Or the Double Erasure of Times Square

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Or the Double Erasure of Times Square Twice-Twice-ToldTold Stories: or the double erasure of limesTimes SquareSqu are Things must bbee twice-toldtwice-tald inin orderarder tota bbee sasafefe lyly rederedeemedemed fromfmm timtimee and dedecacayi 1. The cocontemporaryntemporary space of Manhattan is suffering from a series of DOisneyficationsisneyfications andand Theme Park simusimulations.lations. Christine Boyer Professor of ArchitecturArchitecturee and Times Square/42nd StrStreet,eet, for exaexample,mple, the mmeetingeeting of two trtrianglesiangles that form an "X" at 42nd Street,Street, was Urbanism School of ArchArchitectureitecture once was the populpopularar enteentertarta inminmentent districtdistrict of vaudevillevaudeville andand the BroadwBroadwayay theater. Princeton University. ThiThiss rorowdywdy playground hhasas been theth e cecentrantra l public pplacelace where New Yorkers havehave cecelebratedlebrated New YearsYears'' © Eve since the earearlyly twentieth cecentury.ntury. Del documento, Frequented bbyy thousands of daily cocommmmututeersrs who aarriverrive viavia its labyrinthlabyrinthianian subway system, TTimesimes Square/42nd StrStreeteet is intimatelyintimately linked to the eentntireire mmetropolitanetropolitan regegion.ion. It hhasas been, as ititss namnamee designates, theth e llocationocation of great newspapernewspaper and radio headquarters. los autores. But aatt thithiss very mommomentent in time,time, TimTimeses Square/42ndSquare/42nd Street is bebeinging rrenderedendered by DisOisneyney and turnedturn ed intointo a wax museum with the likeess of MMadameadame Tussaud. Digitalización It is beinbeingg rregulatedegul ated by gguuideidelinlines that ca ll for a requisiterequ isite number of Lutses [Light[Li ght Units iinn Times Square] and cocontrolledntrolled by uurbanrban ddesignersesigners who have plannplanneded iitsts spontaneous unplunplannedness.annedness. Times SquSquare/42ndare/42nd StreStreetet iiss becoming DOisney'sisney's "Ne"Neww York LandLand"." . Patrolled by private polipoi icemen,cemen, iitsts garbage pipickedcked up by private collectors, and itsits siigngnageage refurefurbishedrbished by realizada prprivateivate aallocationsllocations --underunder ththee gegeneneraral guguideidelinlin es set down by iitsts BusBusinessiness IInvestmnvestmeenntt DOistrictistrict [BIO]-[B IDJ- itit iiss becoming as clean aandnd pure as a whistle. por HowHow hhaveave we lletet this happenhappen to such aann icon ic plaplacece of popular ccuullture?ture? WWillill TTimesimes SquSquare/42ndare/42nd Street survive, will iitts competitcompetitivive cchaoshaos and tough-guy allllurure be able to hoholdld out aga instinst ththisis latestatest onslaughtons laught of ULPGC. improvimprovementement schemes? Or has a ggrandrand mistake been mmadeade - andand thisth is disfunctiondisfunction junction maumauledled by disimprovementdisimprovement popoliciesli cies Biblioteca amendingamending its auauthenticthentic nnatureature instinsteadead of iitsts corrcorruption?uption? Has TTimesimes Square/42nd Street becombecomee anotheranother non-pnon-placelace iinstantlnstantly recognizabrecogn izablle from ththee iimmagesages that universitaria, ccirculateircu late on our televisiontelevision aandnd cineminemaa scscreensreens but a space thatth at we nneverever expeexperrieniencece directlydirectly2. Cuentos contados dos veces: la dobledobl e desaparicióndesaparicion de TimesTi mes museDmuseo de cera al esties tillo deldel londiondinnense Madame Tus­Tu s­ SquareSquare.. sa ud 's . 2014 Se hhanan marcado pautas que establecen un númnumero determi­ " Las cosas han de decdecirseirse dos veces para ponerlasponerlas a salvo deldel nadonado de LutLu tsesses ((ununidadidad de luzlu z en TimTimeses SquareSquare) y la contro­ tiempo y la decadencia'"a" l. lan disenadoresdiseñadores urbanos que hanhan plaplannifiifica do su espoes pontánentaneaa EEll espacespacioio contempocontemporaneoráneo de Manhattan estáesta padeciendo faltafa lta de pplanlanifiificaccac i6nón.. SegunSegún parpareceece,, Times SquarSquaree se estáa toda una ser ie de DisneyficacionesDisneyficaciones como si se tratara de un convi rti endoen do en New York Landia. parque teematmáticoco de atraccionesatracciones . Sus ca ll es las ppatruatrullanllan popolicíasli cfas priprivadova doss,, la basurbasura la reco ­ Times SquareSquareJ/Calle 42, por ejempejempllo,o, la intersecci6nersección de dos gen empresas de rrecogecogididaa privadas, y sussus carca rteltel es han sisido do triángulostriangulos que forman una X enen la Ca lllle 42 , fue en ssuu díadfa el renovadosenovados coconn capital privadopriva do, eso sísf, bajojo las normnormasas gene­ áarearea de eenntrtretenimitenimieentonto ddee masas,masas, dondedon de se daban cititaa la rales estab lec idas