Rangers advance on in tournament Story on Page B1 THURSDAY,Newfound AUGUST 6, 2015 FREE IN PRINT, FREE ON-LINE • WWW.NEWFOUNDLANDING.COM Landing COMPLIMENTARY Bridge Academy offers incoming freshmen a taste of life in high school BY DONNA RHODES
[email protected] Besides a campus tour BRISTOL — Each and introduction to the summer, incoming logistics of how to move freshmen at Newfound around the building on Regional High School the bell schedule, there are invited to attend were field trips, too. Bridge Academy, a four- Last Wednesday, the day session designed to group went to Welling- help them become ac- ton State Park, where climated to life in high they spent time learning school and beyond. to work together and ac- This year, nearly 50 complish their goals. members of the Class Science teacher Pe- of 2019 took part in the ter Dumont led them in academy where they not an introduction to GPS only got to learn the ins systems then sent them and outs of a new school, out on the park’s Nature they got to make new Trail for geo-caching friends and have a lot of and journaling. fun along the way. “They’ll work in pairs Bonding and team to find ten locations building are a big part where they’ll collect a of the Bridge Academy, sticker, maybe get a re- said Amy Yeakel, who is ward like some candy, the Extended Learning then receive a prompt on Coordinator at NRHS something for them to and organizes the acade- write about in their jour- DONNA RHODES my program.