MID-TERM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ACCOUNTABLE DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING (ADISS) ACTIVITY Evaluation Report MID -TERM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ACCOUNTABLE DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING (ADISS) ACTIVITY Evaluation Report (Draft) September 2017 This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by The Mitchell Group, Inc. (TMG). This document has been prepared for USAID, under Contract No. AID-OAA-I-15-00028/ AID-641-TO-17-00001, Task Order, Mid-term Performance Evaluation of Accountable Democratic Institutions Systems Strengthening (ADISS) Activity. Prepared by: Raymond Gervais, Team Leader, Phyllis Cox, Anti-Corruption Specialist, Vincent Azumah, Evaluation Specialist, The Mitchell Group Primary Contacts: Raymond Gervais, Team Leader, TMG, Inc., Washington, DC,
[email protected] Jenkins Cooper, Vice President Operations, TMG, Inc., Washington, DC, jenkinsc@the- mitchellgroup.com The Mitchell Group, Inc. 1816 11th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Tel.: 202-745-1919 The design on the cover page was produced by identifying the 20 most recurrent themes in responses to the quantitative survey, under Question 17. DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. This page is intentionally left blank. Table of Contents Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................................