Remains Solidly Democratic


The Weather FINAL Windy with occasional heavy Red Bank, Freehold rain today. Light rain tonight. Long Branch Gradual clearing tomorrow EDITION afternoon. REGISTER Hfonmoulh County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 36 PAGES VOL 95 NO. 91 RED BANK, NJ. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1972 TEN CENTS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiaiii imimiiiimiiiuiuiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiitiiii Nixon Scores Landslide Wins Big Margins in County, State By The Associated Press Though totals were incomplete, the vote appeared to have fallen well short of the 80 million to 85 million predicted for the President Nixon has soared to his greatest personal first presidential election open to 18-year-olds. A projection by triumph, but his landslide reelection confronts him with at the National.Broadcasting Co. put it at barely one million least two more years of divided government as Democrats more than the 73 million who voted in 1968. kept firmly in command of Congress. As mounting returns proclaimed he had won over- Nixon swept the nation from coast to coast Tuesday in one whelmingly what both contenders had termed "the contest of of history's most massive victories. He captured 49 of the 50 the century," Nixon told the nation by television from his states and approached the highest popular-vote percentage of White House office that now "it is time to get on with the any American president. great tasks that lie before us." In Monmouth County, Nixon received 123,848 votes and Then, he drove with Mrs. Nixon to a downtown Washing- McGovern, 62,240, giving the president a 61,608 plurality. The ton hotel. Joined by victorious Republican running-mate Spiro New Jersey talley was 1,650,926 for the President to Sen. T. Agnew, he appeared before a crowd chanting the Republi- McGovem's 987,977. can campaign slogan of "four more years" to express "thanks The President's 521-17 electoral-vote majority over Demo- for making our last campaign the very best one of all." • cratic challenger George McGovern rivaled Franklin D. McGovem, who maintained to the last that yesterday's re- Roosevelt's 1936 victory of 523 to 8. McGovern won only Mas- sults would prove wrong the pollsters who predicted he faced sachusetts and the District of Columbia in his party's worst massive rejection, wired Nixon bis support for efforts to "lead presidential showing. us to a time of peace abroad and justice at home." And Nixon's 61 per cent of the vote was close to the pre- But the South Dakota senator told his supporters in Sioux vious record, the 61.1 per cent-attained by Democrat Lyndon Falls, from where his 22-month quest for the presidency be- B. Johnson eight years ago. • gan, that "we do not rally to policies we deplore," adding "so But Democrats, ousting four veteran Republican senators, let us play the role of the loyal opposition." actually gained two seats for a probable 57-43 margin in the That opposition is likely to center in the Senate where the new Congress. They lost only a handful of House seats and Democratic majority that survived Nixon's sweep with in- gained a net of one governorship when Daniel Walker finally creased ranks stands ready to challenge many of the Presi- edged GOP incumbent Richard Ogilvie in Illinois. dent's programs as it has over the four years of his first term. "This is a personal triumph for Mr. Nixon — and not a Though Nixon's coattails clearly helped some Republi-_ party triumph," said Republican National Chairman Robert J. cans,, Democratic challengers withstood the GOP presidential Dole. tide to kribck off at least four veteran Republican senators — With 88 per cent of the nation's precincts counted, the pop- Gordon Allott of Colorado, Jack Miller of Iowa, J. Caleb Boggs ular vote stood: .. of Delaware and the venerable Margaret Chase Smith of Nixon 41,537,296, or 61 per cent. Maine, beaten at age 75, by Democratic Rep. William Hath- 'FOUR MORE YEARS' — President and Mrs. Nixon wave to crowd cheering "four more years" at the McGovern 25,506,308, or 38 per cent. ' away. Shoreham Hotel In Washington after Nixon was reelected. Vice President Spiro T.. Agnew Is at left.

Howard Winsr Says It Was a Tough Fight Rep. James J, Howard, D- N.J., yesterday won reelec- tion in what he called the most difficult election of his political career. "It was my toughest cam- paign," Mr. Howard said shortly before descending the stairs at the Barclay'Hotel in Bclmar to greet more than 1,000 cheering supporters at the county Democratic elec- tion headquarters. (Related stories, pages 10,12. Mr. Howard had received an unofficial total of 97.090 END OF THE'RAINBOW —'FT, of Ocean cent turnout. two Republican incumbents good indication that the voting The two incumbent GOP would keep their county posi- public in Monmouth County is first time since 1963 New Jer- Grove, and Mr. Kavalek, 61, sey voters have rejected a of Middletown, captured 44 of freeholders were opposed by tions. aware of the job the Republi- Thomas J. Lynch Jr., 35, of The two GOP freeholders can board of freeholders is state bond issue, turning down the county's 53 municipalities a proposal for a $650 million in this 1972 presidential elec- Middletown and Leslie B. Tin- credited the board's accom- doing in the county, said Mr. Reelection Victory kler, 49, or Manalappn, both plishments and fore- Larrison. ° transportation bond. tion. The vote yesterday ap- .:••••'., Democrats, \ sightedness as major factors They recognize the busi- NKWARK (AP) - As his Two oilier candidates, How- Unofficial returns tallied peared to bo a rebuff for Cov. the New Jersey congressional Mr. Larrison received 98,036 in their reelection. ness-like operation of county campaign slogan said it was ard Krcund of the American delegation. Democrats' last night indicate that about William T. Cahill. who gave "The lack of issues in.the government under the Re- Clifford P. Case "of course" Independent Party and seemed on their way to an H- the bond issue his full support MHMimHin freeholder campaign," said publican board, Case victory above the till per tional Democratic bastions, County Fare goes cosmopolitan Page 28 in the future "serve at the plea- anything to do with the Re- Veteran FYocholder Direr- per cent of the vote totaled he cent mark. Essex and Hudson Counties. Sate DAR honors first regent Page 27 sure of the governor. publican victory. It had been tnr Joseph C. lrwin was led Democratic challenger As the totals piled up Case Edge In Essex DAILY REGISTER A third referendum cm the Bridge Advice 24 reported earlier that the free- pleased with the over- Paul J. Krebs by almost lield on to the s;imi? sized lead In Essex his lead narrowed PHONE NUMBERS ballot, to permit senior cili- Classified M-31 holder race would be decided whelming victory of the two 450.000 votes. enjoyed by President Nixon In as returns came in from New- Main Office 74I-N1I zens' organizations to operate Comics 24 on the coattails of the presi- Republican incumbents, slat- The vote was l.OUWHH for New Jersey as the President ark but Case still maintained Classified Ads..; 741-OM bingo games, won handily. Contemporary Life 2f, 27 dential candidate. ing that the public realizes Case, to 587,157 for Krebs as trounced Democratic challe- a 141,699-10-128,253 vote edge Legal Adv... 741-Mlt With 4,318 of the 5,212 New Crossword Punle 24 However, Republican free- that the board works as a' the tabulation reached the nger George McCioVern. over Krebs. Last June Krebs Display Adv..—. 74I-N1I Jersey election district tabu; .Editorials I holder candidates have repea- team and will continue good two-thirds mark, a 27 per- But neither Nixon or Case rode 5-to-l margins in Hudson Circulation Dept ....74MW lated the bond vote was Entertainment 34, IS tedly won victory in Mon- government in the county. centage point lead for Case appeared to have offered fel- and Essex Counties to victory Sports Dept. -..74I-H17 972,363 "no" and K4K.650 Financial 22 See Larrison, page 2 who held a commanding (i:» low Republicans long enough in the Democratic primary. Contemporary Life ....741-MIi ••yes," a. margin of about Horoscope 24 YaakeeCUpptr, Sea Girt per cent of the vote Krebs had coat-tails to capture control of See CASE, Page 2 Accounts Payable 741-Hlf Reservations now for Thanks- House On Monmouth St. IM.OOO votes. Movies 34 Accounts Recelvable...741-*ll 3B per cent. giving dinner overlooking the Has a new upstairs dining The proposed change in the Accordion Melodies, every Obituaries -.u.i MMdlelon Unreal I71-I2K The 68-year-old senator Humson Board of Education - Atlantic. Complete Turkey room for your dining plea- terms of the two state officers Wednesday at the Cnbblc- Sports M,2» Freehold Bareai 4*2-2111 seemed guaranteed of passing regular meeting X p.m. Wed.. dinner, 15.50 per person. was turned down by a 756,219- ,StoncsrRt, 35, Middletown. Television. 34 Long Branch Bn«aa...2»4«ll sure. 30 Monmouth St., Red his previous victory margin of Nov. 8, Porrestdale School. ' ,< (Adv.) Bank. (Adv.) See Transport, page 2 -(Adv.) 490.000 in 1966. ., '.f the Democrat William D. Hath- Mrs. Dwyer is retiring when Daniels, Union City. 14th Dis- ticket does not mean that they away ended the 24-year Sen- her term expires in January trict, over Republican Rich- will vote for all." ate career of Margaret Chase after having served 18 years ard T. Bozzone, Jersey City. County Republican Chair- Smith of Maine, chairman of man Benjamin II. Danskin.j- the Senate Republican Confer- while saddened that Congres- ence and senior Republican sional aspirant William F. member of the Armed Ser- Howard Reelected Dowd failed to win over in- vices Committee. cumbent Democrat .lames .1. Lost a Seat (Continued) he probably would "take a Howard, said he was de- But the Democrats lost a losing five "normally rest." lighted with the other Re- Senate seat in North Carolina. s, cratic Monmouth County •"I'll take a rest and start to publican wins in the county, Rep. Nick Galifianakis, who /tbwns. practice law," he said, "and There were some major dis- defeated Democratic Sen. B. AP WPrtlKulo * ^Before the election. Mr. I'll stay active in the Republi- appointments, he said, noting Kverett Jordan in the pri- ^.Howard said the redistricting can party and in civic activi- WINNERS IN NEW JERSEY -» Incumbent U.S. in particular New Shrews- mary, was defeated in turn by Sen. Clifford Case, left, is reefected to his fourth ^ had cost him H.fllH) votes. Two ties." bury, Atlantic Highlands. .:/,'•• • . .. a self-described conservative s?ycars agp Mr. Howard de- Mr. Howard attributed his term in the Senate, and New Jersey's Gov. Wil- Freehold and Ocean Town- SETS RECORD — Ken Hock'in, left, new sales Republican television edito- liam T. Cahill, state campaign chairman of the • ."feated Mr. Dowd by more victory to the independence of ship. manager, is congratulated by John Hutchins, rialist, Jesse Helms. v than 18.000 votes. Nixon camp, proclaim victory at the Robert Treat Ihe voters, and the feeling of The county GOP leadersaid president of McFaddin Cadillac-Oldsmobile, Long A stunner was the defeat of Hotel in Newark last night. However, Mri Howard the voters that a congressman there were good showings in Branch, on posting a sales record for the first Sen. Gordon AUott of Colora- ^ didn't mention Mr. Dowd or should essentially serve the Occanport, Katontown and quarter. Mr. Hockin topped the previous year's do, chairman of the Senate "his campaign as being one or district rather than try to be Freehold Township. period by 42 per cent. He has been a resident of Republican Policy Committee -litHe.reasons;he felt unsure primarily involved in national Noting that the Republicans New Monmouth 19 years. and an administration stal- •- -about tjie election. issues. Case Wins Easily j^Hp, cited, iii this order, the Mr, Howard, who-had sup- (Continued) and Warren, had not reported " reasons why he felt he had a ported Sen. McCovern said any figures early today. B'olh tough time: the popularity of I hat perhaps his support of The polls did not close in Nixon Polls Largest County Plurality Hudson until II p.m. because use paper ballots. '$eh; Clifford P. Case, R-N.J.; Ihe Democratic presidential voting machine breakdowns For Case the victory was ! the redistricting; and the lack nominee had hurl his cam- had produced a court-ordered yet another triumph in a re- ('-.of, popularity of Sen. George lS1 extension of hours beyond the markable political career that In 20 Years, Vote Reported Down K p.m. deadline. has witnessed his climb from ffi, >lr, Howard, who appeared "But," he said, "'if I'd have waffled' the issue, maybe With about one-third of the a scat on the Itahway Com- f"v'rt# IwryoUs during the early By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI holds true — this could be the 40 of the 5:t towns in the coun- palities are in that district. mon Council to the State As: "Vciflrns, said he felt he had people would have resented it. vote in from Hudson. Case On balance I don't believe my lowest voter turnout in the ty and carried Monmouth by The day of the coattail vic- held almost a ti.lKIO-vote edge. sembly. the House of Repre- j-un his best campaign. FKKKHOLD - President past U) years. The average only 55 per cent of the votes tories are gone, said Freehol- sentatives and the Senate- ., "I've tried to strve the support ot Sen. Mclinvern Richard M. Nixon polled the Examples of the Case tide made much difference in my during this period was about cast. This year, however, his der Director Joseph C. lrwin. without a setback. .people," he said, "and I've largest vote plurality m Mon- iri other counties were: Ber- election." SK per cent. victory percentage was (iti per The voters are more informed The first victory was a close tried to be everybody's con- mouth County in the past 'in gen, Case HiS,.i24, Krebs The main issue in the cam- In President Nixon's first cent., and do not vote in ignorance. one. Case won the 1»54 .Senate gressman, although that's an, years, defeating Sen. Ccuryy K7.297: Camden, Case 7K,7:>7. paign as far as Mr, Dowd was bid for the- office in lOIW. he County HppubliCRrv=('hair- ••Just because, they agree election-by a mere 330(1 votes. impossibility, but 1 think the McGovern by KI.HIIK votes. Krebs 47,'.'li); Mercer, Case. concerned was Mr. Howard's received H7,lill votes in Mon- man Benjamin II. Danskin and with the top of the ticket does 4.1,138; Krebs, 24,!M!I; ami Pa.s- The margin of victory rock- people have felt that I've done President Nixon carried all moulh County, outpolling the voting record, which Mr. others had predicted that vot- not mean they will vote for all saic. Case, 7H,ti!M, Krebs eted to ;t3ll,l)0l) in l'»«0. to a good job and there's no rea- but two of the county's 5.1 mu- Humphrey and Muskie Demo- er turnout would be about 'JO candidates." he said. son to change." Dowd said didn't reflect the M.3II4. 4WI.IKKI m 191)8 and appeared views of the majority of nicipalities. Asbury Park and, cratic ticket by 17,li4:!. The per cent. State Sen. Richard R. Slout. dcsl med'to surpass the Mr. Dowd, who offered his Two counties. Gloucester people within Ihe district. Roosevelt wen I to Sen. voter turnout percentage u;is When informed that voter R-Monmouth. attributed Mr. 1)5(1,will-vote mark when congratulations lo Mr. Ifow- Mr. Howard's enlirc cam- Mcdovern HH.4:i. turnout in Monmouth ap- Nixon's victory to the presi- •arrt. shortly alter II pin said Tuesday's returns were fully paign was devoted to his vot- The l!)72 presidential elec- Tin' HIM campaign in Mon- peared to be down about eight dent's "ability, experience counted. ing record, and his service to tion in Monninuth. while over- mouth gave Ilie Republican per cent and asked for his ob- Transport * and courage in handling (he Lost Scat Ihe people o[ the district. whelmingly endorsing the Ho- team of GoldwaliT and Miller servations on this, Mr. Dan- problems of the country." Krebs, til. of Livingston, ^PRINTING The campaign, us it was publican president, indicates (il.:iH7 votes ami the Demo- skin .said that if there was 1 Bonjl Issue HK said the electorate frit hoped to return to Washington I wo years ago, was marked in that voter tiirnimt was not as cratic team of Johnson and drop in the turnout it was be- "satisfied, safe and secure" as a senator, lie left Ihe capi- WHILE Ilic closing days by charges high as predicted. •• • ' Humphrey. !ir>,:rji) - a :i:t,!i5:t cause more Democrats than and w«s "nnl about tn'change Defeated lol in l%ti when redistricting that both sides hail ' lird" in Unofficial votes tallied last Mile plurality. The voter turn- Republicans stayed home and In an unknown quantity." forced him out of the congres- their campaign statements. night indicate that only S'.1 per on! percentage wasKS. did not vote. (Continued) YOU Sen. Stout attributed Mr. .to-«n:i.i)44 margin based on ie.- sional seat he held for just one There also was a consid- cent or about 1H7HIIII volers \viiili> Monmouth County The other presidential can- 1 Howard's victory to the fact turns from :i,!l4i election dis- term. erable amount of publicity (Mil. of 2:i(l,i>li!l went I o tin Miters cndcii-sed the Nixon and didates in the 1117'.' election that "j'he has run lour times tricts. The bingo quest ion Kri'bs was elected lo con- generated over the tree mail- polls. Preelection estimates Lodge ticket in HlliO. giving it hardly affected either of the An incumbent congressman is rolled to nearly ;i litn-i vic- gress after a long career in ing privilege accorded con- were'fnr about a ill) per ceni si.:w.' votes, Ihe Democratic two major candidates. All to- very difficult to unseat The tory l,2Wi.0i2 votes to 23!I.K!t.'t.. organized labor. He was a se- gressmen and Mr. Howard's turnout Irani of Kennedy and Jiilln- taled, the six independents re> great amount of ticket splitt- Defeat of the bond issue nior oflicial of the New Jersey use of that privilege. H the unofficial perccniage sim, which won the election, ceived about 910 votes. ing is obvious... received t't'lAM votes. Ill the paralleled a similar vote last Vnilcd Auto Workers Union Gus Hall of the Communist "1 think Dowd made a very year in New York State when and served as president of the '.'D-yi'ar analysis, this voter Party received H4 votes: good run. actually. Nixon car- voters resoundingly turned Stale (lo in the mills before turnout percentage was the Louis Fisher, Socialist Labor , ried Ocean Township by nmrr Weather: Rain r down a proposal to aullion/e it merged with the AKL. highest wild Ml li Parly, 711; Linda Jeuness. So- than :i.lM)0 Howard won il by a K-> biljion transportation is- Windy with heavy vain al Ihe upper Great Lakes. cialisl Workers Party, Ml; Vel Case won Hie AKL-CIO In the llljli presidential. •J.iiOu." sue • times today, tapering nlf to Flash-flood warnings were M oil m IIlit h v nt ers nv e i- John V. Mahalchik. America endorsement this year, the Assemblyman ('hosier Apy. The New York slale bund wessionat light.>rain ortiiv.vlv pnsinl im -innuntnin areas nl • wtit'lmwRty • wwiwsrri HIP i\is- (•'list. "I: -Benjamin'Spnrk-. lirsl Republican ever given I; lt-Monmnuth, also lauded'Sir ' •iijipom-ms Timtendi'd ilmr tonight. Some local highway North Carolitiii, where more enliower and Nixon ticket The People's Parly. :'SI. and '»irs backing in a statewide Dowd's campaign efloi't state's proposal would provide or urban flooding possible. than '> inches of tain fell at with s:t,K'JS over the Demo- John G. Schmitz. American .. New Jersey election; •'I tlilhk Howard has thr insufficient funit.s,fi»r mass Gradual clearing tomorrow several rural points Allhougli cratic team of Stevenson anil Tarty. 3(4. The l.\w alsos/fered a sur confidence of the majority of transportation. pnse when it divided its con afternoon. High tixlny around the MMn was abating over Kefauver which only received While President Nixon cap- tlie voters in the district and it (Ml, low tonight in the upper iniiili o! Kast, inoic than an :i'J.:t^!l The coiinly plurality lured the top of the ticket and New Jersey's Iraiispnrtalion Iributimis of money equally can't bo shaken hy^iill." he between Case and Krebs even 4l)s. High tomorrow '•>') to til). inch doused Chnrlolte, \.C . was ;il.4!l!) voles. Voter turn- llu- county Republican free- said. "Kill I think Kill made bond opponents used ihe same iJ • LOWEST PRIOS Tides up to I wo feet above •and Shaw, S..C out dropped slightly to SIS holder candidates, tlie'bollom. argument tills year and con- though Krebs had once been inroads on J nil Howard an olhcer of Ihe union. normal may cause minor T1DKS percent. Ihe- middle sort of slid away beyond the landslide tended thai further highway S • FASTEST SERVia jj flooding al limes of high tide Sandy Hook 'The 1!I5'_' campaign in Mon- from the GOP as Democratic building in Ilie stale would be- Krebs charged Case with XEROX COPIES 4 "His basic approach to I ho today. Friday fair ami cool To|),VV - high K-..i!l p.m. mouth, which produced an incumbents lames .1.'Howard detrimental lo the environ- failing lo spend enough time A8 LOW AS 2- EACH | campaign was good " ami low :l: Hi p.m. •• KS :") per cent voter turnout m retained his position as.Jleprc- 'meiil without an intensified in I hi; slate. A weak storm system cen- Mrs. Ann 1). Flynn. a lie- Ilie county, endorsed the- His- sentative for the Tlilrd Con- planning program. In his victory speech last GRANT 5 tered over the lower Great TOMORROW - High !l:l!l publican leader who is chair- Lakes spread rain across iMihnwer anil NIXOIJ ticket gressional District and Frank night lo a crowd of about 3(HI a.m. and !) :IH and low man or the county Hoard ol In Mnnmouth County, vot- PRINTERS { much of the Kast today, with with 7:i.'j:!K over (lie Demo- Thompson Jr.. lus position ,-is Republicans who had also :i (IS a.m. anil :!:.'>:< p.m. FJwtions. said she was "dis- ers rejected Ihe Trans- heavy amounts soaking parts 1 ci'alic one ol Stevenson and Representative for the Knurlh gathered lo celebrate N.ixnn's Km KIMI Hank and 1\v .tcrscy. The Kngland and' south into the IIIt's, Highlands bridge, add 4(1 congressional (listrut race "I thought his vote was going stitutional Amendment. UK 4iir> 4 FREE PARKING 8 (•'arnlinas. Light snow-foil in minutes. .{'resident Nixun only carried since only four county munici- fart is I'm here most'of the- to be closer. to B4,l)li2, lime,"- ' • The Dally Register, Red Baak-MiddktowB, N. J. Wednesday, November «, Ufa ORLD etown Elects 2 GOP Newcomers By BOBB The Democrats will retain By the Associated Press control of the five-member MIDDLETOWN - Two Re- Township Committee, but the publican newcomers coasted two GOP newcomers have JJridge Hit; 5 Dead, 6 Missing to easy victory here last promised to make their pres- BRUNSWICK, Ga. - An estimated 10 to 12 vehicles night, out-polling their Demo? ence felt. Their election this plunged 80 feet into the deep waters of the Brunswick River crat opponents by wide mar- year makes the Democrats after a loaded freighter sliced into a drawbridge. At least five gins. vulnerable in 1973, when the persons died and six are missing. In a near record turnout, term of Mayor Thomas, J. Two children were among the dead, another was missing. 21,494 of the township's 23,803 Lynch, a Democrat, will ex- The refrigerator ship African Neptune missed the raised 'registered voters went to the pire. drawspan of the mile-long Sidney Lanler bridge last night as it polls. Explain Success headed out of port on a swift outbound tide. Elected to three-year terms Beaming victory smiles Two of the dead and two of the missing were members of on the Township Committee with state Sen. Joseph Azzo- one Waycross, Ga., family. Among those who escaped death were Peter J. Carton, with lina, local GOP leader, the was a honeymooning Pennsylvania couple. 11,368 votes, and Frank H. new committeemen explained The crash downed two spans on the south end of the grace- Briggs, with 11,270.. their success at the polls. ful 16-year-old bridge and badly damaged the prow of the Dwight E. Richardson and "Peter and I worked aw- freighter. . Arthur E. Layton, Democrat- fully hard," said Com- The ship's crew apparenUy tried to avert the collision by ic hopefuls who sought to mitteeman-elect Briggs. "The » dropping anchor, but the anchor did not hold. A crew member make the committee a one- people just didn't want five later told the U.S. Coast Guard there was a steering failure as party governing body, were Democrats on the committee, the 572-foot ship headed through the drawspan. defeated, polling 9,420 and and they got tired of hearing Roscoe Tanner, drawspan operator, said the freighter 9,089 votes respectively. the Sewerage Authority missed by several hundred yards and "went plumb through" blasted. They wanted outside the bridge's south side. blood." "It was pitch black," said D. J. Moore, a mechanical Mr. Briggs cited his many .maintenance engineer. Kavalek Top years of experience in busi- Darkness hampered initial rescue efforts, but helicopters ness and Mr. Carton's train- • and divers were called into help local rescue units. Officials Middletown ing as an attorney as attribut- said 10-11 cars and one trailer-tractor rig went into the river. es which will be useful in gov- Vote-Getter erning the township. B-52s Continue Heavy Strikes MiDDLETOWN - Town- "And speaking for myself, I •ship voters supported one fa- hope we can work harmo- SAIGON — U.S. B52 bombers made heavy strikes on both vorite son and turned down niously with the Democrats sides of the demilitarized zone for the fifth day today, but bad another in yesterday's race for the good of the township. weather from Typhoon Pamela sharply curtailed fighter- for two seats on the County If we cannot, nothing will be bomber attacks against North Vietnam's southern panhandle. Board of Freeholders. accomplished. 1 hope we t ' Flying above the weather, the Stratofortresses hit supply can," said Mr. Briggs. VICTORY SMILES — Middletown Republicans show their delight at retaining two seats on five-mod Former Mayor Ernest G. Township Committee. From left are Commltteeman-elect Peter J. Carton; Sen, Joseph Azzollna,,locai and storage facilities from west and northwest of Quang Tri Kavalek, a Republican seek- Mr. Carton said yesterday's City, in South Vietnam's northernmost province, to a point 51 GOP leader, and Committeemqn-elect Frank H. Briggs. Victory sign is raised behind them by exuber- ing his second elected term on large voter turnout undoubt- ant crowd of Teen-age Republicans (TARs) In Buck Smith's restaurant, East Keansburg. miles northwest of the North Vietnamese port of Vinh and 55 the county board drew 11,233 edly helped the GOP ticket. miles below the 20th parallel. votes to become high vote-get- He ascribed the turnout to ' • •* . ..'•'• About 50 of the big bombers dropped some 1,500 tons of ter among the four freeholder "those fantastic Republican opponents, who repeatedly, wants a two-party system. after a dual career encom- Mr. Carton, a son of Appel- bombs. Their aim was to destroy war materials which the U.S. candidates in the township. ladies," who were, he said, a castigated the authority and "Middletown is basically a. passing hotel management late Judge Lawrence A. Car- Command said the North Vietnamese are rushing to their Democrat Thomas J. Lynch great help in getting out the called on its members to re- Republican town. The voters and service as a life insurance ton Jr., received his law de- forces in South Vietnam in anticipation of a cease-fire agree- Jr., a member of the township vote. sign. didn't want five Democrats in executive. He is currently a gree from Columbia Law ment calling for sharp curtailment of such shipments. Planning Board, polled only Mr. Carton agreed with his Mr, Azzolina stated the control," the municipal leader member of the Oak Hill Asso- School. He joined theMmem- The typhoon had been expected to hit the coast of South 9,635 local votes as a freehol- running mate that the elec- GOP candidates won because said. ' ciation and a director of the bcr law firm of'Crummy, Vietnam but changed course to the north and was headed for der candidate. torate grew weary of hearing they were "two outstanding A noisy crowd of happy .Re- Deal Golf and Country Club. O'Neill, Del Deo and Dolarof southern China. County-wide, Freeholder about alleged shortcomings of candidates," because "the publicans celebrating their He also served as chairman of Newark in 1986, and was Kavalek and another in- the Sewerage Authority. public is fed up with Demo- victory in Buck Smith's res- the township's Land Advisory made a partner three years Bella Abzug Back in Congress cumbent. Freeholder Harry "Their campaign against cratic spending," because taurant. East Keansburg, Committee, which in- later. He serves as secretary NEW YORK — Rep. Bella Abzug, who appeared to be a Larrison Jr., easily won re- the Sewerage Authority back- "the sewer issue is phoney," seemed to agree. vestigated property reas- of the, Young Lawyers', section, one-term phenomenon last June, was returned to Congress election. fired." Mr. Carton said of his and because the electorate Mr. Briggs retired in 1971 sessments. of the N. J. Bar Association. yesterday. Her major opponent, Priscilla Ryan, conceded defeat at 10:26 p.m. after preliminary returns showed Mrs. Abzug lead- ing easily in the five-way race in the Manhattan-Bronx 20th Congressional District. , GOP Retains Control of Red Bank Gouneil} Mrs. Abzug, reapportioned out of her own district by the Legislature, challenged Mrs. Ryan's late husband, Rep. Wil- - liam Fitts,Ryan, in last June's Democratic primary atfd went down to a 2-1 defeat. But when Ryan died of recurring throat cancer in Septem- Democrats Will Protest Ballot Discrepancy ber, Democratic county committeemen chose Mrs. Abzug as their candidate. Mrs. Ryan took the Liberal partjenomination ByJANEFODERARO Democratic headquarters on checked the Red Bank ballot to compete against a representative she said had been in- East Front Street last night. this morning. effective. RED BANK - GOP con- Democratic Mayor Daniel J. At Republican headquar- The 52-year-old Mrs. Abzug, well-known for her floppy tenders for two council seats O'Hern announced that his ters, a few blocks awayvon hats and forceful statement of antiwar, civil rights and wom- here won handily at the polls, party will petition for a new West Front Street, Coun- en's liberation positions, conducted a low-key campaign to but Democrats will seek to election. cilman Falvo responded ang- counter the resentment Ryan partisans felt toward her be- contest the local election be- Lineup Differs rily to word that "Democrats cause of her challenge to the late congressman. cause yesterday's official bal- Mayor O'Hern stated that will seek a new election, The final results showed Mrs, Abzug with 94,680 votes, lot differed from the sample the Democratic candidates' "They're just a bunch of Mrs. Ryan 47,528 and the other three candidates trailing be- ballot sent to voters. names appeared in a different sore losers like they always hind. Republicans retained con- order on the official ballot have been in previous elec- trol of Borough Council when than they had on the sample tions," he said. He specific- South Vietnam Hails Nixon Win incumbent Councilman Jo- ballot. "This could serve to ally referred to Mayor SAIGON — The South Vietnamese government said yes- seph Falvo won 2,648 votes confuse voters and we feel it O'Hern. TeTday that President Nixon's reelection showed the American and his running mate, Walter should be challenged," the In a prepared statement, peopll voted "according to common sense, for peace with hon- (Pat) M. Thackara, polled mayor said. the Republican winners said . or." 2,437 votes. On the Red Bank sample their victory "clearly in- In a statement shortly after Nixon's victory became Their Democratic oppo- ballot, Mr. Grause's name ap- dicates that Red Bank resi- apparent, Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam said: "With regard nents, Edward L. Minear and peared in the Democratic col- dents are satisfied with the to the continuity of American policy in Vietnam and the resto- Joseph Grause, lost with 2,017 umn above Mr. Minear's and. present Republican adminis- ration of a just peace,-we are very pleased to share the wise and 1,946 votes respectively. on the same line with MrvFal- tration and the manner in choice of the American people." vo's and Miss Taylor's. How- which we conduct the busi- ' Independent candidate Er- ever,- on the official ballot in ness of their community." nestine Taylor polled 680 voting machines, his name ap- Charges Rejected Lansky Freed in $650,000 Bond votes in the borough, a total peared below Mr. Minear's on Mr. Kalvo and Mr. Tha- MIAMI, Fla. — Reputed underworld financial genius that may have contributed to the same line with Mr. Tha- ckara stated: "It also repu- Meyer Lansky, denied asylum by six countries, was released the Republican victory, ac- ckara's. diates the unfounded and un- yesterday on $650,000 bond after his arrest by FBI agents. ' cording to sources in both the Contacted in Freehold last principled last minute charges Lansky, 71, was met by agents who Hoarded a Braniff air- GOP and Democratic camps. night, Stanley A. Davis, coun- by our Democratic opponents liner when it arrived at Miami International Airport from Pan- Immediately after local re- ty election clerk, said he of back room and boss poli- ama ending a two-day aerial odyssey. turns were announced at could not comment until he tics. The agents escorted Lansky from his first-class seat "It should serve notice on through customs and to the FBI office for fingerprinting. our mayor that his influence Several hours later Lansky appeared with his attorney, as a local Democratic party . David Rosen, beforeU.S. Magistrate Michael J. Osman who Democrats leader has come to an end." set the bond. Mr. Thackara, noting that GOP COUNCIL TEAM - Republicans Walter M. Thackara, left, and "He is not a well man," said Rosen. "It becomes rather there were no key issues in Councilman Joseph Falvo shake hands on Iheir victor/ In Red Bank coun- apparent there is no place for him to go now." the council race, said that the cil race. They defeated Democrats Edward L. Minear and Joseph Grause Dougald McMillan, head of the U.S. Justice Department's One Governorship first task at hand is to "devel- to retain Republican dominance of the governing body. organized crime strike force here, told Osman that the cir- WASHINGTON(AP): dorsed by Chicago Mayor op unity" in Red Bank. cuitous route Lansky took from Israel to Miami indicated "he Democrats have increased Richard Daley in the primary Mr. Thackara, who Is vice didnot return voluntarily" and thus warranted a heavy bond. Iheir majority of governor- and walked 1,197 miles president of the Credit Secu- Osman ordered Lansky to post a f 200,000 bond on a federal ships by one, while losing Mis- • through the state clad in de- rities Division of A.G. Becker tax evasion charge and (50,000 on a criminal contempt charge, souri to a Republican for the nims and a red fanner's neck- & Co. Inc., New York in- both indictments returned in Miami. first time since 1940. In all, erchief. Ogilvie pushed a state vestment bankers, ran for the 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiln seven of nine governors seek- income tax through in 1969 but council seat vacated by THEMILY ing reelelction were returned said he thought the voters had Thomas F. Oakley who re- to office. forgiven him. tired after 24 years in office. One of those who lost was wljfer criticized Ogilvie's Mr. Falvo, a self-employed MAIN OFFICE: distributor of bakery products CHESTNUT ST., RED «ANK, H.I. 07)01 Illinois' Republican Gov,, ••political hypocrisy in saying BRANCH OFFICES: Richard B. Ogilvie, who in Red Bank, is chairman of 1)1 RT. IS, MIDDLETOWN, N.J., 07711 we didn't need a state income » EAST MAIM ST., FREEHOLD, N.J., 0/711 stayed neck-and-neck with tax and then putting one the Republican executive 17» BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, N.J., 07710 Democrat Daniel Walker through the legislature," committee and com- EltobllllKd In 1171 by John H. Coon and Hinry Clqr through the early hours today, while Ogilvie said voters un- mittccman in the !)th District. PUBLISHED BY THE RED BANK REGISTER Back at Democratic head- Member ol Ihe Auocloln* Pren-Th« Aisoclottd Prt» i> entitled tf long after it was known Presi- derstood the need for the tax. cluslvelr to the u« rorrcpublicatlonof olt the local newt printed In Ihis dent Nixon had carried every quarters, where gloomy spir- newspaper as well oi all AP newt diipotches. state but Massachusetts and ils were buoyed by the reelec- Second dim pottage pold ol Red Bank. NJ. 07701 and at odditionol mailing Published daily. Monday through Friday. Mail subscrip- the District of Columbia. Youth Group , tion of Rep. James J, How- tions poyoble In odvonce. ard, Mr. Minear said: "We 1 Weell 1 Month 3 Monlhi t Monlhi I Year Walker finally won by a slim 1.90 13 SO tt.SO III.00 Ui.00 edge. Meeting Set waged a good campaign. We Home Delivery by Carrier 'SO Cents o week The other losing incumbent were just caught up in the FAIR HAVEN-The youth 1} SirtQle copy ot counler, lOCents. Nixon landslide." A was Delaware's Republican group of the Church of the He added: "Red Hank had a Gov. Russell W. Peterson, Nativity will meet 7:30 to 8:30 who lost to a conservative p.m. Monday to organize a choice. We Just feel It would Democrat, Sherman W. Tribb- combined Thanksgiving and function better with a two Our 1973 itt. Vermont's and North Christmas project to be con- party system..." Mr. Minear Carolina's top state of/ice alsQ ducted in the-community. ' '"' ..served on Ihe Borough Coun- cil from 196H to 1971. changed parties — Vermont The program is being di- going Democrat. North Caro- rected by Sister Dolores Can- Margin Cut lina Republican. ill, parish director of religious His running male, Mr. Texas' governorship was education, and coordinated by Grause, a Red Bank attorney still in doubt, although Demo- Miss Kit Davis, Robert F.a- and president of the state bar pay interest crat Dolph Briscoe held a sulo, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard association, said he was "a commanding lead over Re- little, disappointed" to be shut QUESTION BALLOT - Red Bank Democrats, who will seek a iww Korman, Mr. and Mrs. John tlon for two council seats, raise Issue of disparity between «nrW«if^ publican Henry Grover. If Keegan, and Mr. and Mrs. nut by a "Nixon landslide."- "But I'm not too dis-. sent out to residents and ballots In voting machines HereCI Briscoe's margin holds, the Jack Vcrdon. J. O'Hern, left, aisucusses ballot with losing Democratfc^JS .couraged to try again," he u lu Democrats would be in 31 gow The meeting will be in I he seph Grauso, center, and Edward L. Minear. *- "c cmors mansions, the Republi- church hall. said. "There were no real is- cans in 19. Ten Democratic sues locally — but there will governorships and 8 Republi- be real issues In the future." black candidate, hud ham- Democrats were able to,edge Absentee returns, berth mill- can were involved in Meanwhile, in both political pered the Democratic effort. nut their Republican oppo- tary and civilian.- wert: Mr. Tuesday's election. Drug Addiction Problem? camps, party workers noted Miss Taylor gained the great- nents. Miss Taylor last night Grouse. 88; Mr. Minear. ^ CENTRAL JERSEY. BANK Walker, Illinois' new gover- Call 988.8333. For Help Day or privately that votes polled by est number of voles in the had no comment on the out- Mr.Kalvo. 201; MrVnucta nor, beat a, candidate en- Night. Miss Taylor, an independent. three Westslde districts where, come of the election. 17B; and Miss Taylor, 10. • ':' • •• '' • • i'. 4 the Dally Register, Red Baak-Middktown, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1*72 Students Hosted By Rotary Club tituaries MATAWAN - Twastudents and a professor were guests Uiiion Beach Surprise Fred Slee at the luncheon meeting of the MATAWAN- FredSlee, 69, • Rotary Club. Miss E.M. Knight, 90, of 107 Broad St. died Monday in his home. Matawan Regional High Born in Perth Amboy, he School juniors "Bo" Jackson, Never Failed to Vote was the son of the late Harry band president, and Jeri Lynn M1DDLETOWN - Miss E. and two nieces, Mrs. Charles and Sarah Slee. Morgan, drum majorette, de- Marlon Knight. 80, formerly Dudley Miller of Freehold and He was a resident here 40 scribed their school activities. UNION BEACH - During of New York City, died early Mrs. Richard B. Wilder of any election year the main yesterday In the King James years. Thomas Shostak, an assis-. New York City. Surviving are his widow, • word is campaign. Nursing Home, where she Arrangements are under the tant professor at Brookdale " rWe didn't campaign this lived. Mrs. Gertrude Powelson Slee; Community College. Lincroft, direction of the Adams Me- two sons, George A. Slee of year; that's why I think we Miss Knight, who boasted spoke on "Understanding the. morial Home, Red Bank. - Northglenn, Colo., and. Fred lost the election," Democratic an unbroken voting record New College Student." H. Slee of Morganville; a Councilman Robert Keating, since women got the franchise Joseph Cama daughter, Mrs. Joan Sheldon, who with Democratic in- in 1920, kept that record in- here; a brother, Bert Slee of cumbent Thomas Perno, was tact. She cast her absentee HAZLET — Joseph Cama, Morgan; a sister, Mrs. Wil- defeated in a return bid, said ballot for this election, the 60, of 6 Colorado Drive died WHAT'S NEW IN liam Jensen of Perth Amboy, last nighl. . last in her life, before her Monday in Overview Hospi- 7 and 13 grandchildren. Their defeat has to be regis- death. tal, Red Bank. GOOD HEARING tered among the county up- Miss Knight celebrated her He was bom in the Bronx Arrangements are under di- sets as a Republican has not 90th birthday last April and and lived here 15 years. rection of the Bedle Funeral served on the six-man remembered the Mckinley- Mr. Cama, an assistant mi- Home, here. Th« aaewer Is crobjologist with Scherlng Bettooe'a new Borough Council in more than Bryan campaign of 1896 as Miss Cecilia L. Wirth bhtadth Hyears. one of her first political recol- Pharmaceutical Co., aid ('A cc.) ;TJewcomer Walter Scott and lections. Bloomfield, was an Army vet- UNION BEACH - Miss Ce- (ieorge Warren, who lost in a She was bom in New York eran of World War II. cilia L. Wirth, 86, of 409 Loril- in BOnuort* So i— Surviving are his widow. lard Ave. died Monday in Bay- tour ityl«t thatirfb hard* bfd for a seat last year, gar- City, a daughter of the late ly know they're waring it! nered 1,069 and 1,028 votes re- Charles and Harriett Knight. Mrs. Selma Oltsik Cama, shore Community Hospital, 9M it at . spectively, while the losers, Miss Knight is listed in the here; three sons. Kenneth Holmdel. Cama of Keansburg and JOHN KISSEL Councilmen Keating and Per- current Social Register at her She was born in Newark CERTIFIED HEARING no, had 999 and 974 in com- former East 85th St., New James and Joseph Cama, at - and lived here 25 years. AIDAUDIOLQQIST __ parison. York address, and was a home; a daughter. Miss Santa Miss Wirth was a member \Not since the late '50's. member of the New York Cama at home and a brother. of the Pentecostal Church when Robert Holland and Women's Engineering So- Anthony Cama, of the Bronx. here and the Senior Citizens MEalthew Hanas carried the ciety. The Day Funeral Home, Club. HEARING AID SERVICE Keyport, is in charge of ar- • The Day Funeral Home is in BROAD & FRONT ST. GOP standard, has anyone Surviving are a nephew. RED BANK 747-1711 other than a Democrat sat at George F. Butt of Rumson rangements. charge of arrangements. the council table. ICE IS BROKEN - It's been a long time — since the late 1950's — that Union Beach Republicans have had something to smile about. Last night Relect Assessor the smiles were huge as the party talthful celebrated the election of Samuel A. Pirozzi The Democrats did, how- George J. Warren, left, and Walter R. Scott to Borough Council. Lady in NEW SHREWSBURY - ever, return incumbent tax middle is Mrs. Jean Costello, GOP municipal chairman. Samuel A. Pirozzi, 50, of 8 JWlHBfr "SUPER SPECIAL" CiH assessor George R. Ross to of- Stratford Rd., died yesterday fice for his 15th term. .Ian. 1 and Mr. Keating, his did not reflect either party's "We are looking forward to in Riverview Hospital. Red Mr. Ross, affectionately third. sentiments. working with the adminis- Bank. ELECTION Q called "Mr. Democrat" tration," Mr. Warren said. Mr. Pirozzi was born in As- throughout the borough, pick- "They worked hard but I President Nixon was en- "We're for the people and will bury Park and lived there un- starling lodoy thru Saturday, November 11th only! ed up 94fi votes while running think the people also voted dorsed by the local electorate follow council's ideas if they til he moved here 15 years unopposed. against the administration be- along with Republican Sen. support us on items we feel ago. He was a butcher em- '- "We ran a low keyed cam- cause of the water problems Clifford P. Case, while Demo- will benefit the community as BIKE RIOT • OVER 150 BIKES ON DISPLAY ployed by the Shop Rite store 3-5-10 SPIED BKYCIES IN STOCK • BUY NOWI paign," Mr. Warren said in we experienced last spring cratic Rep. James J. Howard a whole." in Matawan and was a mem- critiquing the outcome. "We and summer," Mr. I'erno con- and Democratic Freeholder Borough Council will —'af- ber of the Amalgamated Meat had hoped to catch them off cluded. candidates Thomas J. Lynch ter Jan. 1 — still be made up Cutters and Butcher Work- 16" SIDEWALK BIKE with TRAINING WHEELS guard and apparently we Of the 2,877 "registered vot- Jr. and Leslie B. Tinkler were of four Democrats with a men Local 464 of Northern * • 0»MM Jf. M-rbt htmllelior did." ers, 2,lli2 cast ballots which supported. Democratic mayor. New Jersey. ' • Rubber cowed adjustable iMt -^ m t%t\ :."There were no basic issues During World War II. Mr. ifl the campaign," Mr. Scott Vincent A. Balsamo • dram ftmltri . «J i§ 77 Miss Mary V. Shea Pirozzi served in the Army. • Converts «»lly to boys' or girls' added, "We asked the people KEANSBURG-Vincent A. Survivors include' his widow Of, this town to get in their KEANSBUHt; - Miss Mary St. Ann's Catholic Church, •obi 24 Balsamo, 61. of 8 Stella Drive Mrs. Elveta Nelson Pirozzi; #2088 V. Shea, 70, or 30 Lincoln here. cars and ride through the died yesterday in Riverview five sons, Staff Sgt. Ricardo community and observe. Then pfturt died Monday in Hay- Surviving are a brother, Pe- Hospital, Red Bank, following Pirozzi in the Marine Corps at Beys' or Giilt' We said they should ddcide for shore Community Hospital, ter Shea of Taunton, and a long illness. Beaufort, S.C.; Paul Pirozzi of S MEN'S • LADIES' FULL SIZE 26" themselves if they wanted us Holmdel. three sisters. Miss Anna M. Mr. Balsamo moved here 20 Queens Village, N.Y.. and HI-RISC BIKE with FRONT HANDBRAKE or the the incumbents." Born in Taunton, Mass., she Shea of Taunton, Mrs. Mar- Samuel A. Jr. Angelo and 3-SPEED BICYCLE ";Mr. Perno said he also years ago from Brooklyn, and COASTER BRAKE was the daughter of the late guerite Hcher of Washington Thomas Pirozzi, all at home; thought the "election was lost and Mrs. William D. Dolan of where he was born. •- Patrick and Annie Drumm one brother, Nicholas Pirozzi. on our lack of campaigning." Arlington, Va. He was employed as a sea • Shea. captain for Trans American of Asbury Park, and two sis- dnmrhn Seventh Year* Local arrangements are un- Trailer Transport Co. of ters. Miss Madeline Pirozzi of I He will be completing his A resident here five years, der direction of the John J. Fully till she was a registered nurse. Staten Island. He was a mem- Asbury Park, and Mrs. Jean'* seveth year as a councilman Ryan Home for funerals, ber of the Masters Mates and Rubin of Eatontown. She was a communicant of here. XkbNri Pilots Association of New The Day Funeral Home, York. Red Bank, is in charge of fu- Surviving are his widow. ,neral arrangements. ^Republicans in Sweep Mrs. Anna Balsamo. here; * two sons, Salvatore and Vin- Anthony Ccrrato, cent Balsamo, both at home; three daughters, Mrs. Annette Operator of Inn Cotarski of Manvllle, and MATAWAN-Anthony Cer- Of Shrewsbury Posts Elizabeth and Debra Ann Bal- rato, 85, owner and operator. of The Magnolia Inn since 9 STANDARD SHREWSBURY - In- samo, both at home; a broth- 1927, died yesterday at Free- cumbent Republican Borough er, Thomas Balsamo of Cran- ford; a sister, Mrs. Rose Ro- hold Raceway. Mr. Ccrrato • Regulation 5x9 lop Councilmen Mrs. Emilia M. lived at 227 Freneau Ave. Special Sale Siclliano, Joseph F. Dennis mano of Brooklyn, and two • Triple coaled finish and Frederick J. Mancuso grandchildren. Born in Salerno, Italy, he • lV/plated steel legs lived in Newark before mov- easily won reelection to retain The Scott Funeral Home. • Constructed for easy storage ing here 45 years ago. He was 99 solid GOP control of the gov- Belford, is in charge of ar- • Fully striped 5-12 an Army veteran of World erning body. rangements. 24 War I and a member of the lo- ft COMPim StlKTIOH Of TMU TENNIS ACCESSORIES AT 10W DISCOUNT PRICES cal American Legion post. • airs. Sicilians"running for an Mrs. Harold M. Sickles unexplred one-year term re- Mr. Ccrrato was a life ceived 929'VOtcs; Mr. Dennis LITTLE SILVER - Mrs. member of the Benevolent and Mr. Mancuso, running for Elsie A. Sickles, 81), of Itum- and Protective Order of Elks, full terms, polled 917 and 1141, son Road, died Tuesday in and a communicant of St. Cle- respectively. Riverview Hospital, Red'. ment's Catholic Church. Bank. Surviving aje his widow, Democratic contenders for Mrs. Sickles was born in Mrs. Antoinetta Lupo Cer- the three-year terms were England and had lived in this rato; a son, Dominic Cerrato, Mrs. Mary K. Redford, who community for the past 4V at home; a daughter, Mrs. Ar- polled 530 votes, and Robert years. thur Rathorn, here; a brother,- W, Stewart, with 564. She was a member of St. Peter Cerrato of Maplewood; John's Episcopal Church of a sister, Mrs. Rose Rizuto of Frederick W. Yorg, running Mrs. KmlllaM. Siclliano Frederick Mancuso Little Silver and the church's Irvington, and a grandson. i% the one-year term, re- Guild. The Day Funeral Home. ceived 555 votes. the father of two children. He was appointed to council last Surviving are her husband, Keyport, is in charge of ar- 7-FOOT POOL TABLE BUMPER POOL TABLE The Democrats all favored .luno, following the resigna- Harold M. Sickles; a son. rangements. AUTOMATIC BALL RETURN construction of some form of Robert W. Sickles, here; a e Moid«J bumptrt wllh gum rubber rina. tion of Richard J. Docglcr. • Vinyl weed grain flnlih apartments or multiple hous- daughter, Mrs. Charlotte- Mrs. Isabclle Fraser e Walnm vinyl grained Itnlih • lad and leg l*v»liri e Bed and leg levtlert ing units which the Republi- Mr. Mancuso is completing Schwenkcr of Issaquah, RED BANK - Mrs. Isabclle • UnMnd with cacluilv* H-fram* e Formtum bed,,, cans strongly opposed. Tho lour years on council, and is a Wash.; two sisters. Miss Do- Fraser, 92, a former resident tonitructlon for longer durability e Fold* lor jloraao Democrats also charged that member of several other com- rothy Roberts and Mrs. Ruth • rormiumbMl, full braced e Complel. wilhlalli and cu«i of Peters Place died Monday • Complete wHhbaUt and cuu police news was being sup- munity organizations. Mar- Withers, both of Surrey, Eng- in Meadow Lake Village, pressed. This was denied by ried and the father of three land; and six grandchildren. Hlghtstown. children, Mr. Mancuso is vice the GOP candidates. Arrangements are under the Mrs. Fraser was bom in In-, president of I'almieri-Man- direction of the Adams Me- dependence, Mo., and had Mrs. Siciliano is completing cuso Co. plumbing and heal- morial Home. Red Bank. lived most of her life in the her fifth year on council. She 1 iiiR contractors. is council president. Married Red Bank area. She was the and. the mother of two chil- Nearly SO per. cent of the Gustavc Bolt widow of the late Edmund G. dren, she is employed as a borough's 1, 974 eligible voters EATONTOWN - Oustave Fraser. fashion designer by Godfried-' east ballots, favoring liepubli Bott, 77, died yesterday at his' Mrs. Fraser was a member .Tru-Val Co. of Now York. can candidates at all levels by home, 36 Lake Avc. of the First Presbyterian Church of Red Bank and a Mr. Dennis is a senior ac- substantial majorities.' He was born in Germany. member of the church's Wom- countant with Walter E. Hocr, son of the late Karl and Fred- Then: wore no local ques- ericka Bolt. He resided here en's Association. She was an New York, and is married and' tions. honorary member of the Riv- •TYCOPRO HO SCALE INTERNATIONAL TYCO HO SCALE Joseph Dennis for five years and was for- SUPER 44 FREIGHT SET s merly of Manalapan Town- crview Hospital Auxiliary and • 2-IN-l PRO RACEWAY * ship, where he owned the was one of the founders of the 0 • Milt 34*36 Deuble.1 layout h on. of th. • This great 44-piece train set fea- Happy Acre Farm from 1941 Needlework Guild of Red' six different track deiignt you can moko ture* an F-9 diesel locomotive with Young Replaces Demarest Bank. • wHh the International. A tricky Cobbleiton* operating headlight. Includes 3 until hfs retirement in 11)87. A tqueei* It Included with 14' of doubl* lane He was a charter member of Surviving are two nephews, ^ tra and he was given The Robert A. Braun Homo KEYPORT - Members of lor Funerals is in charge of Friday 10 AM to 6 PM frim the board in September. Hired as teachers were approval for fund raising 'af- the Senior Citizens will travel. 'I3ie term expires in Kebrii1 arrangements 10 AM 1o 9 PM Sunday* Mary Tricts-of Keyport,-phys- fairs to pay for a bus' from the to Trenton on Monday .to at- 11 AM to 4 PM ical education, $H,0H5; Marita school to John V. Kennedy tend a rally dealing with pro- Man Arrested • 223 BLOOMFIELD AVENUE jMrj . Young and his wile, Ja- llebcrry. Middletown, elemen- Airport. posed benefits for elder resi- 370 ROUTE #36 net, reside at % Church St. tary grades.. JS.(MJI), and Mrs. ASBURY PARK - Jerome dents of the state. With'their daughter, Tammy. Mary Kalon.lo teach first II was announced that for l'rilchett, IB, of 372 Atlantic A bus Will leave at tt a.m. Located on Route 36 He Is a professional re- grade commencing Jan. -1, the safety of the students Avc,, Long Branch, was ar- from the Veterans of Foreign between Laurel and Union Avenues search photographer for John- W.50U. Mrs. Kalon replaces walking to and from sclmol, rested on charges of being un- Wars Hall, Wavcrly and Third . 2 NEWARK son and Johnson Co., New Mrs. Barbara Brown, who Osbornc Street is now one- der the influence of alcohol Sts., and at 8:10 a.m. from I HAZLET Brunswick. • ,was granted Bethany Manor. Atlantic Avc. In response to a plea from leaye. is one-way north: ,. nue and Comstock Street. andRt.36. To* Dally Begfrter, mBfcik~HMdki»w». NX ff*d»csd*y, Npejabtr % m &V USE OUR EASY LAY-AWAY PLAN

Remember, your Mastercharge and

Child World store. Where Better Toys Cost Less'

