NCVER “No Frills” Conference 16th National Research Training Conference Alice Springs, 10-13 July 2007 VET IN A MULTI-SECTOR CONTEXT: STRENGTHENING THE CENTRAL COAST REGION Theme: VET In Context Authors: Stephen Crump, Central Coast Campuses (University of Newcastle - Central Coast; TAFE NSW - Hunter Institute)
[email protected] Marie Larkins, TAFE NSW – Hunter Institute
[email protected] Mallory Mills, Central Coast Community College
[email protected] Breakout: No. 2 Time Slot: 12 noon – 1.00pm, Wednesday 11th July. Venue : Room 3 Charles Darwin University, Alice Springs Campus Introduction In recent times, many reports have argued for educational providers to think creatively about how to best meet the learning needs of students from all age groups. These developments aimed to cater for the education and training needs of the full range of students, increasingly providing broad access to a variety of vocational education pathways, an improved mode of career support and access to different sectors for qualifications and accreditation. One way this is being achieved in Australia is through the development of multi- sector campuses (clo-located or virtual). However, this is an area of VET policy and practice that has been poorly researched, largely because multi-sector sites and activities dwell in a grey area between different sectoral boundaries, so receive little direct attention. In some cases, multi-sector campuses are seen as being one-off solutions to local political initiatives or problems, therefore not representative of systems as a whole, and thus not having much to say to further or higher education providers as a whole.