Volume 45, Number 10 • November 2010 In This Issue Barry Lopez Named 2011 AAG Honorary Geographer he AAG is pleased to announce that author with Debra Gwartney. The book collects more Barry Lopez has been named the AAG’s 2011 than 850 original definitions for geographic and THonorary Geographer. Lopez landscape terms written by 45 ­poets From the Meridian...... 2 will receive the honor and deliver a and nature writers. Lopez was a fea- President’s Column...... 3 presentation on the evening of April tured speaker at the AAG’s Geo­ Washington Monitor...... 9 15 at the 2011 AAG Annual Meeting graphy & Humanities Symposium, Member Profile...... 12 in Seattle. held in June 2007 at the University Grants & Awards Barry Lopez is a writer known for of Virginia in Charlottesville, and his Received...... 14 his evocative portrayals of people presentation at the 2011 AAG Annual Annual Meeting living in close communication with Meeting will be part of a special set Registration Form...... 15 nature. He is the author of eight of sessions sponsored by the AAG Of Note...... 16 works of fiction and six works of ­exploring new directions in geogra- Specialty Group News...... 18 nonfiction, including Arctic Dreams: phy and the humanities (see page 2). New Appointments...... 18 Imagination and Desire in a Northern Land- Lopez Lopez is the recipient of an Award Geographic Centers...... 19 scape, for which he won the National in Literature from the American Call for Papers...... 19 Book Award for non-fiction. His writing appears Academy of Arts and Letters, a Pushcart Prize Grants & Competitions...... 20 regularly in Harper’s, The Paris Review, DoubleTake, for fiction, and a Guggenheim ­Fellowship, among Award Deadlines...... 21 The Georgia Review, and other publications. other honors. He lives in western . n Necrology...... 22 Lopez’s most recent book is Home Ground: Lan- Jobs in Geography...... 23 guage for an American Landscape, which he co-edited Events...... 47 The Native Renaissance of Washington’s Tribal Nations n the 21st century, Washington’s tribal extinguished Native claims to 64 million nations are going through an unprec- acres, in return for the exclusive tribal use edented revitalization, rooted partly in of small reservations, most located near the I th the treaties they signed in the 19 century. prime fishing grounds at the mouths of major More than any other state, Washington rivers. In order to survive on these reserva- has turned from conflict to cooperation tions, and maintain their cultural identities, in its dealings with Indigenous peoples, the Native nations signed the treaties only e

ic because they have so strongly asserted on the condition that they would retain their political, economic and cultural self- their preexisting rights to fish, hunt, dig for Serv

st determination. shellfish, and gather plants, berries and roots.

A A Fore As full-scale U.S. settlement began in the The treaties stated that the tribal right to fish D Pacific Northwest, Washington Territory in “all usual and accustomed fishing grounds : : US it Governor Isaac Stevens negotiated a series and stations, is…secured to said Indians in

Cred of six treaties with the Indigenous nations of common with the citizens of the territory” James Wehn’s famous sculpture of Chief Seattle, the region. The Stevens Treaties of 1854-55 (Harmon 2009). also known as Sealth, leader of the Suquamish and Duwamish Native American tribes, shown here in Continued on page 10 1920. Deadline for Abstracts Extended to November 10—AAG Annual Meeting www.aag.org/annualmeeting

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 1 November 2010 From the Meridian

AAG Newsletter Geography Interacting of the Association of American with the Humanities Geographers he AAG will be continuing a de- ing interactions between geography and cade long arc of sustained activity the humanities. These efforts resulted in T around the theme of “Geography a seminal Symposium on Geography and and the Humanities” with a special set the Humanities, sponsored jointly by the Douglas Richardson, Publisher and Managing Editor of sessions on these interactions during AAG, the American Council of Learned its upcoming Annual Meet- Societies (ACLS) and the Jim Ketchum, Editor ing in Seattle. We invite all University of Virginia, in AAG Voice 202-234-1450 interested geographers and 2007. This symposium ex- AAG Fax 202-234-2744 humanities scholars to at- plored how geography in- [email protected] tend and participate in these forms the humanities and www.aag.org sessions, to be held on April vice versa, took stock of the 12-16, 2011. new and evolving connec- USPS 987-380 ISSN 0275-3995 As noted previously in this tions between geography column,1 there has been a and the humanities, and The AAG Newsletter ISSN 0275- remarkable resurgence of in- identified promising new 3995 is published monthly with July/ tellectual interplay between research pathways along Richardson August combined, by the Association geography and the humani- which such interaction can of American Geographers, 1710 16th ties in both academic and proliferate and be strength- public circles. Metaphors and concepts ened in the future. Street NW, Washington, DC 20009- of geography now permeate literature, These Geography and Humanities in- 3198. The cost of an annual subscrip- philosophy, the arts, and other humani- teractions are now the subject of two new tion is $25.00. The subscription price ties. Terminology and concepts such as books, emanating in part from the AAG is included in the annual dues of the space, place, landscape, mapping, and geography Symposium, and supported by grants from Association. Not available to non- are increasingly pervasive as conceptual the National Endowment for the Humani- members. Periodicals postage paid in frameworks and core metaphors in recent ties and from the Virginia Foundation Washington, DC. All news items and publications in the humanities. for the Humanities. The first of these letters, including job listings, should be The diffusion of ideas between geo­ complementary explorations, Envisioning sent to the Editor at the address below graphy and the humanities is significant Landscapes, Making Worlds: Geography and or to [email protected]. for the insights and connections it has the Humanities, focuses a lens on the deep All Newsletter materials must arrive spawned. Scholars and writers outside of traditions of the humanities within the at the Association office by the 1st of the field of geography have developed new discipline of geography, with contribu- the month preceding the month of the understandings from interrogating a sense tions from many of the most prominent publication. This includes job listings. of place, or by examining the changing authors in the humanities traditions of Material will be published on a space landscapes of globalization and complex geo­graphy. The second book, Geohuman- available basis and at the discretion of new international realities in traditionally ities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place, the editorial staff. geographic terms. Old and new geo- reaches outward to explore the new, rap- When your address changes, please graphic techniques and ideas applied to idly evolving experimental and experien- notify the Association office imme- humanities studies have opened new lines tial engagements by humanities disciplines diately. Six weeks notice is necessary of intellectual inquiry and have changed themselves as they seek to understand to ensure uninterrupted delivery of research methodologies in numerous and incorporate geographic methods and AAG publications. To assist the AAG fields. And, of course, the mutually ben- concepts of space and place into their own office in your address change, include eficial interactions between the discipline work. Both of these new books, forthcom- the address label with your change of of geography and such humanities fields ing from Routledge in Spring 2011, will address. as the philosophy of science, cultural and be the subject of featured discussions by Postmaster: Send address changes ethnic studies, and various literatures in attendees of the AAG ­Annual Meeting’s to AAG Newsletter, 1710 16th Street post-modernist thought have also had special “Geo­graphy and the Humanities NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198, or far-reaching implications for geographic Sessions” in Seattle, together with the [email protected]. research and education. books’ editors and authors. For many years, the AAG has focused Another highlight of the Geography and on developing ideas, methods and part- the Humanities track at the Seattle meeting nerships through which we might further for me will be a keynote ­presentation by explore, showcase, and foster the emerg- Continued on page 4

2 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org President’s Column Volume 45, Number 10

Supporting Early Career Geographers Beyond the Academy

everal of my columns have focused and other areas that are already part of In addition to raising awareness chang- on improving support for early career most graduate curricula. Despite these ing career opportunities, I think there is Sgeographers moving into academic ca- suggestions for change, other studies indi- need to do more to share effective practice reers. Just as much attention should focus cate that many faculty don’t appreciate the among geography programs. Many of our on strengthening support for those mov- widening range of career paths being pur- colleagues are attuned to the changes un- ing into professional careers in business, sued by their students and derway and are responding to government, NGOs and other types of see no reason to change their student interests and concerns non-profits. programs. As Donald Wulff in very positive ways. They As a discipline we’ve had a long history and Maresi Nerad have noted are developing innovative of providing the training needed for our in one recent book chap- ways for students to gain the graduates to move into leadership positions ter on improving doctoral experience and knowledge in a wide range of careers. But improving education, this means many needed for leadership and and extending this support is, I think, par- “faculty continue to prepare success. These strategies in- ticularly important now given changing eco- their students as though all… volve, among others, develop- nomic realities and opportunities. Despite are going to become faculty, ing effective alumni networks, the current economic downturn, a study in while in reality only about dynamic internship programs, The Professional Geographer by Michael Solem, half of all PhD recipients Foote relevant training in geospatial Ivan Cheung and Beth ­Schlemper (2008) in- [across all fields] ultimately technologies, and careful ad- dicates that career prospects remain strong do so” (in geography about 70-75 percent). vising. Too few of these strategies are how- for geography graduates. However, they One consequence is that students may be ever shared among departments and across also note that employment opportunities hesitant to confide plans to their advisors the discipline. Sharing information about are increasingly diverse and often require if they are considering careers outside of a successful and unsuccessful strategies can additional skills or a different combination of research university. be of tremendous value to colleagues. skills and competencies than in the past. We Although this particular example fo- Over the next few years, I hope the know that geospatial career opportunities cuses on doctoral education, my point is AAG’s continuing Enhancing Departments are among the fastest growing in the U.S., that opportunities for geographers may and Graduate Education (EDGE) project but geographers continue to be valued for be changing faster than both graduate (www.aag.org/edge) will help to promote other qualities they bring to their work: ex- and undergraduate programs can respond, this sharing on two levels. The first is the perience in field and research methods; the leading to a mismatch between aspirations need for research. At the moment, there is ability to work across disciplinary boundar- and education at all educational levels from great need for basic information about our ies, and spatial thinking. Improving our BA to PhD. Raising awareness of the cur- MA/MS programs and how they are adapt- undergraduate and graduate curricula to ad- rent employment situation among faculty ing to the changing career paths of gradu- dress new challenges may not require radical is a start, but more can also be done to ates. Many disciplines, for instance, are change. Raising awareness of the issues alert students to career possibilities. This developing professional masters programs, and spurring cooperation and collaboration is one reason the AAG is leading efforts to but how and to what extent are these being across the discipline may be more fruitful. publish the book Practicing Geography: Careers developed in geo­graphy and how are they For instance, several recent studies by for Enhancing Society and the Environment and working? Similarly, certifications are cur- the Center for Innovation and Research to improve and expand the association’s rently very popular, but what skills do they in Graduate Education at the Univer- careers website. A major emphasis of both provide and how are students benefiting sity of Washington have asked doctoral the book and website is to help students from them? The second way to share is graduates to reflect on their training five think broadly about career options and through workshops and sessions at profes- to ten years after completing their degrees how they can engage important issues as sional meetings, as well as through our (http://depts.washington.edu/cirgeweb/c/). leaders in government, business and the annual AAG Department Leadership work- Respondents (including geographers) who non-profit sector. I think the book will shop. A number of sessions have already had moved into academic positions as well also alert students to the range of career been planned for the AAG Annual Meeting as into careers in business, government and options available and how they can get in Seattle, but I hope these sessions will the non-profit sectors rated their training the most out of their undergraduate and only be the start of further discussion on highly, but had suggestions for change. graduate programs. But, at the same time, these important issues. n Most respondents—particularly those the book and website are also intended to from outside academia—wanted even help faculty respond to changing needs and Ken Foote greater exposure and focus on research help students make informed choices about [email protected] methods, grant writing, communication their career options.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 3 November 2010

National Research Council Releases Report on U.S. Doctorate Programs

he National Research Council (NRC) grams, growth in the numbers of faculty and valued criteria for assessing program quality has released the findings of its Data- students per program, expanded production for geography programs in both ranking T based Assessment of Research-Doctorate of PhDs, significant rise in average faculty- systems were: publications, citations, grants, Programs in the United States. The assessment is to-student ratios, and an increase in the average GRE scores, PhD production, and the first conducted nationally by the NRC gender and ethnic diversity of programs. awards. since 1995 and is intended to provide stu- Geography, “a field revolutionized by the However, these results do not mean that dents, faculty, administrators and research- availability of satellite information,”1 expe- geography faculty view student support and ers with a variety of options for evaluating rienced the greatest percentage of growth enhancing diversity as unworthy goals for the quality of PhD programs in many fields. in programs among fields in the social and PhD programs. Indeed, research by the Data and copies of the report are available behavioral sciences. A total of 40 geography AAG’s EDGE project on graduate education for free download at www.nap.edu/rdp. programs were sampled from among the and ALIGNED project on enhancing diver- Major differences between the 2010 re- 75 doctoral programs of geography in the sity confirms that faculty and graduate stu- port and previous NRC assessments include: United States (see also the AAG Guide to dents alike share a deep interest in improving a decline in the number of participating Geography Programs in the Americas). academic climate for students of all back- institutions (from 274 to 221), a rise in the The report introduces two new ranking grounds. Still, many faculty and students number of ranked fields (from 41 to 59), systems. Whereas prior assessments by the continue to experience a broad range of and a fundamental change in the rating NRC were based on “reputational” rankings academic, financial, and personal difficulties, methodology (from “reputational” rankings of doctoral programs, the new report uses which are often felt most acutely by women, to “illustrative” rankings, as explained be- two different metrics, or so-called “illustra- ethnic minorities, and international students low). A separate report is available through tive” rankings, for comparing program qual- and faculty. This is why the AAG, through the NRC website that provides an in-depth ity. The Survey (S) rankings are based upon programs such as EDGE, ALIGNED, the explanation of the methodology developed indicators of program quality as derived Geography Faculty Development Alliance, for the 2010 assessment. NRC is planning a from a survey of university faculty who and the Departmental Leadership work- workshop on the ways in which universities assigned weights to 20 objective variables shops, continues to engage geography pro- and researchers are using the data, to be measuring their relative importance. The grams in research and dialogue aimed at held approximately six months from now. Regression (R) rankings infer the charac- improving the academic and social qualities Although the report is largely based on teristics of programs that faculty valued of all types of geography departments, for data collected during the 2005-06 academic most based upon principal components and all types of students. We encourage readers year, it encompasses information about doc- regression analyses applied to the results to participate in these AAG programs and toral programs gathered over the previous 5 of faculty surveys ranking a sample of pro- learn how they can complement efforts by years (2000-2005). NRC anticipates that fu- grams in their field. the NRC and other organizations to support ture updates should arrive more frequently Under each ranking system, the report and broaden participation in the nation’s provided that institutions continue to collect presents separate results for three sets of graduate education system. n and supply data, absent any future change in metrics: (a) Research Activity, (b) Student methodology. Support and Outcomes, and (c) Diversity of Michael Solem ([email protected]) The report offers trend data in doc- the academic environment. Patricia Solís ([email protected]) toral education such as the number of PhD Overall, the results indicate that faculty 1Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Paul W. Holland, Charlotte programs, program sizes, and diversity of view Research Activity metrics, namely V. Kuh, and James A. Voytuk (eds). 2010. A faculty and student populations. For ex- publications, citations, grants, and awards, as Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs ample, over the 13 years from 1993 to 2006 mattering more than other metrics related to in the United States. Washington, DC: Committee higher education as a whole experienced Student Support or Diversity in determining to Assess Research-Doctorate Programs; National an increase in the number of doctoral pro- program quality. Similarly, among the most- Research Council.

From the Meridian from page 2 the exquisite writer and long-time friend The AAG welcomes and encourages and most apt setting for these ­sessions on of geography, Barry Lopez. I am delighted broad participation by geographers and Geography and the Humanities. n to note as well that Barry has been selected other scholars in the special Geography and as the AAG’s 2011 Honorary Geographer, the Humanities Sessions in Seattle. Please Doug Richardson a fitting award in light of this year’s special see the Call for Papers at right if you are [email protected] focus on Geography and the Humanities. interested in presenting a paper, poster or Barry Lopez’s keynote talk will be pre- panel session related to these topics. I look 1Richardson, Douglas. 2006. “Geography and the Hu- sented on Friday, April 15, 2011. forward to seeing you in Seattle, a beautiful manities,” AAG Newsletter, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 2,4.

4 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10

AAG Members Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

AG members Donald Meinig and ous honors and awards throughout his DeFries is actively involved in linking Ruth DeFries were recently in- career, including the Charles P. Daly Medal scientific information into policy decisions. A ducted into the American Academy by the American Geographical Society and Her research analyzes land use changes of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), one of the the Master Teacher Award of the National over broad scales through the lens of satel- oldest and most prestigious institutions in Council on Geographic Education. lite observations, with a particular focus the United States. Current AAAS mem- Ruth DeFries is Denning Professor on tropical deforestation and its impacts bership includes more than 250 Nobel of Sustainable Development at Colum- on atmospheric carbon emissions and laureates and 60 Pulitzer Prize winners. bia University. Her innovative research conservation. She is often credited with The induction ceremony took place on examines human transformation of the transforming the way scientists analyze the October 9, 2010. landscape and its consequences for cli- impact of land cover change. Don Meinig is Maxwell Research Established in 1780 by John ­Adams, Professor of Geography Emeritus at James Bowdoin, John Hancock and Syracuse University and author of other founders of the nation, the Ameri- the ambitious four-volume work, The can Academy of Arts and Sciences ­Shaping of America. A historical and undertakes studies of complex and cultural geographer, he has made sub- emerging problems. Its membership of stantial contributions to the study of scholars and practitioners from many landscapes and regions and topics such disciplines and professions gives it a as imperialism and globalization. His unique capacity to conduct a wide range clear prose and sweeping geographical of interdisciplinary, long-term policy perspective have enlivened geography research. Current projects focus on over the course of his 60-year career science and technology; global security; Meinig DeFries in academia. social policy and American institutions; Meinig’s influence on the disci- the humanities and culture; and educa- pline of geography is incalculable, partly mate, biogeochemical cycling, biodiversity, tion. Its purpose was to provide a forum for through the seminal work The Interpreta- and other ecosystem services that make a select group of scholars, members of the tion of Ordinary Landscapes (1979), which he our planet habitable. over the past three learned professions, and government and edited and to which he contributed several years, ­DeFries has received a Fulbright business leaders to work together on behalf essays, partly through his influence on award, been elected to membership in of the democratic interests of the republic. generations of students. In 1991 he was the National Academy of Sciences, and in More information is available at www. the first American-born geographer to be September 2007 received the MacArthur amacad.org. n elected a Corresponding Fellow of the “genius” fellowship—one of the most pres- ­British Academy. He has received numer- tigious awards in the world.

Geography and the Humanities Special Sessions at the 2011 Annual Meeting The Association of American Geo­ recent book is Home Ground: Language landscape, cartography, or other aspects graphers is sponsoring a special set of for an American Landscape. That evening, of geography. sessions on new interdisciplinary re- Lopez will be recognized as the AAG’s Those interested in participating or search and practice taking place at the 2011 Honorary Geographer. proposing sessions should submit ab- intersections of geography and the hu- The AAG welcomes abstracts engag- stracts of approximately 250 words by manities at its upcoming Annual Meeting ing topics and methods at the crossroads November 10, 2010 at www.aag.org/an in Seattle, to be held April 12-16, 2011. of geography and the humanities, broadly nualmeeting, and should also send the This special sequence will feature a pre- conceived to include the arts. Sessions abstract to [email protected] with “Hu- sentation on the evening of Friday, April currently under development involve manities Sessions” as the subject line. 15 by internationally-renowned author literature, history, philosophy, popular For additional information please Barry ­Lopez, winner of the National culture, performance art, and photog- contact AAG Executive Director, Doug Book Award for Arctic Dreams. His most raphy and their relation to place, space, Richardson, at [email protected].

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 5 November 2010 Nature and Society Section Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

he Association of American Geo­ should be eager to act as an intellectual logistics of processing manuscripts and graphers seeks applications and entrepreneur to attract the very best work book reviews, and for assembling and co- T nominations for the Nature and being produced. ordinating the publication of each issue of Society section editor for the Annals of the In support of these goals, the editorial the journal in collaboration with the editors Association of American Geographers. The new candidate should possess demonstrated ex- and the journal’s publisher. Editor candi- section editor will be appointed for a four- pertise within the section subject area (Na- dates, therefore, should share the AAG year editorial term that will commence on ture and Society), a distinguished record of Council’s vision of an accessible, decentral- January 1, 2012. The appointment will be scholarly achievement, a broad perspective ized, and collaborative Annals editorship. made by spring 2011. on the discipline of geography, respect and The AAG seeks an editor who will affection for its diversity, and an ability to Apply solicit, review, and accept for publication work constructively with authors during A letter of application that addresses articles in the Nature and Society subject the review process. Institutional support both qualifications and a vision for the area, within publication-space limitations for the new editor (especially some time Nature and Society section should be ac- that will be determined annually. released from teaching) is desirable, but companied by a complete curriculum vitae. The AAG Council expects that the new not mandatory. The AAG will provide a Nominations and applications should be editor will accept manuscripts from across stipend to be used for expenses and hono- submitted by January 20, 2011. Please the breadth and depth of intellectual activ- rarium at the editor’s discretion. e-mail applications or letters of nomination ity in their subject area of contemporary The section editor will work in coordi- to Journals Managing Editor Robin Maier American geography. The AAG Council nation with the AAG Journals Managing at [email protected]. further expects that the Annals will publish Editor, located at the Meridian Place AAG items that represent the very best thinking office in Washington, DC. The Managing in American geography. The section editor Editor bears primary responsibility for the

Book Review Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

he Association of American Geo­ contribution to contemporary issues in the reviewing page proofs, and tracking all graphers seeks applications and environment, in society, and the interplay books received. T nominations for a Book Review between them. Editor for the Annals of the Association of The Book Review Editor for the Annals Apply American Geographers. The new Book Review will select books for review in all subfields A letter of application should be ac- editor will be appointed for a four-year ed- of geography and related specialties and companied by a complete curriculum vitae. itorial term that will commence on January edit the Annals book reviews. She or he Nominations and applications should be 1, 2012. The appointment will be made by is expected to maintain close communica- submitted by January 20, 2011. Please spring 2011. tion with the AAG’s Managing Editor as e-mail applications or letters of nomination The Annals publishes original, timely, well as arranging for the receipt of review to Journals Managing Editor Robin Maier and innovative pieces that advance knowl- copies of all appropriate books, finding at [email protected]. edge in all facets of the discipline. It is a and commissioning reviewers, submitting forum for timely debates on geography’s edited reviews to the Managing Editor,

Internships at AAG The AAG is currently accepting applications for internships. Interns participate in AAG programs and projects such as education, outreach, website, publications, and research. A monthly stipend of $500 is provided. Interns will be expected to make their own housing and related logistical arrangements. Applicants should forward their resume, a brief writing sample, and a list of 2-3 references to Candida Mannozzi, [email protected]. Enrollment in a Geography or closely related program is preferred but not a prerequisite for this opportunity.

6 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10

AAG Launches Online Geography Program Survey

he AAG has launched its 2010 a variety of data related to geographers and The AAG strongly encourages readers online survey to collect current in- geography from multiple sources, includ- to ensure that their departments respond T formation on trends in geography ing from the AAG membership database, to this survey. Please direct any questions related to faculty salaries, undergradu- information from individual geography regarding the survey to [email protected]. ate and graduate enrollments, degrees departments, data collected through AAG Release of results is anticipated to begin in conferred, race and ethnic composition, supplemental surveys, and data collected early 2011. n and other characteristics of programs or by third party surveys and research such departments. The data will update the as the recently released NRC survey on Patricia Solís ([email protected]) information that AAG collected in 2005 doctoral programs. These are available at Michael Solem ([email protected]) from seventy-four responding programs, the AAG disciplinary data clearinghouse, and will enable five-year comparisons of www.aag.org/cs/projects_and_programs/ the benchmark results to identify changes disciplinary_data. REFERENCES in the field of geography at a national Among other uses, results from this Solís, Patricia, Michael Solem, and Doug level. Survey invitations are being sent 2010 survey are intended to serve as a ­Richardson. 2007. Enhancing Diversity in Geo­ to all North American geography de- follow-up to the 2005 baseline to help graphy. AAG Newsletter 42(4):1-2, 5. partment chairs and geography program assess and diversify undergraduate and Richardson, Doug. 2006. Disciplinary Data: Crit- contact persons. Efforts are underway to graduate programs at various institutions ical Needs and Updated Priorities. AAG Newsletter encourage high levels of participation including universities, community col- 41(8): 2, 6-7. from among the more than 300 geogra- leges, and other educational institutions. Darden, Joe, et al. 2006. “Final Report: An Action phy programs identified in the AAG Guide Results of the survey will be available to Strategy for Geography Departments as Agents to Geography Programs in the Americas. participating departments/programs upon of Change.” AAG Diversity Task Force Report, The AAG regularly receives requests for request after the completion of the survey. available at www.aag.org/diversity. detailed and up-to-date data about the dis- Individual responses are being held strictly Solís, Patricia. 2006. Survey by Diversity Task cipline from geography departments pro- confidential and data will only be reported Force. AAG Newsletter 41(8): 2, 6-7. posing new geography degree programs or publically in aggregate form. The AAG’s defending existing ones; from individuals EDGE and ALIGNED projects will also for research, dissertations, publications, or use this data in light of other information curiosity-driven research; and from gov- collected by AAG, the NRC, NSF and ernmental agencies and the media. As a other third parties to generate additional response to such requests, the AAG has insights related to undergraduate, graduate, developed a strategic effort over the past and faculty trends in the discipline within a several years to gather and make accessible broader educational context.

Call for Participation: Space-Time Integration in Geography & GIScience

The AAG invites participation in a special Symposium focused on the research status, recent advances and research needs of space-time integration, modeling and analysis in geography and GIScience, to be organized within the AAG Annual Meeting in Seattle, April 12-16, 2011. This special set of invited papers will feature many leading geography and GIScience researchers from Asia and Europe as well as from other regions of the world, and will form a high-profile international symposium within the AAG Annual Meeting. If you are interested in presenting a paper or poster in this Time-Space Research Symposium, please go to www.aag.org to register for the conference and to submit your abstract by the deadline of November 10, 2010. Indicate “Temporal” as one of your keywords. Also email a copy of your abstract submission page to Megan Overbey at [email protected]. For more information on the symposium, contact Jean McKendry at [email protected].