WEIGHT LOSER — Fay Burnett, left, head nutri- tionist for Weight Watchers International, poses with Jackie Greenstein, newly-appointed lecturer of Weight Watchers class which meets Mondays * ALL AMERICAN BIKE SALE!**! at 7:30 p.m. at West Keansburg Firehouse, Eighth St. /Vis. Greenstein, who shed 70 pounds, attended FROM AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS MANUFACTURERS statewide seminar to learn latest techniques of weight reduction. HEDSTROM MURRAY Pennsylvania Police m Seeking New Image By CHRIS ROBERTS is now green, but it still bears a military cut. The badge, always PHILADELPHIA (AP) silver, is now gold. The police — "What's an old penny cruisers, once black and made of?" someone would white.are now all white. shout, passing a policeman. "I think it makes a man feel "Dirty copper!" was the loud a little better if you dress him reply — and then the kids would up, and he does a better job," run. says Police Chief William Eck. That old taunt was born in a' Backing up Eck, who be- time when policemen were lieves policemen should be in characterized either as over- uniform, is Paul Coleman, head weight Irishmen, wearing sag- of the 11-man police force in the Child's First Convertible 20" Lightweight Premier Jr. Miss 3 Speed ging, gunbelts and twirling borough of Darby, outside nightsticks, or leather-jack- Philadelphia. Training Bike Training Bike Bicycle Bike Hi Rise English Style eted, high-booted young men Coleman balks at a town wearing tinted sunglasses and council proposal that the police- 87 87 87 87 87 87 roaring by on a motorcycle. men wear civilian clothes and Today, across Pennsylvania, rename themselves "communi- 12 22 32 34 42 49 programs are underway to ty safety officers." " Puncture proof tires. Adjust seat Converts into boy's or Chrome tront and rear fenders. High styled frame.Contourbiicket Coaster brake, Reflective pedals,' Dependable 3 speed bike with create a new image, one that Reading also experimented and handlebars.Complete with 'girl's... Adjustable handlebars with Kickstand. Black . Ter- seat. Coaster brake. Retlectorized! Enamel fenders. Chrome rims, built-in gears. Dual Callper hand looks better in the community on a limited basis with chang- trainingwheels, Very rugged... training wheels. Coaster brake, rilic finish.Available as boy's or pedals, Kickstand. Beautiful finish Flowered woven basket. Avail, as, brakes. Beautiful bright finish. scene. girl'smodel boy's bike with front handbrake ing the appearance of its law- Lancaster is a city where pa- less basket. men. However, the plan was trolmen now are trading in old abandoned. uniforms for what Public Safe- "The chief decided all the, ty Director Herbert Yost calls men inside — the planning of- "new career outfits." . ficers, the training officers and Tandem Stroller The new attire, to be phased the like — would wear blaz- • Ridem Musical Rocker in over the next year, consists ers," explained Capt. Robert of green blazers worn over a Ochs. 497 Motor Bike light green broadcloth shirt. Although it didn't catch on, 799 The trousers are oxford grey, Ochs said he thinks the idea of Bright plaid chrome tubing shoes black, and the tie — still "inside officers" wearing civil- with large size wheels. Holds Hardwood rocker with high Rl'oss undecided. two dolls. 399 maple finish. Plays music while ian clothes is a good one. But you rock. Spindle back. 'A vest pocket crest, bearing a like Eck and Coleman he is ^It's, fun to ride. Comes in Hot rose — the city's symbol — will opposed, to beat patrolmen Bright colors. replace the badge; identi- being out of uniform. Small Size Sliding Door fication will be carried in the "Suppose at night you're pa- Doll Carriage Beginners Toy Chest officer's pocket. Lancaster po- trolling a beat and there's a licemen also will swap their family fight," he offers. Cycle six-inch barrel revolvers for, "They'd think it was a nosey 397 BYMARX 799 shorter models, .which .will be"^neighbor butting in and not *a worn out of sight. policeman. Chrome Plated tubular handle. 77 Strong wood frame with grained Molded body with quilt inte- lormile and white plastic tubular "We feel the new uniforms "Or suppose a fellow falls trim. Sliding blackboard and al- rior. Very smart design, o 7 wilt be less abrasive and com- down and you're trying to give phabet screened. mand more respect," explains him first aid. They'd think you 'Heavy weight plastic provides Lancaster Police'Chief Wilmer were trying to rob him. no tip ... Easy to operate. Great to learn. Hoover. "Or take an accident investi- Raggedy Ann , Using part of a state grant to gation and you're trying to di- fund the program, the William- rect traffic. Medium Size Big Wheel Toy Chest sport Police Department also "I'll tell you," he said, "if Doll Carriage BY MARX has undergone a facelifting. someone wearing a blazer tried The traditional blue uniform to stop me I'd run him over." Q87 6" Gaily decorated with Raggedy Chrome plated tubular handle Still the most popular one. First Ann and Andy. Big size, well con- Travelers Must Face and frame. Moulded body with three wheeled speed cycle that structed and sturdy. full tubular frame. Large every boy wants to own ... wheels. girls, too. Battle of Red Tape Unfinished By WERNER VOLLMANN changed daily. Furniture ' VIENNA (AP) - Travel Returning travelers again for a Westerner may be have to, watch out that they do Large She Deacon Bench occasionally troublesome, not conflict with foreign curren- Doll Carriage & Toy Chest but this is nothing compared to cy regulations. the battle with red tape an East Bulgarians allow only 50 leva or 3 Drawer Student European traveler encounters, taken out of the country. Hun- . Desk & Chair if he just goes from one Com- garians are willing to part with munist country to another. 200 forints but the bank notes Chrome 3 Piece must not be larger than 20- Large molded body with full 7 The Slovak Association of forint notes. Poles have a limit tubular frame. Tufted quilt Table & Chair Set Journalists recently issued of 1,000 zlotys. East Germans matching hood. Large wheels. 199 what it called "a recipe for set 250 East marks as the limit, 87 Modern style ... ready to finish avoiding difficulties with pass- Romania 500, lei and the Soviet port and customs control" 8 made of clear pine and sanded Union 60 rubles. Rigid table with st.iin and mar proof top. 2 high back chairs, uphol- smooth. Easy to stain or paint. 4 which lists so many things to do While Bulgarians, Hun- stered in heavy vinyl. draws in the desk. that it might in fact discourage garians, Romanians and the So- anybody from making the trip viets seem unconcerned about in the first place. the reading habits of their vis- The Association's biweekly itors, the East Germans and publication Vyber Z Domaccj A. Poles ban any printed material Zahranicnej Tlace listed the from "non-Socialist" countries regulations applying in the vari- "if it endangers peace and So- ous East European countries, cialism or consists of maps dis- •!$ which in the case of the Soviet criminatory to the German Union alone covered 21 lines. Democratic Republic (East The hard-core measures are Germany) and other Socialist nearly the same in every East States." COWH European country: Each wants Poles, East Germans and the Si to know who crosses the border, Soviets have long lists ol what „ watches that not too much of its travelers may carry along in Malibu Barbie & Friends Velvet's Little Sister Cotton Candy Maker Kenner Slide Projector Peg Desk national currency is taken out, their luggage. Choose Barbie, Francie, Velvet has a younger sister. Make real cotton candy Show it anywhere day or Hours ol lun.and enter- nor rare consumer goods which Bottles bearing the name of a She can move her arms and 88 77 lainmcnt ..use it as a desk, the East European countries Skipper and P.J 5 sunny -.rorn puresuRar...Watctnt nite. Slip in the easy to foreign product can not be personalities ready lor surf -J99 legs;with hair that can be 387 spin... handle cassette, Snap it peg board or blackboard. 2-99 prefer to sell in the West for made to grow. Z 5 brought into Poland, the Soviets and sand, ~ on...Turn the Button. hard currency. say "njet" to three overcoats, Action Jackson Red tape starts at home, and the East German author- BmDUcnril Czechoslovaks have to file The biggest l««»VHMftl ities do not like records made in nun in Ihe world ol **a '1 mcuvMfcUUrf* customs and foreign currency West Germany or West Berlin. ^advpdlure. Choose declarations; in some cases Records made in the West can (ttoiti'3 • "'"rutty' they must also have exit per- only be taken along if "they lnlpd and com- ' plctcly posoable. 99 mils. Anyone intending to take represent a cultural heritage or a gift exceeding $20 along must progressive contemporary Action Jackson obtain permission. ideas." „ Anyone wanting to visit the Accessories Hungary, Bulgaria and Ro- Hoppity f Ynur r.hoiceol mili-' Soviet Union or Poland must mania seem to have no special Chip Away ByKenner Candle Craft lary iportsand bold have a visa. Joining a tour of a restrictions there. They, as the Ball or adventure outfits state travel agency makes this other three, limit goods the Vou'll feel like a real sculp- 2 pwcemold. 1 pound of wax relatively simple. But anyone traveler might want to take out for. Chip away the outside' for pouring 2 candles Can- It'j the ball that's loads of We carry a complett assort- Who wants to visit privately of the country, however. and a statue appears. dles, dippng pan, wckiig, fun rugged but safe. Indoor mentol Action Jackson acCM- Ready for painting. 499 colors, scent. 1.66. or outdoor.. 597 must have an invitation authen- Poland requires a special , soriesatlowdlscountprieu••• ticated by the Soviet militia. permit for exports of china, The situation becomes even glassware and fur coats, the' njore complicated as far as Soviets block export of reindeer money is concerned. Limits are antlers and sable fur coats, and HWY. 35, HAZLET set by each country how many Hungary insists a tourist must HAZLET PLAZA (Across The Street from K-Mart) zlotys, lei, leva, ruble, forints not take out more than one half or East marks can be ex- ki)o of salami sausage. Junketeering Columnists

EsUUijhcd in 1878-PubUshed by The Red Bank Register orders from higher up. '.1 By JACK ANDERSON ^HiraiiatmiinuutniiuuniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiuiu the country, the more secure have lived my entire life to , ARTHUR Z. KAMIN that government becomes. honor," he said. President and Editor The Greek dictatorship has WASHINGTON Through . . . such energetic Footnote: Among other jun- sponsored a luxury tour for outfits as the Helleriic Indus- keteers were .travel writer some of America's best-read trial Development bank, the Theo McCormick and U.S. conservative columnists. In Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandfqrd, Associate Editor , government is doing just Steel public relations man some cases, their wives also that," wrote Kilpatrick. made the trip. iiiiniiiiiiuiiii Hniiiiiniiiiwmuuiiiiiiii; Tom Geoghegan. One of those Wednesday, November 8,1972 Other kind words were writ- invited by Totomis, AP eco- Not surprisingly, the red satisfied." ten by junketeering colum- inmmuiiiiimiiiHiiiHiiii carpet trip produced a gush of nomic writer Sterling GreehT But de Toledano had anoth- nists Anthony Harrigan, who turned down the junket be- projunta columns in the na- er gift for the Greeks. When doubles as executive vice Crossed i tion's press. Readers, how- cause free trips are against AP Totomis's bank sponsored a president of the Southern policy. ever, didn't know that the pavilion at the Greek-Ameri- States Industrial Council; for- Intelligence Reports tour was financed, at $2,000 a can AHEPA conference in At- mer National Press Club Anti-CIA Campaign - The head, by the government-con- lanta, de Toledano wrote Vice President Allan Cromley. doing a helluva job there." trolled Hellenic Industrial De- President Spiro Agnew on To- The facile dc Toledano said Soviets, apparently, have Daily Oklahoman bureau launched a worldwide cam- velopment Bank, whose urbane tomis's behalf. The Vice Pres- chief in Washington; Robert he had even helped out To- paign to discredit the Central governor, Paul Totomls, once ' ident did not know Totomis, Baskin, Dallas Morning News tomis with a little unpaid pub- Intelligence Agency. Partial-: rounded up thousands of in- but took de Toledano's word political writer, and Oscar lic relations work. nocent Greeks in concentra- forthe Greek's good works. Naumann, Journal of Com- Kilpatrick called it a "rou- larly in Asia, Soviet prop- tion camps. Proudly Publicized merce economics writer. tine industrial tour" and said aganda blames the CIA for ev- erything from conspiring" Totomis was the junta's In a personal letter, Agnew While most of the copy writ- he had been led to believe the Minister of Public Order for — without ever seeing the Greek government had not against President Ferdinand ten by the subsidized tourists Marcos in the Philippines to six months after the 1967 bank's pavilion — lauded To- is favorable to the junta, picked up the tab. Baskin, stirring up ill will between In- coup. This charming Athe- tomis's contribution to Greek- Cromley and Naumann did Cromley and Naumann also dia and Bangladesh. nian man-about-town put up American amity. The letter take a few honest bites at the spoke frankly with us. the columnists at the plush has been proudly publicized dictatorship. Cromley wrote Only Harrigan, who finds Mao's Successor — In- King George Hotel, arranged by Totomis. candidly: "The fact is that even President Nixon's poli- telligence reports say Chlna^s for their first-class travel and The dictatorship reaped fur- the present government is a tics too far left for him from chairman Mao Tse-tung and' picked up their bills for fine ther benefits form columnist form of dictatorship which ex- time to lime, refused to dis- Premier Chou En-lai have dis- wines and Greek foods. .lames .1 Kilpatrick, who ercises sporadic censorship cuss the junket. cussed how to.prepare the The suave Totomis and his praised the way things are go- of the press and exists without We reached Totomis by Chinese public for the inevi- bosses would have gotten ing under the military regime. •periodic consent of the gov- overseas telephone at his table demise of the revered their money's worth out of the The capable, sometimes caus- erned." Naumann criticized bank in Athens. For 45 min- Mao. The attempt to build up junket if the only man on it tic Kilpatrick failed to tell his the Greek steel industry. utes, he vigorously defended Lin Piao as a successor led to had been Ralph de Toledano, millions of readers that the Mixed Reaction himself. There was nothing an abortive coup when he got in too big a hurry to take who distributes his con- bank had picked up his tab When we questioned the col- wrong with the tour, he said. over. Mao is said to recognize, servative views to 100 papers. when he singled out the bank umnists about, their week of As for his roundup of Greeks however, that he cannot live "For the first time in its ISO for praise. junketing, the' reaction was in 1967, he said there, had been years of independence," "The more the present gov- mixed. De Toledano said: "I'll no complaints from the de- much longer and that a sue-' wrote de Toledano, "Greece ernment succeeds in promot- stick by my friendship with tainees. In any case, he said cessor must be groomed who Four More Years is prospering and the people ing industrial growth around Paul Totomis. I think he's he was merely carrying out can hold China together. Richard M. Nixon's presidential vic- Americans want — and this, we feel con- tory yesterday gives him .opportunities fident, is what Mr. Nixon will accomplish. that perhaps no chief executive has faced Then will come the tasks of solving in the history of the nation. the unemployment problems. The cities • The magnitude of his election triumph Epitaph for Crude Campaign will have to be rebuilt. Our civil rights will was clear and strong. It demonstrated the have to be protected and equal freedoms mood of America. It demonstrated the given those who have endured the wrath By JIM BISHOP iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmi shoved his wheelchair toward are torn between the metro- complexities of our time. It brought into of discrimination. The inflation that has the back hall at Hyde Park politan liberals and the South- focus the issues troubling us. It showed unjustly taken away dollars from the poor, I'm glad the election is THE and turned it onto his personal ern conservatives. In truth, there is a desire for stability and change. the elderly and the middle class will have over. The candidates de- dumbwaiter. He looked at Bill the Southern Democrats are meaned themselves one and Democratic Sen. George McGovern to be induced and eliminated. The envi- Hassett and a few others and more Republican than Nixon. all. The political columnists, said softly: "I still hate the About 3 per cent of the cur- was unable to capture the imagination of REPORTER ronment will have to be cleansed and pre- in my opinion, hit a new low. son of a bitch!" The wounds rent Republican vote is liberal the American people. The preference was served for those who follow. They pandered to their indi- iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii remained open and festering Democratic. Few honor the to go with the Republican President who, But, equally important, the moral and vidual choices, and tossed not be trusted to pick a run- until the President died — and party badge they wear. heaps of 8-point slime at the despite his shortcomings, represented intellectual climate of our nation and lead- ning mate. beyond the grave. Mr. Nixon promised that he opposition. Not Since '44 achievement and decision. ership will have to improve. There must This campaign showed little would not introduce a new tax L'affairc Watergate re- One would have to go back that was constructive on ei- Frankly, the choice was not there. be greater faith in government ancj those BISHOP bill next year. This is an easy mains' a mystery of*.in- to the 1944 campaign between ther side. Promises were promise to keep because the This was not a time for experimentation. whom we elect to office. Here is where dictments and denials, still to Franklin D. Roosevelt and made, but similar promises tax bill is up to Wilbur Mills And we not only understand this thinking Mr. Nixon will have to excel. Here is be explained to a curious pub- Thomas E. Dewey to resur- were made in the 1968 cam- and the Congress. If they hike lic. The Eagleton matter but support it. where he will have to provide new charac- rect similar gutterepolitics. paign. The paramount feature of my friends. Those gentle taxes — as they must — Nixon ("I'm behind Tom 1,000 per Mr. Roosevelt was running for of this shoot-out was its accu- can state truthfully that it is We have called Mr. Nixon a "man of ter for an America that is crying out for cent") and the denouement souls who, for four years, had a fourth term. Dewy's gambit sations. Once, when 1 ran for been telling me how President not his doing; the' onus is on history." And this was one of the reasons ont only a return to the values of the past, had the weird effect of ex- was built around the phrase Freeholder in Bergen County, Nixon had betrayed every the Congress. that he drew our endorsement in these col- citing nationwide sympathy that the White House was full but the human and social changes essen- N.J., 1 was counseled: "Do promise he ever made, were Perhaps, as a people, we. for Eagleton, making him of "tired, quarrelsome old umns. We feel strongly that there is a de- tial for a new, emerging society. not point up the shortcomings are not politically mature. In the sainted martyr of all those men." now growling that McGovern sire on Mr. Nixon's part to do what is right These are the challenges that will be of the opposition; tell the was a "wild man; dan- France, everyone make a hiv who ever had an emotional This was not true. But then, for the nation. He started, J his with his facing Mr. Nixon and America in the four problem. people what you plan to do to gerous." I asked who they by of politics. The moment „ neither was Alice Roosevelt make this a better commu- would vote for. government is elected.the imaginative foreign policy. And now we crucial years ahead. Our hope and our The President, by ani- Longworth's, dismissal of nity." "Well," they said, "guess 1 people begin to shoot it down look to him to bring the same resolve to prayer is that they will be four fruitful madversion, became the Dewey as "the little man on I followed the advice, and gotta stick with Nixon. He's because they think that is our domestic crises. years. If Mr. Nixon is, indeed, a "man of scheming villain. All the evil the wedding cake." By the was trounced 122,00ft votes to their right. Here, once we are innuendos ended up at his not wild and crazy." These The Vietnam War is coming to an end. history" it will be a time of accom- lime election day — Novem- 60,000. America enjoys hostil- aligned with a party or a poli- doorstop, without ever were the men who, for four And now will come the task of building a plishment for a nation that is searching ber 7th — fell due, personal ity. It gets its kicksoitf of the years, had cluttered my con- tician, we feel bound to defend breaching the door. His per- rancor was at such a pitch crude game of picking sides in just and honorable peace. This is what again for the human values of greatness. versation with all the dire our choice down the line. If sonal posture was to be "above" that Dewey refused tn send baseball, football, basketball, politics; to play the benign things they planned to do to hurts to believe that the •oppcv the usual telegram of con- politics, and heaping abuse on statesman while ordering his Nixon when he ran for reelec- silion" has virtues worth gratulation to Roosevelt, the the opposition. tion. study. The Case Victory menials to slash at McGovern winner. as a wispy idealist who could The biggest surprise to me The alignment of both par- I'm glad the election is It was a foregone concision that Sen. In Sen. Case, the state has a represen- At 3 a.m., the President was reflected in the attitude ties is askew. The Democrats over. Bury it in shame .. . Clifford P. Case, a Republican, would win tative who displays great independence. yesterday's election easily. - He will support the administration when

he believes it is necessary. And he will go • . * After all, the senator has -Served with his own way when he feels that is the ap- distinction and there was no reason to proach to take. Blind party affiliation is seek a replacement for him. His Demo- not for him. His decisions are made after Would You Lie to a Pollster? cratic opponent, Paul Krebs, ran a quiet honest, careful, independent study. campaign. His task was a formidable one And, at this time, those qualities are Bv ROBERT YOAKUM ninitiiniHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii from the start. the future? They can't always band switched from a liberal essential fona senator. The years ahead- use secret ballots because Democratic candidate in 1972 .Sen. Case continued to have great vot- will bring with them the need for monu- The disasters that occasion- they often want to find out to a conservative Republican ally hit political pollsters are ANOTHER why the polee replied tlfaway er appeal to all New Jerseyans. As the re- mental decisions as the Republic gears candidate in 1976? Come now, due only in part to sloppy he did. „» Mrs. Pimpernel, do you take sults showed, not only Republicans but itself to encounter and solve old and new sampling. Another ex- LOOK The answer, I s,($P*tct. is me for a fool?" Democrats and independents as well saw problems. planation is the deviousness of that the pollsters wfllfhave to iiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii fit to give him strong support. And this Sen. Case will give the state and the people being polled. get tough and tricky, like "No, no! It's just that you've got me muddled with was as it should be. For, after all, the sen- nation the rich and thoughtful leadership / In other words — and this questioned said' they had prosecuting attorneys. Let's will come as a blow* to those look at the kind of interview all these questions." ator seives all New Jerseyans and this, voted. But in truth only HI) per that is required in the crucial period of you who have illusions that may be routine by the cent had. "Isn't it true, Mrs. Pump- perhaps, is the hallmark of his record in ahead. He has done it in the past. Ho will about your fellow citizens — 1978 election. YOAKUM And experimental polls tak- ernickle..." Congress. do it again. •" some Americans stand there en on the eve of this election •'Hello, ma°dam, I am • "It's"Pimpernuckle, I mean in front of the pollster and lie showed that some people lied George Louis of the Gallup- Agnew." Pimpernel." to his face. llarris Poll. Would you mind rather .than admit they were "Did 1? I must have been "... that, in fact, you ex- Do you require proof Well, telling me for whom you in- The Congressional Races voting for McGovcrn, perhaps thinking of my mother and pect to vote for Sen. Ken- in 1!)4S, after President Tru- tend to vote in November'.'" because they feared beinj; myself." nedy? Isn't it true that you Rep. James J. Howard has been re- Vietnam War. There will be even greater man drubbed both Thomas identified as pot-smoking, •I'm sorry, Mr. Louis, but "Mmmm. Well, let's move lied lo me? Isn't it true that turned to office in the Third District. It emphasis placed on the problems of the Dewey and the pollsters, the draft-dodging abortionists nn my husband told, me never to on: For whom did you vote, in you yourself pasted that Ken- environment as they ariect our ocean, riv- Roper Poll conducted an in- welfare. Or they may have answer questions from speaks well for the voters who, once the 1972 election.'" nedy sticker on the bedroom again, concluded that Mr. Howard has giv- ers, bays, and air. The unemployment quest. To their surprise, the feared ending up on some FBI strange young men." "Put me down as unde- or Army list of potential sub- "Madam. I am not strange. mirror?" en the district fine representation. problem will have to be solved. A federal postelection sampling showed cided." that voters had been lying to versives. Now will you please answer "Yes, yes! It's ture! t give effort will have to be made to save our "It's a little late for that, up! I confess! I did it! I pas- them, and still were. For ex- How will pollsters handle my question." Mrs,, ah ... " Mr.. Howard, a Democrat, ran a pro- cities. Those arc some of the situations ted the Kennedy sticker on. ample, HO per cent of those this citizens' credibility gap in . "Oh, all right, but for heav- "Pimpernel. I'nscilla Pim- gressive, constructive campaign. And, for that Mr, Howard will have to lackle in the en's sake don't toll Pierre. We And it's true that George and pernel." I are going to vote for Ken- the most pan, so did his Republican oppo- new Congress. intend to vote for Vice Presi- "As I say, it's a bit late to nent, William F. Dowd. The issue, as we dent Agnew." nedy. But for Hod's sake don't But he has demonstrated thai he be recorded as undecided tell him that 1 told you. This is have said here several times, was whether "I see. Then what is that about an election that was works hard for his district. He has demon- Teddy Kennedy sticker doing a very conservative neighbor- a new voice was needed for the district in held four years ;igo. Lei's strated that his human values are strong. on the mirror in your bed- 1 hood, and George is afraid we Washington. And the voters obviously con- have tin truth, Mrs. Pimper- might get kicked out of the He has demonstrated that people, after room.'" nel." cluded it was not. After all, Mr. Howard Beilevie.w Bowling League."' all, are his major concern. And this ap- "Who lokl you about thai!" "All right, but whatever you provided excellent representation — and, "One nf your neighbors " "George? I thought you said proach should give comfort to those who do, don't tell Pierre I told you. your husband's name was at the same time, he went beyond paro- "Oh, well, that's not my The truth is we voted for look to Washington for an enlightened mirror. It belongs to Pierre." Pierre", chial areas and became strongly involved viewpoint to government. McGovcrn." "1 lied about that. too. But "But a moment ago you "And you expect me lo be- id We are also pleased to see Hop. Frank said "we' intend lo vote for. please promise not to tell ei- lieve that you and your hus- ther one nf them." , Mr. Howard regards himself as "ev- Thompson returned to office in the Fourth erybody's congressman" and there is no District. Mr, Thompson is a newcomer, so question that it curried a great deal of to speak, to the county, lie now represents weight in yesterday's election. The fact five county municipalities, including Key- INTERNAL W a POLITICAL • Today in History that, despite redislricting, the Nixon vic- port ami Malawan Township. PROBLEMS By the Associated Press tory, and the general Republican com- Mr. Thompson's record is an impres- In 1904. Theodore Hoosovolt- Ten years ago: A settle- was elected president. 1 position of the area, lie was able to sive one. We are certain that once he bo- ()n this date — ment was reached in a week- In I'M, the first battle be- long strike against the New achieve a victory speaks well for him and comes acquainted with his now area, he In 15lit. the Spanish con- tween jet planes look place as his record; It shows that voters again York Daily News, the nation's will look after its interests with a strong queror, llernando, Cortcz. American fighters were at- largest-circulation newspaper. reached Mexico City. maintained a high degree of independence determination. tacked by North Korean migs. Five years ago: Chrysler iri making their choice. Naturally, we Mr. Howard and Mr. Thompson make In 1S73, the Louvre museum In 195», the United Arab He- and the Auto Workers Union - commend them for their decision. an excellent team in Congress. Their In Paris was opened tn the public and the .Sudan ended reached agreement on a new The congressman's task in thp next thinking is geared to the needs of .in are;i public. five years of negotiation by contract, avoiding a strike. signing an agreement for the two years will be a difficult one. The dis- that undcYgoing change. The voters were In IHSil', Montana became Today's birthdays: Actress division of the Nile valley wa- Katharine Hepburn is H'i. trict will feel the effects of the end to the wise to call upon them again for service. the 41st stale. ters. At BEST, A LONG, HAZARDOUS RpUTE! Singer Patti Page is 45, The Daily Register, Red Bank-MIddtetown, N.J. Wednesday, Novemljer 8,1972 7 Two Republicans, One Democrat Win Manalapan Committee Seats MANALAPAN - Victories votes less than Mr. Piccione, in January, Mr. Olsen, the justment, and is vice presi- for Pitman-Moore, Hopewell. of two Republicans and one and a recount may be re- only other Republican with dent of the Monmouth Heights He is past president of the Democrat mean that Republi- quested. experience on the committee,"1 Swim Club. Greater Manalapan Jaycees. cans will retain control of the is expected to be. named may- He and his wife have two and is a member of the Amer- The other candidates for the or. Township Committee. full terms were Republican children. ican Institute of Certified ' The outcome of the election •Joseph K. Walter, 1,968 votes, Mr. Olsen is a sheet metal' Mr. Collins is a certified Public Accountants. dealt a blow to the Indepen- and I KM candidates Kenneth construction foreman for public accountant, and is em- He and his wife have five dence for Manalapan (IFM) Klotz and Ronald C. Willis, Charles Hartmann & Co., New ployed as an account manager children. party, which was formed last 757 and 1,074, respectively. York. He represents this mu- f ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT year and had hoped to gain nicipality on the Western control of the committee. Another Independent, Joel Monmouth Utilities Authority, Smith, withdrew from the and formerly served on the What do doctors recommend Republican Kenneth G. 01- ' race although it was too late, Board of Health and the Zon- sen, running for an unexpired .for his name to be removed ing Board of Adjustment. two-year term, polled 2,571 from the ballot, lie polled 82 Mr. Flanagan is secreta^ for patients in pain? votes. Democrat Stephen votes. of the Recreation Commis- Davis polled 1,762 votes. IFM sion, served on the Manalapan Doctors all over the country dispense over 50,000,000 candidate Robert H. Werner Republican .lames. C. Col- lins, acting township clerk,' Juvenile Conference Com- of these tablets to their patients each year. received 740. mittee, and was chairman of won a full term in that post, There are many medications a tors recommend most than any Mr. Olsen was named to the the American Legion Boys other leading tablet. committee last year to fill a polling 2,393 votes. His oppo- physician or dentist tan pre- nents were Democrats Nich- State program. scribe for pain. Some are nar- Headache and dental pain is, vacancy created by the resig- New CommlUeeman cotic, many aro available only relieved incredibly fast; minor- nation of Albert Garlinghouse,, olas Padalino, who received pains of arthritis are depend-n 1,757, and'IFM candidateMohn The new committeeman, ,on prescription. But there is one a Democrat. who is employed as the home pain reliever, available without ably eased for hours; even the. D. DeRienzo, 702. . prescription, doctors dispense aches and pnins of cold* and flu Democrat James A. KJana- office representative of Mu- respond to Anacin. So the ten-. gan, polling 2,229 votes, and New Mayor Possible again and again... Anncin. tual Insurance Co. of New Each year, doctors give over sion and depression that can be| Republican Paul Piccione, The council will consist of York, is married and has five 50,000,000 Anacin tablets to caused by such pain will be re-' who received 2,084, won full lieved too. And millions take' three Republicans, one Demo- children. <•• their patients in pain. If doctors 1 committee terms. crat and Gerald K. Loeb, a Mr. Piccione is a consultant think enough about Anacin to Anacin without stomach upset.' May Ask Recount member of the IFM party. in cost control and facilities dispense all these tablets, what When you're, in pain, why, Democrat Stanley Kusch- Since GOP Mayor A. Barry better recommendation can you don't you follow the practice of. planning for Wood & Tower. ask when you are in pain? so many doctors and take the ick, however, also a candidate Brandt is expected to step Inc., Princeton. Ho is a mem- You see, Anacin contains tablet a doctor might give you for a full term, polled only six down from the mayor's post ber of the Zoning Board of Ad- more of the pain reliever doc- in his own office. Take Anacjn®..

Register Stuff Pholo ' EATONTOWN WINNERS — Calling out the good news of a Republican victory from GOP headquarters last night were Theodore J. Zebrowski Jr. and incumbent Borough Councilman Henry C Frey. Both won full three-year terms on Borough Council, retaining the present three-to-three Democratic-Republican-split on council. Two Republicans Win Eatontown GOP Seats EATONTOWN - Republi- Democratic Congressman supervisor in the Standards cans Theodore .1. Zebrowski James J. Howard. Mr. How- Department of Bell Telephone Jr. and incumbent Coun- • ard outpolled his Republican Laboratories in llolmdel. He WMn cilman Henry C. Frey won opponent, William F. .Dowd, is completing his first three- both three-year Council seats 1,865 to 1,581). ! ' year term as Councilman. to retain Council's delicate At Republican headquarters. Mr. Zebrowski, married and three-to-three balance. last night, Councilman Frey the father of a daughter, is considered the tight Council credit manager with a county Mr. Frey polled 1,901 and bank. Mr. Zebrowski,. l,H4i). Demo- • vote a "great win for the Re- publican party." Of the 4,42!) registered cratic contenders Tony A., borough voters, :i,57S turned lacopino and Theodore K. THURSQA/ ONL/l "The Republican party is out for yesterday's elections, Lewis Jr. won 1,686 and l.liHO fighting for ils life in this a percentage that Municipal votes, respectively. town," Mr. Frey said. "I Clerk Majorie L. Becker, FARM FRESH GRADE A FRESH QUARTERED, SLICED PORK LOIN Republicans swept every would have been happy with a termed "unusually high" for ballot position in Eatontown one-vote victory." Eatontown. from the national to local lev- Married and the father of There were no lloeal ques- el, with tlie exception of two dauthers, Mr. Frey is a tions on the ballot. WHOLE PORK FRYERS CHOPS Ib. 88 FARIYIBEST GRADE A FRESH William C. Rue VEAL Fair Haven Republicans MEDIUM Register a Clean Sweep SCALLOPINI FAIR tlAVKN - Republi- Mrs. Florence 0. Amos and two-year term of John J. EGGS can candidates for Borough George A. Lamberti. O'Rourke, the first Democraf Council scored an ciisy vic- Mrs. Amos received 1,20(1 councilman elected here in $ tory in yesterday's election. voles-and Mr. Lambcrlit 1,011 many years, received 1,884 DOZEN Incumbents Willjam x' makes' nrr most helpful w\rv 1'niHTlon Kdi'.di •-•••• • •• ' •••>• In a letter received by Ad- when we do our own self-eval- ministrator Felix M. I'llla, Dr. He .served as chairman of uation periodically between the Zoning Hoard of Adjust- John I). PortcrficM, commis- commission surveys." • sion director, said that the, ment and is now chairman of Board of Commissioners had council's public affairs and The Chica|!')-base(l Com mis- planning committee. approved a recommendation sion is composed of rcprcKi'ii- that the medical center re- Prior lo tier appointment lo ceive maximum accreditation tativcs (if four major hcallh council last August, Mrs. Kllis for a full period of two years. care organizations: American was a member of council's Hospital Association; Ameri- election board. A resident of "The commission wishes lo can Medical Association, the community for the past 25 commend you for maintaining American fnllegi: of I'hysi- years, Mrs. KIIIK works as Conveniently located at the intersection 0( UM/TIAV rnnn nArntmAu standards deserving of accre- nans and American ('oIli'Kf secrHiiry to Mrs, Kathe.rine ftfMrrr* r>r o/ MONDAY THRU SAW WAV SUNDAY of Surgeons. II has long been ditation and (or your constant K. Neiibcrger, Republican na- 8 AM. TO effort to improve the qualily recognized as a monitor of tional'woman from KUUltS 35 $ 50 Q . -#* of patient care," Dr. 1'or ,hospital .and ihedical rare Middli'town., She has been ac- 6 PM terfield said. practices ami surveyor (if the tive in civic organizations and "The announcement means quality of care given within .community fund'raising driv- KP/P0HT oa.nt.toiup.rrt, a great deal mote than the an Institution. es. • • '• ; • 8 The Daily Register, Red JJank-MlddJrtown, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1372 N e wShre wsburyBody'sPo werBalance Is Swung in Favor of Democrats, 4 to 2 construction business on' Mr. James lives at 317 NEW SHRKWSUUHV - By crats: Arthur K. James. 1.457 Out of ;i,4!)S voters regis- Shrewsbury Avc. Hance Ave., is a 211 year resi- a narrow margin Democrats and Henry K Snhl, 1.J97. The tered. 2,703 had cast their bal- Henry ••Carl" Sohl lives at dent of lliis community and is last night won a 4-2 majority KepuWitans: Eric J. Linger, lots at the closing of trie polls. 225 Riveredge Road and is a initially interested in breeding- in Borough Council, upsetting 1.5M and Kdward V. Stashak, Contested were the Republi- graduate metallurgical engi- Mayor Itobert K. llenck's Re- l.m: thoroughbred at Ber- can seats of incumbent Mr. neer. Me is division manager publican majority adminis- nadotte Ji'arm,. Tinton Kails. These totals were reached Slashak and Councilman Law- lor Alpha Metals Inc., Jersey tration. rence J. Kirk who declined to For the past 17 years he has by the addition of these ab- operated a swimming poo| City. Absentee ballots decided I he sentee ballots: US to Mr. run for reelection.- issue after several tense hiiucs .lames; UK to Mr. Sohl: 10!) to "In face of this very clear „, of waiting. Mr. StUsliak and 1 (15 to Mr. trend," said Mr. James, "it NixOIl VOlC 1 OpS means that the people of this Final counts were, Demo- Linger. Two ministers at the Bap- community are interested in TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Five our programs. It is obvious year-olds east their ballot in a tist church school polled eight Si. Jerome's Has Election, Too that people have crossed their kindergarten class and among voles and Tim Cloversettle, WKST LONC BK ASCII — a landslide over John Cun- party lines in order to vote for the presidential picks were At St. Jerome's School, a ningham as Mc(iovern and us." President Nixon, .George .mock election proved to be as Linda Valcnzano as Shriver. Mr. Sohl said, "We're very •Washington and Tim Clover- JACKIE'S VOTE much a victory for women's Fifth through eighth grade appreciative of the confidence settle, a pupil who voted for NEW YORK.(AP) - Jac- himself. lib as it did for Nixon and \g- students participated yes- shown us by New,Shrewsbury queline Kennedy Onassis The 9fi votes cast by the new. terday in the mock convention voters. We are determined to voted in Manhattan and said: and election. State delegates represent all voters, irrespec- Kiddy Kollege Kindergarten Regiifer Staff Photo by Don Lordl y "All my best wishes are with Milccn (iiackin and Kristine and party and convention tive of party, and we will re- George f DEMOCRATS WIN — Democratic candidates Henry F. (Carl) Sohl, left, showed Nixon, B4; Sen. McGovern and Sargeant Knipp, respectively represent- chairmen were also portrayed main open minded and re- George j and Arthur E. James beam last night as they read election results which McGovern 17, and Shriver." I gave Democrats a 4-2 majority in New Shrewsbury Borough Council. ing Nixon and Agnew, won by by the youngsters. sponsive to their needs." Washington, six. Voters Select McGlintock

In Colts Neck Here is COLTS NKCK-Thomas L. WcClintoek, a Republican and a former mayor of Long "Honest Value" Branch, soundly defeated his Democratic rival, William M. TRIM:,/ Kurtz Jr., yesterday to win a The /j^ficc-per-pound means little if three-year term on the Town- the--fim is poor. At Finast we always ship Committee. hav| tho same close trim on all FUSSY MEAT Air. McClintock polled I,(i2!» 'meals at all times on sale and off. votes compared to 'J44 lor Mr. We call that HONEST VALUE. Kurtz. The race wa.s the only Dear Mrs. Consumer: There are many problems. municipal contest.on the bal- that face the average shopper when she appf oaches, lot and Mr. McClintock's vic- GRADE: 'the meat case at her favorite supermarket. We' tory keeps the five-man com- All meat and poultry have grades talked, to many of you, our customers, to under- mittee solidly Republican. very similar to cloth. You. know the Mr. McClintock, of 2(1 (ilen- difference between silk and cotton, wood Dr., was appointed to but are confused on meat and poul- the committee in January lo try grades. The best poultry you can fill the uncxpired term of buy is U.S. Grade A. Finast sells only Kenneth H. George Jr., who Grade A chickens. That's HONEST JJMA A FRYING OH resigned because of business VALUE! All our beef is U.S. choice. pressures It costs more than the lower grades He previously had served oh Thomas I. McC'llnlock beef, but we feel choice is trie best the Zoning Hoard of Adjust- value for tenderness and flavor. We ment, the Planning Hoard and Plan Committee which call that HONEST VALUE. WHOLE SPLIT OR as a member of the board of drafted the recently adopted directors of tho township master plan for J he township. FRESHNESS: Sports Foundation. On the He is a native of Long Planning Hoard, he served as Hranch and .served us mayor All our meat is cut right at the store a member of the Long Hange there before nmving to Den- to assure you of freshness at all ver, Colo., where he and Ins times. We realize you store your meat • family lived for a while prior .purchases for use later in the week, State Police to settling in the township. so you can see the importance of • _ • Mr. McClintock is employed freshness controls. Wo call that Ex by Merck and Co., Inc., Kali! ' HONEST VALUE. . way, where he is national sales manager for profes- GROUND BEEF: Scheduled sional veterinary products. At Finast, we grind only meat from WEST TRENTON - The Mr. Kurtz, a former teach- U.S. choice beef cuts. No imported Stale Police entrance exam- er, is a partner in Miller frozen meat or fresh cow or bull ination is scheduled Saturday, Knley and Kurtz Insurance meat added to reduce, fat levels. Nov. 18, at the New Mersey Agency in Kasl Brunswick. When you do that you reduce flavor Police Academy. National He has lived here two years levels drastically. By the way, our fat Guard Training ('enter, Sea anil has been active here in levels in ground bocf are lower lhan tiirt, between I and :i p.m. sports activities, including' those required by the Federal Gov- Col.'David li.Kelly, super- coaching basketball and I .if I Ic- . ernmont. We call that HONEST intendent, said men between League baseball learns, lie VALUE. the ages 21 and H4 may lake serves on Ihe lioard of direc- the examination. tors of the township Spoils INSPECTION: Minimum requirements in- Foundation. clude U.S. citizenship; high All our warehouses that handle the In South Amboy. where lir monls'nnd poultry for our stores are school diploma or equivalency used to live, Mr. Kurtz served Federally inspected. In addilion, we certificate; weight not less as president of Ihe Hoard of maintain our own staff of inspectors than 151) pounds; height not. Kducalion and president of less than 5 reel K Inches; vi- Ihe l.ions Club. at each warehouse as double assur- sion not less than 20/MI in bolli His lather, William Kurt/. ance that all products moot Finast's eyes without glasses or con-. Si'., .served as speaker ol Hie high standards. We call that HON- tact lenses; .ability to dis- state Assembly (luring (!ov. • EST VALUE. HONEST VALUE | one PHCC CMIIY tinguish colors, and no physi- Hubert 15. Mevner's terms of cal defects. A valid li- office. ti cense is also required. (In Ihe stale public ques- No prior application is nec- • I ions, voters tinned down the FALL FESTIVAL Chuck Steak or Roast essary for the written exam- Transportation Hond Issue Shoulder Steak j^ O**i^R THICmi\.nv.wK CUTi FOruRn ination. Successful candidates but approved senior citizen MINUTE MAID H-oi can 49' will be required to lake a 11- bingo and ;i proposed change week training course with a allowing the secretary ol.stale on«prKeonLY V London Broil W9i biweekly salary, plus and attorney general to serve Orange Juice MIDDLE CUT $ 135 meals and quarters. at the pleasure ol tlir.|',over- chickc ll l ;y one price ornv "'"" BONE IN nor. Finast or Meat leaf PH. J8* BONEIESS 1 m ib. Tin trans|ii)i1alion bond is- 14 5 2()Lh Presidential "• in*- 69 sue failed will) 1.4411 voles Morton Cream Pic,IlitliCS Finast ".YolelsCasl.. against it to r 49* NEWTON, Kans. (AT) - II. Sliced Bologna Frankfurters Finast Sliced Bacon proved '.Mlllfi In :(:!.i and Ihe Cuy Hawk, a retired banker change in slate nllice proce- one price oniv who w:is 111(1 years old in Au- dure passed I.''IV lo I HSU. BREAKSTONE Cl All Meat gust, viuj-d in his 2111 h presi- Meat or 8*oz.H^%l • I or R«9*rbr way^^art MliV dential election. Beof All Beef Thick Sliced the day! %M^B k When he was asked who lie New Tcfriis' IIDMII) Cilnis hall 79 voted lor, he said In: didn't re- Tip Top Punch Ounje Hi- 49* member — lint you could tell For |{unison S| 89 COLONIAL SLICED BACONo^X. - 89 lie didn't mean it. Amer. Cheese "Sr"" 5 Hawk recalled that lie be- 79* MJZRACH KOSHER FRANKS A,, ., 1" came eligible to vote ill lime IncuniheiiLs 5 for the midterm elect ions or IIUMSON —Two unopposed Blue BometVoST COLONIAL POLISH KIELBASSI P 1H!M. He said he was working Republican incumbents were ( in 1he 'barnyard when Ins- relumed lo oilier yesterday. L1VERWURST or BOLOGNAS2sS,, 69 SCHICKHAUS LINK SAUSAGE mother interrupted .-mil insist- Lawrence It Malone re ed lhal lie should j.(, \lt vote. reived L\:i!XI votes and Mail I, .Sin-co I lieiv; \w s;uil;|ir' ' Duke 2,M>. viitcs-oiiMil a .'I. lei hasnM missed an Hcclinn. votes cast. There arc -I.Mil 1 III 6 oi. Hawaiian Punch registered voters. Fresh Apple Pies 49* Mr. Malone, who lives on 700Ai<:iU English Muffins ol 6 Bernard Lane, was elected to ALL FLAVORS Open House his second term, lie is a mer- chandising executive with 1-qt. 14-oz. can I.INCHOI'T -- More lli.m Hiiilington Indiislnes ol N-ew WITH COUPON ON RIGHT 7WI persons attended an open York. He is also a member ot C house at Ihe li!l acre campus tin' American Arbitration • Wiihlhis Coupon " 'A ' I of Christian lirniliers Ara- Council. 29 For the store nearest I rKnr>r>ir. • ** v/ith This Coupon demy. Mr' Duke, also relumed lor MI«- ''.'i"- g-gt you, please call: Scope Mouthwash Jib bill. Greeting the 'visitors --were a srcHud term, lives on Sail- NEW YORK Alka Seltzer Hrolher J'elcr Manninn, prin- ers Way and is secrelary-trea- deem II Toothpaste Mils. .{£.73* cipal, anil I:join Johnson, surer lor the Sanitary Supply 'in (212)868-9328 • bottle of •JQC hm ol . 25 president of the Do,I.a Sulld Co. id Avon and Point Pleas- H.I3 tuic tablets Vo\_86* NEW JERSEY Chapter of the National Honor ant Hoard, He is also a duec- Shave Bartili With III u. (201)871-4324 Society, which coordinated l»i' ol the |{unison Branch UIQ l t— -_llZ_" « ' 1 • '"^-""No.'.'Vlii;"" |,j. So- No, II,!,- ^| the open house. A group of 12S Central Jersey Hank and students acted as guides. Trust Company. Pricai «ll«ctivt thru Sat., The Daily Register, Red Bank-MJddktowD, N.J. Wednesday, November «, i»<* # Republicans Winners in Hazlet; Voters Reject New Library Plan HAZLET — This municipal- Morgan to the committee, the l tary ballots, Mr. Morgaji held to lack of any word from the sue should never have.been ity missed having its first governing body makeup will only a Bu-vote margin over state regarding state funding put to voters in a referendum. township committeewoman by be four Democrats and one Mrs. Peters. Municipal chair- to build the library. Position on the ballot was 119 votes. Republican. men of both parties attributed the reason Committeeman Mrs. Constance C. Peters, a Republican John M. Costi- the slim vote for the com- William J. Perridge. library William K. Bburbcau gave as Democrat, was defeated in gan won over incumbent mittee seat to the independent trustee and chairman of its the reason, for defeat, Mr. her quest for a seat on the Bruce M. Muni for theMown- candidacy of Mr. Poseila. building program, had antici- Bourbcau is chairman of the Township Committee by Ke- ship clerk position by a vote Vincent Kaine, Republican pated word on state aid before library committee, "We did a publican Charles J. Morgan. of 4,106 .to 3,562. chairman, said, "The Inde- Nov. 1. good enough selling job," he The vote was S.4B1 for Mr. The third GOP candidate. pendent vote really hurt us." Mr. Settedutato said the is- maintained. Morgan, and 3,342 for Mrs. Frank Koss Jr., won over in- Yesterday's vote, he contin- Peters. cumbent Walter W Barnes ued, "gives us the incentive to The Independent candidate for the lax collector's post. work harder for next year. We ••glilw Slofl Pholo for Township Committee, ,lo- Mr. Koss polled 3,918 votes. will take control then." GOP VICTORY CELEBRATION — Charles J. Morgan, center, new Re- seph L. Posella, received a to- His Democratic opponent re- Francis X. Shields, Demo- publican Township Committeeman in Hazlet, is flanked by running mates tal of 1,017 votes. ceived ;i,725 votes cratic chairman, had antici- John M. Co.stigan left and Frank Koss Jr. at victory celebration last night The three candidates were The question of a new pub- pated a slim majority and a otter final votes were tallied. Mr. Morgan's election retained the one GOP seeking the seat to be vacated lic library for the municipal- possible recount after all ab- seat on the committee to be vacated this year by Nicholas Setteducatp. in January by Republican ity was defeated by a vote of sentee ballots were tallied. Mr. Costlgan will replace incumbent township clerk Bruce M. Muni while Nicholas Setteducato who did :i,664 to 3,370. The "no" vote on the li- Mr. Koss will take over the tax collector's post from Incumbent Walter not seek reelection. Prior to an early morning brary referendum was attrib- W. Barnes. With the election of Mr. count of absentee and mili- uted by some library officials Rnost's

Here is AtlanjticHighlands One Price Only' POULTRY: Democrats Victors ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS has been inoperative because Let's take a whole chicken, that's — A Republican bid to gain of lack of funding and prom- one price, cut the .same chicken in two more seats on Borough ised to make it work in the half, that's another price (higher), Council was thwarted with the coming year. '. ... stand your frustrations . . . and here are some of US DA cut the same chicken in four parts, election yesterday of Demo- Republicans also supported the answers you've been waiting for. We combined that's another price (higher). Sure crats Eugene Caffrey ;ind senior citizens housing and a standing policy at Finast called HONEST VALUE it costs something to cut it up,' but Vernon R Clinch. advocated harbor expansion with a new simpler way to shop and call our pro- CHOICE we at Finast are going to sell all The Iwo seats at slake were and broadening of recreation gram HONEST VALUE-ONE PRICE ONLY. chicken and fowl whole, split or held by Democratic Coun- programs. quartered at the same price. That cilman Alberl J. I,nux and Mr, Caffrey, VI, is a pur- should make a lot of cents savings .lohn II. Posten. They did not chasing agent for C R. Bard to you. seek reelection. • Inc. of Murray Hill. He has PORK: Tln> Caffrey-Clinch team de- been ii member of the Reerea- feated Republicans lioberl B, tion Commission for five The big favorite is center cut pork Long and Charles 0. Luff .Ir. years and is a member of the chops or center cut roast. Thin Mr. Caffrey pnlk'd \.T19 Municipal Juvenile Confer- chops generally cost 10c to 20c per votes. His running male re- ence Committee. He and his pound more. Not at Finast — thick, ceived 1.2IM. wife. Suzanne, live at !15 Na- thin or as a center cut roast, they Republicans LOUR and Luff vosink Avc. They have Ihree QUARTERED will be sold at the same price, That's polled 1.14K and l,o:t() votes re- children. -cents saving to you. spectively. Mr. Clinch, 41. has been ac- Democrats campaigned on tive In Cub and Hoy Scouting BEEF: issues of senior citizens hous- and is a district commissioner Big changes here and big savings ing, regional planning and for the Monmuuth Council, for you. A sirloin steak, all cuts thick bringing to life the Narcotics Boy Scouts, lie and his wife, or thin — ONE PRICE ONLY. Top Council created by Mayor Beverly, have 11 children. round steak — full cut, thick or thin Richard C. Stryker last year. They moved here three years — ONE PRICE ONLY, Ground beef, They maintained the council ago and live at H North Avc, any size package — ONE PRICE ONLY. BACON: Finast premium bacons, thick slice or thin slice — ONE PRICE ONLY. FRANKS: Finast all beef or skinless -r- ONE PFttCJE ONLY, j

ThisThanksgiving please your family with a FINAST PRIME U.S. GRADE 'A' TURKEY. These naturally juicier turkeys contain absolutely NO ADDI- TIVES. Other turkeys that are sold as "sell-basting" have added oil and fats ... and that means added calo- ries and cholesterol. With a FINAST TURKEY, you pay for turkey, not for additivesl And the pop'up timer in the breast of the turkey, tells you when the turkey is done... to assure you of a perfect meal and a perfect Donald F. Miller Richard I. Volpe HONEST VALUE one price oniy day.

SEMI-BONELESS First O' The Fresh j Key port Voters BOTTOM CHUCK Steak or Roast Chicken Breasts Feat tiros!

U.S. FANCY Pick Incumbents Whole or Split KKYl'OHT - Independent plishments of this adiuinis Incumbents Uonnld V. Miller tratum," Councilman Millci one price WILY U.S.Gov't. Cortland and Richard I. Volpe relying addi'd. Ib. Inspected heavily on the Democratic Look," he s;url. "I'ri'sidcn vote, were rc-clrclcd to three- Nixon received |,!IS2 votes am 69* year terms im the Horoiii;h Apples Mcllovern IMS. The com Fresh Council. parisnn is there." Ground Chuck "I think wo ("in say we had A total nl".'.iKili vnicrs out fl BREASTS 2 Vi" tlic hacking ol the Dcmocnils :\M'l registered voters turne. With Wings MINIMUM Imtli locally and nn the cminty nut In exercise I heir opinion. or LEGS leviil." Mr Miller said. -Hut looking at I he vole I'ri'sidenl Kiiis<> $6.25 one pnee WILY With bocks Nixon recriviMl here com- pareil Ki Sen Mi'liiivern. I For UNICEF 129 Luscious Emperor Grapes »39* think it is alsn sale tn say the IIOIAIDKI, - The garag TOP CHUCK STEAKS ^99' FRESH WHOLE CHICKEN LEGS volni's Ijtvnri'd our adminis- at the Imnie nf Dr. ami Mn tration as thi'V iln thai nf (lie ThIIm;is I1. M a honey, 1 BONELESS BEEF FOR STEW/:T, , 99' FRESH CHICKEN THIGHS ° Idaho Baking Potatoes 5»«59< rresident." 19 WiKidland lload. was tumr FRESH CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS Fresh String Beans »29* Mr Miller, who serves as into a "spook: house" [or th OOVEN READY RIB ROASTS- "^, 4 cniincil president, accumu- benefit of UNIl'KF. 129 At Stores with Service Deli lated l/ifil votes on Ins way to NeiKlihorhood ctnlclr(!n pal FRESH CHICKEN LIVERS victory, while his IUIIIHIIH VIRGINIA SlYll af%4%< a small iidinission fee to t BONELESS CUBED STEAKSchuck ( mate Couni'iliiian Volpe j»:ir- I'scm ted through the garag' nered i.:«m. winch was decdialed to r Kraft Mayonnaise Baked Ham 69 They dclealnl llcpubliean semhle a monster's lair, newcoineis llanild Iv "Ited" Youngsters staging tl' and Kenneth K Kv- PRICE-MINDING ...99* event. which raised $6.25 fi SOLID WHITl Turkey Breast ££ .''vl'llfi (luM('(l'A;fUi «'ilK'i i: N It:W;' vieTfe Klpv A'My a< ' ' SPECIAL MEAT IN WATER I.IJil voles respectively •I a hies Todd. Kddic Tiibien otalD Maesroni il(l| qr.jor 7-oi. can "It was a |; l eainpaii;n." iti'n)ani'in Uurkls, an Fresh Salads' or Colesliw Ib. 33* said Mr Miller, who linlted Thomas. Sean and Aniie M INTERNATIONAL SEAIOOD Hie llenincral ic pally liisl honey. «n year when il chose mil to sup n r 'port the candidacy "I Mayor I.AB EXPLOSION William .\ f(al|>li VAHDK, Denmark (AI») • An explosion of undetermini Snapper Fillet 99 Mayiir llnlph was subse- cause (torrwlislied a three-st . (pii'iilly cliM'ted as'.in indepen- r> 6 Ih pkg ry laboratory building at. Heinz Great . dunl and Mr Volpe was ap- chemical plant yesterday kl i Comet Cleanser Spic & Span Poland Spring Water I Greenland Turbot Fillet FiO/.n American Soup . M pointed In the mayor's linox- Ing three men and"1 a worn; hint [ I) Good at Finntt IChlcli.n Vmittlii) • l: IhiuSol. Nov. Illh,. piri'd om yciir i-imncll term. working inside. Officials sa thru Sot Nov. Illh (imilM).Gocrlol final' I JUIUDO White Shrimp **2 . ttlru Sot.'Nov. Illh "We campaigned hard and large amounts of ethqr ai so did they lint I think It all chemicals were stored Tin tl ™-i^j i.r-4BKsaa---i r Fresh Crabs 'SSS 49* J k Price* •ffecllva thru Sot. Nov. I llh. Not raiponiibla far typographical ariort. Datergcnti not ovoilablt whara prohibited by law. i/il!. down I" I he accom- building, ' ' , id The Dally Register, Rerf BanJc-rMlddtetown, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1*72 A Tense Howard Is Rejaxed by Results "Thank God Jim Howard was By DORIS KULMAN in the sitting room, "It's fun-- than 1.000 hand-clapping, foot- "It's going to be Governor having given up the wait, des- ny. Hon. But I don't think Howard," Jerry West, a dis- cended to the ballroom for his elected. Otherwise. I don't stomping, "Howard-in 74"- know what we would have BELMAR - At K: 2ft last we're carrying our towns trict aide, said about 10:40, victory speech. -chanting partisans "1 am done... night, James J. Howard large enough." quite certain you have pro- with the 12,000 vote plurality Meanwhile, the word had learned.,that he had carried He laughed shallowly when, duced the greatest cross-over been given: silence when the 'Ecstatic' the House race by 6K votes in a little more than an hour lat-' vote ever in the state of New ! phone rings. If it's Dowd we "I'm ecstatic." 24-year-old tiny Shrewsbury Township, er, Mrs. Howard called to him Jersey..." Fred'-Mutz, Howard's legis- don't want to give him the Mary Paladrino of Belmar first of the 51 towns in the "we're up to 10,000 votes The crowd, subdued at first, lative aide, who earlier had pain of our cheers. said. "What Howard said Third Congressional District ahead. If it stays the way it is, then cautiously optimistic as said that "our plurality is a At 11 p.m., a radio news- tonight is the feeling of every to report. 1 win the pool!" the returns began filtering in. miracle, considering that Nix- caster called and said Dowd young person from 18 to 25 in ••That percentage isn't 'Surviving' erupted in jubilant cheers on got 62 per cent of the vote had made a concession state- this county. He's a real per- good," the congressman said At Ifl o'clock, the congress- when Bob Howard, the con- in the state." agreed. ment and had declared he son. He's beautiful..." anxiously. man sought out his wife, Mar- gressman's brother, in- "1 just said to Marlene, couldn't get a call through to "There's no doubt we're go Ejecting a reporter, he lene, in the suite's sitting troduced him: "I want to there's no way you can stop Howard ing to make it Howard for closeted himself in a small room. present to you the next gover- it." he said. Gels Final Tally governor next year," Walter room of the Howard suite in "The TV just said I seem lo nor of the stale of New Jersey Howard, who claims always Someone handed Howard a Karas, Democratic municipal county Democratic headquar- bo surviving," he told her. his to run scared and who always final tally, showing him with chairman in Oceanport said appears jittery while awaiting ters in the Barclay Hotel with laughter heartier now. "But I The congressman had told 97.990 votes. "It was a tremendous cross his election returns, seemed two TV sets — one a closed don't know if they mean vote- reporters just a few minutes "Look at that," he said, over. He won by 38 votes in unusually tense last night. circuit to the ballroom, where wise or physically." earlier that he had been too grinning broadly, "iO more Oceanport where Nixon won 1 • t've never seen him so up- Howard supporters were gath- About if:30. his "fifth House busy thinking about what he votes and I would have had tot." tight." one campaign aide ering around the large tote term assured by a 12,2Sf vote described as his toughest 98,000." County Democratic chair- confided. board — and two campaign plurality amid a Republican House race to think about And he paid tribute to the man D. Philip Gerand, hold About an hour after the aides. landslide, the wiry Wall Town- next year's gubernatorial con- McGovern workers. ing the Howard's one-year-old polls closed, 18-year-old Le- ship Democrat strode from test. "We needed something ex- grandson, Jamie Lowther. in Ten-minutes later, he nore Howard, who yesterday the second-floor'suite to the tra to win. The McGovern his arms, danced on the stage emerged and told his wire, But the thought was atop cast her first vote for her fa- ballroom belpw and told a people helped us. The victory in front of the tote board. Mrs who was playing hostess to the minds of Howard ther, confessed that she was. family and fd llt wall-to-wall crowd of more aides. is part theirs," he told the Marianne Cannavo, countv as "nervous" as she was "ex- crowd. vice chairman, cried "tears of cited." relief." Howard hopped from "My father says it's shaky," "We've got an awful lot to do. I'll be in touch with you," table, to table of wellwishers she said. "And I believe him." And at midnight someone The youngest of the three he told Jerry Harper, chair- man of the county McGovern started taking down the red Howard daughters. 16-year- white and blue bunting which old Marie, had just fled the campaign. "I came here to pay hom- decorated the Barclay ball- suite in tears after hearing room. someone say her father's lead age," Mr. Harper said later. had dropped from 5,000 to 4.0OO votes. About the same time, Mrs. Seymour Wenger. Deal, left the room where the congress- man was monitoring the re- turns. 'So Nervous' "He's so nervous." she said WEST TO EAST — Rep, James J. Howard, towel to Mrs. Howard, "I can't over his shoulder, interrupted dressing for his vic- watch him agonizing like that tory speech last night to take a congratulatory call from a fellow Democrat, California Congress-, Mrs. Howard, who had pre- man Phillip Burton. dicted a win by 10,000 votes — other guesses in the Howard camp began at a 19,500 lead — seemed confident. RtjWtr Stuff Phrtt by Don L«r« Mr. Mutz seemed confident, GRANDPA'S A WINNER — One-year-old Jamie Lowther, Eatontown, ap- too. In his pocket, he had the pears more Interested in grandma's bouquet than in his victorious grand- results of a poll taken 10 days father. Congressman James J. Howard, who won re-election to a fltth ago by a Washington opinion term last night. Howard children are, from the left, Marie, 16; Kathleen sampler, indicating Howard and Raymond Lowther, and Lenore, 18. Jamie's brother, three-year-old would win almost 3 to 1 in a Brian, was confined with an earache. head-to-hcad confrontation with his COP opponent, Wil- A CHEERY CUP — Kep. James J. Howard, Wail liam Dowd, excepting the ef- Township Democrat elected to his. fifth term last fect of the Republican land- night, shares victory champagne with Mrs. How- slide. ard. The first sub totals were posted at H:40. They showed Howard with 2.013 to Dowd's A 1.431. Z "It looks good." .Jerry West SHOP EARLY declared. The congressman wasn't convinced. AND SAVE! "How can I beat that?" he kept asking, rhetorically, as the Nixon and Case leads BARGAINLAND piled up. His spirits picked up about COMPLETE STORE BUYERS 9:30 when he learned he had OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY COMPLETE STORE BUYERS 747-9894 downed Dowd in the GOP con- THURSDAY & FRIDAY 187 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., SHREWSBURY tender's hometown, Long 10-9 Branch, and picked up further AT THE A&P SHOPPING CENTER still when results from tra- SATURDAY 10-6 didionally Republican Nep- tune City, gave him a 322 lead FROM NEW YORK CITY. ONE OF THE BETTER MEN'S SHOPS ON THE FASHIONABLE EAST SIDE CARRYING there. He carried that town by THE FINEST AND MOST CURRENT MEN'S SPORT AND DRESS WEAR. ALL HIGHLY BRANDED. 178 votes two years ago. "Well, let's hope," Howard PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE began commenting then. Shortly after 10 o'clock, he JUST ARRIVED asked Mrs. Howard to call his MEN'S mother, Bcrnice, at her Kle- mington home. SLACKS & JEANS "She must be a nervous SWEATERS KNITS. CORDUROYS. DENIM SHIRTS wreck." he said. "Tell her I'm PULLOVER-VEST & ahead 11,500 and we re about CARDIGAN STYLES & WOOL BLENDS BY ARROW, DAMON, three-quarters over." BY PURITAN BY LEVIS. FARAH ASLAS LOOIWHW AOS JOHN WEITZ. ENRO. Jfist then Francis 1'yanoe, LEES.H.I.S. AS LOW AS MCGREGOR ONLURLYI Belmar, a campaign worker, LANDLUBBER walked into the suite. "It IZOD 00 & MORE SEE SHELBY looks like I've got a chance," BRENTWOOD THE FINEST 50 AND MANY MORE Howard said, embracing him. DONNEGAL $ CUSTOM At 10:25, one of the two AND MORE PERMANENT PRESS 3VALUE DESIGNS FROM phones in the suite brought a 3VALUE call from Asbury Park Mayor ALL SIZES 9 ALL SIZES TO 8.98 LEADING NAT. Joseph Mattice. VAL TO 19.95 12.95 "I've won Asbury by 1,61)0?" Howard said into the phone, MEN'S tone incredulous, "That's fan- LANDS tastic. Thank you. Thank you. .Inc." SPORTCOATS • OUTERWEAR From then on. it was smiles NEXT alltheway. By ll)::iti. only the wait fora • SUITS • TOP COATS WEEK.. concession call from Dowd BY WOOLRICH. ALFRED. held tlife Howard camp back BYCALVERT from publicly proclaiming vic- DELTON.MAVEST. EUROPE CRAFT. PETERS, Ntxt wifk is the beginning of something await you on every shelf, in every tory. Although a special line JACQUES ESTEREL. TELLER, FOX RUN, ntw and wonderful for you. nook and cranny, of this remarkably had been installed, the call PETROCELLISMORE HERMAN PHILLIPS & MORE different and delightful shop. didn'l come until an hour lat- ' International Arrivals, Port Shrewsbury, er, seconds before Howard, i ADDITIONAL FINE BRANDS lands. Experience the most interesting and Makers AS Mrs. llotuling , WHICH WE ARE UNABLE TO exciting shopping spree of your life. ADVERTISE BUT YOU'LL ALL MUCH Open your eyes to a whole new world of You can find everything you've ever Heads Girl Scouts< KNOW THEM WHEN YOU ORIGINAL gifts gathered from distant ports of call dreamed about, everthlng you could ever Cost SIZES PRICE and newly discovered shopping and art hope to find in around-the-housegl'tt • S-IIRKWSBUBY - The < SEE THEM. SIZES 37lo 52 AS canters around the world. from around-the-world. Neighborhood of (lirl Scouts 4 chairmen ,js Mrs Robert Ho- ( You'll enjoy your own personal around- Wiling. She succeeds Mrs. W. • * MEN S ONLY Next week, discover the new kind of Arthur I'oyner. , the-wprld shopping spree In a style/Experience It all in an Other iiiemlR'ts art- Mrs. Jo- ' Dutch-style house where shopping hour-and-a-half. Just 90 glorious, -• becomes a new kind of adventure. - seph, Brownie con- • THERMAL § BELTS 3.00 exciting minutes of shopping fun. sultant; Mrs. Rjchard Kczor. Imports are displayed cozily alongside junior consultant; Mrs. Terry | GLOVES ...... 2,69 Tsadllis, cookie chairman; native American designs. New : UNDERWEATOPS OR BOTTOMRS I TIES 3.00 discoveries Mr. Alfred (ienola. outdoor program consultant, and Mrs. SIZES SML MED.. LG.SXLG. T Unbelt Standley, publicity AND MUCH MORE Next week, the "Around the World in 90 Minutes" representative, shopping spree is yours.

