Board of Management Recruitment and Appointments Pack

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Board of Management Recruitment and Appointments Pack Believe it. Achieve it. Board of Management Recruitment and Appointments Pack January 2016 1 Contents 1. Guidance Notes ......................................................... p3 2. Background Information ........................................ p10 • The College Sector in Scotland • Glasgow Region 3. City of Glasgow College ......................................... p12 • History • The College Today • The College Board of Management 4. Outline of Post ........................................................ p16 • Post Description • Person Specification • Assessment Criteria 5. Application and Monitoring Forms ....................... p21 Annex - Detailed post description .............................................. p30 2 1. Guidance Notes for Applicants Please read these notes carefully before you complete the application form in this pack. 1.1 Your Application The information in your application is important in determining whether or not you will proceed through the assessment stages conducted by the selection panel. The stages include a sift of all applications received, shortlisting for interview, followed by the interview itself conducted by the College’s selection panel, supported by an independent person as required under ministerial guidance. If successful, the panel will recommend you for appointment to the College Board of Management, subject to the approval of the Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board. You must, therefore, demonstrate clearly the evidence required at the first stage to show how you meet the relevant published criteria. The appointment of the Board Chair will be conducted by the Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board. City of Glasgow College particularly welcomes applications from groups currently under- represented on Scotland’s public bodies, such as women, disabled people and people aged under 50. The Board seeks members with expertise, experience and skills in one or more of the following: • Board/Governance • Finance/Accountancy • Education • Equality and Diversity • Leadership • Human Resources/OD • Legal Affairs • Lobbying • Community affiliation • Marketing/PR • Executive Management • Risk Management • Strategic Planning • Estates/Property • Business/Commercial Development If you wish to be considered for appointment as Chair, please show this on your application form where indicated. The person appointed as Chair of the Board of Management will also automatically be a member of the board of the Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board. Where a candidate is not selected, but has impressed the panel with his or her potential as a full Board member of the future, that person may be invited to serve as a co-opted member on a Board Committee. This is a key approach to succession planning, consideration of which is a requirement under the UK Corporate Governance Code 2010 (Financial Reporting Council 2010). 3 The panel may also recognize that a strong candidate has a skill set that more readily matches the needs of another Glasgow college, or of the Glasgow Colleges Regional Board (GCRB), all of whom are also recruiting for members. In this event, the Board would contact you directly, and discuss the possibility of forwarding your application for consideration by the Board of Glasgow Clyde College, Glasgow Kelvin College, and/or GCRB. To be clear, this would depend entirely upon your consent being given. Further information about the other two colleges and GCRB can be found via their websites at: • Glasgow Clyde College – • Glasgow Kelvin College – • Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board – Alternatively, you can contact Sandra Hampson, Executive Assistant, GCRB, for information on GCRB or any of the three colleges, by calling 0141 271 6587 or by emailing In the application form you are asked to provide a commentary which should demonstrate how your skills and experience match the published criteria for these appointments, as well as a separate short career history or CV (no more than 2 pages) detailing dates and brief descriptors of positions held. You may complete the application on paper, or electronically. In addition, please note that we accept applications in a number of different formats including audio, Braille and large print. We will give consideration to disability-related reasonable adjustments that an applicant might request to enable them to meet the person specification and participate fully in the selection process. If you require to submit your application in any another format, please contact Ann Butcher, Executive Office by calling 0141 565 2795; or by email: If you have any general queries regarding this application pack, please do not hesitate to contact Paul Clark, College Secretary/Planning, by calling 0141 566 4208; or by emailing 1.2 Completing Your Application Applications can be submitted via email to: or by post to: Paul Clark College Secretary Closing date for receipt City of Glasgow College of applications is: North Hanover St. Monday 1st February 2016 Glasgow at 9am G1 2BP The Monitoring Information section is not seen by the selection panel and will not be used to assess your suitability for appointment. 4 The remaining parts of your application form are made available to those involved in the sift/short-list and selection for interview stages. You are advised to review the role description and assessment criteria before completing the application form. You are asked to provide commentary which demonstrates that you have the essential skills and experience detailed in the assessment criteria. You are also asked to provide a short (maximum 2-page) CV or career history detailing dates and descriptors of positions held. You should only put your first initial and surname on your CV. We would advise applicants to keep a copy of their initial application for reference. 1.3 Fit and Proper Person Tests The selection panel is required to obtain sufficient information and evidence to enable them to feel confident that the person they are appointing to the Board of the College is a fit and proper person to take up the appointment. In the context of public appointments this is an individual who is suitable for appointment because they meet the requirements of the role, and because their past or present activities and/or behaviours do not render them unsuitable for a given appointment. This is an on-going process with various checks built in to the stages of the appointment round, designed to gather the appropriate information and evidence required. For this appointment round, the verifications in place for the fit and proper person tests are: Verification of relevant information provided by the applicant • Evaluation of the evidence provided by you in relation to the skills, knowledge and experience required for the role will be tested in the application and further probed at interview should you be invited. • If applicants provide information in support of having the relevant competency which details roles or qualifications held which is material to the selection panel’s decision making, this information may be checked as part of the final assessment. Ensuring that the individual’s conduct to date has been compatible with the public appointment in question • Confirmation that you understand the work of the body and the nature of the appointment and that you are not aware of having committed any offence or performed any act incompatible with the position that you are applying for forms part of the declaration statement of the application form. By virtue of submitting the completed form you are declaring that the information provided is, to the best of your knowledge and belief, true and complete. • If invited for interview, further assessment will be through seeking evidence on how you have practically demonstrated the principles of public life through your conduct in a given situation. Confirmation that the individual has no inappropriate or unmanageable conflicts of interest incompatible with their appointment • If invited for interview, you will be asked if you have any potential conflicts of interest. 5 Further assessment of any potential conflict will be carried out through questioning that you understand what is meant by a conflict, and asking you to confirm that, to the best of your belief, you do not have any conflicts that are incompatible or unmanageable. Determining that the individual’s appointment is not barred by reference to the constitution of the body concerned by way of, for example, criminal offences or other relevant matters • Information on disqualifications is provided in the application pack material and you are asked to review this prior to submitting your application. Confirmation that you are not disqualified on any grounds from being appointed to this Board forms part of the declaration statement of the application form. By virtue of submitting the completed form you are declaring that the information provided is, to the best of your knowledge and belief, true and complete. • Prior to final confirmation of appointment you will be asked to complete a standard declaration which is recommended by HM Revenue & Customs ( ), but this does not need to be completed at the application stage. Ensuring that the applicant agrees to be bound by the members’ code of conduct for City of Glasgow College
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