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Rick Lai : The Revised Complete Chronology of Bronze before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Revised Complete Chronology of Bronze:

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. The Ultimate ChronologyBy James BojaciukSometimes a book so complete, so comprehensive is published that all future scholarship in that area is closed--simply because there is nothing more to say after such an achievement. Rick Lai's The Revised Complete Chronology of Bronze is such a book, and any future attempt at a Doc Savage chronology is already a moot point.Lai covers all of the original pulp novels, and the officially approved continuation novels from the 1990s. The best part is, he doesn't just slap a reasonable date to the novels and call it a done product; it is obvious Lai has read each entry in the Doc Savage series many times, and that all of the dates are carefully calculated. Most of the entries have lengthy notes explaining either why such and such a date was chosen, what aides or real-world people were present for the adventure, or Wold Newtonian theories such as: the true location of the nation of Hidalgo, or Doc's adventures between World War One and the first recorded pulp novels.In a lengthy appendix, Lai discusses a number of Doc Savage pastiches and cameo appearances: such as The Rocketeer, the Doc Ardan stories, and the novel The Evil in Pemberley House. While this section isn't nearly as comprehensive as the primary timeline, it's still great fun. Another appendix ties together the Doc Savage novels and novels into the same fictional universe. There are some other notes in the back, such as a listing of all the books and articles Doc was listed as having written in the pulps, and a chronological checklist of all the novels.Overall, this is a fantastic book that all Doc Savage fans should be required to own.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. The definitive Doc Savage chronologyBy Sean LevinAs a longtime fan of Rick Lai's work, including his three previous books published by , I was thrilled to finally read his chronology of the published exploits of Clark "Doc" Savage Jr., perhaps secnd only to the Shadow (whose own chronology was the subject of one of the aforementioned books) in the popular consciousness. As with his previous works, Rick has done meticulous research into the dates of the over 100 pulp stories by and others, as well as Dent's radio plays and continuations of the series by and Philip Jose Farmer. Even more impressive is his research into the real people, places, and events that inspired some of the stories, and his deft explanations of the "true" stories behind these novels. Combined with fascinating addendums (one listing several pastiches featuring Doc, another a compendium of possible connections between him and the Shadow, a third listing Clark Savage's published works referenced in the stories, and finally a rundown of the dates given for each supersaga in the chronology), this is a must-own for fans of Doc Savage and the pulps in general.13 of 13 people found the following review helpful. A stunning tour de force of SavageologyBy Win Scott EckertRick Lai's THE REVISED COMPLETE CHRONOLOGY OF BRONZE arrived, and I read it in a day, in one sitting. That's not because it's light reading, but because it's so compelling. Generously acknowledging the research of other chronologists, including the late Philip Jose Farmer, Lai sets a new bar in scholarship, and it's a high bar indeed. He meticulously, and yet quite understandably, lays out his methodology, and describes why and how if differs from methodologies employed by prior chronologies. He also includes the radio adventures where appropriate (recently collected by Moonstone Books as DOC SAVAGE: THE LOST RADIO SCRIPTS OF LESTER DENT), as well as the continuation novels by Farmer (ESCAPE FROM LOKI) and Will Murray (such as PYTHON ISLE, FLIGHT INTO FEAR, etc.). When reconciling conflicting or contradictory information, Lai relies on well-reasoned and erudite theories and research. Lai not only provides the definitive (in my view) timeline of Doc's supersagas, he also includes several informative and entertaining appendices covering Apocryphal Adventures (such as Farmer's "After King Kong Fell" and IRONCASTLE, Dave Stevens' THE ROCKETEER, and Jean-Marc Lofficier's translation of Guy d'Armen's DOC ARDAN; CITY OF GOLD AND LEPERS), and so on; this section also includes fascinating essays regarding Doc's possible interactions with characters such as Fu Manchu and The Shadow), the literary works of Clark Savage, Jr., and easy-to-read checklists. The cover art by Keith Wilson is a beauty (the back cover art is quite amusing) and Altus Press has put together a nice, clean package. I'll be referring to this Chronology time and again, both as a Doc Savage fan and as a pulp adventure writer, as it has immediately attained the status of my primary reference work in this area.

Completely revised and expanded, Rick Lai's authoritative chronology has been heavily updated to include Lester Dent's radio scripts and new data unearthed from the recent restored Doc Savage reprint editions.

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