For the full call for papers, see www.aag.org/cs/giscienceresearch.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 7 November 2010 AAG Center for Global Geography Education Workshop No Passports Required: Internationalizing Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Geography Education 2011 AAG Annual Meeting: Seattle, Washington Tuesday, April 12 and Wednesday, April 13 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Call for Participation Workshop Objectives be limited to 20 participants. Participants The AAG invites applications for a work- The No Passports Required workshop is who complete the workshop will receive a shop designed to prepare geographers for designed to: stipend of $100 from the AAG. international teaching collaborations using 1. Introduce geographers to the content of To apply for consideration, please com- the online educational resources developed the CGGE modules; plete the form available on the workshops for the AAG Center for Global Geography 2. Illustrate how the various resources in section of the CGGE website (http://global Education (CGGE). the CGGE modules can be used for geography.aag.org) and email it to Mark Funded since 2003 by the National Sci- undergraduate instruction; Revell at the AAG ([email protected]) by ence Foundation, CGGE currently offers 3. Prepare geographers from different November 30, 2010. a collection of online course modules for countries to use the CGGE modules for Applicants are strongly encouraged to undergraduate geography classes: Population international teaching collaborations. review the CGGE website and modules and Natural Resources, Global Economy, National prior to preparing an application. Pref- Identity, Migration, Water Resources, and Global CGGE modules are available on the web erence will be given to applicants who Climate Change. Each module’s website con- at http://globalgeography.aag.org. Note demonstrate potential for using CGGE sists of a conceptual framework providing that the collaborative projects are located materials by indicating specific courses in an introduction to some of the key theories on a different, Moodle-based website, but which the modules could be implemented and concepts that geographers use to ex- they can be viewed by following the in- in the upcoming academic year (it is not amine issues; a set of regional case studies structions on the homepage of each CGGE necessary to commit to using an entire that draw on geographic research and teach module. module in a collaboration). Applicants are students methods of problem solving and not required to have prior experience in spatial analysis; and collaborative projects Application Procedures international collaboration or online teach- that engage students in different countries This is an excellent opportunity for ing in order to qualify as a participant. in discussions and activities supported by faculty and graduate students who teach For further information about the CGGE Moodle e-learning technologies. undergraduate courses to meet new inter- project or the No Passports Required work- Over the past several years the CGGE national colleagues, while learning new and shop, please contact Dr. Michael Solem at project has engaged thousands of under- exciting ways to teach geography. Partici- the AAG ([email protected]) n graduate students worldwide in geographic pants in the workshop will be matched in learning collaborations. During this period advance with potential collaborators who Michael Solem, AAG the project has also developed faculty ex- share similar teaching interests, but future [email protected] pertise in online collaborative pedagogy collaborations do not necessarily have to and supported geographers using CGGE be initiated with those who are present at modules for educational collaborations in the workshop. the U.S., Europe, Southeast Asia, and Latin We will run two workshops during the America. AAG Annual Meeting. Each workshop will

Donate The Geographical Bulletin to GTU

Geographical Honors Society Gamma GTU is seeking donations of volumes 9 GTU’s webpage is available at http:// Theta Upsilon is currently in the and 17. Donations cannot be returned. www.gammathetaupsilon.org. ­process of scanning The Geographical Bul- Please contact James Lowry at jlowery@ letin and posting it online in PDF format. uno.edu.

8 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10

Washington Monitor

NAS Report on NOAA With this context in place, Koch noted and geographic skills that can prove so Education Programs that NOAA views their education mission critical throughout an entire lifespan. The National Academy of Sciences’ as all encompassing—the agency’s experts The report follows a similar critique Board on Science Education (BOSE) has are called upon to ensure the scientific BOSE published in 2008 on elementary released a review and critique of public rigor of NOAA’s education programs and and secondary education programs at the education programs and activities run by the agency utilizes its many local offices National Aeronautics and Space Admin­ the National Oceanic and Atmospheric and sites around the country to provide istration (NASA). Administration (NOAA). place-based educational offerings. The On October 6, the Academies held an BOSE panel members praised NOAA for 2010 Elections to Affect event on Capitol Hill to share the con- this and indicated that the agency does an Redistricting clusions of the report with Washington’s especially good job of working with local With a submission deadline well before policymaking and advocacy communities. school districts. Election Day, I decided to steer clear in Louisa Koch, NOAA’s Director of Edu- During the open discussion portion this column of any topics that will be cation, formally represented the agency, of the Capitol Hill event, I stressed the heavily influenced by the midterms. Please sharing the stage with several members of ­importance of providing education aimed look for full coverage of the election in the BOSE panel that developed the report. at building spatial thinking and analysis the ­December edition of the Washington Created by the Nixon Administration in skills—especially for students. These skills Monitor—including the impact of vot- 1970, it was not until 2007 that NOAA are, of course, critical to all aspects of ers’ choices on the 112th Congress and received an agencywide mandate for edu- learning and informed decision-making, the outlook for scientific and education cation. can foster success in other STEM fields, ­appropriations and issues. That year’s COMPETES (Creating and enable individuals to pursue careers in I did, however, want to point readers to Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote the rapidly-growing geotechnologies field. an important political geography topic that Excellence in Technology, Education, and Koch asserted that NOAA is focused on will become a dominant issue in the wake Science) Act—which was better known as this in their education mission and that of the election: redistricting. Readers are the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) ­geography underpins many of the pro- probably well aware that Congressional and reauthorization bill—directed NOAA to grams they offer. state legislative districts must be redrawn “conduct, develop, support, promote, and The conclusions and recommendations every ten years once a Census occurs. As coordinate formal and informal educational of the BOSE report are too lengthy to list I mentioned in my July/August column, the activities at all levels to enhance public in this article, but the document concludes Census Bureau will begin delivering Census awareness and understanding of ocean, that NOAA has “developed diverse educa- block population data to the respective coastal, Great Lakes, and atmospheric sci- tion activities for a wide range of audiences states in February 2011 so that the redistrict- ence and stewardship.” The law also tasked and regions. While many of the conclu- ing process can begin. The Bureau will aim NOAA with developing a formal education sions of this committee address issues with to get data to states that have earlier redis- plan—to be updated at regular intervals. NOAA’s education efforts, the agency and tricting deadlines first—but all redistricting Koch explained that NOAA’s education its education staff are to be commended data must be delivered by April 2011. programs are focused on both students and for their historic commitment to education, Redistricting has a significant impact on members of the general public. She noted which precedes the agency-wide congres- the U.S. House, but the process is carried that NOAA is the only federal agency sional mandate on education.” The full out at the state level. In most cases, state officially charged with a focus on conserva- BOSE report on NOAA can be found on legislatures and Governors will debate new tion and stewardship and that this plays the Web at: http://www.nap.edu/catalog. district lines—and many of these officials a significant role in some of the agency’s php?record_id=12867. will have been elected on November 2. As environmental education programs. Koch The AAG, of course, has been heavily developments occur that impact redistrict- also told the audience that only 8 percent focused on promoting geography educa- ing in key states (including states that lost of K-12 education funding nationally comes tion at the K-12 level, especially as part of or gained House seats as a result of popula- from federal sources and that all of the the Elementary and Secondary Education tion changes), I will endeavor to cover this federal sciences agencies combined spend Act (the federal law currently know as No critical political geography topic in future about the same amount on STEM (science, Child Left Behind)—but we believe it is columns. Stay tuned! n technology, engineering, and mathemat- critical that all federal agencies engaged in ics) education as the U.S. Department of scientific education promote the key spatial John Wertman Education. [email protected]

The AAG is sponsoring a new photography competition. See back cover for details.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 9 November 2010

Washington’s Tribal Nations from page 1 19th Century Conflicts After Washington entered the Union in fishing, the tribes never took more than The treaties would come to define the 1889, the state government began to break 5 percent of the salmon harvest. A 1974 relationship between the U.S. govern- the Stevens Treaties. The tin can had made decision by Federal Judge George Boldt ment and 20 treaty tribes living west of commercial fishing a viable economic op- affirmed treaty rights, and recognized the the Cascades. In the Puget Sound War of tion for non-Indians, Native right to a share 1855-56, some tribes fought the treaties and Pacific salmon of the state fishery “We have shared our land, water limiting them to tiny reservations away stocks began to be “in common” with and other resources since the first from their “Usual and Accustomed” fish- seriously depleted. other state residents non-Indians arrived in this region. ing grounds, and a few (such as Puyallup Non-Native fishers (Cohen 1986). Heavy and Nisqually) won access to larger and harvested the salmon Today, we need that same kind of ocean trawler fishing more favorably located reservations. Dur- before they could sharing so that we can continue had already reduced ing the war, the Duwamish-Suquamish return to the tribes’ to harvest the natural resources salmon runs to dan- leader Sealth warned the settlers along “Usual and Accus- that keep our cultures alive and gerously low levels, Elliot Bay of an impending attack, and tomed Places,” and the strong.” hydroelectric dams grateful settlers later named the City of State restricted tribal frustrated the migra- Seattle after him. The name did little fishing methods–in —Chairman Billy Frank. Jr., tion of salmon up key good for the Duwamish, whom the federal the process racializing Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission rivers, and clear-cut government never recognized as a tribe harvest locations and logging silted up fish because their reservation might get in the allocation. The Puyallup lost nearly all of spawning beds, yet “white backlash” groups way of the city’s growth. Tribal lands were their reservation to the federal policy of and politicians portrayed tribal fishing as incorporated into the city and their fishing allotment (dividing and privatizing tribal the central culprit. rivers rechanneled into oblivion, as the lands), and the Nisqually lost access to In the 1980s, the federal courts took on Duwamish and later Indigenous arrivals 70 percent of their reservation when Fort “Phase II” of the Boldt treaty litigation, in fell into dire poverty. Ironically, Seattle Lewis was created at the onset of World which tribes demanded a voice in regulat- marketed itself to the outside world using War I. ing logging, dams and agricultural practices Native imagery, and as a gateway to Na- In the early 20th century, poor Native that blocked or harmed salmon migration. tive Alaska (Thrush 2007). Even Sealth’s families were forced to take jobs in the can- The tribes were using the treaties not to famous speech, tying his people’s identity neries and hop fields, and later in expanding overharvest the fish, but to protect the fish to their ancestral lands, was rewritten in defense industries. State officials described from environmental harm, and the power the 1960s as an environmentalist tome. Native fishers who operated underground of the treaties brought the large timber and CA NA DA as “poachers” and “ren- utility interests to the table. WESTERN Strait of Georgia Nooksack Mount egades” who were to The tribes and the state slowly insti- WASHINGTON Baker Bellingham British Lummi blame for declining fish tuted a program of “co-management” of off- TRIBES Upper Columbia Skagit numbers, even as non- reservation natural resources, enshrined Neah Vancouver E Victoria Bay Makah Island Swinomish Sauk- Indian harvest levels in the 1989 Centennial Accord and the 1855 San Juan Islands Suiattle Strait of Juan de Fuca G skyrocketed. 1999 New Millennium Agreement. The SALISH SEA Stillaguamish Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Lower Tulalip N Elwha Port Angeles Port Point The Struggle for (NWIFC), led by Chairman Billy Frank, Jr., Klallam Gamble Everett Elliot Jamestown S'Klallam A S'Klallam 1855 Indigenous Rights stands as a prototype for other tribal natu- Quileute OLYMPIC Puget Kitsap Sound R Hoh RANGE Pen In the early 1960s, ral resource agencies around the country Suquamish Elliot Bay Seattle Quinault Hood Point W a s h i n g t o n tribal fishermen chal- (NWIFC 2011). Co-management began to Canal Quinault 1855 No Point 1855 E lenged imposed state normalize a tribal role in managing, protect- Muckleshoot regulations, holding ing and restoring treaty-ceded territories Skokomish D PACIFIC Tacoma “Fish-Ins” on the Puyal- (Wilkinson 2000). Even some commercial Squaxin Puyallup OCEAN Island A Aberdeen lup, Nisqually, and other and sportfishing groups now support treaty Grays Olympia Medicine Harbor Nisqually Creek C rivers. State wardens cases that restore habitat, such a 2007 Chehalis 1854 Mount Shoalwater Bay S Rainier arrested and sometimes District Court ruling directing the State to Willapa Bay 0 25 50 Kilometers attacked Native fishers, eliminate culverts that block fish passage. A Yakama 0 25 50 Miles and angry commercial Challenges remain to tribal treaty C and sportfishermen rights, particular from suburban sprawl, Mount AstoriaTreaty-ceded lands of St. Helens Treaty boundaries western Washington tribes of NWIFC tribes often cut tribal nets, and (in the case of the Makah Nation) from Neah and even fired rifles at animal rights groups challenging treaty- Northwest Indian Fisheries Bay Treaty name CommissionO r e (NWIFC) g o n tribes 1855 and year Native boats. Yet even backed whaling rights. The climate crisis Other Washington reservations Key dam Lyle as public controversy threatens natural habitat due to warmer P l d Map by Zoltan Grossman raged around treaty Continued on page 11

10 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10

Washington’s Tribal Nations from page 10 water temperatures, melting glaciers, and influx of newcomers who do not yet un- toration, and strengthening their political, shifting species. Several coastal tribes derstand the central role of treaty rights in economic and cultural self-determination, (such as Quileute and Hoh) are faced Washington. State tribal sovereignty cur- Washington tribal nations are showing that increasing flooding, storm surges, and riculum aims to teach schoolchildren about their roles are relevant in the present and potential sea-level rise, so are moving new the histories of tribes located in or near the into the future.  buildings to higher ground ­(Grossman and school district, to build a long-term bridge Parker 2011). of understanding (OSPI 2011). Zoltan Grossman At the same time as revitalizing their The Nisqually are again playing a role The Evergreen State College local environments, some tribal nations in protecting fisheries and cultural sites [email protected] in Washington are beginning to revitalize on their battered prairie within Fort Lewis their local economies. The 1988 Indian (Nisqually Watershed Podcasts 2009). In REFERENCES Gaming ­Regulatory Act allows tribes to Seattle, Native activists opened the Day- Cohen, Faye. 1986. Treaties on Trial: The Continu- operate casinos if they are within states break Star Cultural Center in 1977, seven ing Controversy over Northwest Indian Fishing Rights. that allow a lottery. Washington tribes years after they occupied the site within Seattle: University of Washington Press. that are located in highly urban or tourist Fort Lawton, now Discovery Park (UIATF Frank, Billy Jr. 2010. Being Frank: Strength in areas have benefited from casino revenue, 2010). Tensions between the City and its Sharing. Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission and some have used this revenue to benefit Urban Indian community can still flare up, Aug. 2. www.nwifc.org/section/being-frank. non-Native neighbors and less favorably as shown by the 2010 police shooting of Grossman, Zoltan, and Alan Parker. 2011. The located tribes. The tribes’ newfound ability First Nations woodcarver John T. Williams. Climate Crisis and Indigenous Nations in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond [forthcoming]. Corvallis, to fund their own social programs enhances The Duwamish have opened a Longhouse, Ore.: Oregon State University Press. http://aca their economic growth and environmental which serves as a cultural center for tribal demic.evergreen.edu/g/grossmaz/climate.html. protection. members, and a place to educate the public Harmon, Alexandra. 2009. The Power of Prom- about their continuing struggle for fed- ises: Rethinking Indian Treaties in the Pacific Northwest. Cultural Revitalization eral recognition and the clean-up of the ­Seattle: University of Washington Press. Yet money alone cannot explain the ­Duwamish River (Duwamish Tribe 2010). Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission ­Native Renaissance now underway, which The Duwamish effort symbolizes the (NWIFC). 2011. www.nwifc.org. has at its core a new cultural revitaliza- larger history of Pacific Northwest tribal Nisqually River Podcasts. 2009. Conceptualizing tion. Native youth are increasingly in- nations. As the landscape becomes increas- Native Place program, The Evergreen State Col- volved in tribal programs and movements ingly urbanized and industrialized, tribal lege, Olympia Wash. http://blogs.evergreen.edu/ that encourage cultural engagement and cultural identity is treated as less “authen- nativeplace. discourage drugs, alcohol and gangs. The tic.” Yet through leading environmental res- Office of State Public Instruction (OSPI). (2010). foremost example is the annual Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sov- Tribal ­Canoe Journey, in which ereignty Curriculum. Indian Educa- ocean-going canoes paddle long tion/Title I Office. http://tribalsov. distances from around the Pacific ospi.k12.wa.us Northwest, and converge at a Restore Native Names Alliance. different Washington reservation 2010. www.restorenativenames.org. or British Columbia reserve every Thrush, Coll. 2007. Native Seattle: summer, followed by a four-day Histories from the Crossing-Over Place. Seattle: University of ­Washington “protocol,” or gifting of canoe Press. family songs and dances. United Indians of All Tribes Founda- Like in revitalizing the envi- SSMAN tion (UIATF). 2010. Daybreak Star ronment, challenges remain in RO Cultural Center. www.unitedindians.

revitalizing tribal economies and G LTAN org/daybreak.html. cultures. The level of awareness O

IT: Z IT: Wilkinson, Charles. 2000. Messages of tribal sovereignty is still quite RED from Frank’s Landing: A Story of Salmon, C low among the non-Indian major- Tribal Canoe Journey arrival at the Makah Nation, July 2010. Treaties, and the Indian Way. Seattle: ity, especially due to the large University of Washington Press.

AAG Newsletter Op-Eds The AAG invites brief opinion pieces highlighting the contributions of geographical analysis to the understanding of important public issues and events. Submissions are encouraged from across the full breadth of the discipline. These pieces reflect opinions of contributing AAG members and do not represent an official AAG position on any issue. Op-ed pieces must be consistent with the AAG ethics policy and will be published on a space available basis. Send submissions of no more than 750 words to [email protected].

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 11 November 2010

AAG Member Profile: Nik Heynen

ik Heynen is an Associate Professor interesting issues. I also find it easier to bring AAG: What other creative ways do you of Geography and Adjunct Associ- in egalitarian politics or other progressive link your academic work with these activities? ate Professor of Anthropology at the ideas into research, since it’s such an open Nik: We’ve recently formed writing collec- UniversityN of Georgia in Athens. He is also discipline. Also, although there was not re- tive and are starting to work on a book with an the Associate Director of the Center for In- ally a tradition of engaging with society, incredible group called the Newtown Florist tegrative Conservation Research. Henyen this has really changed since the late 1960s Club. They have been battling environmental attended Indiana University, where he ob- and through the initiation of the journal injustice for decades and now bringing in tained his bachelor’s, master’s, Antipode. It has really made some local food politics as another strategy. and doctoral degrees in geo­ the discipline open to other Food Not Bombs is another one—for the first graphy. He has published nu- types of discussion to improv- year and a half the produce we grew went to merous journal articles, edited ing people’s quality of life. them. We have also worked with a homeless several books and is a co-edi- shelter and they now have a garden on-site. AAG: You have an article tor of the journal Antipode­ . His AAG: Have you thought about expanding contributions to geographic published in the AAG Annals about the Black Panther Party. this project to working with schools in the research on social issues have area? advanced the academic agenda How do you link your research with this tradition of engaging Nik: The idea about growing and eating in geography and cognate dis- local food has become more widespread now. ciplines on issues such as hun- with society? Nik: When I was a gradu- There is a lot of interest on campus about ger, environmental justice, local food issues and we are branching out to globalization, and emancipa- Heynen ate student I worked with a group called SOAR, Students other schools, especially elementary schools. tory social struggles, and he We were actually able to work with a second remains deeply involved as an activist in Organized Against Racism, and we tried to bring Bobby Seale, a co-founder of grade class—we taught the kids how to gar- urban social movements concerned with en- den and actually installed a bunch of gardens vironmental and food justice. His dedication the Black Panther Party, in as a speaker, but it fell through. Later on, I was doing work with with them. Beyond the undergraduate level to social justice and geography earned Nik the interest has skyrocketed. the the AAG’s Glenda Laws Award in 2010 anti-hunger organizing and food politics at (www.aag.org/cs/awards/laws). a food bank in Milwaukee, which happened AAG: So you’re pretty busy juggling all to have been started, in a roundabout way, of this work! AAG: How did you first become inter- through the efforts of the Black Panther Party. Nik: Pretty busy, yeah, but I don’t think ested in geography? I started to learn about the history of these of it as work. I’ve tried forever to bring my Nik: I was born in Sacramento, California politics through an organizer there and was teaching, research and activism together. and grew up there. I was an air force brat, able to get a hold of Bobby Seale. I started Each of them plays off of each other and so I moved around a lot. I lived in Northern reaching out to former party members to talk it rarely seems like work. Plus technically, ­California, then moved to England, then went to them about their survival programs, which everyone’s always busy doing something! back to Southern California and then ended not many people had done and gathered an up in Indiana, where I got my degrees. I was all AAG: What do you do when you want a amazing amount of interview material. I have break from it all? over the place—that’s probably what increased a book that I’ve been working on for a long my interest in geography and spatial variability. Nik: I am a family man as far as it goes, time, a quarter of which is about the Panthers. which I guess is an old-fashioned way of Were you decided pretty early on AAG: AAG: How do you bring this kind of describing myself. My partner Jennifer and what you wanted to study? research into your teaching? I adopted our first baby from Guatemala I actually started off as a philoso- Nik: Nik: The Athens Urban Food Collective about eight and a half years ago and then phy and religious study double major. My came out of an advanced urban geography immediately after that we had another kid. I junior year I transferred to geography and class I was teaching. I had been at the Uni- also like to grow vegetables and brew beer. I remember that I had a semester where I was versity of Milwaukee and was engaged in a started surfing recently. I love music and I’m reading Marx, Hegel, Harvey, and Smith and lot of service learning projects. I wanted to a vinyl junkie. I thought, “Wow! Look what I can do here!” get students out into the community, and AAG: How did you feel when you were I was really interested in more radical philo- the AUFC does just that—it is a mechanism presented with the Glenda Laws Award? sophical theory, but saw that thinking deeply where we try to bridge the community and Nik: For the work that I do—it’s the most about inequality worked better in concrete the university around food issues. Currently important award that the AAG offers. I felt geographic contexts. I was definitely a tor- we have about six raised-bed gardens on the humbled and moved. There is a generation tured soul for a while—like most people are roof of the geography building at UGA. We of geographers senior to me that worked at sometime or another. grow food so that students are able to see with her, and I heard stories prior to being AAG: What do you like most about being a micro food system develop from “seed to awarded. When the award was developed I a geographer? stomach.” Next semester we’ll focus on anti- thought it was super cool. I think it’s great Nik: I think that geography offers an hunger politics, community organizing and that the AAG takes note of people like her. I opportunity to engage in a whole lot of popular education. feel really honored. n

12 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 Presidential Plenary to Explore Changing World of Higher Education

he 2011 AAG Presidential Ple- from the changes underway; 2) crucial of the National Council for Geographic nary, “Geography in the Changing challenges which may weaken or threaten Education (1994), and of Gamma Theta T Worlds of Higher Education: Op- geography’s role in higher education; and Upsilon (the International Geographic portunities and Challenges,” will explore 3) strategies which may help individu- Honor Society, 1999-2000). Nellis earned geography’s future in the context of the als, departments and the discipline work his PhD in geography from Oregon State changing role of the university in society. together toward effective responses to the University. Featuring renowned scholars and admin- changes ahead. Maresi Nerad is the founding director istrators from both inside and outside of of the national Center for Innovation and geography, this special session, organized Plenary Speakers Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE), by AAG President Ken Foote, will take Duane Nellis is President, University Associate Dean of the Graduate School place at the 2011 AAG Annual Meeting of Idaho and Past President (2002-2003) of (20 03-20 09), in Seattle on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30pm. the Association of American Geographers. and Associate Plenary speakers Duane Nellis, Maresi Prior to his appointment as the University Professor for Nerad, and Orlando Taylor will share per- of Idaho’s president in 2009, ­Nellis served as Higher Edu- spectives based on a wealth of experience provost of Kansas State University (2004- cation in the and research into current trends. 2009) and Dean of the Eberly College of E d u c a t i o n a l The recent recession has focused con- Arts and Sciences at West Virginia Uni- Leadership and siderable attention on higher education, versity (1997- Policy Studies particularly the impacts of budgets cuts. 2004). Before Program Col- Yet the threat of long-term fiscal auster- moving to West lege of Educa- ity is only one of many challenges facing ­Virginia, Dr. tion, all at the Nerad higher education in the next decade, both Nellis spent 17 University of in the U.S. and internationally. These in- years at Kansas Washington, Seattle. CIRGE is the first clude, among others, the impacts of global- State, progress- such center for studies on graduate educa- ization and the changing dynamics of the ing from assis- tion in the U.S. and undertakes systematic knowledge economy; the rapid evolution tant professor research on the career paths of PhD re- and deployment of learning technologies, of geo­graphy cipients and the assessment of the quality especially for distance education; the rise of to professor and of doctoral education. Having worked for for-profit colleges and universities; chang- Nellis head of the de- over two decades in the field of doctoral ing public support for higher education; the partment, and education, her current research interests changing academic labor system and the then to senior associate dean of Kansas cover all aspects of doctoral education, par- increasing use of contingent staff; as well State’s College of Arts and Sciences. He ticularly comparison of international doc- as neoliberal reforms and general trends in was the first director of Kansas State’s In- toral programs, integrating international the political economy of higher education, stitute for Social and Behavioral Research. students and preparing domestic students such as efforts to standardize educational President Nellis is recognized internation- with the skills needed for the globalized credentials in the European Union. Addi- ally for his research using satellite data and PhD labor market. She directs a variety tionally, colleges and universities are under geographic information systems to analyze of national and international research and pressure to increase accountability; encour- various dimensions of rural land and water evaluation efforts to understand forces age and support greater diversity among use. His research has been funded by over that promote and impede improvement students and faculty; provide better prepa- 50 grants from sources that include NASA, and change in doctoral education. She is ration for academic and non-academic National Geographic Society, the U.S. widely recognized internationally and has careers; respond to multidisciplinary and Agency for International Development, been an invited speaker at many national interdisciplinary challenges; raise comple- and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. and international conferences on graduate tion rates; and decrease time-to-degree. He has published more than 100 articles, education. Her most recent co-edited book The key question is how geographers 11 books or book chapters, and has been is, Towards a Global PhD? Forces and Forms in can respond strategically to these chal- invited to speak at more than 60 universi- Doctoral Education Worldwide (2008). Nerad lenges and opportunities. Without either ties worldwide. He has received numerous received her doctorate in higher education exaggerating or minimizing the possible awards such as National Honors from the from the University of California-Berkeley. consequences, this session focuses on the Association of American Geographers and realistic assessment of 1) key opportunities the RSSG’s Outstanding Contributions for geographers to contribute to and gain Award. He has also served as President Continued on page 14

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 13 November 2010

Presidential Plenary from page 13 Orlando Taylor is the President The the Board of the U.S. Department of Edu- is a former President of the National Chicago School of Professional Psychol- cation’s Jacob Javits Fellowship Program. Communication Association, a member of ogy’s Washington, D.C. Prior to his appointment as COSSA, and Immediate Past President of campus. Prior to this ap- Dean, he served in several the Northeastern Association of Graduate pointment, Taylor was Dean posts at Howard, including Schools. He is a former member of the of the Howard University as Executive Assistant to Advisory Committee of the Directorate Graduate School and Vice the President, Interim Vice for Education and Human Resources of Provost of Research. In ad- President for Academic Af- the National Science Foundation (NSF) dition to serving as Vice fairs, Dean of the School and has served on an advisory council at Provost for ­Research and of Communications, and the National Institutes of Health. Much Graduate Dean, Taylor also Chair of the Department of of his work focuses on increasing the held a faculty position at Communication Arts and number of minority doctoral recipients. Howard as Professor in the Taylor Sciences. Before coming to He earned his PhD from the University School of Communications. Howard in 1973, Taylor was of Michigan. n Dr. Taylor was also previously President a member of the faculty of Indiana Uni- of The Consortium of Social Science versity. He has also served as a Visiting Associations (COSSA). He is a member of Professor at Stanford University. Taylor

Grants & Awards Recieved The U.S. Department of Commerce Michigan State University, the East-West Chris Houser, Department of Geo­ and the National Oceanic and Atmo- Center in Hawaii, the University of ­Florida graphy, Texas A&M University, has been spheric Administration (NOAA) have and the University of Colorado. The entire awarded $557,600 from the National Sci- named as one of award to fund the CCRUN and its efforts ence Foundation for an REU Site entitled, six institutions to lead regional scientific is $3.8 million spanning a five-year period. “Ecohydrology of a Tropical Montane assessments of climate risks and impacts Cloud Forest” (http://costaricareu.tamu. throughout the U.S. The University will John A. Knox, Assistant Professor in edu/). Based at Texas A&M’s Soltis Center share with five other institutions a total the Department of Geography at the Uni- for Research and Education (http://soltiscen of $23.6 million over five years, as part of versity of Georgia, recently receive the tercostarica.tamu.edu/) near San Isidro in the Regional Integrated Sciences and As- T. Theodore Fujita Research Achievement central Costa Rica, students will work on sessments (RISA), part of NOAA’s Climate Award from the National Weather Asso- field and laboratory research guided by Program, to improve the nation’s ability to ciation (NWA) at its 35th Annual Meeting faculty mentors from the Departments of anticipate and adapt to climate variability for “research leading to the development Geography (including Steven Quiring and and change. Other institutions awarded of advanced satellite and numerical tech- Brendan Roark), Civil Engineering, Me- RISA grants representing specific regional niques for the diagnosis and prediction of teorology, Ecosystem Science and Manage- areas of the U.S. include: Oregon State high altitude clear-air turbulence (CAT), ment, and Soil and Crop Sciences. University, University of Michigan and resulting in improved flight safety.”

