A Publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Number 2 • June 2003 SOCIETY NEWS CONFERENCES 40th ANNUAL NUCLEAR AND SPACE RADIATION EFFECTS CONFERENCE NSREC 2003 Monterey, California, July 21-25, 2003 s General Chairman it is my, Allan John- results. Joe Srour (Northrop Grumman Space Tech- son’s, pleasure to invite you to attend the nology) is the editor of the special issue. A40th Annual International Conference on The DoubleTree Hotel is located in downtown Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects (NSREC) to Monterey, a few steps away from the pier in be held July 21-25, 2003 at the DoubleTree Hotel Monterey Bay where seals, otters and other marine and City of Monterey Conference Center in life abound. Monterey is one of the most popular va- Monterey, California. As with previous NSRE cation destinations in California. Nearby activities Conferences, 2003 will offer an outstanding tech- include kayaking, hiking, fishing, golf, wine tasting nical program, a one-day Short Course preceding and even auto racing. The Local Arrangements the technical program, a Radiation Effects Data Chairman, Mark Hopkins (Aerospace Corporation), Workshop, and an Industrial Exhibit. We welcome has planned several social events for attendees and attendance by engineers, scientists, managers and family members, including a shopping trip and lun- other interested persons from throughout the cheon in nearby Carmel and a visit to a local winery. world. Highlights of the conference are given be- The highlight of the social program is an evening at low. You can also access this information at the world-renowned Monterey Aquarium, which www.nsrec.com.
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