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towards purchase ol towards purchase of 8o/, jar towards purchase ol toward* purchase o( Fumily Pack of Crystal 49 01 bo»of of Instant Freeze Dried 3 faUi size bar» of , Big WhdH or Junior THIS WEEK'S FEATURE: CHEER MAXIM ZEST HOSTESS 10-OUNCE DETERGENT COFFEE SOAP CUP CAKES FOOTED THREE BARS 1 • 73c with this coupon tl 39 with this coupon with thii coupon 60ILET eg 56c with this coupon 'it uNov II. til? RtdMmafcli ttwu Ho*. II. 1972. R«lMiiuM*n.iuN» II, 197? ft«1f*m»hle thru No* 11 lt>! with each '3.00 purchase or more LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY HMD ONE COUPON PER FAMILV L (MIT OHt COUfON P£fi f AMILV k (5oe ouf in sice display (oi details) / MIg •« hi Pricti •ffec • ihruNov 11 1972 Quantity right* r>urv«d Not raaportalbl* tortypographica l trron

YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE |T HERE! WE GLADLY BRING ACCFPT US DA • For thi txact Kftitlon 1 houri US YOUR ol tht Acm* or Suptr Savir FOOD STAMPS U.S.D.A. nctirttl you. Pitas* call EVERYDAY! FOOD STAMPS! (201) 643-9000 12 The Dally Register, Bed Bank-Middletown, N. J. Wednesday, November 8,1972 Bill Dowd's 'Investment' Didn't Pay Off

By BETTE SPEBO Monmouth to the central Nixon, Agnew arid Dowd. the former's college days at county core started at 8 p m. The next hour was spent Seton Hall University. KHEKHOLD - "Six in his hometown of Long eating a roast beef sandwich; "Now, James Howard!" months of hand shaking, Branch, long a Democratic counting and recounting dis- Dowd remarked to no one in speeches, advertising, radio bastion, a spell of quietude tricts; calling Lakewood. an particular as five persons spots. It all either pays off or stung the supporters. Ocean County municipality stood by eavesdropping, in a it doesn't — in one 13 hour pe- Workers Mirror Defeat that he was especially hoping moral support sort of way. He riod," commented William K. There were about 4(1 people to carry. had trouble getting a con- Dowd, 3rd Congressional He- in the headquarters at the "We're down .. It's a pat- nection on the jammed phones publican candidate. ' Garfield Grant building on tern," he noted at one point. and when he finally did, an- Hut for Bill Dowd. it didn't Broadway, orderly but look- But he would not concede. other line started inexplicably pay off — to the tune of about ing unhappy, while they buz- Mrs. Katharine Neuberger, ringing in the same room, the 12,(100 losing votes. That is, at zed among themselves in a a national Republican com- insistent ringing almost least as far as the congres- quiet hum. A Santa Claus doll mittee wortian, put her arm drowning out Dowd's con- sional race is concerned. tottered on a table. Balloons about his shoulder and whis- cession to the Democratic "I guess that's the last time hung from the ceiling. Dowd, pered to him, "You can't un: congressman, who had just Bill Dowd will run for any- subdued with concern cov- seat an incumbent." won his fifth te'rrii in a Re- ' thing around here," remarked ering his usual, broadly The warhorses of the usual- publican district. one man patroling the corri- flashed smile, told the crowd: ly impenetrable GOP' pow- "Hi, Jim, congratulations. dors of the Monmouth County "Apparently we lost my erhouse began to pay their re- It looks as if you've done it," courthouse shortly after the hometown," spects: State Sen. Richard K. the conversation iwent from polls closed and long before Next stop was lied Bank Stout. R.-Monmouth. the the vanquished to the victor. Mr. Dowd was about to con- where at 9 p.m. a radio sta- county's most popular vote "Well,... disappointingly so, cede any such thing. tion was giving Dowd 47 per getter until he lost to Jim in light of what my running "That's what they think!" cent and his opponent, Kep. Howard a few terms back; mates did ... you tell yours I retorted the 28-ycar-old law- James J. Howard, D-N..I., 53 State Sen. Alfred N. Beadles- enjoyed it too." per cent of the vote. There ton; Freeholders Axel B. Car- yer from Long Branch who And then, for the second wore the extra burdensome was a small crowd which lson and Albert E. Allen; ,lc- stood quietly while Dowd . ionic U. Burke, a former Es- time in that WA hour day, yoke of defeat amidst a He- Bill Dowd smiled. publican landslide by the rest thanked them., sex County state assem- of his ticket. As the candidate strode out blyman who lost the GOP con- .Long Interested In History gressional primary two years Dally Register Ptioloi by Larry Per mi Why the Second Try? into the night air, a middle Back in the first four-hour ago to Mr. Dowd. "I RECOGNIZE DEFEAT IS POSSIBLE ..." Karlier in.the day, in the aged man spontaneously lap of one of the longest days was an early election-day prediction by Bill Dowd quiet of a back room at the squeezed his arm in a gesture About 11:15 p.m., Dowd in his life, the second young- ' that turned out to be a late evening conclusion. Red Bank Dowd headquar- of encouragement. A young started making concession- est son of Irish immigrants, ters, the young man brushed girl, forcing a half smile, said like statements to reporters Hector and Bridget Dowd, re- his hand unconsciously across almost inamlibly to the man roaming the corridors. called he had always been in- the lone Dowd poster lying on whose election she had Nixon Non-Appearance terested in history. In 19«4, "SOMEONE HAS TO LOSE" - was a comment Ready School Plans •A table and talked a bit about worked for, "We'll make it." Earlier he had told a report- when most college youths to be repeated by Bill Dowd during the course of why a 2S-year-old man would But she was voicing optim- er a visit from President Nix- were caught up in the Lyndon the election day that saw him lose his second run — twice — for Congress. ism much older, more season- on might have bolstered his Johnson syndrome, which challenge to Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J. For State Approval Me was hoping to celebrate ed veterans didn't feel. In the chances.whilc one from vice they would reject a short time his 2!)th birthday, Saturday 'MIDDLKTOWN - I'liuil :i,15l), is Dllll students over its courthouse, that kind of president Spiro Agnew might later, Dowd was a Barry table possibility, defeat. WE'LL TAKE CARE OF designed capacity. There are (Nov. 11), as a congressman- creeping quiet had already not have, since "Agnew is dis- Goldwater worker. "1 can't let the election be- plans for a schiml construc- elect. ANSWERING YOUR PHONE tion referendum in January split sessions at all grade lev- settled about !):30 p.m. liked by a lot of voters." He The man who was dubbed come an all-consuming els. In addition, more than 2(1 Instead, he will celebrate it "That's it! Dowd lost Miel- didn't think Sen. Edward M. by the New York Times as "a thing," lie said. "I recognize . 24 HOUR will soon he submitted lo the ANSWERING SERVICE state Department of Kduca- fifth and sixth grade classes quietly, taking a rest after dletown by 1,000 votes," com- Kennedy's visit on Howard's rubber stamp for the Presi- defeat is possible, and if il tion by the Hoard of Kdtio.i- are on split sessions this year, an intense several months of mented GOP Freeholder Er- behalf made much difference dent," was not a Nixonitc, comes, it comes. Someone has in the campaign since he didn't lion. ' and most classes arc over- full-time campaigning. Then nest Kavalek, in referring to however, in I960. Then, a 16- to lose." om67J-9200 think the Democratic senator Kaced with severe iivcr- crowded, with L'i) or Ml stu- he will start the practice of Ihe populous Monmouth mu- year-old high school student t was too popular in Monmouth. 'crowding, the boaijl proposes dents, as well. law, long delayed because of nicipality that would be essen- at Red Bank Catholic, Dowd; his political avocation. tial in a victory. But he expressed some bit- found it easier to identify with construction of an 1,875-slu- Board members say con- 1 struction of a second, high Expectations are he will 'Stick It Out' terness toward the national the personality of the late rient senior high school and Committee To He-Elect the school would not mean hiring stay active in the CiOI' party When Dowd arrived shortly John F. Kennedy. GET CASH FAST! addition of 21) elcmenlary President and "Iheir Water- additional teachers, because and civic endeavors but he re- alter 10 p.m., Benjamin H. Talk bounded about his in- • UP TO'10,000 FOR school classrooms ;il ;i total gate affair." there are already two staffs in vealed no specific Ijlans for Danskin, county Republican terest in debating, Winston cost of less than $111 million. 4 The proposed high, school the existing high school. future office seeking? * leader greeted him in hushed "Every congressional candi- Churchill as one of his heroes, j his family, his bachelorhood; HOME OWNERS would be designed for ex- Dr. Bernhard W. Schneider, What are the thoughts of a conversation. "... but we'll date should be disappointed in We also make loans to businesses pansion to accommodate '.lib school superintendent, says, second-time-around challe- stick it out," the chairman that committee and the aura which he thought was a ridi- j additional students. "Overcrowding has a long- nger in the lull lying between was overheard saying to his of suspicion created over Wa- culous topic to introduce into Increasing school enroll- term effect on our children, campaign and electorate deci- candidate. tergate," Dowd remarked. "I a congressional race (as Red I sion? think the voters tried to deny Bank Mayor Daniel O'Hern 1 ments and decreasing school for student attitudes suffer A sigh, heaved heavily, was condary Mortgage Licensee funds, have created the over- and human relationships "It depends on what minute Dowd's only answer. the President a Congress as a did recently). But eventually j crowding, school officials say. change for the worse." you catch me." he said early He was still wearing the check." it came to rest on the inevi- The board's last eight budgets yesterday. "Generally, it's samedark blue suit and white It was 11:20 p.m. A woman j have been defeated by town- Possibly heralding the mod- cautious optimism." shirt he wore when he began reporter quietly asked him if ship voters, who also tinned ern military draft, the govern- But there was never any- the day 15 hours earlier by he had called Jim Howard down a major construction ment of ancient.Egypt required thing as optimistic as that in casting his ballot. But he had yet. referendum two years ago. every able-bodied man to de- the air last night. From the changed from a blue and gold "No, in fact I'm going to do The existing senior high vote at least several months a tune his traditional trek from elephant tic to a red embroi- that right now. And I'm going school, wjth an enrollment of year to work on the pyramids. key headquarters throughout dered one embfazoned with to call Bill Buckley (the con- servative columnist who has campaigned for Dowd)," Dowd said;. "In.fart, I'm go- ing to call Bill Buckley first." The conversation was short. "It looks as if it's lost..." the young Republican said to Setvuta the older Republican who has been his political mentor since SHREWSBURWSBURY AVEAVE. AT ROUTE 35 NEW SHREWSBURY METROPOLITAN Monmouth * Regional /SAVINGS 3 Hires Four NEW SHREWSBURY - The Monmoulh Regional High WITH A FREE GIFT WHEN * School Board of Education * last night approved the hiring FROM THE WORLDS FINEST MILLS YOU OPEN YOUR NEW of Mrs. Diane Maikos, of Edi- J son, as girls physical educa- tion teacher. Mrs. Maikos, who has a For the young & the young at heart ^ masters degree from Mont- > clair State College, will re- ceive a salary of $11,600 a year. Her appointment is ret- I reactive to Oct. Hi. School Superintendent THUR., FRL, SAT. & SUN. Frank Volpe told the board » that prior to joining the Mon- * mouth Regional staff, Mrs. Maikos had six years of ex- RED HEART-WINTUCK nEG YOUR CHOICE OF ONE: j perience in the Scotch I'lains- KNITTING YARN 139 H'anwood School system and 100% OflLON MACHINE WASH SKEIN HOLIDAY CORSAGE was an outstanding teacher of 1 gymnastics. k The board also approved the hiring of: SUEDE CLOTH PAIR OF BAYBERRY — Mrs. Bonnie L. Cardi- 54" WIDE 100% COTTON REG I nale. 114 Seaview^ve., Long THE LOOK AND FEE! OF SUEDE 2.98 CANDLESTICKS Branch, as a teacher in the business education depart- > ment. She will leach two > classes a day and replaces POLYESTER DOUBLE KNITS HOLIDAY COASTERS Mrs. Janet Sassone, who is re- 60" WIDE SOLIDS, PRINTS. STRIPES | signing Nov. 15 to lake a full- BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENTS REG. 5.98 YD. time job in another school sys- tem. Mrs. Cardinale will be k paid $3,2(11) for the part-time IMPORTED PUCKERY PLAIDS i , post. — Arthur I). Wolinsky, a 60" WIDE. IDEAL FOR BLAZERS* SUCKS. teacher at Katonlown Me- OFF IMPORTED FROM ITALY. REG. 4,98 SAVE EACH HAVE NEXT rms TOTAL I nnirial, as assistant wrestling WEEK YEAH INTEREST CHECK ' coach. Ho will be paid $li()(l. % 1.00 J 50.00 $ 50 " I 50.50 2.00 100.00 1 10 101.00 -..Mrs. Kaihy llooke, 2.'I MATTE JERSEY 3.00 150.00 150 191.50 >,JJilllpp,C'.iaJcv l.maafl, ,as a ''•• 5J0.::...... '.„„:.«::• ' 250.00 ' * • •••:•: 2 50 • 252.50 . x '•*• ••%.*<•' 10.00 500.0(1 5 00 505.00 ' 'classroom teacher aide in the 20.00 1,000.00 10 00 1 010.00 English Department to work INTERtST PAW OH COMPUTED CtUDS ONLY I with slow learning students.I Shi1 will be paid $2:1 per day. In addition the board ap- LOOP KNITS l pointed Robert Murray, an at- AN ARRAY OF LOVELY SHADED. , lorney as the board's labor SOFT and SLEEK - PERFECT FOR HOLIDAY APPAREL. . negotiator 111 current negotia- tion sessions. 3 METROPOLITAN 7,/,,„/SAVINGS SOVIET MIGHT REPAIRS AND SALES ON ALL MOSCOW (AP) - The So- viet Union displayed its politi- SEWING MACHINES. cal and military migl)t yes- Strathmore Shopping Center terday with a parade ol tanks, missiles, troops and citizens through lied Square. It was Route 3 4 • Matawan Township N.J. the 55th anniversary of the seizure of power by Vladimir Ilyich Benin's Bolsheviks. W ENJOY GREAT MEAT OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK weo WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES IMPORTANT ... FOR YOU! A&P POLICY: Alwoys do what is honest and fair for. (water added) every customer. RAINCHECK: ' SHANK If on advertised speciol is ever sold out PORTION ask the Manager for a Raincheck. It entitles you to the same item at the same special price the following week. (k Butt /j^jfl Portion i Or if you wish we'll give you a compar- (SOME SLICES REMOVED) able item at the same special price. FRESH WHOLE GUARANTEE: A&P offers an unconditional money- 2 to 3-/b. back guarantee. Np matter what it is, Average no matter who makes it, if A&P sells it, Fiqiiuj A&P guarantees it.


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Me«•fftctiv* Ihni Sa»w Nov. 11* i" AeifWEOStorw in Northern A Ctntral N«w Jtrsey, Stoten Mand, Radkland and Orang*Counties. UwHm4ht*Umi»»«««II«W. t.rth«rriHN«.(«r. HHtii««nilMtfafirrrT 14 r Tie »«iy Register. Bed Bank-MIddlftown, N.J. WednettUy, November I, l»72 Sea Bright Democrats Retain Solid Control SKA BRIGHT-The Demo- cratic administration of May- or Cecile ¥, Norton retained its solidarity at the polls. Both incumbent Borough Council candidates were re- elected. Charles Koo'ney Jr received 402 votes and Joseph W. Stout received 384 votes. Republican challengers Mi- chael Bivona received '27(i | votes and Max Hasmusscn 2B9 votes. A total of 685 votes were Anthony T. Bruno Lawrence F. Mihlon Charles J. Olson cast out of a registered elec- torate of 874 votes. "It is a great honor," said Mayor Norton, "to have both Little Silver Voters the incumbents returned to their seats by the voters. This means they have the full sup- Cfaartes Rooney Jr. Joseph W. Stout port of the people." she said. lerige — to be re- they can in the realm of sound Return 3 Incumbents sponsive to the voters and to "Once again the Democrats financial management," she LITTLE SII.VKR - In- by Mayor Charles V. Roll in and secured passage of New are faced with a real chal- make all the improvements added. . ctimbent Republican Boroiigh July succeeding Calvin A. Jersey's first "Wetlands Ordi- Mr, Hooney. who lives at 25' GIANT-SCREEN CONSOLE Couneilmen Anthony T. Bruno Kowe, who resigned nance." 1% Ocean Ave., is an indepen- • new, brighter picture Titan Solid-Stale 200 Chassis, and Lawrence K. Minion, vir- Mr. Olson lives at _'!l Laurel- AFC. Super Chromacolor-a He also has served as the Statewide Art Show dent businessman and a mem- • one-button tuning tually unopposed, easily won wood Dr. -ber of the Sea Bright Busi- brighter picturs than the council's representative to the • 100% solid-slate chassis lamous original Zenith re-election in yesterday's bal- nessmen's Association. He is Mr. Bruno and Mr. Mihlon Board of Trustees of the Li- Chromacolor lube. loting. Will Open Tomorrow returned to council fora third were elected to three-year brary and in this capacity Mr. Bruno polled 2,252 votes term. terms on the council coordinated the construction man show and had exhibited 741-4766 and Mr. Mihlon 2,027 in the MIDDLKTOWN - l.nnia of the addition to the library extensively before leaving Ku- . Mr. Stout who lives at 12fifi contest for the two council Mr. lirunn, of IS Laurel- Kfthyvoulou, staff writer for ELEVISION & which opened in 19(i9. rope. Ocean Ave. is also a business- seats, far outdistancing Miss wood Dr., is a lifelong The Daily Register, is one of Also judging the show are man and is a member ol the PPLIANCE CO. Penny Sue Susser, the only borough resident and has Mr. Mihlon, who lives on three area artists who will James Gary, self-taught sewerage committee and has Democrat on the ballot. She served on the council since llassler Lane, is the current judge the statewide annual sculptor and proprietor of The served on council garnered 737 votes. December I»fi7 when he was council president. He was art show planned by the town- appointed lo fill a vacancy. In ship Recreation Department Iron Butterfly Art Gallery. vears. Miss Susser, 21, withdrew as first elected to the council In 1%K he was elected to serve tomorrow through Sunday in Red Bank, and Alica Sand of an active candidate a few 1%9 and has headed three out the one year remaining in the community center, Kings Red Bank, chairman and weeks ago and plans to move council committees. In addi- the unexpired term of his Hwy. and Rt. :15. founder of the Monmouth Arts tion to his council work, he to New York City. She was predecessor, and in lilHtf h,e Gallery revolving exhibit in has served as a trustee to the Mr. Efthyvoulou, a native of" unsuccessful in getting her won election to his first full Riverview Hospital. name removed from the bal- Little Silver Community Ap- Cyprus, came to this country Ihreo-year term. Judging will tajte place be- lot. peal, a coach in the Little Sil- in 1984. He had his first one- MONMOUTH MEATS fore the show open*s tomorrow In the only other municipal During his years on the ver Little League and leader at,noon. 110 MONMOUTH ST. 13 MAIN ST. 90 OCEANPORT AVE. Office on the ballot, Charles ./. council. Mr. Bruno has for the Little Silver Cub Committee The show will be hung by LITTLE SILVER Olson, a Republican, won chaired four council com- Scouts Pack. RED BANK EATONTOWN Vern Livingston Weitz. Mrs. election to a full four-year mittees and. in 1!IK!I, served as Some 2,9H!) persons, or 7H 741-5292 542-0743 741-5350 Comeback Weitz, a Middletown artist, term as tax collector. Mr. Ol- council president, While chair- per cent of the W25 regis- has won many awards for her son, unopposed for the post, tered voters in the borough, ing the Environmental Quali- woodcuts. \ LEAN-FRESH ALL PORK Arbogast I Bastion was appointed tax collector ty Committee, he introduced cast ballots in the election. For Frickel A presentation lea is sched- SHRKWSBURY TOWN- uled at 4 p.m. Sunday in the SHIP — Republican Julius community center. GROUND SAUSAGE SKINLESS Frickel defeated incumbent Stephen W, Cluney lor a MASSIVE AIRLIFT It's Still All Republicanthree-year term on Township .SAIGON(AI»)-U.S. cargo CHUCK LINKS FRANKS Committee. planes continued a massiw Independent candidate airlift to strengthen South James D'Averso. running Vietnam's armed forces bo- c c c In Freehold Township unopposed, will fill an unex- fore a cease-fire, and Ameri- pired two-year committee can jets struck against enemy Ib. Ib. Ib. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - the N.J. Public Utilities Com- term. build-ups in all four countries 79 ber of the governing body- 89 79 The five-member Township mission to the Southern (iuir. since last summer, when he Mr. Frickel, a former com- of Indochina. The Air Force SWIFT'S PREMIUM Committee will still be man- Co., against which there have was appointed to fill an unex- mitteeman, defeated Mr. announced the loss of the Regular and Thick C ned by Republicans. been numerous complaints of pired term. He is a member of Cluney. an Independent, 13(1 to third $l5-million Kill fighter- or Lazy Maple poor service. Mr. Mayor and the township Industrial Com- 109. Mr. D'Averso received bomber in less than six BACON 89ib. r Despite some bltler attacks Mr. Kondrup have also mission, and works as retail 102 votes. weeks. of bossism and do-nothing- pledged to form a Western marketing manager for Inter- Clarence Moore, who was Ism In the campaign. Republi- Monmouth Joint Purchasing national Circulation Dis- appointed to the committee cans James Mayor, wilh the Council as a way to save the .tributors, a subsidiary of last May, received 01 write-in highest vote of 2,957, and Ar- municipality money. Hearst Magazines. votes for the.unexpireri term. thur Kondrup, with 2.HK7, won Mr, Coleman came in third Of<|72 eligible voters in this out against incumbent Harry Mr. Kondrup, who is vice with 2,219 votes. His Demo- municipality. 303 cast ballots. D. Harper, who ran as an in- president of general services cratic running-mate, Mr. There were no local questions dependent, and Democrats for McGraw-Hill Co., filled an Dienes, received 2,017 votes. on the ballot. James M. Cnleman and Leslie unexpired term on the Town- Mr. Harper, who served as Dienes. ship Committee in 1!W!I and is mayor in 1971 and decided to a former chairman of the Advisory Unil run as an independent when The first Levi's guaranteed for In their campaign, the two township Republican club. Republicans expressed oppo- his fellow-Republicans de- Elects Sims sition to the granting of water Mr. Mayor, a resident here clined to support him, polled NKW SHREWSBURY - and sewer rate increases by three years, has been a mem- 1,021 votes. Marvin Sims has been elected president of the advisory 12 months or 12,000 miles. board of the Kmergeney School Assistance I'lan (F.SAI1) of the Tinlon Falls Freehold Democratic Schools District. The advisory board is .drawn from service and church organizations within Incumbents Successful the community and it includes KRKKHOI.I) - The two cans. MOP Mayor J. William council chairman of the Uec- parents of children involved in Democratic Borough Council Koyle casts the deciding vnle real ion Depart meni. the program, li serves as an incumbents, Roger Kane anil in I he case (if a tic. Mr. Kozloski is a teacher in advisory body to Ihe Board of Walter J. Kozloski Jr., re- llowell Township, and is a Education. Mr. Kline, ;i painting con- 1 tained their scats by ;i wide member nt the llowell Town- The KSA1 provides tutorial traclor, will begin his second rtiargin over their Republican ship Kdiu'iitinn Association. and other assistance to chil- throe-year Icini. He is assis- challengers. Mnnmnuth County Education dren with academic weak- tant police commissioner and Association, and Ihe N.J. nesses. The program is feder- •,Mr. Kane polled MM voles. chairman of the streets and. \ League of Municipalities. ally funded. \ and Mr. Kozloski, 2,4114. Their roads department. ' challengers, I-oc T, Oik ami The councilman, who Other members of the board Daniel N. Lewis received The councilman also repre- served on the jjovrrning body are, Mrs. Jack Branin. Mrs. 1,277 and U.'i(i»votos, respec- sents the borough im Ihe Ma- six years, is fire commission- Mary Olson, Mrs. Warren tively. nasquiin Uivcr Hegional Sew- er and liaison to the Citizens Booth, Mrs. Walter De Snuza, Th|S climax to a Inw-kuyrrl erage Authority. He is a mem- Advisory Committee. James Forest, Charles Mor- campaign means that ihe ber of the Hicliaitlson Knginc Mr. Kozloski. Ins wife and ris, James Roberson, Mrs. council split remains three Company, and helped form three children live at 1!) Schi- Hobert Colvin, Mrs. Olcata- Democrats and three Republi- the senior citizens program as verea Ave. McClintock, Walter Brown, Mrs. Victoria Rasmussen, Mrs. Dorothy Bowles, ,,l)onal Norman, Clarence Clark, Public Questions: 3 No, 2 Yes Mrs. Mary Inwrighl, William car for the money: $2194.* Anderson, Mrs Blonnie Wil- Only $2194.* « See your AMC dealer tod^y and try was: of cost not exceeding Jil'21,1)0(1 FREEHOLD - Out or live tshire and Mrs. Nancy Wood. on a Levi's Gremlin. And buckle-up for municipal questions in four ••Shall the township con- to be financed' by long term . ' ^ . .upthe communities, the answers struct' a public library huilrl- bonds or noles by the town- Levi's Gremlin at your AMC Dealer. safety. from voters were no lo three ing not more than 14,111)11 ship?" . Meetings Set And it comes with a strong, simple The 1973 Levi's Gremlin-it's the v and yes to two. square feet in area wilh a por- Matawan voted ".MIlKi no In On Housing guarantee-the 12 month/12,000 mile car that wears the'pants. llazlct voters defeated a tion of cost to be satisfied by 1,0H0 yes to the question: ' - • __-i IIDLMDKI, - The League Buyer Protection Plan backed by .proposal to build a library, federal and/or state aid of at "Shall salaries of council AMERICAN MOTORS BUYER PROTECTION PLANT • I of Women Voters will hold a American Motors. 3,5!lil tn-:t,2I!) The question least $21)11,(11111 and the balance' members lie increased from 1. A simpl*-. Mnm^ unit meeting on the topic of Inside this special Gremlin you get Win li vnu hitv .1 ixw 1M7.1 i ,n (,,,,„ A\ AMHTK JII Mnl'irs $1,(1(10 to $1,500 per year and .Vmrriianf Housing Monday, at H:15 p.m. •anicrs to \mi tlinl Ihe salary of mayor increased the genuine Levi's* touch. Upholstery ,i i'|)I fur llns. it \vll!'piu Tot I hi repair 11 n plarenienl (if at the home of Mrs. Lois n |j,nt i| supplii^ I hilt ls(li'[<( ir ['tial (11 workman- Set Technical School from $l,2!il) to $1,750 per year and trim with the look of blue jeans. up ThKKH.LMiHeehKnixIfoi 12. m (mm llir dale Ihe Fraehel. Christopher Drive. i is ftrsi iiM-doi IJ.mui miles, wli IT Klines [|lsl. All effective in III7.T.'" 1 Colls Neck. Orange stitching and copper buttons. i- M ijiurr Is I III [.if In- [dnpi j I 11 ed and (and In Asbiiry Park.-voters fui i mill i HOI nuil iiM-iuuf si IVH i mi Mflv rimed Sl.ilesm On Tuesday a meeting will Even the traditional Levi's tab on the /.-ll,IMIir" men Mrs. Judith llothrock education systems in Kng- and problems of mutual inter- Also in Aslmry I'ark. Ihe and her committee. Mrs. s and i1.'.<••>' i o.! !r> rfia'^ land, the Netherlands. France est in the Held of vocational vnle was L'.'ifiH no ami I.Mil to Anne Shramko. Mrs Helte and Switzerland. education. Ihe question: Sykes, Mrs. Sandra (ireen and' SEE THE 1973 LEVI'S GREMLIN AT YOUR AMC FlDEALER- "Shall police salaries in all Airs Marion Kleiner will dis- Dr. Barolta will bo accom- Information gathered dur- ranks be increased $2,00(1 in cuss possible solutions lo Ihe WHERE YOU GET A GOOD DEAL AND A GOOD'DEAL MORE. panied by Steven Poliachlck, ing the ..trip will be passed on 197,1 and again in 11)74" critical housing shortage and assistant slate Commissioner to vocational education spe- Millstone voters decidod tRd passage of Ihe stale Housing of Education: Prof. William cialists In New Jersey and SEE YOUR LOCAL AMC DEALER in favor to ;i4,r> against the Legislation bill W. Brlckman of the Univer- other states!.nnd to the U. S. question, "Shall the1 member- Also under discussion, will sity of Pennsylvania, con- Office of Education, , suttant to the Advisory Coun- ship of Township Committee be Hie current slajiis of hous- OTHER GREMLINS AS LOW AS 4. U 3 i7 . cil, and several council mem- The Spencer repeating rifle be increased from three tfl ing and zoning smi<; in Hie • Bcrs. was Invented in IMO live members'.'" slid a. MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE. NOW YOU CAN LOW IN FOOD FUNDS? CHARGE FOOD! .POOP SUPERMARKETS U.8.OAFO0D8TWflPS ON FOOD PURCHASES OF >15 OR MORE 0 SALE TODAY thru SAT. BUY WORE AND AT ANY TWO GUYS FOOD SUPERMARKET. I BtTTEB FOOD Convince Yourself

ONI COMPUTE "OUR Trim is Better" BOOK IS WORTH 25 Garden Fresh IN Florida Sweet SWEET 2 ANY Green Beans Juice Oranges Indonesian boy/ has CALIFORNIA been financially "adopted" through the foster Parents Plan by BAGGED HONEY DEWS Miss Donna Jankowskl 59 of 4 Monterey Drive, NEW GOLDEN Hazlet. Sweet Potatoes OHIY Si FRESH FLORIDA Jaycees AND GET ONE 12ft ox BEVERAGE FREE Sweet Grapefruit TASTY Sponsor - H.. II 1WJ.WITH AfOOD PUHCHASt OF $3 O«MOM. Sweet Carrots JuniorMiss FREEHOLD - The Great- er Freehold Jaycees is spon- soring the 1B73 Monmouth County Junior Miss Pageant [of high school girls in the se- BIRDSEYE nior classes of Monmouth County. IF ITS FROZEN VEGETABLES The winner will go to Eliza- Green Peas or Corn beth to compete in the New ALL VARIETIES Jersey Junior Miss Pageant. ' Tlib-winner of the state pag- MORTON'S e eant, will go to Mobile, Ala., to cojiij>ete for the title of Amer- icas Junior Miss. Cream Pies 5*79 Edward H. Blake, 141 Juni-. pe'f.Drive, pageant chairman, WHOLE ROUNDS. TOP, BOTTOM.CROSSRIB PRICED HIGHER said girls who may be inter- Rich's Coffee CITY CUT PORK CHOP SALE! esjteri in competing should Boneless Steak Sale! ctjick their school principal's on-Dairy) Hip Center office for application blanks. THICK CUT SHOULDER Shoulder If,Application forms are not ORi-IDA Chops Cut 129 available in the school, pros- LONDON BROIL pective contestants may con- Potatoes 6 89 SHOULDER STEAK 79 1 .taiJt' Mr. Biake or Graham Ib.'l Mips' of Jackson Township, af- CUBE STEAK LEAN & TENDER .left p.m. GOV'T. INSPECTED CHICKEN PARTS Entries close Nov. 17 with TOP ROUND STEAK •iriJorientation meeting at the 2159' Klfehts Of Columbus hall here TOP- SIRLOIN STEAK 58 DRUMSTICKS ib. 69' TH C UT jfSirls will be judged in the LONDON BROIL ROUN D following categories: poise ' 1 iifi appearance, 15 per cent; DAIRY DIPT, yQiith fitness,- 15 per cent, GOV'T.INSPECTED CHICKEN scholastic achievement, 15 QuifS Family Size per cent; creative and per- OTRS. vVING STEAL forming arts, 20 per cent, and Breast e judges' interview, 35 per cent. Ib. Mb. KEF LIVER- sucED 59 Prizes for^the first three final- SMOKED OR Bowl Chuck Steak Lamb Chops HYGRADE'S WIST VIROINIA BRAND ists will be U.S. Savings Margarine Fresh Ham VAC lHlb. 149 25 HRSTCUT EITHER HALF GENUINE SHOULDER SLICED BACON 1 fhe pageatit will be in How- HY0RADI S ; OUR TRIM- ~~ ' eH High8chooiDec.8aHd9at C IS Voc ROYAL DAIRY TIPTOP Pack 8 ».m. This pageant is county BETTER 09 BALL PARK FRANKS Large or Smalivtii l\>vi Cury d PLASTIC-FLORIDA wale, and open toth e public. It S5£ 79 12 02. ishoped that everyone will FRfSH EXTRA LEAN STICK I con AGE ib N DANISH SALAMI consider the dates and attend. 2 CITRUS GROUND ?, J GROUND 89< Cot 48 PKG CHEESE 59 PUNCH CHUCK ROUND 1CH0PS CONT. • ^0 PORK CHOPS END" S & CENTER 89'

APPETIZING DEPT. DELMONTE Vegetable Sale Round Up! Mix or Match CUT GREEN BEANS, WHOLE GREEK ' Buy 2, Get 1 Fr«» I German Bologna BEANS, FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS, Irish Spring I SLICED GREEN BEANS, CREAM GOLD 16 TO Deodorant Soap I CORN, WHOLE GOLD KERNEL CORN, 17 oz. «». SIZE JV4-«. I OOOD ONLY »1 TWO OUYI, On* «»gpon pit cuittmf i. Oa» .IBERTY MIXED VEGETABLES, PEAS OR Ihfii Sol., N«. II, 1973. SAUERKRAUT DUNCAN HIKES CARNATION CAKE MIXES ftwird tht pvitMM *f Pork Loaf INSTANT MILK Jumbo Dash | ALL 10-1-QT. ENVS. I! O VARIETIES | 01. I T TIVOLI IBOXH . 2 • Ib . . I Detergent • BOX • 9-lb. Dr. R. M. Holstela IMPORTED 9l9lbb. ll3oi3 . ooooo oom.i AT TWO ours CRISCO OIL Om tniKi HI cuilsmtf. Ossrf tiiM Shas\> SHASTA CAN-SODA Ihnilal., N«, II, 1971. Dr. Holstein MH.NI0CTM10AMIMCO. 38 oz ALL VARIETIES Gets Post btl. REG. or DIET VALUABLE COUPON1 PLYMOUTH ROCK At College it>. OFF LABEL COOKED SALAMI * i ii OR ORANGE RICH'S COMBINATION WHITE & DARK 32 oi. WEST LONG BRANCH - Joy Dish Detergent bll. Dr. Russell M. Holstein, West Grape Jelly MARMALADE Allenhurst, has been appoint- TURKEY MEAT 'An.59 Dtlicloui ed director of counseling ser- Marshmallow Fluff |or 39' Hudson Bathroom Tissue vices at Monmouth College. GREAT FOR COOKING ALL VARIETIES Dr. Holstein succeeds Josh-' ua Hull, who has accepted an Casanova Oil 1" Royal Gelatin toward th« pitrchott »f BUMBLE BEE 6V, appointment at Catholic Uni- BUMBLE BEE IN ALL VARIETIES versity, Washington. oi Tender Leaf Chunk Light Tuna OIL 2 cant Dr. Holstein was senior, SAVE I Royal Gelatin JUMBO staff psychologist at Henry 162 HANOVER DUTCH SALAD Tea Bags \t m. 1.1 r I j«BTHREE BEAN I? A Instant Coffee • Pollak Memorial Clinic at 3 C BOX OF 100 |. Bounty Paper Towels Vegetable Salad °» SALAD >°< 4V 89 WITH THIS COUPON I Monmouth Medical Center, OOOD OhlY AT TWO OUY» " Long Branch. WITH THIS COOO ONLY AI TWO BUYS ROUND OR SQUARE OURRYOEST WITH THIS COUPON ih.«i.l,N... 11,1*71. He was awarded a degree in *& N IIH73 BAKERY Choc. Chip COUPON MM. OINKAL rOOH C0M>, political science from the Uni- SPECIALS! Cookies Wty.o/ Pittsburgh and a, White Bread master's in psychology from ' tiwsfj th« purthow qf • COCONUT HARD 8, BLUNT Wesleyan University, Middle- e SUNSHINE town, Conn, He earned his Zest Deodorant | Custard Pie | Jewish Rolls 29 Hydrox* 37S doctorate in clinical psyr Regn . Sizc e oi. ASST. C BURST V- I chology from Boston Univer- 12 e e Cookies 57 3i |39 WITH COUPON Jumbo Donufs pale 49 Detergent I sity. _ I ABC Choc. Covered ' GOOD ONLY AT TWO CUTS (NEW Mb BAG) lAluBuUI^^I On« coupon p«f cutlom«f. Good I C I PRESCRIPTIONS /*•, LONRON (AP)^Sex aids •hould be prescribed (or couples *ilh unhappy love liveSj a &ctor recommends. Writing in We resorve the right to limit quantities lie medical Journal General OPEN DAILY Practitioner, Dr. Brian 9:30 A.M.'Til 10 P.M. Not responsible for typographical Brrori. Richards said "these aids are in •SUNDAY 8 A.M.'Til 6 P.M. * way kinky but of great MIDDLETOWN Rt. 35 Prices affective thru Sat.Nov. 11,1872. medical value." l# The Dally Register, Red Bank-MMdtetown, N J. Wednesday, November 8, LW2 Rumson Congregation Accepts 36 Families RUMSON - At Sabbath The following families were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stevens, man, Rumson. Evening services last .week, 36 welcomed: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Rudolph And: Mr. and Mrs. Harry new families were1 welcomed Noah Amitay and Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Felshman, Mrs. Madelyn , into membership in Congrega- Mrs. William Peskiri, New Woolf, Middletown. Schechter and Mr. and Mrs. tion B'nai Israel. Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Also: Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Tenenbaum, Red Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff con- Morton Baumgarten, Mr. and Berkowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Ja- Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome ducted the services. Murray Mrs. Edward Brandt, Mr. and son Einbinder, Dr. and Mrs. Finkelstein, Colts Neck; Mr. Guth, president of the congre- Mrs. Merton Cohen, Mr. and Donald Morris and Mr. and and Mrs. Hyman Klejn, Little gation, and Daniel Millman, Mrs. Norman Darrer, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bruckner, Lin- Silver; Dr. and Mrs. Robert of the new member campaign, Mrs. Samuel Koren, Mr. and croft; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oberhand and Mr. and Mrs.,, greeted the members. Mrs. Laurence Kosowsky, Mr. Broder, Holmdel; Mr. and Martin Fisher, Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Millman and and Mrs. William Lashovitz, Mrs. Martin Colen, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Pcrson- Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Fox Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pfeffer, Mrs. Graeme Emanuel, Mr. ick and Mr. and Mrs. Mark head the new member cam- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Podell, and Mrs. Milton Herson, Mr. Salomon, Fair Haven, and. paign. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schnall, and Mrs. Harold Kuskin and Mrs. Marcia Hanisch, Eaton- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Socher. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Black- town.

Shopping For a Car. •.

It's Just As Important To SHOP About Child Psychology For YOUR Financing As It Is To I've always believed that a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiim Nick instantly brightened, now and then. But what you knowledge of child psychology "(jreat idea!" he shouted, really mean to say is Tony SHOP For YOUR ...CAR! is something that no mother completely recovered. "But bugs you." should be without. first I think I'd better go to Alexander nodded in total On the other hand, I've nev- the bathroom, so I won't feel agreement. "That's right. He er had a personal experience By so ... so bad inside." laughs at me and bugs me. that c"i!ld possibly begin to JUDITH And then there was the time And that," he said, glaring justi' h a belief. VIORST that I tried to persuade my fiercely, "is why I hate him." COMPARE T: ast week, for in- five-year-old that he didn't I've had to face the fact Rates Before Buying! stanu, when my nine-year- really hate his brother Tony. that when it comes to figuring old came-down in his pajamas It's true that some books out — him and me together, Peggy Ann Winter and glumly announced, "I say you shouldn't do that — or placing hostile feelings in can't sleep. I feel so . . . so JiimiiNiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii on the grounds that as long as true perspective, I seem to be loon pnanct Aibount Huitibtr of Monthly Annual bad inside." a kid is allowed to scream unquestionably a dud. But at Doctorate Amount Charge /of Noto Poymenti Payment VRott "Sit down next lo me, is going to do to you on "hate,'!~ "murder," "kill," least, I've told myself, I can Nick," I said promptly, Anna Tuesday. Which could cer- "die," etc., he'll get it out of use the brilliant insights of '2000.00 '284.50 '2284.50 36 '63.47 8.86% Freud incarnate, "and let's tainly make a person feel bad his system for once and for child psychology to motivate Degree For try to figure out why — you inside." N • all. my kids to higher achieve- and me together." "Ummm," said Nick. I, however, lean toward the ment. Miss Winter '2500.00 '356.24 '2856.24 36 '79.34 8.86% (Note: I got this lefs-trylo- "And I know you thought other school, best expressed As in, "I can't wait to see ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS figure-out-why, you-andme- your dad was acting terribly in a masterwork entitled The which of my boys will come in — Peggy Ann Winter, daugh- together idea from page 72 of unfair when heTiollered at" Well-Adjusted Homicidal first in the clean-up-your- ter of ^ilr. and Mrs. Hugh Win- '3000.00 '427.56 '3427.56 36 »95.21 8.86% How to Help Your Child, in you for spilling the catsup at Child, which recommends room-the-fastest-and-the-best ter of 21 Grand Ave.. has been warm and Simple Terms, to dinner. And that could very that a kid be encouraged to contest." awarded a doctorate degree in Understand the Subtle Con- well make you feel bad in- exercise emotional control by Nick: I lose. botany by the University of volutions of his Unconscious.) side." placing his hostile feelings in Stupid Contest Connecticut. "Look," I said, "it's Sunday "Ummm," said Nick. true perspective. Me: What do you mean, you •ONE DAY SERVICE- night, the end of a busy, fun I could see I was getting im- Furious Five lose? You haven't even start- Miss Winter, who holds an For weekend, and I think you're patient, as well as not very "Hate isn't quite the word," ed yet. undergraduate degree from 870-9000 Application sort of sorry that it's over. far, so I switched from fig- I therefore told my Furious Nick: Who wants to win a Dickinson College. Carlisle. ADVANCE Maybe that's why you're feel- unng-out to getting rid-of; Five. "It isn't what you really stupid contest like that? Pa., has studied under Nation- COMMITMENT ing bad inside.1' "Why don't you go up- mean to say. I know that Or as in, "What strong, al Science Foundation Fellow- Dentist on Tuesday stairs," I said, "and climb Tony laughs at you, and picks handsome, sweet, and clever ships in Panama and the Vir- "And I guess you're a tiny into my bed, and watch TV on you, and trips you, and boy would like to help his gin Islands and at the Univer- bit scared of what the dentist until you fall asleep." calls you names, and hits you mommy carry in groceries?" sity of Virginia's Mountain . NO SERVICE CHARGE CHECKING To which the response is a Lake Biological Station and • ACCOUNT FOR TERM OF LOAN Friday Harbor Laboratories. FREE chorus of three "Not me's!" University of Washington. I'm sorry to say that I've found only one psychological An assistant professor of technique that works on kids biology at the University of •whenever it is used. It goes, West Florida in Pensacola. "Stop crying and I'll give you jersey shore bank she has published in the "Pro- Mtmbtr FDIC a nickel." And "Take out the ceedings of the Pennsylvania trash and I'll buy you a bas- 555 OCEAN AVENUE. L.ONG BRANCH; NEW JERSEY 07740 Academy of Sciences" and ketball." And, "Be nice to "Phycologia." your little brother today and you'll go to the movies tonight." I wouldn't, mind you, rec- ommend such rotten child psychology. Not, not for any- . thing in the world. But some- day, someone with lots of im- ZENITH COLOR TV pressive- psychiatric degrees is going to write a book along those lines. A SIZE TO FIT YOUR NEED... It will be called When Love is Not Enough, Try a Present. A PRICE TO FIT YOUR BUDGET It will be subtitled A Healthy Guilt-Free Guide to Bribing Children. And it will, I can guarantee, sell a million copies. Speech Unit 23" diagonal BELL LABS BOOSTS FUND - Edward J. Moran, right, community rela- tions representative for Bell Labs, Holmdel, presents the Labs' corporate VP Post gift In the amount of $14,000 for the 1973 Artonmouth County United Fund drive to Maurice A. Scully, left, president of the fund, and Philip C. Car- To Reeves CHROMACOLOR ling/ campaign director. WEST LONG BRANCH - Dr. Clyde Reeves of Oak- hurst, professor of speech and drama in the department of CONSOLE TV floe arts at Monmouth College, has been elected to a two-year term as vice president of the Tri-State Association. The Association member- ship, which draws from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, is made up princi- pally of educators involved in the teaching of speech com- munication at levels ranging from elementary school to the Super Chramacoler tube for richer colors, su- university. In his capacity as perior brlihtncst, greater contrast and sharper vice president. detail! Automatic Fine Tuning Control plus Dr. Reeves will select the Titan 101 solid-state chassis. Model D29EB annual convention site and di- rect programming for the meetings. CAMPUS VIEW — Special features of the administration building of Ho- liday Inn University, the worldwide Holiday Inn System's new manage- ment development center near Olive Branch, Miss., are pointed but by Zoning Impact "John Holiday," symbolic host of the 1,460 Holiday Inns. The university Talk Slated diagonal was dedicated by Holiday Inn franchise holders at a three-day working IJNCROFT — George conference of the International Association of Holiday Inns In Memphis, Dryfoos of the Suburban Ac- Tenn. With "John" are Neal P. and Phyllis Murray of Freehold. lion Institute will speak on Sunday at 10 and 11:30 a.m. at COLOR TV the First Unitarian Church of Monmouth County. Mr, Dryfoos will discuss tho social PORTABLE Implications or. zoning laws. The Suburban Action Institute has filed a class action suit against Holmdel Aor its alle- gedly restrictive zoning laws. The Suburban Action In- Zenith's Sunshine Picture Tube for sharper, stitute is a tax-free founda- brighter, color pictures! Titan 101 chassis for tion-supported institute. In its lasting reliability and dependability, and campaign to change restric- customized fine tuning control. Model D2940 tive zoning laws, it has filed a total of five suits against towns in the slate, and fur- nishes advice and information Hailct Plaia, 30 Broad St., to similar groups throughout RECRUITING EXPLORERS — Lester H. Grubman of Little Silver, left, the country; chairman of the Explorer Division In Monmouth Council of Boy Scouts, Rt. 35, Hailef Red Bank tells scout executive Orland L. Johnson that the division is planning to or- Open Late 8 ganize 13 new Explorer Posts and add 363 Explorers to the rosters by Drug Addiction Problem? Wed. & Fri. Nites Open Mon., Wed. Dec. 31. Information about joining an Explorer post may be obtained Call 988-8333. For Help Day or Crtdll T«tmi Aviiliblt & Fri. Nifes from Donald Watt at the service center In Oakhurst. Night. Credit Ttrms Availabl* lite Dally Register, Bed Bank-Mlddtetowii, N.J. Wednesday, November «, iff] 17 English Author Says American Males Are Oppressed DEE WEDEMEYER words with the thought of work for them. The emanci- phasize their claims to mascu- A meek, almost mouselike pany so she could support her tin, now 9. Mis,s Vilar says her she scolds stie tries to do it on making a charge because of J pated ones really aren t line prerogatives. American woman with lonj; brown hair writing career. former husband is still the nonsextst terms (A1 ) - The it. American male is the most emancipated because must contemporary feminists arc parted in the middle. Miss Vj- On Assembly Line innsi important man in her "1 never say don't do that "The liberalionists were have the trappings of tlie doomed to failure because lar, 37. was born in Argentina At various times she has life. When she is away publi- because you are a boy." she oppressed man in the western very loud and so this had lo world, says the author of a housewife — a home, children they have directed their ef- of (ierman parents wtin were worked as a sales girl, a sec- cizing her books, he lives in explained. "Of course all the be very loud or nobody would forts against men. their real divorced when she was three. her home to care for their other children in the neighbor- book thai also argues men are and a man — bul they still retary, and on the nssembly nolice it. n was very' impor- allies. son. hood are being manipulated. I irally slaves and women their have the option of quitting. After graduating from me- line of a firm making ther- tant that thoy notice it be- Its this option she says men cprii make him an outsider. I exploiters. The only women who escape dical school she practiced for mon'ielers. Now she is concentrating "n cause I really think they are don't have. one year, then studied psy- always have >lo compromise hJslher Vilar. author nf Miss Vilar's pen unscathed In lWil she married Klaus nonmampulative child rear- wrong." are those who go to work and chology and sociology and be- so the child doesn't have to • The Manipulated Man." also As for feminists, these are Wagn. a (ierman writer. They ing She sees to it that her son Basically her theory is that let their husbands stay home. came a sales representative were divorced two years later pay because his mother has_ thinks that women are stupid women who from time to has toys traditionally used by the male is brilliant and ca- time, throughout history!" em- Those, she notes, are rare. for a pharmaceutical com- after (he birth nf a son. Mar- both girls and boys and when t hese ideas...", and getting more so every pable of doing great things- day: that men are brilliant with his freedom but his in- '. Wt locked into stultifying telligent thoughts frighten jobs; that housework is a him. He seeks [he security of pleasure and men are depii- the enslaved and marries. v(.(l of it and that all of this. Conditioned by his mother stems from mothers who con- from childhood lo believe that dition their children inlo he is smart and responsible manipulative and slave roles. and that girls are incapable /The bonk was originally and helpless, he easily as- published in Ormany where sumes his responsibilities. He il made the best seller list be- is therefore bound for life in fore it was launched in seven stultifying jobs. For the other European countries American male this is all 1 'Total Twaddle' compounded by the high stan- • In London, novelist King- dard of living and the empha- "slcy Amis called it "Total sis on success. Twaddle" and one reviewer PMlesslj Trained wrote "to know her is in hate 'in no other country do her" Hut others praised the mothers so pitilessly train the ,himk- as the best argument yet t male infant to perform. No against women's lib. other society exists where the Now Miss Vilar has added a male sexual drive is exploited special chapter devoted to the for money so unscrupu- American male and is pre- lously," she wrote. * paring for a lecture and publi- •iirls, though born in- city tour in the United States. telligent. Miss Vilar says, are Regarding the American taught they don't have to trip Miss Vilar said in an in- think because men are going terview: to work for them. Their goal ••Sometimes I'm afraid. But is tn find a man lo dd this. 1 have to do it. If you are go- Some women may work or go • ing to change things you have to college but only to make tit change things in America. themselves attractive to men. American is so influential. They may even proclaim that The finest Canadian Vou have to go to the lion.." housework is drudgery and AMERICAN WHISKEY ?.Miss Vilar actually wrote that the male is fulfilled be- 'you can buy if you Worlds Finest the book in New York almost cause he works outside the MAJNAIICHTOS don't mind spending New and Improved two years ago during a five- home but in fact, they know and Worth It ninnth visit in which she lived housework is easy and they a little less. Lighter and Smoother • tn an Kast Village Hotel and really think it is a pleasure. made research trips to subur- "Housework is so easy that bia. in psychiatric clinics it is tra- > 'Pleasure of Nonfrecdom' ditionally the job of morons" i .The book is, she said, an il- who are unfit tn do any other lustration of a theory she kind of work," wrote Miss Vi- it calls, "the pleasure of non- lar. The whiskey (or people who like to be together freeiiom." She says she would Kor those who don't quit have written the book even if work Miss Vilar has an ex- (here had been no women's planation also. Some are ugly •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»•••••••••••»»•••••••••• movement but she chose her and couldn't find a man to i I

Quality-Value Since 1836 I £ SELECTIONS i* J1 * UPHOLDING TRADITION — Christmas trees atop buildings, white wine toasts, craftsmen mak- ing speeches. It's all part of topping out new i building construction In West Germany. Building Topped Out t it In German Richfest t S - WILFERDINGEN, West Richfest, or topping-out cere- Germany (AP) — The mas- mol)y bc l|e'd- Custom dictates tcr craftsman climbed to that '] Ms observance is by- it !

