EdgeScienceNumber 9 October–December 2011 Current Research and Insights The Plasma Universe of Hannes Alfvén by David Talbott Coincidence Studies A Manifesto by Bernard D. Beitman, M.D. A publication of the Society for Scientific Exploration EdgeScience #9 October–December 2011 EdgeScience is a quarterly magazine. Print copies are available from edgescience.magcloud.com. CONTENTS For further information, see edgescience.org Email:
[email protected] THE OBSERVATORY Why EdgeScience? Because, contrary to public Anecdotal Evidence perception, scientific knowledge is still full of By Robert McLuhan unknowns. What remains to be discovered — what 3 we don’t know — very likely dwarfs what we do know. And what we think we know may not be entirely correct LETTERS: or fully understood. Anomalies, which researchers Tunguska, UFOs, and Pluto tend to sweep under the rug, should be actively 4 pursued as clues to potential breakthroughs and new directions in science. PuBliShEr: The Society for Scientific Exploration EdiTor: Patrick huyghe Associate EdiTorS: dick Blasband, FeatureS P.d. Moncreif conTriBuTorS: Bernard d. Beitman, The Plasma Universe robert Mcluhan, david Talbott Design: Smythtype design of Hannes Alfvén 5 By David Talbott The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) is a professional organization of scientists and scholars who study unusual and unexplained phenomena. The primary goal of the Society is to provide a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics which are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science. A secondary goal is to promote improved understanding of those factors that unnecessarily limit the scope of scientific inquiry, such as sociological constraints, restrictive world views, hidden theoretical assumptions, Coincidence Studies and the temptation to convert prevailing theory A Manifesto into prevailing dogma.