Teaching About Global Climate Change

The AAG has launched the first of tions and provides a brief introductory teaching of an issues-based curriculum two “Teaching About Global Climate quiz on climate change facts. NASA, with more case studies and is sched- Change” online professional development NOAA, and other climate change re- uled to launch in early 2011. Online modules (see www.aag.org/Teaching sources may easily be reviewed, selected, materials were developed in collaboration ClimateChange). This free resource is and e-mailed to teachers’ inboxes. The with Denver Public Schools and funded designed to help K-12 and undergraduate first module focuses on climate change in through NASA’s Global Climate Change preservice teachers preparing to teach polar regions and provides background Education program. students about climate change. The mod- information on climate change science For more information, please contact ule addresses Frequently Asked Questions for middle school teachers. The sec- Susan Gallagher ­Heffron (sgallagher@ (FAQs) and common student misconcep- ond module will focus on supporting the aag.org).

14 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10

AAG 2011 ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION FORM (www.aag.org) Everyone who attends the AAG Annual Meeting must register. You may use this form if you do not wish to register online, or if you wish to add events but have already registered for the meeting. Space is limited for all events, fi eld trips, and workshops. AAG reserves the right to cancel any event with insuffi cient enrollment. All fees are payable in US dollars, by check, money order, Visa, or MasterCard. All cancellation requests must be made in writing to [email protected] by the stated deadlines. Cancellation requests received by January 10, 2011 will incur a 25% cancellation fee. Requests received by February 28. 2011 will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Requests received by March 28, 2011 will incur a 75% cancellation fee. Requests received after March 28, 2011 cannot be processed. FIRST ______M.I.______LAST ______AFFILIATION ______ADDRESS ______CITY ______STATE______POSTAL CODE ______COUNTRY ______E-MAIL ADDRESS ______DAYTIME PHONE ( ) ______*NAME OF COMPANION/SPOUSE who is registering (please indicate if fi eld trip is for companion/spouse) ______[If you are a “companion/spouse” of a registered attendee, you MUST be registered for the meeting in order to register for a fi eld trip.] Do you have any disabilities or special needs? Please explain:______

IV. WORKSHOPS Quantity Price I. REGISTRATION FEES Check here if you have already registered for the meeting. Workshops - TBD *Those registering under the companion/spouse category may not present a paper or participate as a panelist or session organizer, and must submit a paper form via fax or TOTAL FEES FOR WORKSHOPS $ N/A mail (not online). Before 3/9 After 3/9 Regular Member $265 $315 $______V. ABSTRACT BOOKS / CDs Student Member / Retired Member $145 $185 $______Abstracts are available online to all registrants at no charge. If you also wish to purchase Non-Member $390 $435 $______a printed abstract book or an abstract CD, sign up here. Quantity Price Non-Member Student $215 $235 $______2011 Meeting Abstract CD ____@ $25 $______Companion / Spouse* $90 $140 $______Seattle Geographies ____@ $32 $______One day registration $215 $235 $______TOTAL FEES FOR ABSTRACT BOOKS/ CDs $______TOTAL REGISTRATION FEES $______IV. SUMMARY / PAYMENT Registration Fees $______II. FIELD TRIPS Field Trips $______Field Trips are still being confi rmed. Please check back frequently for more informa- tion and fi eld trip opportunities. Full descriptions will be available at www.aag.org. Special Events / Books $______You must be registered for the meeting to attend a field trip. Workshops $______Abstract Books / CDs $______Quantity Price Boeing Everett Assembly Plant Tour 4/12 ____@ $47.00 $______GRAND TOTAL (U.S. Dollars Only) $______Snoqualmie Falls 4/12 ____@ $79.00 $______TOTAL FEES FOR FIELD TRIPS $______Check for $______attached (Payable to AAG)

III. SPECIAL EVENTS / BOOKS Quantity Price Please charge $______to my VISA/MC (Sorry, no AmEx or Discover) Awards Luncheon - individual ticket ____@ $55.00 $______Awards Luncheon Table - 10 tickets ____@ $495.00 $______Card # ______TOTAL FEES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS / BOOKS $______Exp. Date: _____/_____ Signature ______

Pre-Order Seattle Geographies Pre-order the new book Seattle Geographies when you register for the AAG Please register online at www.aag.org Annual Meeting and you’ll receive your copy when you check-in at the or return this completed form along with payment to: conference in Seattle. edited by geographers Michael Brown and Richard Morrill, Seattle Geographies examines the city’s broad range of social, economic, political, AAG 2011 Annual Meeting Registration environmental, and cultural geographies–the dynamics that define Seattle and 1710 16th Street, NW make it a unique and vibrant place. Washington, DC 20009 To pre-order Seattle Geographies when you register for the AAG Annual Fax (202) 234-2744 Meeting, mail or fax this form (see contact information at left) or use the Questions? (202) 234-1450 or www.aag.org online form at www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting. The line to order your copy of Seattle Geographies appears above in the right-hand column.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 15 November 2010 AAG Delegation Visits Romania

t the invitation of Professor Ioan holds a national conference, and publishes research journal, reflecting the specialties ­Ianos, representing the ­Romanian a national journal. The Romanian Profes- of the unit. Many of the articles, and some A Professional Geography Associa- sional Geography Association was formed entire journals, are in English, and members tion (RPGA), six geo­graphers—Audrey recently to advance human geography. The of the delegation were asked (and agreed) ­Kobayashi (Queens), Lisa ­Harrington RPGA invitation to the AAG was meant to serve on editorial boards of the Journal ­(Kansas State), Lydia ­Pulsipher ­(Tennessee), to aid development of human geography- of Urban and Regional Analysis (University George White (South ­Dakota State), ­Conrad related subdisciplines. of Bucharest) and the Romanian Review of (Mac) Goodwin, and Mark ­Rosenberg Prior to 1990, Romanian geography was Regional Studies (Babes¸-Bolyai University). (Queens)—recently represented the AAG dominated by physical geography. Since Recent research follows a regional ­science Council at meetings with geo­graphers across 1990, however, human geography has approach, using systems analysis. Many doc- Romania. The visit began at the Centre for grown substantially. Undergraduates enroll toral dissertations consist of ­local regional Advanced Research on Territorial Dynamics in specific streams, of which urban plan- geographies following a ­Vidalian model, in ­Bucharest, then proceeded to the Stefan ning, rural planning, and tourism are the as the concept of region is strongly tied cel Mare University in Suceava, Babes Bolyai largest. These programs are government- to public policy, and drives both ­regional University in ­Cluj-Napoca, and Dimitrie certified and prepare students to work economic development and tourism. There Cantemir ­Christian University in Sibiu. The in specific fields. Geo­graphy departments are challenges, however, in integrating group was warmly received and exchanged are thus playing a very important role in recent theoretical approaches adopted by ­research presentations with faculty and grad- preparing large numbers of students for the scholars internationally. The delegation uate students, with plenty of time between labor market. came away with a feeling that Romanian meetings for museums, the ­Parliamentary Research programs are very active. human geo­graphers are ­eager to advance Palace, monasteries, and other sights. Units typically consist of one or two senior their discipline and to make contacts with Romania has two professional geography professors and a growing number of doc- ­geo­graphers in North America. n associations. The Romanian Geographi- toral and postdoctoral students. Each de- cal Association includes all geographers, partment publishes at least one professional Audrey Kobayashi and Lisa Harrington

NSF Names Program Director for Geography and Spatial Science

ntoinette WinklerPrins has been including urban agriculture, and soil geo­ appointed to serve as a Program graphy. She is a faculty member in the Contact Information Director for Geography and Spatial Department of Geography at Michigan Antoinette WinklerPrins, Program Director A Geography and Spatial Science Science at the National Science Founda- State University. WinklerPrins will work Division of Behavioral and Cognitive tion. She succeeds outgoing GSS ­Program with Ezekiel ­Kalipeni, GSS Program Direc- Sciences Director Scott Freundschuh, who has tor, and Thomas Baerwald, GSS Program Directorate of Social, Behavioral, and assumed­ the chair position at the Univer- Director and a Senior Science Advisor in Economic Sciences sity of New Mexico. the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive National Science Foundation WinklerPrins holds a PhD in geography Sciences at the National Science Founda- 4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 995 from the University of Wisconsin-Madi- tion. For Antoinette's contact information Arlington, VA 22230 son. Her specializations are nature-society at NSF, see box at right. E-mail: [email protected] studies, cultural, political and historical Phone: 703-292-4995 ecology, smallholder agricultural systems, FAX: 703-292-9068

Of Note The Association of American Geo­ resentatives will attend the United Nations For more information contact Patricia Solís graphers has been granted Observer Climate Change Conference that will take at [email protected]. ­Organization status to the UN Framework place from November 29 to December Convention on Climate Change. AAG Rep- 10, 2010 in Cancun, Mexico (COP-16).

16 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 AAG Publishes New Online Course Modules

he AAG’s Center for Global Geo­ countries. Each is designed to engage stu- tion for a particular course. Whether you graphy Education (CGGE) has pub- dents in structured inquiry and analysis of are a geographer teaching a semester-long, lished the first editions of six online geographic issues, using questions to guide upper-division course, or an instructor with courseT modules for undergraduate geogra- them through the case studies, activities, little background in geography teaching in a phy classes: Population and Natural Resources, and collaborative projects. Students will find related discipline, it is likely that you will find Global Economy, National Identity, Migration, in the modules clear explanations of key a module that meets your needs and enriches ­Water Resources, and Global Climate Change. disciplinary concepts and approaches. They your students’ learning experience. Each module’s website consists of a con- will see how those geographic concepts and Funded since 2003 by the National Sci- ceptual framework providing an introduction approaches can be applied to better under- ence Foundation’s Course, Curriculum, and to some of the key theories and concepts stand real-world issues in locations around Laboratory Improvement program, CGGE that geographers use to examine issues, a set the globe. Exposure to international issues offers educational resources and professional of regional case studies that draw on geo- and perspectives is a central feature of the development opportunities for higher educa- graphic research and teach students methods CGGE’s question-driven, data-based and col- tion faculty seeking innovative and exciting of problem solving and spatial analysis, and laborative approach to geography education. ways to teach geography. collaborative projects that engage under- CGGE modules are specifically designed For further information about the CGGE graduate geography students in discussions to be flexible and adaptable. Many different project and to access the new modules, and learning activities with peers in different scenarios of use are possible. Faculty can tai- visit http://globalgeography.aag.org or con- countries using e-learning technologies (e.g., lor the module to fit different teaching styles, tact the project directors: Michael Solem discussion boards, blogs, wikis). to account for the level of prior student ([email protected]), Phil Klein (phil.klein@ All of the modules were written col- familiarity with the material or simply to suit unco.edu), and Osvaldo Muñiz (o.muniz@ laboratively by geographers from several the goals, time frame and level of instruc- txstate.edu). n

AAG Holds Geography Education Workshop in Singapore

he AAG’s Center for Global Geo­ The Singapore workshop evaluations were from the delegates and organizers made graphy Education (CGGE) recently overwhelmingly positive and participants this a good experience for me.” co-organized a workshop in Singapore noted a range of professional and personal –a U.S. undergraduate student withT the Southeast Asian Geography Asso- benefits, such as: • “International collaboration in prac- ciation (SEAGA). Held on the campus tice—the experience itself was very on Nanyang Technological University, rewarding.” the workshop brought together 21 U.S. –a Singapore graduate student students and faculty and 10 geogra- phers from ­Singapore, ­Vietnam, Japan, • “Meeting and working with my fellow and Malaysia. Participants worked in delegates was certainly a wonderful six internationally mixed writing teams experience. What an incredibly di- to develop one 3,000-word case study verse and talented group! I’ve learned and one collaborative project for each a great deal on how to do interna- CGGE teaching module. These case tional collaborations. This experience studies and collaborative projects are has been one of the most useful and now available on the CGGE website at satisfactory in my professional career.” http://globalgeography.aag.org. –a U.S. faculty participant Over the past several years, the U.S. students and faculty worked with geographers from Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, and Malaysia to develop new geography education teaching modules. AAG’s Center for Global Geography The AAG will continue to seek Education has engaged thousands of funds to offer future CGGE work- undergraduate students worldwide in geo- shops in different regions, leading to new educational resources for the CGGE modules graphic learning collaborations on the Web, • “A broad but important outcome was simply and providing opportunities for geography and also developed faculty expertise in online for me to see how professional geographers faculty and students to engage in professional collaborative pedagogy and supported geo­ work, what they do, discuss, etc. It was development in international collaboration. n graphers using CGGE modules for educa- consistently a challenge to be coming from tional collaborations in the U.S., Europe, a different perspective, but the encourage- Michael Solem, AAG Southeast Asia, and Latin America. ment and respect for a student-view point Jackson Zimmerman, UW-Plattesville

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 17 November 2010 Specialty Group News

Political Geography SG Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Kingdom. The conference will continue The Political Geography Specialty This year the Political Geography and through Monday, April 11. Registration Group Dissertation Enhancement Award Sexuality and Space Specialty Groups are details, including fee and fee payment de- of $800 is granted annually to a PGSG stu- co-sponsoring a pre-conference on the tails, will be available soon at www.tacoma. dent member. Interested students should University of Washington Tacoma campus washington.edu/conference/pgs_confer prepare a mini-dissertation proposal for immediately prior to the start of the 2011 ence.html. To submit a paper or session submission to the Dissertation Awards AAG Annual Meeting in Seattle. The pre- proposal, please send a title, abstract, and Committee. conference will begin midday on Sunday, complete author/organizer contact infor- Guidelines for award applications are April 10 and will feature a Keynote Address mation to Larry Knopp ([email protected]) available at www.politicalgeography.org. by Dr. Lynn Staeheli, Professor of Geogra- or Mark Pendras ([email protected]) no phy at Durham University in the United later than March 1, 2011.

VGSP Accepting New Appointments Central Connecticut State University, Assistant Professor, Eric L. Samson. Applications for MSIS 2002, Southwest Texas State University. 2010-11 Central Washington University, Visiting Assistant Professor, Jon J. ­Kedrowski. ABD, Texas State University, San Marcos. The Visiting Geographical Scientist Program Mount Royal University, Assistant Professor, Lynn Moorman. ABD, Univer- (VGSP) is accepting applications for the 2010-11 sity of Calgary. academic year. VGSP sponsors visits by prominent Nashua Community College, Adjunct Faculty, Yu (Aloe) A. Rioux. PhD 2008, geographers to small departments or institutions that University of Colorado. do not have the resources to bring in well-known State University of New York at Buffalo, Assistant Professor, Marion Werner. speakers. Participating institutions select and make ar- PhD 2010, University of Minnesota. rangements with the visiting geographer. Applications University of Central Arkansas, Instructor, Mindy Conyers. ABD 2009, Texas and program details may be found at www.aag.org/ State University, San Marcos. org/education/aag/edu_visitingscientist.cfm. A list of UNC Wilmington, Assistant Professor, Eman Ghoneim. PhD 2002, South- pre-approved speakers is also available. Please make ampton University. sure to include a brief cover letter with your applica- University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Director of Computing & tion that describes the schedule of events or activities Technology in the Center for Applied GIScience, Wenwu Tang. PhD 2008, being planned. . VGSP is funded by Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU), University of Northern Colorado, Visiting Assistant Professor, Timothy M. the international honors society for geographers Vowles. PhD 2000, University of Denver. (www.gammathetaupsilon.org). Additional funding is University of North Alabama, Assistant Professor, Ricardo Nogueira. PhD available for applications involving Historically Black 2009, Louisiana State University. Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges, Hispanic- University of North Alabama, Assistant Professor, Sunhui Sim. PhD 2010, Serving Institutions and other Minority-Serving In- Florida State University. stitutions through a grant from the National Science Wayne State College (Nebraska), Assistant Professor, Lesli Rawlings. PhD Foundation as an aspect of AAG’s ALIGNED Project 2010, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (Addressing Locally-tailored Information Infrastruc- ture & Geoscience Needs for Enhancing Diversity). Key: New institution, position, name. Degree, year degree granted, granting institution. Questions may be directed to [email protected]. Please submit new appointment notices to [email protected] in the proper ­format with “new appointment” as the subject line.

New PG Book Review Editor Bimal Paul of Kansas State University has been Paul has a broad disciplinary background with selected as the new Book Review Editor of The interests in hazards, health/medical, and popula- Professional Geographer. He is currently editor of tion geography as well as quantitative analysis. special publications for the National Council for He has published 75 refereed journal articles, 17 Geographic Education, and a member of the edito- book chapters, and many book reviews, and looks rial advisory board for Scientific Journals International forward to using his years of experience as book and The Open Urban Studies Journal. review editor of the PG. Paul

18 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Call for Papers Volume 45, Number 10

Latin American Studies 2010. Please send panel or paper applica- viticulture and wine-related research with The Southwest Council of Latin Ameri- tions to [email protected]. others. can Studies (SCOLAS) is now accepting The conference will take place at the WSG is holding a tasting workshop panel and paper proposals for its March Sheraton Old San Juan, located in the on Washington Wines and a Chateau Ste. 10-13, 2011 Conference in San Juan, Puerto old colonial part of the city. To find out Michelle and Historic Hollywood School- Rico. Proposals from all disciplines are more, visit http://txstate.edu/history/scolas. house Winery Tour. Look for these two encouraged, including but not limited to: Please direct questions about papers, pan- events on the AAG Annual Meeting web- Anthropology, Archaeology, Geography, els, or the conference to Dr. Paul Hart at site and register early, as seating is limited. Art History, Cultural Studies, Environmen- [email protected]. For those wishing to participate in ses- tal Studies, Ethnomusicology, Film Stud- sions, please register for the Annual Meet- ies, Gender Studies, History, Linguistics, Wine Specialty Group ing and submit your paper abstract online Literature, Political Science, and Sociology. The Wine Specialty Group of the AAG at: www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting. Then Panels should consist of three presenters is seeking presentations that examine email your presenter identification number and a chair/commentator. Individual paper geographic perspectives on cultural and (PIN), paper title, and abstract to Greg proposals are also welcome. Papers can be physical issues related to viticulture and Jones ([email protected]) or Juana Ibanez in either English or Spanish. Please provide wine production. From the archaeology of ([email protected]). The deadline to submit names, professional affiliations, email ad- wine to green approaches to viticulture to abstracts for the AAG Annual Meeting has dresses, and a one paragraph abstract of the the geography of wine regions to applica- been extended to November 10, 2011. paper or panel you propose. The deadline tions of spatial technologies, the WSG is for proposal applications is December 15, sponsoring opportunities to share your

People, Place, and Region Section Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG he Association of American Geo­ in American geography. The section editor office in Washington, DC. The Managing graphers seeks applications and should be eager to act as an intellectual Editor bears primary responsibility for the T nominations for the People, Place, entrepreneur to attract the very best work logistics of processing manuscripts and and Region section editor for the Annals being produced. book reviews, and for assembling and co- of the Association of American Geographers. The In support of these goals, the editorial ordinating the publication of each issue of new section editor will be appointed for a candidate should possess demonstrated the journal in collaboration with the editors 4.5-year editorial term that will commence expertise within the section subject area and the journal’s publisher. Editor candi- on July 1, 2011. The appointment will be (People, Place, and Region), a distinguished dates, therefore, should share the AAG made by spring 2011. record of scholarly achievement, a broad Council’s vision of an accessible, decentral- The AAG seeks an editor who will perspective on the discipline of geogra- ized, and collaborative Annals editorship. solicit, review, and accept for publication phy, respect and affection for its diversity, articles in the People, Place, and Region and an ability to work constructively with Apply subject area, within publication-space limi- authors during the review process. Institu- A letter of application that addresses tations that will be determined annually. tional support for the new editor (especially both qualifications and a vision for the The AAG Council expects that the new some time released from teaching) is desir- People, Place, and Region section should editor will accept manuscripts from across able, but not mandatory. The AAG will be accompanied by a complete curriculum the breadth and depth of intellectual activ- provide a stipend to be used for expenses vitae. Nominations and applications should ity in their subject area of contemporary and honorarium at the editor’s discretion. be submitted by January 20, 2011. Please American geography. The AAG Council The section editor will work in coordi- e-mail applications or letters of nomination further expects that the Annals will publish nation with the AAG Journals Managing to Journals Managing Editor Robin Maier items that represent the very best thinking Editor, located at the Meridian Place AAG at [email protected].

Geographic Centers Columbia University’s Earth Institute, graduate major in sustainable development. in sustainable development as a special Columbia College and the School of Starting in September 2010, students may concentration within another major. General Studies have initiated an under- major in sustainable development or enroll See www.earth.columbia.edu.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 19 November 2010

AAG Grants and Awards

he AAG has a long history of sup- tions to the geographic field due to their science or systems, through Student Travel porting and recognizing geographers special competence in teaching or research. Grants, Graduate Research Awards, and Stu- around the globe through its many Funding for the award comes from the estate dent Paper Awards. Deadline is December prestigiousT grants and awards programs. of Ruby S. Miller. Members from all fields of 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. Opportunities with approaching deadlines geography are eligible for the award. Dead- are listed below. Full descriptions are avail- line is December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/ AAG Dissertation Research Grants able on the AAG website at www.aag.org/cs/ grantsawards. To support direct expenses of master’s grantsawards. or doctoral dissertation research for eligible AAG Research Grants individuals. Deadline is December 31, 2010. Anderson Medal To support direct expenses of research www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. To recognize individuals or groups who or fieldwork that address questions of major have contributed significantly to the advance- import to the discipline (excluding master’s AAG Meridian Book Award ment of the profession in one or more areas of or doctoral dissertation research). Deadline is For a book that makes an unusually impor- industry, government, literature, education, December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grants tant contribution to advancing the science research, service to the profession, or public awards. and art of geography. Books published in service. Nominations due by December 1, calendar year 2009 are eligible. Deadline is 2010. http://agsg.binghamton.edu or www. Anne U. White Fund December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grants aag.org/cs/grantsawards. To support field research conducted by a awards. member of the AAG jointly with her or his Meredith F. Burrill Award spouse, who is not required to have formal AAG Globe Book Award To stimulate and reward talented individu- training in geography. Deadline is December For a book that conveys most powerfully als and groups who have completed work of 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. the nature and importance of geography exceptional merit and quality that lies at or to the non-academic world. A list of previ- near the intersection of basic research and Darrel Hess Community College ous awardees is available online. Deadline is practical applications or local, national, or Geography Scholarships December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grants international policy implications. Deadline is To support students from community col- awards. December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grants leges, junior colleges, city colleges, or similar awards. two-year educational institutions who will be 2010 John Brinckerhoff Jackson transferring as geography majors to four year Prize Glenda Laws Award colleges and universities. Deadline is Decem- For outstanding books about the United To recognize outstanding contributions to ber 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. States that convey the insights of professional geographic research on social issues. Dead- geography in language that is interesting line is December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/ George and Viola Hoffman Award and attractive to a lay audience. Deadline is grantsawards. The George and Viola Hoffman Award December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grants supports student research toward a master’s awards. Mel Marcus Fund for Physical thesis or doctoral dissertation on a geo- Geography graphical subject in Eastern Europe. Dead- Award Deadlines Calendar To foster personally formative partici- line is December 31, 2010. www.aag.org/cs/ For the AAG Award Deadlines Calendar, pation by students in field-based physical grantsawards. see page 21 or visit www.aag.org/cs/calen geography research in challenging outdoor dar_of_events/grants_awards. environments. Deadline is December 31, AAG International Geographic 2010. www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. Information Fund External Sources To support full-time students who are A list of links to external resources of AAG E. Willard and Ruby S. currently registered in an undergraduate or interest for geography and related fields Miller Award in Geography graduate degree program within the United is available at www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. To recognize members of the Association States, and who are working in any area of National Science Foundation grants and who have made truly outstanding contribu- spatial analysis or geographic information competitions may be found at www.nsf.gov. Grants & Competitions AAAS Hellman Fellowship related to science, engineering, and technol- commensurate with experience. Application: The Hellman Fellowship in Science and ogy. Applicants must have a PhD in an area Send a cover letter indicating interest in and Technology Policy is intended for early-career of science or engineering and have some experience related to one or more of the top- professionals with training in science or engi- experience or a demonstrated interest in an ics listed below, curriculum vitae, and three neering who are interested in transitioning to area related to science and technology policy. letters of reference by January 14, 2011 to a career in public policy and administration. Appointments are for a one-year term (with a (by Email) [email protected] or (by While in residence, Hellman Fellows work possibility of renewal) to begin in September Regular Mail) Hellman Fellowship Program, with senior scientists and policy experts on 2011 at the American Academy in Cambridge, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 136 critical national and international policy issues Massachusetts. Stipends are competitive and Irving Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.

