Hydrogeologic Framework of the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho
Prepared in cooperation with Blaine County, City of Hailey, City of Ketchum, The Nature Conservancy, City of Sun Valley, Sun Valley Water and Sewer District, Blaine Soil Conservation District, and City of Bellevue Hydrogeologic Framework of the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho Sun Valley Ketchum Hailey Bellevue Gannett Picabo Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5053 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Cover: Center: Map showing estimated thickness of Quaternary sediment in the Wood River Valley aquifer system, Wood River Valley, south-central Idaho. Modified from figure 7, this report. Photographs, clockwise from upper left: Glacial deposits below Mill Lake, Prairie Creek drainage, Smoky Mountains, Idaho; view to north. These deposits probably represent morraines of the Boulder Creek advance of Pearce and others (1988). The west face of the Boulder Mountains is visible in the background. Photograph taken August 29, 2011. Pioneer Mountains from the head of Rock Roll Canyon in the Trail Creek drainage, Boulder Mountains, Idaho; view to east. Events related to the formation of the Pioneer Mountains are responsible for much of the geology of the Wood River Valley. Photograph taken August 6, 2011. Basalt of the Picabo desert southeast of Picabo, Idaho. Note hammer for scale. The Basalt of the Picabo desert and the Hay basalt form part of the Wood River Valley aquifer system. Photograph taken August 18, 2011. Quaternary alluvium exposed in a Big Wood River stream terrace south of Glendale Road. Note hammer for scale. This alluvium is representative of the sediments that constitute most of the Wood River Valley aquifer system.
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