8196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 April 28, 2005 Gonzales, the central figure in formu- tration’s handling of this scandal only tional, not for profit organization fund- lating the administration’s interroga- adds to our disgrace. There will always ed by America’s leading distillers to tion and detention policies, was pro- be scandals and tragedies in a nation’s develop and implement programs de- moted to Attorney General. Former history. What makes America special signed to combat drunk driving and un- Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee, is that we do not hide from these derage drinking. These programs, such author of the deeply flawed and now-re- issues; we investigate them, learn from as Ready or Not: Talking with Kids pudiated ‘‘torture memo,’’ received a our mistakes, and make sure they do About Alcohol, Brandon’s Story, and lifetime appointment to the Court of not happen again. Unfortunately, one Alcohol 101 Plus, are making great Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Defense year after the disclosure of the Abu strides in reducing the amount of un- Department General Counsel William Ghraib photos, we still have much to derage drinking and irresponsible con- J. Haynes insisted that the Pentagon learn. sumption of alcohol. Working Group use the Bybee torture f memo, rather than the Geneva Conven- Right now, The Council is kicking off tions, as the legal foundation for inter- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS its sixth annual National Prom and rogation techniques; he has been nomi- Graduation Safety Months Initiative. nated to the Court of Appeals for the Between April and June, The Council BENEWAH MEDICAL AND Fourth Circuit. Former CIA Director has planned a series of events across WELLNESS CENTER AWARD George Tenet authorized the ‘‘extraor- the country to educate students, par- dinary rendition’’ of detainees to coun- ∑ Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, on May 3, ents and the general public about mak- tries where they were reported to have 2005, the Benewah Medical and ing responsible decisions with regard to been tortured; he was awarded the Wellness Center operated by the Coeur beverage alcohol. Over the past two Presidential Medal of Freedom. Sec- d’Alene Tribe of Idaho will be pre- decades, progress has been made in the retary Rumsfeld personally approved sented with the 2005 Johnson & John- effort to stop underage drinking objectionable interrogation techniques son Community Health Care Leader- through the implementation of effec- and admitted to hiding detainees from ship Award. This award is presented to tive programs and increased public the International Committee of the one facility nationwide that has set awareness regarding the negative con- Red Cross; he is one of the few cabinet itself apart from others in quality and sequences of underage drinking. Ac- members asked to remain in the second innovation in community health care. cording to the most recent figures from Bush term. The center has distinguished itself over the National Highway Traffic Safety Allowing senior officials and military the years in superior service to the Administration, 749 people under the officers to avoid accountability sets a Coeur d’Alene Tribe, the community of age of 21 were killed in alcohol-related dangerous precedent. It is time for Plummer, ID, and the medically under- traffic crashes during April, May and Congress, even this Republican-led served and indigent in the region. June in 2003 as well as countless non- Congress, to recognize its constitu- Theirs is a story of successful partner- fatal injuries. In Louisiana, alcohol is a tional obligation to conduct vigorous ship and innovation over the course of factor in 20 percent of all traffic fatali- many years. Fifteen years ago, the cen- oversight. We must send a message ties involving minors, and it is a factor ter collaborated with the city of Plum- that no one in the chain of command— in 15 percent of all traffic accidents in- mer and greatly expanded the scope from an enlisted private stationed in volving minors. Iraq to the Commander-in-Chief—is and reach of its service. In addition to above the laws of our Nation. Many Re- acute and preventive health care found It was once said that ‘‘holding young publicans argue that another investiga- at other medical centers, the many people solely responsible for underage tion will hurt the morale of our troops programs offered by the center make it drinking is like holding fish respon- serving overseas. On the contrary, I be- a truly comprehensive care institution. sible for dying in a polluted stream.’’ lieve that morale is hurt when the only These programs include diabetes and As a mother of two young children, I individuals who have been punished for cardiovascular disease prevention and know that I will soon have to speak to detainee abuse are low-ranking sol- education and afterschool and men- my own kids about alcohol use. As all diers, while those at the highest levels toring programs for youth. Further- of the other parents in this Chamber of power continue to set policy and act more, the center has responded to the and across the country can say, the with impunity. cultural sensitivities of the community conversation between a parent and a Chairman WARNER recently an- by employing Native and non-Native child about alcohol use is not always nounced that he will hold an Armed staff members. Staff diversity in- an easy conversation. However, im- Services Committee hearing to exam- creases the effectiveness of any proved communication between par- ine the adequacy of the various Pen- healthcare institution, a fact which the ents and children is essential to pre- tagon and military investigations. I center has recognized and incorporated venting underage drinking. According commend the chairman for announcing into their operating procedures. In to a recent survey by TRU Omnibuzz in this hearing, and hope that the sup- January 2004, I had the opportunity to 2003, 65 percent of adolescents identify porters of an independent investigation visit the center and was impressed at parents as the leading influence in are given the opportunity to testify be- the level of technology this collabo- their decision to drink or not to drink. fore the committee. In a letter last rative effort had been able to bring to Unfortunately, 36 percent of adoles- September, eight retired generals and this rural community. cents say they had not spoken to either admirals asked President Bush to ap- I commend the Benewah Medical and parent about alcohol. This communica- point a prisoner abuse commission Wellness Center on its tremendous tion gap can be minimized by through modeled on the 9/11 Commission. In achievement in the overall community programs that increase awareness, edu- that letter, the officers stated, ‘‘inter- healthcare and wellness. I look forward cate parents and kids and help facili- ∑ nal investigations by their nature . . . to hearing of future successes. tate conversations between parents and suffer from a critical lack of independ- f kids about the dangers of underage ence. Americans have never thought it drinking. wise or fair for one branch of govern- HONORING CENTURY COUNCIL FOR ment to police itself.’’ I hope that NATIONAL PROM AND GRADUA- The role of parents in the efforts to members of the Armed Services Com- TION SAFETY MONTH INITIATIVE reduce underage drinking is critical. I mittee will consider these words when ∑ Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I rise commend The Century Council for giv- they evaluate the Pentagon’s inves- today in honor of Alcohol Awareness ing parents and children across the Na- tigations. Month to recognize The Century Coun- tion the valuable tools to initiate those April 28, 2004, will remain a dark day cil for its efforts to prevent underage important discussions regarding alco- in American history, but the adminis- drinking. The Century Council is a na- hol.∑

VerDate Nov 24 2008 11:52 Mar 06, 2009 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR05\S28AP5.003 S28AP5 erowe on PROD1PC63 with BOUND RECORD April 28, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 8197 CONGRATULATING JERRY VEREEN the Nation will be competing in the the 96th annual , one of AND RIVERSIDE MANUFAC- finals of the ‘‘We the People: The Cit- the Nation’s most prestigious track TURING COMPANY izen and the Constitution’’ program and field events, held each spring at ∑ Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I here in Washington, DC, from April 30– Drake Stadium in Des Moines. Kip will congratulate Riverside Manufacturing May 2, 2005. This program is funded by take the field for the last time in a Company on Riverside being named the U.S. Department of Education and sport in which he has dominated at ‘‘Manufacturer of the Year’’ for the is designed specifically to educate our Drake for the last 22 years, the decath- State of Georgia. Riverside is located young people about the U.S. Constitu- lon. in my hometown of Moultrie, GA. Riv- tion, Bill of Rights, and the importance The Relays are aptly called ‘‘Amer- erside was founded in 1911 by William of civic participation to our political icas Athletic Classic.’’ This will be the J. Vereen, in Colquitt County, and has process. Schools are provided with last year they are held in the old Drake maintained its headquarters there to textbooks that offer both historical in- Stadium. This summer, the stadium this day. Riverside is known worldwide formation and critical-thinking activi- will get a dramatic face-lift and over- both for producing business uniforms of ties, and students compete in the for- haul in order to conform to national superior garment quality and for the mat of a congressional hearing to show and international standards. dedication of its employees. their knowledge of our democracy. Over the years, the words ‘‘Drake Re- Riverside sells uniforms in all 50 I am proud to announce that students lays and Kip Janvrin’’ have become vir- States, as well as in over 200 foreign from East Brunswick High School in tually synonymous. The Drake Relays countries. Riverside warehouses prod- East Brunswick, NJ, will be returning are one of America’s premier track and ucts in , GA; Dundalk, Ireland; this year to defend their national title field venues, and Kip Janvrin is one of Moultrie, GA; Prichard, WV; and Reno, earned in May 2004. East Brunswick America’s premier ath- NV. Riverside won this year’s distinc- High School won my home State’s letes, competing in what is arguably tion of Georgia’s Manufacturer of the competition again this year and will the most demanding event in all of Year in the large company category; represent New Jersey in our Nation’s sports. From Jesse Owens to Wilma that is, those with more than 750 em- Capital this weekend. I wish the