20 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Award Deadlines Volume 45, Number 10

2010 NOVEMBER AAG Advancing Geography Fund 1. J.B. Harley Fellowships in 31. AAG Meridian Book Award. the History of Cartography. www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. 31. AAG Globe Book Award. I (we) pledge to contribute______to the www.maphistory.info/applica Association of American Geographers as part of the Advanc- www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. tion.html. ing Geography Campaign. 3. Social Science Research Giving levels include: 2011 q Council International Disser- _$500 to $999 Scholars Circle JANUARY q tation Research Fellowship _$1,000 to $4,999 Millennium Circle 3. Jeannette D. Black Memorial q (IDRF). www.ssrc.org/fellow $5,000 to $9,999 Century Circle q ships/idrf-fellowship. Fellowship in the History of _$10,000 to $24,999 Explorers Circle q 10. (NSF) East Asia and Pacific Cartography, Brown Univer- _$25,000 and above Leadership Circle Summer Institutes for U.S. sity. This gift will be made as follows: Graduate Students (EAPSI). www.brown.edu/Facilities/ Total amount enclosed: $______www.nsfsi.org. John_Carter_Brown_Library/ pages/right_resfellow2.html. Plus annual payments of: $______DECEMBER 10. Newberry Library long-term If you intend to fulfill your pledge through a gift other than Fellowships in the Humani- cash, check, or marketable securities, please check: 1. AAG Anderson Medal. q q q http://agsg.binghamton.edu. ties. credit card bequest other www.newberry.org/research/ q q 5. AAAS Science & Technology Credit Card: Visa MasterCard Policy Fellowships. felshp/fellowshome.html. www.fellowships.aaas.org. Account Number______FEBRUARY 31. AAG Anne U. White Fund. 10. Newberry Library short-term Name on Card______www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. Fellowships in the Humani- 31. AAG Darrel Hess Expiration Date______ties. Community College www.newberry.org/research/ Geography Scholarships Signature______felshp/fellowshome.html. www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. q 15. David E. Sopher New My (our) gift will be matched by my employer 31. AAG Dissertation Research ­Scholars Award. Grants. ______www.gorabs.org. www.aag.org/grantsawards/ I would like my gift to go toward: 15. NSF Doctoral Dissertation q dissertationresearch.html. Endowment for Geography’s Future Research Improvement q 31. AAG Research Grants. Developing Regions Membership Fund Grants, full proposal q www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. AAG Student Travel Fund ­deadline. q 31. AAG E. Willard and Mel Marcus Fund for Physical Geography www.nsf.gov. q Ruby S. Miller Award. AAG International Education Fund q www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. Marble Fund for Geographic Science AUGUST q AAG Public Policy Initiatives 31. AAG International Geo- 24. NSF Research Experiences q Enhancing Diversity Fund graphic Information Fund. for Undergraduates. q AAG Haiti Recovery and Reconstruction Fund Student Travel Grant, Student q www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/ Area of Greatest Need Paper Award, and Graduate reu_contacts.jsp. q Research Award. www.aag. Other______org/cs/grantsawards. AAG Grants and Competitions Name ______31. AAG Mel Marcus Fund. The AAG offers numerous grants www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. and awards. Visit www.aag.org/cs/ Address______31. AAG Meredith F. Burrill grantsawards for a full listing includ- ______Award. ing detailed descriptions, deadlines, www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. and application procedures. Phone ______31. AAG Hoffman Award. www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. NSF Grants and Competitions Date ______31. J.B. Jackson Prize. Detailed information about NSF www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. grants and awards is available at Please send this pledge form to: 31. AAG Glenda Laws Award. www.nsf.gov. AAG Advancing Geography Fund www.aag.org/cs/grantsawards. 1710 Sixteenth St. NW, Washington, DC 20009

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 21 November 2010 Necrology

Phillip Bacon State University, Fullerton (1964); and, publish under the pen name J.K. Gibson- Phillip Bacon died recently at the age subsequently, a doctorate at the Claremont Graham. Together they developed what of 88. Graduate School. He was American Vice they came to call a “post-capitalist politics.” Bacon attended the University of Consul in Kingston, Jamaica, 1960-1962, J.K. Gibson-Graham’s The End of Capitalism (as ­Miami, and graduated with a bachelor’s and Antofogasta, Chile, 1962-1963. we knew it): A feminist critique of political economy degree 1946. He earned his MA at George Glassner joined the Geography De- was named a “Classic in Human Geography” Peabody College (1951) and an ED.D. partment at Southern Connecticut State by the journal Progress in Human Geography. from Vanderbilt University (1955). He University in 1968, retiring in 1995 after Graham became an Associate Professor attended The teaching a variety of courses, sitting on in 1991, a Full Professor in 1998, and served Citadel prior to committees, and, for some of the time, as Associate Department Head for Geo­ service in the chairing the Department. While in situ he graphy at the University of Massachusetts, U.S. Navy dur- was recipient of the Faculty Scholar Award, Amherst between 1999 and 2006. With ing World War and was installed as a Connecticut State broad interests informed by her economic II. University Professor. His specialty was perspective, she served on many commit- After his dis- political geography with special reference tees for students in Economics, Women’s charge he served to the significance of landlocked states. He Studies, Labor Studies, Education, Politi- at the University worked for the United Nations in both Asia cal Science, and Anthropology. Graham of Houston; the and Africa, focusing on landlocked states, worked closely for many years with profes- University of transit to the sea, boundaries, development sors Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff Wa sh in g t o n; Bacon and international law. in the UMass Economics department and and Teachers Glassner’s interest in Latin America published with them two volumes of edited College, ­Columbia University. Throughout resulted in membership on the Board essays in Marxist theory. his career he was keenly interested in the of the Conference of Latin Americanist pedagogies of geography, which led to his Geographers. Among his publications are Burke Gordon Vanderhill editing and/or writing of 51 books largely Access to the Sea for Developing Land-Locked Burke Gordon Vanderhill died on May for grade schools. Bacon worked vigorously States (1971), Bibliography on Land-Locked States 24, 2010. He was born in La Porte, ­Indiana, with the National Council of Geographic (1980), Systematic­ Political Geography (1980) on January 15, 1920, and grew up in Education (NCGE). He became president and Neptune’s Domain: A Political Geography of Bellaire, Michigan where his father was a of NCGE and in 1974 received its Distin- the Sea (1990). telegrapher and station agent for the Pere guished Service Award. Bacon also received Marquette Railroad, later the Chesapeake the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Julie A. Graham and Ohio, inspiring Burke’s lifelong interest George Peabody College for Teachers of Julie Graham, 64, a professor and spe- in trains and railroads as well as his love of Vanderbilt University. cialist in economic and regional geography geography. Amidst the travail of war he developed in the Department of Geosciences at the Vanderhill attended Kalamazoo College, a fond appreciation of the Pacific realm. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, died Michigan State University (B.S, with Hon- ­Bacon’s particular disciplinal interest re- April 4 in Nashville from complications ors), the University of Nebraska (M.A.), sided in the region, which he felt was of deriving from cancer as she was returning and received his PhD in Geography from universal significance to the geographer. from a three-month research sabbatical in the University of Michigan where he was The many books he authored include North Australia. elected to Phi Beta Kappa. America: Golden Book Atlas of the World (1960); Born in 1945, Graham graduated with Following the attack on Pearl Harbor in The Earth and Its People (1972); Regions around a B.A. in English from Smith College in December 1941 he enlisted in the United the World (1972); and The United States: Its 1968, and completed her PhD degree at States Army Air Force. During 1942-45, he ­History and Neighbors (1991). He was a mem- Clark University in 1984. Her specialties served in the 8th Air Force near Ipswich, ber of the editorial advisory board of World included rethinking economy and eco- East Anglia, England. Upon returning to the Book Encyclopedia for twenty years, a nomic dynamics; diverse economies and U.S., Burke used the GI Bill to complete his Fellow of both the Explorers Club and the community economies; alternative eco- degrees. He came to Tallahassee in 1950 to Royal Geographical Society, and a con- nomic development practice in the U.S., join the Florida State University Geogra- sultant to NASA (Johnson Space Center) Australia and the Asia Pacific region; and phy Department. Vanderhill retired in 1995 concerning wheat growth and its limits in economic subjectivity and politics. after 45 years of service to the university the Soviet Union. Early in her career, Graham was steeped community. His research interests varied, in structural critiques of capitalist exploita- but his primary focus was on the north- Martin Ira Glassner tion, but over time she came to feel that this ern fringe of agricultural settlement in the Martin Glassner, 78, (1932-2010) was critique could be disempowering. Canadian provinces of British ­Columbia, born in Plainfield, New Jersey. He served in Graham’s scholarship overlapped with Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and the U.S. Armed Forces, and took degrees that of Australian colleague Katherine later Alaska, areas he returned to many at Syracuse University (1953); California ­Gibson, so much so that they began to times camping with his family. n

22 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 Jobs in Geography

UNITED STATES in Geography is required at the time of of applications will begin December 10, 2010 appointment. The candidate selected for this and will continue until a candidate accepts *ALABAMA, AUBURN. position, which begins August 2011, must appointment. The Department of Geology and Geography meet eligibility requirements to work in the In support of our strategic plan, Auburn at Auburn University invites applications for United States on the date the appointment is University will maintain its strong commit- a tenure track Assistant Professor position scheduled to begin and to continue working ment to diversity with standards to help in the field of medical geography to begin legally for the term of employment; excellent ensure faculty, staff, and student diversity Fall Semester 2011. Experience with GIS communication skills are required. through recruitment and retention efforts. and spatial analysis techniques will be highly Applicants should submit a curriculum Auburn University is an Affirmative Action/ favorable. This is a new position created as vitae, letter of application (1-2 pages) describ- Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and part of a university initiative in the field of ing professional experience, research and minorities are encouraged to apply. health science and to support the growth teaching interests, copies of transcripts, and NOV 10-227 of a new graduate program in geography. the names and contact information of at least Opportunities for collaboration with related three references. CALIFORNIA, ARCATA. on-campus units include such programs as Apply: Applications should be sent to: Dr. Humboldt State University, Department of Human Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Philip Chaney, Geography Search Commit- Geography. Full-time, tenure-track Assistant Biological Sciences. tee Chair, Department of Geology and Geo­ Professor in Human/Cultural Geography The successful candidate will be expected graphy, 210 Petrie Hall, Auburn University, beginning August 2011. We seek an indi- to teach at the undergraduate and graduate AL 36849-5224, USA. vidual committed to quality undergraduate levels (including a general education class in Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU teaching and research. Projected teaching World Regional Geography) and to establish website to learn more about Auburn Uni- assignments may include lower and upper a productive record of independent research, versity and the Geography program (http:// division human and cultural courses within extramural funding, and publication. A PhD www.auburn.edu/academic/cosam/). Review a subfield that could consist of urban/rural studies, population, political, or international development. A regional specialty is also “Jobs in Geography” lists positions available with US institutions who are Equal Opportunity Em- desirable. Other responsibilities include a ployers seeking applications from men and women from all racial, religious, and national origin groups, commitment to scholarship, academic service, and occasional ­positions with foreign ­institutions. and community outreach. PhD or equivalent Rates: Minimum charge of $150. Listings will be charged at $1.25 per word. Announcements run in Geography or related field required at the for two ­consecutive issues unless a stated deadline permits only one listing. The charge for running time of appointment. an announcement more than twice is one-third the original charge for each subsequent listing. We Humboldt is the northernmost of the will bill institutions listing jobs after their announcements appear in JIG for the first time. Deadline: JIG announcements must reach the AAG before the first of the month to appear in JIG for the 23-campus California State University following month (eg: 1 January for February issue). Readers will receive their Newsletter copies between system. The campus sits between redwood the 5th and the 15th of the month. Schedule job closing dates with these delivery dates in mind. groves and the Pacific Ocean, 270 miles north Format: Announcements should be sent as an attachment or in the body of an e-mail to of San Francisco. Our dramatic natural setting [email protected]. The announcements must be saved in Microsoft Word 5.0 or greater, or Corel WordPer- and class size foster collegial faculty-student fect 6 or greater. No job announcements accepted by phone. Follow format and sequence of current relations. The Geography Department has JIG listings. All positions are full-time and permanent unless otherwise indicated. State explicitly if over 100 majors, a dedicated Cartography/ positions are not firm.E mployers are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their listings. JIG Geovisualization lab, smart classrooms, and will not publish listings that are misleading or inconsistent with Association policy. Employers should superb opportunities for field study. notify the Editor to cancel a listing if the position is filled. TheE ditor reserves the right to edit announce- Qualified candidates should send a letter ments to conform with established format. All ads must be in English. of application, curriculum vita, graduate tran- Display ads are also available. Ads will be charged according to size: 1/6 page (2 1/4” x 5”) $335; 1/3 page ­vertical (2 1/4” x 10”)$475;1/3 page square (4 3/4” x 4 3/4”) $475; 1/2 page horizontal (7” x 5”) $625; 2/3 scripts (unofficial copies are sufficient for page ­vertical (4 3/4” x 10”) $750; Full page (7” x 10”) $900. Display ads run for one month only. initial review), and the names and contact Affirmative Action Notice: The AAG Affirmative Action Committee requires job listers tosend information of three professional references to the JIG ­Editor the name, academic degree, sex, and rank of each person appointed as a result of to Rosemary Sherriff, Search Committee an annou­ncement in JIG. Chair, Department of Geography, Humboldt Geographer Available. A service for AAG members only. Send personal listings of 50 words or State University, One Harpst Street, Arcata, less, following the format of current listings. Listings run for two consecutive issues. Enclose $25 CA 95521-8299. Voice: (707) 826-4119. Fax: with listing. A blind listing service is avai­l­­­­­­able - the editor will assign a box number and for­ward (707) 826-3205. Email: sherriff@humboldt. inquiries to the member listed. edu. Application deadline is November 15, * Indicates a new listing 2010 for first consideration. Position is open until filled.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 23 November 2010

To view the full vacancy announcement go also oversee the Institute’s budget, teach two portation problems and policy and America’s to http://apptrkr.com/158303. HSU is an EO/ courses a year related to global-local issues, car culture, environmental and public health, Title IX/ADA employer. and advise students. food systems, water and energy policy, com- OCT 10-182 The successful candidate will hold a PhD in munity development, and research methods a relevant discipline and have a strong record of for policy analysis. *CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY. research and teaching on global-local issues as UEP is an interdisciplinary major that The University of California, Berkeley invites well as extensive experience with community- involves faculty in politics, sociology, eco- applications for the 2011-2012 S.V. Ciriacy- based pedagogies, research, and intercultural nomics, history, biology, geology, and other Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellowships in Natural education. In addition, he or she will have the disciplines. We will consider candidates Resource Economics and Political Economy. intellectual expertise to engage with globaliza- from a variety of disciplines, including urban The S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fel- tion as a multilayered, uneven, and contested planning, political science, sociology, envi- lowships in Natural Resource Economics and process, complicated by race, social class, ronmental studies, public policy, economics, Political Economy will be awarded for the gender, sexualities, diasporas, immigration, and history, and law. 2011-12 academic year to support advanced unequal citizenship. The Director will hold Occidental College is a nationally recog- research at the University of California, an endowed chair; the rank of this position is nized liberal art college located in the dynamic Berkeley. open. Pitzer College has a strong institutional urban setting of Los Angeles. Candidates For the purposes of this fellowship, natural commitment to the principles of diversity in all should have completed or be close to com- resources are defined broadly to include envi- areas and strongly encourages candidates from pleting a PhD, have some experience teaching ronmental resources. The fellowship encour- underrepresented social groups. undergraduates and a commitment to the ages, but is not limited to, policy-oriented We favor candidates who contribute to the pedagogy and practice of community-based research. Applications are open to scholars College’s distinctive educational objectives, learning and research, and be able to expand from any social science discipline and related which promote interdisciplinary perspectives, the College’s efforts to promote internships, professional fields such as law and planning, intercultural understanding, and concern with community-based learning in classes, applied who will make significant contributions social responsibility and the ethical implica- community-based research, and partnerships to research on natural resource economics tions of knowledge and action. Pitzer College with public, private, and non-profit organiza- broadly defined. Preference will be given is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity tions in Los Angeles, California, Washington, to proposals whose orientation is broadly Employer. For the successful applicant with D.C., and other urban places. We encourage institutional and/or historical, and which relevant interest, affiliations are possible with candidates who are familiar with Los Angeles are conceptually and theoretically innova- the intercollegiate departments of Africana and have a history of community engage- tive. Proposals with a primarily statistical Studies, Asian American Studies, Chicana/o- ment. Occidental is a small (1800 student), or econometric purpose are not eligible for Latina/o Studies, and/or Women’s Studies. very selective undergraduate college with a consideration. Apply: send in PDF format, a letter of appli- strong emphasis on academic excellence and Application deadline is December 10, cation, curriculum vitae, selected evidence of diversity among its students and faculty. 2010. For more information, please visit: excellence in teaching and research, state- The UEP program is closely allied with http://nature.berkeley.edu/site/ciriacy.php. ment of teaching philosophy, statement on the Urban & Environmental Policy Institute, NOV 10-216-1 diversity, a description of your research, and through which students, faculty and staff three letters of recommendation (at least one engage in applied research and community CALIFORNIA, CLAREMONT. (1) of which addresses your teaching effec- engagement. (http://www.uepi.oxy.edu) Can- Pitzer College invites applications and tiveness) via email to IGLAS_search@pitzer. didates should send a cover letter, current cur- nominations for the tenure-line position of edu. The deadline for applying is December riculum vitae, samples of scholarly or creative Founding Faculty Director of the emerging 1, 2010 or until the position is filled. work and three letters of recommendation Institute for Global-Local Action and Study OCT 10-184 before November 17, 2010. (I-GLAS). I-GLAS is dedicated to promot- Apply: Professor Peter Dreier, Search ing interdisciplinary curricular and research *CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES. Chair, UEP Program (M-1), Occidental programs and activities that link the global Occidental College invites applications for a College, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, and the local, and addressing key issues of tenure-track position, preferably at the Assis- CA 90041. globalization and its effects on communities tant Professor level, beginning Fall 2011 in Occidental College is an affirmative action, and nations. The Founding Faculty Director the Urban and Environmental Policy (UEP) equal opportunity employer. The College will provide strong academic leadership department. Applicants should be prepared to is committed to academic excellence in a and vision for I-GLAS, infusing the College develop and teach courses in different aspects diverse community and supporting interdisci- curriculum with critical community-based of the history of architecture, urban design, plinary and multicultural academic programs learning, research, and action initiatives that the built environment, urban planning, and that provide a gifted and diverse group of connect the global and the local, and encour- land use. In addition, the applicants should students with an educational experience that aging faculty/student global-local research be prepared to develop and teach courses prepares them for leadership in a pluralistic projects and new courses that build on the in at least two of the following areas: urban world. Women and candidates of color are College’s successful community engagement history, housing policy and problems, “green” strongly encouraged to apply. and study abroad programs. He or she will cities and sustainable development, trans- NOV 10-214-1

24 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10

*CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES. regional processes (e.g. EU expansion, democ- riculum vitae, and names and addresses of Scholar of Modern Iran. The International ratization, politicization of religion, cross- three referees. Applicants should show a Institute and the Division of Social Sciences at border ethno-national conflict, or relation- commitment to working in a multi-cultural UCLA invite applications for a joint, tenure- ships with the EU or countries of the former environment with students from diverse back- track assistant professor or tenured associate Soviet Union) drawing on the theories and grounds. professor position in one of the Division’s methodologies of one or more social science San Diego State University is an equal departments. Applicants for the position must disciplines. Applicants from the disciplines of opportunity employer and does not discrimi- have research and teaching interests that offer political science, sociology and geography are nate against persons on the basis of race, a social science perspective on Iran in the especially encouraged to apply. religion, national origin, sexual orientation, 20th or 21st-century Iran. The ideal candidate We seek a scholar with a strong potential gender, gender identity and expression, would situate his or her regional interests in research and a commitment to graduate marital status, age, disability, pregnancy, in the context of cross-regional processes and undergraduate education. The preferred medical condition, or covered veteran status. drawing on the theories and methodologies candidate will be a dynamic program builder, Apply: Applications must be received by of one or more social science disciplines. who will help coordinate UCLA’s initiatives November 15, 2010 to guarantee full con- Applicants from anthropology, geography, in this region and contribute to interdisciplin- sideration. Applications will continue to be political science, and sociology are especially ary dialogue with colleagues throughout the received until position is filled. Applications encouraged to apply. University. The successful candidate must be should be sent to Dr. Biggs, Chair, Hiring We seek a scholar with a strong potential able to teach core courses in his/her discipline Search Committee, Department of Geogra- in research and a commitment to graduate as well as area-focused courses. PhD or ABD phy, San Diego State University, San Diego, and undergraduate education. The preferred near completion by June 30, 2011 is required. CA 92182-4493. Email: [email protected]. candidate will be a dynamic program builder Apply: Applications, to include a c.v., a edu. who will help coordinate UCLA’s initiatives statement of research and teaching interests, OCT 10-174 on Iran and contribute to interdisciplinary a representative recent paper or article, and dialogue with colleagues throughout the Uni- three references, should be submitted to: Ms. CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA. versity. Tara Wake, Search Committee for Turkey/ The NSF Center for Nanotechnology in The successful candidate must be able to Balkans Scholar, International Institute, 11230 Society at UC Santa Barbara seeks a post- teach core courses in his or her discipline as Bunche Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095. doctoral scholar to conduct spatial analysis well as area-focused courses. A completed Review of applications will begin of social response to emerging nanotechnolo- PhD by June 30, 2011 is required. November 15, 2010. However, applications gies, specifically risk and innovation coverage Apply: Applications, to include a c.v., a will continue to be accepted until the position in new media including the blogosphere and statement of research and teaching interests, is filled. Twitter. Applicants should possess a Ph.D. a representative recent paper or article, and UCLA is an affirmative action / equal in geography or related discipline with a three references, should be submitted to: opportunity employer and has a strong com- background in visualization, spatial analysis, Ms. Tara Wake, Search Committee for Iran mitment to the achievement of excellence and GIS/cartography, spatial statistics, and/or new Scholar, International Institute, 11230 Bunche diversity among its faculty and staff. media. Background in nanotechnology not Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095. OCT 10-159 required. The successful candidate will have Review of applications will begin access to the world-class resources at UCSB, November 15, 2010. However, applications CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO. including the Center for Spatial Studies and its will continue to be accepted until the position San Diego State University seeks applicants Director Michael Goodchild, and the Center is filled. for a tenure-track Open Rank faculty position, for Information Technology and Society. For UCLA is an affirmative action/equal contingent on funding, to begin in August more information and application require- opportunity employer and has a strong com- 2011. PhD is required at time of appointment. ments, visit cns.ucsb.edu. Review of applica- mitment to the achievement of excellence and Expertise required in the area of Urban Politi- tions begins October 15, 2010 (position open diversity among its faculty and staff. cal Ecology with a preferred regional focus until filled). An Equal Opportunity Employer. NOV 10-224 in Asia. We welcome applicants representing OCT 10-163 diverse methodologies (quantitative and/or CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES. qualitative) applied to research on the inter- *CONNECTICUT, STORRS. Turkey/Balkans Scholar. The International sections of human-environment and nature- Assistant Professor, University of Connecti- Institute and the Division of Social Sciences society. This position is intended to comple- cut, Department of Geography. Division at UCLA invite applications for ment existing strengths in the department as The Department of Geography at the a joint, tenure-track assistant professor well as to interact with cognate programs on University of Connecticut, Storrs, invites position. Applicants for the position must campus. Demonstrated excellence in teaching applications for a tenure-track Assistant Pro- have research and teaching interests that offer and scholarship, and commitment to funded fessor appointment to begin August 23, 2011. a social science perspective on Turkey or the research required. Departmental information We seek candidates with expertise in human- western Balkans in the 20th century. can be found at http://geography.sdsu.edu. environmental geography. We seek an indi- The ideal candidate would situate his or Send letter of application describing vidual who will broadly complement one or her regional interests in the context of cross- research agenda and teaching interests, cur- more of the department’s existing strengths

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 25 November 2010 in environmental science, geographic infor- a curriculum vitae, letter of application, arly expertise working between disciplines mation science, and health geography. The statement of research and teaching interests, including, ideally, the humanities and the applicant’s primary teaching and research selected publications, and three letters of environmental sciences. Scholars interested interests could focus on environmental reference. Review of applications will begin in areas such as environmental justice, colo- studies, environmental justice, environmental November 15, 2010, and continue until the nialism and post-colonialism, and global policy, and/or environmental health. position is filled. environmental history would be especially A PhD in Geography or a related discipline The University of Connecticut encourages encouraged to apply. is required by August 22, 2011. Equivalent minorities, women, and people with disabili- Applicants should send a letter of applica- foreign degrees are acceptable. In addition, a ties to apply for this position. The University tion with a statement of teaching and research demonstrated record of excellence in research of ­Connecticut is an EEO/AA employer. interests, curriculum vitae, and writing samples and teaching with some combination of NOV 10-223 to: Chair, Environmental Humanities Search research interests that complement existing Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 4 programs in geographic information science, *DELAWARE, NEWARK. Kent Way, University of Delaware, Newark, environmental studies, urban and community Environmental Humanities, Assistant DE 19716. Electronic submission as a single studies and human rights. It is preferred that or Associate Professor, the University of PDF file is strongly encouraged and should candidates possess the ability to contribute Delaware. Deadline: Review of applications be e-mailed to [email protected]. In addition, through research, teaching, and/or public will begin on December 1, 2010 and will candidates should arrange for three letters of engagement to the diversity and excellence of continue until the position is filled. recommendation (to be emailed to njk@udel. the learning experience. The University of Delaware seeks a edu).The University of Delaware is an Equal This is a 9-month tenure-track position scholar with substantial research and teaching Opportunity Employer which encourages at the level of Assistant Professor. Salary is interests in the broadly defined field of “Envi- applications from Minority Group Members competitive based on experience and quali- ronmental Humanities” to contribute to a and Women. fications. The successful candidate’s primary vibrant university-wide commitment to envi- NOV 10-234 academic appointment will be at the Storrs ronmental research. We seek applicants with campus with the possibility of work at a PhD in a traditional humanities field such *DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UConn’s regional campuses across the state. as History, Cultural Anthropology, English, WASHINGTON. Apply: please visit Husky Hire at www. Cultural Geography, Area Studies or Foreign Assistant or Tenured Associate Professor of jobs.uconn.edu, search 2011189, to submit Languages who can also demonstrate schol- Modern Turkish Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. The Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of Urban Studies Service (SFS) at Georgetown University Trinity College, Hartford, CT invites applications for a tenure-line position Trinity College seeks an urbanist at the associate or full professor rank to fill the in modern Turkish studies. The search com- newly endowed chair for the Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professorship in Urban mittee welcomes applications from candidates Studies beginning in fall 2011. The committee is especially interested in those who are tenured, or tenurable, at the rank of whose scholarly research falls within one or more of the following broad areas: the associate professor as well as those who are built environment; sustainable development; social and spatial inequalities. We eligible for a tenure-track assistant profes- hope that the scholar will have expertise in the interdisciplinary, comparative study sorship. of cities across a broad range of geographic regions; a commitment to Candidates should hold a PhD in a relevant supplementing the study of cities with experiential learning within a liberal arts discipline or interdisciplinary field. Successful framework. applicants will teach about some combina- The Raether Professor will be expected to contribute to the ongoing discussion tion of the politics, society, culture, and/or on and the development of Urban Studies on campus and will teach at least one international affairs of contemporary Turkey. course in our Cities Gateway program. The tenure home will be located in one of Additional research interests in Europe/ the appropriate established departments or programs at Trinity. Eurasia, the greater Middle East or the wider Applicants should send a detailed letter stating research and teaching interests; a Turkic world are desirable. The teaching load complete Curriculum Vitae; and the names of three references by December 1, is two courses per semester, and the successful 2010 to Dean of Faculty Rena Fraden, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, candidate may teach at the undergraduate and Hartford, CT 06106. graduate (MA and PhD) levels. Further infor- For more information on Trinity’s urban initiatives log on to mation about SFS may be found at sfs.george http://www.trincoll.edu/UG. town.edu. The family of Nesuhi Ertegün has The search committee includes Davarian Baldwin (American Studies); Sonia provided financial support for this position. Cardenas (Human Rights); Xiangming Chen (Dean and Director of the Center for Candidates for appointment at the rank Urban and Global Studies); Kathleen Curran (Art History); Anthony Messina of tenured associate should have a distin- (Political Science); Joan Morrison (Environmental Science); Jane Nadel-Klein guished record of scholarship and teaching; (Anthropology); Vijay Prashad (International Studies). we ask these applicants to provide a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names