his thanks to God, "the highest building. In past years a builder could builder in Heavert." expect to find his topmost roof • That done, he proposed toasts beam removed and taken to a i to his fellow craftsmen and a neighboring village. He would glass was thrown to the ground, then have to bargain for its where it smashed. This last ges- return. ! ture was to prevent bad luck from falling on the new build- Were the new building in the ing. Spree Forest, a written copy of t the master carpenter's re- • Then the celebration contin- marks would be nailed to the it i ued at a local beer garden. Par- roof beam. This memento, plus ticipating in the topping-out others from neighbors, would * ceremony of what will be Borg 80 Proof 36 Proof Instruments' newest manu- f IMPORTED .-.-.White GOLD structure. facturing facility in Europe -... and LABEL were the mayor of Wilferdin- While industrialized Germa- ARD*** Gold gen, workers, architects and ny has witnessed a lessening of i SPECIAL COGNAC SPECIAI SELECTION management officials. traditional festivities, the Rich- it PUIRiOMCANItUM BLENDED WHISKEY I H is a centuries-old tradition fest still is adhered to and in- The King of Cognacs..', it $A66 Fifth The premium blend JQ7Q here that when a buildings su- dustry has been quick to adopt from the Castle of Cognac. Fifth SOProof ««»M*H**if perstructure is complete a the custom. t U Quart 80Proof... i* Arrowhead Ski Club it it Slates First Session * , MAItl.KOKO — The Arrow- Arrowhead Ski Area is a ;ht';i(l Family .Ski Club is.hnld- branch of the Community it "'i«K its first meeting•Sfm'Hay at" •YMCA. located on Ht.iWU be- tween Kts. 79 and.'14. • Blackberry and Fruit Brandy, Creme de Menthe Green ;? P.m. at the Arrowhead Ski ii Don't be misled by the price, Appoint Shells the Quality issuperb! Apricot and Fruit Brandy. The purpose of this club is 24 DELICIOUS •}" promote family skiing at a To CIBA Post ! ,H"ininal cost. The club has ac- SUMMIT - .lohn .). Sheils CORDIALS <*'i'ss hi all of Arrowheads fa- of Little Silver has been ap- i NEW FLAVORS: lemon and fruit Brandy/ ciljties and can arrange ski pointed manager, general ser- Banana and f full Brandy/tale and Fruit Brandy ., ^Ps at discount prices. vices, for the Pharmaceutic- * On Sunday nights the area als Division of CIBA-yEIGY it ls open only to family club Corporation. it SPECIAL SAMPLER SIZE V* Pint QQ4 members where after a short . Mr. Sheils joined CIIU in it •business meeting the ramilies IVtiX as a staff coordinator and MacNaughton Blended Canadian Whiskey; I. W. Harper Kentucky Straight BourWn Whiskey; Schenley Reserve American Whiskey, A Blend; J. W. Dant Gin and Vodka, Distilled from 1MMC grain neutral spirits; Schenley Gin and Vodka, Distilled from 100% grain neutral spirits; Cream of Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Cream of Kentucky Blended Whiskey;Cruz Ginia tnkc to the slopes'to ski. Ski recently was named manager, Real'Sangria; Park & Tilford Special Selection Blended Scotch Whisky; J. W. Dant Blended Whiskey; Schenley Affiliated Brands Corp., New York, N.Y. © 1972 *•••"• •J'wons and rental are also of- general services staff. fi'ioilto the families. 1,'rinr to coming Id CIBA, he The above prices do not include applicable sales tax. , Members and prospective was an assistant sales man- members are invited to attend I ager, furniture, for General the mecling this Sunday. Office Supply Co. , 18 TlwPrfyBegtoter, WedMsday, November %Wl. Foodtown MeatDepartments,^-—- GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION Guarantee 5 Sta FOODTOWN OF RAMSEY 125 Interstate Shopping Plan, Ramify (Grand Opening Tueufay November 7) * Performance EXTRA VALUE TRIM. USD,A. Gov't. Grado Choice Bonele; Feedlewn OMI fa cut lo give you more meaM»*at In each pound you buy. «H aw moot h) trimmed of euou bom and fat to un you time, effort and money.' QUALITY. . . Feodtown beef is an U.S.D.A. OOVT. GRADE CHOICf. That means continent quality m — ' reedtown beef b all U.S.D.A. OOVT. GRADE CHOICf. that moans continent quality In avery FosdMwn (tore, from week to wook. Hut, our buyers careful double chock (or qMlnyguarenteeetatbfeKrion avery time you (hop. ' ... VALUE... FINE Foodtown ahran often tap) moat value. Our itaff ol Maoris never ttop* (hopping. They March the entire market for wperlar quality meat* at Invert prices. When you corn- , pare roodlown quality, Foadtown prices • youil reatlxe that every penny we lave. YOU tavetoa! - ' •• "• ' ' IMPO VARIETY... ••••if. ivory Foodtown Supermarket dbplayt more than 300 different typoi and curt of meat • ROASTS week-fat, week-owt. Whether W% fretMrom-the-arlnder hamburger, perfecllon-aged CROSS-RIB, ittokt. •pare rRw or ktfat cheat, youH find a delkiout (election at Foodtown — every SCOUTING CHANGE - J. James Barr of Deal, BOTTOM ROUND, OR time you trtep. ' left, advancement chairman for Monmouth Coun- SERVICE... CHI TOP SIRLOIN cil of Boy Scouts, shows new skill award belt * rooaWn meal euert hot your sortie*for a special cut, hawta-aok information, loops to William F. Mattlson of West Allenhurst, whaMo-biry wsga(£n ode theVfrienstfy onswewiMn In your Foodtown meat depart- BV GROWN VICTORIA council commissioner. Skill awards cover camp- Ing, hiking, cooking, first aid, physical fitness, citizenship, communication, community living, U.S, Gov't. Imp. WHOLE ONLY conservation, environment, family living, swim- ming. They do not replace the merit badge sys- tem. FRYING County Births niuiuuiuuiiuu r Cuii Priced Sltghtly Highc CHICKENS Lockwood Ave., Freehold, RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL DUifXFT.SAVIHGSt TOP ROUND Red Bank daughter, Nov. 5. 1n>ii»lmiur.iliWiM-»i' M—«nr.>l»l •• FREEHOLD AREA U.S.O.A. Gov't. Grade $|09 CHICKEN DREASTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke Freehold Township SCHKKHAUS FRANKS JWOT Choice lonelets (nee Joan Breheny), 8 Gray- Mr. and, Mrs. Robert M. aaMi,«M ROAST lb per place setting piece with each $3.00 U.S.D.A. GoVlGoVI. Grade ChChoic. e toneless son Lane, Englishtown, son, Vannoy (nee Susan Pirison), Osaw MATB BOIOGHA-U, 5 9' *$i29 purchase. No limit! No coupons! Buy as ' Nov.6. 52 Duchess Court, Freehold, CHICKEN LEGS many as you like. Get one piece with . SAVINGS! ib. I . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reich son, Oct. 2(i. RUMP ROAST $3.00 purchase, two pieces with $6.00 (nee Jenice DeMarks), 5 Bel- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mai- U.S.D.A. Gov't. Grade Choke toneless . 3* purchase, three pieces with $9.00 shaw Ave., Eatontown, daugh- wald (nee Glenda Leather- SCHKKHAUS LIVERWURST U $149 purchase ..etc. ter, Nov. 6. man), 40 Lincoln Ave., James- EYE ROUND ROAST ib. I CHICKEN UGS Mr. and Mrs. Ismail Eldii- burg, daughter, Oct. 28. SCHKKHAUS BOLOGNA ib. U.S.D.A. Oov'l. Grade Choke toneless $139 ( COLLECT A BASIC miatt (nee Fatima Coneil), Mr. and Mrs. Louis Primak CTCAIfC Shoulder :i 40 PIECE SERVICE 105 Poricy Lane, Middletown, (nee Susan Lerman), 12 Low- 1 "", FOR 8 daughter, Nov. 6. ell .Road, Englishtown, daugh- Jit All.) or cube »>• CHICKEN BREASTS I ONLT | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Devine ter, Oct. 30. O.I.I«. (.«•!. *>* CMu. VM C« Swim FANCY COD FILLET Ib. 99c $ 49 f.^ (29C each with each $3.00 purchase) (nee Joan Franco), 93 South Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rich- T.UU. » 69* ardson Jr. (nee Betty Jean 49 LONDON BROII"T 1 Sti, Red Bank, son, Nov. 6. 79e STEAKS :^ ... Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sanns Wyatt), 3 Liberty St., Free- HARD CRABS Ib. mAfcrt*«b»nlrnk ri.Mi.ln ',,,11™. • f. the face and released. William Rogers, of First Ave., ORANGE JUICE !%Z 6" HEAD & , Save 12c n-o«.M<«. Police say the cars collided Navesink, collided at ltt. 36 SHOULDERS ' when Mr. Bauman attempted and Grand Ave. a left turn into Longstrcet Dairy Fresh Mrs. Owens was taken to Ib. FOODTOWH mm mo SAVINGS: . Road. Mr. Bauman received a Riverview by the Atlantic •olid roll -summons for careless driving. MARGARINE 17' Highlands First Aid Squad. Kraft Colored or Whha __ frozen Chl

Parents Held in Boy's Death HadUnfailingFaithin Outcome 'HOWELL — The father of a three-year-old boy Das oeen. charged with manslaughter and the mother has been charged men in the county'ss 55 com- with rbild neglect and child abuse in connection with the death FREEHOLD - "McGovern munities had recommended of the boy early yesterday, state police reported. carry Monmouth County? No volunteers for the effort, he •The child, Frank B. Waits, was pronounced dead on arriv- way!" remarked William 0. jald. al *t PjwlKimball Hospital in Lakewood at 1:10 a.m. Barnes, chairman of the coun- Mr. Barnes cited Mrs. Carl -'AccorfflBg to a police spokesman, the child's body was ty Committee To Re-Elect the Sadowski, Freehold, Com- : ed wifn srijes when the father, Frank S. Waits of Howell President, in a pre-poll clos- mittee vice chairman, and W the chiM 16^ hospital u ' : > r ing prediction. "I don't think Howard Woolley. Jr., West.. he couple's second child, Cheryl Ann, 18 months, was he'll draw flies." Long Branch, for spearhead- brought to the hospital by police investigating the death, the "He won't do anything but ing area Committee work. ' spokesman said. He.said the girl was reported in fair condi- hurt the Democrats," Mr. The chairman, who recently. tion, apparently suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. Barnes added. "He's not Mon- moved from West Long * fine 28-year-qld father and his wife, Margaret; also 28, mouth County's kind of guy." Branch to Riverview Towers; wire being held without bail in Moiimquth County Jaut The Well, despite Mr. Barnes' Red Bank, planned, however, spokesman said results of an autopsy "would determine wheth- prediction, Sen; George no mammouth victory cele- additional charges would be filed against the parents. McGovern, the Democratic presidential challenger, drew brations last night. The prac- considerably more than flies. ticing trial lawyer said he J)rris Picks Woman Freeholder But he still lost Monmouth to would vote, have dinner, and Republican President Richard then spend a quiet evening at >'&ORRISTOWN— For the first time in its history, Morris M. Nixon by about a two to home because he had court Cqjnty voters have elected a woman as freeholder. Mr one margin, which reflected business today. - s. Leanna Brown, a 37-year old former Chatham cflun- the general trend throughout With thel972 campaign now tan, easily defeated her Democratic rival, Peter J. ;!tew Jersey. ; under his political belt, Mr. i$ter of Parsippany-Troy Hills. ',, ;^.%;",,:. Barnes adds the endeavor to a lie victory had been anticipated, since no Democrat has 'President, flrxon drew long list of similar sojourns. rbeen elected freeholder here. Mrs. Brown nad-fl^a^ded W.B48: votes, }•">'• .irf? ; a;> -Troops' iWiii; Mt anri 436" Fined by State was so close. £-\W:••:•'. • • • •• •>•;, • •••• •• will conduct their monthly pa- "NEWAR'K - Two Mon per drive Saturday. "We'll see what happens in mouth County enterprises Snarled Computer Halts Count Curbside pickups will be the recount," he commented, have been charged with vio- ^. — A snarled computer In the Camden County made beginning at 9:30 a.m. "but I'm going on the assump- lating state statutes on the Board of Elections early today "blanked out the county on elec- In the area between Union Av- tion that I've won." practice of engineering In tion returns for several hours. The counting was expected to enue and the Garden Stale None of the candidates New Jersey. ^sUme this morning. • Parkway and in the Haritan seemed quite to agree as to (icne M. Mark of U|<| Mill- County Clerk Michael Keatitrg said the problem resulted1 Valley section. what were the key issues In Road. Freehold, was penal- irom programming of the computer, the only one of its kind Residents of other township the race. Mr. Day, noting thai ized |200 far offering engi- tw-jiigjised on a county level In New Jersey totally votes, areas and surrounding com- Mr. O'Hara was high vote get- neering services without ' Officials used the computer to funnel results to Computing munities may bring paper to ter in Krencau, cited prob- being licensed as a profes- Systems, Inc. in Kansas City, and then receive them back in the scout truck in the J. M. HtJIlUr Jloif Pholo lems with lack of sewers in sional engineer. Camden in a tallied form. Fields parking lot at Rt. 35 RETURNS — Mrs. Allyn Heck hands some late returns to Malachl Ken- that area and said he would The Henry V. Vaccard "' Keating said.that results from all but 80 of the 353 election and Hazlet Ave. between 9:110. ney at the Monmouth County McGovern Headquarters on White St., Red push for, extension of sewer- Corp. of SJ20Rt'M, Neptune, dtetriqts in the county had been fed to the computer by the a.m. and 1 p.m. Also accepted Bank. McGovern carried only two towns In the county — Roosevelt and age.lines there this spring, was penalized $100 for the uso time the breakdown occurred. He said the counting would re- will be glass bottles and Asbury Park. The defeat wasn't a shock to the McGovern workers, but whether or not Federal money of the word "engineers" In ; sume this morning, when the Kansas City operation resumes. crushed aluminum cans. the margin wos a surprise. . Is forthcoming. violation of the statute. 21 The Mjr Bejctefer, Ecd Bufc-MMdfctow*, JU. Wednesday, November 8,1«2 Monmoulh County Election Results


MUNICIPALITIES Transportation Bond Senior Citizen Bingo Constitutional Amend. McGoven NIXM Krebs Case Howard Dowd Thompson Garibaldi Lynch Tinkler Larrison Kavalek Yes No Yes No Yes . No Alle*nst 14S 331 IS 2M 243 217 117 158 285 281 181 23* 371 43 219 155 AMmni 171 4a 141 4M 283 3tt 2M 195 3(4 359 222 271 413 197 227 • > i, W AsfaryPirk MR MS MSI 2211 3181 15M 2354 22tt 19M 19K 1774 1748 2935 '.597 1582 , I486 AtlotteWgUwds 771 IS7I 171 1541 1353 989 MM 984 1172 , 12*3 818 12*4 1764 2M 915 •••• 988 AVM Itt Ml 3H 741 171 SM 4(5 443 732 729 491 595 941 155 563 4S* Belaur 157» t75 1171 1751 9M 1249 \m 1191 I17( 1121 1127 1948 284 1*56 945 Bradley Beack m 134 7M 821 UM 541 84C 821 711 (87 554 68* 1063 214 " . '545 584 IrieBe J» 1414 3*5 1*2 (78 1M7 411 4M 1285 12(2 M4 957 1301 269 , 63J CttttNeek ' *N MM S54 1S33 1KC 153C 719 CM 1817 1781 963 1441 2*95 " 325 ,121m7 ,4*80 Deal ttt Ml 2S2 M) 5S4 431 3M 382 535 5S6 4*9 472 778 92 : 4C < ,,.»< Eattatem 24H Ml 22« 18(5 1593 129i 1237 1899 1913 1371 1611 27M 334 1471 •i.'.'.HB. EagHsUMra IN 211 n 195 144 111 115 M 171 172 1M 132 201 42 1*7 1*9 PahrHavea K4 lMt SS7 2K3 1435 1395 972 922 1723 1727 1124 1389 2245 282 1417 966 Farmkgdale 7( 2*4 M 2(5 144 221 111 n 248 239 126 179 251 55 140 1 145 Freehold ISM au 1215 2212 2341 1443 1759 1(78 18K 1758 1421 173* 2755 791 J419 : PreekoW Township 1171 1711 3(K 28M 28M 23(2 2312 31K 3132 2453 4468 4548 662 2359 : :.;:m,; -tw Hadet ~ ass SKI 23» 4837 4253 34K 3512 3253 37(3 3931 2(14 4371 . 5999 U064 . 2674 ^ 3850 Wghbads 411 «S3 453 854 783 m 111 571 '725 747 479 646 , 1001 176 ,, 481 : ;':rZSk Hstadti U/i m lit 2171 1255 1531 811 7(4 1845 1879 1112 1474 237 346 1233 1214 HamUYtwasU* m» 2IM 41(3 33M 339S 2M8 tea 3684 3637 2419 (79 4715 979 :24*»' ' . 2818 lateriakea m 4IJ 139 443 343 325 183 1M 435 429 255 339 5*2 94 332 - 2St 1 KrHihnre il«S ISM 1211 1514 1871 1KC 1(33 1511 1147 1239 \m 1411 1948 523 959 122$; Keypart 1SSI 788 18(4 im 1547 lMf 931 1(13 1586 837 1476 19*5 455 1M2 ins; Little Silver »4t 2MI 575 2143 1433 1494 898 838 1918 1929 . 1141 1484 2333 321 1468 m UcfcAibw SI I* a M 117 (7 77 73 91 88 58 93 144 14 91 58- UagBnaeh 4SS2 am 305 5154 5941 3741 47(2 4597 . 414$ 4MI 34(6 3931 6842 8 2 34(8 3352.1 Maulipu UM 329 1717 SKI 272S 23M 2421 24(9 2374 2324 2494 2131 ' 3974 S•9 2094 2172 Muuqua (21 2114 «49 1M7 1252 1281 818 774 16K 1591 831 1411 1855 420 11*3 1U71 Mutton It78 MM 1721 , 28M 2145 2182 2381 2338 22(3 2217 2315 2*55 3853 548 1920 M Matatraa 1MI 2313 ttl 2217 ISC* 17K 1371 IMS 1829 1831 1232 1886 2745 415 1274 167» MalawaaT*watU» 2SM nil 2174 3747 29K 2989 2844 2815 29M 3139 2464 3*34 4783 1*81 2410 2749 MMOetwi 15*47 S7M 13915 11983 9934 9(35 8871 UM5 11233 7491 11778 Kill 2466 8*56 87(4 MlkUM J*5 (21 323 5(4 512 428 421 411 4(9 437 286 524 (59 160 293 454 MtamattBeaeh 2tt «21 IK 5K 4H 455 3N 277 519 513 341 426 667 105 346 368 Nepfawetit? CM 1433 111 ' 1251 12M 877 7M (91 12(5 1191 713 1(44 1538 261 844 81* Neptaae Hit 1774 3313 MM 55(2 -. 4753 4111 3999 598S 5675 3452 4726 (7*3 1557 3782 3737 New Shrewsbury 1K4 IK< 717 1(45 1487 \.11O7 1142 IMS 13(5 1399 11(3 1196 2026 2(3 1231 »33 Oceauert 55J 15*5 . W MW 1K1 1113 718 (77 1222 12M 7M 1108 1(69 184 876 830 OceuTowaiUp X2H SK7 2832 5593 5153 3547 3899 3817 4722 4665 3412 4706 7169 1078 4019 3677 Red Bail tta 3114 1541 7173 2M1 2355 2M5 1N9 2633 2652 1748 2*83 34*8 548 1914 1681 RftMeveK nt 77 115 182 3M 41 2tt 251 44 45 113 191 285 28 128 154) Ranuta n» 2JI7- 7M •W4 -- 1374 1914 9(7 983 2138 2227 1374 1754 2847 309 1697 1267 SeaBdskt 2H 4M 239 371 411 2(2 336 316 289 282 236 295 502 58 238 w Sea Girt • * 213 IKS 252 841 441 812 2S0 251 933 930 422 • 688 943 172 695- 446 Skrewsbary 417 INI 318 1W8 731 8M 494 4(1 954 959 497 859 1217 154 (87 596 Shrewsbury ToMuklf Hi 17S " 89 171 171 1*8 131 122 117 123 M 12* 2*3 32 IN 111 Stalk Btlmar m 413 281 3M ' 4(9 231 365 356 282 281 244 29* 469 78 238 242 Saria.Uk* m IMS 551 1141 978 912 (39 591 1146 1119 7*4 . 936 1412 231 886 642 SpriM Lake Heights Ml ins 7*3 1434 1251 UM 883 817 1371 1351 .... - 836 1151 1777 233 1101 98( UriN Beach HI 1281 812 u:? 1251 798 ltd 1M4 890 886 599 1007 135* -•• 265 637 827 timer FraeaoM TawasUp IK 111 17i 581 288 591 211 189 575 551 251 45* 575 120 266 384 WinTewiialp I72J 54SS 1988 4129 31(7 35K 2449 2360 4537 4462 2253 4124 5525 929 2981 3N1 West Lug BriKh nt 2M3 m , 24f4 1(19 1413 UK 1436 1739 17M 995 15(5 23)3 308 1386 1132 CIvllaAbaeatces 3211 set an H2X . 4413 3(21 22 42 3236 3133 4114 4237 4378 4349 7149 669 3852 3514 MMarvAbseatees 371 3H IM7 772 995 34 41 sn 531 1133 1117 1228 570 1721 132 96* 815 TOTAL (2,241 123,848 S5.II8 114,2(9 94,1(2 78.M8 4,973 5,4(4 76.347 73,M5 98,65* 98,469 68,116 68,483 U1.09C 29,383 66,465 (4,9(2 Municipal Contests at a Gtance Nixon Tide Fails GOP •deiotes Incumbents; R-RepnbUcans; D-Democrats; Mndependents. AUentown Engllshtown Freehold Howell Red Bank Council Council Council Committee Council Hal Runner, R* Harry Naroznlak, R* Walter J. Kozloski D' Raymond Roe, R* Joseph Falvo, R"- Legislature Aspirants Donald 8. Sprague, R* Thomas Lenahan, R Roger J, Kane, D' Raymond T. Barnes, R* Walter M. Thackara, R o fourth term. Case has opposed 'son over Barry Goldwater in Collector Assessor, 1 year Atlantic Highlands Roosevelt NEWARK (AP) - Presi Nixon on crucial issues before HIM. Norman Forman, R Gladys P. Ascough, I Council ^ Freehold Township Council dent Nixon, has swept to a Congress. Not Much Help Eugene Caffrey, D Fair Haven Committee Interlaken Leon Barth, D* devastating landslide victory With nearly «5 per cent of Unlike Johnson, neither Vernon E. Clinch, D Arthur Kondrup, R Judith B. Farneil, D in New Jersey but he failed to Nixon or Case was of much Council Council the votes counted, Nixon Bridle James Mayor, R Assessor provide coattails for GOP con- help to (JOP congressional Tyra M. Boyd, R' Edwin M. Ambler, R" polled 1,569.375 votes to 931,924 Council Jeannette Koffler, D gressional candidates who candidates. William C. Rue, R« Avrohm Jacobson, R* for Sen. George Mcliovcrn, a John M. Fraser, R Hazlet were frustrated in their hopes The only gain registered by Council, 2 years (1) Council, 1 year (1) Rumson load of (i.'t per cent to 3B per E. Bruce WeUel Jr., R Committee Council of riding a Republican tide Republicans was in the new, Eleanor A. Ellis, R Richard B. Brown, R' cent. Charles J. Morgan, R Alan L. Duke, R* into office. predominantly Republican Colts Neck Assessor Nixon's plurality rivaled the Clerk Lawrence R. Malone, R* Aided by unprecedented 13th District in northwestern Committee Joseph F. Hunter, R* Keyport landslide achieved by Presi- John M. Costigan, R ticket splitting, Democrats re- New Jersey where State Sen. Thomas L. McCllnlock, R* Council dent Eisenhower who carred Collector Sea Bright tained control of the state's New Jersey by 70(1,000 votes in Joseph .1. Maraziti. as ex- Asiessor Donald F. Miller, I' 15-member congressional de- Farmlngdalc Frank Koss Jr., R Council 1956 over Adlai Stevenson. pected, defeated Helen B. No nomination made Richard I. Volpe, I* legation by withstanding mar- Council Joseph W. Stout, D* Nixon fell short ofihe record Meyner, wife of Democratic Holmdel gins of nearly 2-tol for Nixon Eatontown James A, Moore, R* Little Silver Charles Rooney Jr., D* plurality of 900.000 votes former Gov. Robert B. .Mey- Council Alan R. Allen, D" Committee and Sen. Clifford P. Case, a ner. Council Sea Girt rolled up by President John- Theodore J. Zcbrowskl, H Council, 2 yearn George J. Boggio, R liberal Republican who won a The victory may have nar- Anthony T. Bruno, R« Council Henry C. Frey, R* Seymour R. Burke, It* Thoma8F. Parker, R rowed Democratic control of Lawrence F, Mihlon, R* Theodore R. Rastall, R the congressional delegation Collector Jack V. Richards, R* Charles J. Olson, R from 9-6 to H-7. However, in Shrewsbury Mother, TV Man what could be a stunning up- Record 12,006 Absentee Loch Arbour set, favored Republican Rep: Council Village Trustee John Hunt was locked in a Frederick J. Mancuso, R* Michael R. Quatrella, I* tight race with Democratic Joseph F. Dennis, R Are New Mayors Thomas L. McDonough, I* Assemblyman James Florio in Ballots Cast in Monmouth Council, 1 year (1) By the Associated Press compared to D.20I) for his He- the first district. ByHALUESCHRAEGER ballots to apply for and return from college students. Manalapan Emilia M. Sldllano, R publican challenger. Union As the polls predicted, Nix- them early to avoid last mln- "They didn't vote straight Committee New Jersey's two newest County Freeholder Matthew FREEHOLD - It took 7(1 on easily captured New Jer- ule confusion. ballots," she commented. Paul Picclonc, R Shrewsbury Twp. mayors are a 50-year-old II. Nilsen. However, Nilsen people nearly 15 hours yes- sey's 17 electoral votes, (he Feared It "They were voting for the James A. Flanagan, D Committee mother of live and a tele and independent Michael J. terday to tally same 12,00b' ab- eighth biggest bloc in the na- "1 was afraid this would iiuin. They weren't voting Committee, 2 years Julius F. Frlckel, R vision repairman, both of DcMartino, a Democratic city sentee ballots — a record tion, without even appearing happen." she said near mid- party lines." Kenneth G. Olsen, R* Committee, 2 years (1) whom will hold elective office councilman, were hurl in their number — said Mrs. Ann I). in the state during the cam- night last night, having Mrs. Klynn said the board Clerk James D'Averso, I for the first time. campaigns by indictments Flynn, chairman of the counly paign. wdrked since !l a.m. had been working assiduously James C.Collins Jr., R Jean Walling of East earlier this year. Board of Elections. The refusal of Nixon and his Mrs. Klynn said 14 election for the past 1(1 days, lor the SouthBelmar Brunswick and Thomas Mrs. Flynn said that was Manasquan Nilsen, who was given the running-mate, Vice President boards came In and worked last week until 11 o'clock at Council Hooney of I'aterson were :i.(HH) more than the presiden- Council best chance In upset Dunn, Spiro Agnew, to visit New all day yesterday, performing night. John J. Egan, D* among Democrats who sought tial election four years ago, Brecklnrjdge Jones III, Ft' was acquitted only two weeks Jersey disappointed leading the intricate chore of record- Starting today, she said, Frank X, Ryan, D and won mayoral contests in with the last 1,700 delivered George J. Dvorak, R ago of assault charges while Republicans. li ing and counting each an- "we have to rechcek our to- Hie state yesterday. Elizabeth yesterday and the day before. Matawan Spring Lake .DcMartino still faces trial lor n oi ftutficlnnt Taiiytakt'lo for $45 March 4. 1(171. and one WEST LOW; BRANCH - Eight delicious Tastykakos. Naturally groat frjvor coupons must on shown upon rnqunst. Cu.',tomr)r mu&l pay my salts f Inx. Void whero prohlbltad, laxait, or rcalrlctccl hy IAW. Cnnh vtlua 1/204. '' for $60 March «. 11)71. The Jersey Ski-Ters Water tasting 'cause they're mado with natural For tcdcmpllon mnil lo: Taal/ Baking Company. DopnrtmRnl C, 2801 Huntlnd I f'nrk Avenuo, I'Mla,, ranna. 1DI29. Tills rnonuy saving offor good until May I William T. Taylor of Phila- Ski Club of lied Bank had its ingredients. Liko milk, butter and) eggs. 30,1973. ^ ^^^_ w | delphia, convicted by a jury annual Halloween party in the And best of all, right now you'll save a dime Oct! li) of carrying a pistol home of Mr. and Mrs Charles whon you treat your family to a Tastybroak. With without a permit in Katnn- Stout, here. Tastykake Creme Filled Family Packs... for town, was fined $1(1(1. TASTNCAKE Thirty members attended, goodness sake. 'and costume prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. (iary llomefield Riding Gear for originality, to Mrs*1. Thomas Kelly of Lincroit for Theft Probed beauty, to (ho ilemy Kluiim' HOLM DHL - I'nlire arc in- and Mrs. Thomas Band, lied vestigating the Ihefl of a Bank, for the funniest. ;incl to saddle and oilier riding i'f|iiip- William Chevscman of Brick mont. valued at 'about SJOII. Township for the scariest. PREPARE FOR BALL - The first Past Presi- from, a barn owned'by Albert Mrs. Robert Segal. Deal, dents' Ball Is scheduled at Congregation B'nal I'oole. llolmdel Road." was chairman of the arrange- Sholom, 213 Lenox Ave., West End, Nov. 18 with The stolen items were ments committee, assisted by entertainment by Harry Hurley and his 16-plece owned by Miss Michelle l.opr- CREME • band. Commiitee chairman Chester Friedman, Mrs. 1'aul Egan of Matawan. etc. IK Knollwnnd Hoad. Haz- Mrs. Lynn Gilbert of Fair 8 FILLED CRFME Oakhurst, reviews plans with his co-chairmen, let.and had been stored in ifilven. Mrs, Gary Ilimicficld CHOCOLATE TILLED Mrs. Raymond Roth, of Eatontown, center, and Mr. 1'oole's barn. of Red Bank, and Mr* Gene CUPCAKES KOFFEE KAKES Mrs. Mortimer Zinn, of Elberon. Past presidents I'alrolman Dnminic Cav- Quiglcy of Lincrofl. to be honored are Herbert Becker and Murray allarn is invcsllRallni; the in- The Club's next event will Weiss, Long Branch; Irving Balton and Daniel cident which occurred some- be a skating party at 7::)il Leltsteln, West End; Max Adler, West Long time between Saturday nighl p.m. on Nov. II at the South Branch, and Mortimer Zinn and Martin Meisner, and Sunday-morning. Elberon. ' , ' Am boy Holler Skallng Kink. 22 The DaJJy Register, Red Bank-Mlddtetown, N.J. Wednesday, November *, 1972 Utilities for Income By ROGER E. SPEAR MMIMMIHIIIU the Treasury boiids pays only' Jogging Inflation 6.4 per cent, thus a switch y - We hold 18 shares of nomic issues had been largely would not make sense. In By SYLVIA PORTER New England Electric Successful defused by yesterday's elec- view of the limited amount of (NVSE), 17 New England Tel. tion. But this still doesn't war- capital, $2,300, involved, high- In the econorniessphere, the &• Tel. (NYSE), 50 New Eng- YOUR MONEY'S rant any huzzahs about prog- Investing er yielding corporate bonds U.S. has done a lot of things land-Gas & Electric (OTC) ress against inflation and amiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiiiiiiuiiiiuiiniiiiii are not advised. You are best right in 1972 - and as a re- and 49 Providence Gas (ASE). off sitting tight. sult, our economy has been, is WORTH unemployment. I received quarterly cheeks in A-Regardless of the origi- other areas for 1973. Revenues and will for the foreseeable uuHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiuiniiiii Overall, our economy has curb inflation — passed into varying amounts from each nal cost prices, which you in- Q — I would appreciate rose 19 per cent in the tirst future continue in a broad, sol- responded In.virtually text- history more than a year ago. company. How can I figure cluded in your letter, dividend your opinion of Lion Country half of 1972 and net income in-1 id upturn to the highest peaks equally crucial battle against book fashion to the classic In recent months, the pace of creased 16 per cent. Per share ' unemployment. upswing has been quickening. their interest rates? We need yields (interest rates) are fig- Safari (OTC). Do you suggest ever achieved by any nation. anti-recession weapons. "more income; should we sell results were reduced by a 23 Unacceptable Rate Records have been tumbling ured on the basis of current that I hold, average down or Butthe US.* 1872 has no! The federal budget has been and buy U.S. Treasury bonds? sell?-R.B. . •";.' per cent increase in the nunf- All we have been able to do deeply in the red all year and with pleasing monotony. price levels. In' this way you won the crucial battle against -H..J. are able to'determine what A — This company operates ber of common shares put-, inflation. is to lower unemployment has thereby been pouring bil- But inflation has failed to standing. financial position from an intolerable rate of respond as hoped and now it your present capital is return- four wildlife parks one each'in All we have been able to do lions of dollars into the eco- Florida', California, Texas"and was improved during 1971, and more than B per cent to a still nomic stream tn create pay- ' too is accelerating. There is a ing and if this rate may be is to slow inflation from an in- Add Director bettered. The most recent Georgia. A park planned for at the year end working capi- tolerable annual "galloping" clearly unacceptable rate of checks and profits and to en- built-in bias toward ever high- tal was $36(>,00B up from a $1.4 5>/4 per cent. er prices in our land which we quarterly per share dividend opening next year in New Jer- rate of more than fi per cent courage borrowing for pub- To Board sey has been delayed by zon- million deficit position in 1970. This is all we have managed poses ranging from buying a cannot fight with the feasible rate is multiplied by 4 to get to a still clearly unaccep- the annual rate. If the com- ing regulations. 'Hojtfgycr, two Shares may be.heldjf you are table annual "jogging" rale of — despite the sustained eco- car to building a giant lacto- tools at our disposal. able to assume risk, nomic advance, despite a Sub- pany narmalljr,pays extra of other paVjfe^arvSth'edjiled in 314 per cent. ,ny. The federal Reserve Sys- Unemployment also has At Radiofone : stantial rise in total employ- tem hafj been pursuing an ex- proved a, lot stickier than anti- RED BANK' - Dr. Aaron special dividends this is also That's all we have managed includjjS. The annual'payment — despite Dricc-wage con- ment, despite Some attempts pansionist monetary policy all cipated; — and hidden be- Cagan, of Brooklyn, N'.Y, has to help the jobless via direct year and •has thereby been, hind the overall rate are dis- been named a'director of, Kit* is then'divided by tjije current trols, despite a gratifying.rise share price, • '!, in output-pcr-liour (productiv- training-retraining programs. pouring billions of dollars into gracefully higher jobless diofone Corporation. ; ity)JETT both manpower and Now that the election is the banking .system to create rates for the young, unskilled, The action enlarges the Your portfolio returns an rpaChines, despite the White over, it is again possible to re- the credit to fill the demands blacks, women and some very company's Board of Directors average of 7.1 per cent. New -—"""House's publicized pledges to port objectively about our of business and individual bor- highly skilled professionals as from seven to eight members. England Telephone yielding bring the rate down to > to :i economy without being torn rowers. Tax incentives voted well. A graduate of New York 6.4 per cent is the lowest and per cent by year-end. apart by both sides. And ob- by Congress have spurred the Dare we accept inflation- Medical College, Dr. Cagan New England Gas- at 7.4 per Nor has the U.S. won the jectivity demands the ap- economy in general, the au- unemployment rates near has been a practicing anes- cent the highest rate of re- praisal that our economy is in tomobile industry in particu- these levels? What, as the thesiologist in New York since turn. The most generous of far,. far better shape than it lar, economist Dr. Martin R, 1838. He is a former director" was before' President Nixon Pleasing Monotony Gainsbrugh wonders, are the of Anesthesia and a con- dramatically repudiated his These tools have worked as economic-social implications sultant in anesthesia at Kings Agency Lists NURSING HOME own initial economic policies the textbooks say they should of "jogging inflation as a way County Hospital. Brooklyn, . 34 H»ur Cor« and is also a consultant in • RN

Three hundred forty one listings were signed for the; JOIN first nine months this year, CHRISTMAS compared to 18S for the same • OUR 741-7500 period last year. 47th CLUB YEAR 32 Broad St., The company, with offices in Middletown, Matawan and Red Bank Marlboro recently announced Open Mon.-Sat, 8-5:50; the opening of a fourth branch IrouM's Wed. & Fri. 'til 9 at the Holiday Inn, lit. 35, 0 Hazlet.

COLTS GLEN AT MIDDLETOWN — Development off Oak Hill Road, near Route 35 offers this split-ranch model, the Birchwood, which features four bedrooms plus den, two and a half baths, large basement and two-car garage. The project features six new models. SEWER CONNECTIONS More money for Christmas spending! Indian Head Names BY NEW JERSEY'S LARGEST PLUMBER Small amounts added to your Christmas Club'. to New Post account regularly soon add up to a sizeable NKW VOHK — Alvin Iv ..backup and piTforiiiance. ap- praisal. LuBrano Industries Griggs. formerly nf New Shrewsbury. N..I. has been ap- llo was associated with pointed to the newly created Holt man n-l.uHocho, Nut ley. AS LOW AS position of manager lor per- N..I.. and Khcingnld Brew- sonnel services at Indian eries, here. Head Mr. •(! nggs resides m Kelly Building 2138 Rt. 9 Inonmouth (Savings The corporation deals in I'lainfield, N..I.. with his wile specialty textiles, metal and and their child, lie was gradu- 157 Broad St. Lakewood, N.J. and JLoan Association automotive products, glass ated from Hod Hank High School and received a degree Red Bank TEL. 364-0288 (formerly Rril flmrfc Sniiiifi' * liiiin .i.iimtinUoii) containers, and information PER technology. Mr. firiggs is the Irnm Springfield (Mass.) Col- 842-4454 son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert lege in 1II54. LINEAL 3 CONVENIENT OFFICES ("triggs, Hit l'eadi St., New He played on the Hed Bank FOOT Shrewsbury. Towners in the Shore Baseball League. He was a three lot- BROAD at BERGEN, RED BANK Mr. Griggs' main responsi- lerman in high school playing bilities will be in the fields of I'ontball, baseball and track. Alvin E. Grlggs ;>Mtitiu:inioAi> headquarters recruiting and ABOVE PRICE IS FIRM AND INCLUDES ALL CLEAN-OUTS - BACKFILLING nut HAVKN siiornv; <:K.\m( assisting operating units in and PERMIT - ALL WORK PERFORMED BY OWN REGULAR PERSONNEL. We their recruiting functions, lie have our own equipment and manpower to do the job quickly and correctly. KOITI, .11 will also work in the devel- MVI'.WAS TOWNSHIP opment of corporate staff per- Sign $5 Million Pact sonnel programs and in man- CALL NOW FOR EARLY CONNECTION Satin!!* .Wu'llilli. lllMir.ll III lUIMMIL power planning, including For Barbecue Grills • Commercial • Industrial • Residential ASBUliY IWHK - United housing'space. The new struc- MASTER PLUMBER - STATE LICENSE #3588 Telecontrol Electronics. Inc.. ture is located adjacent lo the has signed a long-term Vim-' existing plant buildings. FULLY INSURED • FINANCING AVAILABLE tract, totaling more Ihan '$') million, t" supply portable electric barbecue grills to KleclricChar-B-Que Inc.

Harold T. Slier. UTK presi: (lent, said the manufacturing MONEY?agreement extends for a Homeowners: three-year period, with initial Borrow the cash you nocd lor production scheduled to begin I VICTORY MARKET 31 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK the things you want. Avco in .January. • TELEPHONE 747-0508,747-1339 makes Secondary Mortgage The new agreement was FRIENDLY PERSONAL SERVICE TOP QUALITY MEATS AND POULTRY Loans to $10,000. reached following successful Use the money (or any purposo. Pay completion of n previous one- off bills. Clit your monthly payments. year contract under which UTK's Consumer I'rodurls TENDER BONE- Buy a new car or enmpcr. Take a SIRLOIN LESS EYE ROUND Q110 long vacation trip. Pay educational Division manufactured the ALL CUTS 113 expenses. Or just have it on hand versatile new grills lor Klec- ONE PRICE LEAN foromorgencles. trie Oiar-B-Qur STEAK Ib. ROAST ° The. unit is a portable elec- 99 1Ib. Need monoy? Mall us the coupon tric grill using permanent bri- and we'll do the rest. Or if you nnod quets. It plugs into any till WHOLE monoy in a hurry, call now. volt outlet and has a tempera- CUT TO LEAN . ture control enabling it to he SHORT $fO9 LONDON $ I 39 used for all kinds of cooking. BONELESS Sond this ooupon to.lho noarcst Avco Financial Services office The company is now in- LOINS Ib. SIRLOIN . BROIL listed bolow. stalling new automated pro- 1 Ib. PORTERHOUSE AND T-BONE STEAKS Sirs: I'd like lo learn more about your loan service. duction 'equipment, including 1 paint, baking and metal fin- ishing systems. Construction Name- WHOLE also is under way on n new CUT TO BEEF DEUCIOUS RIBS plant which will provide an $119 ROASTS . Address. ORDER additional KI.IIIKI square feel ALL CUTS A.M. of manufacturing and ware- SHELLS Ib. 0' BEEF .BosVllm'o tocall. 1 folophone No.- MARKET DOUBLES -State .Zip AKRON, Ohio (AP) - Eco- logical concern for clean waler LEAN CHUCK GROUND, .79'ib. HIND 'A BEEF •//7AVCCI and water conservation will ROUND ROASTS, STEAKS, ETC.. 85: ///FINANCIAL boost sales of plastic liners for ^/SERVICES, INC. waste ponds to 140 million FRYING CHICKENS ..29< ib. square feet this year, says the WHOLE PORK LOINS V\fclx'licvvin\rHi. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, CHOPS OR ROASTS This volume of sheeting is PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR A FRESH KILLED TURKEYS -PURWS AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. double the amount used in 1970 HONEYSUCKLE WHITE TURKEYSDUCKS- 158 Main St., Matawan Ph. 566-8500 for that market, Goodyear re- DELICIOUS THANKSGIVING DINNER. 319 Main St., Keansburg Ph. 787-9000 ports. CAPONS-CORNJSH HENS-SQUAB -ROAST BEEF * , , ./ ' - " . The Dafly Register, Red Bai±~MleWfetm^ NJ. Wedw»d«y, NoveadKr», WH ft Blind Man Is Anchorman for Television News Show ! By KENT ZIMMERMAN happenings and takes reports programs. Addison says his station is child at the St. Louis School for band, in which he occasionally' Weidlich was prepared to be his decision. "There'* a ST. LOUIS. (AP) - Some from the station's other news- Weidlich says an obvious getting a device which reads the Blind, and he learned more plays at dances and weddings in a teacher when he left St. Louis paign to get blind people to jfl> daytime television viewers men in the field by radio phone. handicap in his work is that he printed material on paper and than reading, writing and arith- his spare time. The combo is University, but instead tried tor to college, but there are many in St. Louis have been won- He takes the information on is unable to read news wire transforms it into raised letters metic while he was there. called the "Soul Seers," a name a job in television. professions closed to the blind. dering why the news an- his braille writer and then copy or stories written by other which a blind person can feel Among other things, he picked up from a plaque at the "There are some professions This field was a challenge, aW transcribes it on a typewriter newsmen, but the station is go- with the tips of his fingers. learned to play the piano and School for the Blind which that the blind are supposed to there was someone to give irfla chorman on KPLR-TV wears says: "It is the soul that sees." sunglasses during his three' into scripts for use on news ing to solve that problem soon. Weidlich spent 13 years as a now heads a three-man blind go into," he said in explaining chance." daily newscasts. Those bold enough to call the station are told that anchorman John Weidlich is blind. "They want to know if he's some kind of weirdo," says "Quality-Protected" Beef is a Stop & Shop Exclusive! News Director Bill Addison. "When we tell them John is blind, the reaction is good." Weidlich, 26, joined the sta- tion in February as a news writer, editor and eoassign- ment editor, and his goal was to become an on-the-air news- I caster. He got his chance in Septem- ber when the station in- » augurated a 2 1/2-hour vari- ety-talk show in the morning Naturally aged for tenderness: and he now has three five-min- ute news shows each morning. '/This all happened a lot fast- Our new "Quality-Protected" Beef is USDA Choice Marlborough, Mass. You'll find the complete story" er than I ever thought it would, Grade beet./. naturally aged for tenderness and of "Quality-Protected" Beef from the moment we and I'm -awfully grateful that the station was willing to take a flavor. Fresh cut beef ... uniformly cut... uni- buy it till the moment you buy it—in a free color chance with me," .'said Weid- formly trimmed ... uniformly good every time you booklet at your Stop & Shop. Included; are tips to licb, who holds two degrees in buy it. At any one of our stores. Stop & Shop is help you with buying, storing and cooking meats, English from St. Louis Univer- able to bring you this better kind of beef at no And Stop & Shop's exclusive "Cooking with Color," sity, as well as a Phi Beta Kappa key. extra cost because of a whole new system of a simple system to guide you to perfect results "It was a chance, first, be- handling and'sanitation that.has no equal any- everytime. • •'. cause I've never done on-the-air where... and because of our new meat plant in work before, so there's a cer- tain lack of expedience. And second, of course, is taking the chance on the unfamiliar con- cept of a blind newscaster," he said. General Manager Jim Herd says he doesn't feel the station U.S.D.A. Choice Beef has taken any chances by using See the big savings Weidlich on the air. "His per- formance ever since he joined Stop & Shop Brands our station has been phenomen- al," Herd said. The only special procedure make in your budget! for Weidlich's newscasts is that FLAVORED two separate sets of stories are Rib Steak assembled — one in braille for Weidlich and another in regular Fruit Drinks type for the producer. The sta- * Shortcut Shoulder tion also uses a finger-snap cue One of our Slice thin raiher than the traditional hand Hi-C more tender diagonally wave to signal that he is on the steaks because across the air. Weidlich also makes tele- of the exclus- grain for phone calls to police depart- ive aging superb ments in the St. Louis area to process. Ib tenderness. keep up-to-date on the latest $199 Commuter Club Steak Boneless Rib 1 ib Lean Ground Beef Says He's $109 Boneless Chuck Steak 1 Ib Extra Lean Ground Beef Champion Aluminum Foil $139 HANNIBAL, Mo. (AP) Cube Steak w 1 Ib Short Ribs of Beef — Most people in this Mis- Reynolds sissippi River town can drive from their home to work 25' roll California Steakchuck Chuck Stewing Beef iii 10 minutes or less, but One package resident may be the world 25' Sell Service Deli champion commuter., Lean, Center Cut Charles K. Mudd doesn't Stop & Shop make the trip every day, but i USDA Gov't./ Italian Style Sausage when he does, he figures it's a 25'roll Inspected Pork 6,000-mile trip to his job as package Hot or maintenance shop supervisor Sweat for the Oasis Oil Co. in Libya. Pork Chops 99! When Mudd and his family lived in Tripoli, Libya, he Toilet Tissue Oscar Mayer Franks »»..,«.,•., worked two full weeks in the Loin End Pork Chops 89! Oscar Mayer Bacon ,.,.,,*» company's desert base at Waha White andI Assorted Swift Premium Franks «.M.«««> and. then had one week off the Rib End Pork Chops 79 job. Now that Mudd has moved Waldorf Jone Sausage Links his family to his old hometown, Jones Bacon «W*.»IM W'1 he works six weeks in the White and Assorted ' O7 Boneless Pork Cutlets will liimmtd Jones Sausage Meat desert and takes three weeks off. Nepco Knockwurst Mudd said he moved his fam- Sun Glory 31 Rib Portion :Vii Pound Average Stop & Shop Sliced Bologna ily to Hannibal last year to en- Ocoma Chicken Thighs r,.,,, hance the education of his three children. They had lived in Lib- Chunk Light Tuna & Stop * Shop Kitchens ya for more than eight years. Tasty Sandwich Maker M 4 A "In 1970, the prime minister Fully Cooktd of Libya ordered native chil- Pork Loin Roast Spareribs Wtittm Stylt dren should attend the company Bumble Bee 41 r school," Mudd said. "We de- Serve this succulent roast with Stop 4 Shop Apple Sauce Stop & Shop Fresh Cole Slaw * 69< cided our thildren's education Same Quality... Lower Price Stop & Shop Potato Salad o."'«. would suffer, so we returned to I IcSn I ONV OnOUIUer Gov't inspected young porkers Stop & Shop Custard Pudding 'I the States." . Stop & Shop Cocktail Sauce .,.».„'! Mudd says his commuting Stop & Shop costs are high, but under the Martinson Coffee R.. . Biu, u • reSn I OrK DUIIS Only one small bone. frozen I'inh lluyt circumstances "it's worth it." He flies commercially to Tri- OuncanHines J^SfcX*, Lean, meaty poli and then takes a company pkg of 6 7Qc Country sty le Spareribs Rib cut . plane to his base at Waha, 700 Diet Rite Cola 12oicjni I V . Turbot Fillets -. miles away. pkgoUOO 99° Boneless Pork Loin Rib cut Boned and rolled Smoked Cod Fillets >-.. Life at the desert camp, Lipton Tea Bags Iwin pk CQc Cooked Haddock Fillets ».<•> Mudd says, "is not loo bad, just Stop &Shop Potato Chips 16oipkg JU not very exciting." The camp Fresh Pork Spareribs Grand oven barbecued quirt JCt provides a variety of recrea- Salad Dressing s.oP&st,oP tional facilities for the men, but Just Heat & Eat Nint Fully Cooked- families are not permitted Sandwich Cremes stop * SHOP there except at Christmas be- M At Our Dairy Dept. M Farmers Market Swift Premium $139 cause of the lack of schools and Keebter Cookies 33' shopping facilities. Oitmul 13 oi, ChoccUle Chip 11 02, Sugar CooHus 13 oj Pint Container Ham Patties 1 Mudd said the favorite activi- Florida Pink A While ^ A ifc ty at the camp is going into the Axelrod's Sour Cream desert at night.. Frozen Food Buys C "Almost all of us go out in the Sliced Swiss Cheese <^«tt 49 Healths Beauty Aids! evening and look for fossils, Fall Festival c Grapefruit 09 petrified wood, arrow heads or 31ai one Sliced Muenster Cheese ;t45 Moulhwish 24 oi bollli J Sara Lee Cherry Pie Oil D c Sun Flavored World War II relics. It doesn't C Prell LiquiIQlIld ll-S 0/ bolH.or \ chom get dark until 10 p.m., so going Austrian Swiss Cheese . /o^J9 Crisp Bosc Pears & 59 ••ch into the desert is really the Buitoni Manicotti si',?, Prell ConcentratlOnccntrstGe & oi iuh* / Fresh Spinach c«iiobj| biggest form of recreation," he Buitoni Egg Plant, Sau SeaShrimpCocktail ' 99' said. Crest Toothpaste 'X 11 0/ 1 At RediWhip v 59 As a result, Mudd has an Morton Dinners pk( JJ extensive collection of fossils 60/ ore he found in the desert, including Minute Maid Orange Juice Sun Glory Margarine ,»,,,,, „ , iy OO65in)ll]5DflfliHI(|l l a petrified elephant's head, a can &«! Stopft-Shop Sof t Margarine ,•„».,„,„„,*„ 33 cS c C petrified fern, many pieces of Eggo Waffles I'rrnh h'rum Our Own lluhery I SAVE 7^i! Save2O | SAVE 30 - SAVE 15 petrified ivory and animal's Uor 39' with thi! coupon 5", | £; wilh thn coupon • . -j^i mlh IIM coupon MMItUcoimti teeth. Caterer's Ice CreamFlavor™s on (one) 12 0/ pkg frozen 2'|!*^ or. piirch»\t of SI.00 p]';, on{om)6orjir on(wit)22«i%m« •1 or mofp in our *~ Mudd's wife, Etta, says she or Split pkji g Baby Broccoli Spears a^ty. pkj 03 English Muffins 4 has learned to adjust to her Kf AUiniAC ChocoUls ol 9,o, SI E-lE Maxwell 10oi OCt Dl UnillCd Bulltrstolcli Deep Fries II'l' l Frozen Joy Liquid husband's unusual working situ- pks X ation. Birds Eye Mixed Vegetables 2 t RECULA House i 15 at CRINKLC E CUT i'llg Food Dish "It is not too hard an adjust- 1 Sahara Bread Stop & Shop Apple Pie FRENCH FRIES 3 |g I INSTANT ment," she said. "I don't like C c :? > Dept. separations, but with Kenny GoixllhruNov.iwJlruNo l • 2il £ gDetergent, Kwik Make Pancake Batter 49 Chocolate Eclairs '#69 * *, 0««WiiN»v.J' -' iit 1 coupon pi : Coffee home during the day I find we limit 1 coupon i ' Good Ihru Nov. 11 limit 1 coupon Wf have V> much better environ- Limit 1 coupon ptr family, ment. We can do things togeth- er, and when we have a quarrel, we can solve it without the chil- dren underfoot." i he Dirfly Register, E«I Bank-MlcWktown, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1972 Dennis the Menace; Suuffy Smith Crossword Puzzle I I I 2$ Totaled /--O0NT F6RGIT ACROSS 35 Tempest 63S-«h«ped molding 27 Species of PAW-I THINK TO BUCKteUP 1 Down with: ' 38 Wooden pin Fr. 38 Crude metal 64 European poplar I'll, TAKE FER SAFETy 28 British 5 Part of 39 Small pool capital LEETLETflrER weight Great Britain . 40 Lukewarm 65 Gaze FER A RIDE 29 Musical 10 Mine gas 41 So. African 66 Coin sounds OVER TO 14 Emporium Dutch aperture 30 Lethargy COUSIN 15 Yellowish- 42 Compass 67 Opine 32 Drink to the BESSIE'S green color point 68 Chemical health of 16 Potpourri 43 Zeal compound 17 Largest 44 Antiquated 69 Egg layers 33 Expungs land mass 45 Cuddle DOWN 34 Omitted 18 More 47 Replied 1 Wine cups 37 Telegraphs unusual sharply 2 Phloem 40 Book on a 19 Lettets 49 General 3 Melody particular 20 Postage Bradley 4 City in subject 22 Haughty 51 Slav Connecticut 41 Moslem 24 Insect pest 52 Archbishops 5 Become" headpiece 26 Record 56 Porches- moreservere 43 Feminine 27 Amajes 60 Dispossess 6 Southern name • state: abbr. 44 Leftside WHEN AREM3U GOIN6 31 Sipped 61 Foolish IT'S SORT OF HARD \ 7 Italian 46 Native drum TO STOP HOLDING VOIJR Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle TO BREAK A UFE-LON6 / coin 48 Bed canopy 5POON THE VJRONQ HABfT J UUQG 0DOHQ UU3D 8 Turned inside- 50 Leases QQU0 UUQQU CJUQQ out 52 Russian UUUCH UUQfJU UHHH 9 SawshBped weight QUU QUUUUUUuurju Q LiHuLjuuiiaa a 10 Eludes ; 53 Strategem UUJUUUU HULjuaauo 11 Title of 54 Man, e.g. HuanH nuau aaarJ Athena 55 Chair ••au aaaaa aaaa 12 Bearing 57 Amorous ALL W TDURIST5 ARE 60NE.* LJUHI;I annan 13 Mail glance naanannn aannann a 21 Extra 58 Mexican nrann nnan Children's Letter nnntnon nnnnLinnn dividend laborer aann nnnnn orann 23 Iridescent 59 Hardens an tin nnnnn nnnn gem 62 Before: pref. nnnci nnnnm nnnn 11/0/72 8 $ Hia 11 12 13 n n 16 NOW THAT THE PAIN* LET UP FT I HEIPIB5— AND ENOUGH THWICAN THINK.-.I 19 IT » FOUR TlWUeC/ DEPREtttD. RJ-ALIZETHAT MV WHOLE 17 -• I M»5INtt CANON! STOCK. I* LOST! 18 SULFORTHE. 20~ j 22 THtOKAST HOLIDAVS: | pi AT THE 24~1 25^ 25~" REEHOUiE- • TT |ll 27 mm•• 30 3T1 33 T HOW ARE 29 1 I • VOU FEEUN6 I WAS ABLE . 35 TL 36 37 38 TOOW.PAPA? TO QtT A PLUMBER Jji QUICKW, SIR! TO ]_• REPLACE THE VALVE! w YOUR PLANTS MMT 42 FAR AWAV WERE. NOT H43] ALL RUINED! 45 46| • 47 48| «1 j 50 51 I"" | ZEE The Wizard of Id 52 r 54 55 56 57 SB T -H61- - • 60 • 62 ••63 64 Hes 69 67 Hee I Your Horoscope, Birthday WEDNESDAY, NOVEM- words of wisdom until you ar- part in any game for which cerned. Give friends their BER 8 — Born today, you are rive at the course of action for you don't know the rules is due. a delightful combination of you. Your own wisdom, given dangerous. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) the romantic and the adven- the necessary information, CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. — Energy wasted this morn- turer, with just enough prac- should match the experts. 20)- — Conditions ought to be ing may be yearned for in vain ticality about you to make it just right for you to step out this afternoon. Take care that "safe" for you whichever The soul of patience when it comes to long-term projects on your own — but only if you you don't indulge in activities of your traits is outstanding at really want to. Please your- you disapprove of. I WA6«WEETOFYOU of any kind, when you are any given time. You, find trav- self first of all. CANCER (June 22-July 23) V 10 REMBMBEB' el extremely exciting and dealing with short-term mat- AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. — If your efforts to please should make every effort to ters you are inclined to be- 19) — Delay.s may be dis- those near and dear to you, become involved in activities come nervous a,nd over- which can indulge your yearn- emotional. Your temperment appointing, but they need not take care that you don't dis- ing, indeed your need, for is such that it is almost easier cause any permanent prob- please yourself. Your own in- change. Whatever is new, dif- for you to live with potential lems. Don't be afraid to tell terests must come first now. ferent, alien to your present success, success to come, others of your position on per- LEO (July 24-Aug. 23) - circumstances you find com- than with the actuality of ac- sonal matters. Others may hold out entice- pletely fascinating, Impelling, complishment. Learn to live PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21) ments almost too attractive to and you will go after it with with your own high worth, — Perfect your work during resist, but if you are wise you tremendous energy. and to believe in it. peaceful morning hours. An will insist upon going your event immediately outside the way, not theirs. You will have several peri- Thursday, November t home could cause you some VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) - ods of upheaval during your distress at evening. Small accomplishments may Andy Capp life, but you will no doubt SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. tl) ARIES (March 22-April 20) mean more to you in the long have sense enough to consult — Take care that in attempt- — Don't begin the day without run than the major achieve- I DON'T KNOW'OW A experts before and during the ing to calm yourself after a definite plans. To take part in ment you've been hoping for time you try to put your life VOU'VE MANNED SO) WHAT'AVESEft GOT morning upset, you don't activities willy-nilly could be Satisfy yourself with what is. FAR. WITHOUT'EK/ back together again. Nor will cause chaos in the lives of oth- both upsetting and dangerous. 'OW'S THE/ 1 INTHEPIFTH? you be satisfied with con- LIBRA (Sept. 24-Ocl. 23) - GOIN FUUL-j ers. Move carefully. TAURUS (April 21-May 21) MISSUS? / fwrr-Ti/v>c JOB sulting a single souhd source •Seek some new and inter- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- — A day which should see the of information for advice; you esting method for reaching the Dcc. 22) — Limit yourself to advent of that "break" you've same ends of previous times. will seek out several, com-, I hose activities for which you paring and contrasting their been waiting for insofar as ca- Use your imagination freely are fully prepared. To take reer advancement is con- and be creative. °'.*' Sheinwold's Bridge Advice

