tripleC 18 (2): 508-534, 2020 Science Communication and Open Access: The Critique of the Political Economy of Capitalist Academic Publishers as Ideology Critique Manfred Knoche University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria,
[email protected],, @Medoek Abstract: Starting from a theoretical and methodological foundation of an academic ideology critique, the production, distribution and valorisation of science communication will be analysed in exemplary fashion. The focus is on the criticism of publishing houses’ business models in the sphere of open Access publishing. These models are propagated and implemented by science and politics. Thus, academic publications continue to be traded as commodities. The existing relationships of power and domination are thereby reproduced. In contrast, the eman- cipatory potential of non-commercial science communication based on the digitalisation of pro- duction and distribution is shown. Keywords: critique of science, science policy, science communication, Open Access, ideol- ogy critique, critique of capitalism, critical communication studies Acknowledgement: A shorter version of this article was first published open access in Ger- man: Manfred Knoche. 2019. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie der Wissenschaftskommu- nikation als Ideologiekritik: Open Access in Ideologie, Kritik, Öffentlichkeit ed. Uwe Krüger and Sebastian Sevignani, 140-174. Leipzig: Publikationsserver der Universität, DOI: The German version was expanded into a longer English version. Translation from German to English by Christian Fuchs. Preface By Christian Fuchs Capitalism reproduces its fundamental structures of capital accumulation by changing itself. It is based on a dialectic of continuity and change and the dialectic of the pro- ductive forces and the relations of production.