26 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 and contact information of at least three Apply: Please send a letter of application, The Department of Geosciences (http:// scholarly references. Candidates for appoint- CV, and three writing samples to: Megan www.westga.edu/~geosci) offers undergradu- ment at the rank of assistant professor should Overbey, Association of American Geogra- ate degrees in geography, geology, and earth provide a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, phers, 1710 Sixteenth Street NW, Washing- science education; and graduate geographic writing samples, and three scholarly refer- ton, D.C. 20009; or by e-mail to: moverbey@ information systems certificate program. ence letters. aag.org. The department recently moved into a new, Apply: Applications for this position must JUAG 10-128 expanded teaching and research facility that be made via Georgetown’s online application includes two GIS Labs with 60 comput- management system at https://georgetownsfs. *GEORGIA, CARROLLTON. ers. Located fifty miles west of Atlanta, the ats.profilestm.com/. For applicants at the rank University of West Georgia, Carrollton. University of West Georgia is a growing of assistant professor, reference letters and Tenure-track Assistant Professor. regional university of the University System writing samples should be mailed to: Modern The Department of Geosciences at the of Georgia. Turkish Studies Search Committee, c/o Dr. University of West Georgia welcomes appli- The University of West Georgia is an equal James Reardon-Anderson, Senior Associate cations for a tenure-track Assistant Profes- opportunity/affirmative action employer. Dean for Academic Affairs, Edmund A. Walsh sor position from individuals with expertise NOV 10-244 School of Foreign Service, Georgetown Uni- in Geographic Information Science, Car- versity, Washington, DC 20057-1014. tography, Visualization, Remote Sensing, *GEORGIA, MILLEDGEVILLE. Faxed or emailed applications will not be photogrammetry, and related Geospatial The College of Arts and Sciences at Georgia accepted. Review of applications will begin Technologies, to begin August 2011. Priority College & State University invites appli- on October 12 and will continue until the will be given to candidates with experi- cations for Department Chair of History, position is filled. ence in advanced geospatial technologies Geography, and Philosophy. This position is Georgetown University is an Affirmative (e.g. modeling, GIS programming, enterprise a tenure-track, twelve-month appointment at Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women GIS implementation, Web GIS and mapping, the rank of Associate Professor or Full Profes- and minority candidates are especially encour- LiDAR) and online teaching. sor and reports to the Dean of the College of aged to apply. We are looking for a motivated scholar Arts and Sciences. Expected starting date is Queries about the position should be towards advancing UWG geography July 1, 2011. directed to Dr. James Reardon-Anderson, programs, teaching undergraduate/graduate The Department of History, Geography, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, students, teaching online graduate students, and Philosophy offers a master’s degree in at [email protected]. supporting student research, advising students, history, bachelors degrees in history, phi- NOV 10-202 and seeking external grants. Teaching respon- losophy, and geography and minors in sibilities will include undergraduate and history, geography, and philosophy. Excellent DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. graduate courses in geospatial technologies teaching and laboratory facilities are available Director of GIScience Research Programs. plus introductory courses that complement in the department. The department consists The Association of American Geographers has the needs of the department. of seventeen full-time faculty and one staff a position available for immediate placement PhD in Geography or related areas is member. at its office in Washington, D.C. for a Geo­ required at time of appointment. The selected Successful candidates will have the follow- grapher or GIScientist whose primary respon- candidate must meet eligibility requirements ing 1) a doctorate in history, geography or sibility will be leading the AAG’s programs to work in the United States on the date of philosophy; 2) significant full-time teaching in GIScience research and education. The appointment and for the term of employment. experience 3) a strong commitment to the successful applicant will have advanced, Please be advised that should you be recom- liberal arts mission of the college and uni- proven expertise in GIScience and technol- mended for this position, University System versity; 4) excellent interpersonal and com- ogy, and possess strong research and analyti- of Georgia Board of Regents policy requires munication skills; 5) effective teaching skills; cal skills. The Director of GIScience Research the completion of a background check as a and 6) a record of scholarly activity with the Programs will also assist in the development prior condition of employment. candidate’s area of specialization. of grant proposals and journal articles, and Applications should contain curriculum Preference will be given to candidates interact constructively with federal agencies vitae, letter stating teaching interest and with at least three years of academic lead- and other GIScience organizations. This is research agenda, copies of transcripts, one or ership experience at the level of chair or an excellent opportunity for talented indi- two exemplary research papers, and names higher; experience and facility with curricu- viduals to participate at a high level in AAG and contact information for three or more lum development; integrating high impact, research and education initiatives. A qualified references. Submit all materials electronically engaged pedagogies into the curriculum; stra- candidate will have a graduate degree in in the PDF format. tegic planning; and student learning outcomes geography or GIScience; possess outstanding Apply to: Jeong C. Seong, Search Com- assessment. written, research, and verbal communication mittee Chair, Department of Geosciences, Department chairs must be both faculty- skills; be highly organized and experienced University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA oriented and student-oriented and must with project management; and have strong 30118 ([email protected]). Review of appli- have a well developed sense of fairness and interpersonal skills. Salary is commensurate cations will begin on November 15, 2010 and integrity. Candidates must have appreciation, with experience. continue until the position is filled. understanding, and respect for all three disci-

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 27 November 2010 plines represented in this diverse department. the benefits of a major university with the value the integration of research, education, Teaching two courses per semester in one’s feeling of a much smaller college. Founded and practical application in scholarship that discipline is expected. in 1906, the University offers more than 100 leads to high quality publications and external Review of applications will begin on campus-based and online degree programs contracts and grants. November 15, 2010, and continue until the at the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral Position Description: Reporting to the position is filled. Interested candidates should levels through eight colleges. The nearly 700 Dean of the College of Science and Technol- apply online at https://www.gcsujobs.com acre park-like campus is located in Statesboro, ogy, the chair will provide leadership for the and include a letter of application, vita, and a classic Main Street community near historic teaching, scholarship, and service mission the names and contact information (address, Savannah and Hilton Head Island. of the department. The chair will advance email address, and telephone number) of at Within this setting, the department has a a culture of academic excellence where dis- least three references. The letter of applica- strong commitment to teaching and schol- tinction in teaching, research, and service tion should address the candidate’s adminis- arly excellence and provides undergraduate is expected and rewarded. The chair will trative philosophy. programs of study. A master’s degree for the provide leadership for curriculum develop- As the University System of Georgia’s des- department is envisioned for the near future. ment, assessment of student learning, research ignated public liberal arts university, Georgia The department has been designated as an programs, and initiatives that further the College & State University is committed Environmental Systems Research Institute department and College strategic plans. The to combining the educational experiences Development Center and recognized as an position is a tenured, 12-month appointment typical of esteemed private liberal arts colleges Academic Leadership Department by the and the salary is competitive and commen- with the affordability of public higher educa- American Geological Institute. Because the surate with the candidate’s qualifications and tion. GCSU is a residential learning commu- department is closer to the coast than any experience. nity that emphasizes undergraduate education similar program in the University System, Required Qualifications: Candidates must and offers selected graduate programs. The the geology and geography programs pursue have a doctoral degree in geology, geography, faculty is dedicated to challenging students a shared identity as the center for the study or geosciences; Credentials consistent with and fostering excellence in the classroom and of the coast and coastal plain of Georgia, those of tenured faculty members holding beyond. GCSU seeks to endow its graduates providing unique opportunities for teaching, the rank of full professor in the College of with a passion for achievement, a lifelong learning, research, and service. The depart- Science and Technology at Georgia Southern curiosity, and exuberance for learning. GCSU ment has 13 tenure-track faculty members University. The successful candidate will be is a member of the Council of Public Liberal (the chair, seven in geology, and five in an accomplished scholar with an established Arts Colleges (COPLAC). geography) and is one of seven academic investigator-initiated research program; Dem- Georgia is an Open Records state. The units in COST. onstrated commitment to teaching excel- finalist will be required to submit to a back- The mission statement of the Depart- lence; Demonstrated strong administrative ground investigation. GCSU is an Affirmative ment of Geology and Geography is: The and leadership skills; Effective communica- Action/Equal Opportunity Institution commit- Department of Geology and Geography at tion and interpersonal skills. Minimum of 5 ted to cultural, racial, and ethnic communities Georgia Southern University functions as an years college/university, full-time, teaching and to compliance with the Americans with integrated student-centered unit to support experience at the associate professor level is Disabilities Act. It is expected that successful the core curriculum by providing students an required for the rank of professor along with candidates share these commitments. Persons understanding of the variety and complex- a strong record of research and service with who need reasonable accommodations under ity of the earth’s geologic, environmental, substantial publications and presentations in the Americans with Disabilities Act to partici- cultural, political, and socioeconomic systems professional venues. pate in the application process should contact and their interactions. The department is Preferred Qualifications: A strong under- the Division of Human Resources at (478) committed to providing specialized under- standing and knowledge of Geology, Geogra- 445-5596. graduate programs of study leading to BS or phy, and Geospatial technology; Demonstrat- NOV 10-229 BA degrees with majors in Geology or Geo­ ed understanding of scholarship and research graphy, with an optional Geographic Informa- in a collaborative, multidisciplinary context; GEORGIA, STATESBORO. tion System (GIS) minor. The department is Demonstrated commitment to undergradu- The Department of Geology and Geography dedicated to producing high quality geology ate research and desire to encourage the in the College of Science and Technology and geography graduates well prepared for scholarly activities of faculty; Demonstrated invites nominations and applications for the graduate school or immediate employment commitment to shared collegial governance; position of the Chair of the Department of in fields such as education, urban and county Evidence of strong commitment to excellence Geology and Geography. Georgia Southern planning, geology, hydrology, environmental in undergraduate and graduate education and University (www.georgiasouthern.edu), a protection, and geospatial technology. The fostering intellectual community. member institution of the University System department utilizes its location in coastal Screening of applications begins October of Georgia and a Carnegie Doctoral/Research Georgia to meet the educational needs of the 1, 2010, and continues until the position is University, is one of Georgia’s premier uni- regional populace, promote a healthy regional filled. The position starting date is July 1, versities. A residential university serving more environment, and promote sustainable growth 2011. A complete application includes a letter than 20,000 students in fall 2010, Georgia and development through teaching, service, addressing the qualifications cited above; a Southern is recognized for providing all of and research. The faculty of the department curriculum vita; a statement of research inter-

28 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 ests; a statement of leadership and manage- Department of Physics, Astronomy, and *ILLINOIS, CARBONDALE. ment philosophy; and the names, addresses, Geosciences; Valdosta State University; Post-Doctoral Fellow in Agent-Based telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of Valdosta, Georgia 31698-0055. Email sub- Modeling and GIS. A post-doctoral research five persons who may be contacted as profes- missions may be sent to echatela@valdosta. position is available at Southern Illinois Uni- sional references. Other documentation may edu. versity Carbondale for a highly motivated be requested. Georgia Southern University Review of applications will start December individual interested in agent-based modeling seeks to recruit individuals who are commit- 1, 2010, and continue until the position has of farmer and land owner behavior and in the ted to working in diverse academic and pro- been filled. Salary is commensurate with modeling of water-related ecosystem services fessional communities. experience. provision to serve on an NSF-funded Coupled Apply: Applications and nominations Valdosta State University is an Equal Natural and Human Systems project entitled should be sent to: Dr. Mohammad Davoud, Opportunity educational institution and “Climate Change, Hydrology, and Land- Search Chair (Search # 56714), Department has a strong institutional commitment to scapes of America’s Heartland” and a Nature of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, diversity. In that spirit, we are particularly Conservancy-funded project on the provi- Georgia Southern University, P.O. Box 8046, interested in receiving applications from a sion of ecosystem services on floodplains. Statesboro, GA 30460. Electronic mail: broad spectrum of people, including, but not The applicant will build spatially-explicit, [email protected]. Telephone: limited to, minorities, and individuals with economically-based farmer-land owner agents 912-478-5761. disabilities. Valdosta State University has a for eight watersheds from Louisiana to North More information about the institution non-discrimination policy that includes sex, Dakota in order to simulate response to is available through http://www.georgiasouth race, color, sexual orientation, religion, age, climate change under a variety of technologi- ern.edu or http://cost.georgiasouthern.edu/ marital status, national origin, disability, and cal, economic, and policy scenarios, and will geo/, or http://cost.georgiasouthern.edu/. veteran status. be part of a team modeling and estimating Georgia Southern University seeks individuals For additional information please visit: the economic and ecosystem service effects who are committed to excellence in teaching, www.valdosta.edu/phy/ or call our offices of biomass plantings on floodplains along the scholarship, and professional service within at 229-333-5752. Fax 229-219-1201. Email: Mississippi River. the University and beyond. Finalists will be [email protected]. The Post-Doc will work closely with SIUC required to submit to a background investiga- faculty in the Departments of Agribusiness tion. Georgia is an Open Records state. Economics and Geography and Environmen- Georgia Southern University is an AA/EO *ILLINOIS, CARBONDALE. tal Resources and will be involved in field institution. Individuals who need reasonable IGERT Trainees in Watershed Science and work, analyzing large data sets, conduct- accommodations under the ADA to partici- Policy. Southern Illinois University Car- ing simulations, and writing peer-reviewed pate in the search process should contact the bondale is offering PhD fellowships under journal articles. Associate Provost. the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) SIUC is an Affirmative Action/Equal OCT 10-177 Integrative Graduate Education Research and Opportunity employer. A PhD in economics, Training (IGERT) program. Fellowships are geography or a related discipline is required *GEORGIA, VALDOSTA. available to U.S. citizens and permanent at the date of appointment. The position will Valdosta State University (VSU) and the residents in any water-, river- or watershed- begin January 2, 2011 or when an appropriate Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosci- related field of study, including Human or candidate is found. The position is planned ences invites applications for a ten-month, Physical Geography, who are pursuing a for two years. Closing Date: November 30, tenure-track faculty position at the rank of PhD degree in Environmental Resources and 2010 or until the position is filled. Assistant Professor to begin August 1, 2011. Policy or other areas. Applicants should Apply to: Christopher Lant, Department We seek an individual with a background have a Masters-level degree in Geography, of Geography and Environmental Resources, in either Physical Geography, Geology, Sur- Geology, Hydrology, Environmental Science Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Car- ficial Processes, or Soil Science. Successful or similar area at the time of enrollment bondale, IL 62901; Ph.: 618-453-6020; Email: candidate will be an individual with evidence (Bachelor’s possible in cases of exceptional [email protected]. of excellence in teaching and research who merit) and should have grades, test scores, NOV 10-207 will be responsible for introductory courses and research records commensurate with one in landforms and geohazards, in addition of NSF’s most coveted fellowship awards. *ILLINOIS, CARBONDALE. to upper level courses in soils and geomor- Fellowship benefits include $30,000/year Post-Doctoral Fellow in Agent-Based phology. Applicants must have completed a stipends, $10,500/year education allowances, Modeling and GIS. A post-doctoral research PhD in physical geography, geology, or soil student laptops, annual international river position is available at Southern Illinois Uni- science by appointment date. basin tours, and support for research, confer- versity Carbondale for a highly motivated Apply: submit a letter of interest, cur- ence travel, etc. individual interested in agent-based modeling riculum vita, signed faculty application form Apply online at: www.igert.siu.edu. Appli- of farmer and land owner behavior and in the accessed at www.valdosta.edu/academic/ cation deadline is January 15, 2011. For more modeling of water-related ecosystem services documents/Faculty_App2010.pdf and at the information, please see http://www.igert.siu. provision to serve on an NSF-funded Coupled names and contact information for three edu or contact [email protected]. Natural and Human Systems project entitled references to: Dr. Edward Chatelain, Head, NOV 10-208 “Climate Change, Hydrology, and Land-

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 29 November 2010 scapes of America’s Heartland” and a Nature role in establishing a university GIScience as invasive species management, sustainable Conservancy -funded project on the provi- Center serving the region. Research inter- agriculture, or environmental restoration), sion of ecosystem services on floodplains. ests in human or physical geography which environmental education and interpretation, The applicant will build spatially-explicit, complement the current strengths of the and biogeography. The candidate should economically-based farmer-land owner agents department are desirable. The ability to seek demonstrate a strong potential to conduct for eight watersheds from Louisiana to North outside funding is important. A commit- and guide research within these areas at the Dakota in order to simulate response to ment to excellence in teaching, research, and undergraduate and graduate level as well as climate change under a variety of technologi- service is essential. A PhD in Geography is have a commitment to effective teaching cal, economic, and policy scenarios, and will required by time of appointment. and a willingness to participate in student be part of a team modeling and estimating Eastern Illinois University is an ESRI cer- advisement. the economic and ecosystem service effects tified campus. The department offers BS The Department has access to a large of biomass plantings on floodplains along the degrees in Geography, Geology, Teacher Cer- field station with excellent research and res- Mississippi River. tification in Earth Science, and Teacher Cer- toration management opportunities and a The Post-Doc will work closely with SIUC tification in Geo­graphy and participates in history of innovations in field studies and faculty in the Departments of Agribusiness the multi-disciplinary Masters of Science for internships. NEIU is a commuter university Economics and Geography & Environmental Natural Sciences program. Our department is (approximately 12,000 students) in an easily Resources and will be involved in field work, student-oriented, encouraging mentoring of accessible residential area on the far north analyzing large data sets, conducting simu- undergraduate research and applied regional side of Chicago. lations, and writing peer-reviewed journal studies. Applications must include vitae with articles. Send a letter of application that includes e-mail address, three letters of reference (with A PhD in economics, geography or a teaching philosophy/experience, with recent at least one evaluating teaching competency/ related discipline is required at the date of student evaluations, a 1-2 page statement potential), teaching evaluations if possible, appointment. Quantitative proficiency, expe- on research experience/interests, curriculum and a statement of teaching philosophy and rience with model construction, and a taste vitae, three letters of reference, and e-copies research plan. Screening begins November for collaborative interdisciplinary research of undergraduate and graduate transcripts 15, 2010 and continues until position is filled. are essential. The position will begin January (can be unofficial copies at this time), by NEIU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative 2, 2011 or when an appropriate candidate is October 29, 2010; review of applications Action Employer and invites applications found. The position is planned for two years. will begin at that time and continue until the from women and minorities as well as other Closing Date: November 30, 2010 or until the position is filled. qualified individuals. position is filled. Apply: All materials should be submitted Apply to: Dr. Abhijit Banerjee, Chair of the Apply: Submit letter of intent describing electronically as a Word Document or PDF Search and Screen Committee, Department research and career interest, curriculum vitae, Document to Dr. David C. Viertel, Chair, of Geography and Environmental Studies, and three letters of reference to: Christopher Search Committee. E-mail: [email protected]. Northeastern Illinois University, 5500 North Lant, Department of Geography & Environ- Phone: 217-581-6244. Fax: 217-581-6613. Saint Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625. mental Resources, SIUC, 1000 Faner Dr., For more information on the position and Voice-mail: (773) 442-5640. Carbondale, IL 62901; Ph.: 618-453-6020; the department, check our home page http:// E-mail: [email protected]. www.neiu. Email: [email protected]. www.eiu.edu/~geoscience. edu/~deptges. SIUC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Eastern Illinois University is an equal NOV 10-248 Opportunity employer that strives to enhance opportunity, equal access, affirmative action its ability to develop a diverse faculty and employer committed to achieving a diverse *ILLINOIS, CHICAGO. staff and to increase its potential to serve community. The Department of Urban Planning and a diverse student population. All applica- OCT 10-178 Policy (http://www.uic.edu/cuppa/upp/) in tions are welcomed and encouraged and will the University of Illinois at Chicago invites receive consideration. *ILLINOIS, CHICAGO. applications for a full-time, tenure-track NOV 10-217 Northeastern Illinois University. The Depart- position in transportation planning, begin- ment of Geography and Environmental ning August 2011 or soon thereafter (subject ILLINOIS, CHARLESTON. Studies seeks applicants for a tenure track to budget authorization). The department Eastern Illinois University. The Department of Assistant Professor position beginning seeks outstanding candidates with a strong Geology/Geography invites applications for a August 2011. PhD is required at time of commitment to contribute to teaching and tenure-track Assistant Professor of Geogra- appointment. The successful candidate will research in urban transportation planning, phy with primary expertise in Geographic support the Geography and the Environ- the ability to teach required transportation Information Science and Cartography, to mental Studies undergraduate programs as planning and policy courses, core courses begin August 2011. Candidates must be com- well as the graduate program in the broader in the Master’s curriculum, elective courses fortable working across disciplines, teaching area of human-environmental interaction. in transportation, and possibly GIS and introductory and advanced courses to diverse The Department seeks an energetic indi- spatial analysis. We are particularly looking majors, and mentoring Masters students. The vidual who will develop and teach courses in for candidates with research interests in successful candidate will play an instrumental applied natural resource management (such transportation policies related to sustainable

30 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 development and environmental issues and and/or environmental systems analysis skills. list contact information for three people the areas of Geographic Information Science Applicants must show a promising record of qualified to independently assess your can- and spatial analysis. Attractive candidates funded research and publication. didacy. Applications may be submitted elec- would have a track record of peer-reviewed Apply: Applicants may view the full tronically at [email protected], or sent by publications, presentations in academic con- position description, with instructions on how mail to Melissa Lenczewski, Interim Director, ferences, research funding, and experience to apply, at the Department’s website: http:// ESE Institute, Northern Illinois University, teaching in a planning school, or show great www.uic.edu/cuppa/upp/. For full consider- DeKalb, IL 60115. Review of applications potential to excel in these areas. Opportuni- ation, apply by November 15, 2010. will begin October 1, 2010 and continue ties to participate in research conducted at The University of Illinois is an Affirmative until filled. Contact Melissa Lenczewski, envs UIC’s Urban Transportation Center (http:// Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. [email protected] or visit www.niu.edu/ese for www.utc.uic.edu/index.html) and possibly the NOV 10-238 more information. Urban Data Visualization Lab (http://www. NIU values diversity in its faculty, staff, uic.edu/cuppa/udv/) and to involve students in ILLINOIS, DEKALB. and student body. In keeping with this com- her/his funded research will be available to the Director of the Institute for the Study of the mitment, we strongly encourage applications successful candidate. Candidates should have Environment, Sustainability, and Energy. The from diverse candidates and candidates who a PhD (or expect conferral before August 15, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and College support diversity and understand the inter- 2011) in planning, geography, engineering, of Engineering & Engineering Technology at relationship of environmental issues and such economics, or a related field. Northern Illinois University anticipate hiring factors as race, class, and gender. NIU is an Apply: Applicants may view the full a permanent Director for its Institute for the AA/EEO institution. position description, with instructions on how Study of the Environment, Sustainability, OCT 10-162 to apply, at the Department’s website: http:// and Energy (ESE Institute). The Institute is www.uic.edu/cuppa/upp/. For full consider- a new interdisciplinary unit that involves ILLINOIS, EDWARDSVILLE. ation, apply by November 15, 2010. multiple departments and colleges. The insti- The Department of Geography at Southern The University of Illinois is an Affirmative tute’s goal is to conduct foundational research Illinois University Edwardsville invites appli- Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. and educate on pressing environmental and cations for a tenure-track position at the NOV 10-237 energy-related issues. The ESE Institute Assistant Professor level beginning in August takes a comprehensive approach to applying 2011. Applicants should have a PhD in Geo­ *ILLINOIS, CHICAGO. theoretical and applied knowledge from the graphy, but ABDs very near completion will The Department of Urban Planning and natural and social sciences, engineering, and be considered (if PhD is not completed at Policy (http://www.uic.edu/cuppa/upp/) in the humanities to current environmental the beginning of the contract period, a one the University of Illinois at Chicago seeks issues and policies. With faculty associates year term appointment will be made at the applications for a tenure-track position at the in Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Engi- rank of Instructor). We seek a Human Geo­ Assistant Professor level for the new con- neering, Geography, Geology, History, Law, grapher with expertise in GIS. The successful centration in environmental planning. This Political Science, Technology, the director candidate will exhibit a strong commitment position may be a joint appointment with the will provide leadership in implementing and to undergraduate and graduate education, UIC Institute for Environmental Science and further developing the undergraduate and conduct an active research program, and Policy (http://www.uic.edu/depts/ovcr/iesp/). graduate degree programs and hiring addi- contribute to the department’s existing areas The candidate for this position will teach tional faculty. The director will also maintain of focus on human geography and geospatial graduate courses in the Department of Urban an active research program within one of technologies. Responsibilities will include Planning and Policy, possibly undergraduate the participating colleges and have primary teaching courses in human geography and courses in sustainable urban planning, and teaching responsibilities in Environmental GIS ranging from the introductory to the also pursue external research opportunities. Studies. graduate level, advising advanced under- The appointment will begin August 2011 or Requirements: PhD required and a graduate and graduate research, and develop- soon thereafter (subject to budget authoriza- research record appropriate for appointment ing new courses in the candidate’s areas of tion). as full or associate professor with tenure in expertise. Topical and regional specializations Applicants should hold a PhD degree in an existing department; field of scholarship are open, but candidates are encouraged to urban planning or a closely related field is open. Other requisites include evidence visit the department’s website at www.siue. (e.g., environmental policy, urban ecology, of outstanding teaching, research, and schol- edu/GEOGRAPHY to identify how they can landscape architecture, natural resource man- arly publications related to environmental complement the undergraduate and graduate agement, industrial ecology or environmental studies, a record of extramural funding, and programs. engineering) and have an interest in and experience working cooperatively with a SIUE is a nationally-recognized university commitment to urban research as well as broad, multi-disciplinary constituency. The with the only geography graduate program in professional planning practice. Priority will candidate will possess outstanding leadership, the St. Louis metropolitan area. The depart- be given to scholars with a holistic per- management and organizational skills. ment is a strong, well-respected geography spective on urban sustainability, a commit- Application Process: Candidates must send program, and it has the second largest number ment to public engagement in environmental a statement of professional interest in the of majors and graduate students in Illinois decision-making, and strong quantitative position and current curriculum vitae. Please and Missouri. Faculty in the department have

