Friars' Bookshelf 45 Tues, on the Gifts of the Holy Ghost, on the Efficacy of Grace, and Lastly on the Very Nature of God
Christian Perfection and Contemplation. By Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Translated by Sister M. Timothea Doyle, O.P. 488 pp. Herder, St. Louis. $3.50. God: His Existence and His Nature, and Providence recently. introduced Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., to American readers and left them eager to better the acquaintance. Through the initiative and scholarship of Sister M. Timothea Doyle, O.P., of Rosary College, River Forest, Ill., an opportunity for a renewed and fuller acquaintance is now given. She has ably translated Perfection Chretienne et Contemplation, that most valuable treatise on ascetical and mystical theology which was the logical result of Father Gar rigou-Lagrange's many years of assiduous application to the Domini can ideal: "Contemplata aliis tradere." He has spent numberless hours studying the writings of Sts. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, John of the Cross, Francis de Sales and Teresa of Avila and has of fered to share his treasure of knowledge with all who seek union with God. Father Garrigou-Lagrange could not choose as his principal guides two more capable persons than Thomas Aquinas and John of the Cross; for the former attained the highest degree of infused con templation and the latter has received from the Church the accolade of being one of Her greatest mystics. The author's purpose is to establish first, that Christian perfection consists especially in the plen itude of the great precepts, love of God and love of neighbor; and secondly, that infused contemplation, proceeding from faith that is illumined by the gifts of understanding and wisdom, is in the normal way of sanctity.
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