By ALFRED SHEINWOLD each opponent hart four clubs. Now South could ruff a club Kegister, Box 33Mi Grand Moreover, by the time South »<-M J with the deuce of trumps, ruff Central Station, New York. If you were playing today's had ruffed several diamonds; another diamond and ruff a N.Y. 10017) Blondic hand at four spades, how one of the opponents might be club with the three of trumps. would you handle the dia- able to discard a club on a This got by safely, and the North dealer I THANKS TMAWK YOU FOR. J, . WELL, TH AMK vou ^ , > FOR euyiMBUVlMS MMEE t- / monds'.' Don't look at the late round of diamonds. game was home. South ruffed Neither side vulnerable A (JEW v-> FORTELLNS ME ( WHAT? *- -i ABOUT IT Kast-Wcst cards: You Odds Against Plan still another diamond and ruf- NORTH wouldn't see them in an ac- In short, the plan would fed his last club with the ace • A4?2 TODAV V fi£ tual game. It is prudent or work only if the clubs were of trumps. Ten tricks werr xj;^^p> ^;. foolhardy to try a finesse with equally divided and perhaps.if •now.assured. O AQ853 the queen of diamonds? an opponent made a mistake. DAILY QUESTION • 7 South could take the ace of The odds were 2 to 1 against As dealer, you hold: S-KQ.l WfcST EAST diamonds and play for eight an equal division of the clubs 10 1M0 7 4 3 D-!) C-A J X 3. • 1* • 765 trump tricks, or he could try — without even considering What do you say? O A92 . o? KJ8 the diamond finesse'and play the chanee of a defensive er- O Kfi: O 11074 Answer: Bid one club or • y 10 64 2 K95 lor seven Irump tricks. Which ror. pass. This is a borderline de- SOUTH was the better plan? A diamond finesse gave cision. With biddable 4 car- 4 KQJ 10 To make eight trump tricks. South an even chance. He ders in clubs and spades, bid South had to ruff four times in needed very little more. 0 107 4 3 t he clubs first. You will prob- 0 9 his own hand and three times Hence South led his single- ably have a convenient + A J R 3 in dummy with the small ton the second chance to bid one spade next. Norlh F.asl South West trumps. At the end. dummy trick and finessed with dum- 1 ('A 1'rickcl Ciuide to Bridge. I 0 Pass I 4 Pi,.* would still have Die ace of my's queen. This won, and de- 1 written by Alfred Shcinwold, A 4 pa!>s spades to make'it later trick. clarer cashed the ace of dia- Pass l';iss ICOK,«6BOOM* HOWO —~^ is available. Get your copy by r This plan would work only if monds and ruffed a diamondf> W*/AN'l l.USOTO-(Hi 8-A^U*fA«r W/SV3U,HON? I sending 50 cents in lied Dank Opening lead - • 4 KSCSjrfiN'f H f Ai5t ACTl/AlLY, HE'S A VEW SENSITIVE ( BSCKfJ HE 5AIP HE ONLY READS / ALTH0U6H SOMETIMES THE YODKE SAWIEP. PERSON..,EVEN TH0U6H HE MEPICAL JOURNALS.,. I TALKED WITH FAINT5 A LOT.... HE ADMITTED ^PICTURES UPSET HIM ( & AW PEDIATRICIAN- THAT HE'5 NEVER REALLY REAP 'J > MI55 5«E6TST0RV'5 BOOK... if iiic Plum torn CACARAVANA 3 WILL NOT TRADE WITH T WE HEARD US, FATHER. 7HEV FEAR THE GIANN T J TAITKK OF THETHEM THIS PLACE 15 \ YOU WANTAAE GA PAS5 PAKM/ )/ pCAl 1 V O/)Q IfcJ/- 1 TO WITHOUT MIs& / FLAS LOWEKEP \^ 0U,Kl.ey TO Oft AUVTHlNS Z V AT •^-^ /i pEAay r(5ONMA ( MI55HEP Lousy The Dally Register, Red Bank-MJeMletown, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1W 2 25 Blind Faith Doesn't Help in Pursuit of Antiquities By MILTON BLOCH nuiiiiiiiuiuiiuiiuiiiuiiiiiiiuiii iiiiiiuiiii scriptions. There should be a lesson in tainly no knowledge at all is ] To allay suspicions of fraud such things as these "origi- disastrous. This is amply sup- (NOTE: "Original" forg- BKUSnniioiHr the forgers produced a phony nal" fakes. I think it issmore ported by the mute testimony eries based on nothing at all but ingenious manuscript sup- than just "buyer beware." It of Moabitica. Baphomets, santa gets the (no model), the forger In this VV OKIv posed to have been dated 14%- has to do with the predehction Obotrites, Sardinian Idols, case creates both. a product 1498, and which contained to regard the mysterious as Mozarabic Letters, and Billies and a market out of thin air iiiiuiMjiiinmum iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiun; sketches closely resembling virtuous and a lack of infor- arid Charlies. 1'eoplc endowed whole gang with the help of public gullibl- the devil-idols. This was pur- mation as a supportive attrib- with huge quantities of blind m lin Museum acquired 1,700 chased at a considerable price ute. faith would do well to channel specimens as part of the cul- by an owner of many Sar- • If a little knowledge is a it elsewhere other than in the together Saturday, An excess demand for cer- tural program for the new dinian Idols who proceeded dangerous thing than cer- pursuit of art and antiquities. lain kinds of art or artifacts German Empire. Selim was to delve through the literature usually turns out aspiring for- apparently the only winner in of mythology in an effort to ness in 1857. "Billy and november 11th, gers in great numbers. this game of archeological track down their origins. A re- Charley" made leaden pil- In fact, one often inspects a fantasy as even the Berlin semblance to the art of the grims' badges by the thou-- Feel rich, at the grand opening of forgery for tell-tale variance • Museum's defense of Moabi- - "Obotrites" was finally estab- sands to be dug up along the from the original style or artist tica had feet of clay and-had Thames. Their simplistic idea and to determine what model to be abandoned: The phony- of the Middle Ages led them warm, our Christmas wonderland. might have been used by the artifacts were eventually rele- to use many kings and knights gated to basSttttnt purgatory. predated the German Con- faker, in creating his imita- quest) did indeed have some- and meaningless inscriptions BRING THE KIDS,... M- tion. But occasionally a rare One of the- silliest successful thing in common with the Sar- ••'- as designs, always with S FOR A FULL DAY OF ":t surge of invention produces a forgeries ever made appeared dinian Idols — they too were Arabic numerals for the date. work that is a total fabric- in 1850. It was the "Sarco- 19th century forgeries! • They were very popular, al- ation down to its very prem- phagus ofi Hercules." Old In 1K18, some curious fig- though shunned by the knowl- ise. tales had placed the death of urines in the Imperial Vienese egeable, and later there was a Kor instance, in the 1920s, a Hercules in Spain and in 185(1,; collection were singled out by resurgence of these articles to the "grave" 'w^s '',dis-' meet an ever newer demand. great deal of excitement ac- a zealous scholar as "Baph- covered" in Tarragona. One They can still be found today, companied startling finds at orhet Idols," worshipped by of the remaining marble offered as curios or anti- the lake quelling sites in Swit- the persecuted Knights Tem- plaques (the sarcophogus was plars of the early 14th cen- quities, or even more descrip- zerland. It seems that before supposedly badly damaged by .lively, as "Billies and W tury. c * CHRISTMAS FUN. §f Man entered the Stone Age he workmen dufiijg the ex- Charlies," -V4/r. had passed through the pre- These figures are ugly and cavation) depicts Hercules Billies, Charlies We've also got the trimmings and viously undetected "Horn linking Spain to its coloniza- coarse and covered with Age." The thesis is intriguing signs, symbols and characters A more recent variation of trees lor your at-home Christmas maqic. tion by Egyptians! the Billies and Charlies were Have extra cash in your bank because horn and bone do in Greek, Latin and Arabic balance when you-need it. Open seem somehow more basic as Iberian Figures signifying nothing. Authorship the "Thessahan Antiquities", tools than the shaping of rock The plaque has meaningless has at times been attributed also in lead. These primitive a Cash-O-Matic account with us. and stone — even though it hieroglyphics and Iberian fig- to the prehistoric Sardinians, figures, in the "Animal Style" ures and some symbols which of such vogue in the early 20s, just didn't happen that way. medieval alchemists, Druses FIRST The Horn Age people had a were interpreted to depict and Ismaeliles, but today they kept collectors supplied on two continents. The collectors suspicious way of leaving harvest scenes at various are generally regarded as NATIONAL months of the year. in turn kept the forgers in their tools around in con- Gothic Revival era products BANK The sarcophagus was dis- ready cash, as Ihe price was COLONIAL^ of an overactive imagination. spicuous places, all beau- quite high. The bank thai looks out lor you tifully polished and decorated missed at once as fakery, but And, yet, nobody really knows with neat designs. Further- one of the fragments took on a what they are, or who made more they outdid their Stone life of its own. Its spurious 'them, or when or why. Age progeny by inventing origins forgotten, this piece writing!. Any of these things became known as "The origin Meaningless Message of Life from the connubius of should have made all but the If one had to coin a word for SHOP-RITE'S TRUE VALUE BONELESS STEAK SALE! Baal and Tanait, the supreme densest mentalities wary, and meaningless message, "Moza- Phoenician Gods," and was at- rabic" would do nicely. This U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF happily few were deceived. tributed to the Phoenicians. But the Horn Age was never- was the name given a letter in theless a horn of plenty for its Scholars read a host of the sale of Guglielmo Libri's SHOULDER STEAK inventors before the law meanings into the man and collection of manuscripts in "closed this impudent chapter woman figures and made ex- the late 18th century. It was a ,in proto-history for good. travagant claims for the sym- light green animal skin with In 1889 an inscription was bolism. Red faces were the words and drawings adorning discovered (II Kings iii, 4) order of the day when its ori- both sides. The design includ- ONE which made the public aware gin as part of the pre- ed African warriors with hows PRICE! of a biblical tribe of Moabitcs posterous Hercules Sarco- and arrows. Libri pretended for the first time. There were phagus was rediscovered. to understand the,writing no known Moabitic remains The Iron Age of Sardinia which he said was from the until a man named Selim of produced so few relics that 7th century, but watch that U.S.D.A. CHOICEBEEF ROUND U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND THIN CUT Jerusalem decided to fill this some enterprising forger of first word, its a big one: "Mo- abhorren vacuum. He pro- the 1830s undertook to supple- xerelabulabnostraprigeni- ' SIRLOIN TIP STEAK FOR BRASCIOLE, MINUTE duced a series of clay fig- ment them with dozens of seiuspatermaterambulariao- urines, some with a Turkish fakes. These "Sardinian ceanus." Yes, I said "Moxere- TRUIWUE fez, others with Napoleonic Idols" commanded a steep labulabnostraprigeniseiuspa- OR FOR L0ND0NBR0IL OR SANDWICH STEAKS beards, all with a special de- price undeserved by their termaterambulareaoceanus." sign of seven dots and com- crude workmanship. Most But that's not all — there took the form of spare, horned were two other such missiles ONE pletely meaningless in- I-SICE! scriptions. devils holding tritons or baby and they are all Mozarabic to Although many experts de- devils in their hands. Some me. . SHOP-RITE nounced the frauds immediat- had two heads and others dis- William Smith and Charles ely, for some reason the Bcr- played indecipherable in- Eaton started a unique busi- ANY SIZE PKG.BEEF FIRST CUT BEEF IGROUND CHUCK CHUCK STEAK OR {where machine is available) TRUEWLUE Humble Oil Offers CHUCK PATTIES MEATDEMRTMEMI! SF.MI-30NELESS BEEF BOTTOM BONELESS BEEF BOTTOM CHUCK ROAST CHUCK STEAK or CHUCK STEAK, ROAST Speakers for Clubs CHUCK ROAST or CUT FOR STEW £VERY DAY ONt 4.OW PRICE' PRICE" ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS One speech, "The Environ- situation facing the U,S.; "Power by the Gallon," the — Humble Oil & Refining ment Imperative," describes SPLIT OFI QUAItmiLD !.IIAMUESS(IIOCKI!EMOVn>| ONtl'IIICl! I VLIIYDAY LOW PIIICF ONt PRICE! facets of the product known mm CUT Company has announced the the steps !hc petroleum in- FRYERS or WHOLE or EITHER HALF CI HTLII CUT THICK OH THIN ^. —m * _ dustry is Inking to protect the as gasoline!®"And Now a FRESH BEEF $109 WHOLE UPTO4 LQS. establishment of a program in BRISKET FRESH HAM |fa this area to provide speakers quality of life. Word From the Consumer," • ibib:: ROASTERS 0,37* W C PORK CHOPS OR $139 The others are "The Energy the challenges of consumerism for meetings of business, civ- BEEF • EVERY DAY LOW PRICE OONEI.ESS, SHANKLESSI 5KINLISS ONE I'WCri iLl&ELOIDN ON ROASWHOlf EUF.NT Y DAY LOW HUGib E • . ic, religious, conservation and Gap," evaluating the energy and its influences on the busi- WHOLE or EITHER HALF $119 PORK RIB SHORT RIBS CHICKEN BJI women's organizations. ness world; "The Care and ONI: FRESH HAMS v * I END LOIN ORFORFLANKEN 89? QUARTERS PRICE! 37? Seven '20-minute talks are Feeding of Your Automobile," tips on how women can keep c| available to groups,of 25 or Seven Join (VERYDAYLOW PRICE ONE PRICE! 5HOI"-FirTE"BBAKl>cOVlRNM[NI OHLPHKV. SHOPRIT! flRAND ONt PIIICl! %l ICF D LOIN PORTION -111 CHOPS GRADE"A" more within a 25-mile radius their cars operating smoo- BLADE or ROUND BONE • ana GRADE "ASZ" E BONELESS M* QUARTERED Of)* here. There is no charge for Scout Troop ther, safer and more econom- LAMBCHOPSsilOULDFJl $129 TURKEYANY SIZES the service. ically; "Oceans of Opportu- • Ib. TIIRkPVt: v U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS PORK LOIFRESN H PORK Arrangements for a speaker nity," today's challenge of WHOLEORCUTUP v n.o5f can be made by writing to the In Holmdel producing oil and gas com- BEEF ROASTS SPARE RIBS OR patibly and safely with other i TOP ROUNO Humble Speakers Program, HOLMDKI, - New mem- i SIRLOIN TIP L BONELESS ROAST bers of Junior Ciiii Scout resources, and "Knergy and • BOTTOM ROUND CUT FROM FRESH BUTTSJWLYI Humble Oil & Refining Com- • SHOUCOER ' Troop 570 include Rosemary the Environment — Are They V.HOLE TOPPOUNO ONE PRICE! pany, P. 0. Box 6ti, Linden, PRICED SUGHUV HIGHER N.J. Santagata, Karen Best, Laura Compatible'.'" growing use of energy need not be at odds Byrne, Amy Wceden, Nancy • Fresh Produce! Ward, Karen Wahi and Jiil with the environment. Grocery /Jc INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS 48 - SHOP-RITE'S Youth Faces Zawac-ki. * • '. S|;E v WHY PAY MORE' Fourth and filth grade GRAPEFRUIT members of. the troop, in co- Arrest 2 Frozen Food Festival! WESSON OIL Hearing In C ALL VARIETIES IE.cepltml.Himl.Hi JS0lk| operation with the Monmouth BANQUET & MORTON County Park Commission, an; After Raid 10 79 . $1 (.OlOFN DELICIOUS Drug Case removing debr-is from the 1 pkgs. * | RED BANK — One youth, WASHINGTON DINNERS C 3 £$219 RED BANK - A 1!) year-old stream at Holmdel Park. The and his 14 year old compan- Apples b£ 49 Apples ,k 29' TREE TAVERN troop's sixth grade girls spent C youth and his IS year-old com- ion, were charged with drugs EMPEROR SWECT RED DELICIOUS FANCY 15-oz. C C k MAI1VIST (,0L() panion are scheduled tn have a day cleaning a flood-dam- violations as the result of a Grapes ».. 39 Apples * 29 PIZZA P 9- court hearings on charges of aged home in Wilkes-llarre, CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN U.S. -1 59 police raid on a house at 47 TASTY p 36SIZI C LEAF OR CHOPPED SHO Mixed Nuts U99* possessing and being under Pa. Spring St. C Yams 2.11,29 the influence of controlled Celery ,,M 29 FANCY "12 Sl/f". To help raise money for a Hodenck A. W...MacKinnon, EXTRAFANCY AVOCadOS ..,K 39' Ajax Detergent ',:: 69° dangerous'substance. < SPINACH IK. of the Spring Street ad- Cucumbersd(or grams Potatoes t.*,- 69° POTATOES WHY PAY MOHf ? , sity games. ARB County Jail, Freehold, in lieu «., >r.n,n, AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES NORMALIY of marijuana. MacKinnon wus CALIFORNIA CARRYING ROAUSIOE FARMS JAMS APPLE, DUTCH APPLE OR STRAWBERRY RHUBARB of $1,000 bail. He is scheduled Troop leaders are Mrs, Hur- sentenced to ill) days in the Hershey Syrup \t BRUSSEL 10-oz. k KNM r MACARONI . mm to have a Municipal Court ry Bostrnm. Mrs. Charles /Monmnuth County Jail. Free- cup PIES MRS. SMITH'S P "' flW^ hearing today. Byrne and Mrs. Marty Kurd. hold. SPROUTS OCOMA "FULLY COOKED" 2-LO.PKG. Af l<| Dinner Ob«« 29* 2ib$162 9 Hunt is also charged with His companion, a juvenile S 49 CHOCK FULL O'NUTS .*' contributing to the delin- who lives-hen1, is in the coun- Health & ReaulyAids!- WHY CAY MORI ' JOHNSON'S FRIED CHICKEN I quency of a minor. Traffic Posl ty Juvenile Detention Center, 1 01 PU9 Viva Towels His companion, a Middle- Freeftold, pending a county Baby Shampoo ^. 99* iown youth, has been released Given Smith Juvenile Court hearing. The 'Houscwares!" • In Our hairy Case!' mSeufood Suving&Im WIIYPAYUOBF'H'X wmri F'AU, PKOCCKCO AMI ARMS I.CLAW!t Al AOKAN -in his 'parents, custody pending NEW YORK .- Leonard I. Juvenile is charged ivitii pos- $ 29 $159 a Monmouth County Juvenile Smith of New Monmouth, N.J. session (if less than 25 grams' Cocoa Door Mat» 2 Border)'s Siingles £»• King Crab Ib. Court hearing on the posses- has been named traffic man- nf marijuana and simple as- Appetizer Dept! Delicatensvn Duftl! •Icy Craam Department! sion and influence charges. ager of St. Joe Minerals Cor- sault against l.t. Herbert STORE SLICED mm f^ , All MEAT IMOr'UIII Hrt/wrji AVON KINr K Mb VJ -gal. Pajrolmcn .lames Clayton poration. Swiinson. C ton and Robert Kuhn arrested the The I wo youths were iir- Roast Beef %.H,D9 Hygrade Franks Ice Cream ;!• 59* youths Wednesday in a wood- Mr. Smilli will handle all reslwl Friday by Lt. Swanson, sd area at Union Street and traffic and rate functions for .and Patrolmen James Clay- MFG -^mm^- 3AH0 NEXT WEEK'S SAVINGS NOW^ Oakley Lane. finished products, raw mate- ton, Peter Knight, Gary Wat- Towards the purchase of rials, and general supplies. son, and Kay Moore. SHOP-RITE OF RED BANK a 31b. can o( PICK UP YOUR Special Session MAXWELL He has been with I he firm , 550 BROAD STREET (RT. 35) BUDGET SAVER Alumni Session SHREWSBURY, N.J. HOUSE At the Shop-Rltp Check-out LONG BRANCH - A spe- since l!)f)f> and must recently OPEN OAILY 'ill» - FHIDAY III 10. ' :ial meeting of the Hoard of was assistant traffic man- VVIvST l.ON'G UHANCII - OPEN SUNDAY itM.lolP M Counter Starting Thurs- WITH THIS COFFEE day. It lists next week's School Estimate will be held ager. He attended the Traffic The Monmouth ( ollcge Managers Institute (if New Alumni Association will meet Coupon«ip)rM Novcmbir 11.197? savings so you can plan it H o'clock tonight in ,City Coupon food atiny Shop nit* Suparmirfcti, your menus now!. Hall. The board will air its Vork and holds ;i Degree in tomorrow at H p.m. m iv,m,|. /lews on "an alternate school Marketing from Seton Hall row Wilson Hall, the college s SAVE 30 >rogram." University. main building. Priceieffective Sutufey, Novembers, 1972. thru Saturday, November 11,1972. Not roipomlble for typographical erron. ' We reserve the right to limit quantity. , Red Bank-MWdletown, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1972. Horse Shows,"Jewels and M By Marguerite Henderson ; er amount. In his association with Mr. Traina he never had PeopTerfrrtm Mnnmouth do a part of the business but was getafouitf.','; , always on salarv. A cosmopolitan in case is County Fare Blair JMnsley, daughter of Doris and Hichard Pinsley. been on the merry-go-round is the M.HO-carat emerald ring Spirited Party Red Bank, who continues to "Each show." says Mrnjf which Mrs. Haupt acquired at make her mark on the horse Pinsley. "has a completely a I'arke-Bernet auction in IDKJf Don't think Halloween went show circuit. different feeling and its own by outbidding an agent for the unheeded by the "spirited" Take the past month ... excitement." Italian producer Carlo Ponti Woman's Club of Little Silver On Oct. 8 Praetorian Questioned about her — who wished to make a gift group. Stables' Constant Knight, han- daughter's feverish state at of the emerald to his wife, ac- Their Witches and Cioblins . died by Blair, was reserve the National . tress Sophia Lorcn. in honor Hall was headed by Mrs. Rob- large junior hunter champion Mrs. I'insley laughingly sug- of the birth of their first child. ert Krederickson and Mrs. at the Philadelphia Horse gests a kinship between the Mrs. Haupt, bidding anony- John B. Kunyon who lead the Show. horse show and theater mously over the telephone. grand parade costumed, re- On Pony Day Oct. 2K. at the worlds, ...contested for the ring until spectively, as a Ncpalose Washington (i).C.) Inter- "The participants don't she was finally successful and beauty and The Great Pump- national Horse Show. Miss complain." she says, "they ,bought it for $2li:),0OI). kin. Pinsley's Temujin was re? perform." Other highlights of the sale Assisting with the shenani- serve large hunter pony nre a .'lil-carat emerald cut gans were Mrs. Herbert Shea. champion; and on Junior Day diamond ring, a 54-carat sap- Mrs. Walter Conover, Mrs. Ja- • Oct. 29, her big brown gelding Cash vs. Cachepots phire ring, -an emerald (:ii(-ca- cob White, Mrs. Albert Vetter. Tiberius (competing in a rat) and diamond brooch, a Mrs. Robert Winfield (whose field of 5»!) was large junior Have you made note that pair of emerald drop earrings sorceress costifme was judged hunter champion. These fcnid Annenberg Haupt of and an emerald and diamond the most original). Mrs. Jiorses, too. are of the Pin- New York, palm Beach and necklace. Charles Moeller. Mrs. Donald sleys' Praetorian Stables. elsewhere (including, for- Mrs. Haupt has decided to Brewer, Mrs. Val Dawson. merly. Ocean Township) is of- Also at the Washington sell her gems because they Mrs. Charles Morrell and fering her entire collection of sliow Miss Pinsley, who is a "no longer fit into my life- Mrs. Robert Hunyori; precious jewelry for, auction junior at the Ranney School, style" which still includes her Also capturing prizes were Dec. 7 at 2 p.m. at Sotheby New Shrewsbury, was named horticulture hobby. Mrs. Cortclyou Simonsnn parke Bernet, New York? third best child rider. She also ••Flowers," enthuses Mrs. (who came as a sultan, or- won the appointments class Mrs. Haupt. who stepped Haupt. "need love and atten- ange silk fez, flowing board, dressed in her ••monkey suit" down two years ago as direc- • tion just like human beings." et. al.) and her partner Mrs. including top hat. .shad-belly tor of Seventeen magazine, is Apparently jewelry does Lauretta Bouwmeester (a coat and yellow vest. the widow of stockbroker Ira not. chiffon-clad harem girl). Fun- And on Junior Day. Satur- Haupt. Their former shore And that's great if you. like niest costume (according to home on Deal Road is now the judges John Groules. Mrs. Reglilir Stuff nit* day, at the 89th. National me. have more cachepots SPEAKING OF CUNDS — Preparing for this Saturday's Antiques Auction, the first fund-raiser of the Horse Show in Madison residence of Bnianuel M. than cash! George II. liecker. and Mrs. Turner (Midland Glass presi- Walter A. Morton) belonged to season sponsored by the Sisterhood, Marlboro Jewish Center (Congregation Ohav Shalom) are from Square Garden, Constant left, Mrs. Martin Scherer, Mrs. Herbert Rosen and AArs. Saul Hornik. The event, to be staged at the Knight ridden by Blair (with dent) and his family. Joseph Freeman, the mad Mrs. Haupt is a member of Norell Ties surgeon. Marlboro Elementary School, School Road W., will feature a collection of English and American an- 102 temperature!) won the tiques to be auctioned starting at 8:30 p.m. by Howard Feinberg of the Antiques Center, East Rock- the millionaire Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. John Finne- large junior hunter under away, N.Y. Viewing of such things as marble washstands, curio cabinets, wall clocks, etc. will be from saddle class. publishing clan and sister of Before departing this cos- gan and Dr. and Mrs. Moeller Walter Annenberg. U.S. Am- were winners of the cham- 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door. The women, members of the Sisterhood's fund-raising com- Blair may have been on the mopolitan theme (and while mittee, also plan a weekend at Homowack Lodge in the Catskllls, Dec. 8-10, and an art auction Feb. 10. horses, but her parents have bassador to Britain. the designing achievements of pagne dances. According to Dennis Scioli. the late Norman Norell are jewelry department head at still fresh in our minds) it PREGNANT... Kotheby Parke Bernet. "Mrs. seems timely to point out that Haupt's W pieces of jewelry Mrs. Anthony Traina, wife or DISTRESSED? represent the finest collection the late manufacturer in GUI of large important gems ever whose employ Mr. Norell de sold at auction." signed for some 20 years, is a BIRTHRIGHT 922-9333 One piece in the collection current (and longtime) resi- dent of Middletown. Interestingly, prior to the successful Traina-Norcll join- ing, Mr. Norell designed for llattie Carnegie who then had an estate "Four Winds" in Middletown on the Middle- town-Lincroft lioad. Much of American the land now houses Carnegie fiom Swirlv Estates. When Norell died Oct. is (just a week after the retro- RED WHITE spective showing at the Met- ropolitan Museum of Art of AND BLUE his designs for the last 51) DIAMONDS years), the'N.-Y. Times obitu- In my position as a diamond ary quoted Norell as having a u 1 li o r i I \, 1 a in a I w a v s said .•"Mr, Traina called me and asked me to join him. He amused by the expressions offered mo a larger salarv if on people's luces when I Icll 252 BROAD STREET my name were not used, a them that not all diamonds HOUIW: Red Bank -Wosiiiold ttAt mii 3 smaller amount if it was. arc colorless. They usually |J Noon-6 P.M. Nude/- Denvlllo- Staten Island »«-IIT,(I n <• a r Tan- served by members of the •'ellowship Circlr. SKI JACKETS ganyika, \, Salads, baked be a n s. 9 line blue diamonds are ex- breads, cake*, pics and tremely ruie. Yet the most '< cookies will be sold-in Hie lia- zaar's Kitchen (.'.orner and ho- "PALAZZO PANTS" famous diamond in the world liday fruitcake will ho fea- Solids • Fancies • Pleated is the sapphire-bine Hope' tured. Other items al the rail- Acetate Knits and Wools Diamond. When yoir IrYivrl; will be houscphmls, .slatimi- • Washington. D.C., make il; pry. antique jewolry and I; a point lo see this fabulous handcraftfd items such as • KNIT PANT SUITS* KNIT SUITS 1 sloue at ihi' Smithsonian In-, stuffed toys, knils and cro- MIX N MATCH COORDINATES sliliilion. I regard il as one, cheled items. BLAZERS* VESTS • SLACKS I llle wonders of the world. : There also will he ;i .rum- TOPS • DRESSES ll weighs a pium-slyed II Vij mage section in which hand- carats. Mure common, but; me-downs will bo available. No one beats our everyday low price on the fabulous fashions rare nevertheless, nre blue lianmnd.H of medium hue, *S CHRISTMAS comparable In aquamarine, J£ which appear on the market ] KA1H 1IAVKN - The Cold M'casloiinlly. Always First Quality Merchandise Thimble, HI4 Hivcr H»ad, is So there are reil and blue participating in the tilth an- liainouds ... ami green and j nual Christmas Itmitiqur nf purple and orange and black the Junior League (if- F.llzii- bplhyind (Yauford today from liainoiiils, curiosities for the 111 a.m. toli p.m. and from '! to OUTLET nosi parl. Tin' diamond in- I !l p.m. and tomorrow from III teuton ill our store is more *&•' a.m. In ft p.m. in the Parish I'onvcnlioual for the most T House of the First ('migregn- >aii, hut it ill somrlhinn lo |jg • tinnsil" Church, Klmer Si.. OPEN: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY 9:30-6 Wesllield. Luncheon will lie available both days from II ::m BRIDGE AVE. and FRONT ST. 747-0108 RED BANK a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Reussilles' Jl anBRO.-U) at THE CLOCK The Dafly Renter, H*d Buik-Middletowa, N.J. Bowled Over by Prize

' Dear Ann Landers: We aYe *ii. W Dear Ann Landers: Some yourself with the guidelines. average people, middle in- people don't care what others Head Ann Landers' booklet. come, married three years, think, but I am not.that thick- Love Or Sex And How To and we have a small child. We Ann Landers skinned. I do care. My hus- Tell The Difference." Kor a are not in dire financial band and I have been -married copy, mail :f.ic in coin and a straits but we do have to rc,id\ doiided t an wiling is an who expects a facelift to six years. Our daughter is six long, stamped, self-addressed budget our money. worth it if it helps them hang take ten years off her age is years old. She was born seven envelope with your roquesUo My husband loves to bowl on to a husband or get a new in for a disappointment, un- weeks before we wore mar- I hw newspaper. and is good at it. His team one. My question is a little less, of course, she has some ried. We have been.very hap-' buddies are all nice fellows. pv although I regret not hav- different. Do you behove a glaring cosmetic delect, such Auxilians Feature There was an unspoken agree- lace-lift will help me in the la- as prominent bags under the ing married several months ment that any tournament bor market? I have no qu;ilms eyes or gross sagging of the earlier. Handcrafts at Fair money won by the team, or about my ability (I'm in the jowls. ..We have moved In a new HOLMDKL - All hand- any money won by individ- paramedical fieid) but I hear neighborhood and when made items will be for sale at uals, would be put in a kitly A supple, slim figure will go so much these days about a lot further toward making a people ask me how.long we vo a rair Saturday conducted by and spent on an evening out youth that I wonder if I'd been.married I find myself the Holmdcl Auxiliary to Bay- for the team members and woman look younger than fa- have a better chance for em- cial surgery. But of course it adduiR a war, I know I cant shore Community Hospital. (heir wives. The largest ployment if 1 looked ten years keep this'up. When our daugh- The event will be staged Sat- amount in the kilty was till. means giving up some of younger. I was widowed a few those gourmet delights and ter starts school we can'l he urday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Now the problem: A few months ago and am in my exercising regularly. Most about her age. One day she in the Indian Hill School, weeks ago my husband en- mid-40's. Thanks, Ann. — Un- women would rather have an might ask to see our marriage here. Homemade food will be tered the all-city tournament. decided In Nebraska operation. It's put certificate. What should I do' available for luncheon. He won first prize. It was the Dear Undecided: The wom- the burden on a surgeon. — Home To Honst. Snoopy will be there to help men's singles and the purse Dear H: Tell the truth. with the games featured for1 was ji.witi. The tax on that Mnke no explanation to the children. money is $2(l(l. We offered to neighbors, if. in a few years, take the team and their wives your daughter asks questions, to the best place in town for Senior Citizens provide her with honest an- Superstitious farmers once dinner and dancing. We fig- swers. said of the few unusual round ured it would cost about 9'IW). barns found in northern Ver- It's not always easy to rec- mont, "They built them round They all screamed. "Not ognize love, especially the fair!" They want the prize Mark First Year so the devil couldn't corner first time around. Acquaint money divided among the OCKANI'OUT — A first an- Spain. Members recently, team members. My husband niversary dinner by the went on a bus trip to the and I are very hurt. We feel Oceanport Senior Citizens will Pennsylvania Amish country. they should have settled for be Sunday at 4 p.m. in Squires the evening out and been hap- l'ub in West Long Branch. Make A Date py for us. This, disagreement Music at the dinner will be Turkey Dinner A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organiza- has caused hard feelings and furnished by Sue Valentine Is Family Style tions. Rates: $2.00 for 3 lines for one day, $1.00 each addi- we are sad about it. l'lease. with her accordion. tional line; $3.00 far two days, $1.25 each additional line; Ann. tell us what to do. We Installation of the clubs BED BANK-A turkey din- $5.00 for three to five days, $1.50 each additional line; $6,00 HARVEST LUNCHEON — Mrs. Arnold G. Turner, right, of Lincroft, are going to abide by your de- 1 elected officers is scheduled ner will be served family style for Ip days, $2,00 each additional line; $10.00 for 20 days, chairman of the Lincroft Newcomers Club's annual Harvest Luncheon, cision.— l'.I). for I p.m. Nov. II) at the by the Married Couples Group ,„ discusses some details of the event with her co-chairman Mrs. John 12.50 each additional line. Deadline noon day before publi- l)ear I'. I).: If the team Oceanport Community Cen- of the United Methodist cation. Call The Daily Register, 741-0010; ask for the Date s Chambers who will model in the noon event Nov. 11 in the Molly Pitcher ter. The officers, all in- Church, Broad St., Saturday. • Inn, Red Bank. All new residents of Lincroft and surrounding area are members want to gol together 1 Secretary. . • and change the deal lor FU- cumbcnls who were reclecled Servings will be in two sel- ;/Welcome'to attend the luncheon, which will feature a fashion show by the to their posts arc Thomas N. lings - 4 to 5:311 p.m., and 5:3(1 NOVEMBER 8 ;/ Joy Shop of Lincroft. Mrs. Turner is in charge of reservations. TUKK wins, that's another story. But the disposition or Hoss. president; Daniel Vi- to 7 p.m. "SPAGHETTI SUPPER," by Red Bank Knights of Co- this prize money has already tello, vice president; Ursula Tickets for ihe annual event lumbus, at KC home, Cor. 3rd SI and Fair Haven ltd., Rair' been determined. So — divide Filch, recording secretary; are available from Robert Haven.'Wed. Nov.. 8. 5 to 8:30p.m. Tickets at door. Dona- the $1,000 (less the tax you .Josephine Kerrin, assistant Uawson or Jean Scott. On the tion: $2.50, children under 12, $1.00. All proceeds are being! f State DAR Honors must pay) and then it would secretary; Jean VVitherall, menu will be traditional donated to the Wilkes-Barre Flood Relief. " be nice if they took you and corresponding secretary; Ger- spiced apple cider, cranberry Monmnuth Nature Club presents "Wildlife of tiaiapagos your husband out for a "night trude Bohan, assistant corre- salad, celery arid olives, Islands." T.ll. Davis. Wilson Hall,1 Monmouth College Wed. | its First Regent on the town. sponding secretary; Edith Ki- mashed potatoes and gravy, Nov. 8, H:15 p.m.. Public invited Ircp. Coffee.hour, viat, treasurer, and Val Sil-candied sweet potatoes, string Dear Ann Landers: Forgive Itumsnn Antique Show. Holy Cross SchtiolMoiv.'Nov. : TRENTON - Mrs. Donald Following the marker cere- an open house in the state re- me for asking a question bernagel, assistant treasurer. beans, corn, turkey, rolls and ti. 11 to 1(1. Tiios, Nov. 7. II to III. Wrd. Snv S. II to 4. iJSpicer, president general of mony, the national and state gent's suite. about a topic you've dealt The club is in the midst of butter, beverage and assorted •the National Society, Daugh- officers and members of the Mrs. Spicer visited the Ar- with frequently, but I need an planning trips to Florida and pics, „ I.unchjfih from 12to 2: XII. Admission: $1 (III. ters of the American Revolu- New Jersey State Officers chives Section of the New Jer- opinion. sey State Library, where re- tion, was an honored guest at Club attended a luncheon in The women who've wrilten MOVKMliKH III, II. \'i • cently discovered Revolution- the fall meeting of the New'Trenton. Mrs. Mnrriss, histo- to ask if a face-lift is worth Annual Bazaar. St. Anthony's I'TA. Church Hall,'- ary War Records arc being in- 'my mommy bought .'(Jersey Slate Society, DAK rian general, was speaker. the expense and pain have al- Bridge Ave. HedBank. Nov. III. 7pm-!l p.m.. SHI. NOV. U, jiere in the Holiday Inn. ' Also on Wednesday after- corporated into the library 1-5 and 741. Sun. Nov. 12, 7:« am I p.m. files. Mrs. K. W. C. Beeghcr. a beautiful gift . Mrs. Spicer took part in ;i noon at the Watson House, SHORESINGI.ES state chairman of historical at " "International Christmas Bazuur," St. Clement's -special grave marker dedica- DAR State Headquarters a School auditorium, IU. 79, opp. Magnolia Inn, Matawan.' tion ceremony Wednesday tour, tea and reception were research, was hostess for this LONG BRANCH - The .0! . • . visit. Fri. 6-10, Sat. 1Q a.m.-10 p.m., Sun. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. honoring Mrs. William W. given Mrs. Spicer. Guests in- Temple Shore Singles will Shippcn, the First slate regent cluded members of the Slate The theme of the fall meet- meet tomorrow at S::!ll p.m. Wv of New Jersey, 1WI1-1K1M, with Officers Club and the Found- ing was the president gener- here in Congregation B'nai NOVEMBER 11 Mrs. .John K. Criffin, present ers Committee. Mrs. Edward al's theme for this year "Wait Sholom, 2U Lenox Ave. l'rn- Reformed Church of New Shrewsbury, 82 Hance Ave., is slate regent of New Jersey, Van Doren, regent of Pene- on the Lord: Be of good cour- gram plans will be discussed 19 Church Stroet having a "Holiday Bazaar", Sat., Nov. 11,10-7. Handmade lope Hart Chapter, was host- age" — I'salms 27:14. Mrs. and refreshments will be president. The ceremony was Litile Silver. NJ gifts! Delicious food! White elephant! at New York Hay Cemetery, ess in charge, assisted by rep- Spicer's address was titled, served. Jersey City. Mrs. Shippen resentatives from General "Courage — Onward in Holmdel Auxiliary, Bayshore Community Hospital is served the National Society as Washington Chapter Mrs. Faith." Recognition was giv- holding a "Fair", Indian Hill School, Holmdcl, Sat., Nov. a vice president general iii James I,. Baxter, regent; en to the- longest active mem- 11.10-1 Handmade items — homemade food — games! 1898. Other honored guests at- General David Fornian, Mrs. bers in all New Jersey Chap- ters. Music for processional •"Antique* Auction," Sisterhood Marlboro Jewish Center;. tending, the ceremony were Jean 1. Chianese, regent, and and interludes was presented Marlboro'Elementary School, School Hd, Kasl. Sal. Nov. Mrs. George Momss, histo- General Mercer, Miss Ger- Irude B. Newell, regent. On hy Miss Marion Taylor and A BRAND NEW II. Vipw:«\ Bidding: H::»li, Admission: $1.00. Freerefrcsh- rian general of I he National Wednesday evening there was sirs. ,1. Robert Jamison. ments! Fine selection. English and American estates. Society and Mrs Ben I). Sas- a DAR Dutch Treat dinner at A special presentation of a Clocks, Oriental rugs, marble washstands. Biscuit Barrel, portas, state regent of Con-, the Holiday Inn, followed by Flow Blue pitcher/bowl, etc. 5:iti-Mx:2. necticul. New Jersey contribution to SINGER ZIG-ZAG the Bicentennial project of the "Creative Bazaar," LCW, Reformation Lutheran National Society, "Gift to the Church, Broadway/Locust Ave., W. Long Branch. SaL Nov. Nation," was made to Mrs. 11,9-5, Start your Chirstiruis shopping early! Hef reshments.' Spicer by Mrs. John F. (irif- SEWING MACHINE Elegant Fashions For fin, slate regent. This repre- "Christmas Corner Bazaar," Atlantic Highlands United SI'ECIAL OCCASIONS sents voluntary contributions Methodist Church. Nov. II. 10-3. Luncheon, 11-1. Food! from all chapters toward the Crafts! Rummage! Tree Trims! Cards! I'lanW! furnishing of two rooms on For that "important holiday occa- the upper floor of Indepen- sion" let us show you "the best .. NOVEMBER 11,12 lash'ons lor evenings" dence Hall in Philadelphia. ONLY5300 Handmade Raggedy Ann dolls, Colonial baby cradles, Hostess chapters for the fall religious items on sale at St. James Memorial Church "Gift meeting were from the Cen- Visit our now Shop", 69 Broad St., Eatontown. Sal. 10-12. Sun. after II) tral District of which Miss Always in Slock HOE BOUTIQUE a.m. service. 222-9013. Evening Slips DEPARTMENT Margaret Korden, Shrews- bury, is chairman. Monmouth Chapter members attending .NOVEMBER 12 and serving as hostesses at The Poricy Park Citizens Committee, "Walk thru Pfl- the meeting included Mrs. ricy Park," Sun, Nov. 12. Hikers meet Nulswamp School at Harold Ryder, regent; Mrs. 1:30 p.m. Wear appropriate footwear. Children welcome! Samuel K. Kced, first vice re- (_~ SING! gent and Mrs. Minor B. Til- NOVEMBER l| 14. IVJI ton, registrar. "Vegetarian Cookery Classes." New Shrewsbury Sw- (•nth-Day Advcnlist Fellowship Hall. -'7ii Shark liner Hd., Neptune. Nov. 12.14. III.-21.7:-'«l p m.-!l p.m. Fee: $1. NOVEMBER 14, IS "BOOK FAIR," Dnanc-Pprtcr, Forrcstdale School, ^"Uncanny, Humson. Tues./Wed., Nov. 14, 15. 8-5 and 7-0, Forrcstdale Gym, BUckpoint Rd/Forrcst Ave. Stationery, encyclo- pedias, magazine subscriptions, educational toys and male- Canned Cakes! rials.

Introducing Harry and David's ten wonderful NOVEMBERS „ kinds of cakes-in-cans! All are homemade right Monmouth Medical Center, "Stroke Patient Rehabilita- from scratch using the finest ingredients at their tive Care Seminar" for Nurse Aides. Alexander Pavilion, Nov. 15. To register call 222-5200, Ext. 475, Bear Creek Bakery. Cakes stay just-baked fresh We're trying to help the economy. Yours. This superb Singer* and moist . . . make marvelous "instant" des- serts! sewing machine is an outstanding buy! It sews straight and NOVEMBER 18 zig-zag stitches. Has a hinged-presser foot for sewing heavy •Santa's Village" Holiday Bazaar, St. Margaret's Guild, Select from Apple Dale, Apricot Orange, Carrol- seams; calibrated seam guidelines for properly placed stitch- Church of Holy Communion Parish Hall, 15 Church St., Pineapplo, Plantation and Pumpkin Cakes. Also Fair Haven. Sat-Nov. 18.10-4. Handmade Gifts-Silhouettes- Wheat and Honey. Walnut Pium, Hawaiian-Pine- ing. Don't miss this exciting sale. Carrying case optional extra. Bake Shop-Children's Entertainment-Lunch! apple Macadamia Nut, and Chocolate Mint Model 177. "Country Store Sale," by Ladles Aid Society, Holmdel Cakes. And a special Banana Buttermilk Bread! United Church of.-Christ, Fellowship Hall,. Main .St.. Sat,,. We also carry a complete line of Harry arid 6.1-" Nov. 18,10-3. Gift items-baked goods-aprons-books-etc! vid Wild 'n Rare. Preserves, Home-Canned Fruit -A small deposit will hold any sewing machine until Christmas. and Old-Timey Picklc-s, Garnishes and Relish. "Nearly New Clothing Sain," July.Birthday Club, St. name slop by. Singer Sowing Centers have a Credit Plan to fit your budget Thomas Episcopal Church, cor. So. Bridge Ave/East Sun- and, if you wish, monthly payments can be deferred until February, 1973. set Ave., Red Bank. Sat. Nov. 18,10 to 4. • ... . • .... "WSCS Annual Bazaar," Sat. Nov. 18.10-4. Luncheon, A unique selection of Fresh, frozen, 11:30-1. Christ Church, United Methodist, Ridge M. Fair canned, dried and dairy specialties! Haven. Christmas and Boutique Table-White Elephant! SINGER NOVEMBER 24-25, DECEMBER 1-2 iurji'Tiui"; rmmm MARKET PLACE Sewing Centers * Wagon Wheel Playhouse production of "FOR,TY CA- 479 PROSPECT AVE., LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY and participating approved dealers RATS," directed by John Mctearen. Curtain time 8:3». The 'A Trlrt-mirk Jl THC RINQf H COMPANY. Barn, Ave of Two Rivers, Rumsbn. Call 284-8160 for ticket 747-2484 reservations, group discounts and theatre patties. RED BANK - II Br««d St • CATONTOWN - MontMutti Shcppfnf C«nftf 28 T*e Dafly Register, Bed Bank-MiddJetown, N.J. Wednesday, November », 1*72 Mitchell Tops, but Raritan Cops

WEJST LONG BRANCH — Gary Mitchell and Pete Man- Neptune's Steve McDuffie, and John McKenna, who came disappointing fifth behind Red Bank Catholic. ning of defending team champion Middletown Township pre- home lOtli. It was the second consecutive year that the Mitchell-Man- dictably ran one-two, but Raritan scored a major upset here Iranian's depth accounted for 101 points, six more than ning duo ran in the top two spots, but the order was reversed yesterday to win the 13th running of the Monmouth County runner-up St. John Vianney, which had Greg Gibbs coming in this time around. Mitchell was clocked in 13:14, a new course Cross-Country Championships at Monmouth College. fifth. Micdletown was another three points back in third, while and meet record, bettering Manning's 13:28.6 of a year ago. Coach Steve Popp's Rockets were led by Mel Ullineyer, Christian Brothers Academy, which had dominated the annual Manning was only a second behind his Lion running mate yes- who finished fourth behind Middletown's double threat, and competition until Middletown unseated i' a year ago, was a terday. , In fact, five runners bettered the previous record. McDuffie was timed in 13:19, while Ullmeyer clocked a 13:22. Gibbs'time was 13:25. Summaries on Page 29

Rounding out the top 10 finishers, all of whom qualified, along with the top six teams, for next Tuesday's Monmouth- Ocean championships here, were Rumson-Fair Haven Region- al's Russ Jones (13:30), CBA's Bill Huntley (13:32) and Dennis Fay (13:38), Long Branch's Rich Crump (13:37) and McKenna (13:38). The performance by Jones paced Rumson-Fair Haven sixth place in the standings. Duel at Halfway Point Huntley battled Mitchell for the lead at the halfway point, but then dropped back to duplicate his seventh place finish of a year ago, as Jones rallied late for his solid sixth. In light of his 10th place of last fall, Gibbs' fifth was impressive. Another surprise was the 15th place by Howell's Dave Geer who was third a year ago. Monmouth Regional's Charlie Sumreli (11th), Matawan Regional's Dennis Mabbitt (13th) and Manasquan's Jim Clayton (14th) also figured to be challe- ngers. Red Bank Catholic's Kevin Burrows was 12th. The county victory was the first for Raritan, which was bolstered by Charles Monahan, Ed Perretti and Buddy McManus, a triumvirate who virtually ran together, crossing the wire 28th through 30th. Almost 500 runners competed in the five-event meet di- rected by Monmouth College cross-country coach Al Scerbo. Competition was also staged on the junior varsity, freshman, i girls and AAU Open levels. Middletown salvaged the junior varsity meet, but individ- ROCKETS HIT MOON-MOUTH — Raritan High School's Monmouth County Championship champions ual honors went to Tom Kelly (14:19) of runner-up Red Bank are, left to right, coach Steve Popp, Ed Perretti, Bud McManus, John McKenna, Mel Ullmeyer, Catholic. TAKES LION'S SHARE — Middletown Town- Chdrlle Monahan, Anthony Vona, Steve Wynne and assistant coach Mike Ulrich. Middletown's Bob Wickham established a new record ship's Gary Mitchell dons the sweats after his im- (7:24) in the winning freshman event, but Mater Dei took the pressive victory in yesterday's annual Monmouth team championship, as Dennis Baker (7:28) ran a close sec- County Cross-Country Championships at Mon- ond. mouth College. Caseyettes Breeze Mater Dei's Aerial Antics The distaff competition was no contest, as state champion third, followed by .Caseyettes Betsy Cangiolosi, Sharon Bed Bank Catholic placed five girls among the first six finish- McCabe and Maureen Mariey. ers. Sheila Kelly (8:29) led the way, a full 12 seconds ahead of Shore A.C.'s Harry Nolan won the ODen run with a 13:13 Rake St. Peter's Defense teammate, Kathy Kolarsick. Matawan's Charlotte Walker was clocking By RICH NICOUITTI way player who was idl over first downs than the Seraphs quarterback lialph Ruocco all the field. (11), but the winners got two day long, and broke through NKW MONMOUTH - It Devancy ran a punl back of their touchdowns on the the line to sack the opposition will be a long time before St. for a M-yard touchdown at first play of a series, and a for a total of 48 yards. Mike Peter's of New Brunswick for- H\'!X of the first period; inter- third TD van the defensive Lonergan, Jack Quinn, Craig gets Malcr Deis rootball. cepted a pass to sot up the move by Devancy. Mclnnis and Stu Young were tea/ii. first Seraph score of tin; sec- Another strong performance four more reasons why the Coach Gnorge ('onli's Se- ond quarter, and picked off in Mater Dei's otherwise of- Cardinals couldn't get un- raphs rolled on lh<; ground another in the third quarter fensive-inindcd machine was wound. and sailed through the ;nr lo and ran it lit) yards to the ond Bart Glowjenski. a li-'.'. Kid- Kxcellent pass protection the tune of W offensive yards zone. pound defensive back. Glow- gave C'orley a chance to put yesterday to win. 4II-K. Two in Second zenski harrassed Cardinal on a show of his own. He com- Appa rcnlly St. I'd er's The Seraphs scored every 0 . pleted seven of 12 passes and hadn't hoard of Miller Deis which way. C'orley chucked In Lincrofl Wins was intercepted once. highly-regarded passing com- Ins sticky- fingered end Mclaughlin was one for two, bination of Mike Corley lo (Hyan) fora 24-yard 'I'D and In Soccer Loop and one of his flips went into a :i(l-yarcl score, both in the enemy hands. Chris Ryan. The two hud ;i UNCROFT-The Lincroft second period. Conversion Success field clay as they honked up Cosmos lost one game and The Seraphs also were suc- for seven passes ncttiiiR 2117 of Cnrlcy legged one mil lor 1.) tied another in Northern Mon- the Seraphs' 21S yards in Hie yards when the gamp was two nioulli Novice Soccer League cessful on conversions. I)e- air accounting fur two touch- minutes old. and halfback action over the weekend. VHney put three through the downs. ; Harold I'ontecorvo ran uprights. C'orley hit llyan for But one of tlie main cogs in around three defenders for a . '1'hc Cosmos got two goals a two-pointer and Mike Kassi- the Seraph machine was Hill 45-yardTnlly in Ihc third quar- from .Ion Streich in the sec- tiger carried for another. Devancy, a I)-!), Hill-pound Iwo- ter. ' ond half to tic the llazlet Wan- Rjjan's two TD's and con- When the first stringers had derers, •>•'!. version brings his point total enough, reserve quarterback Brian McDonald had both, to 60. Devaney stands at 4D Nittany Lions Skip McLaughlin capped the. llazlet goals in the first half. and Pontecorvo has 44. All day's picnic with a lli-yard In Sunday's game, the Cos- three are high on the ladder in Rule Lambert jaunt around left end laie m mos were blanked by St. trie Monmouth County scoring NKW YORK (AP) - Penn ilie fourth period. Mary's Church of New Mon- parade. State once'again was a unani- The Cardinals' only SIIS- IlKllltll. For hapless St. Peter's it Regiiter staff Photos by Lorry PtflH mous choice in the six In lamed drive in the lliinl peri- Mike Bradley and Keith ('.ill was another dismal day in a BRING ON OCEAN COUNTY — The top 10 finishers among Monmouth County's harriers qualified for weekly voting for Ihr Lam- od resulted in their solo smre. each had two goals for St. string of many. The Cardinals next Tuesday's meet against the class of Ocean County. Left to right, In order of finish, are Gary Mit- bert Trophy, given annually Dick Farrell wenl Iwo yards Mary's and Mike O'Reilly had are 0-6-1, while Mater Dei is 5- chell and Pete Manning, Middletown Township; Steve McDuffie, Neptune; Mel Ullmeyer, Raritan;l to the East's top major col- olf tackle culminating a (i:V one. 2, and takes on Bayley-EUard Greg Gibbs, St. John Vianney; Russ Jones, Rumson-Fair Haven Regional; Bill Huntley and Dennis lege football team. yard march which was moti- Goalie Bruce Doorlcy got Sunday in Madison. Fay, Christian Brothers Academy; Rich Crump, Long Branch, and John McKenna, Raritan. Pfnn. State trouccd Mary- vated mostly by three passes credit for the shutout. Geoff iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii minium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiill land, 46-10, Saturday to boost totaling f>7 yards. Grant was in the Cosmos goal its record to 7-1. St. Peter's had two more for both games. \ '40 Diploma Wins Met Run

By GEORGESHEEHAN nMiniiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiii that I was going to have a really bad nice. But it is just this side of weakness, A sign that you are pre- The average runner is capable of two, perhaps Innocent Bystander cisely at your peak. Tins is your race, that sweat three, super races a year. Hacos in which he runs tells you. this is your afternoon, seize it. It won't be way over his head, startling his friends and mis- miiiiiiiiiianun nniiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiun back for a long long time loading his coach who thinks this may become a My Big Hay regular occurrence. Usually these races are six champion, steeplechaser, who received 1(1 minutes It was my race and it was my afternoon. months apart, and should they come at an oppor- for graduating in HW.'I. there was no one who would yRlcCliiskey started well, but his lead was down to tune timc.provide pleasant memories during many start within three minutes of me. •f .35 yards when we passed the mile mark and start- a long and lonely run. Now here, if ever, was an opportune time fo^ ed the half mile climb up Cemetery Hill. This was I mention this because it happened to me just one of those super races. Should you have one J^a the lull that made cross-country a major sport at thill way yesterday in the First Annual Metropoli- regular race, back with your friends in the• \wpcr- Manhattan College (Tele Waters, Hie track coach, tan Intercollegiate Alumni Handicap Cross-country ccntile, at that junction of the lower and^middle claimed it-took as much guts as hitting a 200 pound Championship al Van Cortlandt Park The key thirds, who wpuld notice? Only those runners in the fullback) and it is even more of a terror for run- words In thai titli! arc "handicap" and "alumni." next higher'catcgorv who become alarmed or depr- ners my age. D If you am going to have one of these peak ef- essed when you pass them. Perhaps a few guys in Kor a while on that Cemetery Hill, it looked as forts-, it is best to do it in a handicap. And if you your flight give you a handshake in the locker if the Aristotelian logic taught on Rose .Mill might arc going lo run in a is best lo have room. That's about all that would happen in a regu- stand up Hut I passed the struggling McCluske.V; one whore the time allowances are decided by the lar race. and when I looked back from the crest, my 20 arid year you graduated rather than past perform- Always A Chance 30 and 4(1 year old pursers were nowhere to be ances. But in a handicap there's always the chance seen The graduation year handicap was dreamed up that you will take il all. Actually cross the line first When 1 came out of the lulls and hfaded home, by the sponsors, the Foldham Spiked Shoe Club. or battle it out with the eventual'winner. Always Ihere was no' one within a quarter of a mile of me; Till' Fnrdhatns, schooled in Aristotelian logic and the chance to bring back for that race, lor Ihc al- I had my sweats on and my breath back before the Tlioniistic philosophy, clearly view advancing ago tcmoon. the events of decades ago. rest of the fill-man field began lo straggle in behind for what n rationally is — deterioration. Unfor- So here it was. only McCluskey and his two McCluskey and the 41) year-olds. Joe Burns of lona tunately, like most intellectuals educated in the minute head start between me and breaking the and the iwo N.Y.i;. grads, Vmcc Chlapetta and humanities, I hey arc a little weak in biology and tape. Between me and Novembers which only my Gordon McKenzie The time was 12:17, my best of physiology/l'liey don't know the capabilities of the body remembers. And while thinking of that. I be- the year, and it couldn't have come on a better aging and deteriorating human body. It can still gan to get that super race feeling. II is a peculiar day. I had won, and we had taken the annual re- perform amazingly well sensation which I can best describe as lightness volving trophy by to points over Kordham and an- The Fordhatn Formula Your entire body feels light and of a piece, starting other 10 over N Y.t' with an incredible ease of movement In the legs For less than .scientific reasons, therefore, the Novembers past were in that race. Autumns in You feel as if you are barefoot even after you put r'nvdhams came up with a formula which allowed Ihe ':i(ls when every race had meaning and danger, your shoes on. And your feet barely touch as you 1ft seconds for each year since the runner's gradu- when every championship was a threat and a Ilegliler Staff photo float across the ground ation. What a bonanza: 1 had arrived at Van Cor- promise And that meaning, that ilanger.'that OPERATION: OVERKILL — Mater>Del's potent ground and air attack llandt ready lo accept two minutes for this Iwo ' Somewhere about here you Ijtegin lo have a dis-' threat, that promise will still be there in,. Novem- demolished St. Peter's of New Brunswick, 49-8, yesterday. G|uarterback •mile race over lulls and here I was being presented tinctive type of sweating. Not the warmup .sweat bers In come. Thanks to the Annual Metropolitan Mike Corley, barely visible behind a wall of Seraph blockers,i!gets a pass wilh mi eight minute head start — 15 seconds for which is warm and heavy, dripping off your fare. Intercollegiate Alumni Handicap Cross-country away iust over the outstretched hands of Cardinal tackle Joo Alien. every year since U.S. Manhattan College, 1940. Ex- This is fine and a little clammy. When I first ex- Championship. Blocking for Mater Del are Chris Patella (75) and Bill Devane r (24). Car- cept for Joe McCluskey, the old Fordham national perienced it, 1 thought il was a signal of weakness, And that Kordhum handicap system dinal Andy Kra|czar (64) is In on the play. Miiiiiiiiiuiimii i iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiinn iiiinimiiiiHii iiiitiiiiiiiiii nun mini IIIIIIIIIIIMIIII mi IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIMM i IIIIIIMIIIIIIMI nun m iniiiiiiiiiiiini The Dally Register, Red Bank-Mlddktown, N.J. Wednesday, November f, 1172 29