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 31 November 2010 extensive opportunities to develop both their uiowa.edu/~geog/water-resource and http:// national studies, as well as his or her teaching teaching and research agendas. Excellence jobs.uiowa.edu/, requi sition number 58388. and scholarly interests, accomplishments, and in undergraduate and graduate teaching is Apply: Candidates must submit applica- plans. Questions about the position can be expected, as are strong scholarship and service. tions online at http://jobs.uiowa.edu/ (requisi- directed to Ted Schatzki, Dean of Faculty, Applicants should submit (1) a cover letter, tion #58388). Attachments to the application at [email protected]. The Search Commit- (2) a current curriculum vitae, (3) teaching should include a letter of application and cur- tee will begin looking at applications on and research statements, (4) evidence of riculum vitae. The letter of application should December 1 and continue to accept them teaching effectiveness, (5) photocopies of include: a statement of teaching interests, until the position is filled. all academic transcripts, and (6) the names evidence of teaching ability, and a statement The University of Kentucky is an Affir- and contact information of at least three that describes current and future research mative Action/Equal Opportunity Univer- references. activities. Three letters of recommendation sity that values diversity and is located in an Applicants may be subject to a background should be mailed to: Dr. Rex Honey, 316 increasingly diverse geographical region. It is check prior to an offer of employment. As Jessup Hall, Department of Geography, The committed to becoming one of the top public an affirmative action employer, SIUE offers University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. institutions in the country. Women, persons equal employment opportunity without Screening of applications begins November with disabilities, and members of other under- regard to race, color, creed or religion, age, 1, 2010 and will continue until the position is represented groups are encouraged to apply. sex, national origin, or disability. filled. Questions regarding this position can The University also supports family-friendly Apply to: Dr. Bin Zhou, Department of be directed to Dr. Honey (rex-honey@uiowa. policies. Geo­graphy, Box 1459. No email applications edu or 319 335-0154). NOV 10-195 will be accepted. Screening of applications OCT 10-186 will begin October 15 and continue until the KENTUCKY, LOUISVILLE. position is filled. SIUE is a state university– *KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON. The Department of Urban and Public Affairs benefits under state sponsored plans may not University of Kentucky, Lexington, (UPA) at the University of Louisville invites be available to holders of F1 or J1 visas. Kentucky. Director of International Studies applications for a tenure or tenure track OCT 10-187 Program, College of Arts and Sciences. To appointment to serve as Director or Associate begin August 2011. Rank: full or associate Director of the Kentucky State Data Center. IOWA, IOWA CITY. professor. Tenure department and areas of In addition the appointment will serve as a The Department of Geography at the Univer- specialization: open. Outstanding research faculty member in the department. Tenure sity of Iowa invites applications for a full-time record required, teaching load to be negoti- and rank are negotiable and dependent upon tenure track appointment at the Assistant ated. The College of Arts and Sciences seeks qualifications. The position is a 12-month Professor level in the area of sustainability a creative and accomplished scholar to assume appointment and is expected to begin July and water resources. The position is part stewardship of its expanding undergraduate 2011. The Kentucky State Data Center is of a significant university-wide sustainability International Studies Program. The program the state’s official liaison to the U.S. Census initiative that seeks to build interdisciplinary currently has over 300 majors and can grow Bureau and also conducts basic research in faculty expertise in this emerging area. We larger (go to http://www.as.uky.edu/academ public policy, evaluation, planning, etc. The seek an individual with research interests ics/departments_programs/InternationalStud Director of the State Data Center super- in surface water resources who will broadly ies/InternationalStudies/Pages/default.aspx). vises general policy research and oversees complement one or more of the department’s The Director will be in charge of oversee- the Federal-State Cooperative Program for existing strengths in geoinformatics, land use ing the major, organizing public events, coop- Population Estimates. The appointee will science, environmental policy, biogeography,­ erating with the College’s departments to have a 1-1 teaching load. or health geography. strengthen graduate education, and enhanc- Qualifications for the position include: The successful candidate must, to a ing faculty research on international affairs PhD in demography, economics, geography, degree commensurate with career stage, (including their bearing on life in the State sociology, public policy, political science, provide evidence of ability to publish in of Kentucky). The Director will also be statistics, urban planning or a related field; leading academic journals and secure external expected to take a leading role in developing experience in areas of policy research in a research support. The appointment will begin multidisciplinary and international networks collaborative academic setting; a record of in August 2011. A Ph.D. in geography or and opportunities for students, graduate grant and contract funding; excellent written, related discipline is required at the time of students, and faculty. oral, and interpersonal communication skills; appointment. The Department of Geography Apply: Applicants should send a letter a record of academic, peer-reviewed pub- and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences of application, a cv, sample publications, lications suitable to the appointed rank or are strongly committed to gender and ethnic and three letters of recommendation to: IS granting of tenure; an aptitude for working diversity; the strategic plans of the Univer- Director Search, Attention Ms. Kari Burch- collaboratively with state and local govern- sity and College reflect this commitment. field, International Studies Program, 203G ments, various organizations, the U.S. Census Minorities and women are encouraged to Lafferty Hall, University of Kentucky, Lex- Bureau, and the academic community. An apply. The University of Iowa is an Affirma- ington, KY 40506-0024. acquaintance with demography is desirable. tive Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. For The application letter should address the Review of applications will begin October further information please see http://www. applicant’s experience in and vision of inter- 7, 2010 and continue until the position

32 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 is filled. Applicants should apply via the Goddard Space Flight Center; the Center for social, environmental or computer sciences is University of Louisville Human Resources Urban Environmental Research and Educa- required. Preference will be given to candi- website at http://louisville.edu/jobs/ for job tion (CUERE), an EPA and NOAA-funded dates with postdoctoral experience. opening # 25819. Also send a cover letter, center focused on the environmental, social We are seeking the most outstanding curriculum vitae, names and contact details and economic impacts of urban and suburban candidates, with a track record of publi- for three potential references, to: Patty Sarley landscape transformation, and the U.S. Geo- cations and awarded grants appropriate to ([email protected]), Department of logical Survey Water Science Center for rank, who will expand the breadth in our Urban and Public Affairs, University of Lou- the MD-DE-DC region, which moved its research and teaching in the social science isville, 426 W. Bloom Street, Louisville, KY staff of 60+ personnel into its new facility at aspects of Human Dimension of Global 40208. Questions about the position may be UMBC in August 2007. In addition UMBC Change (HDGC) and/or Geospatial Infor- directed to Professor H.V. Savitch at hank. is a partner in the Chesapeake Watershed mation Sciences (GIS). Within HDGC, we [email protected] or 502-852-7929. Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), include the more traditional areas of; society The University of Louisville is an equal part of a national CESU network. The campus and sustainability, land use and land cover opportunity, affirmative action employer com- is located in close proximity to Washington change, impacts of climate change on human mitted to diversity. We particularly encourage D.C. and a broad array of federal, state, and systems, human vulnerability, resilience applications from minorities. local agencies as well as to other research adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of OCT 10-188 institutions along the Washington-Baltimore- global change, sustainable food, fiber and Philadelphia corridor. The Washington-Bal- water supply, health and global change, and MARYLAND, BALTIMORE. timore region has an extraordinary number patterns of resource consumption. Other University of Maryland, Baltimore County. of agencies and institutions whose focus is possible research interests within the HDGC Assistant or Associate Professor, beginning on the environment, natural resources, and area include; the relationships between insti- in August 2011 PhD in Geography or related environmental policy, in national as well tutions, governance and the environment, the field required at time of appointment. The as international contexts. The Department impact of the current demographic explosion UMBC Department of Geography & Environ- recently launched its M.S./Ph.D. program and on human and environmental systems, the mental Systems seeks applicants with research our faculty are active participants in UMBC’s impacts and sustainability of urban growth and teaching interests in natural resources NSF-IGERT traineeship program, “Water in especially in developing countries and human from any of several perspectives including the Urban Environment.” Interested candi- welfare, livelihoods and social equity. but not limited to natural resource econo- dates may visit the web site http://www.umbc. Along with physical and human systems, mies, environmental governance, trans-border edu/ges for additional information. GIS is a primary strength and focus of environmental issues, and/or environmental Please send curriculum vitae and cover academic and research activities at UMD. planning. The ideal candidate should have an letter describing research agenda and teaching Most areas of expertise are sought within this interest in the law, economics, politics, and/or interests, and have three letters of reference area, but with particular emphasis on data history related to the evolution and develop- sent to Dr. Sari Bennett, at nat_res@umbc. systems management and modeling systems ment of natural resource issues. The ability edu. For those unable to submit electroni- structures. Secondary interests in applying to utilize geospatial information technology cally, please send applications to Department GIS towards integrating human and physical as an analytical tool is desirable. Candidates of Geography and Environmental Systems, systems are also highly desirable. In addition, are expected to have an active program of UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, the department’s highly successful MPS research and publication, ability to attract Maryland 21250. Review of applications will degree in Geospatial Information Sciences external funding, and evidence of commit- begin on December 1, 2010 and will continue supports several PhD Teaching Assistants ment to excellence in teaching (the standard until the position is filled. who may serve as advisees of the selected teaching load is two courses per semester). UMBC is an Affirmative Action/Equal candidate. The student body at UMBC is extremely Opportunity Employer and actively seeks Applications should include a personal diverse and we are particularly interested in the applications of minorities, women, and statement of background and experience diversifying our faculty. individuals with disabilities. relevant to the position, including research, In the most recent Carnegie ranking, OCT 10-171 teaching and service activities, a signed, UMBC is listed as a Research University- dated Curriculum Vitae, reprints of selected High Research Activity. Research opportuni- *MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK. peer-reviewed publications, and names and ties at UMBC include collaboration with The University of Maryland (College Park) addresses (including e-mail) of 3-5 references. colleagues in the Public Policy graduate Department of Geography invites applications For best consideration applications should program, one of the largest in the country; for two faculty positions at either the tenured be submitted no later than December 1st, with the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES), Associate Professor rank or tenure-track 2010 but the search will continue until a an NSF-funded Urban Long-Term Ecological Assistant Professor rank, rank commensurate suitable candidate is appointed. Research site headquartered at UMBC; the with experience. These positions are expected Apply: http://jobs.umd.edu/applicants/ Joint Center for Earth Systems Technol- to start on or about August 2011. Salary and Central?quickFind=52529. Applications from ogy (JCET) and Goddard Earth Sciences & benefits are highly competitive, commensurate women and minorities are particularly sought. Technology Center (GEST), both research with qualifications and experience. A PhD The University of Maryland is an Equal consortia formed by UMBC and NASA- degree in geography or in a related area of the Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 33 November 2010

Further information on this position post-professional, doctoral (Doctorate of *MASSACHUSETTS, SALEM. and on academic and research programs of Design and PhD) candidates at the GSD. We Faculty, Geography, Full-Time, Tenure-Track, the Department may be obtained from the anticipate filling this position at the Assistant Fall 2011. The Department of Geography is address above and can be found at www.geog. or Associate Professor level for an initial term seeking to hire a geographer with specialties umd.edu. of five years with the possibility of promotion, in tourism and GIS. The successful candidate OCT 10-193 with responsibilities for teaching, scholar- should be able to teach and do research in the ship and administration. Qualifications: PhD; field of tourism and apply GIS as well as other *MASSACHUSETTS, CAMBRIDGE. previous teaching experience in a design geospatial methods and technologies. Ability Tenured Professor, Geography and school/graduate professional program in land- to apply quantitative techniques to tourism Urbanism. A senior faculty position is avail- scape architecture and/or architecture-related research is preferred. Faculty members, as a able for a preeminent international scholar discipline strongly encouraged; willingness to part of a cooperative and collegial campus in the cultural, economic, ecological, and build a landscape history/theory curriculum community, will advise students and perform spatial geographies of urbanization at the and advise doctoral/PhD students; strong college service. This position is advertised Harvard Graduate School of Design. We are record of publications, with evidence of future subject to available funding. interested in including geography and urban impact in the field of landscape history. ABD candidates will be considered, but theory more broadly in our curriculum and in Applications will be considered starting candidates with a PhD in Geography are pre- research initiatives in the school’s planning, in October 2010 and will continue to be ferred. Preferred qualifications also include: urban design, and doctoral programs across accepted well after that date. experience with distance learning and instruc- disciplines, as well as in the school’s other Apply: candidates should submit a tional technologies; regional specialty; and fields of architecture and landscape architec- one-page letter of intent, a current c.v., ability to apply quantitative techniques to ture. The appointment will be made at the and one publication to: Harvard University tourism research. level of Professor and is a full-time tenured Graduate School of Design, Office of Faculty Salem State University is a comprehen- position with responsibilities for teaching, Planning, 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA sive, publicly supported institution of higher research, and administration; we expect the 02138, or via e-mail to [email protected]. learning located approximately 15 miles successful candidate to play an important edu. Applicants should not send complete north of Boston, Massachusetts. The univer- role in the school’s advanced and doctoral dossiers with their applications. sity enrolls over 10,000 undergraduate and programs. Candidates should have a PhD Harvard University is an Equal Opportuni- graduate students representing 27 states and or equivalent, an internationally respected ty/Affirmative Action employer. Women and 65 nations, and is one of the largest state publication record, and, preferably, experi- minority applicants are particularly encour- universities in the Commonwealth of Massa- ence in teaching in the context of a graduate aged to apply. chusetts. Its mission is to educate and prepare professional school and in working with col- NOV 10-221 a diverse community of learners to contribute leagues and students in the fields of design responsibly to our global society. and planning. MASSACHUSETTS, CAMBRIDGE. To see the full list of benefits, review the Applications will be considered starting Environmental Fellows Program at Harvard complete job description and to apply online, on November 1, 2010 (and can continue University. The Harvard University Center please visit https://jobs.salemstate.edu/appli to be submitted thereafter). Interested can- for the Environment created the Environmen- cants/Central?quickFind=51020 and attach didates should submit a c.v. and a state- tal Fellows program to enable recent doctor- your CV/résumé, and cover letter. ment of interest to: Mike McGrath, Director ate recipients to use and expand Harvard’s Apply: Appropriate original transcripts, of Faculty Planning, Harvard University extraordinary resources to tackle complex and three letters of recommendation should Graduate School of Design, 48 Quincy Street, environmental problems. Environmental be sent to: Human Resources and Equal Cambridge, MA 02138, Tel: 617-495-5409, Fellows work for two years with Harvard Opportunity, 352 Lafayette Street, Salem, Fax: 617-495-9026, E-mail: mmcgrath@gsd. faculty members in any school or department MA 01970. harvard.edu. to create new knowledge while also strength- Salem State University is an Equal Oppor- Harvard University is an Equal Opportuni- ening connections across the University’s tunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Persons ty/Affirmative Action employer. Women and academic disciplines. Fellows may include of color, women and persons with disabilities minority applicants are particularly encour- people with degrees in the sciences, social are strongly urged to apply. aged to apply. sciences, law, government, public policy, NOV 10-240 NOV 10-220 public health, medicine, design, and the full array of humanities. *MASSACHUSETTS, WORCESTER. *MASSACHUSETTS, CAMBRIDGE. Complete details can be found at: www. Clark University. Open rank, tenure-line Assistant or Associate Professor in Land- environment.harvard.edu/grants/fellows. position starting August 2011. PhD required scape Architectural History. Harvard Uni- Applications are due January 14, 2011 and at time of appointment. Clark’s School of versity Graduate School of Design is seeking Environmental Fellows will begin work in Geography seeks a scholar to join the depart- to fill a full-time faculty position starting in September 2011. Harvard University is ment’s existing Human-Environment cluster. the fall term 2011 for a person qualified to an affirmative action, equal opportunity We seek a faculty member who is contribut- offer graduate-level instruction in the history employer. ing to cutting edge scholarship, and who of landscape architecture for professional, OCT 10-158 is committed to collaborative research and

34 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 securing extramural funding. Expertise in the research environment. New PhDs, as well as The department offers a B.S. (major and theoretical and empirical study of a variety of those with research or academic experience minor) in Geography and M.S. in Geographic substantive research areas will be considered. beyond the PhD, are invited to apply. Information Sciences as well as Geography Preference will be given to candidates who For more information on the Survey minors and majors for teacher education complement and provide leadership in the Research Center and the Faculty Research students. Computer and lab facilities are department’s strengths in Human-Environ- Fellows Program please visit our website at state-of-the-art. Additional potential research ment relations and interactions, as well as in http://src.isr.umich.edu. Applicants may initiate opportunities are available in CMU’s GIS Earth System Science (http://www.clarku.edu/ the process by submitting a letter describing Center and the Central Michigan Univer- departments/geography/). The successful can- their scholarly activities and interests in SRC, sity Research Corporation. The Geography didate will also collaborate with Clark’s Marsh along with a CV, names of three references, Department also houses the Michigan Geo- Research Institute (http://www.clarku.edu/ and one or two recent publications or working graphic Alliance. Classified by the Carnegie departments/marsh/). Strong undergraduate papers. Concurrently, applicants should Foundation as a doctoral research university, and graduate teaching, advising, and mentor- request that the three letters of reference be CMU is recognized for strong undergraduate ing are a requisite in the “university college” sent directly to the email address below. education and a range of focused graduate and tradition of Clark. Apply: Please submit applications, letters research programs. Minorities and women are Apply: Send CV; a detailed statement of reference, and inquiries electronically encouraged to apply. of professional experience, research, and to [email protected]. Reference Applications must be submitted on-line teaching interests; and contact information position #52040. We strongly encourage through the web site (www.jobs.cmich.edu) for three references by email to: hesearch@ those interested in this position to apply no in order to be considered. Cover letters clarku.edu. Review of applications will begin later than November 1, 2010. may be addressed to: Dr. Bin Li, Chair, on November 15, 2010 and will continue until The University of Michigan is an Affir- Department of Geography, Central Michigan the position is filled. mative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859. AA/EOE Minorities and Women are and is responsive to the needs of dual career OCT 10-189 strongly encouraged to apply. couples. Women and minority candidates are NOV 10-205 encouraged to apply. MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS. OCT 10-173 Assistant Professor in the Department of MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR. Geography, College of Liberal Arts, Univer- The Survey Research Center (SRC) in the MICHIGAN, MOUNT PLEASANT. sity of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus. Full- Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the The Department of Geography invites appli- time, nine-month tenure-track appointment University of Michigan invites applications cations for a tenure track appointment in beginning fall semester 2012, preceded by from outstanding candidates for Faculty Geography at the rank of Assistant Professor, a one-year appointment as a pre- or Post- Research Fellow appointments in any area with specialization in Human Geography doctoral Fellow to begin fall semester 2011 of social science research including anthro- effective August, 2011. A doctorate in Geo­ (8/29/2011). pology, demography, economics, education, graphy is required at the time of appointment We seek a scholar whose expertise in geography, psychology, public health, social (ABD may be considered upon confirma- health geography focuses on the intersection epidemiology, social work, sociology, survey tion that completion is imminent). Successful of environment and society, both broadly methodology, statistics, and urban studies. candidates will have a strong background defined. We welcome applicants versed Faculty Research Fellow appointments are in human geography with a regional focus in diverse theoretical and methodological designed to be commensurate and competi- and specialization in economic, political, or approaches and prepared to collaborate with tive with tenure-track academic or research medical geography, as well as proficiency environmental and social scientists and public appointments at any leading research Univer- in GIS and the ability to apply geospa- health professionals. We are especially inter- sity or organization, and are intended to lead tial technology to teaching and research. ested in applicants whose work is in Latin directly into Research Professor tenure-track Demonstrated effective communication skills America or Africa. careers within the Survey Research Center. and the potential for excellence in teaching The selected candidate will be supported Joint appointments in appropriate academic and research are also required. Candidates in their fellowship year either by the College departments and units at the University of who demonstrate the potential to participate of Liberal Arts Postdoctoral Fellowship or Michigan are possible, with the majority of in collaborative activities with CMU’s GIS (if eligible) by the Postdoctoral Fellowship our senior research staff having such affilia- Center are preferred. Responsibilities include for Increasing Faculty Diversity, under the tions. teaching introductory courses in human aegis of the Faculty of Color Bridge Program We seek to attract the very best early geography and advanced courses in the area in the Office of the Vice President and Vice career social scientists whose interests and of specialization, mentoring undergraduate Provost for Equity and Diversity, the Post- aspirations incline them toward a career in and graduate students in research, actively doctoral Fellowship for Increasing Faculty the world’s leading academic social science seeking external funding and developing a Diversity aims to attract highly qualified, research organization doing externally funded viable research program, and university and emerging scholars to the University of Min- interdisciplinary social science research, department services. Screening will begin on nesota by providing one-year appointments often focusing on original data collection, November 1, 2010, and continue until the as a pre- or post-doctoral fellows, prior to in our uniquely collaborative and supportive position is filled. transitioning into faculty positions in the host

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 35 November 2010 department. Additional information about As a tenure-track assistant professor, begin- current and future research interests; 5) a the Faculty of Color Bridge Program may be ning fall 2012, the appointee will teach four writing sample of a published paper or manu- found online (http://www.academic.umn.edu/ semester-length courses per academic year at script in progress; and 6) names and complete equity/bridge_programs.html). both the undergraduate and graduate levels. contact information for no fewer than three We seek a diverse pool of applicants. We The development of additional courses and references. encourage candidates of color from groups research themes that complement and extend Please submit materials to the attention of in the United States underrepresented on current departmental expertise is strongly Professors Vinay Gidwani and Connie Weil the faculty of the University of Minnesota encouraged. (co-chairs of search committee). to apply for this position, including African Program/Unit Description: The Depart- In addition to the materials submitted American, Asian, Pacific Islander, American ment of Geography at the University of electronically, applicants are asked to arrange Indian, Alaskan Native, and Chicana(o)/ Minnesota is a top-ranked, nationally and for three letters of recommendation to be Latina(o). internationally recognized department that is a emailed to the attention of Professors Vinay Ph.D. in Geography or related discipline broadly based program with scholars working Gidwani and Connie Weil at: gdsearch@ completed by date of appointment as Post- in urban geography, globalization, nature-soci- tc.umn.edu. doctoral Fellow preferred. Ph.D. in hand at ety studies, development studies, climatology, Applications will be considered complete the time of appointment as assistant profes- biogeography, and GIScience. We offer BA, upon receipt of all materials, including refer- sor is required. Significant progress toward BS, MA, and Ph.D. degrees in Geography, and ence letters. Review of complete applications completion of Ph.D. required for pre-doctoral host interdisciplinary undergraduate majors will begin on 12 October 2010 and will appointment. Excellent academic preparation, in Urban Studies, and in Biology, Society, continue until the position is filled. qualifying candidate for undergraduate and and the Environment, as well as a Masters of For questions about the application process, graduate teaching in critical approaches to Geographic Information Sciences. please contact the department administrator, Geography. The Department has strong connections Glen Powell, at [email protected] or 612- Applicants will be evaluated according to with a number of College- and University- 625-6080. For questions about the position, the overall quality of their academic prepara- wide interdisciplinary institutes and centers, contact either Vinay Gidwani at vgidwani@ tion, research, and writing; evidence of schol- including the Interdisciplinary Center for the geog.umn.edu or Connie Weil at weil@umn. arly potential; evidence of skills as a teacher Study of Global Change http://www.icgc. edu. Both can be reached at 612-625-6080. and commitment to both undergraduate and umn.edu; the Institute for Global Studies; OCT 10-179 graduate teaching; and strength of recom- http://globalstudies.umn.edu; the Center for mendations. Urban and Regional Affairs http://www.cura. MINNESOTA, ST. PAUL. The successful candidate will be expected umn.edu; and the Institute on the Environ- Macalester College. Applications are invited to maintain a strong program of undergradu- ment http://environment.umn.edu/. More on for Berg Postdoctoral position who have ate and graduate instruction; research and the Geography Department at http://www. expertise in the areas of remote sensing publication; external research support; and geog.umn.edu/. and the environmental applications of geo- service to the department, college, Univer- The College of Liberal Arts values diverse graphic information systems (GIS). The sity, and profession appropriate for the rank cultures, experiences, and perspectives as key appointment will begin in fall 2010. Ph.D. of appointment. to innovation and excellent education. For in Geography required. The successful can- Salary will be competitive, dependent further information, visit the college website, didate will teach one course in each semester upon the successful candidate’s qualifications www.cla.umn.edu. for two years: Introduction to Remote Sensing and experience, and consistent with collegiate The University of Minnesota shall at the Sophomore/Junior Level and Environ- and University policies. provide equal access to and opportunity in its mental GIS at the Junior/Senior level. We are Duties/Responsibilities: As a Fellow, the programs, facilities, and employment without especially interested in candidates who desire appointee will be expected to establish an regard to race, color, creed, religion, national to explore a potential career at a liberal arts independent research program, teach one origin, gender, age, marital status, disabil- college and who have a strong commitment to course during the fall semester of the 2011- ity, public assistance status, veteran status, civic engagement and undergraduate research 2012 academic year, and provide a public sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender activities. Willingness to participate in an research presentation in the spring semester. expression. environmental studies program is desirable. Faculty mentors will assist the fellow to Apply: Application Instructions: Applicants If appropriate, successful candidates can play establish an independent research agenda, must apply online. To be considered for this important roles in the other interdisciplinary and fellows will participate in a professional position please go to http://employment.umn. programs listed on the Macalester College development program. edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=89323 web page. Review of applications will begin Faculty in the College of Liberal Arts click on “apply for this position” and on November 1, 2010, and will continue until are expected to maintain an active program follow the instructions. Applicants should the position is filled. of scholarly research, to develop and teach submit electronically 1) a letter of applica- Apply: go to http://academicjobsonline. undergraduate and graduate courses, advise tion addressing their qualifications for this org/ajo and electronically submit a CV, perti- undergraduate and graduate students, and position; 2) a curriculum vitae; 3) a statement nent publications, course syllabi and letter of contribute service to the department, college, of teaching interests and materials relevant to application discussing research and teaching and profession. teaching experience; 4) a statement outlining interests. For any questions about the position

