VIA AIR MAIL Five Dollar Bargains Royce A
I VIA AIR MAIL Five Dollar Bargains Royce A . W ight 21l covers, all with different AIR MAIL announces his return to the United FIELD cancellations (first flights CAM, States and the resumption of his air events, etc.) . • • • . • . • . • • $S.OO mail activities. 40 diff. first flight CAM covers $5.00 I have just prepared a price list (prices. Incidentally are, in gener a l, 40 different first night flight and the lowest I've ever quoted) contain change of schedule covers . $5.00 ing a few hundred of the 1,00 1 bargains 60 air covers, all with commemor I have to offer . A post-card request ative stamps (Hawaii, Ericsson. will bring you this Edison, etc.) . $5.00 PRICE UST 23 80 air mail covers • . • . • . $5.00 With one of the finest stocks in t ha Or, the above 240 covers . .. .•. $20.00 country of C.A.M.'a, F .A.M.'s, Zepp elines, Canada, Mexico. etc. I feel emi... Want to exchanl'e: nently Qualified to serve :v.ou. For In I collect (C.)A.M.'s only. Need rari stance, do you need any of the following ties on all flights, CAM items where CAM- 3S7, 6E2, 7W2, 10N6, 12N4c, regular POD cachet was inadvertent!Y l 5N2. 18E4f, SON4 (price nine cent s) not used on covers. unlisted varieties, FAM-Seattle - Victoria, Tela-Cristobal. etc. What have you, and what do you St. Kitts-St. Johns, etc.. etc. need? Welcome correspondence on cata ZEPPELIN - Tokio - Lakehurst ( World logue listings, new varieties. Flight), Lakehurst - Lakehurst ( Pan. On new routes.
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