All-Electron Ground-State and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: Fast Algorithms and Better Approximations by Bikash Kanungo A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Computing) in The University of Michigan 2019 Doctoral Committee: Associate Professor Vikram Gavini (Chair) Professor Krishna Garikipati Associate Professor Emanuel Gull Associate Professor Shravan Veerapaneni Associate Professor Paul M. Zimmerman Bikash Kanungo
[email protected] ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3911-9354 c Bikash Kanungo 2019 Dedicated to Bou and Baba (mom and dad) ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work rests on the implicit and explicit support of many different people to whom I owe my deepest gratitude. First, to Vikram (Prof. Vikram Gavini) for being an immensely enterprising and exceedingly caring advisor, and for steadily and very patiently trying to make a mature researcher out of me. I can certainly vouch for the fact that he has lost as much sleep as me for some of the particularly challenging aspects of in this thesis. I thank all my committee members for the few yet valuable discussions. I thank Prof. Paul Zimmerman for some of the crucial data used in this thesis as well as for his contribution to one of the manuscripts. I thank Prof. Krishna Garikipati, Prof. Emanuel Gull and Prof. Shravan Veerapaneni for not only being generous committee members but also for being wonderful teachers in some of my graduate courses, which provided me with a sound understanding of the key subjects involved in this work. I thank all my current and former labmates|Ian, Nelson, Nathan, Paavai, Krish- nendu, Mrinal, Janakiraman, Bala|for the pleasure of an encouraging and joyous lab experience.