36 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 or submission of materials, contact Dr. David candidate will utilize economic modeling, Minimum Qualifications: 1) Master’s Lanegran, Chair, Geography Department, at risk assessment, and/or GIS analysis, applied degree in Community and Regional Planning [email protected] or 651-696-6504. to environmental policy and natural resource or a terminal professional degree in planning Macalester College is a highly selective, conservation/management. Candidates must or a related field; 2) teaching experience and/ private liberal arts college in the vibrant have a PhD degree in one of the following or research or practice in natural resources Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area, fields: economics, public policy, environmen- and environmental planning or a related field; which has a population of approximately three tal sciences, geography, natural resource man- 3) stated interest in federal and state natural million and is home to numerous colleges agement, or a related discipline that integrates resource policies and management, as well and universities, including the University the environment, sustainable development, as environmental planning and sustainability of Minnesota. Macalester’s diverse student social science, and economics. issues. body comprises over 1900 undergraduates The successful candidate will be required to Preferred Qualifications: 1) PhD in Com- from 49 states and the District of Columbia develop a vigorous externally funded research munity and Regional Planning, Urban and and over 90 nations. The College maintains program and have a strong commitment to Regional Planning, Natural Resources, or a a longstanding commitment to academic excellence in teaching at both the graduate and related field; 2) comfortable with web-based excellence with a special emphasis on inter- the undergraduate level. The candidate will be technology, GIS and natural resource-related nationalism, multiculturalism, and service to expected to play a critical role in further devel- software in the candidate’s area of specializa- society. We are especially interested in appli- oping the PhD in Environmental Management, tion; 3) grounding in physical place, local cants dedicated to excellence in teaching and the BS and MS in Geoscience, the MA in identity and a community-based approach in research/creative activity within a liberal arts Environmental and Sustainability Studies (in urban and rural ecology and natural resources college community. As an Equal Opportunity development), and the BA in Geography, and management; 4) knowledgeable about employer supportive of affirmative efforts to will contribute to the mission of the newly research and/or practice in local food produc- achieve diversity among its faculty, Macales- formed PSEG Institute of Sustainability Studies tion, small-scale farming, and food security; 5) ter College strongly encourages applications and the Passaic River Institute. Additional demonstrated ability to work in interdisciplin- from women and members of underrepre- information about the department is available ary and collegial settings; 6) ability to teach sented minority groups. at http://www.csam.montclair.edu/earth. Foundations of Natural Resources, Regional OCT 10-192 Applicants: Send cover letter, curriculum Planning, Analytical Methods, planning vitae, three letters of recommendation and a studios and topical courses in the candidate’s NEW JERSEY, MONTCLAIR. statement of professional goals, research inter- area of specialization; 7) show promise for Two (2) Tenure Track Faculty Positions. ests and teaching philosophy to: Dr. Sandra distinguished record of community engage- The Department of Earth and Environmen- Passchier, Chair, Earth Systems Modeling ment, scholarship, applied research and/or tal Studies at Montclair State University Search Committee (position V-F10), or Dr. professional practice. seeks two full-time (10-month) tenure-track Dibyendu Sarkar, Chair, Environmental Eco- Apply: All interested candidates must Assistant Professors, one in Earth Systems nomics Search Committee (position V-F17); submit a letter of intent, CV and contact Modeling, and another in Environmental Department of Earth and Environmental information, including addresses, telephone Economics, to commence ­September 1, 2011. Studies, Montclair State University, Mont- numbers, and email address, for four ref- Earth Systems Modeling: Applicants with clair, NJ 07043. Review of applications will erences online at https://unmjobs.unm.edu, expertise in regional- or global-scale climate begin September 1 and continue until the posting #0808111. models, biogeochemical cycling, ecosystem position is filled. Short-listed candidates will be asked to modeling, or atmosphere-biosphere interac- Montclair State University is an Equal submit copies of selected work. For best con- tions are especially encouraged to apply. The Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. sideration apply by November 15, 2010; the ideal candidate will utilize complex numerical Qualified women, minorities, and individuals position will remain open until filled. modeling simulations, with application to with disabilities are encouraged to apply. UNM’s confidentiality policy, “Disclo- global climate change science and policy and/ OCT 10-169 sure of Information about Candidates for or sustainable natural resource conservation Employment,” UNM Board of Regents’ Policy and management. Applicants are expected to *NEW MEXICO, ALBUQUERQUE. Manual 6.7, which includes information about have a PhD in geoscience, applied physics, University of New Mexico. School of Archi- public disclosure of documents submitted meteorology, geography, or a related field, and tecture + Planning. Assistant Professor (tenure by applicants, is located at http://www.unm. a research record in earth systems modeling. track). Community and Regional Planning edu/~brpm/r67.htm. New Mexico has a rich Environmental Economics: Broadly trained Program. and varied culture, and qualified candidates environmental scholar will apply economic The Community and Regional Planning from all underrepresented groups are encour- principles and methods to assess impacts of Program in the School of Architecture and aged to apply. environmental and sustainability measures on Planning at the University of New Mexico The Community and Regional Planning the global economy. Desirable specializations is seeking candidates for an assistant profes- Program in the School of Architecture & include, but not limited to: energy, natural sor in the area of natural resources and Planning at the University of New Mexico resource, ecosystem sustainability, econom- environmental planning. This probationary has been accredited since 1985 and offers ics of global climate change or land-use appointment leading to a tenure decision will a professional Master of Community and development and remediation. The ideal begin August 2011. Regional Planning degree and Bachelor of

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 37 November 2010

Arts degree in Environmental Planning and about spatial representation of information cants/Central?quickFind=52367 and attach Design. There are approximately 65 graduate and physical plan preparation, and comfort- a letter of application, vita, and the names, students and 50 undergraduates enrolled in able with web-based technology, GIS, and addresses, and phone numbers of three pro- any given year. Approximately one-quarter graphical software in his or her area of spe- fessional references. Please mail evidence of of the graduate students are enrolled in dual cialization; 6) show promise for distinguished teaching effectiveness to: Dr. David Miller, degrees with either Latin American Studies, scholarship; community engagement; and SUNY Cortland, Geography Department, Water Resources, or Public Administration. applied research or professional practice. PO Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045. Appli- EEO/AA. All interested candidates must submit a cation materials will be accepted until the NOV 10-211 letter of intent, CV and contact information, position is filled. including address, telephone numbers, and SUNY Cortland is an AA/EEO/ADA *NEW MEXICO, ALBUQUERQUE. email address, for four references online at employer. We have a strong commitment to University of New Mexico. School of https://unmjobs.unm.edu, posting #0808112. the affirmation of diversity and have inter- Architecture & Planning. Assistant Professor. Short-listed candidates will be asked to disciplinary degree programs in the areas of Community and Regional Planning Program. submit copies of selected work. For best multicultural studies. Landscape Architecture Program. consideration apply by November 15, 2010; NOV 10-241 The Community and Regional Planning the position will remain open until filled. and Landscape Architecture Programs in the UNM’s confidentiality policy, “Disclo- *NEW YORK, GENEVA. School of Architecture and Planning at the sure of Information about Candidates for The Department of Geoscience at Hobart University of New Mexico are seeking candi- Employment,” UNM Board of Regents’ Policy and William Smith Colleges invites appli- dates for an Assistant Professor of Planning Manual 6.7, which includes information about cations for a tenure-track appointment at and Landscape Architecture. This probation- public disclosure of documents submitted the level of Assistant Professor to begin ary joint appointment leading to a tenure by applicants, is located at http://www.unm. Fall 2011. We seek an atmospheric scien- decision will begin August 2011. edu/~brpm/r67.htm. tist who complements our current faculty The Assistant Professor of Planning and New Mexico has a rich and varied culture, expertise. Applicants should have a commit- Landscape Architecture will teach under- and qualified candidates from all underrepre- ment to excellence in teaching and research, graduate and graduate courses in Community sented groups are encouraged to apply. an interest in participating in a liberal arts and Regional Planning as well as graduate The Community and Regional Planning educational environment, and the ability to courses in Landscape Architecture. Under- and Landscape Architecture Programs in the work with a culturally and socially diverse graduate level teaching will include an Intro- School of Architecture & Planning at the population. The Department of Geoscience duction to Urban Design and Urban Planning University of New Mexico are both accred- emphasizes hands-on teaching and encour- Workshop. CRP graduate level teaching ited programs and offer professional Master’s ages students to participate in faculty research may also include seminars in a particular Degrees and an undergraduate degree in and the Colleges’ summer research program. area of expertise. Graduate level teaching in Environmental Planning and Design. There The successful candidate will teach intro- Landscape Architecture will include design are approximately 65 graduate students in ductory and upper-level courses within the studios. The successful candidate will coor- each program and 50 undergraduates enrolled Department of Geoscience and will have dinate the undergraduate degree program in any given year. EEO/AA. opportunities to contribute to on-campus for the Bachelor of Arts in Environmental NOV 10-212 academic programs (e.g. Environmental Planning and Design (BAEPD). Studies), the study abroad program, the first- Minimum Qualifications: 1) Master’s *NEW YORK, CORTLAND. year seminar series, and the summer research degree in Community and Regional Planning, Assistant Professor. The State University program. Candidates with the ability to Landscape Architecture or a terminal profes- of New York (SUNY) College at Cortland teach hydrology and earth system science are sional degree in a related field; 2) teaching invites applications for a full-time, tenure especially encouraged to apply. The normal experience in urban planning and design, track position in Geography. Teach under- teaching load is five courses each academic including studios; 3) research and/or pro- graduate and graduate courses in geography year. fessional experience in urban planning and and specialty courses in regional geography Candidates should hold a PhD in meteo- design, landscape architecture or a related of Europe, Asia, Central America, the US rology, climatology or atmospheric sciences field. and/or NYS. Engage in scholarly activities, and have experience in undergraduate Preferred Qualifications: 1) PhD in Com- advise students and provide service to the teaching. Applicants should send a letter of munity and Regional Planning, Landscape University and broader community. Required interest, CV, teaching and research state- Architecture, or a closely related field; 2) Qualifications: PhD in Geography at time ments, and arrange for three letters of recom- demonstrated expertise in community-based of appointment. Preferred Qualifications: mendation to be sent under separate cover. design and development, landscape archi- College teaching experience, demonstrated Review of complete applications will begin on tectural design and urban design; 3) ability potential for scholarship and publications, November 30, 2010. to work in interdisciplinary and collegial and demonstrated ability to utilize technol- Apply: All materials should be sent to: settings; 4) experience in applying principles ogy. Professor Neil Laird, Hobart & William Smith of human and natural ecology in physical Apply: Submit an online employment Colleges, Department of Geoscience, 300 planning and urban design; 5) knowledgeable application at https://jobs.cortland.edu/appli Pulteney Street, Geneva, NY 14456.

38 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10

Founded as Hobart College for men and of Sustainability Studies to be part of the a specific focus on suburban sustainability William Smith College for women, Hobart Department of Global Studies and Geo­ issues. Candidates would be expected to also and William Smith Colleges today are a graphy and the National Center for Suburban work closely with other campus organizations, highly selective residential liberal arts institu- Studies. The position is responsible for especially the Department of Biology’s Urban tion with a single administration, faculty creating, developing, promoting, and provid- Ecology program. Preference will be given and curriculum but separate dean’s offices, ing leadership for a new Sustainability Studies to candidates with an active research agenda student governments, athletic programs and program. This position is Rank Open but and significant success raising external funds, traditions. The Colleges are located in a will preferably be at the Associate Profes- experience in interdisciplinary programs, and small diverse city in the Finger Lakes region sor or Professor Level. As the candidate’s demonstrated commitment to community of New York State. With an enrollment home department will be Global Studies and engagement. Salary is commensurate with of approximately 2,000, the Colleges offer Geography, applicants should have a Ph.D. in qualifications. 62 different majors and minors from which Urban or Environmental Planning, Geogra- Apply: Interested individuals should: (1) students choose two areas of concentration, phy or a closely related field. For appointment submit a curriculum vitae, (2) statement of one of which must be an interdisciplinary as a Professor or Associate Professor, a strong research interests, (3) statement of teaching program. Creative and extensive programs of record of publication and external funding, experience, interests and philosophy, and international study and public service are also and evidence of collaborative skill and effec- (4) have letters from three references sent at the core of the Colleges’ mission. tive college teaching is required. Familiarity to: Faculty Search, Department of Global Hobart and William Smith Colleges are with Geographical Information Systems and Studies and Geo­graphy, 130 Hofstra Univer- committed to attracting and supporting a prior professional planning practice will be sity, Hempstead, NY 11549-1140, or email faculty of women and men that fully represent considered a plus for the position, as will application documents (in PDF format) to the racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the AICP certification. [email protected]. nation and actively seek applications from Principal duties include teaching, research Review of applications will begin Septem- under-represented groups. The Colleges do and program development. Teaching would ber 15, 2010 and continue until the position not discriminate on the basis of race, color, be based around candidate’s area of exper- is filled. Additional information about the religion, sex, marital status, national origin, tise, but should include the development Department of Global Studies and Geography age, disability, veteran’s status, or sexual ori- of interdisciplinary courses in Sustainability can be found at: www.hofstra.edu/geography, entation or any other protected status. Studies, along with associated advisement. and additional information about the Center NOV 10-199-1 The candidate is expected to maintain a for Suburban Studies can be found at: http:// vibrant research agenda based on his/her www.hofstra.edu/Academics/CSS/index.html. NEW YORK, HEMPSTEAD. area of expertise. Program development will Hofstra University is a private university Director of Sustainability Studies–Rank include working with the National Center located in Long Island, 20 miles east of Man- Open. Hofstra University invites applications for Suburban Studies to assist in the creation hattan. The campus is accessible by public for the newly-created position of Director and management of a research institute with transit from anywhere in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area. Hofstra University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to fostering diversity in its faculty, administra- LEHMAN tive staff and student body, and encourages COLLEGE applications from the entire spectrum of a Assistant Professorship diverse community. Environmental, Geographic, and Geological Sciences OCT 10-175

Lehman College of The City University of New York is now accepting applications for the *NEW YORK, ITHACA. position of tenure-track Assistant Professorship in the Department of Environmental, Geographic, and Geological Sciences. We seek candidates with expertise in urban, Cornell University is seeking two faculty medical/health, or environmental geography with a strong background in Geographic members at the assistant level to join our ranks Information Science applications in their area of research focus. Knowledge of remote and help maintain our longstanding expertise sensing is a plus. The Geographic Information Science (GISc) Program places a strong in international planning. The first position is emphasis on quantitative analysis and modeling. The candidate is expected to participate in urbanization and community development, fully in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels in this multidisciplinary and the second is in urban infrastructure and department; advise students; engage in scholarly research and publication; seek outside physical design. Inquiries can be directed to funding; collaborate in developing a research agenda and curricula for departmental [email protected]. Further information programs; and actively participate in departmental and College committees, professional organizations, and community service. Minimum Qualification is a Ph.D. degree in area(s) of can be found at:http://aap.cornell.edu/people- expertise or equivalent. work/faculty-employment.cfm. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling Please send a cover letter stating research interests and teaching philosophy, current CV, and a list of 3 references via e-mail to: [email protected]. Review of the basis beginning November 15, 2010. applications will begin on 11/10/2010 and continue until the position is filled. Continue to visit Position #1: Urbanization, Community our website at www.lehman.edu for upcoming announcements. AA/EEO/ADA/IRCA. CU Development, and Project Management— NY research and teaching expertise in urbaniza-

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 39 November 2010 tion, community development, and project and research efforts; fundraising with founda- provide evidence of leadership, including staff management. Candidates who can conduct tions, corporations, and individuals; develop- development, and administrative experience. studio classes that address issues of place ing grants and contracts; overseeing its op-ed They must have a demonstrated commitment making and preservation, or large-scale urban and travel programs; building and sustaining to excellence in undergraduate and graduate development in the US and/or international membership; planning, arranging, and attend- instruction and research. They should show settings are especially sought. ing Council meetings; maintaining records the capacity to promote and advocate for the Position #2: Urban Infrastructure and of the Society; maintaining accounts of the department and the sub-disciplines it repre- Physical Design—research and teaching Society; and supervising and managing office sents on campus and to the public, and be expertise in transportation planning, urban staff. Professional travel is required. skilled at development and outreach initiatives. infrastructure, physical design, urban finance The successful candidate demonstrates Applicants should submit a letter of and project planning. Candidates who have strong administrative leadership; outstanding interest, a curriculum vitae, a separate state- a broad interest in sustainability and urban management and business skills; creative solu- ment of leadership philosophy (with special development issues in both the U.S. and tions to problems; fundraising; grant writing regard to his/her approach to leading an international settings are especially sought. and contract management; and public rela- interdisciplinary department), and the names, NOV 10-225 tions. Intellectual and institutional knowledge addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of geography as a discipline and modern of five references. Review of applications will *NEW YORK, NEW YORK. geographic information technologies strongly begin October 15th and continue until the Tenure-track position, Department of Social preferred. Compensation is commensurate position is filled. and Cultural Analysis, arts and science, New with employment and educational experi- Apply: Please submit paper applications York University. The Department of Social ence. Review of applications begins October only to: Dr. Jeffrey Colby, Department of and Cultural Analysis at New York Uni- 1, 2010 and continues until the position is Geography and Planning, Appalachian State versity announces a tenure-track Assistant filled. University, Boone, NC 28608-2066. Phone: Professor position in Asian American and/ Apply: dr. Marie Price, Chair, AGS 828-262-7126. Email: [email protected]. or Asian Diaspora Studies. The appointment Director Search Committee, 120 Wall Street, Appalachian State University is an Affir- will begin on September 1, 2011, pending Suite 100, New York, NY 10005. mative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. administrative and budgetary approval. Can- NOV 10-233 The university has a strong commitment didates should hold a PhD in social science, to the principles of diversity and inclusion, humanities, or interdisciplinary studies. The NORTH CAROLINA, BOONE. and to maintaining working and learning department welcomes cross-disciplinary The Department of Geography and Planning environments that are free of all forms of and comparative approaches, and innova- at Appalachian State University invites discrimination. Individuals with disabilities tive scholarship and teaching. Application applications for the tenure-track, ten-month may request accommodations in the applica- deadline is November 15, 2010. position of chairperson at the rank of Associ- tion process by contacting Dr. Jeffrey Colby. Apply: see the NYU Department of Social ate Professor or Professor beginning July 1, Documentation of identity and employability and Cultural Analysis website at http://sca. 2011. The Department of Geography and of the applicant will be required before the as.nyu.edu. Instructions can be found under the Planning is a member of the College of Arts hiring process can be finalized. A criminal homepage link “Employment Opportunities.” and Sciences, and has 17 faculty members. background check will be conducted on all NYU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative We offer the BA, BS and MA degrees in Geo­ finalists invited for on campus interviews. Action Employer. graphy and a BS in Community and Regional OCT 10-167 NOV 10-231 Planning. The department offers concentra- tions in Geographic Information Science at *NORTH CAROLINA, CHARLOTTE. *NEW YORK, NEW YORK CITY. the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels and a con- The University of North Carolina at Char- American Geographcal Society. Executive centration in Planning at the Master’s level. lotte, Department of Geography and Earth Director.The American Geographical Society The Master’s concentration in Planning is Sciences is recruiting a tenure-track, assistant seeks an energetic and talented person to offered both on the ASU campus and on the professor specializing in regional atmospher- provide executive leadership and administra- campus of the University of North Carolina ic climate modeling for appointment in July tive oversight for the affairs and operations at Asheville. The Department provides a 2011. Required qualifications: 1) a doctoral of the Society and management of its New collegial, interdisciplinary environment for degree in a relevant field at the time of appoint- York office. faculty and students with widely ranging ment; 2) ability to develop and maintain an The Society’s mission is to link business, interests and research specialties (www.geo. externally funded research program; 3) ability professional, and scholarly worlds in the appstate.edu). to teach atmospheric science courses at the creation and application of geographi- We seek a collaborative leader who is graduate and undergraduate level; 4) ability cal knowledge and techniques to address committed to the evolution of our shared to contribute to the department’s interdis- economic, social, and environmental mission. Applicants must have an earned doc- ciplinary mission. Candidates with research problems. For more information on the torate in Geography or Planning and a record interests in climate dynamics, regional climate Society, see www.amergeog.org. of excellence in teaching, scholarship and change, multi-scale numerical modeling, and The Executive Director promotes the service sufficient to warrant appointment as human-environment interactions are espe- Society mission by coordinating publications associate or full professor. Applicants should cially encouraged to apply. UNC Charlotte

40 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 is an AA/EOE and applications from women The first is for an Urban Geographer with and research interests and experiences, as well and minorities are strongly encouraged. A full a strong interest in cartography/GIS to fill a as your curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, description of the position and application tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assis- reprints, and the names, telephone numbers, details can be found at http://jobs.uncc.edu. tant Professor beginning August 16, 2011. and e-mail addresses of three references by Review of applications will begin December A PhD in Geography or a closely related November 1, 2010 (or until position is filled) 1, 2010 and continue until the position is discipline is required by August 16, 2011. to: Search Committee, 221 Centennial Drive filled. For more information, contact Dr. Special attention will be given to applicants Stop 9020, Department of Geography, Uni- Matthew Eastin, at 704-687-5914, mdeastin@ with research interests in community and versity of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND uncc.edu, or view our department website, urban development who have a demonstrated 58202-9020. Telephone: (701) 777-4246; Fax: http://www.geoearth.uncc.edu/. ability to obtain external funding. The suc- (701) 777-6195; email: bradley.rundquist@ NOV 10-235 cessful applicant will teach four courses, two und.edu. Web site: http://www.und.edu/dept/ in the fall semester and two in spring. After Geog/mainpage.htm. *NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON. two years, the teaching load is five classes per OCT 10-166 The Department of Geography and Geology year. Teaching responsibilities include Urban at the University of North Carolina Wilm- Geography and Planning, Introduction to *OHIO, CINCINNATI ington (http://www.uncw.edu/earsci) invites Human Geography, Cartography and Visual- (more locations–see below) applications for a tenure-track position to ization, and Introduction to GIS. The person U. S. EPA, National Exposure Research begin August 2011 in Coastal Geology at selected will be asked to offer one or more of Laboratory Post-doctoral Research Program the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. these courses online. Opportunities. The National Exposure We seek an individual with demonstrated The second is for a broadly-trained geo­ Research Laboratory (NERL) of the United expertise in coastal geologic processes, and grapher to fill a non-tenure-track, one-year States Environmental Protection Agency is research interests in a related area such as appointment with the possibility of future accepting applications beginning September coastal geomorphology, monitoring and multi-year contracts based on performance 30, 2010 through December 3, 2010 for modeling of surface processes, coastal evolu- and budget at the rank of Assistant Profes- approximately 22 federal, three-year post- tion, or coastal hazards and engineering. sor beginning August 16, 2011. A PhD in doctoral research positions. Primary responsibilities include teaching Geography or a closely related discipline Research in areas such as: atmospheric and advising students at the undergradu- by August 16, 2011 is preferred, although chemistry and transport modeling, urban ate and graduate levels, directing student ABDs will be considered. The successful scale atmospheric dispersion modeling, spa- research, and developing a vigorous research applicant will teach six courses per year, most tially explicit population risk assessment, bio- program with the potential to attract external of which will be online, and will be expected geochemical processing, exposure pathway funding. We especially encourage applicants to develop at least one new online course per modeling, chemical exposure and biotrans- who will actively engage students in field year. Special consideration will be given to formation, atmospheric laboratory and field research. A PhD in the geosciences or related applicants who have demonstrated success measurement methodologies, atmospheric discipline is required. developing and delivering innovative online deposition, ecosystem services research and The department offers B.S. and M.S. courses. Teaching responsibilities are varied climate change research, human exposure degrees in geology, B.S. in oceanography, but would likely include Global Physical to air pollutants, ecological modeling, and B.A. in geosciences, and B.A. in geography. Environment, World Regional Geography, exposure pathways for hydraulic fracturing. UNCW maintains a wide range of research Geography of North America, Introduction Positions located in: Research Triangle laboratories on the main campus and at the to GIS, and Advanced Techniques in GIS, Park, North Carolina; Cincinnati, Ohio; Las Center for Marine Science (http://www.uncw. all of which the department currently offers Vegas, Nevada; or Athens, Georgia. edu/cmsr), including facilities for isotope on-line in addition to on-campus. There is an Full Federal Employment Benefits and a ratio mass spectrometry, x-ray diffraction, opportunity for limited on-campus teaching salary range of $68,809 - $92,890 commensu- scanning electron microscopy, preparation starting in the second year of the contract. rate with qualifications (salary range is subject of petrographic samples, sedimentology, and The University of North Dakota is a public to increase in January 2011). geospatial analysis. institution with an enrollment of 13,000 that Apply: Specific job information and appli- For more information and to apply please is designated by the Carnegie Commission cation instructions for the NERL post-doctor- visit the Web at http://consensus.uncw.edu. on Higher Education as a “Research–High al program are posted on the NERL Internet Priority consideration will be given to appli- Activity” Institution. The Department of site at http://www.epa.gov/nerl. cations received by December 15, 2010, Geography offers master’s and bachelor’s The U. S. EPA is an Equal Opportunity but applications will be accepted until the degrees, as well as a graduate certificate in Employer. position is filled. EEO/AA Employer. GIS. UND is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma- NOV 10-247-1 NOV 10-236 tive Action Employer. Women and minority applicants are encouraged. OHIO, COLUMBUS. NORTH DAKOTA, GRAND FORKS. Apply: Applications will be accepted by The Department of Geography at The The Department of Geography at the Univer- surface mail only. Please send a letter that Ohio State University invites applications sity of North Dakota invites applications for clearly identifies which position you are for a tenure-track position at the Assis- two positions. applying for and that discusses your teaching tant Professor level beginning Fall 2011.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 41 November 2010

A PhD in Physical Geography­ or closely mental justice, and political ecology. Previous sciences but with significant understanding related field is required. This scholar would teaching experience, a scholarly focus outside of the natural sciences as they contribute to be expected to contribute to the Climate of the United States, and facility with geo- policy formation and implementation. They Water Carbon Program (cwc.osu.edu). This graphic information systems are all preferred. will be expected to initiate an active research program conducts cutting-edge, integrated Please see full details at http://www.denison. agenda, engage students in research, provide and interdisciplinary research regarding edu/offices/humanresources. opportunities for service-learning, and build critical climate, water and carbon related OCT 10-183 on our strong community-based research problems. We seek a collaborative researcher programs. The candidate will be expected to who incorporates systems modeling in a *OKLAHOMA, NORMAN. teach a section of our introductory environ- research program to understand the complex The Politics of Development, Honors mental science course, offer an intermediate- Earth ecosystem. Successful candidates will College. level course on U.S. environmental policy, and demonstrate a capacity to conduct research The Joe C. and Carole Kerr McClen- contribute to our First Year and senior seminar quantitatively and collaboratively with human don Honors College of the University of course offerings, all in rotation with existing and physical colleagues in Geography and Oklahoma invites applications for a tenure- faculty. We would welcome a research and other departments. Teaching and research track Assistant Professor whose research teaching focus in some combination of waste interests of the successful candidate could focuses on Asia or Africa and its relationship and pollution management, environmental include ecological modeling, climate change to the Western world. Candidates for this planning and land use, energy policy, food adaptation or response; modeling of nutrient position may hold degrees in any discipline in and agricultural policy, water policy, natural and/or biogeochemical cycles; and remote the humanities or social sciences. Applications resource management, or other related fields, sensing of land surfaces; at regional to global are encouraged from scholars who employ ideally with some international experience. scales. critical, interdisciplinary approaches to topics The PhD is required upon employment. Prior This position is advertised subject to avail- such as political economy of conflict, gender teaching experience at the college/university ability of funds. and development, and heterodox approaches level and evidence of a research trajectory are Apply: Applicants should submit curricu- to the economics of development. Preference encouraged. lum vitae, a letter stating teaching, research will be given to applicants who are committed Dickinson College is a highly selective and service credentials; three letters of refer- to interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching. liberal arts college in South Central Pennsyl- ence and representative reprints to Morton Teaching experience and evidence of effective vania with a national reputation for leader- O’Kelly, PhD Chair, Department of Geogra- teaching are highly desirable. Candidates ship in global education and an emerging phy, The Ohio State University, 1036 Derby must have a PhD in hand at the time of one in sustainability education. The Envi- Hall 154, N. Oval Mall Columbus, OH 43210 appointment (August 2011). ronmental Studies Department is one of the (614) 292-8744 [email protected] (email). Apply: Applications, including cover oldest and most broadly established in the To build a diverse workforce, Ohio State letter, curriculum vitae, three arranged letters nation. It offers a wealth of research and encourages applications from individuals with of reference, and a chapter-length writing co-curricular opportunities. Depending on disabilities, minorities, veterans, and women. sample should be sent to Associate Dean Rich one’s area of interest, the candidate will have EEO/AA employer. Hamerla, Chair, The Politics of Development the opportunity to work collaboratively with For full consideration, applications should Search Committee, Honors College, David L. the college’s Community Studies Center, the be received by December 15, 2010. Boren Hall, 1300 Asp Avenue, University of Center for Sustainability Education, the col- JUAG 10-129-4 Oklahoma, Norman OK 73019-6061. lege’s Organic Farm, the Reineman Wildlife No electronic applications will be Sanctuary, the Alliance for Aquatic Resource OHIO, GRANVILLE. accepted. The committee will begin review- Monitoring (ALLARM), and with faculty in The Denison University Environmental ing applications on November 15, 2010 and a number of other departments with strong Studies Program invites applications for a ten- will continue the process until the position community-based environmental research ure-track position at the Assistant Professor is filled. interests. level, beginning August 2011. We seek a col- The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Applications should include a statement league with an interdisciplinary background Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer of interest, a curriculum vitae, and contact in the humanities or social sciences with committed to cultural diversity and compli- information for three references. Applications an interest in human environmental issues ance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. and sustaining information should be submit- as they interact with local or regional geog- NOV 10-246 ted digitally via Human Resource Services raphies. Possible specialties may range from at: https://jobs.dickinson.edu. Further inqui- place-based considerations of individual com- *PENNSYLVANIA, CARLISLE. ries may be forwarded to Professor Michael munities to broader spatial analyses. While all Dickinson College invites applicants for a Heiman, Chair of the Environmental Studies qualified specializations will be considered, tenure-track position in Environmental Policy Department, P.O. Box 1773, Carlisle, PA we encourage candidates with scholarship at the Assistant or Associate Professor level 17013, [email protected]. Review of and teaching experience in these areas espe- in our Environmental Studies Department, candidates will begin on November 1 and cially: cultural geography or cultural studies, commencing July 1, 2011. The successful continue until December 20, 2010. ecological anthropology, environmental candidate will be strongly interdisciplinary, Dickinson College is committed to diver- education, environmental history, environ- preferably with primary training in the social sity, and we encourage candidates who will