porpor la ssicic Business In vestm ent District, BIDBID picaresca del vodevil y el teatro de BroadwayBroadway.. (Orga ni zaci6nión de Empresa riosri os papara llaa MeMejora)jora). De esta Este bullbulliciosoicioso patio de recreo ha sididoo el pprincipalri ncipal lugar publpúbli­i­ maneramanera,, la zona se ha vuelto ttanan puritannaa y limlimpiapia como un a co aall queque,, ya desde comcomiienzosenzos del siglo XXXX,, acudenac uden 1l05os neoneo­ patenapatena.. yorqu inoin oss a celebrarcelebrar el Fin de AnoAño. ¡CólC6mmoo hemollloss permitidopermitido que le suceda estoesto a todo un símbo•sflllbo- TimTimeses Square/Calle 42 recibe diariamente a milesmiles de transe­transe­ 1lo0 de la ccuulturltura popular?popular? ¡Podl Podrráa sobrevsobreviviivirr TimesTimes SquareSqua re/Ca lle untesúntes de todas las zonas de la ciudadciudad, que lIll egan a travestravés deldel 42? ¡PodlPodránran el caoscans competitivo y el enca nto de 1los05 tipostipos labeaberfríntintico sistestemama metropolitano, íntimamentefntimamente ligadogado a todo cachas contener el violentoviolento ataque que suponensuponen 1los05 proyeproyecc­ el áreaarea subtesubterranearránea . ttosos dede mejora? Ha ssidoido,, cocomomo su nombre indicaindica,, la razónraz6n socsociaial de ggrandesrandes ¡OlO es que acaso se haha cometetidoido un error fatalfatal,, ququee ha resul­ perperiódicosi6dicos y emisoemisorasras de rradioad io (New YYorkork Times, por eejejemplo)).. tado en queque este punto de intersintersecci6necc ión hhaa sidosido estropropeadoea do por PeroPero enen este mommomentonto dede la histohi stoririaa,, Times Square//CaCa lle las polfticaspolíticas ddee deslllejora,desmejora, que hhanan modifica do su auteauténtica DACDACTT 5 70 42 se estaestá conviirrtiendotiendo enen un escenaescenariori o de Disney o0 en un naturalezanaturaleza enen vez de erraderradicaricar su corrupciión6n? I15s it in danger of extinctionion or disappearance - reduced to anan aanyny-sp-space-wace-whatever? GilGillles Deleuze claimed that aany-spaceny-space-w-whateverhatever is " ...... a perfectperfectlyly singu lar space, w hicchh hhasas mmererely lost ititss homogenehomogeneityty,, that is,is, the principile of ititss mmetrietri c relationsons oorr the connececttionsions of iittss own parts, so that the linkaglinkageses ca n be made in aann infinitinitee numbnumberer of ways"3. Times SquareSquare/42nd/42nd Street iiss a postmodern hheterotopiceterotopic space juxtapotaposingsing in a single rea l place severaseverall types of spaces. This open-ended disjunctive set of sites co-exco-existsists simultaneoeoususly as a retro-thro-theeateate r district,district, a media centnterer, a Disneyland,Disneyland, a suburbsuburban-stylan-styl e shopping mall,mall, an adveadvertisirti sin ngg zozone,ne, a corporate officeoffice park, a mmoviovie but also a song, a novnovelel, a pplay,lay, a street,street, and a way of 2014 liflife,e, a place where prostitutesprostitutes,, pimps, hucksters,ksters , oorr teenagers rub shoshouuldlders withw ith out-of-town conventioneersentioneers,, theaterth eater aaududiienncesces,, corpocorporaterate execexecutiveutive secsecretaries,retaries, touristsists,, aandnd families.fami lies. CanCa n iitt allssoo be a center for theth e visualvisua l arts, a placeplace of eemergingmergi ng electronicectronic industriindustr ies, a trultru ly plugged-in space universitaria, connected to the rest of ththee worldld?? As a med ia cecententer, TTimesimes Square has been aatt a crosscrossroadroad since 1961 whew henn thethe New York Times so ld its 24 stostoryry triangulartriangu lar Times Square Tower, originall y bu ililtt in 19041904.. Biblioteca Even li"thethe GGreatreat White Way" tthehe razzle-dra zzle-dazzllee electectroronicnic w izarza rdrdry of greaeatt neon signssigns ththatat hhaveave turned the ninightght lighhtsts of Time Square into a mid-town Coney IslandIsland sincesi nce the mid-1920s has been tampered withw ith by ULPGC. requiringrequ iring that neon ssignageignage nnowow adoadornrn every new structure. por "Lutses""Lutses" hhaveave been tturnedurned looseloose in the Sq uare -definineded by a 1987 ordordininanceance that mandates the amouamountnt of illillumiuminatednated signage andand ththee degree of bri llianceance tthathat newnew bu ildings mustmust ccararrryy.. realizada TheThe city wants th ese new signs to be as flashy as possible, anndd advertisingadvertising is clea rl y aallowed,llowed, hoping to cover oveoverr thethe fact that Times Square hhasas bbecoeco mmee a dull aandnd darkdark ca nyonnyon of overover-I-l arge skyscraperskyscraper officeoffice towers ththee unintendunintended result of zoning bonuses tthhaatt operatedated in thethe territoryterritory aroaroundund the squaresqua re from 1982 until 1987.1987. Artkraft StraStraussuss SignSi gn CoCorporationrporation
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