Bench Gomes Back Briefly For MVP Honors Speaking ' NEW YORK (AP) - John- In 1970, when the Reds also ny Bench proved both to him- won the NL pennant. Bench self and to basketball that he batted Mi, hit 45 home runs VanDvke Hlnes could come back and he and had 148 RBI. He cashed in reaped his reward yesterday on his honors, making numer- by being named the 1972 Most ous public appearances, hos- Van Dyke's Consistent Valuable Player in the Nation- ting a television show and PITTSBURGH (AP) - "Consistency," said Pittsburgh al League. overseeing a bowling alley, an g Steeler offensive coach Bob Fry. "That's the thing that puts It marked the second time auto agency and a sports per- him in the company of the best." in three years that the honor sonnel business in Cincinnati. Fry was referring to guard Bruce Van Dyke, whose play had fallen upon the 24-year- When the Reds slumped to broke down the Cincinnati defense Sunday as the Steeler? old catcher of the Cincinnati fourth in the standings in 1971, rolled up a 40-17 victory and grabbed sole possession of first Reds who, after a spectacular Manager Sparky Anderson place in the American Conference Central Division. 1970 season which won him called a half-dozen key men The Associated Press' National Football League Offensive the MVP, went into an abys- together on the closing day in Player of the Week award usually goes to the glamour boys of mal .238 hitting slump in 1971. Atlanta and told them ol plans pro football — grinding running backs, strong-armed quarter- •'1 got a little out of shape to go to the team's training backs and fleet receivers. on the banquet circuit," site in Tampa, Kla., for an un- But for his performance against the Bengals, the 6-foot-2, Bench said of his 1971 col- precedented post-season peri- 225-pound Missouri graduate received the honor. \ lapse. "1 fell behind in my hit- od of conditioning. ting and pressed too much. 1 "1 didn't demand that John kept pressing but still couldn't AP Cites Cadet go along. 1 gave him an op- WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) - Bob Hines, who was a flanker catch up. Johnny Bench tion," Anderson explained lat- "I,,said to myself then: duiing Army's training camp and was switched to fullback at Bench batted .270 and led er. "He was eager to go. Wp the start of the season, found out late last weelc^that he would 'Maybe I'll never have anoth- the league in home runs, 40, worked out for two weeks and er good season'." be a tailback Saturday against the Air Force. and in runs batted in, 125. He no one worked harder than "It's basically the same set of plays," he said, "but I like The rugged, hardhitting became the sixth player in the Bench." tailback a lot better. There's more blocking at fullback. catcher from Binger, Okla., league's history to become a Some say that was where You're going head-up on the linebacker all the time and you was a strong winner of the repeat MVP winner. Others and when the fiber of I he get a headache after a while." MVP award this year, getting were Stan Musial, 1943, 194BReds' successful 1072 come- Hines, a 6-1,200-pound senior from Chester, Pa., didn't get 11 first place votes from the and 1948; Roy Campanella, back — and that of Bench — a chance to do much blocking Saturday. He was too busy car- 24-man panel of The Baseball 1951, 1953 and 1955; Carl Hub- was forged. rying the football 38 times for 202 yards — sixth best in Army Writers Association — two bell, 1933 and 1936; Ernie On his'first time at bat in history — including a 49-yard run in the final period that lifted from each league city — and Banks, 195.H and 1959, and Will- spring training, Bench lashed the Cadets to a 17-14 upset victory over their service academy was rated no lower than ie Mays, 1954 and 1985. a hard single. rivals. fourth on any ballot. Williams Second As a result, Hines was named National College Back of the Week by The Associated Press. Bench received a total of Mater Dei's ALL IN THE FAMILY — The inside of the Rumson-Fair Haven soccer 2B3 points — 52 more than the > team this season consisted of three Coleman brothers. Left to right, are runner-up in the voting, Billy Vike Playbook in Den? Inside right Ron, center-forward Rich, and inside left Rob. Ron and Rob Williams of the Chicago Cubs, Devaney BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) - The Minnesota Vikings are twins and are sophomores. Rick is a senior. ' who got 211. Willie Stargell of started practice yesterday minus one defensive playbook, Pittsburgh was^ third with 201 Applauded which they believe Is in the National Football League camp of the Detroit Lions. points and Joe Morgan, a NKW MONMOUTH - Ma- Bench teammate with the ter Dei presented a real prob- "I'm sure they've got our playbook," Coach Bud Grant Bulldogs' Soccer Line Reds, was fourth with 197. lem for St. Peter's of New said — without concern — as the Vikings began preparing for Steve Carlton of the Phila- Brunswick yesterday. The Se- Sunday's game In Minnesota against the Lions. delphia Phillies, winner of the raphs rolled to an easy vic- Defensive back Al Randolph was signed by the Vikings Cy Young Award as the tory with a diversified offen- and placed on the taxi squad last week. year's top ML pitcher, came sive performance. Randolph suddenly left Minnesota, and turned up in a Det- Kept AH in the Family in fifth with 124 points. The Mater Dei attack was* roit uniform Sunday against the Bears. The electors named ID men Minnesota General Manager Jim Finks said, "There's ByJONNIFALK ,at Humson-Fair Haven Regional, and Kick and not the only factor which re- and points were awarded on a sulted in the Cardinals' de- nothing illegal about him going to Detroit." Ron were charter members of the squad last 14-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ratio. mise Finks called the departure "an odd turn of events. We had RUMSON — "All in the Family" is a popu- season. Bill Devaney. a 5-9, Kill- no forewarning. Detroit never notified us; Randolph never told lar television show, and it's a highly-rated Rob joined'the family outing this year and pound senior two-way back, us, and he never turned in his playbook." show at Rumson-Kair Haven Regional High spent the first part of |he season on the junior Buc Girls Win School, too. took the pecking power nut of .varsity. He scored 11 goals for the jayvecs and the Cardinals early in the ' The family is the Colemans. and there In Field Hockey Phils Release Short celebrated his promotion by getting a goal in game and continued to har- BUI Devaney were three of them on'the Bulldog soccer team MILWAUKEE (AP) - Chris Short, veteran lefthandcd his first varsity game. RED BANK - Red Bank ras.s and make key tackles. this season. Twins Rob and Ron are 15-year- Twin brother Ron had four assists for the Regional's girls' field hockey early in the second quarter to pitcher with the Philadelphia Phillies, has agreed to a contract old sophomores, and Rick, 17, is a senior. varsity this season, and older brother Kick had team handed hapless Holmdeh Devaney's all-around sue- set up the Seraphs' third Tl). with the Milwaukee Brewers' Evansville club in the American 1 cess earns him the nod as The The three brothers formed the middle of four goals and five assists. its 13th setback in as many The interception opened the Association. Daily Register's "Defensive The Bulldog line with Rick playing center- The three booters are the sons of Mr. and outings here yesterday, 4-0. Mater Dei drive on the St. Po- Jim Wilson, Milwaukee's director of baseball operations, ['layer of the Week." forward, Rob at inside left, and lion at inside Mrs James Coleman, Robin Road, Runison. Linda Roubik led the way ler's 24-yard line. said Short was released by the Phillies because of a sore back. Devaney's gems were tint Tight. Thus, Coleman to Coleman to Coleman Although Rick will graduate next .lune. Rob with two goals, while Janet One of Devaney's key tack- "His doctor gives him a clean bill of health, and he wants all on defense. He ran back a passes were not unusual when Kumson-Kair and Ron will be back to give opponents double Miller and Betty Pratt each les stopped short a Cardinal to show he can pitch again," Wilson said. Haven was on the attack. chipped in with one. punt for a 64-yard touchdown bid for a TI) on a kickoff. De- Short averaged 17 wins per year from 1964-68, but ap- trouble lor the next two years. in the first quarter lo turn the Second Varsity Season Red Bank completes its vaney made a do-or-die tackle peared in only 19 games with Philadelphia last season^ posting All in the family is bound to run that long game into a rout early. This was only the second year for succor here. slate at 3-8-3. on the runnef who had a clear a 1-1 record in 23 innings with a 3.91 ERA. He intercepted his first pass field ahead. *f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Comity Cross-Country Summaries

VAISITY INDIVIDUAL Sumrell, Monmouth Reg.; 12. Kevin 24. Mike Thompson, Mater Dei; 25. Jim- Why do we put so many specialists at the Maureen Marley. Red Bank Calh.; 7. Burrows, R.B.C.; 13. Dennis AAabbltt. my Daly, Red Bonk Cath. Eileen Meenan, Mater Del; 8. Johono 1. Gory Mitchell. Mlddletown, . Motowan; 14. Jim Clayton, Monosquan; VARSITY TEAM STANDINGS Dell, Malowan; 9. Clolre Walter. Red 03*14); 7. Pate Manning. Mlddletown; IS. Dove Geer, Howell; IS. Jim KcistY, 1. Rarltan (101); 1. St. John Vlanney Bank Colh ; 10. Julie Smith, Moler Del. 3. Sttm McOuflle, Neptune; 4. Mel Ul- R.B.C.; 17. John Martin, Rumson F.H.; 1107); 3. Mlddletown 1110); 4. Red Bonk OIRLS' TEAM STANDINGS Imever, Rorllon; 5. Greg Glbbs, St. II. Brlon Barrett, St. John V.; 19. Catholic (113); S. CBA (115); 6. Rum-. 1. R.B. Catholic III); 2. Shore Reg. beck and call of your business? John V.; *. Russ Jones, Runison F.H.; Wayne Pierce, Long Branch; 20. Andy son-Fair Haven (157); 7. Long Branch' (19); 3. Mater Del (SI); 4. Neptune 7. Bill Huntley, C.B.A.; I. Dennis Fay, Sheehan, Rumson F.H.; 21. Gary Hig- (242); 8. Monmouth Reg. (244); 9. Mala- (65); 5. Matawan Reg. (61); 6 R.B. C.B.A.; 9. Rich Crump, Lonp Branch; tey, St. John V.; 22. John Manning, Mid- wan Reg. (272); 10. St. Rose (274). Catholic (B) 4.00 Sf TrlCk (McGetl M. Anay Flight IMoronc) 4 I Balaton (Zotreal '1 Nardlns Trader (Kelly) 5 t St. Mary's of South Amboy. Maiesllc Coll (Porodis) * I Lynbrrry Dutches (Zolrea) 5 1 Wall Schulsky scored with 4th - THOT IM Porn' 1M0.T 2:0t Yonkee Guard (Olln) fc-l Speed Test (Richardson) 6 1 10 seconds left in the game lo '>•> My Girl Peorl (H. Flllon) 5.00 4.20 3 00 Alton Sweel (Fusco) IOI Orodell (George) fll Just to be sure your communications • Maxey Diamond (Looneyl 4.80 3.40 Enougti Time (Bonocorial 10 1 Stonenate Fury (Lobrneyerl B I gK'e Malawan its tie with St. • VIckyA (Soplenio) 4.10 Jon Byron (Puma) lit Salnt^lalr Ace (Boucher) 8 1 Xobo Woyne (Brutlomeiso) 20 1 Ido Rodney IPumo) 121 Mary's ol South Amboy. Eiaclo 1 J n 1° JlPlle Carol IHuebsthl 20 I llttl — PACE IM IIM Ml - PACE IM Purse JJ0O T 2:07 < 4tb — TROT IM U00 Joyces Dream (PorodIM M Schutsky's goal came from service is complete. Moonstone Bay (Gllmourl 11.20 4.40 Keystone Startle (Gllmour) 3 I Gamecock Louise (Lohmever) ' I 460 Blue Gem (Bulk) 4-1 Mlu Scorlel Pot (D. r-.illonl < I Vt yards out, and (llenn Siss LootownLodlPoullnl 30.60 14.00 Piper Rainbow (Rothbone) * I Star Choice IKenl) 6 1 received an assist on the play. „ DM Doc (Gre«ne) 4.00 Coalmonl Coper (Pocio) V-l Jessie M (Soqer) 8 1 At New Jersey Bell, providing communications effective use of your sales force, and increase EXOCtO 5 7 41) 40 Shrxtyritile Meg (Inokol) t>\ Ken Keen (Morris) HI SI. Mary's had taken I he Hh - PA« IM Purie 1W0 T-MI 4 Seatord (Pullen) ' t Worner (Joeger) 10 I lead ill Ilic7:a mark of the fi- service means more than just putting a phone profits by reducing sales costs. Htod Wind (Marks) 900 4.40 3.40 Tiny Eden (Tete) '0 1 Hool Shooter I Mr file hoi I 10 I Deposit Slip (H. Flllon) 3.40 ?.S0 Lunar Chip (McGee) IM nal period when Frank Nnrck on your desk. Skilled Craftsmen, several thousand strong, to Chose Me Homt (Morlnelll Jr) 4.JO Sltl - PACE IM K»0 Coss Senator (Huebsch) .. . 11. t ( hcnrcd unassisted, Juncta 4-2 Jf.B • Gieoory Hanover *poeio) ..!'! Mliiawan Hided its second That's why we oflcr you the .services of catch trouble on our lines before Jt starts, and ;m _ PACE !M Punt 1I00.T 2:07 2 Rovers Return (Greene) SI King Bret (Wllllorm) 11.00 5.60 3 10 Hdios Globe (Mecoulh) ... 1 1 ' # . soccer season with itn O-l-i-l! our, . . Hubert (Butler) 1200 4 40 Speed Heiress (Lohmeyer) ••! >/>I0/11 WkllU fix whatever might go wrong with your phones. Mlis Scorlel Down (D. Flllon! S.JO Gorih ITulinol M ' /tILl UMlin record. St. Mary's was (l-llk!. Communications Consultants to design a com- Fast. iKocta 44 Playbill Creed (Looney) II. tlh-PAMIM Purse JOWT 2:06.1 LtonoV"ll IDanc'eVl"..'.'•.....'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'i0-1 I - Oecoro, overchtck, Chester munications system that meets your particular Only with so many people available to you— Royal MOT Al (Lohmeyer) 6.40 4.00 Jtll-PACE IMMM Mike Patarson Tops Cold Snrlna. Doc (Campbell).. .6.40 3.40 Armbro Lloyd (M. Fllionl 5 2 2 - Llndo Lie, Fllont Adorlon, Julie needs. at no extra cost—can we be sure of providing PrlncTstiortonfH. Flllonl 3.00 Borderview Bob Lee (McNIchol) 7-? Jerry Hawk Booters Juanitr, Adlos (Gllmour) 4 1 J - «oy EHm, Bololon, Se Trick Service Advisors to help you get the most from •Mcta 1-4 M.N Gold Medolllon IMornsi 5 I 4 - Blue Oern. Kir«lon« Storm, Cool- I'ATKIISON' - William" I'a- you with complete communications service. tlh - PACi IM Purie u«0 T-2:»;.i jack FroM A (Polisenol s-l mont Coper IcyFroitlKayil n*a 9. BO 4 ! iel— Armbte Lleyd (lib) IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIi N'ecdlt Nullur added two. JO The Dally RfgJster, R«d Bank-MiddlfUnvn, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1972 MlllliniMIIIII|lM«»«BWHMMB«an^^ These valuable treasures of our past are often found on these pages. Ga- rage sales, Auctions, Liquidations, For Sale; you'll be the better collector if Antiques you use Register Classified Ads 741-6900

Autos For Sale ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found Public Notices Travel—Transportation Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale LOST - Tun malr ring i, cleop. Coll after S p.m. 322 2681. We Buy Used Volkswogtns TOP~T~RADE ALLOWANCE — Super 1964 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Please claim your pel ond pay for this o en- Qlrnr^utomotlc, power steering, radio. Vinyl top. »4i-4337. 1967 MUSTANG - Good condliion. New S tires. Musi sell. «M> Coll ofler 6 p.m., 671-5344 Ffy~~b SQUIRE 1971 — 10-pnssenger CHEVROLET wagon. 16.000 miles. Like new. Air, all power, vinyl root, snows. 671-5141. L AUTO CREDIT PROBLEMS? OR NO CREDIT AT ALL? Call 229-4790

PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER I AT A1972 32M Hwy 35, Hoilet 264-0198 ' "" STRAUJfBUIClT- OPEL " '. NINE ACRES ol New ond Used Con Hwy 36 264-4000 JCeyport They Came On 1969 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE — Convertible. D Our Sales Manager Needs paint |ob. Speciol price, S895. BAILLY BROS., INC., 19 E. Newman BILLJORGENSEN The Mayflower Springs Rd., Red Bank! 7470596. PRICE TAG 1966 T HUNID" ER SI R D "—"EL ECT'SI C WIN" DOWS, SEAT. TOP, TRUNK, ANTENNA, "Honest" George Wall It Would DOOR LOCKS, AIR. LOOKS AND RUNS EXCELLENT. WOO. 741-4243. Our President Have Been CORVirTTE 1961"- wiih"hordtop!"new 327" engine. Needs front body work. AKo 383 Chevrolet engine with two 4-borr'el car- but hurry in and order CHEAPER buretors. S900 for oil. 741 4497. 1970 OLDYMOBILE — Vista Cruiser, nine- passenger wogon. No air. 11800. Coll 741- Come in and see the winning team ... 1144. l"9 6Tc O M E f VV A G O U -LUGGAGE Get your victory party SAVINGS. yours now, well protect RACK. LOOK.S AND RUNS VERY RENT GOOD. M50. /4W143. 1963CSEVROLET CORVAIR"- Body in' A BRAND good condition. Engine needs work. $100. that price even after the Call 842-7616. NEW COMET. 1966"VOLKSWAGEN - Modei 1300. Good condition. S600. Coll 787 2473 price increase... CVdiLLA"c"l9>b SEDAN DE VILLE — FOR $1099 Every extra Including six-way seat, AM/FM radio, ond oir. 13795. S42-OO33 ONLY I T 1965 MUSTANG — Six cylinder, 3 speed. Good condition. S350 rirm. Coll 741.7747 Shrewsbury, IU. BUT HURRY! Thanks to Wall between 6:30 ond 7:30 p.m. From Friday 5 p.m. 1964 FORD — Fourdoor sedan. \ unlit Monday 9 am. Good condition. Asking 1275. WalShrewsbury Ave. At Sycamorle 747-5400 Coll 84! 3396 rntt! 75miles... you pay 1964 TMUNDERBiRD — Two door hard lor gas. 08' pe' mile over 75 top Metallic blue with block vinyl root. miles. Asking S595. 787-I743. f9M DODGE POLARA Excellent condition. Besf offer 842-6404

82,000 miles. Good condition. Coll 291-9284 CADILLAC 1972 — Sedan DeVille. AM power, climate control, Shrewsbury, N.J. AM/FM stereo. Leather interior. Vinyl CHEVROLET root. Whitewal! polyglas tires. Other ex- Shrewsbury Ave. Al Sycamore tros. Less than 3000 miles, three rrionths old. Like new. List price U044. Will sell FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS tor S63O0. 2220344. 747-5400 "'"iMMACULATE Four-door Chrysler, 1969 Air conditioned, We're Dealing NOW! Autos For Sale spill Iron! seat. Would normolly sell tor •wsffiffl S230O. Price - $1900. 741-0323. MERCEDES BENZ 1967 ->our-door sc dan. 190C engine rebuilt-3000 milp^. LAST NOVEMBER WAS THE BIG- AM'FM radio, oir conditioning, tour new tires, two studded snow tires. New GEST VOLUME MONTH IN OUR shocks, brakes, carpeting. Best otter. Colt HISTORY. . .THIS NOVEMBER 843-7160 oner 6 p.m. WE'RE OUT TO BEAT IT! PRICE IS 196S"MUSTANG — Convertible, ihree- NO OBJECT, COME IN ANDTRY US! STILL #1... speed, standard. Needs a little work. Ash Ing 1250. Good engine and transmission, Needs hood. 739-3M4 or 717 3734, osk for Gecrgcmn. ave Hundreds Of $ $ $ More Classified SCHWARTZ on Next Page Auto Rentals YOU WON'T YOUR TOP VOLUME FIND A Lease a BETTER DEAL DEALER ANYWHERE High Quality We're passing 1973 Ford car savings from us '73 FORDS cat '12 PRICIS on to you... catch a bargain! We can lease you the •J\'- *•»* 1973 Ford ol your choice a! a low cewt and see that you gel Hie most lor your present car. ' Our QumlcrUach WHOLESALE SPECIALS 1 It also means that WG Ed "ItdimiKis' ' Siglcr "AS IS" handle the service on your Inaseri car with factory- trained technicians. # 5613A DUSTER M595 #5618A FURY III M095 2-door1971 Drop in and see us. You Hardtop, air, 1968 can drive a Ford for a low #5632 CHRYSLER 300 ..-3095 # 9610A PLYMOUTH.....11195 monthly rale. 2-door hardtop 1971 Wagon,1968 #9591A PLYMOUTH M095 # 5593 PLYMOUTH M085 Belvedere 1970 Sport Satellite, 1968 # 9507A PLYMOUTH .795 #5617 CADILLAC M995 Police 1970 Fleetwood, 1968 #9453 PLYMOUTH...... '2495 # 9533A DODGE ...... :...«1295 9 passenger wagon, air, etc. Charger, 1968 "CARS and 1970 #5645 COUGAR M495 TRUCKS" s XR-7,1968 # 5623 BUICK l795 # 5643B CHEVROLET .M95 Eleclra 2-door hardtop 1965 Tom's Ford inc

