Antimicrobial susceptibility of strains of garviae EV0157 isolated from human samples. Galán-Sánchez F1, Guerrero-Lozano I1, Trujillo-Soto T1, Reguera-Brito M2, Rodriguez-Iglesias MA1 1 Puerta del Mar University Hospital, Cádiz, Spain 2 Department of Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

Objectives Methods Results Conclusions

Lactococcus is a lactic acid bacterial genus, From September 2013 to Octuber 2014, a Thirty-three strains were isolated from 2,620 L.garviae is a rare in humans, which contains eight species and subspecies. prospective study of clinical isolates of stool cultures (1.26%). Ages of patients are although it can cause : in our L.garviae were carried out in the Puerta del represented in figure 1. Five strains were Lactococcus garvieae has been recognized series, urinary tract infections are the most Mar University Hospital, Cádiz, Spain. Strains isolated from urine (representing 0.05% of all as an important cause of bacterial disease in common. In addition, Lactococcus are not were collected from faeces submitted for positive urine cultures)) and 1 strain from many fish species and is considered as an routinal cultures, by adding a CNA plate to peritoneal fluid (causing spontaneous typical membres of the normal flora of human unusual pathogen with low virulence in facilitate the isolation and identification. bacterial peritonitis). Clinical characteristics of gastrointestinal tract, although L.garviae can humans; although lactococci are not typically Strains isolated from other localizations as these patients are presented in table 1. All be isolated from the alimentary tract. The part of the normal human flora, they may be causative agents of were also strains were considered resistant to results of this study show antimicrobial found in the alimentary tract. In the last included. Identification was performed by clindamycin (intrinsic resistance in L.garviae), resistance to rifampin. and fosfomicine in all years, there has been an increasing number mass spectrometry (Bruker Daltonics, rifampin, and fosfomicine and susceptible to the strains, although they remain susceptible of case reports of L. garvieae infection in Bremen,Germany) and antibiotic linezolid, vancomycin, teicoplanin, to a wide variety of antimicrobial agents humans. However, there is a lack of susceptibility was analyzed using automated nitrofurantoin, erythromycin, penicillin and including penicillin, linezolid, vancomycin, Wider System (Soria-Melguizo, Spain), and . MICs for penicillin range from experience in how to treat these infections. teicoplanin, nitrofurantoin, erythromycin, E-test (bioMeriéux, France) for penicillin and 0.125 to 1 ug/ml, and for levofloxacin, from Our objective is to determine the penicillin and levofloxacin. quinolones, according to the CLSI guidelines 0.5 to 1.5 ug/ml. MICs for ciprofloxacin are susceptibility pattern of strains of L. garviae for streptococci. represented in figure 2 . isolated from human samples.

Typeof infection Age(y) Underlyingdisease Urinary tract infection 80 None Urinary tract infection 60 None Urinary tract infection 72 Renal transplant recipient Urinary tract infection 69 Renal transplant recipient Urinary tract infection 74 None Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 47 HIV positive, cirrosis

Figure 1: Age of patients (isolates from faeces) Table 1: Characteristics of patients with L. garviae infection Figure 2: MICs for ciprofloxacin of L. garviae

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