42 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 contribute to meeting that goal to apply. ments: the successful candidate will possess the field of sustainability science, preferably Applications and nominations of women and a PhD in environmental science, physical focusing on the interactions and feedbacks minorities are strongly encouraged. geography, or closely related discipline, and between environmental and social or human NOV 10-230 have the training and background to teach systems. The ideal candidate will have a lecture and laboratory to geography and background in Earth Systems with a PhD in a *PENNSYLVANIA, UNIVERSITY PARK. environmental science/studies majors and related field. Teaching responsibilities consist Integrated Assessment of Energy Systems and possibly core science courses for non-majors. of four courses per year, including Principles Policy and Economic or Urban Geography. Teaching and/or postdoctoral experience of Sustainability Science and upper level The Department of Geography (www.geog. desirable, but not required. 2) Postdoctoral courses in the new sustainability science cur- psu.edu) welcomes applications at the assis- Teaching Fellow beginning August 2011. riculum, with the opportunity to teach first tant or associate level at the intersection This is a three-year appointment. Require- year seminars. In addition to teaching, the of two areas: (1) integrated assessment of ments: the successful candidate will possess successful candidate will develop an active energy systems and policy, and (2) economic a PhD (or near completion) in environmental undergraduate research program and interact and/or urban geography. We seek candidates science or closely related discipline, and have closely with the Shi Center for Sustainability. whose work analyzes direct linkages between the training and background to teach envi- Apply: Send application to Dr. Brannon energy systems and policy and economic and/ ronmental science, core lab-science, elective Andersen at [email protected]. or urban geography. Examples include energy courses on environmental topics, or envi- Include PDF versions of a letter of appli- policy in the context of national economic ronmental chemistry. The position entails a cation, a curriculum vita, a statement of strategy and competitiveness; emerging geo­ 50% teaching and 50% research workload. teaching interests and philosophy, a state- graphies of energy provision, distribution, and Villanova faculty are expected to develop ment of research interests and future priori- consumption in the 21st century; or energy an active research program that involves ties, names of three references, and unofficial considerations in the development of trans- undergraduate students. transcripts. portation, utilities, or other infrastructure in a Apply: Applications submitted via https:// Applications will be accepted until rapidly urbanizing world. Candidates should jobs.villanova.edu. Documents (i.e., letter December 1, 2010. Visit http://ees.furman. have expertise in energy systems, energy of application, teaching and research state- edu for additional information about this policy, economic and/or urban geography, ment, curriculum vitae, and sample publica- position. Furman University is an equal and appropriate methodologies. Ability and tions) that cannot be submitted electronically opportunity employer committed to increas- willingness to teach an introductory course in should be sent to Dr. Francis A. Galgano, ing faculty diversity. economic or urban geography is desirable. A Chair, Department of Geo­graphy and the OCT 10-181 PhD in geography, a policy science or related Environment, Villanova University, Villa- field with evidence of relevant research, nova, PA, 19085. Three letters of reference *TENNESSEE, KNOXVILLE. teaching interests and a strong commitment are requested. The Department of Geography at the Uni- to interdisciplinary collaboration and extra- Villanova is a Catholic University spon- versity of Tennessee seeks applicants for a mural research funding is required. sored by the Augustinian order. An AA/EEO tenure-track, Assistant Professor position Applications should include a letter employer, Villanova seeks a diverse faculty in Transportation Geography to begin in describing research and teaching plans, committed to scholarship, service, and espe- August 2011. We seek a candidate with exper- complete curriculum vitae, up to four reprints, cially teaching, who understand, respect, and tise in research in transportation geography and the address and email of three referees. can contribute to the University’s mission with an emphasis on quantitative and compu- Applicants should request that the letters of and values. tational approaches that will strengthen our reference be forwarded directly at the time Review of applications begins November programs in transportation, spatial analysis, of application. 1, 2010 and continues until the position is and GIScience. A PhD is required at the time Apply: All materials should be submitted filled. Please consult http://www.villanova. of appointment. Candidates should have a electronically to Marnie Deibler (mpr5@psu. edu/artsci/geoenv/ for more information or strong commitment to research, be capable edu). Review of applications will begin on send questions to angelina.fondaco@villa of securing outside funding, and be capable November 30, 2010 and continue until the nova.edu. of quality teaching at the undergraduate and position is filled. NOV 10-226 graduate levels. The successful candidate will The Pennsylvania State University is com- join a dynamic department characterized by mitted to affirmative action, equal opportu- SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE. strong mutual support, many shared research nity, and the diversity of its workforce. Tenure-track position in Sustainability interests, and a tradition of internal and NOV 10-242 Science. The Department of Earth and Envi- external collaboration. The department has ronmental Sciences at Furman University, a a vibrant undergraduate program and strong *PENNSYLVANIA, VILLANOVA. private liberal arts undergraduate institution, MS and PhD programs. Villanova University, Department of Geogra- invites applications for a tenure-track position Apply: The candidate should submit a phy and the Environment invites applications at the Assistant Professor level beginning in letter of application and a curriculum vitae, for two positions: 1) Tenure-track physical August 2011. A PhD is required at the time and have three letters of reference sent to science position at the rank of Assistant of appointment. Applicants should have dem- the chair of the search committee. Apply Professor beginning August 2011. Require- onstrated teaching and research expertise in electronically or by conventional mail to: Dr.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 43 November 2010

Shih-Lung Shaw, Search Committee Chair curriculum vitae, copies of publications and members. Please see http://www.uvu.edu/csh/ ([email protected]). Review of applications will evidence of ability to acquire external research earthscience/ or contact Danny Horns at begin January 3, 2011 and will continue until funding, and three letters of reference to: [email protected] for more information about the position is filled. Kenneth R. Young, Chair, Department of Earth Science at UVU. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/ Geography and the Environment, University Apply: please visit http://www.uvu.jobs. AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. Click on “Search Postings”, and then choose institution in the provision of its education Applications will begin being reviewed “Earth Science” from the Department drop- and employment programs and services. All on October 11, 2010 and will continue until down menu. Applications will be reviewed qualified applicants will receive equal con- position is filled. Background check con- beginning January 28, 2011. sideration for employment without regard ducted on applicant selected. Utah Valley University is an Affirmative to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, The University of Texas at Austin is an Action/ Equal Opportunity/ Equal Access pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. gender identity, age, physical or mental dis- Employer. NOV 10-239 ability, or covered veteran status. OCT 10-160 NOV 10-206 VERMONT, BURLINGTON. *UTAH, OREM. The Department of Geography at the Uni- TEXAS, AUSTIN. The Department of Earth Science at Utah versity of Vermont invites applications for The University of Texas at Austin. The Valley University (UVU) invites applications a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Rural Department of Geography and the Environ- for a tenure-track position in Geography, Geography to begin August 2011. We seek ment invites applications for a tenure-track to begin in August 2011. The successful an individual whose primary regional spe- Assistant Professor to begin in Fall 2011, candidate will have a PhD in physical geo­ cialty is New England and who can contribute with a research specialization in GIScience. graphy and expertise in GIS. Responsibilities to departmental teaching in critical human We are seeking a hire who would help build will include teaching introductory and upper geography and geographical techniques. on our traditions of fieldwork in international division courses in physical (and possibly The University of Vermont recently iden- contexts, who would strengthen a long-stand- cultural) geography and GIS, and developing tified several ‘Trans-disciplinary Research ing human-environment emphasis or our new UVU’s geography program. This is primarily a Initiatives’ in which it will strategically focus environmental efforts (including a B.S. degree teaching job, and the successful candidate will institutional investments and growth over the in environmental science), and/or who would have a demonstrable commitment to innova- next several years. One of these TRIs is Food enrich a large urban studies program run by tive and effective teaching. The successful Systems and is described as: ‘intended to give the department. candidate will also be expected to engage in our University the ability to inform complex Applicants should have the PhD in hand some combination of research, supervision of 21st century issues - in Vermont and around or expected by August 2011 and evidence of undergraduate research, professional work, the world - surrounding food production, the excellence in both scholarship and teaching. activity in professional organizations, and/ environment, nutrition and public health, The successful candidate should be willing or continuing education. Commitment to food security, food safety, rural economic and able to teach our introductory GIS undergraduate education, including engaging development, biofuels, and more’. Another course (Environmental Geographic Informa- students in research, development of profes- TRI is Neuroscience, Behavior & Health, for tion Systems) with interest and passion. The sional skills and service learning, will all be which the goal is: ‘understanding chronic person hired also would be expected to teach considered in our assessment of candidate health problems of critical importance to an advanced GISc undergraduate course and qualifications. Vermont and the nation, such as addiction, a graduate seminar in her/his area of par- UVU, located in Orem, Utah, is a compre- cardiovascular disease, and obesity, and in ticular expertise. In addition, the candidate hensive state institution of higher education designing strategies to prevent and treat these would also be expected to develop a strong with over 26,000 students. Orem is on the problems.’ Candidates whose scholarship research program, direct graduate research, western front of the Wasatch Mountains, with aligns or intersects with one of these areas are demonstrate evidence of successful research superb opportunities for field-based teaching especially encouraged to apply. More infor- productivity, and exhibit a commitment to and access to numerous outdoor activities mation about the Trans-disciplinary Research service to the department, college, and uni- including snow sports, hiking, mountain Initiatives can be found at http://www.uvm. versity. There are many on-campus resources biking, and hunting. The Wasatch Front edu/~tri/. and possibilities for collaboration, including metropolitan area offers cultural events such A PhD in Geography (or a closely through the Center for Space Research, the as the Sundance film festival. aligned discipline) is required by the time Environmental Science Institute, the Popula- The UVU Earth Science faculty has strong of appointment. Candidates must demon- tion Research Center, and the Teresa Lozano ties with other universities and with the pro- strate excellence in undergraduate teaching Long Institute of Latin American Studies. In fessional earth sciences community in Utah. and a commitment to innovative pedagogical addition, Austin is home to many government UVU and the Dept. of Earth Science strongly approaches. Faculty members are expected agencies and other organizations interested in support undergraduate research and have to teach large introductory courses as well the use of digital geographic information. numerous active international and domestic as upper division courses in their areas of Apply: Send letter of application with a research projects. UVU offers very good specialty. The successful candidate will advise statement on teaching and research goals, insurance and retirement benefits to faculty undergraduate students in Geography and

44 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Volume 45, Number 10 have the opportunity to mentor graduate Middlebury College is an equal opportu- An ability to develop a strong, externally students in cognate programs. We seek a nity employer, committed to hiring a diverse funded research program and publication faculty member who will undertake an active faculty to complement the increasing diver- record is essential for success at Virginia Tech. program of research that leads to publication sity of the student body. The specific research specialty is open, but in peer-reviewed scholarly outlets and who OCT 10-190 preference will be given to candidates who will seek extramural funding for that research. can strengthen research collaboration within The University is especially interested in *VIRGINIA, BLACKSBURG. the department and the college. candidates who can contribute to the diver- The department of Geography at Virginia Virginia Tech is an EO/AA Employer sity and excellence of the academic commu- Tech is seeking applicants for two tenure- committed to diversity. Interested persons nity through their research, teaching, and/or track or tenured positions at the assistant or must apply at http://jobs.vt.edu, posting service. Applicants are requested to include associate level. Full information concerning numbers 0100788 (position 1: Geospatial) in their cover letter information about how the department and university can be found and 0100789 (position 2: Meteorology), they will further this goal. The University at: http://www.geography.vt.edu and http:// where they will submit a two-three page of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/Equal www.vt.edu. cover letter highlighting their research and Opportunity employer. The Department is Position 1: Geographer specializing in the teaching experience and interests, current committed to faculty diversity and welcomes theory and application of geospatial analysis curriculum vitae, two recent writing samples, applications from women and under-repre- and techniques, including both remote teaching evaluations, and contact information sented ethnic, racial, and cultural groups, and sensing and GIS. Individuals must have their for three references. Review of applications from people with disabilities. PhD in Geography or in a closely related will begin December 1, 2010 and continue Apply: Candidates must apply online at discipline by the time of appointment. The until the positions are filled. Inquiries can be http://www.uvmjobs.com/. Please attach the candidate must be able to teach undergradu- made to Laurence W. Carstensen, Geogra- following materials: a CV, cover letter, state- ate and graduate courses in remote sensing phy Department Head, 115 Major Williams ment of teaching and research interests, and and GIS, and supervise graduate students in Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Email: carstens@ a list of three referees’ contact information. our MS program and our interdisciplinary vt.edu. Phone: (540) 231-2600 Review of applications will begin December PhD program in Geospatial and Environmen- NOV 10-228 15, 2010. Applications will be considered tal Analysis, based in our College of Natural until the position is filled. Resources and Environment. Evidence of an VIRGINIA, BLACKSBURG. OCT 10-170 established research track in geospatial theory Virginia Tech seeks a Director for its Met- or application must be provided. We seek an ropolitan Institute, located in Alexandria, VERMONT, MIDDLEBURY. energetic faculty member committed to excel- Virginia. The institute serves the research The Geography Department seeks to fill lent teaching and dedicated to research with needs of local, national, and international one 3-year term position at the instruc- the skills needed to secure external funding. public, private, non-profit and government tor (ABD) or Assistant Professor (PhD) An ability to develop a strong, externally agencies, through its emphasis on basic and level. We seek candidates with demonstrated funded research program and publication applied research issues associated with metro- teaching ability in GIS, a commitment to record is essential for success at Virginia Tech. politan development, policy and governance, undergraduate liberal arts education, and an The specific research specialty is open, but and the socioeconomic aspects of information active research program. Teaching responsi- preference will be given to candidates who technology. A PhD is required. Applications bilities include: regularly offering introducto- can strengthen research collaboration within and supporting documents (except reference ry GIS within a problem based approach and the department and the college. letters) must be submitted online at www.jobs. thematic courses/seminars in his/her specialty Position 2: Geographically trained Meteo- vt.edu (paper documents cannot be accepted), area. Middlebury’s Geo­graphy department rologist or Climatologist who can teach reference posting # 0100668. For a complete has strong ties with other departments and Dynamic Meteorology, Physical Meteorol- position announcement including required programs across campus (e.g. Environmental ogy, and other courses in our upcoming B.S. application materials, visit www.mi.vt.edu or Studies, International Studies, and Global degree program in Meteorology. The candi- www.spia.vt.edu. Application review will begin Health), so we encourage applicants with date will also supervise graduate students in November 30, 2010. Virginia Tech is an equal inter-disciplinary teaching and research our MS program and our interdisciplinary opportunity/affirmative action employer. interests. Please send a letter of application, PhD program in Geospatial and Environmen- OCT 10-165 curriculum vitae, and three letters of recom- tal Analysis, based in our College of Natural mendation at least two of which address Resources and Environment. Evidence of an WISCONSIN, KENOSHA. teaching ability. Review of applications will established research track in some aspect Carthage College invites applications for a begin November 15, 2010 and continue until of meteorology or climatology must be tenure-track/tenured faculty position, starting the position is filled. provided. Research in the interface between August 2011, in the Department of Geogra- Apply: Peter Nelson, Chair, Department Meteorology or Climatology and Geospatial phy and Earth Science within the Division of Geography, 5580 Middlebury College, Technology would be a positive. We seek an of Natural Sciences. The ideal candidate will Middlebury, VT 05753. All materials must be energetic faculty member committed to excel- join colleagues in teaching introductory and submitted in hard copy; no email submissions lent teaching and dedicated to research with advanced courses in GIS and Environmental will be accepted. the skills needed to secure external funding. Geography. The new faculty member will

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 45 November 2010 mentor students in undergraduate research, Regional Planning and other courses based NYU Abu Dhabi is recruiting faculty of enhance current departmental programs in on departmental needs and candidate’s area international distinction committed to active climate change, spatial analysis, and/or land of expertise. Preference given to candidates research and the finest teaching, to building use change and challenges in urban environ- with record of excellence in teaching and a pioneering global institution of the highest ments. The faculty of the College is strongly scholarship. Successful candidate expected quality, and to forging an international com- committed to the liberal arts tradition and to maintain an active research record, pursue munity of scholars and students. interdisciplinary work. More information extramural funding, advise majors, and lead Alongside its highly-selective liberal arts about the Natural Science Division and the the Urban Planning Program. PhD in Urban/ college, NYU Abu Dhabi will create distinc- Department of Geography and Earth Science Regional Planning, Geography, or related tive graduate programs and a world-class may be found at http://www.carthage.edu/ discipline expected at time of appointment. institute for advanced research that fosters academics/natural-sciences/. A complete Ability to utilize GIS/Remote Sensing in creative work across the Arts, Humanities, position description is available at http:// teaching and research desirable. Social Sciences, Sciences, and Engineering. www.carthage.edu/geography/. The success- Apply: Send letter of application, CV, Situated at a new global crossroads, NYU ful candidate should have completed a PhD transcripts (photocopies acceptable), three Abu Dhabi has the resources and resolve to at the time of appointment. current letters of reference, philosophy of become a preeminent center of collaborative Salary and benefits are fully competi- teaching statement, description of research intellectual pursuit and impact. tive. dependent upon qualifications and agenda, and evidence of teaching and NYU New York and NYU Abu Dhabi experience, the appointment will be at the research quality to Personnel Committee are integrally connected. The faculties work rank of Associate or Assistant Professor. Chair, Department of Geography & Urban together, and the campuses form the founda- Founded in 1847, Carthage is located on Planning, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, tion of a unique global network university, the shore of Lake Michigan, midway between Oshkosh, WI 54901-8642. linked to NYU’s other study and research Milwaukee and Chicago and offers quick Application deadline: November 26, 2010. sites on five continents. urban access from the relaxed environment Employment requires criminal background Major research projects and public of a small city. The Carthage curriculum is check. AA/EOE. programs are underway. We have recruited designed to promote critical thinking while NOV 10-210 our first cohort of faculty across many dis- challenging students to express themselves ciplines and have launched the first class effectively through a variety of media. INTERNATIONAL of students of remarkable potential from Review of applications will begin imme- across the world in Fall 2010. The interna- diately and will continue until the position *UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ABU DHABI tional character of NYUAD is reflected in is filled. For full consideration, applications (NYU). the global composition of the faculty and the should be received by October 1, 2010. has established a campus student body as well as the research agenda Applications materials should include a cover in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and and curriculum, which have been designed to letter, statements of teaching philosophy and invites applications for faculty positions at promote inventiveness, intellectual curiosity, undergraduate research interests, a curriculum any level (assistant, associate or full profes- multidisciplinary interest, and intercultural vita, and the names, addresses and phone sor) for appointments in a multidisciplinary understanding. numbers of three references. Materials can be program in Urban Studies. Applications for tenure track positions are sent as email attachments (pdf-only) to Pro- We encourage applicants from any of the due on November 12, 2010. Applicants need fessor Kevin Crosby, Chair, Natural Sciences social sciences (economics, political science, to submit a curriculum vitae, statement of Division at: [email protected]. sociology, anthropology, geography), urban research and teaching interests, representa- OCT 10-161 policy or urban planning. We are particularly tive research papers and three letters of refer- interested in applicants with a global or com- ence in PDF form to be considered. *WISCONSIN, OSHKOSH. parative focus, whose work addresses some of Apply: Please visit our website at http:// Department of Geography and Urban the challenges of urbanization in developing nyuad.nyu.edu/human.resources/open.posi Planning, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, countries. The terms of employment are tions.html for instructions and other infor- invites applications of Urban/Regional competitive compared to U.S. benchmarks mation on how to apply. If you have any Planners with strong background in Geogra- and include housing and educational subsidies questions, please e-mail nyuad.urbanstudies@ phy or alternatively Geographers with strong for children. Faculty may also spend time at nyu.edu. background in Urban/Regional Planning for NYU in New York and at its other global NYU Abu Dhabi is an Equal Opportunity/ tenure-track, Assistant Professor position, campuses. The appointment might begin Affirmative Action Employer. beginning September 1, 2011. Teaching as soon as September 1, 2011, or could be NOV 10-203-1 responsibilities include courses in Urban/ delayed until September 1, 2012.

AAG Newsletter Op-Eds The AAG invites brief opinion pieces highlighting the contributions of geographical analysis to the understanding of important public issues and events. Submissions are encouraged from across the full breadth of the discipline. These pieces reflect opinions of contributing AAG members and do not represent an official AAG position on any issue. Op-ed pieces must be consistent with the AAG ethics policy and will be published on a space available basis. Send submissions of no more than 750 words to [email protected].

46 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org Events Calendar Volume 45, Number 10

2010 NOVEMBER MARCH AUGUST 5-6. AAG Middle Atlantic Division 24-25. 42nd Annual South Dakota State 1-7. National Conference on Geographic (MAD) Regional Meeting. York, PA. Geography Convention. Brookings, SD. Education (NCGE). Portland, Oregon. www.gwu.edu/~madaag. www3.sdstate.edu/academics/collegeofarts www.ncge.org. 5-6. 7th Annual Mini-Conference on and sciences/geography. 31-Sept 2. RGS/IBG Annual Interna- Critical Geography. Milwaukee. tional Conference. London. www.rgs.org/ [email protected]. APRIL AC2011. 9-12. Pan-American Institute for Geo­ 12-16. AAG Annual Meeting graphy and History (PAIGH) General Seattle, WA. www.aag.org. SEPTEMBER ­Assembly. Lima, Peru. www.ipgh.org. 14-16. International Conference on Spa- MAY tial Thinking and Geographic Informa- NOVEMBER 10–Extended Deadline tion ­Sciences (STGIS2011). Tokyo, Japan. 17-18. Association for Borderlands Studies http://curricula.csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/stgis2011. for Submission of Abstracts conference, “Fences, Walls and ­Borders: AAG Annual Meeting State of Insecurity?” Montreal. NOVEMBER www.aag.org/annualmeeting www.absborderlands.org. 14-18. IGU 2010 Regional Geography Conference. Santiago, Chile. 15-19. AutoCarto 2010. Orlando, FL. JUNE www.ugi2011.cl www.cartogis.org/autocarto. 2-5. European Association of Geographers 21-23. AAG Southeast Regional Meeting. Congress. Athens, Greece. 2012 Birmingham, AL. www.sedaag.org. www.eurogeography.eu. FEBRUARY 20-24. Ninth International Conference 24-28. AAG Annual Meeting 2011 on Military Geosciences. Las Vegas, NV. New York, NY. www.aag.org. www.icmg.dri.edu. JANUARY 18-21. Geospatial World Forum. 2013 ­Hyderabad, India. www.geospatialworld JULY APRIL forum.org/2011/home.htm. 3-8. 25th Conference of the International 9-13. AAG Annual Meeting 19-21. ESRI Federal User Conference. Cartographic Association. Paris. Los Angeles, CA. www.aag.org. Washington, DC. www.esri.com/events. www.icc2011.fr. 14-16. National Conference on the Sub- 2014 urbs and the 2010 Census. Arlington, VA. APRIL http://policy.gmu.edu/tabid/86/default. aspx?uid=151. 8-12. AAG Annual Meeting Tampa, FL. www.aag.org.

NSF Summer Institute The National Science Foundation research experiences at host laboratories nsfsi.org. For further information con- (NSF) East Asia and Pacific Summer in Australia, China, Japan (10 weeks), cerning benefits, eligibility, and tips on Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students Korea, New Zealand, Singapore and applying, applicants are encouraged to (EAPSI) is a flagship international fel- Taiwan from June to August. The pro- visit www.nsf.gov/eapsi or www.nsfsi.org. lowship program for developing the next gram provides a $5,000 summer stipend, The first Summer Institutes began in generation of globally engaged U.S. round-trip airfare to the host location, Japan in 1990, and to date over 2,000 scientists and engineers knowledgeable living expenses abroad, and an introduc- U.S. graduate students have participated about the Asian and Pacific regions. tion to the society, culture, language, in the program. Summer Institutes are hosted by foreign and research environment of the host Should you have any questions, please counterparts committed to increasing location. contact the EAPSI Help Desk by email opportunities for young U.S. research- The 2011 application is now open at [email protected] or by phone at 1-866- ers to work in research facilities and and will close at 5:00 pm local time 501-2922. with host mentors abroad. Fellows are on November­ 10, 2010. Application supported to participate in eight-week instructions are available online at www.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 47 SeptemberNovember 2010 2010

Association of American Geographers Periodicals 1710 Sixteenth Street NW postage paid at Washington, D.C. 20009-3198 Washington, DC

Publications Mail Agreement No. 40717519 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PO Box 503, RPO West Beaver Creek, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R6 Pre-Order Your Copy of Seattle Geographies

Pre-order the new book Seattle Geographies and you’ll receive your copy when you check-in at the AAG Annual Meeting next April in Seattle. Use the conference registration form to order the book when you register for the Annual Meeting, or use the form to add the book after you register. SEATTLE Edited by geographers Michael Brown and Richard Morrill, Seattle Geographies examines the GEOGRAPHIES

city’s broad range of social, economic, political, environmental, and cultural geographies–the EDITED BY MICHAEL BROWN AND RICHARD MORRILL dynamics that define Seattle and make it a unique and vibrant place. Contributors tackle is- sues as diverse as gentrification, the WTO protests, P-Patches, Grunge, and the geographical imagination. Guided by a strong sense of accountability to the region, the authors aim to assess the city’s strengths and weaknesses, identify problems and propose solutions, and in doing so help Seattle to grow in positive, sustainable ways. The conference registration form is available on page 15 or online at www.aag.org/ annualmeeting.

“Geography in Focus”– AAG Photo Competition The Association of American Geographers is pleased to We encourage both amateur and professional photographers as ­announce its “Geography in Focus” photo competition, created well as AAG members and non-members alike to submit photos. to celebrate geography and geographers as we prepare for the The deadline to submit photos is February 1, 2011. For more in- 2011 AAG Annual Meeting. Photographs may be submitted in formation please visit the photo competition webpage at http:// any of three categories: Careers in Geography, Diversity and Inclusion www.aag.org/photocompetition or contact [email protected]. within Geography, and Unique Landscapes and Places. See www.aag.org/annualmeeting for more information on the Winners will receive cash prices as well as recognition at the 2011 AAG Annual Meeting. 2011 AAG Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington (April 12-16).

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts to the AAG Annual Meeting has been Extended to November 10. www.aag.org/annualmeeting

48 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org