# 9613A FORD 795 . 200 Hwy 35 4-door, 1968 CHIYSIH Keyport, N.J.

141 W. FRONT ST. JAJ RED BANK •# 1# -0787 264-1600 Autoi for Sale Autos Ur Sale 19,1 i The Daily Register, Red Bank-Middietown, N.J. Wednesday, Novembers, 1172 31 UI'DffBBIliD _ gll». Coli721-OM[ after 6 p.m. DETAILERS :ul) time position available In modern 1967 CHEVROLET CORVAIR growing hospital. Excellent salary, ateo* 1«1 NOVA SS — 3S0 V8, lourTpwdTshov Clean. Good condillon. 1350. * "ng conditions, and full fringe room condition. Many extras. 13000 Co Coll 787-8869. ..paly in person. Personnel Of- iawor 67MH>. Machinery. 1967 TWO• DOO~R~FTffuR A~ — T89" nufo- fice, Rlvervfew Hospital, between * a,m. mallc. Excellent condition ond 4 p.m. Equal opportunity employer, 19M PLYMOUTH ROADmjN" 741-1124 Mechanical m/f. Four-spted transmission. $900. Call«S-IIU 1968 OPEL — Deluxe sport coupe! Me- Many needed Immediately In our Newark WAITRESSES OH WAITERS — PART- 1M9 MUSTANG FASTBACK — Stondar facility or tor local assignments in NewTIME AND FULL TIME. APPLY SHAN- transmission, V-8 engine, air, disc brakes Jersey, NON'S INN, 640 SHREWSBURY AVE., snow tires — four standard and one spare NEW SHREWSBURY SUM. CclHtVUm. CHEVY H 1946 SEDAN - Six-cylinder SMKTUJ Clean car- Runs excellent. TAILOR OR SEAMSTRESS 1964 BUICK SPECIAL. - Good runnln Men's and ladies'alterations PC LAYOUT Mofllson Village Cleaners, .566-3233 condition. New paint lob. Four-door. 264 1970 VOLKSWAGEN - Automotic. Fully 9367 otter 6,p.m. Immediate openings on our permanent equipped. 6,000 mile engine warranty. Im- home office staff and local outside assign- LTGHT DELIVERY 1969 VOLKSWAGEN BUS — Reoullt en mocuiott. $1)9S. 741 2213. ments. Must own car. olne. Good condition. Sacrifice. Must sell Call 642-821Q or 842 6213 JIMII3. Trucks for Sale MANICURIST -Licensed PIPrNG Part-time. Shrewsbury 1967 LE MANS 196! DODGE - Truck. D-S00-V8. 14' van Business Notices Help Wanted Help. Wanted Help Wanted 741S600 Two-door. A iport looking cor, body, lour Mlchelln steel belled tires Local Assignments available. E~X>ERIENCED SECRETARY — fully equippequipped Including bucket Good over-all condilion. 264-8000, 9 to 5, TREE REMOVAL SERVICE Male or Female Male or Female Mole and Female Gal/Guy Friday type, needed for ex- seats; vinyl totopp, factofactorr y airi .S Save Mon. to Frl. Trees and slumps removed! No |oa 1 panding Atlantic Highlands advertising small! Call for tree estlmote. 542-3271 Technicians agency. Good typing, steno, telephones, 147! TOYOTA PICK-UP - 14 Ion. 4-speed neat appearance. CGooo d' personality a transmission, radio, tinted glass."*- HOUSECLEANING— By Insured, Service Maintenance 1 cellent condition. Four months old. Coll Trained Men with own equipment. One NOTICE Wiremen M/W"must '. Growth opportunity in attractive, We require a fully qualified pipefitter with RASSAS 787-8087. After 6 p^n^moSS. time or regular service. Backed by Blue Immediate local openings: congenial office idling. An equal opportu^ Chip Corporation. Also floors, walls, rugs, knowledge of pneumatic ond hydraulic | nity employer. Mr. Measlno, 291- j, perienced Foreman to handle custom site I f unable to coll, contact E XPeRfrNCEO CARE"^">"or ont or'two with black Interior. Equipped with olr 1972 HONDA IsoCB - Red. With helmet MANPOWER work and Improvement Installation tor children In my home. Call conditioning, wooden dash, AM/FM. New »50. Help wanted Help Wanted sub-dlvlslons. Experienced only. Some L. Hoffman 495 m* tires. Will sacrifice for Immediate sale Call 711-1713 college education preferred. Call 671-2600 Coll 229^9697. HAS IT!!! Male and Female Male and Female Monday thru Friday. Situations Wanted VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK 196S - Mobile Homes TEMPORARY ATLANTIC Sunroof, trailer hitch, radio, parcel shelf. REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR Snow tires with rims. Reasonable mile 1971 MOTOR HOME GENERAL LABOR Aggressivjsslve and experienced Mies oorienter _ __d "•" WATTR!SS1A'/W " oge. Well maintained. S9S0. 2W-3701. Modtl 270 TOP RATE — APPLY IndividualIdual, with a desire to loin a wlnninwinninqg OF DESIGN CO. ELECTRIC BA55 GUITAR PlAVGil - Coll 512-4293 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 7 a.m. learn* Is welcome to colt for a confidential SUPERVISOR 37 William St., Newark, NJ. i'would like to |oln commerctol rock REPORT, 312 Main St. interview. Extensive advertising budget, AAAhDS 12:30 p.m. io 8:30 p.m. Previous e An equal opportunity employer croup. New equipment. Reliable. Call 117- WANTED ASBURY PARK 776-5577 small professional staff, and membership perlence required. Good salary, pleasant Party who needs 100% finonclng on a 1961 in multiple listings, assures excellent po- Related experience neGesjorv lor o full working conditions and full fringe benellh NOVA SUPER SPORT. J1595. For moi Wanted—Automotive OR 4 W. Front St. Red Bank tential. time position In a fully modern 300 DedIncluded. Paid health and lite Insurance, Inlormatlon call (201) 721.7100. hospital. Look into this excellent opportu- paid vacoHonj, and fully paid pension nity offering, good salary commensurate plan. Apply In person. Personnel Dept, FINANCIAL 1966 CATALINA~" SEETHE with experience. Pleasant working condi- Rivervlew Ho&pitoi, Red Bank, between 9 1001 Auto Parts Business Opportunities , Twinbrook NURSE . tions and a full fringe benefit program, In o.m. and 4 p.m. Equal opportunity em CONVERTIBLE PSYCHIATRY HOAAEFINDER .eluding a fully paid pension plan. Apply lr ployer, m/l. Distributor UB^ARlRE SHOP AND PIZZERIA — Only one of many transportation Auto Wrecking person. Personnel Office, Rivervlew Hoj ocated In Red Bonk. Reasonable. All (Ii- specials tor under S700. Choose Eatontown ASSISTANT 291-2100 \A\'PPO'RTONi"fY - 'foTearoVsoo-wo 141 W. Front St., Red Bank 747-078* Excellent benellls. Including four weeks Excellent bmsllts Including tuition refund IOURS — Port lime weekends, either 1 /eekly, Iransportlng mobile homes from PONTIAC Fost Service, reasonable prices health Insurance. Apply lr confidence, Di- U MS Broad St. ' 741-5IBO Red Ban! Highest prices paid for all used cars vocation, 100% tuition refund program, program, paid health Insurance. Apply In Work performed by a man who has rector ot Nursing, Rivervlew Hospital, >r 2 day. Weekdays we nave mornings, octory fo dealers. »ooo sets you P with- Eves, until 9 OVER WHOLESALE! Buyer on premises and paid health Insurance. Apply In con-conlidencv, Director of Nursing, Rlv. reviewed, revised and written Red Bank. 741-2700, Ext. 227. An equal op- itternoons, evening hours available ond 00 ond tralnlno plus fully equipped 1969' fidence to Director of Nursing, Rivervlew erview Hospital, Red Bank. 741-2700, Ext. thousand! of resumes over the yeon, omblnallon of above. ftterrtatlonol. Pnone 741-2425. _ . " 1969 VOLK5WAGEN FASTBACK^Type at all times. Hospital, 741-2700, Ext. 227. Equal op- m. portunity employer M/W 3. Low mileage. New tires. Original own- TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE MEWS "SERVICE"-"Net* "Vefl over'UMO er. SI 375.322-7702. 5664100 portunity employer. M/W. An equal opportunity employer. M/F CAREER MARKETING anytime between 9 o.m. and 10 p.m. jr appointment. per year. Franchded territory. Only 12 1961 DATS'JN — Sports convertible, 1600 14 West Front St., Red Bank 747-I04C TlSaTT MERCHANDISE BOATS AND Earn *178-«25 weekly. For appointment DREAMING OF A Part-time. Excellent opportunity lor od a.m. Emery Manor, Malowan. WANTED coll Mr, 5enger, 212-868-5842, 9:30 a.m.- "GREEN" CHRISTMAS?— As on Avon vancement. Na experience necessary. Full 564-MOO d/r Personnel __ For Sale Party who needs 100% financing on a 1961 ACCESSORIES l: 30 p.m. . Representative you con earn extra cash benefits. Company discount!, GALTGUV FRTDAY"—~For"mollVoomTlo- 17 Brood St., Red Bank ««-3S0l MUSTANG FASTBACK. S995. For more to pay those holiday bills. It's easy and cal diversified company. Some typing. MI*S. ROBERTS Inlormatlon coll (201) 721-7100. Hf LUHRS — 1969. Flying bridge, fresh funl Coll Mrs. Word ot 741 4313, tti- PERGAMENT Hours 9 lo 5:30, S days. Start Nov. 37, Sal- ary MS. Car necessary. Sub ml I written re- EHVICE STATION ATTENDANT — Full III be glad to anlit you In your ttltctlon 1968 CAMARO — Convertible. Green woter cooled US Chrysler engine. Many NEVVAND USED CAR 3377, or 774-1220. Hwy 35 and Poole Ave. Hatlei window ihadn, WQ ttock ihadBt up to extros. Asking ttfoo. Call 264-7160 after 6. sume with references to Box M-V3, Tht tme. MechonkoMy Inclined. 40 hours. body/white top. 3-on floor. Excellent con- CLEAN-UP PERSONS Dally Register, Red Bank. Three days off. Uniforms supplied. Call " wldt, SI.Mondup. dition. SHOO or best otter. Call between 12 15' WINNER. FIBERGLAS FISHERMAN Apply In person, Werners Automotive, NURSES'AIDES UJ-9U8. and 7 p.m. 222-30H. CARPENTER MAINTENANCE"— For local fefbiTstorT PROWN'S , 18 H.P. EVINRUDE. BOTH IN GOOD Hwy 36, Bellord. 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Salary starting 12.15 per ALES REPRESENTATIVE - Home Im- CONDITION. 1375. hour, plus liberal benefits. On the lob Carpenter's helper. Experienced. Duties consist of cleaning ond deliveries, Broad St.. Red Bon* • JIJ'5* FORD — 1970 LTD.~Country SquTre~9-pav Coll 741-1144 after 7 p.m. irovements. Experienced. Call V-rO a.m. .senger waoon. Excellent condition. Mus1 CALL 222-9S67 PART-TIME NEWSPAPER DELIVERY training will be given. Call Mrs. Brandow, Apply, with references, to Box K-74, The — Early afternoon or Sun. a.m. routes. Holmdel Convalescent Center, Hwy 34, Dally Register, Red Bank. Insulation &S]dlnoCorp17f5JM07. sell. Make offer. 4310477. Pair Hoven-Rumson area. No collecting. Holmdel. 946-4200. SALESWOMEN M/W 1968 PONTIAC - Convertible. LtMons V- PAR'TTIWE LEG^AL'SEC1?ETA"RY'- SiBlTl0US PEOPLE — wtwnnd more I BMjr^P~EyRTfiR"s- COLUMBIA 29' No soliciting. Must hove car. Call 747- Two or three full days per week. At least ncome. Unusual oppcrtunlty lor good 8. Many extras. Great condition. 11250 or 2143. Yanko's Fashion Fair, 65 Broad St., Red orrtlnpi. Training given. Call for inter- ind cleaning, U.'t73-ai>7.. FIBERGLAS SLOOP EXPERIENCED GLAZIER Bonk, Apply In person onty. three yean experience. 264-6900. best oiler. 747-52OJ." Morris Plate Gloss lew appointment. Mr, Von Warmer dam, Tip-top condition. Fully equipped. MALE AND FEMALE - If you ore read- PA R T"TTM E" HELP~IELP — Apply In person, 41-42M, after 5 pm. *MPeR FOR SALS - Vlramt told-. i?«6~CORV €fT~E Dial 291-2206 Ing this ad, we hove an opening. Pick-up 10 Maple Ave., Red Bank, 74MM3 PATIENT ACCOUNTS MANAGER — Dy- namic Individual with oblllty to handle the Bubble Brush Car Wash, 1345 Hwy 35, 3wn. Bullt-ln link, four burntr itovt... Excellent condition 1 a'ld deliver for Fuller Brush Co. Earn ERSOHNEL CLERK — To handle env eoler, Ice-box. Sleim lour. WI-3117. 542-6016 57 OWENS - Flagship. V-8 enjlne. Very 13.75 per hour. Coll 447.-1074, between 1' REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON , overall responsibility for the admitting, Joyec benttlti, Including hoipHolliotlon, good condition. Sleeps four. Depthllnder, Male -female, full time, part-time, licens- billing ond credit functions lor a small but ORUG AND COSMETIC CLERK - Ex- 1960 CHEVROLET — Station woflon. IW\ and 1 p.m. enslon pi on, temporary disability, ^TirmwniTirCTrmToyr=-myTr compass, etc. Asking $2500 or best otter. ed or willing to leorn. Nowihat you've expanding subrbon hospital. Hotpltal ex- perience preferred. Holmdel Village nemployment Insurance, etc. Experience PALA. Excellent condition. Goroge kept. Coll 671-1153. Boat In wattr at Chris' Land- MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN talked to the rest, come In and talk to ttie_ perlence necessary. Send resume and sal Pharmacy. 946-8700. .Iro frame ind engine. G«an. t rtl, 671-3534. 1 eferrcd. Good typing iklili required, ing, Sea Bright. — Part-time, mainly Sals. Experienced. best. We seek competent and ambltlout ary history to Box RB7, The Dally Regis jbmlt resume to Box M-f6. The Dally ftorler. 1450 Coll 74I-IMI. / a.m. lo 10 1967 PORSCHE — Model 912. 5-speed Internist's otllce. Coll 741-3600. people Interested In earning a minimum or ter, Red Bonk, N.J. TIME INVESTMENT BUSINESS Man- 6' RUNABOUT — All liberglos. Full can- 520,000 a year ond In turn we offer com ogement trainees for second incor ie busi- legllter, Red Bank, An equal opportunity i.m, -™-«»-w«j AM/FM radio. New Tires. Excellent run. vas top and cover. 70 h.p. Chrysler out- REAL ESTATE SALES — Commercial, LIKE TO BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR imployflr. BABY CARRIAGE (THAVlST nlng car. JI300. 741-2322 or 741-1531. pany paid In depth training program, lib ness. 112,000 yea' If qualified. Call for ap board motor with trailer and hitch. Must industrial, and land only. Local estab- era) drawing account, 60% commission, SELF? No copilot required. Cor helptul polntment, 671-0720. »ARt"AND>ULL TTME ~— Moiiogemeni Comblnallon ttroller and carbed. 110. see to appreciate. Asking S2100. Coll !42- lished firm opening new office tor this, participating spec arrangements and Also part-time. Call 741-20/?. Equal op 1971 MONTEGO MX — Vinyl top, air con PARS—"Experienced. Minimum ind sales poiltlons available Immediately, MINK COAT - Silt \1-U. Stldom Uttd, dltlonlng, low mileage. Take over pay- ,215. purpose. Must have license and some ex- mora. Plus the opportunity for manage- portunlty employer. ^^ Looking tor sutcesvrnlndtd ond ombitloyi perience. Send resume to Box K-25, Thement through a planned program of ex- five years. Good pay. Sleddy work. Cal people with a dtsire for financial Indepen- VM. Call btlwttn 4« mail tvmingi. ments, plus WOO. Call otter 6 p.m., 787 3' CATAMA~Ri\N — Nylon soli and trall- bally Register, Red Bonk. . , ^ 1 WAITRESSES M/W - Must be over 7 7878B33att6 M m\ 2926. ^ pansion . Why not coll for a confidential ond experienced. Apply In person, Shore dence. Call 'or an appointment, H G & L L Interview and talk to the company that GENERAL INSURANCE M/W - Wlln ex- Point Inn, 3360 Hwy 35. Hmlet. A*soc.,264-m;. ADDIN0 mochlnn Mi sells a house every day. THE KIRWAN Full or part-time. new* or u»d. Guarantetd Low 01 WANTED 16' PLYWOOD BOAT perience In rating and writing. 9 to 5. Five, CO , Realtors, 160 Hwy Ut West Keanl- HOSTESS M/W— MidnlQht to 6 o.m. Ap MEDICAtTSECREfAAV — Heavy knowl- ouy week. Fringe benefits ond profit shar-1 Call /8/'~0a6jor Interview. S3S. Serplco'i, 101 Monmouth SI. Not to' Party who needs 100% financing on a 1969 55 h.p. Mercury motor. S225. burg, NJ. 787-6600. . ,p!y In person, Dunkln" Donuts, Rte m d WANTED - Person with good refer edge of medical terminology and dicta ttiwttr. WQlts. . VOLKSWAGEN. J895. For more Informa 7B770S7 Ing plan. Write Insurance, P.O. Box 824, Newman Sprlnai Rd., Shrewsbury. none typing required, Apply Personnel Red Bonk. ; . RECEIVING CLERK ences, to care for Infant ond prepare din )ept. Freehold Areo Hoipltol, Rte, IV, I K O N NiO VI B C AM ER~A - P OW er tlon call (301) 721-7150. v ner In teacher's home. Hours approxi- ll^ F"l"B6RCTirA"s~ US h.p.'Mercury EXPERIENCED WAITRESS M/W — Gale's Industrial Hardware INSTALLERS — Security alarms. Ex :oom, ltol.wlthl.llena.l2S0. motor. Motor used obout 100 hours. JI150. 24 W. Front 5t. 2M-20O0 Keypon perlence preferred. mately 9-5 p.m. Mlddlelown. SI.75 nr. Own (4j-j7o^or mm* Coll 787-7057; Please coll In person between 3-5 p.m. 842-5241 transportation. 671-9146 atler 6 p.m. INSURANCE*^- Comrrierclal insurance 1971 CATALINA Good Income. Happy Apple Inn, Rt. 34,WAITRESSES M/W — Experienced only ogency needs lull time secretary, 9 to J. DISHWASHER ~ Full (Ime dayi. CHAINXINKFENCING ' Two-door hardtop, In "like new" iV~FieERf5LAS"^F'liii7"veVed. 150 h.p. Colts Neck. Cashier, references. Apply In penori CASHrERF{fR~DRilGS"AND COSMET- 1M equipment. Reply Box M-97, The '/> PRICE condition. A real buy, loaded with nboord/outDOord. Coll 741-5914 alter 6 Apply In Derson, Shore Point inn, ICS — Port-Hme and full time. Fringe Daily Register, Red Bwk,^ STEADY ANt/PART-TIME WORK. Martini'* DfrierYHwyM, EWnsburg. uppller hai Itrt over Irom lorg* tn< many extras Including vinyl top p.m. benefits. Apply In person. Foods Plus, SB lollollon llrit quollly chain link lenclna,- , and factory olr. Save now! APPLY IN PERSON.' WAITRESSES M/W— Expirlenccd, for Broad St.. Red Bonk. OMANH60VEWr6VkSALARYiYfj"60Vr6V^™iY66 .... _.. VEHICLE fHOV ..BEN'S CAR WASH, MIDOLETOWN HELP WANTED —"FoFwflrehouse'woriT ER WEEK. OWN TRANSPORTATION /i Prlcel Installation ond lermi orrangeo.. ERCRAFT) — Goes on woter, land, snow part-time banquet work. Top union woo*. Apply In person, Lltlle Sliver Market, 4/; .Call 443-1039. DELIVE~RY PEHS6N NEEDED~— A(i"o IECESSARY. HOURS 9 TO S: 30. SIX "41-4700. ' • and Ice, Speeds ol 40 mph. Used one week LEGAL SECRETARY — At least two Prospect Ave., Lltlle Sliver. to help In plua store, uie own car. St,50 IAY5. CALL531-9067 AFTER S:30_P.M. RASSAS as demonstrator. Asking S1095 or best ot- yeors real estate experience, salary open. ELECTRO MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER YARD WORK — And owner»~tielper". One per hour and delivery charge. W 5S0S. iCOUSTic GUITAR - Yamaha FO-110, — Must be skilled In oie of common hand iLOW'WTOLDFNO MACHINE" OPER- ood condlllonj nice tone. t75. Office located In Red Bank. 747-3730. day each week, preferably Sat. PLUMBERS— Experienced only. Good TORS - No experience necessory. \1 Call 747'4217 PONTIA741-5180C tools ojid be willing to learn special pro- 395 Brood St. PAIR OFCHRYSLER CROWNS— 125 PBX OPERATd'RS — 3^1, 11-7 night cessing. Apply ELECTRO IMPULSE, 116 ly. Monmoulh ond Ocean County area. ildnlght to 8:15 o.m. shift. Apply Air Eves, until 9 h p. l'.'3-to-l hydraulic gears, s/00 for theshifts, Including weekend openings. FV Chestnut St., Red Bank, An equal opportu BEAUTICIAN — Full or part-time. Call 442-4561 or 347-2765. LOlded Products, Phyllis and Clark Sis , polr. 787-3686. _ J laillt. More Classified or port-time. Long lerm work. 741-4700. nity employer. Some experience. CLEANfNG~HELP""^"dnedayper "week," 1962 MERCEDES BENZ - Blue. AM'FM COll 5J3'14&5 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Holmdel area. Must hove own tront' ERSON TOSELL 5TEREO"EQU1P on Next Page rodlo. Good condition. Call 291-3790 offer 6 SALESMAN M/W —Executive type, liv- portallon. Call evenings, 264-4244. IENT - At high schools and colleges on ond weekends. Storage and Service EXPANDING MON MOUTH COUNTY ing In Monmouth County with salei or HAIRDRESSER — PorMlrnT REAL ESTATE FIRM — Seeks full time business background, to train as Speclcj Holmdel area, Thuri., Frl., Sot. commission basis. Coll 147-4612 between DISHWASHER ~ Neal a'ndiober.' Ton ond 7 p.m. mo~rwn7A~o'ur WINTER STORAGE — In our dry, worm real estate sales people for our new of- Agent. Starting salary to 512,000. Call Mr Call 946-9M7 or 8W-4425 evenlnpi. salary and Iringe benefits. DO NOT Help Wanted" door hardtop. Like new condition. Loaded. building. Discount on oil repair labor fices. Licensed or unlicensed. If unli- Belmont, 671-5D77, ,10 a.m. to 12 noon. PHONE. Apply In person weekdays only, fECRETARV INSURANCE - Generoi Radloltlre!. 291-0342 or 29Jj2!15 _ Nov. through" Feb- ' . Fre- -e local p-Iclcui p ond censed, we will train and prepare through SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS — Male and Female L : 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. AflonUc Highlands Nurs- nsuronce ogenty. Long Branch orea, coll delivery. Flagship Marine, MuniIclpol Ma- our special school. Unlimited potential. WAITRESS M/W — Experienced. / o.m~ PCul l -.onJd part-time, experienced only. An- ing Home, B Middletown Ave,, Atlantic ~"?966~¥uiCK LE SAB^ECUSTOM ~ rlne Basin, Allonllc Highlands. 291-2638. S15,00O-$2O,OO0 first year, possible man to 2 p.m. No Sat.'Sun, Apply In person >iy Tony s Mobile, Broad St. ond Maple 2292WO Air, power. Clean. 5400. Colonial Restaurant, 3 Broad St., Redpiy Tony . Highlands. OPEN SEVEN DAYSB:30to5. ooemenf In near future. Draw available, Ave., Red Bank. UTO MECHANICS [4] - Needed imme- CaH_(B7-8869. Call Palace Realty Associates, 98B-4400 or PERSONNEL WANTED - For expandfrig Hately for two of New Jersey'* fastest DRAPERY SALES PERSONNEL — Ex l"969 BUICK LE SABRE — Excellent con OUTBOARD MOTOR 264-5300. Ask for Mr. Steam. FLOORWAXER/PORTER M'W — Ful company In Mdnmouth and Ocean coun- trowing new car dealerihlps (one foreign, STORING AND WINTERIZING perlence preferred. Full ond port-time ties Coll B47-21W between to and 6 p.m. me domestic). Top pay plan In flot rate dltlon, low mileage. Automatic, air condi time days. Part-time night*. Good storting available. Freehold area. Coll Mr. Rauff, COOK-SHORT ORDER — Experienced •ujlorv. frlnpe benefits. Work frt one bullff for appointment. hop. Our men are always busy. All big BOAT BUILDING Honing, power steering, power brakes, vi The Boatman's Shop Steady and part-time. Apply In person, 771-4405, ompany benefits including hospf- nyl roof, tinted glass. flBOO. Call 2648756. ino- Call 747-5562. CLASS A AUTO OR TRUCK MECHANVC !4 Whorf Ave. 741-5710 Red Bonk' Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge, Route 1 CLEANING HELP - One or two days a Qlliation, vacations, un I for mi, etc. Work lMiTONTiAcTEJAPErf -two-door, Open weekdays, v o.m.-6 p.m. CARPET MEASUREM"E~N~M7W - Ex — Apply In person, Schwarti & Som, 141 1 a clean, well-lit shop. Conveniently to- Woodbridge, N.J. 636-2700. Ask for Peter. week. Four rooms. Atlantic Highlands. W. Front St., Red Qnnk. six-cylinder, power steering, power TRAINEE — Clean-cut, eager, aggrei perlenced. Draftsmen or some college Own cor. Coll p.m. 391-32M, 741 -W57._ uted three minutes from Garden State tl you havo oxporience in bo'at 1 brakes. Vinyl root. Can be seen ol Subur sive. To $7000 to start. Unlimited poten- preferred, Full or part-lime. 5I6-239-8S&S. REi^sTEREb"NiJ R5E'-"For "nursing >ky. Coll Jim Stopleton, 542-7300, for building or related mduBlrles, oi* ban Golf. »?»,, 787-6237. BUSINESS NOTICES ~~ MANAGE R/OPERATOR home, 11 a.m. to 7 o.m, shift. Excellent ore information ond Immediate appoint- tial. Now is the time to consider your fu OP POR TURTTYTOR AGG R"E SS IV E For beauty salon. ment. havo tho dosiro to learn !ha follow- (969~fnyVT~B50 — Excellent condition. ODD JOBS — Additions, panelingig. AlAlll lure! Call Dill Lucas, 747-1121, Snelling SALESPERSON —Major school bus man- salary and liberal fringe benefits. For ai 671-9770 between 9 ond (. point merit coll 2910600, Mon. through Frl ing Ira do s in the boat building in-, Newly painted. 1BS0 f ces of masonry. Driveways, CailPl 495""- and Snelling. 54 Broad St., Red Dank. ufacturer Is looking for representatives to HOUSEKEEPER "- For pleasant young PERSON — For car derailing and truck duslry Call 566-9176 evenings. 0119, 7B7-1608. SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES — cover school bus sales In southern New MANAGEMENT OPPORTU lomlly in Holmdel, Iwo days per week to- lTiB CAmLLAC — Mint condition Jersey. Salary and commission with addi- washing. Steady-work. o , NITIES/TRAINEES — Seeking career _ lo I. Flexible hours, *40, Own Irani Earn S!2,000 per year if qualified. Caf tional benefits. Send complete resume lo Loaded. While with block vinyl root. Miss 5trand. 2M"j7 poriunltles and higher earning*, No place- portotion, «71 -AMI. SLIPCOVERS Box K-71, The Dally Register, Red Bonk, ment fee. Call lor weekday or Sat. np' Coll 291-4729. MAINTENANCE -^ParMlmerA'ppfyai TELEPHONE" SALES WOODWORKING S.ifo, 140. Choir, 122. You supply the fob ^WINGMACmNEb?ERATORS NJ. Hooglond Instrument Co., 61 Chestnut St., poinlment. TERRAN RECRUIT 1966 dLDSMb'BILE TORONADO — Ex rlc, we'll do the resl. Guaranteed work On cootscoos . Union shop. Starting salary U MENT/CAREER COUNSELING SCR No experience necessory. 1 4 iTVou HAVE"A1:AR AVAILABLE^ Red Bonk. _ _ PAINTING cellent condition. Full power, air condt monshlD. 671-7H1U an hourhour . Ap-Ap j - Wal"'-l" Stree"—t Foihlons—'-•—- , 3«7 VICE, Red Bank. 707-3643. Call 84? 1710 Or 843-B7U MITSCREENING Wall St.. ReiBank AND TWO EVENINGS A WEEK TO FULL TIME CLERK —For work In Honing. Must sell. J1095. 495-IW. WORK — You moy qualify as a Beeline APPRENTICE WANTED — Mold mahrr. BOAT FABRICATION IjiFCADl'LLAC SEDAN'DE" VI i.LE — Your design ond/or Icllerlno put on T- Pharmacy. Apply in person, Boyshore Help Wanted shirts, lockets, posters, etc. Prompt dellv- REAL ESTATE SALES — Licensed pre Stylist. Earn J25-S4O an evening. Free Vocational school or expedentc pr* ENGINE INSTA11ATI0N Blue leotner, olr, stereo, AM/FM, all ex ferred. Aggressive growing office re wardrobe. No collecting, delivering or In- PHaoj^Atjontjc H Ighlonds. fejrred. Apply in person, Aero Tool Co., 9 ery.J4J:399;S. _ t. Male and Female tros. Must sell, reasonoble1671-93B?. quires a large staff due to expansion pro- vestment. Coll 229-1251 or 322,-9423 Or 229-NURSERN OR LPN, iTl p.'m, w»ek Ptjylfli St., Hoiltl, between hours of 9 gnd Mill MEN M/W 1947 CHEVROLETTMPALA REMODELING — Painting, paneling," gram. Only Interested In salespeople de 2M3._ end relief. EMERY MANOR, Motawan. Excellent condition. l)n. sneelrock and doping, concrete block ond strous of earning over $20,000 per year. 566-6400 tile work. Free estlmotes. 787-3721. „ Office leads, extensive advertising nation- SECRETARY — To manoger of real ei- FACTORY WOfi'K APPLY AT: Call ofter_5 p.m. l4_2-6Ui. al referral service. Member of two MLS', tafe office located In Matawan. For Inter- WAlTRESrM7v7 — Futl time. Apply In 'ackers, machine operators, warehouse FACTORY l9oB"FORD~i7AiRLANE"— Six cylinder fOR ODD JOBS AND 0U1CK SERVICE training program. All replies held In slric- view call Mrs. Powers, 671-2300. person, Bow Knot Restaurant, 69 Broad workers. Now accepting applications for THE LUHRS CO. alt three shifts. Apply In person to Pride oulomattc. Law miles. Good shope. 1600 — Attics and cellars cleaned. Junk re- .}e*t confidence. Send resume to Box G-77 SWITCHBOARD-RECEPTIONIST — St., Red Bank. JOBS firm. Coll 583-2791. _ moved, light hauling. No lob too small. The Dally Register. Red Bonk. J_ Mode Product), Inc., Edward* Industrial Brn'NIs Include Knowledge of office procedures. Able to DRIVER"" Center, 740 Lloyd Rd., Malawon. • COMPETITIVE WAGE JCALB Call 741-7631 between 3 and 7. operate a PBX-6DIA switchboard. Ex- l«e~MUSTA"NG~— Vinyl root! Elghf track DRIVER — Apply In person. Full time for PharmoOR DETIVERIE 5 -Nights. Experienced, ycor round. Apply Slncurn bt rrqu-ffd '0 wor* • PAID BLUE CROSS. ILUt WO'CHEVROLET BELAIR- Excellent ifue lolnls. SNYDER CHEMCLEAN, 938- Hailat. phone, pietnonl lurroundlngs. Salary SHIELD WITH RIOER J, PRI- . running condition. New (Ires and exhaust BW. ; Apply In person. Luigl's Famous Pizza, Fuel Co., 374 Broodwoy, Lona Brnnih. open. Cotl 741-0200. f'vr doyl, Mon Id SCRIPTION PLAN AND DINT At system. Asking S295. 747 4829. 477 Middle Rd., Hoilet, BOOKKEEPER - Aggressive, publicly SALESWOMAN M/"w"->ui or ixift tl'ur.' W. I o -'• * )> m PLAN DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS - Fur- held building company, seeks full charge COLLEGE GRAOS/NONGRAbS — Seek- 1865 GTO DENTAL HYGIENIST — Full or part- Decorator type ihowroom talcs. Coll '41- liny. • ON THE JOB TRAINING nished and Installed lor only 169.9S. To or- bookkeeper. Must be familiar with air ing career opportunities and higher earn- u'lt-r trotn Four-speed, M22, mngv lime. Freehold area. Reply Box M-85, Trie 6400, Mr. Leonard. ings. No placemen) fee. Call for week da/ • ADVANCEMENT OPPORTU- der, call 349-0163. [ournals, general ledger, and trial bal [if i \ Ot) H nip i NITIES . Coll 739-2575. Dolly Register, Red Bonk. once. Cost experience helpful. Salary CdUNTER~HELp"^-~No• experience npc- or Sol. appointment. TERRAN RECRUIT- 1 LIGHT"HAUUNG-CLEAN CELLARS, MENT/CAREER COUNSELING SER- toii/ntirjn. f"' " no iVfiT"(fHEVRO^ET ~1MPALA — Wagon. PAINTERS — Experienced. Apartment! open. Call Mr. Luff, 936 3067. essary. Paid vocation, free hospl- Ufirjyv ond nlhfr Air conditioned, rool rack, very good con- YARDS, GARAGES — Free estimates. and developments. Interior ana t%\tx talliatlon. Apply Top Hat C'eonert, irj VICE Red 8ank./e/-3643. Call otter 3 p.m. 741-2149. MAKE MONEY PART-TIME - Help pay l dition, J55O Also, 1965 CHEVROLET IM- 2M-9«-4 or 2M 35B?. your bills. One of the fattest growing Broodwoy. Long Bronchi eliveryon PALA, two-door, nice condillon, 1285. 495- INEXPENSIVE TRfcE REMOVAL senger work U* n, itafion For tree eltimolecall WORKING A5SISTANT MANAGER — companies in Its field ncedi you! Call af- ~~ DO YOULTKETO"iELI.7 THE LUHRS COMPANY 0679. ter 6 p.m. 531-0443. r tgr. Call lor , Wl 009/, _ J43479I Apply In person, Den's Cor Wash, Rte. 35, t's easy to be a success and earn anorj m. only, Hwy 35 264-8000 Keyporl BoufKJoryRd. (OlfB*. J20) , ' i9M> PON"fiAC Middletown. * E'XPE'RTENCEO' BEAUTICIAN - Port- money with repeat soles, far Information Marlboro, HJ. , 125 time. Call Kelly's Beauty Salon, Bilford, CARPET MECHANIC'S HELPEW" Call 291-3059 ALflRATIONS" W Ai T RE SSE $ NVW" M^rnino~ond""« v e- for Interview, 717-7034. Mult hove own nino shifts. Must apply In person. No MEDICAL AS5ISTANT -RECCP H JI?) |VSTCH~E~VRO~L E f 8 E L A I R — F O u r Dormers, porches, slolrl, oddlllons, etc. : phone calls HOWARD JOHNSON RES- YEMPORTRY TELEPHONE RECRUIT. TIONiST. Mature. Four day*. No wetV door, six cylinder. Good tires. Asking ree estimates. Insured. Reasonable. I doTAURANT, Rt. 3J, Middletown. MENT — For Monmoutri County Health ends. Holmdel ore a. Apply to Box K/5,CARttH OPf'OKrUNinfiS - Seeking 1400. Coll 2296311 atler 6p.m. |c* mysHt. Coll Jim, 176 Vtt. FULL TIME "MAINTENANCE*— Vto~4~ agencyjency. AreaAr s needed — Red Bank, As. The Dally Register, Red Bonk, N.J. higher earnlngi, promotions, |oh tfiangp? CADTLLAH W MexicoMexico, ,a ananddd ponlblpolbn a Nursing Center, Hwy 35, Hdilet. time evenlngi only. Guaranteed salary round hotel, in Kir / cornmr niurate with potlllDni In tl>e rt, Manmoulh, N>w Jerttyy or tto as follow. experience onrf rnptiblllty Apply In o«r s follow ROUvERE>peenc orxj comirilsilon. Work In Red Bank wllh private desk and telephone. For interview son to Mr. Fronkel, Berkeley Carferet Ho- A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES.TO SUIT YOUR essory. Must be personable, with some tel, Aibury Park. /?5i000. 'sates experience. Immediate employment. call Mr. Seal, 741-3)34 ofler S p.m m STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS MANY NEEDS Apply Little Silver Cleaners, 6flt Branch D^TAL«SISTANfE/p*riBnterJ,4/; LEGAL SECRETARY"-"With nl least Ave. days. X-Roy certificate preferred. Send nrec yean litiantion ri{>rticnre E« B.S.. M.S. and Ph.D. l«v«l Scientific and engineering personnel with U- lete resume fo Box K-73, Th« Dally ellent working tnnrJMiont ont) salary, porlence In AUTOBON/AUTODIN network ilmulallon, menafle •wllchlfifl. _IGHr s(Kbo'rtwVi'5£Mai.~V" — And' eny* f«K/m« to ll. level Scientific and t~n4,lne«rlna penonnel with dlreClly TAODINO MACHINES - typtwr H . h l*; fl4? JJ6i Virllng cloipi liom 7Sc. REU»ILLE$, wiln set-ups. Some machine shop knowl- area). 5onx> rorpenlry e^nprinece liHpful. edge desired. Apply Crown Engineering applicable exptritnee In Tactical Military CommunTcatloni tyitemi incojn' iold, rented. ftpo\te& 'Sfrpko'l. 101 Won 3ft Broad M . Red Bank. C AR'P'E N TER" S 0 B S - Voy but pe op I e 'horw Mr. Wnlkfp, 171 ie?i pasting ncedtine unclytli, dlaltol com muni cot I ont and IW Itching, vole* artmi rnoutii SI, Red Bonk. W Mil ._.„, Corp., Lotust St., Keyporl. 364-30W. witn crew, framers and lop all around SECfiETAWY — Jo Soles Monuopr. Ex- undduTa link requirement* analysis, roullnq and r»dundoncy,«rror control and Odd Jobs Sfe^PefARVF6rB^nVfofolfrMworkV people needed for year round work by hardware tiling. Fnmlllorlly with ttate oltheart, common leaf Ion* lyiiern* ome Improvement company. 22) 6935. perience preferrecj. Good ty[ting (inJ Roofing, Typing experience necessary. Good wlo- horthand skills. Muit t>e oh it lo ossume ilmuloiloni, materiel requlremtnti, military coitlng and operational concepfi ry. 6 p.m. until 9:300 p.m. Mon. thru Frl. . : devtlopment are dulrablt qjallflcotloni. ^ LIGHT MAULING -. r RTG! s TE:R?D~NUR(E ~~' m grit*VtiHI "t," "n fllponslbiiity. Apply lifiuo Building, Siding & Insulation 9:30 nm until A n mm . ssott . TlTrill AA// I ((U/VV )f fnr lo 7:30, full or part-time. Excellent work- »*IPH A. COLE. Builde New liomfi denned up. Fr« esllmoln. Ml II' appointme ihrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury. OLSON CO - flOOFING AND SIDING. ing conditions, good fringe benefits, work addition!, ollerollont and rooti 3 pm. IERVICE STATIONATTKNOANTS - Coll 7*1 3301 Injtofled and auororjteed lor 10 veon. 77S- PORTERS MTWIM/MTW^I H tlme"posifloritlmeposiflo» n a Nursing Home with on ixcellent repu- WEAPONS EFFECTS 6?01 - U\ Wto, avolloblllbl e In moderd n growinigg hospitahospitall . tation, Call 222-1277 between hours 14, Part-time weekend). Steady days - *U oskforMrt. Klnp. days. Must have e"perirnce. Apply In per- B.S., M.5 ond Pn.D. Itvtl Scientific and Engineering pertonntl wllh Weapon Pointing & Decorating Good salary, pleasant working conditions, son, Eddie Mini Sunoco, Broad St. and f:ffecl» eKperlcnce on loitght (or a variety of an-golno program!. Area* ol In* »l 36W S ft W ROOFING 741 6150ond full fringe benefits. Apply In penon, Clocks and INTERIOR PAIHTIMC. PAPERING QOOViWrMi^ia^nM\Q Hwy M, Keyporl, tereil Include Mail, TREE, Thermal and 6MP. • Monmixith County'i Live Wire Roof*r»" Personnel Off It*, Rivervlew Hospital, y «.15 per hour, plus Mberni beneffn. On Watch Repairs 542-0779 Sptclallift - rtpolrt, thtoglt wort Red Bank, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m, he |ob training will be given. Call Mr. BOOKKEEPING*'—'Llbnt'oiricewoVit" Qualified penonnel art Invited lo lubmlt rtiumei lo: 'l Antique clocks, waknei. f Etfuatooportunlty employer M/F. une, Holmdel tonvoieiceni Center, Hwy "orftlme, four-day week, to to 2 PAINTING --Rruih ondiproy. A 4 Hldt«642OO - Coll 74I-0M1. Pertly dorw Oor> l»on» Jrw MAM'/OUtH ROOFING AND R~N OR LPN — Full tfrne7T"nTT~¥xT 34, ^^ _ _ Rd ,;Foir Hovrn 14?4?U pof*rinTing( . Coll for Frtr eitlmalr. Cornrner ciol-reiirle ntlol fin cellenf benefits. Apply In person. Arnold- HELPER " Rod Stfi H E C K E RS AM D BAGGERS"- F or ranoftl tti 9W) or 49!, mi Waller Nursing Home, 672 S. Lourel Ave., ihore's leading dry cleaning plant, Pale) Anderjon"i Carpel and Linoleum SOS BRADDOCK, DUNN & McDONALO, INC. AfM R HANGING Hailer W-6J0B, _ r-acotlons, free hospllollioilon. Apply Slar Brood St., Shrewsbury. ^ Diomonds Ho loft too Mnaii _UBRrCATl6N>ERSON~ Experienced :t#omri and Loundenri, Myrtle Ave., FRANK f WHITING BOOKKEEPER - Part iimff, lor Notion- 80271eesburg Plko • McLean, Va. 22101 Bought or Restyled Slip Covers preferred. All fringe benefits incfudid. All ong Branch. al Health Agency. Reply flox M-PS, The CARL JONES Pointing and WrOlipa- UiTOM MADE SLtP COVERS TiJT toipltoliiailon. pwd vocation, lift Iniur- DlNTAL^»iMl(ed^ra7eb Dolly Register, Red Bonk. Attention: Dr. C.R. Wasaff Ltf in buy The ec service mondger, Nick Troccnlo, resume to Box K-72, Tht Daily Rigltter, NURi"eS A (b E"-~ i pVrh"iTplnrfour Rtimtllts'. 3* Brood St. Circle Chevrolef Co., Maple Avc.i Red ltd Bank, NJ, evenlnos per week. Call Shrewsbury Man- Bonk. or Nursing Home, 74l2(Uf Houses for Salt 32 The Dafly Eegtster, Red BanJc-MlddkUtwn, N.J. Wednesday, November 8,1972 THE FAMILY CIRCUS By BH Keane Houses for Sole for Sole For Sale For Sole ENGLISH TUDOR 'TED BANK TfltZLET Uv*!y gultt.artfl of Lltijt Silver. Dining $26,900 ANTIQUE AND INCLUSIVE — Tfvlflfl ITEMSi YbuTTO G room hot boy window, living room with Reduced to J7I.5OO income, two oport- IT'S EASY room ond -complete bedroom. Break!ront ments, (m-bedroom eoch, or convert o» Modern ronch home In excellent condl- and many others. 546-0664. tlreploce, eat-In-kitchen, panfry, three JMtrlno In your rollers or HIM and new NEED OR USE WILI large bedrooms, I1/? boths. Spacious oa- one fomlly. Living room, wtctien, dining ,tiori Lorne bedrooms, living room ond window ihodw will tx rtody In less than room, three bedrooms, two balhs. Full on hour. II J? on?uo. SACRIFICE — Everything must go. Din- meroom. Enclosed porch and flagstone m"in kiichen. Fenced corner property Ing room &rt, washer, refrigerator, furni- patio. An unusual home offered at 149,900. cellar. Coll tor appointment. Lloerol llnonclng ov.olloble to quolHPed - PROWN'S ture, Qolf clubs, old, old train, winter SELL buyers. clothing, W>ots, ond lots more. Storting •TllraadSI.. Red Sonic M ' Jay and every doy, from 3 p.m, Sot., LITTLE SILVER RUMSON GRANNY'S COUNTRY STORE Sun, from 10 a.m. 1 Donnelly St., Cirttom built five-year-old raised ranch. KEYPORT >New antique copper ond brass lamps, cost Union Beach. 2W-9O22 or 78M3I7. FAST St. James Parish. Five bedroms. Vi Gracious family living. Doctor's home. Iron figures, hand dipped country Ice boths, oil-purpose kitchen, cheerful dininq Too lorae for present needs. Family S28,900 cream, children s wooaen and blowup BEDROOM SET — Bookcase bed Tom- WITH A QUICK ACTION room, two paneled den!, two-car garage, grown Original owner five years. Five .chairs. Open 'til 9 p.m. Frjdays^ Slete with double dresser and one night Yeor-round comfort offered at W2.900. bedrooms, 3Vi boths with flagstone foyer. ImmKllolc occupancy on thil custom built ,»"1J Whitest, " 741-M44' " "Red Bonk lable. Three-piece corner grouping, two LOW-COST Two fireplaces, carpeting throughout. 12 yeor old ronch. Threr large.bedropmj, sola beds with one corner Fable, Console Beautiful game room, large eotin kitch- lorge country kitchen ond o lull t*>""lV^ 'FIREPLACE WOOD — Seasoned. S2J holt CE 23" block and white television. Call DAILY REGISTER ACT QUICKLY en. Mony closets. Central oir conditioning (Excellent residential oreo. VA and FHA ,cord. J50 cord. Stacked and delivered. before lOo.m. or 4 to 6 p.m. 223-5494. Coll todoy to see this rare find. Full base- and central vacuum system. We have financing available. Little Silver Repair Center. 747-0573 ment. Wide, deep, tree-shaded grounds keys. 197,500. ORGAN — Boldw^rp'anoVcmTc Tone, Three bedrooms, unfinished fourth, and FURNITURE ANDAPPLIANCES 'ith bench. Looks new. Needs work, FAMILY AD lorae living room, Perfect for young Wtlfore ond people with credit problems. ood for do-it yourielfer. J2/5, Cull 142- couple. 130,000. . Instant credit. Immediate delivery. Call 91*2 alter 7 pjn. FO3R LiNES-5 DAYS JEAN K. IRWIN CLOVER Mr. Promt, 373-6411 fwo~pi¥cErflROWN~ SECTIONAL'"SOFA JUST $2.00 Reoll.or - S7S, walnul desk, $20, llsti tank, stand oiloble for Merchandise For Sale only Marine Pork Red Bonk HAMMOND ORGAN* ond accessories, 120, toy box, 15. 543-6402. fit If niusi or io i ii jiff fr om n hoiMehotri ARMSTRONG 842-4188 LARGE "ORESSER ~ MSrChVsfot drap- and moy nol nceed a so'e price ol JW) 00 AGENCY -REALTORS HILLSIDE COTTAGE of Asbury Pork ers ond ifno'e bed frame. Formica SSO. 555 Prospect Ave. 741-4500 Little Si I DO YOU NEED A charming one roomy house wltn a 33 Brand new organ with Rhythm Coll 7I/-M3O. 'ncp MUST be advert.jed. Each addition llvirw room with rwturol stone llreploce, il line SI.00. No copy changes moy bt W95, COLONIAL AN APARTMENT? wlndow»oll dining room with beoumul node ond no discount', or returns will be view jlep-sovlng krtchen, three lorge bed- Immediate delivery. Bench, music ond Matching table ond upholstered rocker, node if ad is canceled before expiration .lessons included. If you think you can't afford a home, you rooms, Iwo loll baths, 22' lamlly room, «5 Coll cnj>38?^ To Place Your Daily Register moy not be aware that you can purchase a paneled ono1 beamed celling.*, French OF FTC~E~ TY P EwiRVT ER~AN 6 TABL E~~ FAMILY AD, CALL. . . Start the Nfw Ymr oft right in this li home with no higher monthly payments doors to enclosed porch ond privole patio, 775-9300 J30, rile cabinet with five drawers, 130, ly four-bedroom home. Den with f Ihon you would pay rent. AS LITTLE as ctttlc finished wllh built-in bunk beds, plus Open doily 'til » Sot. 'til 5 maple shelves 13 i' pine tree. 14, Stereo place, game room, central oir, patio, f 3% down to qualified buyers or no down basement and gorage. Lovely landscaped sneakers, two tor J15. Pocket radio, H ished basement. Beautiful home In Rh for Qualified veterans. '4 ocre lot. Wlnules to marina, shopping COMPARE BEFORE"YOIJTBUT"—~S^Md Encyclopedia, us Assorted books 25 741-6900 Ooks. Coll todov. jnd N.Y.C. transportation. CorTt lost ol vinyl siding doesn't dent like obsolete cents eoch. Call 74/0252. Let us finance your new home, In some S36,900. Realtor.- metal siding. Call tor tree estimate, D. W. 24-Hour Service cases one monln's rent and one month's Borr Home Improvements. S«-3053. COLONIAL PINE — Dining room hutch, ENJOY LIVING security Is all you need for a down poy- excellent condition THE KIRWAN CO. DESKS, FILEsTTabiesTcholrsy adding ma- WHY NOT ment on a house. Pleme call Mr. Ccpulo 5 Newmon Springs Bd. Red Bank. N.J. iCjet Ihe beit gufier, siding, roofing, win Coll alter 7 p.m., 29) 4285 Tudor in'wondertul Irtcndly neighbored for Information with no obligation. 747- chines, typewriters, office equipment^ etc. Excellent condition. All new ktkh< ot borgaln prices. New or used. AAC daw, and doors? You II be pleased VVI^I GARAGES'ALE"— NOV". io, n, 12." io 0521. ir lorge. selection at the lowejl possible thrre Bedrooms, patio, garage, heal 84^4350 ... DESK OUTLET, 170, RI. 3i, Ookhurst. •reenlree Ter Lmcroft. First slreel past basement. Immediate possession. Take *S31-3990. hristian Brothers Academy. PAULBRAGAR AGENCY look ! *49,00O. 7 Memorial PKwy Realtor Long Branch QUICK OCCUPANCY PROWN'S TAKE'—~ Soil" away" "the Bfue~ Lus7re"way "Can I wake up now?" Located In convenient Twinbrooks jecilon ! ' SEASONED FIRtWOOD • of Middletown, this four-b«droom» V-i- And loo spl Ittlng services. J? Brood St.. Red Bonk 741-7500 am carpets artd upholstery. Rent elec- Call Ulttil ic shampooer j). Becker Hardware Co., FAIR HAVEN bath home has central oir, two-cor go- MOVING -"MUSTSELL ~" »i 34, Colts Neck, N.J. Apartments roge, large paneled fomily room, and is PINE TREES Washer ISC. Refrigerator J*. Houses for ^ McCue $54,500 situated an on overslred wooded lot. Anx- Dlo your own. Scotch ond white plne.,7' In Coll 172-1387 RED 8ANK — Five rooms, unfurnlshec R^ED BANK ~~ One-bedroom bungoJo^v. Realtor* ious owner transferred. Only J52,900. 10'. 75c per ft. Directly behind Ihe Wicker MRS. B.OYD Heot/hot water free. Rent 1375 plus secu Suitable for couple. Security ond leose re- 30 Ridge Rd. Rl Luxury plus in River Oaks. Large IMni DRESSER — With mirror "ond maic'hing rlly. References. 747-4972 between 7:JI Boikel, Rte 34, Colts Neck. Open ID to 4 chesl ol drawers, sis. Our lamp ond lamp shbde huyer, will be quired. S130 month plus alt utilities. In- room with wood-burning fireplace, formo The daily. Tappy to assist you in your selection. p.m. and 9: JO p.m, only. quire 59 Wallace St., ofler 6 p.m. dining room, eal-in kitchen, den. Thre ,'87 4/44 Hufle variety ot low, low prices. kmg-sl7e bedrooms, two boths. Two-cor KE~ANS8U~fiG — F'lve Voams7 new"tw~ RANCH~MbuVE~—"6ne yeor oTd. Three $34,900 gorf>ge. Full basement with poneled game ONE NEW FIRESTONE TIRE — L/81 family house. 1360 per month, plus sec bedrooms, two full baths, living room, Applebrook NEW AND USER COLOR AND PROWN'S rity. 7I7-W93. room ond bar. Central air. Professional! BLACK/WHITE TV SETS — From S29.95 Block. *I9. dining area, family room, garoge, on o londscoped. See II todoy! Coll M3-1593 otter 6 pm. J2 Brood St., Red Bank /4I-75O0 BRAND NEW Agency-Realtors up. RED BANK — Two rooms and bath, fui one acre lot. Located in the Twin Brooks SHORE ELECTRONICS, INC. D!NVHG R00M~SEf ™Medit*e7>~ant* area. 3400 monthly. Call Mulloney Realty, TWO-STORY COLONIAL 95DHwy35 A71-23QO . Middletown nlshed. Suitable for single person. 671-5151. 514 Mam St., Beltord 787-4323 dork oak, tour choirs, buffet. Like ne Machinery for Sale 741 -fiSS 1 Imagine a brand new two-story Colon W?5. M 2-903 2. featuring four master size bedrooms, ei VAN HORN TRACTOR WEST FND - Two bedroom, unfui RED B~XNK —Shops ova liable In new In kitchen, large living room, l'/i both SHREWSBURY TWOISAN• s*VuTfs~— f*.e ipoTTtoai Grain drill, corn picker. nished. Completely remodeled. Co Victorian Village fo b« constructed adja- uiif Cui ulluLhet] utif uue. Exlet \v> I AGENCY REALTOnS WE'RE>PROUD three pairs of slacks, size 42, short. E; Call 946-UB5 vtnlenf to shopping and fransportatlo to THE HOUSE ON MONMOUTH mointenonce free ond the price unbeil Open 7 days. Coll 2i hours a doy. COLONIAL DRIVE — Ideal commuting , of our fnitallers. If you want o fine In - cellent condition. Reasonable. Phone alU Reasonable. SHAHCEN AGENCY, Real STREET. Occupancy November, 1972. vable. Building now and we have th 747-4100 area. Near bus, school and library. Eight (foliation of wtndowi/doori/iidlno/ 4 p.m. 747-5W2 'BULLDOZER - ALLIS CHALME-RS UE. tors, 727-300O. Days 747 1148. After 6, M7 4835. plans. Make o dote with the HOME FIND bxcellent condition. 904 River Rd, • Fair Haver year old. two story colonlol. Five bed- /ooflpg/seomleis gutters, call • NOW TIRES — Used one seoson. Fi £R to see this ont ol only 134.900. Wan rooms, three baths, central air condi- Call evenings W9 IS53. MONMOUTH BEACH - Ocean vie WIDE SELECTION OF RENfAIS —"Fur- lost, 10% down to qualified purchaser. tioning two torqe porches, fenced yard. itorw Town and Country, fl.85x!4. nished and unfurnished. Immediate occu- Best offer. U\ \7W 19«7omrDE^"RE^B^C«HVE'"^rJrewT, Two-bedroom apartment. Immediate o< "SEE THE HOME FINDER" Situated on P. acres on quiet dead end PROWN'S cuponcy. No pets. 1225. Newly decorati pancy. SAMUEL TEICHER AGENCY, street. Asking $67,000. Phone Ml 193?. UOOO. John Deere Crawler motor loader, JJceonport Ave., Oceonporf. 542-35D0. Three-bedroom split. Large family roon 3? Brood St., Red Bank H\-JWQ G"ARXGE"SAL"E~— Moying! NovTioTl 1 dlnel, S2000. 747-SIM. 32f-4430, 272-O7W. 10-4 p,m. Bunk beds, rollowoy bed, othei with fireplace, screened porch, pnvac PIANOS-ORGANS RED BANK — Semi (urnistied two room FAIR HAVEN — Three bedrooms. V/i BOWTELL planting. New woll-lo-wall carpeting, furniture, household Items. Toys. Go< ond bath. Private entrance, garage. Go* "irOMMUTFR-S SPECIAL Used trode-lns from S75. Warehouse tor :ondillon. 19 Fairway East, Coll* Me boths, wall-to-wall corpetlng. ideal loca- ASSOCIATES-REALTORS washer, dryer, refrigerator. Walk lo N.Y, One mile trom N.Y. trolns, plus walking Kimbotl, Conn. Yamaha, Chlckering, Opfi- Auction Sales location. Suitoble tor one person. S10I tion near schools ond shopping. S325 per bus. J39.900. B42-I835. _ off CrineRd.) month, all utilities Included. References 291-2100 distance to N.Y. bui, schools ond shop- pon-Unf.mltrjd rentals from 17,50, Brtnq AUCTION" - EXCAVATING CON- month. 843-4954. ping, places this beoutltul lour-beitroom the foiDlly ond choose from over st5t> Available Dec. I. 549 OASfi or 7380373. COUNTRY CU"fE~AS"A"8UffON "" BABY ITEMS - Cribs, complete. Hi on TRACTOR — 1964 Series II Michigan PENNSYLVANIA - PoconTTokeTfTew Redecorated Long Bronch home, f^i spill In one ot Mlddlelown s finest oreo. units. 0-9 dolly. Sot. until 6. FREEHOLD MJ. Dresser, »I5, hlchchalr HO. carstot loader, welder, acefylene torch, sttam RED BANK — Unfurnished Gretntrei Ski Chalet. Sleeps II. TV. dishwasher, bedrooms or three Uedr uoitis ond d Not only does II sit un " beaulilully reed MUSIC CENTER,.4OH730, 9, training chair, U Btmlnet, u, «cal< COLONIAL • nny, oir compresser, drill presses, Apartments, 339 Spring St. One-bedroon fireplace. Tennis, fishing, golf. Weekly or Over an ocre at property, backing up to Living room, dining area ond kilchcn. Ful holt-ocre lol but il olfers o formal dining ijTRTN "TRAVEL TRAILED-i^O. Self ackt, snow plows, all shop tools and oportments available Immediately. Cal week-end. Low rates. Nov. During ski farm, is the setting tor this tour-bedroom basement ond one-car garage. Woll-ta room, and on U«12' lamlly room along irontalned. Extras include IS' awnino, rAl(A"GE~SATE~^~sTudenti" to Prone parts. T. Fred Smilh, Rt. 537, opposite for appointment, 741-3953. season, private ski area 671-3071. T/7-ba\b home with huge family room one woll carpeting ond many more extros in wilh a 12«16' screened pallo. Priced right 'woll-lp-wall carpeting, spare wheel ond Sat.. Nov. II. 9:30 to 4 p.m. 56 Butto Freehold Area Hospital, Nov. 11, 10 cm, central air conditioning. Immediate oca eluded at 118,900. Colt us naw! ot 134,S00 with an assumable mortgage. Andy Zuctcowlch, Auctioneer. SAITPE Uu5 MO NM0UTH~B EACH —~Fo~urt)edroom tire. Cqll 67I-4457. _ wood Dr., Fair Haven. (Ofl Fair Havei apartment. All utilities furnished7l . 227-1700 poncy, and II Is in excellent condltio This one cant last. Coll now 79MS50. RdJ house, fully furnished. Avoliable Nov. 15, Walker & Walker, Realtors Realtor. • ., 455 Ocean Blvd., Long Branch. shorl ferm leose. S35Oper month. Call 747- U5.000. ctnn 'CLASSICAL SPANISH GUITAR - With Hwy. 35 741 5212 Shrewsuur KIRWAN CO, 717-5500 hardshell case. EBONY CLARINET, TIREi AND RIMS — Two Fires ton Merchandise Wanted APART/WENT FOR RENT 3011 or 747-2B3V0fter 5:30 p.m. The CUFFWO OD~"BE ACH ~~t" hree~bedr oom HAMMOND'S CADETTE ELECTRONIC snows, 735x15, mounted on rims, 115 house with baseboard healing, hardwood FAIR HAVEN — Put this chormer on pair, excellent condition, One Flrestor WANTED Call evenings FOUH-BEDROOAA — Two-bath split, part- ORGAN. 946-975) 471-1675 ly furnished, 1350 per month plus utilities. floors, fencedin yard, basement. Reason, vour ticket tor election day. Four sunny deluxe champion, r35x15, mounted, 17, e Used Oriental Rugs able. Will negotiate wilh buyer. Call be- bright bedrooms, huge country kitchen, HOT WATER~"FURMACE"~~btfe7heiid 00 cetlent condition. Two I5"x5" five ho Chinese and Persian Security required. Call after 4:30, 241- Applebrook UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY - Rent Opor 4?». tween 10 o.m. ond 6 p.m, 583-5977. large lamlly room, living room wllh lire- root doon, oil lank, lumber. Coll eve rtms. SS a pair. 6/1-9261. Also Wall Tapestries menl. Buy model furniture. A decorator nlnoi, 671-1175. ftXl^DLEC place. Maintenance tree. In-ground poo FRIEDMAN GALLERlS 7741143 dream, lush and jiiuih. Move in todoy GfoN ARDO — Small tw>Tb-bedToorn Agency-Realtors wllh new stockode fencing. The decor ol Yacht Harbor, 1382 Ocean Ave., Sec house. I20O plus electric and gas. Security HJAv^olTwo Rivm J42-J900 Rurtiii Custom built ranch, three bedrooms, large UVING ROOM*SUITE — ~frodTnbnoi" TTQUE JEWELRY —"Top cash paid." living room, dining room, kitchen, large this home is fantastic. Offered In the mtd Couch, two choirs. Like new, 1400 con ^AR. BENNETT Bright. S42-6618, 741-1300. ond references required, 872-0648. will be pleosed to come lo your home om LES DEUX & DON PONS, /99 River Rd., paneled fomily room. Altoched garage. <0's CAMAS5A AGENCY, Realtor, MLS, plele. .Will sell separately) 471-0918. ur Fair Haven. S42-6257 or 741-4337. 1 talk about yo outter problem. You cor LONG BRANCH - Nf COZY COlTA^E~~Pu7nTsh't"d71 li7« Near Porkwoy, Rt/33 and 34. 21 oci 120'x125' jot. Fenced yord. Pointed tnii 4 Porker Ave., Little Silver. 741413*. GASOLINE CHAIN" 5AW — 16 "tip.Extra depend on his expert judgement and be as COMBINATION SAFE — Floor model, luxe apartments, furnished or unfur bedrooms. Top area. To June I. form. Three-bedroom older home. Goi year, Inside and out. Many extros. B* •blode, Very aood condition. Home use. »5 sured of a truly fine Installation used. Give full detoils (slie, weight, price, nlshed. Air conditioning, all utilities e, 279-0618 after 6 p.m. condition. Out-buildings. Sales pri> owner. 537,S00. Call 7B7-6544. SPACIOUS TWO-BEDROOM RANCH — etc.) Writ* Box R 10, The Dolly Register, YA.WO. or will trade for 20 gauge shotgun. 747 ceptlng electric. CoH 522-875A after HIGHLANDS — One-bedroom furnished In lovely Middletown area. New wollto- ~ IBk weekdays. Sat. and Sun., after 12. MIDDLET^WN^Near all transportofioi PROWN'S bungalow. All utilities Included. On Rte WALL TOWNSHIP ond schools. Aluminum Cope. Four bed woll carpeting throughout, fireplace, two- 32 Brood St., Red Bonk 741-750 KEANSBURG — Three-room furnlshec 36. $190 per month. Coll after 6 p.m. 291- ooms, two full baths, kitchen, livini car attached garoge. HB.OOO^Ccll 7^-9525. BUYS AND BUYS apartment, winter rentals. 1115 monthly, 3940. 46 acres. Two homes and barns. Sole oom, fireplace. Large house, many ex MfbotETOWN '- FouFTerHiVocres'Wth' . WINDOWS-DOORS ALUMINIUM STORM WINDOWS — %'. price 1110,000. largp center noil Colonial and lorge born Grids and ends. Some used. SS each. Ser- each, screens, 12, door canopies, 13 each (From on entire household to a single KEANSBURG •- Three bedrooms, 1';» tros. Cnll tor appointment, 741-5452. 1 tem. Antique furniture,Jewelry, silver, in nice setting ol mature trees. Handy lo vlceoblr and ujefut Itomj. Come buy! Electric dryer, $15. Fur cope no. De THREE^ROO/W APARTMENT — Secon baths. 1250 plus electric. Security and ref- Open Saturdays until 5 p.m. lamp, 15. Mirror, S5. Steps, 6, 110, (oil mmedlate cosh, Top dollar. 74J-J33J. . 1 erences. 787-S923. A. KOZICKY FOR SALE OR RENT — Commuter churches, schools and shopping, 5B5.WJ0. and rank, ill. Antique lamp, »)5, Platlor floor. All utilities supplied. One month ! REAL ESTATE, Broker delight, Beautiful three-bedroom ranch Io HAROLD LINDEMANN, Broker, Eoton- RED BANK LUMBER rocker, barrel chair, JIO eoch, Sewing ma PRlVAT1~COCUECTOR —" WIIIToyiiop security. Available Dec. 1. Call 78M)i2i FAIR~H~AVEN~^~fhrYe-be?droom, fiTT-' 542-2223 cated in one of Middletown's finest oreas t5«ni)3 chine head, $10. Pans, J5. OH burner gun doltor for Lionel Trains "O" gauge. Any otter 5 p.m. ^ place, den, fenced-In back yard. $300 NEW RANCH-$41,990 lor commuting. Extras include wall-to f Wll St R 7*1550 S25. Controls, *S. SO gal. drum, J5. Mani age, any condition. 347-144$. " month plus utilities. 547. 1774 alter 5. all carpeting, finished basement ond FIREWOOD — DeTlVe r ea"ondiVtacked COLONIAL ARMS APARTME"NTS^ No development, one of b kind on heovi overcoat and suit, lorae slie, 115. Steno CASH"? b R b L o" fo Y "T R A i N'S '—" Ann*y Sea Bright, immediate and future occu- 1 bar, sewers, two oir conditioners, etc More Classified (rH. US cord. Hi SVcord. type, SIS, typewriter, »I5. 872-0919. freed lot. New ranch has three bedroom Sale, S37.9O0. Rent, $300 month plus uMli make or condlllon or will trode HO, 077', ,0 pancy. One and two-bedroom apcrtments I'.'i baths, laree llvina room, formal dl or wide gauge. /74J710. Private beach and pool. Dishwaiher, Wanted to Rent Mes. For further Information coll 7417367. on Next Page VICTORIAN "AR"M"CMAIR"~—~$567W_ ing room, family room, spacious pot- TWOHO5S"ETRA7LER~" ~~ wnsher/dr/er, refrigerator, olr condl kitchen. 10% down to qualified boVe Hortmon T y sewing cabinet, 115, full Pluld Stamp MS"-^Worirgob3"ser of drums for 11 (toning. See Supervisor, Apt. 118. WE NEED — Five or six, 2-3 bedroorh~ HOUSE FOR SALE — Good opporlunit KS, 1? tact\. Royal Ooulton flourlnes, yeor old beginner. Rental Homes, furnished or unfurnished FHA, and no down VA Io qualified buye to make money. Price set between ownei Phone 5M-7J34 from US lo 1350 per month for Incoming Only 141,990. JUeach. 70-3o4?._ Call after 6:30 p.m., 741 394$. ATTRACTIVE RIVERFRONT VIEV\ and buytr. 747-4196. Instant Money (fHAIR AND SOFA-BED~- fiborftVpfe APARTMENTS — Available immediately personnel, THE BERG AGENCY, Rt. 35, coffee table, 135, maple desk, us. Call be- GARAGE~DOOR -T7aT| hardware^ ... middletown. 671-1000. TR A NVMTTTwit b~'o R J u s T "6 u r- Two wood sash windows, 32x50", 113 OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china," Near shopping and transportation. To Ir tween 8 >.m. and 7 p.m. 7O-394A. spect coll fl 1-3691. PAUL BRAGAR GROWING YOUR HOME?-Coll or ?4KJS", 110. 344-6941. •ojonwore, art objects and oric-o-brnc* FAM ILY~H0USING N E E DE D^ Realtor write for your complementary copy of Ap r.imedlote cosh lor onvthlng ond every-' 1 A R TJ FICTA CoTS'lTf NCX S i«"EE~— 7 RUMSON — One-bedroom unfurnlshe 794 Brood St. Shrewsbur pleBrook's monthly Homes tor Living Scotch pine, seven fl., verv lulllull.. Used TAl NLE SS StEEL~H00 D~^? 'TwIth "'"^L^H^l^-J? East Front St. 741-1693. apartmenl. Sultoble tor single or couple. Social Service ogency seeking rentals for 747-0221 magazine. Offers pictures, prices, de- once. Include* stand. S30. H2-73*lH273*l, exhoirsl (an, J35. Lamp. 115. Shutters, S3. WANTED' Its clientele. It you hove aportments or scriptions. APPLEBROOK AGENCY Books, 25c eod).B/MB36. Heat, water. No pels. 1195 monthly. Yea Old fashioned wooden kiddy cor. lease, security. M2-0606 after 6. houses for rent, please coll Mrs. Hilda Realtors, 950 Hwy 35. Middletown. 671 C*MERTnScjinivirc3M." profnsiornTl, Call otter 7 p.m., 7417672. Fornobio, 542-8000, Ext. 247, Mon. thru 3300. .twin leni retlex with 10 mm and 13S mm BTROOAA APARfMENT — Furnished LARGE COLONIAL lensei with extras. Like new. Coll 741-506? '^"STHELVVNG'SAUET" Fri. No commission involved. betwefln9 a.m. and 7 p.m. mfurnlshed. S!&0 monlhly, alt util NEW SHREWSBURY — S4B.5O0. Five k »1? -B" Nova Ply Shelving 11.49 eacrt Included. Highlands. Waterfront. Security ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT — Fur MIDDLETOWN. tet things, tidy with tNs versatile shelv PETS year-old split level. Four bedrooms, 2' CASH REGIsTET^bne'vearoidTild.' plus references. 291-1141. nithed, or etficlency, for approximatel baths, paneled family room/ two-car get Ing. We also hove otlrocllve standards June to Sept. Older woman. 946-9506. Elegant tlve-bedroom home, on 2'^ ocre Batter/ charger, J125. AND LIVESTOCK featuring three full baths plut two powdei rage.. Large lot. Available Dec. 1. 842 Coll Ultnt otter *, and brockets In slock. Open Saturdays un- BEAUTIFUL VIEW - Shrewsbury Ri. . til 5 p.m. oceon. 2'/3-room furnished apartment. Ma- rooms, fomily room with fireplace, lorgi 5032. DINING ROOM SET LHASA AP5O — Pure-bred pups. Shot; turt business person. Highlands. 871-1310. Furnished country kitchen, separate llbrory, 24x' Seven pieces. Good condition. RED BANK LUMBER ond wormed. No papers. J7S, living room, full bosement. All brand new MUST BE SEEN — Brand new super Co Male/temalt. 4«-35M or W-V22. KEA>ISB"UR&~"Oupie"»i""twir bedroom PLEASANT AND CHEERFUL ROOM - 597,500. Contact builder direct. o71-S92 loniol bi-level located on one full acre .;? _ Wall Street Rrd Bank 741-5500 5700. includes heot and hot water. Imme Private, suitable for male. Call 946-8441, doyt or £42-1059 evenings. the best area of Middletown Township AKC REGiSTEREO FRENCH POODLES' dlole occupancy, W-3364. Natural beauty year round, surrounded R.O0R 'POLISHER-IIO — Electric edger, IREWOOD — We will till your trunk :30 and 8 p.m. or 747-1041, 12 to I p.m. $25. icwlng machine, S3Q. Miniature, puppies. Black. 60' spruce ana evergreen Irees. Four bed- Molmdel area, Call 739-79VB otter 5 p.m. KEANSBURG~'~ FIveTOorn oportrncnt^"ii LARGl STUDI0~R00M~P>7vate" full 1 M4M new home. Sultoble tor odult-,. Avollabl RED BANK-RUMSON ANO MILE: rooms, 2 '] baths. Large eotin kitchen 946-S5M OUR CHANCE — To buy a beautiful anytime. Lease, security. 787-O9fll. bath, entrance, and parMnp. No cooking, AROUND — Multiple Listings. Send fo with 26' of beautiful cabinet space, 21' BABV"FUR"N"J f U R'E"—~C>7bTeiici7Fl'en AKC Collie. Adults and pups, moles and Sultoble for lady. 741-4792 after 5. free cotolog of mooest homes, farms, pa paneled family room. Oit heat wjth cen WICK, WAXTWOOD AfLANTlc^TiVGHCANOS~~~ Three^roon trol air conditioning. Contact builder, eve condition, S50. Carriage, 135, High choir females. Variety ot colors. Lovable tem- RED BANK - Nicely furnished bedroom latlol Rumson estates, waterfronts, acr FREE Incentive gins. 787-560?. 10. 542-0324 before 12 or alter S. perament. Reasonable. 841-7014. apartment, with fireplace, completely fur oge, lots, business opportunities. nlngs, 151,900. 471-1279. nlshed. One-car garage. 1700 monthly with living room and kitchen privileges, STILL FREE r VE RGREENCITRISf MAS f RE t 57'- ""FOURi'Kltf ENi~—ivt 'moMhs~oid."~~ 'Coll Bohrs Real Estate, 1 Day Ave., High '.uttoble for woman, 339-3020. RAY STILLMAN ou dig our cut - also imnll holly and oth One Siamese cat. Free. lands. B72 1400. ; i delivery at rs In containers. Coll 944 8571 Call 787 2867 AITEWIDEAT" Realtor : HIGHLA"NDS ~ Tnre"e~or FooTr-Toom Graceful Lines ALE AT 5WIFTY S ANTIQUE 5HOP""— apartments. H Shrewsbury Ave. Coll Y.ear round living for Golden Agers. Nld • "Our 54th Year" PROWN'S 171 Main St., Bellord, Trains ond acces GERMAN 5HEPHERD PUPPIES — All ooms, ocean view, three homecooke white. AKC registered. Seven weeks old. nights, 212-545 8454^or weekends 172-9/38. 648 Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 741-861)1 21 Broad St., Red Bonk 741-7500 series, furniture, china, orli-a-bfac, lools. meals doily, 24 hr. love and attention 'SALE — TuDle with leof and" four choii 1 Coil 747-2714 \ COM FOR TAB LEAN D P R "lV A f E - You're not "lust a name" here. In Asbur Open 10 o.m.-rtoon dally. I wilt folk price . S39.W. BARON DINETTES, 1B/4 Hwy 35, RECtKtf TJEN5 — Litter trained, one 8 Thrre rooms and both. Excellent locollon. ^k call 775-5006. "~ EVENING TIRE SALES Steam heat and wafer provided. Just rlgnl . MILLSTONE Printed Pattern Middletown, N.J, one 4 months, one 5 months, need WffTf ER *~REr7fA"L.T-"*Rooms'"w)Th"pM SPAN IS" ff G0»TAR" Guaranteed premliim tires, ^MWI nnd '.for their family! 741-7BI3. for couple. Call 779 4389. regulars at lowest prices ever! Free ate both and weekly maid service, 33! TOWNSHIP , Never used. Only i ond 6 pm. mount^tg, 546-247,6 evenings ___TE"— "AKC." FemaTc'r Show "qualVfy, trained. Very loving. V/i y*an old. Mov apartment In fine residential area. Private Sea Bright. 842-30S4 or 767-9A5S. Ing mod SM0.WM ME'DIT'ERHANEAN'DINJNG~RO6M SET Ing, musrsell.-741-M9) after^5:3O. entrance. Walking dlstonce to town and nOviilRbJECTOR — Dcccrolor. %\tO0. Nine beaullful pieces schools. All utlllfles Included. Coll 741 KEA~NS*BURG"—"Nice furnished roorrTcT • MEYER MORRILL Portable TV, »3S. 671-4292 ^ RlHf Td~G~6bb~H6M~E~— Large YlVe 35l3after A p.m. the shore by reservation. Reasonable. Coll BROKER J42-48 Phone 543-07/9 nonth old black pup. Mother was full-bred 787-9887. 56 Church SI. Llltle Sllvi (21"FlSH*ER~j("P"«T— 'Two-wVy spedVer .abrodor retriever. Needs yard to run. P R ESI D E NT IA CAP A R TM E NT PRIVATA7EENTHANCE ENTRANCE -SarI ee both anani\ system. 1115. Vormed/all shoti given. 842-95'fl. 161S PARK AVE., ASBURY PARK FIREWOOD- , Coll 787-6824 _ ,_ Itchenelte. Sultoble for womenj)nlyl . CCatl MIDDLETOWN $26,50C Luxurious two-bedroom, twobath opart between 3-6 p.m. 471 -3588. WOOD CHIPS 1969'fRAVEL fR'ATLER -IVit\f"con RVAWoMRsrWHrSKEVAnnoun« ment In modern high-rise building near Large Colonial In finest area otters ', 145. Honey maple weeks old. will hotd for Christmas. 741-2404. Call atter 5 p.m., 747-M98. nlshed three-room apartments. .AH utili- URTRonVforrentl ^AA0E SLE - AAon., Tuev, Wr douhte bed, 15 74/-3S/5 ties. Weekly, monthly. Noultlui Apart Rcasonoble. Outdoor furniture, indoor furniture, WEIAAARANER PUPS Coll 78M3&3 frlgerator, many olhpr itrmv H Atnel WET A I. TOP FABLE - And lour choirs, menls. Sea Bright. 847-0505. RUMSON — Large three-bedroom Cop« 175. Gal hot water healer, JO gallon. 120 Six week* old. AKC. ATLANTiC HIGHLANDS —Luxury HI Circle, Lime silver, IO o m. to i p m. Call 449-97BA. ROOMS"—~STBio week, all improvements Cod on well londscoped bulkheaded prop Call 842 4137 Rise, 10 Ocean Blvd., 1-7-3 bedroom apart- Ltplit housekeeping. Suitable fnr women erty. Unusual extrn* Owner regretfully MOVING^MliST SELL - One year < "NGVIS'H SETTERS — "6RANGE"/B"LUE" ments. Available for Immtdlate occu 105 Shrewsbury Ave,, Red Bank. transferred. $52,300. 842-6380. waihir and dryer, cement mixer, a PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE - Solid cherry IKC.Sired by American/Canadian chomp, gale lea lable, 42x96, excellent condition, parcy. Call 291 0337 or visit. tobltiaw. Call 791-4103 •Manlove't Chimney Sweep." Whelped K EANSBURG — Fur ni shed three'room MIDDLE TOWN — Three-bedroom split $200. Wai 1.159. 847 0939 centrally located. l'/« treed acres, Scienci GAWAGE~SALE~~ fv.'niori'i" bike/sl \Q/)1/Jl. Ready after Nov. 3i. 566-4167. apartment. Suitable couple. All utilities REAL ESTATE HOUSEHOLD — t urnlihings. Dining set. Separate entrance. Near stores and public kitchen, wollto-woll corpetlng, screen* to, Othir odds and ends. O TERRIERS - AM ages, flrown. eor porch. Ahove-ground pool. Sewer 2J Charles St., Keansfiurg. kitchen set, poker Inble, odd pieces. Also, transportation. 78/0134. snow blower, tomerns. 7-197840 IOK terrlrri rhfop Oog lr«e. FOR SALE Full bosemeni. Excellent condition Prlr This helpful book lolls you Call (609) 799 1148. clpols only V45,0OO, 471-5413, COUCH AND CLUfl' CHAIR - Wllh slip KEANSBURG -" f hree"rooms" wllh'b'ath Houses For Sale how to turn your hohbics into ALUMINUM""' rovrr^ lrxcHlPnt condition. Need 1150 plus utilities. Tor slnale or couple BY OWNER - Two twolamllVhome S75 J.I I ouls Circle, Mlrldletown only. Relerences required. 78/-5A34, oiler "h 30x60 goroge and workshop, wit money instantly. COMBINATION REAL ESTATE A. HORSE FARM J WINDOWS, while, 130.93 each, un In • 400 slble home site on approximately BICYCLES - One lody's nnd one mqn's. 5 ocres of acllve horse lorm ovei acre. Finest neighborhood In Malawon Begins at the bcKinnirij;. ex- un(t*d Inchei. Be»or« you buy, ^p t FOR RENT SEA'BR'(GHT — Two rooms,'furnished ond frontage Possible room lor 81 Ctiolhom o will twllt ilurdy unit ol I! including TV and utilities, 10 minutes. Fort Rent now over 5900 per month J72,OO0 Call after A p.m. /41-9W7 lolls, paddocks, exrrciie ring, lumping lertm available. For deialli, write Box M plains all about arts, crafts, »ed\ additional, II your Instollrd. Apartments Manmouth. 11&S. 347 HOD. Ing, ond much more, such as o three-bed ':. Optfrt Salurdayt until 5 pm. TWIM'SIZF TRUNK BFDS •• With bo« 91, The Dolly Rtghfer, Red Bank. talents, skills and the quick- spring ond mnttrpis. Excellent condition FANSBURG'- Modern three room 'oom Colonial ond small cottage. Coll ui partmenl. Furnished or unfurnished, Commercial Rentals or information. Selling lor S83,*O0. COLONIAL CAPE - 137,500 est, easiest way to turn your RED BANK LUMBER par transportation. Call 495 0416. Over half ocre ol trees, shrubs and roMIni APARTMFN r SALC Fverythlno" miii1 The SHOP OR OFFICE - One room, River n enhance the charm of this beoutili free innmitits into cash. (lives i ~ And tour chair be sold Fufnilute, Ccislro, cllnelte, air REO'TjANk "- Two and' a^TToom fur hnmp. Morbk fireplace in living, room conrilllonrr, tomplrte sewing machine /ilsh^ct opfirlmenls. Air cotiriltioncd, J>ri- Rd,, Fair Haven, Village a'rta. SS5. 74 Aportmen! s(7e. Good condition. V>. orr) ICM. Mr. Coiens. Three bedrooms, formol dining roo advice on advertising, si'llinR, * Call after 5, /41-3W/._ outllf, lotifics, v s, ulenjiK, nnok^, ond Trie enlroncpf nnd haltis, nil tilllltip\. (Jul Applebrook Icrge den ond full basemcnl with profi oddments, n Molly PUfhrr Vllltioe, I. rr^ilcntiol nnqhborhood. W1U1 alter LONG BRANCH - From "$7*/0 per soTf publicity, brandling out, ,_ UPRIGHT PIANO courl area, ot 0ranch nnd Madison, in slonol slate pool lable Many extras KIR p.m. i All utilities ond services Included. Immi Agency-Realtors WAN CO., Reollors.ysTjotflP.' ' $85 Red Btink. Sol , Now II, 9 to V more! "• le occupancy. »7-30O0. 3A Route .14 5M-/600 Matawon RED'BANK """" S9,VO0 - EARLY AWFRtCAN LDLO 944-430J GARAGE: SAO NOV II - Sot , 6 am lo LUXURY HI RISE "~(V\iDDlTTawN " 7 NIAL With a vlrw ol the river In Fol Send ONK DOLI.Al! for IN- * GARAGE SALES 1 JO p ni , 444 NavPMnk River Rd , Mid Rlvervlew Towers DESIRABLE Iremely oltrottlve three-bPrirnoir Haven. Tastefully remodeled to reloi I will odvlse, price, and If you. wan dletown. Moving. Must \ell dineltp %et, pe 7S Rlvrrslde Ave., Red flank WATERFRONT onch Full baiement, Features UxJJ pan Ihol "chorm "your (ornlly dr-vlrev Centei STANT MONEY from your monogt your sole. 747-5079. deifal table, foldlnq t r11>, high U. Ucpl,, Box llil, Old Chelsea : WALKER & WALKER ''iiSTblvTBUiLT 'BArV-~Wlth" ifalnli" GARAGf SAl.( - Movl > l 1 I f IC 11 N< V M'AIMMf N I Of Victorlon VHIaoe to bp (nnstructed odi sifH sink, lour swivel SIDDIS, and slornf Three plete innplr livlmj room %rt, \ nt In THE HOUSE ON MONMOUTH Reoltori WOW! S3V00O -- Red Btink Colonlol Jtnl Stalion, New York, N.Y. (fjinnet bpttind. Tappon aos rnmjr wil back rholt, hrrimnm ihnlr, lit it< STRTFT. OctuporHV November, 15/2 3S 67I-JJ11 Wiiddlrfowrt three blocks to stores, icfunils, onrl hi Kljyi. Print Name of Book; dpiiiiie oven ohove and below, Toro pn child's tot)le onrJ ttinli \, flesK\, low ( thly DOWNS! A Hf ACH Mil ff L IM) DoyW4/-U4a. After A, 84? 4BJS. RIVER OAKS RANCH line, Beautifully remodeled wilh Iwo nr ' " il rider, /!> ' reel cut. electric star IfliTipi, brk o ftrnc, nnfi lot\ ninff f ittn, Ihrfe bedrooms, Kilchrn wil priced. Call J91-MJB. nn Avc . ^r(l flrujMI 19\ H/S Ol B4J ^ OLDr MIR HAVEN * ~" rw listing. Chnrmlnq livtnq room with Your Name, Address, Zip. ond Fri , 10 to 3 P m. M Swortrrl Dnvr, / »., SHOPS FtVF lokco^es and lireplnce. Dining room foKfost area, dining room, enclnsr DfLiNG? RE-PAINTING? — D Come loin us One shop for r«nt. J Red Bank-Eatontown Area RUSSELL AA. BORUS on GAROEN STATE PARKWAY ot mo|or RtALTORS (icnlly flowing linos surest t L I LT HOI UX VACUUM C- spinet plnno, Call /4MdJI, Irnm VVednrs : IVPRFRONT - A new IKtino Due bfd and special handling. Send to oay evening on, ONG BRANCH rurmihect. O»t one Interchange, neat Rt, 3S, M, to nnd Fort 600 Rlvtr Rd.. F alr Haven Dorm, 4'i baths, center noil Colonm a tuh|) shape — even to the Si* yrors uid. excellent condition, U! ANTIQUE' BAI wo bedroom apnrtmrnU Heat nnd water Monmoutn. Attractive 30,000 sq. It Dnc Hum I,aura Wheeler, til The Hed ipplltri. Winter or yrarly rrntalt. Col with ipfftfifiilnr vipw^ un and rinwti MM CpHitlPi Ip m V(\JI 4rl jfl ner sink. Good Mory (din ht r«ponrlfd) with 1?,000 iq. |», us coinrr. Wnlh to ^hoppl'iQ. Qulrl RACHLIN &CO. |oge. MbLMEO REALTY, Realtors, 6/1- PIANd \in WottoqortV HOUMtTfABtFS -: MirliU, nnh ditilrs, itie street locallnn n.\1 Hmuork SI , n 17 Acodrrny M., Neworh AIJ-7890 'nnt'ed Pattern !M4:i: NKW 10011, I'riiil I'ATTKUN NUM- Good lor ffrn r>r hemnncr lessons. Orokrrs prolrcfcd Victorian toi/r seal, Waililnglnn slove, nln, near rnllrood. Mr. Nopp, 49S lbl.1, ? EAST KFANSBURG - N«iw, thrrr large Misses' Sizes H, 10, 12, 14, IK. DKH, NAMK, A DDK ESS, Cnll Uf fou depression gloss, hoohrd nnd PfiMim 7 p.m, PRIME OFFICE SPACF. — Uplo lAOOiq. EASY LIVING ' edroom r-anch. Sewrrs In Frnrrfl In ruoji hanrjlnfl lomps, desks. Shore I urni It. Rtnttil Itulutles um, clrthit. one) cur i what you'll hove ID Ihh lietter Ihon new yard. Oeod end itreel Formica tohine Size 12 (hust :i4) requires 2% Zll>. ure, Hwy 35, Laurcntr Hortinr, OUR BOOM APAR TME N T — l"ur contlltloning. Contact Mr. Willner, 741- lreebedroom ranch settled on )jy lol, tile bath, hordwood (loors Alreody rff( SIDING SALE tied. Highlands his home offers a 25M 16 gameroom, yards :i5-inch. ENNSYLVANIA DUTCH BARN SAL F 8400. aled. 129,500. Principals only. Call /B7 No« you run Mive nl prf winter prices on f'h 7A4 0H9 'orkshop (Kid laundry, all nicely arranged 144oflrr 6 pm. NKW 1072 Neetllecraft Caja- in.unifty (ilnmifiiKti %ithnq, You'll bf — Nov. II, I 7 . f r nm 10 -4 p. m . A V on RTD BANK •- Coinpletfly equlpptrt'nrws i n hraulilully finished basement, a tor SKVKNTY-I-'IVK CUNTS riiecMOd wiHi our fmr instdllntlnn ond low Brnchle Rd . (ind Crowlord's Corner, itore or othrr. Heated. Doy\, /41 9846. rinl riming room, and on overslie custom Kt'ANSBURG - Four bedrooms, tw_ Ing crammed with the niAst i HalmdeK Antique*, housefmlrl Hems, Eves. 43)-90.1.1. IUIII eotin kitchen lhat's only 'our months balhs. Ponellng ond wnll In wall carpeting 'for each pattern — add 25 clothes, etc. GREENGROVE GARDENS ild. nlong with a ?VM1? covered polio w In living room ond dining room. Many eu- fabulous fashions, acces- Gfemurnvt Avr. Keypad, N.J, I EASE - 70.UOO in. ft. Sprinkler mi, bricK, PROWN'S GARAGE 'SALE - Mlsrellnnemn Hems, pis grill, not lo mention ouerslie onrnqe, ros. SM.900. Call 495 0371. cents for each pattern for Air nl Union Beach. I nh ot power. Idral tor entrol olr rondltlonlng, tholn-Hnk frnt- sories, Bifts.'Knit, crochet, ]? BrondS! . Rtd Brmh H] «0l Fri , Sat , Sun., Nov. 10 II 1? from noon lo ir- ttrtlfiirnn iifxntninil SWO OUIM production line or murhlne shop. Call 6/1 fJB.SOO - LINCROFT. Own u'honie oi Mail and Special Handling. «o bedroom npurltticnt *77O monthly nq. dishwasher and garbage compaclor 1 iMiibrnider. Free patterns. p.m, Jv Hayberrv Lane, Mldriielown. J110 or 7J9-030O cloys. IOPQ wllh a 4''« VA o?t%unionle rnortQnoc. your own hv this Clirlslnios. This mln lnchHlr-% I>co1, hot wuirr oridltlon home offers three bedrooms Send lo Marian Martin, 42B '" Commercial Rentals GARAGE SAl E - P Ina finng tahl e , COMMERCIAL SPACF -- Three rooms wner asklnrj JJ9.9Q0. Coll today. Rrnllor. Send 50c. weight Illllnn lei. camping cot, voriety nl rien, plus fomily room, In n great aren fo '2 hlnchs rn%t HI .Ml ond Middlr Hd. Srcond floor. SIW. Rtini^nn IRWANCO 7B7-SM0 children. A now listing, coll rlnht away'. The Red [Sank Roister, Tat- ilems, Nov. 10, II. 9 6 P.m. 2/ Her Of., 5 1 147 O.iO.1, ID la 5. New Inslant Crochet Book kAlddletnwn. A/1-15/1. hone 264-1846, Mqr. Apt . 3A ALL KROL— For your real estate ROGER F. CO/ENS, JJenltor, lu Rlvi tern Dept., 2112 West l«lh .St., Pro BANK. NCW JERSEY -- rXfllfni eds, Sleptien J. Krol, Realtor. Hwy 35, Rd.. Fair Hoven. fi\-16ifi. — step-l)y-slcp| pictures, pat- ilDEBOARD - Chlppendcile styie AAohn r CHOICE liny circa 19I0. 1/5. BFHlND TMf * R r l BOOMS MrMt'lonr. Nrwfy store locollon nvailahle til nouliqurl, nlmdel. N.J , 471-46U, Now York, N.Y. 1(1(111. Print terns leach today's way. $1.(10. iteroratrrl Downtown Iniolinn, All uhli- .hoes, clothe, et(. Inunrdlflte occupamy. "HouseifFoF Sale IMGS ANTIQUFS. 11 Shrewsburv Ave., e\ MippH«t Sftuilty rrr)tilii!d. /4I BJftl. A most unusunl slorp, cnmplrirly built HRFWSBURY - Four-bedroom Cnpe In NAMK, ADDltKSS with ZIP, ; Complete Instant (ii'ft Book OFFICE SPACE ted Banh. 74/-5O79. and tutuied. all you reed is merchandise iccllenl condlllon. Modern kitchen, liv- SIZF, AND STYLK NUM- " 3S1 YEAR OLD ENGLISH BOXWOOD HBFE flOOAAS ANO RATH —' Unfur- Cnll H42-44/7. 0 room with fireplace, llrtlstied bntc — more than IOfl gifts. $1.00 shed. Keyport. ienl. Overslied delached oortuit. Extras 110 You dlo, Coll for appolnlrnent. r BER. 2?00 ctj, ti. Hrjal, air cofirJitiomng, Call 7A4-6l97oMer « p.m. LITTLE SILVER- 70' x MV ^to're'ln'new S3S.TO0. 741-7460. oH'OlM, nir (ondllloneil flvp-itore building. Choice Complete Afghan Book - janitorial service, prtvatrj parkmq on location with ample free parking. Coll /4I- iROCERTSHELVrNG -"Metal, II kr JNG BHANtH - f-nur room onortinrnl, AIR HAVEN — Four bedrooms, I "J FRKE KASIIION OFKKR! $1.00 paved parking lol. Convoninnt to all ttw. Adjustable. M' lo «'• F<>r nult^ sole, iroge. with utllltlps. 1700 per month, pliii iths. Two-slory fiou?e. Large modern Choose one pattern from 150 l public Iransportfiiion Wtl! roiirrnngo oil