fol- Rudolph, Gwen Torrance, Carl Lewis ployees. Riverside was nominated for lowing students, and their teacher and Michael Johnson, the Drake Re- the award by Moultrie Technical Col- Alan Brodman, the best of luck in the lays have seen almost all of the great lege. future and congratulate them on their Olympians in track and field. But one Governor Sonny Perdue presented hard work and inspiring civic advo- Olympian, Kip Janvrin, has been a this coveted award to my good friend cacy: Rajiv Agarwal, Elliot Chiu, The- dominant presence at the event for Jerry Vereen, who is president and resa Cui, Yan Cui, Aditi Eleswarapu, more than two decades. If the cheers are especially loud for chief executive officer of Riverside, Michael Genson, Stephanie Horwitz, Kip, it is because he is a native son of last Thursday in Atlanta at an annual Frances,Huang, Manisha Johary, Mi- Iowa. Raised in Panora and a graduate awards ceremony as part of Georgia chael Kofsky, Kevin Kuo, Sam Lau, Al- of Simpson College in Indianola, Kip Manufacturing Appreciation Week. exandra Palmer, Resham Patel, Mark has won the decathalon at the Drake Jerry was quoted as saying: Pruce, Panwan Punjabi, Caroline Rana, Natalie Rana, Sana Sheikh, Allison Relays a remarkable 14 times. It is fit- We were very pleased that the award recog- ting that the last year for the original nized all the dedication and hard work that Sorkin, Ilana Stern, Eric Struening, Riverside’s associates have put forth to look and Lauren Volosin.∑ Drake Stadium will also be the last after all our great customers. The only sus- f year that this American original com- tainable competitive advantage any com- petes in the Drake Relays. pany can have is based strictly on its people. CONGRATULATING FRANK Kip is one of the top-ranked You can buy technology, equipment and DURKAN decathletes in the world, and he is the buildings but it takes the dedication of a lot ∑ Mrs. CLINTON. Mr. President, I am oldest active U.S. competitor in this of people to give Riverside the competitive delighted today to extend congratula- extraordinarily demanding event. The edge with our customers, especially when all tions to Mr. Frank Durkan on the 50th is a 10-event competition of our competitors have taken their manu- which takes place over two days. It in- facturing offshore. This award recognizes our anniversary of his admittance to the associates’ dedication to exceeding our cus- New York State bar. Born in County cludes the 100 meter dash, long jump, tomers’ expectations. It also acknowledges Mayo, Ireland, Frank immigrated to shot put, high jump, 400 meter dash, 110 their efforts to contribute significantly to the United States in 1947. He is a grad- meter hurdles, discus, , jav- the communities where we are located. We uate of Columbia College and New elin and 1,500 meter run. Kip began feel that Colquitt County and Georgia are York Law School. Like so many who competing in the decathlon in 1983, and great areas to build a company. We are very follow their dreams to this great coun- quickly excelled in all 10 events. appreciative to Jackie Rohosky and her try, Frank worked hard as a janitor, While attending Simpson College, Quick Start team, Tina Anderson and her Kip competed many times in the Drake Moultrie Technical College team, Darrell parking attendant, and office clerk as Moore, Jimmy Jeter and the members of the he pursued his education. Upon gradua- Relays. His first victory came in 1987 in Moultrie Colquitt County Industrial Devel- tion, he joined his uncle, the late Paul the decathlon, and he went on to add 13 opment Authority, as well as the Colquitt O’Dwyer, at the law firm of O’Dwyer more titles over the next 18 years. His County Commissioners, Moultrie City Coun- and Bernstien. As a trial lawyer, Frank 14 championships at the Drake Relays cil and the Colquitt County Chamber of Com- has an excellent reputation as an advo- are the most by any athlete in the his- merce for all the assistance they have given cate for injured plaintiffs. For half a tory of that event. In 1998, he was in- Riverside and our associates over the years. century he has been a defender of civil ducted into the Drake Relays Hall of I am so proud of Jerry, of Riverside, rights in Federal courts from New Fame. During his years at Simpson, he and of all of Riverside’s many employ- Hampshire to Texas. Frank epitomizes earned 3 NCAA titles in the decathlon, ees, 600 of which call Georgia home. I those who come to our shores following and 2 more NCAA titles in individual extend my deepest and most sincere the American dream and enrich our in- events. He was inducted into the Simp- congratulations on their receipt of this stitutions through their hard work and son Hall of Fame in 1998, and the NCAA prestigious award in recognition of a dedication.∑ Division III Track and Field Hall of ∑ job well done. f Fame in 2004. f Kip’s accomplishments are nothing TRIBUTE TO KIP JANVRIN short of amazing. He has completed HONORING EAST BRUNSWICK HIGH ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I rise more than 80 . He holds the SCHOOL today to honor a native Iowan and a re- world records in career victories, ∑ Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, markable athletic champion, Kip scores over 7,000 points, and consecu- more than 1200 students from across Janvrin. Today marks the beginning of tive finishes. He also holds the world

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