports a variety Forest-Climate Working central to our urban work. calculate the footprint they Group, and we can use our of projects Group (at left), American For example, we are are creating from things like expertise to develop a across like the Forests is also leading other planting wind-resistant tree business travel and paper customized carbon reduction Northern Rockies and collaborative efforts such as species across Miami-Dade use. Once calculated, our portfolio for our partners Cascades. This work the Sustainable Urban County that can buffer partners plant trees comprised of reforestation restores critical wildlife Forests Coalition. homes and businesses through us to mitigate their projects at a project, city, or habitat, improves air Partnership and servant during hurricanes and cool impact. landscape scale. quality, sequesters carbon leadership are in our DNA! the city during heat waves. and promotes .

Current Partnerships and Sustainable Development Goals

Point of Sale/Add-A-Dollar Employee Engagement Eddie Bauer and American Forests have worked and Community Water Replenishment and together for 23 years, planting over 7 million trees Revitalization Volunteerism in critical ecosystems across the US and Canada. Bank of America has The Coca-Cola Foundation and One such project focused on reforesting whitebark partnered with American Forests in 18 cities across American Forests are working together to restore pine across the Northern Rockies and Cascades. the US since 2013. Thanks to them, we have critical water ways in California, Florida and Texas This keystone tree species is an essential food transformed vacant land in Detroit into outdoor as well as offer Coca-Cola employees the source for iconic species like the grizzly bear. education centers, planted thousands of trees in opportunity to get involved in the work their lower-income communities, and created job company is funding through employee tree opportunities by building tree nurseries. plantings in urban areas.

Holiday Campaign Oak Restoration Fund and Economic Growth Buy One, Plant One Partnership Whole Foods has committed to giving back from American Forests has partnered with the world’s Thymes has partnered with American Forests to the resources they are utilizing by planting a tree largest barrel-maker, Independent Stave Company, plant trees for the sale of any item from their in a critical for every Christmas tree to create the Oak Restoration Fund. The fund will Frasier Fir line. With the purchase of every Frasier their organization sells during the holidays. The support innovative restoration projects that Fir product, Thymes donates $1 to plant 1 tree in message is simple – Buy one, plant one. It is easy sustain the environmental, economic and social Chippewa National Forest in Minnesota where to communicate as well as effective with building benefits provided by oak forests—including jobs in Thymes is headquartered. positive brand awareness. the forest and the distilling industries.

Cause Marketing Earth Month Campaign Company Matching Campaign In 2017, LightStream and American Forests Arhaus Furniture is dedicated to protecting the This year, Travelers Insurance generously partnered on the #ForestOfDreams campaign to Earth’s natural resources which is why during Earth committed to planting 10,000 trees with American raise awareness and funding for forests in urban Month, they worked with American Forests to Forests in areas where their employees live and and rural areas. LightStream promoted their great plant a tree for every order placed. Arhaus work. They encouraged their employees to join in work by constructing a pop-up forest in Times elevated the messaging by visiting a planting site the fundraising efforts throughout the month of Square in New York, donating $1 towards our they supported on stripped mineland in West April, leveraging the company’s gift to make an urban forest work for every person that posted to Virginia and creating a compelling video to share even greater impact. social media using #ForestOfDreams. the story with their employees and customers.