B vlr .h * '"f of o wrli of execution in thi above slated action to me directed. Real Estate Wanted 1400' TO 2600' WAREHOUSE SPACE wanted In Red Bank area. Call 7470276 af- Thwart Democrats' Bid for Control ter 6 p.m. . 1972, ol 2 o'clock P.M. Prevailing Time. BEGINNING at a point In Ihe north, OCEANPORT — The .two Mr. Waitt sharply criticized Mr. Barrett has been iVi Playgrounds Committee in WE BUY HOUSES FOR TOP DOLLAR erly line ol Sycamore Avenut therein 1970-71, in securing the In any condition. distant westerly 424.25 teet Irom the Republican incumbents seek- Democrats for bringing out an charge of the Street Depart- Phone 257-7828 westerly line ol Brood Stretl, jold be' ing reelection to the Borough, $100,000 matching federal ginnlno point being ot trie souttiweit cor "11th hour brochure" with a ment and oversaw the devel- WE BUY HOUSES FOR CASH - Record- "" °f londs now or lormerly ol Robe Council, George F. Barrett opment of a master plan for grant for park expansion. The Glblpn onrj (rom sold beolnnlna Doii "malicious statement" charg- running thence (1) along the sold nortl and F. Edward Waitt, swept ing that programs and ordi- the borough's road reconst- expansion program includes erly line ol Sycamore Avenue north as LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - In degrees oo minutes west m.u ti»t to to an easy victory in yes- nances proposed by the Re- ruction program. Earlier he_ the development of Evergreen Kean>burxi'Mlddletown-Hailet-Halmdel • >ttle eosterly line ol londs now oFfor merly ol Mrs. Walter Guptll; thence (2) terday's election, dashing publican candidates weren't administered a municipal wa- Park, the tennis courts and THE SMOLKO AGENCY. 787-0123. , along the same north A degrees 00 mln- Port-au-Peck Park. HOW LONG ARE YOU GOI NO TO "'« «pt2tMf«t to the noriheSt corner Democratic hopes of wresting worth the paper they were ter utility which cost $48,000 nereoi, mence 31 olong the northerly control of the council from the HOLD THAT LOT? line ol sold Guptll north 16 degrees 0 printed on because all the when bought by the borough On the public questions, Don't wait until all your profit Is eroded minutes wesl at 17.75 leet to th( eosterly GOI'. in 1960 and was sold for Oeeanport voters rejected the owoy by high taxes and other expenses line ol lands now or lormerly ot William candidates did was talk. Take a look a t what you'vyouve sspent, and .,.ra"s 'hence (41 along the some Mr. Waitt received 1.237 J25U,0(K) in 19B9. "J transportation bond issue but what you will be spendingspending . We nanave bbuy- north 0 degrees 30 minutes east 89 ' "1 would say to our Demo- ers and builders who wlllglve you a (air leet to the northeast corner ol the votes and Mr. Barrett 1,213 to Mr. Barrett also served for approved senior citizens bingo and realistic price. Call today, we will same; thence (S) along the northerly cratic challengers that if they gladly odvlse you on your properly's fair fine of the same north 87 dearees n overwhelm their Democratic 12 years on the Planning and a proposal allowing the market value, or consult with you on all m'nu'"»«t 13»-H leet to the eosterl really want to.serve the •your reel estate needs. line ol lands now or lormcrly ol Joyn challengers, Stephen B. Gold- Board. He lives at 1229 Eaton- secretary of state and at- Stlrnwelss; thence (6) along Ihe sam borough they can start com- ond along the lands now or formerly ol smith, who drew S28 votes, town Blvd. torney general to serve at the Alfred J. James V. Inoe north 3 deflrees 15 min- and Mrs. Esther Bonello, with ing out and serving on these Mr. Waitt, who lives at 15 pleasure of the governor. utes east 11)2.76 leet tofhe 'southerly committees and do the plan- HASSINGER line ol lands now or lormerly of Frank 789, Sagamore Ave.. is the current The transportation bond is- _ • • Agency Lane; thence: <7> olono the same south ning and help draft some of 341-5880 88 degrees 4S minutes east 159.06 leet to Victory for the incumbents council president. He heads sue failed with 1.108 votes the westerly line ol londs now or lor- the ordinances that are going . • OUR LISTINGS SELL merly ol the Board of Education; keeps the council divided as several council committees, against it to 700 lor it. Bingo thence 18) along the same south I de- to make Oeeanport a better TRY US , gree 30 minutes west 403.26 leet to the before with four Republicans including Real Estate, Shade passed easily, 1,669 to 1S4, and 291-1717; center lined a brook; thence returning place to live, and not to try to BROOK AGENCY and two Democrats. Mayor Tree and Waterway and Pol- the change in the state offices come from nowhere and try to - "> ™ point or place el beginning an! Elwood L. Baxter also is a lution, and was instrumental, was approved narrowly S76- running thence (?) olong the westerly run this town. Be there and LEGAL NOTICE Ime ol lands now or formerly of Rober Democrat. as chairman of the Parks and 830. Glblon north 2 degrees 29 minutes eos participate," he said. George F. Barrett F. Edward Waitt PROPOSAL 399.26 left to the southerly line ol lands A total of 2,119 persons Notice is hereby given 1 hoi sealed now or lormerly of Leuck; thence (101 bids wtlj be received In the Reception 0 ong the some south 87 degrees 52 mln voted in the borough, or about "It doesn't matter whether Room ot the Division of Purchase ond "'.''• west 29o4 teet to the center of o Properly, 4th floor, Slate House, Tren- Jltch; thence (ill olong the same rnir Hi HI per cent of the 2fiW regis- we're Republicans or Demo- fon. New Jersey 08425, on November 22, 4 degrees 15 minutes eost 590.4 feet to brook r e tered voters. )mot 2:00 P.M. ond will be opened and 1 H "i"!? SL° . 'e"ed to ot the crats tonight in Oeeanport. read Immediately thereafter, for the fol- end ol the 8th course; thence (12) along lowing: the center ol sold brook North 73 de" Mr. Waitt, who was elected It's time we gave up party GOP Scoresin Outlying Areas r Automatic Temperature Control 0 m IS minutes west 4M.« feet to the to his second three-year term end ol the 8th course. polities', licked our wounds Republican- candidates for Democrat Robert C. Lomax, First Afd'Kits on the council, and'Mr. Bar- and go abouU the business Thomas L. McDnnougli, Hit. nelte Koffler was reelected Five Channel Polygraphs BEING the same premises which governing bodies swept to vic- who polled 549 votes. tax assessor. Isostotlc Dlnnerware were conveyed lo the sold John w. rett, who will begin his fifth malting Oeeanport a better The other candidates wore _ Magnetic Tapes, Cards, S, Belts Hamilton and Jean S. Hamilton,his wife tory in most of the outlying ENGLISIITOWN SEA (iIRT Soaps. Uncut in Frames by Aitred N. Beadleston and Habel M. term, celebrated their victory place to live," said Mr. Waitt. Sylvia R. Kusari, 4S: I,en K. Tank Cleaning Beadleston, his wile, bv deed ol even municipalities in the county. Two Republican candidates Seidler, .'19; Jane K. Kuehne. Unopposed Republican in- Theft Proof Rack Hose 8. Nozzle date herewith and Intended to be forth- with about 100 friends and Mr. Barrett said he was Walkers, Etc. with recorded in the Monmouth County ALLENTOWN for Borough Council defeated ;I6, and linberta 1,. Wildrick. cumbents Theodore It. Ras- Watk-ln Refrigerator Clerk's OHice. well-wishers at the Oeeanport "greatly pleased"-with the • Wheelchairs Two unopposed Republican thn lone Democratic candi- tall and Jack V. Richards Being commonly known and'desig- Community Center after the election outcome, although he 27. . Specifications and the form of bid, nated as No. Lot No. « Block No. S8, councilmen won reelection date. Incumbent Harry Nanw- were reflected to the Borough contract ond bond tor the proposed Narrowgrrte Farms Sycamore Avenue, vote was in. too had hoped to win as much MANASQUAN work ore on file In the Office of the Di- Shrewsbury, New Jersey witti 430 votes for Hal Runner, niak received the highest Council with !)4!) votes each. rector ond may be secured by prospec- Polling the highest vote of "We have a tremendous vic- as 75 per cent of the vote. vote, 222. Thomas Lenahan tive bidders during office hours, filds The approximate amount of the lurjg, 428 for Donald S. Sprague. 1.II91. George J. Dvorak won SOUTH BELMAR must be (I) made on a standard propos- rnent to be sotlslled by said sole Is the tory tonight;" Mr. Waitt said. "I think our victory is well received 207. Democrat Mor- al form, (2) enclosed In the special ad- sum of «o,583.OO loaether with the costs Thomas Hutchinson Sri re- election to Borough Council Democratic candidates for dressed envelop, (3) accompanied by a ol this sole. but added he was dis- received. It makes us feel ris II. Zackowitz had 127. certified check drawn to the order of ceived one write-in vote. along with his Republican borough council John J. Egan, the Treasurer of the State of New Jer- The Sheriff hereby reserves the right appointed. very good." he said. "We're FARMINGDALE sey, or a bid bond, any of which shall fo adlourn this sole without further no- BRIELLE running-mate, incumbent Brc- with 388 votes, and Frank X. not be less than 10% of the cmount of tice by publication "We should have carried certainly going to follow 4he bid/and "(4) deHveVitf EOfie'citiove Republicans John M. Fraser James A. Moore, Republi- Ryan, 419, won over Republi- PAUL KIERNAN, more. I was looking for 75 per through with our pledges." ckinridge Jones :)rd, 1,357. place on or before the hour named as no and E. Bruce Wetzel Jr. won can, was reelected to the can Barbara V. Brenner, 318. bid will be accepted after the hour spec- Doted: Septebmer 8, 1972' Sheriff Democratic candidates Wil- ified. Bids not so submitted will be con- cent of the vote," he said in During the last \% years of Burton r. Doremus council seats with 1,267 votes Borough Council with 267 SPRING LAKE sidered Informal and will be relected an interview. his 12 years on the council. liam W, Donovan received The Director reserves the right to reject Ally. each. They were opposed by votes. His Deomcratic oppo- In a Republican victory, any and all bids and lo aword contract Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22 J .oo 1,171 votes, and C, Howard In part or whole if deemed to the best 96 nent, Alan R. Allen, received Wright 1,047. Louis N. Taylor received 1,189 Interests of the State to do so. The suc- 191 votes. Running unopposed cessful bidder will be required to fur- NOTICE TO BIDDERS MILLSTONE votes and Richard J. Day nish surety bond In the full amount of Public notice Is hereby given that for an unexpired two-year the contract of a company authorized to sealed bids will be received by the In a close raco, Robert V. 1,186 for borough council. Wo huslness In the State OT New Jersey. Board ol Education of Hazlet Township term, Seymour It. Burke in Ihe County ol Monmouth, for the lur Noreika, Democrat, won wilh Democratic candidate Russell STATE OF NEW JERSEV nlshlng of the hereinafter described la polled 277 votes. bor, materials ond equipment, for the a 504 lo 496 vote in his bid for II. Hurden Sr. polled 919. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY" construction of Additions to Union Ave- Division of Purchase and Property nue School, Beers street School, Rarl- HOWELL TOWNSHIP reelection to the Township SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS HERMAN CRYSTAL, tan Valley School, West Keonsburg Deputy Director school ond Lillian Drive School, In the • Republican Raymond Roe Committee against Republi- Republicans won council Nov. 8, 15 J24.00" Township, and opened and read In pub- was reelected to the Township lic in the Administration Building, Hai can opponent Barret E. Boone seats with 1,304 votes for Rob- let Township Board of Education, 82 Committee with the highest NOTICE Bethany Rood, Hozlet, New Jersey, Jr. ert Hamilton, 1,3H3 votes for U-lll 07730, on December 4, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. vote .of 3,722. His running Kdwiird Stanford, for three- SHERIFF'S SALE prevailing time. NEPTUNE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY mate, Raymond T. Barnes, year terms, against Demo- CHANCERY DIVISION Bids will be received lor the lurnlsh- Republican Thomas Nicol MONMOUTH COUNTY Ing ot labor, materials and equipment in had ,'1,657. They were opposed crats llup,li (I. Nolan, 982 Docket No. F-1M1-71 accordance wilh plans and specifica- was reelected to the Township tions, for the following: by Democrats Ronald Van :FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Committee with 5,1.'1D votes. voles, and Saute Perri, 958, ASSOCIATION, a corporation organized A. Lump sum lor General Construe Kessel, 2,445, Ronald Rich- under an Acl of Congress and existing tion. Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating and His Democratic candidate An- Republican William H. pursuant to the Federal National Mort- Electric. ards, 2,r>53 Independent for aage Assoclotlon Charter Act, Ploinlllf B. General construction lor Union Av- thony Loffredo polled 4,7!)K Baldwin, 1,34.1 votes,,vyon a vs: FRANK E. COLLINS ond GRACE enue, Beers Street, Rarllan Valley, Truth candidate Gerald I). COLLINS, his wile, Defendants West Keansburg ond Lillian Drive. votes. one-year unexpired term By virtue of a writ ot execution In the C. General Construction lor Union Av- Kohler, 828. against Democrat John J. above stated action to me directed, I enue. shall expose tor sale at public vendue, D. General construction lor Beers Gladys P. Ascough was re- NEPTUNE CITY Mctiralh. 92!). ot Ihe Court House In Ifie Borough ol 5treet, Rorltan Volley, West Keansrjurg Freehold, County of Monmouth, New and Lillian Drive. elected tax assessor with 1,184 Republicans were reelected Jersey, on Monday, the 4th day ol De E. Plumbing lor Union Avenue, Beers to the borough council with cember. 1972 ot 5 o'clock P.M. Pre Slreel, Rorllon Volley, Wesl Keansburg votes. She was unopposed. UPPER FREEHOLD volting Time. and Lillian Drive. INTEHLAKEN Robert R. Swannack polling ALL thai tract or parcel of land, situ F. Heating and ventilatiningg foforr UnlaUnion TOWNSHIP. ate, lying ond being in the City ot Long Avenue, Beers Street, Romaoman Valley Two unopposed Republicans I,:i:i9 votes and K. Herbert llcpublicitn Donald Golden Branch, In the county ot Monmoutli, In • and Lillian Drive. Brown, 1,180. Democrat Mi- the State ot New Jersey: BEGINNING G. Electric for Union Avenue, Beers were reelected to full three- was reelccti'il tn.tho Township ot a point In the westerly line ol Fifth Street, Raritan valley, West Keonsburg chael J. Killeen got 9114 vntes. Avenue distant 158 feet from" the Inter- and Lillian Drlve. year terms as cquncilmcn. Committee with 637 votes. He section ol the westerly line of Fifth Ave- Drowinos, specifications, general con ROOSEVELT nue ond Ihe southerly line ot Jollrw Ave- ditions, Instructions to bidders, with The vote was Avrohm Jacob- ran unopposed. nue; thence (1) Souln 24 degrees 27 min- forms of bids, contracts, bond, may be Incumbent councilman utes East olong the westerly line ot examined at the offices of Horsen & son, 51H, and Edwin M, Am- WALL Fifth Avenue 50 feet to o point; thence Johns, Architects, 111 Dean Drive, Te- bler, 506. Republican Richard Leon Barth came in first with (21 South 63 degrees 33 minutes West hoHy, New Jersey, during business Regliler Slall Pholo Republicans were victorious 135.00 leet to a point; thence (3) North hours. A copy thereof may be procured IT WAS A LANDSLIDE — Holmdel Republicans George J. Boggio and li. Brown, also unopposed, 264 votes, His Democratic In Iheir bid for reelection to 26 degrees 27 minutes West 50 leet to a after November 8, 3972, at the archi- running-mate, Mrs. Judith li. point; thence (4) North 63 degress 33 tect's offices for the purpose of bidding. Thomas F. Parker display the tally sheet showing their overwhelming vic- was elected to an unexpired tin' Township Committee. minutes East 135.00 feet to a point In the A deposit In cash or a certified check fo Karnell, was also elected with westerly line of Fifth Avenue, being Ihe the order of sold architect, in the sum of tory in the contest for two Township Committee seats. With their victory one-year term with 51)4 votes, Mayor Harry W. Rash re- point or plDce ot BEGINNING. 5150.00 for one set of plans and specifi- 222 vntes. Their Republican cations will be required. The sum of the Republicans retain complete control of the committee. LOCH ARBOUR ceived 4,317 votes, and Arthur Being commonly known ond desig- S75.0O will be repaid upon return of sold opponent, Sheldon Kobbins, nated os No. 160 North Sth Ave., Long plans and specifications, provided they With six candidates vying V. Krunim 4,196. They were Branch, New Jersey arc complete, within two (2) weeks af- polled Hid votes. The approximate amount of the |udg- ter opening of bids. The further sum of for two seats as village opposed by Democrats Robert ment to be satisfied by said sole h the S75.0O will be relunded provided a for- Running unopposed on Ihe sum of 124,435.00 together with the costs mal bid Is submitted. Additional bidding trustees, the winners were Mi- Kuntz, 2,828 voles, and James ot this sole. sets can be purchased for the sum of chael R. Qtiatn-lla, W2, and Democratic ticket. Mrs. ,loa- The Sheriff hereby reserves the right S75.O0 each but this sum is nol refun- J. McNamara, 2,768. to od]ourn this sale without further no- dable. tice by publication. Holmdel'sRepublicans PAUL KIERNAN, Sheriff. Bids must be mode 01 standard pro- Doled: September I!, 1?72 posal forms in the manner designated Gagllano, Tucci and ihereln and required by the specifica- Kennedy tions, must be enclosed (n.sealed enve- lopes bearing the name and address of Attys. ihe bidder, the division of work bid, on Nov. 8, 15, 2J, 11 S56.0O the outside thereof, and addressed tothe Long Harlet Township Board 01 Education, 82 Bethany Rood, Hoilet, New Jersey. No Win Biggest Pluralities NOTICE. bidder may submit more than one bid ior any single division ol work but, II so 10-1M mode, each proposal shall he mode in- IIOI.MDKI. - In a lopsided retain its present one-acre SHERIFF'S SALE dependent ond not conlingent on aceppt- Thomas 1'. Alikas 919, and SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY ancp ot other proposals, zoning without modification in Wins a 'Critical' Victory CHANCERY DIVISION vote, the Republicans re- Martin.K. Brilliant, K43. MONMOUTH COUNTY No bid will be considered unless ac- tained complete control of the the face of a lawsuit by Subur- WKST LONG BRANCH - The Democratic challenger The mayor said last year's Docket No. F-3119-JI companied by a Certified or Bank Cash- There were 2,869 vctes cast COLONIAL FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ier's check, Dayable to the order of tne Township'Committee last ban Action Institute challeng- The two incumbent Republi- for ;i council post, (ieruld J. voting turned in a political up- Plointllf vs: MARLENE WEBB, WID- Board of Education of Harlet Township, out of a total registration of OW, Ef ALS. Defendants New Jersey, for len (10%) ol the bfd lor night. ing restrictive* zoning. can council candidates took Warner, trailed with l.ii.V.' set in this normally staunch each section or division of work, pro- 3,43(1, in the heaviest vote By virtue of • writ of execution In the vided said check need not be more than Carrying all five districts The Democrats had called an easy victory when a record votes. Republican community, when above stated action to me directed, I S30,0O0.00. Bid bonds will be accepted in since 1968 and the highest Re- shall expose for sole ol public vendue at place of Iho Certified or Cashier *s overwhelmingly. Republicans for introduction of garden number of voters cast :i,105 Democrat Arnold II. Levin the Court House In the Borough ot Free- check, publican pluralities. The figures include the tali- hold, County of Monmauth, New Jersey, (Icorge ,1. Boggio and Thomas apartments and townhouse ballots here and about 2!">ll ab- gained a council post to defeat on the 27th day of November, 1972, ot 2 ulalion of military and civil- Bids must be accompanied by Consent complexes in some areas of sentee ballots. GOP incumbent Waller S. o'clock, P.M. Prevailing Time r»l Surety, a Non-Collusion Affidavit in K, Parker won by almost 1,000 Concurred on Issue ian absentee ballots. ALL ttiot certain, lot, tract or parcel the form attached to the specifications, the township. ,, Councilman Fred L. Martin-, I.ermer, of land and premises, hereinafter par- and a Slate Board of Educolion Certili- vntes over-thcir nearest All four candidates agreed ticularly described, situateI Re, lyind B'ang ankd • ca'c °' Qualification or affidavit in nc- Mr. Parker saw his victory son led the way wilh 1.077 Yesterday's balloting here Mayor Shaheen's critical ctnt» «( MBJ ! rordonce with the provisions ol Chanter Democratic opponent. that the chief issue of the ! o ra C Counfy orMonmoulh and State of New i f0 s Lu ws at 1962, S D 18 1 as "a vote for a principle, a voles, lie was followed by was termed ;; "critical and eye scanned the final tabula- i!S.A „. MN " 'OS- LUWS of 1962, KO. 18:11-9-1 to 9-11. The final tally was Mr. Bog- campaign was local zoning: aWASSt: a no' N! o£ ,bi dbid wil witl ,b eb receive. rSjd anMd read If not whether the township should way of life, 11 was an ex- Councilman George Conway. crucial" situation lust night tion of yesterday's voting. Oescribet SCrtbed aos TOliOWSfollows,, TOo wWitt ! , R|Hrt*»r*nrfinntitlerla^ ;io, 1.858, Mr. Parker, 1.B43. BEGINNING at a point In the south- lollowS; — pression of what people in the by Mayor Henry .1. KIKIIICCII. "I'm pleased." he said. "We erly line of West Side Ave., distant one (o) Addenda may be issued by the ar- hundred teet Easterly from the Inter- chitects in accordance wilh the specifi- township want, a voice of sup- worked hard this lime and we section of the easterly line of Carmen cations »[> to seven 17} days prior to PI. with the southerly line of west side receipt of bids and the bidder% ore oBli- port for our present zoning won." Ave., and at the northeast corner of Lot gafedon their own initiative to make In- and planning. I view Ihe vote No. 93; thence southerly along the eas- quiry for ond examine such addenda, if Pilot Program Begun Mr. Levin is the first Demo- terly line of Lot No. 93 one hundred and any; (b) No bid mciy be withdrawn after SO Blankets Donated dote of receipt; (c) Bidders arenotllfed. not so much as a vote for me crat to hold a seat on the local fifty ftet to the southeast corner ol Lot that they must pay workmen the pre- No. 93; thence easterly along the north- vailing wage rate 05 determined by the but as a mandate to fight for governing body in nearly 4(1 erly line of Lot No. 53 fifty ft., to the New Jersey Department of Labor ond home rule and to maintain our S.W. corner of Lot No. 91; thence north- Industry for this project, copies of At Fairview School years. erly olong the westerly line of Lot No 91 which arc on file In the office of lne ".aid present zoning." To Victims of Storm 150' to the southerly line of West Side architects ond Sccrelary of the Board of MIDDLKTOW.N - After six teachers and aides. Using Councilmen Martinson and Ave.; Whence westerly olong West Side Education, and which will be made a Ave. 50' fo the place of beginning. port of Ihe contract, pursuant to Ihe nearly a year of preparation, team teaching, the teachers Mr. Boggio also saw the lo- RKD BANK - American office. At the height of Conway credited their victory BEING the some premises which New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, Chap- cal campaign as largely based Postal Workers Union, Red the flood tiiis facility was un- lo Ihe "sincerity" of their lo- were conveyed to Ihe said Morlene ter 150 of lne Laws of 1963, os amended local school officials have support and enhance each oth- Webb, widow of Billy M. Hodges and and supplemented, lafest edition. started an I ndividual ly er's efforts, working with on zoning and noted that the Hank local, has raised $152 to der seven leel of water. The cal supporters and campaign Nancy C. Hodges, his wife, by deed of The Board of Education of Ha/lel even date with the mortgage and in- Township, in the County of Monmouth, itiidcd Kducation (U.K) pilot small and large groups within electorate 'has spoken out purchase blankets for families Wilkes-llarre Post Office, a workers. tended to be forwlth recorded In the reserves the right to consider the bids quite clearly." in the devastated flood areas modern building, is almost en- Monmouth County Clerk's Office. for ninety (90) days after receipt there- program in Kairview School. Ihe units. "A lot of work went into the The within described premises are of, nnd further reserves the riant fo re- ** "My opponents have said in Pennsylvania. tirely mechanized. commonly known as No. 101 West West- lect ony and all bids and to waive nny The Kairview staff has com- campaign," Mr. Martinson side Avenue, Red Bonk, New Jersey. informalities in any bid or bids, and to they're in favor of regional The union contributed $511 Two weeks after the (Test- said. "We have seen the re- The approximate amount of the iudg- moke such awards as may De In ihe best pleted testing and grouping ment to be satisfied by sold sale is the Interest ol the school district, tudents for the program, de- Mamie Arrives planning," Mr, Brilliant com- and donation^ totaling $102 ing of the Susquehanna River, sults." sum of U,&96.00 together with the toits Hn old* shall he received previous to of this sole, Ihe hour clesiqnnlod in this advertise- signed to provide day-tfi-dny mented, "and I wo^lcl encour- were made by individual em- it was business as usua I Political observers here are The Sheriff hereby reserves Ihe right ment, ond none shall ho received there- At Polls Early through the efforts of 51111 em- to odlourn this sale wilhout further no- after. niing experiences jiailorrd age them to pursue the con- ployes of Ihe Post Office. apparently slill pondering the tice by publication. By Order nf thf Boorri of Flutnhon of o the needs of imliviriunl stu- cept to the fullest extent per- With the cooperation ol ployes. results of the so-called "Col: PAUL KIERNAN, Ha/let Towmhip. In Ihe County of Mon- CiKTTYKBUHG, I'a. (AT) Sheriff mouth New Jersey- ' lenls. — Mamie Eisenhower arrived mitted within stale enabling Sleinbach Department Store, The ^roup Ihal made the Ici'i! District." The fourth vot- Dated: September u, 19'? ROBERT G. HAVENS legislation. They should try to Burton T. Doremus ' Secretory Middletown is one of 111 Ni>w at the polls two minutes be- which offered an advance pur- trip reported they had never ing district here reflects the Alty. Nov fl MJ./5 form a regional planning chase on a future blanket sale seen nor •experienced such views nf many youthful voters Npv. I,B, 15,32 *M.0d ersey public school districts fore they opened Tuesday board with neighboring mu- and a 10 per cent discount, 3(1 terrible destruction of homes and Monmouth College stu- LEGAL NOTICE leleetcd fo participate in the and, after casting her ballot, LEGAL NOTICE lrogi'iim funded ;ind spun- told newsmen: "Nothing is nicipalities as the most effec- blankets were purchased and properly The :|II blanker; dents 'TAX SALE NOTICE tive way of gaining coopera- distributed were warmly re of Real Estate In the Borough of Fair Haven (or Nnn Poyn nl of Tarn rmrj As- ;nred by the slate Depart- certain until all Ihe voles are John Hunter and Roy Kia. II was thought that the dis- tion in our fight for home reived. Publ c nollw Is h«*y (men Ihoi I, Melvin P Slnul. Co He or ol 1m-tiol Jr ment of Kducation, in." postal employes each doriiited trict a.strong rule," he said. „ Borough 01 Foir Haven, Monmouth Count/, New Jersey will sell »£•"'«»" "It is wrong to proceed nn a new blanket Mrs. Jackie Dmiglas of lied Democratic voting pendency on 1tw-6th Onv ol Dcccmbcri IOT ol 10:00 « m mr Municipal Building, Ml Rlvtr She was accompanied by Rood, Fair Haven, New Jersey Ihe 1iCTtlrratlrrn>M:riMd Irlndt, tie assumption that a Irani-., Political Newcomer A representative group of Hank and Mrs. Clare Doherly to protest the national He- tibr grandson, David, and his ng experience planned for a Mr. Boggio. high vote get- Inn union empl'oycs'vvent Yo" ofHumsntl atsti *n(Vk<>fl'ti« tlW" Tim adminis '1' lass of:!() based on the ;ivcr- wife, the former Julio Nixon. ter, is a newcomer to elective Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Nov. I to project bill were unnbli' In Vietnam War policy. ige student's needs is (jooil." office. He is a financial and distribute the blankets and make the trip When the ballots were total- °f XV\aT?s midTSr Ihe provisions of Article *. Copter •> TrtUr U ot Ihr Revised Stalules of New Jersey 194/, entitled 'Sole ot Real Property In Enforce lobort Smith, r'aimew prin- adminislralive officer of a meet with the victims of ihe cfl, however, the results •ipal, explains. New York stock brokerage The sold lands lo he sold anrt Ihe names of prrsons oQOinM wni To Meet Friday . .storm. I.ONK HOLDOUT showed that the "college dls- •r oeen lain on account of eacn porcel for unpaid tours or* ns rono Under the local KiK pro- OCEAN GROVK - The firm, and lives with his wile Miss Louise Miner of I'ort HART'S LOCATION, Nil trid" registered 444 votes for Nome Blk. Lot Deicrfptlon Ytar Amount ;ram, students needing help American Association of lle- and four children at 15 Indian Mgnmouth, coordinated the (AP) — This town continued President Nixon and 253 bal- George F. Barnes 1 Creek Road, Land Corp IS W/S Browns Lone 1971 7A7.7A reading are grouped ac- tired Persons, Ocean (Jrnwi effort and was one ol those to the state's small town trend lots for Sen. McGovern. The 6 8 VA Lake Ave. Rear ordinR lo their needs. They Chapter, will meet Friday at make the trip. Other employ- Owner Unknown 7/ /I Ballin Road Rffir IV/ft /I 10.11 re neither pushed beyond ternate member of Ihe Zoning es who went In Wilkcs-liiiire President Nixon The town's ballots which may have been Owner Unknown SI i A River Road 17/0 /I i/i n 1:3il p.m. in the Thomley Owner Unknown 6/ 19A HicjhlfjnrJ Ave. IV/0 I\ '/Q.'/h Board of Adjustment, is ;i He- 13 voters gave Nixon 12 voles cast for presidential candi- iv/o /i heir capabilities nor retarded Chapel, here. were: Mrs. Kleanor Knvalcski Owner Unknown n W-A TThird SI. Riror hort nf them pub lie.'in county co in- of Red Hank; Mrs. Kay Kilter andsScn. George McGovern dates. Schools.enga.i^d in KilO pin Amendments In the Social milleeman. and president of of Rncktnwn, and Hubert KM- one vote They also gave II The general election rams convert In units in- Security program will be ex- the local Republican Club. A ngerman of River Plaza votes to Republican senatorial created a i heavy voter turn- due lontlhcr wilh inlereil ond fosn Incurred to lh« dott ol pa,mem plained by Rlcnrdo Hodrl- 15-year resident of the'town- candidate Wesley Powell and Wllnjumoy lianrJ anrj »ol ml! llh*iyol NowrnMr ^»My sr0()r luding students of a number After distributing the blan- out. Less ttian fillO of the ship, he lives at 5 Homestead two vntes to incumbent Demo- \ la* Collector ages, liach unit consists of quez, field representative of kets, (he group visited the borough's 3,8,18 registered vot- Place. cratic Sen, Thomas Mclntyrc. hov. 1,15,22,2? 150 students with four to the Social Security Office. Wllkes-Bnrrc sectional ceiilcr ers declined to participate, •J 34 Tfce Dally JSegfcster, Red Bank—Middle-town, N.J. Wednesday, November 8, At the Movies Versatility Apt Word Thes* srb«liilfs are provided by the theater and the times are for NORTH OF RED BANK today only. RED BANK ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS CINEMA III- For The First Edition Brookdule Children's Mulinee 10:30 the Money and Run 8:35 a.m.; l:0« p rn ; Yo-J'll LIKe My Mother James." •'Something's Burn- that you wanl to do, you can 7:00; BUS, Frcruy 10:30 . MIDDLETOWN NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) EATONTOWN TOWN EAST- — Versatility. It's one of those ing," "Ruby" and "Just do it." COMMUNITY- ' Hammersmlth Is Out 7:20; 9:30 words that's tossed around too Dropped In To See What Con- Kogers said the group con- Concel Mv Reservation ?:03; 9:25; TOWN WEST- much when used to describe dition My Condition Was In." tinually makes an effort not to Chlsum 7:30 Everylhina You Alwoys Wonted til The latter was their first DRIVEIN- Know About Sex 7:«; 9: SO musical groups. But a look at seek one musical direction. Super Fly 7:00; 10:45; For Love of Iwy KEYPORT , Kenny Rogers and The First smash, and their only hard Their philosophy was quickjy »:OO STRAND- Edition, puts it back in its rock hit. challenged with their first hit ASBURV PARK SlicKy Slluotion 7:15; 9:30; The God- mulher 8:2S; IU:4O rightful place. Perhaps Ihe group's great- live years ago, "Just Dropped SAVOY- When The First Edition est strength lies with the voc- Deep Throat ;:40; 9:05 HAZLET In,"" ST. JAMES- PLAZA- band came together in 19(57, al dissimilarity of its mem- "We didn't want to be la- Supcr Fly 2 00; 7:35; 9:30 Cancel My Reservation 7:35; 9:20 the group's four members had bers. beled a psychedelic group be- LYRIC- RT. 3SI)RIVE-IN- a professional background tai- The Boston Strongler 7:00; The God- "There's absolutely no di- cause we knew it was just a Heot 7:35; 9:35 lored mostly to folk music. lalher 9:00 rect competition between any fad." he said. OCEAN TOWNSHIP MATAWAN Their first hit, though, was of us," said Rogers, explain- CIRCLE- CINEMA 34- a psychedelic rock piece. The ing that none of the members "But we didn't want to be Everything You Always Wonted to You'll Like y Mother 7:30; 9:20 second hit was in the Top Ten labeled a country group, ei- Helene d'Usseaux Lloyd Grossc Lucille Jerman Know About Sex 2:00; 7:30; 9:30 could mimic any other's vocal , FREEHOLD MENLO PARK on the Country music charts. style well. ther, because that's limiting, MALL 1- CINEMA- And the many hits they've market wise." Hommersmlth Is Out 2:00; <:00; 4:00; •'Our advantage over a lot You'll Lik> MyMolhcr 7:20; 9:20 8:00; 10:00 had since have embodied a of groups is that we are basi- f MALL 2- vast array of musical style, G R A N T' S Everythlnq You Wanted to Know EAST BRUNSWICK cally entertainers," said Ro- About Sex 7:30; 9:30 TURNPIKE- rriDstly blending rock and Red Riding Hood,' gers. "Most groups are basi- BRICKTOWN INDOOR- country. cally musicians who can sing. BRICK PLAZA- Frenjy 7:40; You'll Like My Mother The group is. living proof Cancel My Reservation 7:30; 9:40 We're basically singers who OUTDOOR- that rock-pop music, with a ONE Of THE IBT SUSPfNSE MOVIES MALL CINEMA 1- Concel My Reservation 7:00; 10:45; can play." You'll Like My Mother 7:30; v:25 Chlsum8:50 country foundation?*^ a highly OF IHE TE»RI - xnaxama. WP/X-TV Children's Opera, Set MALL CINEMA 2- sellable product. It's the'kind At that point, Jones. 32. Everythlng You Wanted to Know \ About Sex 7:30; 9:30 of talent that has produced a chimed in: "The healthiest MIDDLETOWN - "Little Ilelene cl-Usspnux. soprann. in the roles of the wolf and million-selling records on the thing about this group is the Red Riding Hood," an oporyi will appear as Little lied the woodsman. average of once a year for fact that anything creatively I 1: for children, will be presented Hiding Mood. (.'o-Starring with They will he accompanied Ilogers and the others. by members nf the Monmouth her will he Lucille .lerman. by In^rid ('larlield on the pi- Conservatory of Music Nov. sdprani), and Lloyd Grossc. "Country music is the white MUSIC ano. Stapii^ and direction is man's rhythm and blues. It'll HIT 18. baritone. MAKERS by Dr. Felix Molzcr, con- always be around. To me, Bolli Mrs. .lerman and Mr. THEATRES The concert, to be given in servatory director. country music is the founda- Nutswamp School at 11 a.m., ( will play two roles. Tickets may be obtained at tion for all the music we MONDAY IS DATE NIGHT is for the benefit of the lied Mrs. Jerman will sing the tin' dixir or by contacting Mrs. play," said Rogers, a bearded a thriller] Oak Cooperative Nursery role of the mother and grand- 'YOU'LL LIKE MV MOTHER" Harriett Marcus, 2S1 Pelican bulky singer-guitarist who CINEMA 34 MiUwifl PATTY DUKE • HICHARD THOMAS School scholarship fund. mother. Mr. Grosse will appear n»iuw Koad. was raised in Houston and plus UTE show tvERy mn now lives in Los Angeles with (SICUIAH ADMISSION PWCf the other members. PATTY DUKE IHCMDV M« SHOW) Red Bank High to Present The group now has six mu- sician-singers — Rogers, Ter- "YOU'LL LIKE HITCHCOCK'S ry Williams, guitarist; Jimmy Hassell, vocalist and lead gui- MY MOTHER" Award Winning Drama tarist; Mickey Jones, drum- PLAZKNailet "FRENZY" mer; Mary Arnold, singer;- IIE.3U1IU0LEID.. 2fM43( T ADMISSION RED BANK - A prize-win- The play deals with prob- Also appearing will be and Jane Lorenzo, pianist-or- TO LATE SHOW ning motion picture drama lems-and concerns of adoles- Maria Crespo, Joan Favin, ganist. BOB HOPE will be staged at lied Bank cents as seen through Ihe Hlair Korsylh, Micky Kgan, Together, they have pro- MATINEE SAT. and SUN. 2 p.m. "CANCEL MY 1 Regional High School tomor- main characters. David and Diane Bogosian. David duced million sellers in "Tell • "A RARE, MAGICAL,FILM! row, Friday, and Saturday Lisa, who live at a residential Schlessenger, Toni SaccoV Kr- It All Brothers," "Reuben RESERVATION" when the Junior Class treatment center. rol .leffcrsop, Laurie Abel, WALKABOUT presents (he play "David and Special staging, lighting, Connie Mclleffey, Linda Mel- •"AN EXCITING AND EXOTIC NDVENTUflf!" | Lisa." 11 will be given in-the and symbolic scenery will be vin, Stephanie Landis and -fvdlih Criit. MC-TV gymnasium beginning at (i:3(l used to project the sterility, Maggie ltioux. t and the ! p.m. conformity, and loneliness of St. James Eatontown Mrs. Hence Maxwell, direc- the center. The play will bo ASBURYPARK - 775-SSS3 DRIVE IN 5424200 tor, describes the play as "a produced in a series of !>'.! Middleton unique concept in educational short scenes lo suggest the EXCLUSIVE theatre," in which I he elev- film motif. .. Moving To EXPLOSIVE SITUATION - Jackie Cooper guest- % enth graders will make use of Teachers'William King and stars as a scientist. Dr. Norman Crane, who is NEW JERSEY SHOWING' T ••••••••••« color, slides, black and white John Ilird photographed more locked into a belt containing a time bomb that is photographs, and other mo- than 100 scenes around the West Coast set to explode in five hours if three convicts are AdudejJ^W*™^! tion picture techniques to pro- lied Bank area to be used in HOLLYWOOD - When musi- not freed in "The Countdown," NBC Television THEATRES vide, background for the act- the production. with a plan* ual comedy Mar Hay Middle- Network's "Ironside" colorcast of Thursday, MON.-THURS. ing. The cast includes' Lovee ton makes his "Ironside" de- Nov. 23 at 9 p.m. to stick it to* EARLY BIRD (Jiorno as Lisa; liicky liayn- but in a cameo role in "Hey, HOW FflR DOESfl GIBL HBVETOGO ton as David; William King as Buddy, Can You Sparc a The* 2 6:30-7:15-S1.50 TOUNTANGltHIRTINGU? Dr. Swinlord; Lee Denney as Life1.'", a special two-hour Film Series Is Resumed Man!* AT MOST THEATRES' John; Toni (irause as Mrs. drama to be colorcast on the 1'IilNCKTON - The Mov- The successor to Cassa- Clemens, and Todd Jailer as NHC Television Network ies-at-McCarl'er Series re- vetes' earlier triumph Mr. Clemens. Thursday, Nov. l(i. the move sumes on Tuesday at K p.m., "Faces," "Husbands" is an Carlton of the Broadway stalwart to with the first area showing of attempt to explore the rituals H«d Birth 74! 3bOO On Talk Show the West Coast will foe official. .John Cassavetes' "Hus- of middle-class friendship. ® FRt.-SAT.-SUN. ASHUHY I'AHK -Venereal Middleton, as much a part bands." Cassavetes' attempt is under- $ -ONLY- disease is being discussed by of the New York theatrical Written, produced and di- lined in that his three stars are themselves close friends doctors of tlio M on in on Hi scene as Shubcrl Alley, will rected by Cassavetes, the 1II7I) • WHERE DOES IT HURT* off screen, and so they reuct County Medical Society on the make the switch from East to release stars the.director him- 0 - ALSO - self together with Hen (iaz- to each other and improvise Hob McAllen radio show West with great feelings of through Thursdiiy&t 1:45 p.m. zara and 1'eter Kalk. The on the rough story line as ©'PUPPET ON A CHAIN' nostalgia. The life style of on radio station W.I Us. three portray commuting much for their own benefit as ('alifornians has so converted A panel consisting of Dr. cronies who meet at the fu- for the viewer's. Mrs. Middlclon, however, she neral of a fourth. Shaken by St. James Angela Vedovi of Kumson, Dr. won't hoar of a return to New At Ihe time of its original lludolpli Taleriro of Neplune their own survival into immi- release, one critic noted that York, nent middle-age, tlirv proceed City and Dr. Arnold Halpern "Husbands' serves to confirm He's Got A On Ihe sel of "Ironside," lo em bark on a tour-day of Long Itranch answer ques- Cassavetes' position as one of Plan To Stick Middletnn, smiling wryly, binge, which si ails in \ew tions from a panel of Long Ihe true independent spirits in It To The Man! Branch High School students. said, "I.told her if we were York and ends up in London. American cinema." going lo move to California permanently, she would have I SW1RM3 Set and hear t •"SUPER FLY' to go back lo New York alone $23 NOW PLAYING CURTIS MAYFIELD and pack up the apartment. I play his '•:41H&NTIC H16 tt liA N D S RONOM couldn't bear the wrench of Peter [_ AS FHCST Super Fly icon I LAST TIMES TONITE watching the movers pack up Lyric 'PLAY IT AGAIN SAM" that much of my life." Sellers ALSO STARTS FRI. EATONTOWN DRIVE IN AiDuiy Pirk 775 1081 Kor Ihe past six years, Hay and "HAROLD anil MAUDE" as Albert T.Hopfnjgcl, A Joe Dallesandro has been starring in "The Hospital Administrator, in Z Sylvia Miles ,,, STARTS TOMORROW Man of La Mancha," so he • ANDY WARHOL'6 has hoeii constantly employed liolh in New York and on Ihe road. Television is not a new : HEAT medium lo him, either. Me MUS.C " " has made numerous appear- JJAJCDC CINEMA 34 • N00NEUNDEH18A0HITTID! ances in New York-based TV shows over the years ITHEATOES MATAWAN % Circle "'Ironside' is one of my first Rt. 66«l*ibnry«i.Cir(l« If Hurt?" West Coast shows." Middlelon octan Township 7756810 says (he played a judge in the °nh where Houl%/ Town West opening show of NIH'-TV's ' Highway 3$ at Palmer Av«.' HI H l*'ilM*i|C[HCfl • (TOvfl 1ICAVA P(|( "lleo Kamsey") "I'm sort of MidciiQiown6rii02(r OUR SAT, A SUN. S MOW. (lipping in a lue In see what it tASIMANCIHIII! A WOODY ALLEN CHILDREN'S MATINEE PLUS-2NO BIG HIT feels like lo work in TV out AT 1:00-2:00-3:00 here. So far, it's very pleasant ; .>, PIUS&I :*%-u in Mini I al tin »I' S "EVERYTHING YOU "SANTA GLAUS AND indeed. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS RED BANK •ALWAYS WANTED TOi "I came out here for a five- • KNOW ABOUT SEX" THE 3 BEARS" "TflKE THE MONEY monlli slay In di> Ihe movie y ATLANTIC CARLT0N(n/io-i2) DRAWING FOR PRIZES '177li' and we hadn't been here SAT. ft SUN. I'.I month before my wife be- IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY BUT gan living lo persuade me to Town East make it a permanent move YOU GET THE PRESENT So many of our friends arc out ELIZABETH TAYLOR here now, and there's work to * * * > AND STRAND be had and Ihe living is easy . » RICHARD BURTON . but oh, 1 can'l think of New Mon. thru Thurs. (Nov. 6-9) YOUR GUEST ADMIT- 1 "HAMMERSMITH THEATRE York without a pang." TED FREE WITH ONE PAID ADULT ADMISSION. Frl. (Nov. 10) ENJOY CAKE WITH US. ! IS OUT" KEYPORT Sat. night, (Nov. 11) DRAWING FOR BIRTHDAY '•••••••••••a PRIZES DISPLAYED IN OUR LOBBY. TU5 ****** DRIVE-IN BOW THRU TUES. 2mi SOUIHICl R1E 3U3S TO WIN, DEPOSIT COUPON BELOW HAZLET 261-2200 OR FACSIMILE AT CINEMA-34 IQ*BY © BOB HOPE ot herself into a., WOODY ALLEN'S ht PRIZf-"YAMAHA" ACOUSTIC GUITAR J "CANCELMY "EVERYTHING 2nd PRIlt— ELECTRIC "CHAR B. QUE" « RESERVATION" YOU ALWAYS X PLUS WANTED TO • JOHN WAYNE KNOW She became ABOUTSEX* J "CHISM" sticky in the licut! BUTWERE I NAME 2»«••••••••••«• IN COLOR ADULTS ONLY AFRAID Eatontown TO ASK" — also — ADDRESS i "SUPER FLY Plus ! The "GODWIOTHER" IANDI Tony Curtis THE CITY. .PHONE. IN COLOR RATED K SIDNEY POITIEH BOSTON STRANGLER Z "FOR THE LOVE OF IVY" • .. ThThe Daily Register, Red Bank-Mlddletown, N.J. Wednesday, NovemBer 8, W7Z 35 Television Today SiStation Chain Bans fIn Cold Blood9 New York Channcls-2,4,5?7,9,] 1,13 * " DAYTIME MOVIES land and WAGA-TV, Atlanta, 9:00 DETROIT {AP) - Storer of an entire Kansas family. »#6 O "Boy On A Dolphin" B MEDICAL CENTER A young doctor and a faith healer are called on Broadcasting Co. has banned The WJBK-TV spokesman previewed the movie and de- I -.00 El "You and Me" lo treat an elderly Mexican woman who believe! cided it was unsuitable for ID "Tha Long Memory" her illncM is caused by an evil enirlt the movie, "In Cold Blood." said officials at his station 3:00 . Q "Foolit.pi In 1h« Fog" O DRAGNET from its three Columbia and at two other Storcr-owned prime time television despite 4:30 Q "Pe«dly Hunt" The police search, for the mother of * baby found Broadcasting System affil- affiliates, WJW-TV in Cleve- editing by CBA. Q "Wall, Don't Run" in • tnuh can. ffi SOUL! iates, including VVJBKTV in EVENING Detroit. 6:00 Q O O NEW5 9:30 ID DRAGNET A spokesman for W.IBK-TV 0 THE FLINTSTONES The police uncover u unusual swindle scheme. ' "Barney the Invisible" " 10:00 said the Storer stations re- Q THE AVENGERS Tills speeud report will provide an •iwlysil of what fused to carry the movie, "A Touch Of Brimstone" happened on election night '72. scheduled for Nov. 16, be- 00 GILLISAN'S ISLAND O SEARCH "In EesrcU Of Midas." C. R. Grow Is called upon cause of "extremely rough "Where There's A Will" to produce a billionaire recluse Involved In a bit- (B HODGEPODGE LODGE time as Vegaa undertaking. language, and some of Ihe 6:30 0 I LOVE LUCY m m NEWS scenes" "Be A Pal" B THE JULIE ANDREWS HOUR ID BEAT THE CLOCK Guests: Robert Goulet, Joel Grey The film, based on Truman IB THE COURSE OF OUR TIMES ID PLAYHOUSE NEW YORK 1 STONES 7:00 0 CBS NEWS "The Rimers of Eldritch" starring Win Hare, Fran- Capote's booh of the saint O NBC NIGHTLY NEWS ces Sternhagen. title, is the true story ol two ' Rte. 35'- Middletown Ohe mile north of Red Bank El THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW 11«0 BOO NEWS. WEATHER. SPORTS killers and the brutal murder 741-6344 "Wedding Bells for Aunt Bee" E» ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS O ABC NEWS WITH SMITH, REASONER "Wet Saturday" O IT TAKES A THIEF ^««n« O BORIS KARLOFF PRESENTS "The Family" "The Last of the Sommervilles" (D I DREAM OF JEANNIE ID PERRY MASON "My Vanishing MflBter" (Part I) "The Case of the Polka Dot Pony* 11:30 © THE FAMILY GAME B CBS LATE MOVIE "Lynda." A young woman March** for & home for •The Last Challenge" (18671 starrlnf Anjie Dick- herself and her infant son and **plain« her re»- inson, Glenn Ford. A marshall In the oM West Is ' eoriB fop! deciding to lake up communal livlne forced to meet a challenge which leaves Its Im- 1 print on his small town. " 7:30 Q THES0LDDI6GERS a™" ".'"""*• O THE TONIGHT SHOW * Guestl' Glenn Ford Guest: Suzanne Pleshclte O POLICE SURGEON O OUTER LIMITS ' ConrlneJ rule'' Some vials of a deadly drur "Tourist Attraction" are stolen from {*. LorJu'a car. O THE DICK CAVETT SHOW B THAT GIRL Colin Turnbull 185 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. SHREWSBURY, N.J. •Call o*toe WIM" 12:00 O THE MIDNIGHT MOVIE A & P Shopping Canter O THE PARENT GAME "Man-Made Monster" (1911) atarrh>( Ion Cfcaney, 7< 1-0361 Jr., Lionel Atwlll. """"jr. PRIVATE DETECTIVE — Bette Davis stars as ID THE (SOURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER (•' "I Thought You. Thought" ID THE HONEYMOONERS retired Judge Meredith who begins her own detec- (B THE 5) ST STATE "Please Leave the Premises" •:, tive agency, employing ex-convicts as assistants, a SPECIAL: HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS 12:30 0 ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS in "World Premiere: The Judge and Jake Wyler" Tills comedy-variety special stars the world-re- "Jonathan" . nowncd basketball all-stars, with singer Teresa on "NBC Saturday Night at the Movies" Dec. 2 'Graves. 1:00 (D NIGHT FINAL O ADAM 12 Q NEWS (in color, 9 p.m.) on the NBC Television Network. "Harry Nobody." Halloy nnd Heed catch a killer O THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE with the aid of an unlikely witness whose tale al- "Conjugal Bed" (1963) starring Walter Glller. most costs Mm his life. HOLIDAY GO-GO 1:10 Marina Vlfldy. a HOSAN'S HEROES Soviet Ballerina lo Live in London B HOLLYWOOD'S FINEST I 12 PIECES COUNTRY "Information Pleimft" "We're Not Dressing" 11934) starring Blng CroshV, LONDON (AP) —. Natalia O THE PAUL LYNDE SHOW 1:15 Leon Errol. She is in Britain to dance in FRIED CHICKEN "Unsteady Going." When Paul orders his daughter O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW Najarova, the Soviet ballerina "Les Sylphides" and "Don Sally to brmk up with her boyfriend, ihe runs "The Amorous Mr. rrawrT (1065) sUntag Ian • 1 JUMBO SALAD away from" home. 1:20 Carmic-hael. Jonn Greenwood who defected to the West two Quixote'" at Convent Garden Q SPECIAL: JOHNNY MATHIS 1:30 O THE JOE FRANKLIN SHOW years ago, announced yes-. on Nov. 15. * (YourCholc*) ID NANNY AND THE PROFESSOR O THE LATE SHOW "23 Paces To Baker Street" (1856) olarrlng Van terday that she plans to live in •1 BASKET SHRIMP "The Art Of Relationships" Johnson, Vera Miles. 1:30 (D A PUBLIC AFFAIR: ELECTION 72 2:20 Europe. SEASONED STAR (Approx. 21 Pl»ce*) 2:35 O NEWS AND WEATHER O NBC MYSTERY MOVIE , J EVENING PRAYER The 31-year-old ballerina' Wilfred Hyde-While, who' "The London Beat." Madigan i» called to London 2:55 0 HOLLYWOOD'S FINEST II to help Scotland Yard break up a gang headed flew into London's Heathrow guest-stars in NBC-TV's Bring this coupon to Chicken Halidiiy and re- "You and Me" (1038) starring Sjlria Sidney, On* coupon per temily. Must be IS yean or by Rn American mobster. George Raft. Airport after living in the "Cool Million" episode, "As- ceive the above oritc. (Expires 11 Q THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW 3:00 owr. Pbast ctH ahead tor speedy pick-up O WEDNESDAY MOVIE OF THE WEEK O SERMONETTE United States for two years sault on Gavaloni," Nov. 15, (Ran) soviet dip this coupon. "All My Darling Daughters" starring Robert Young, and said, "I would really pre-. has been an aetor for over 40" j Eve Arden. A widower-fRlher is confronted with 3:35 O THE UTE LATE SHOW a most perplexing problem when all four of his "Has Anyoody Seen My Gal" (1052) Stanutr Piper fer to live on this side of the years appearing on stage, TV daughters decide to get married on the same day, 4:53 Laurie. Rock Hudson. Atlantic." and in movies. O ISLANDERS HOCKEY & MAN IN A SUITCASE Islanders'vs. Chicago 5:20 O 6IVE US THIS DAY (D GET SMART 5:58 0 TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES "Strike While the Agent Is Hoi" liiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimniiiiiiiii liiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniHMiii

16 Foreign Countries See OTr STUM M GREAT! Live Returns Via Satellites Wei Trimmed By JAY SHARBUTT The foreign report was broad- our turbulent way of electing cast from four studios at a president and the Congress. NEW YORK (AP) - It's NBC, which ran this year's in- It was a far, sophisticated hard to believe, but last ternational election night tele- cry from 1948, when a U.S. night's television coverage of vision pool. presidential election was tele- OPEN DAIir 9 TO 10 P.M.. SUNDAYS 9 TO t P STEAKS99 the presidential election was Network correspondents vised by the networks for the seen live and mostly in color ranging in nationality from first time. ENWY SHORT CUT by millions of viewers in IB Japanese to Danish stood be- Today's international cov- foreign countries. fore the camera, trying to ex- erage wasn't even national Satellites made it possible, plain in their own language then. The technology hadn't RIB STEAK advanced to the point where a 1 television signal could be re- PORTERHOUSE.... ."*. layed from the Muenlbach Ho- Succulent T-BOKE STEAKS M TAKE tel in Kansas City, Mo., the upto election night headquarters of j President Harry S. Truman. lean /Boneless BEEF GROUND YEARS I • TOP SIRLOIN CHUCK Television S-lb. Av«. Pica. • CROSS RIB 10,000 REPAY! Comment • TOP ROUND PAY OFF ALL • BOTTOM ROUND Alb. Top Quality PATRICK CUDAHY BACON YOUR BILLS 60 MONTHLY PAYMENT CHART Perhaps it's just as well. The only scene television Whole cuts slightly higher • Our Finest- One Low Monthly Amount Monthly TOP ROUND STEAK $ of Loan Payments would have shown was one of 69 Payment Pays All tired, bedraggled reporters $2,500 $ 59.48 PrkeX'her! OP LONDON BROIL 1 lb. FOR QUICK ACTION lounging around, talking to $5,000 $118.95 U.S.D. A.-CHOICE $7,500 $178.43 || each other and wondering 229-7600 ' where Truman had gone. EYE ROUND AMERICAN SHOULDER Annual Percentage Rate is ! CAPITAL RESOURCES CO. ISOOCredit Life and Disability "We didn't know where he •onle 35 (Imtwi, Insurance Optional C Wilt L«>( Irjnch, KJ. !' was that night," said Frank | Secondary Mortgage Loans| j Bourgholtzer, NBC radio's man at the. Muehlbach in 1948 LAMB CHOPS 99 lb and now a television corre- spondent for NBC News in U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED - Frank Perdue's m Los Angeles. BEEF SHORT RIBS OR FLANKEN Truman, as BourRholtzer PERDUE duality CHICKENS LEAN AND MEATY OLDE and the others learned the next morning, had spent the REGULAR STYLE night at the Kims Hotel in Kx- LEGS BREASTS celsior Springs. 30 miles with with ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY northeast of Kansas City. s b RIBS RIBS JACK ATKINSON The watch at the Muehlbach Chicken Wings 29* lb. Livers 49' lb. RAGTIME PIANIST wasn't particularly produc- tive. Radio had no projec- CREEK GIANT V FRESHLY MADE FRESHLY SLICED DOMESTIC^ ^ DIXIELAND tions, no computers to speed .Whole K.mtl the vote count in an election or Creom POTATO HAM N 9 1 JAZZ NIGHT all the polls said Truman was CORN WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15 certain to lose. 17-OZ. CAN ^SALAD SWISS Combo • THANKSGIVING DINNER The reporters at Ihe holol DEL MONTE only had news wires to keep 14-01 BOTTLE Reservations Now Being Taken them abreast of lhc'"national CATSUP f/fM/fcW FOOD vole. And, as Bougholtzer re- ^\ MOMTCO Nca>r Duly Just Went of Riverrieu) Hospital MORTON calls il, Ihe lime dragged on ALUMINUM Wharf Avc, Red Bank without any definite result. DINNERS TANGERINES If The moment that sticks • CHICKEN • TURKEY I kail 842-75751 most in Bourghnltzcr's mind MOTT'Sas-oi. • SALISBURY • MEAT tOAF came at about 'I a.m., when APPLE SAUCE 10°49 Windsor Booth, then Time MONTEO MORTON JUICY FLORIDA |ti magazine's White House cor- RONZONI UB DANISH COUNTRY STYIE WAFFLES ORANGES \l respondent, made a cursory • APPLE • PECAN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT check of the wires at the hotel NOODLE • MELTAWAY 13o/. press room. What he saw ex- RONZONI • Quart GRAND OPENING citod him. SPAGHETTI FRESH CRISP DAIRYDEPT. Thursday, November 9 at 4 P.M. "I remember he sort of shouted, 'Hey, dammit. Ihe old ROYAL DAIRY - CARROTS man's going to win this PUREX MB. SWISS BAGS thing,' " lie said. "Kor quite a BLEACH Gal while he was the only one in AMERICAN JONATHON the room who thoughi Tru- ALL PURPOSE it man would win it." TIPTOP APPLES3m According to the NBC radio BREAKSTONE COOKIE CORNER Florida Cirrus log (or the 1!MH election, the FAVORI BUMY'S WDGE TOWN 10-OI ....37 PUNCH network switched to Bourg- .SUNSHINE ARROWROOT 7'/>-OZ 35 SOUR CREAM RADISHES holtzer Iho next morning at KKBLER KANUT BUTTER 12-OZ 37' c H:'iH a.m. as Truman was ar- NABISCO MARSHMAUOW 4-0 Z. 31 riving al Ihe Muehlbach Ho- Cantonese Restaurant tel. HWY. 35, HAZLET PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER , And Truman still wasn't as Call 264-9885 or 264-2333 confident as Booth. Bnurghnlt- MRS. FILBERT'S MANAGER Y.K.ENQ ( zer told his listeners Truman ANY SIZE JOY LIQUID AJAX LAUNDRY SOFT-GOLDEN • BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH • ™EBS asked reporters, "How is it OR BRAND • TAKE OUT ORDERS • BANQUETS - PARTIES going'.'" OF DETERGENT DETERGENT MARGARINE 22-OZ. ASK FOR OUR HOUSE DI/WER SPBCIAL 6-BOTTtES LB. 4fcHB rBeei SOUVENIRS The Republican National c FREES TO ALL! Convention in Chicago nomi- nated Abraham Lincoln lor SODA EmwM of our cmfa taw «wr 10 yw» «ip»li«t» h ftntam Cookfej. President during the week of OPEN 7 DAYS 11:30 A.M. to MIDNIGHT May IS, I860. Manulacluftr 5 wgg«l«t retail pnce. nol including wWlewa'l lires ano wneel covets (shown! Destination charges, slate and local taxes and other optional equipment extra

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