Newspaper Clippings (9)” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R
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The original documents are located in Box 23, folder “Newspaper Clippings (9)” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 23 of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ___.. 'ft'tlll":llca.shington Post - Wed., 6/11/75 Democrats Fear '76 ~Disaster' Wallace's game ts not w1m By David s. BNder dreama and get d01bl to run- W~Poeta&ft Writer tbe· politicians bUt with the people aJid tbaDts to tbe pro llillf ·fat the senate 197&. NEW OMJ!!ANS, June 10--WMD. De~ JJ.fenti~n of prim..-tft, he has There are tew cratlc National Chairman Robert 8. IDAI17 placJa to run. He left would be sHed amoq the Strauaa .finithed briefing the Democratic the conference tQ governors if all the announced governors at their closed-door lanebeon a ~PeaCh 1a do n New DemocraJ;ic co~enders drop. Jt!Sterday on plans for the 1978 eonven ped out. There is no ereat tion, .Maryland Gov. Marvin Mandel broke Orleans 1IJWing Loutai- to IUpport for the(two aluJlUII in in to express a thought that muat have join the parade at prim.,. the field, ex-Govs. Terrf San croaeed other minds as well. states. ford of North and "We're inching toward a well-ordered Jlamy Carter of Georaitt nor convention, as you say, Bob," MaDdel re Meanwhile, the only con did anyone rush forwatd to marked "but we're also running ~-mell crete result of Mandel's warn ~nd the seH~erignatt-.u toward 'a political disaster. We're &oing ing was a decision bY the oow a presidential contendtf by to be tnown as ae patty that does. every head of the Democrstic Gov Peauylvania Gov. Miltoa J. W., ·right in eleettag Ita deleptes and .ernor's Caucus, Gov. Philip S.happ, ~ notbinl right to elect a President" W. Noel of Rhode Island, to Sen. BtDr.v M. JacJr,lion .. Iron.. a committee to suggea {D-WJih.) aent thne _.-ents Mandel may, have beetl blunter tbU bow "governors can play a Wft the o Ce ot.bers in the room would have bat more significant role'' in the but the ehlef ot. the aroup, beaD; eboice of a party nominee. be expressed a growing con~ Georgi-a Gov. George D. :au. Robert J. Keefe, wben asked! an ti'&rm- among Democnta atteldac bee, who backed the idea, about Jackaoa'Jt su.pport the National Governors' Conferen<* bare UVUed that "it's gotq to be amon the go rnors, said, about the prospects for their party in the very tough to beat President "He as frie dly relations 19'N eampaign. l'ord "anless we nominate a with ll em." Friendly ,_ middle-road DemOClrllt o·t Central to their dilemma is the questioa relatio s, in politics, do not of who-if anyone-among the annoUDCed we can all support." ' While there ia broat( qree. alwaySI an ate to support. or JJI'GIIIeCtive Democratic contendenl ean Nor o governol'8 see "bell the cet," i.e., beat George C. Wallaee- ·!bent on that ~· aition, there is little spe fie idea an ans to their pra,en Tbe Alabama governor was present tJut on the orizon. lilent as half-a-dosea ooUeques piePd bow the governo can be powt!!' brok·ers in a selection The "new breed" of media up 8Dd replayed variatlooa on Mandel's heroes, Govs. Edmuncl G. tbemi tblt unless the governors aad system where ore than three-fourths of he delegates Brown Jr. of California, Hugb other potential power-broken will Be tbosen rectly by the L. Carey of New York, Mich in the party "get together • • • voters ptrougb rimaries. ael S. Dukalds of Mas-.ellu we are headed down the road One tmgges on is the letts, and Daniel Wa11r1t- of to another disaster just lite gov~ as a group might llliDets, PASSed up the illclu& 1972." weed out the ield by p~ lry-aubsidized PBrties ill New Wallace was not looking :fO!' ing also- s o drop out etarly. Orleans to wrestle witla lqi. support in that room-nor Lucey, fQr' ample, suggested .rttlve problems at hme. would he have found it. South that the isconsin picture also P81Sed Up a ance erners including Florida Gov. might be different if taa.. to cetllent polittou alllabces Reubu; Askew, Misaiasippi were a siqle liberal conten- with their COlleaPes. Gov. Wllll'8JD Waller, and Bight now he Thus, while I(oei Jftfda. Louiaiana Gov. Edwin ~ K. Udall ('D-.A taina that "bui.eany we want EdwardS, who is running felt to elect a DemocratiQ Presf. re-election this year, rilted tile 8Upport of most of W1-. 41ent ~d we're not that the ire of their constituent& CODiin's Delll'Oel'atie members t!'!IOOI\V," &be absence of a pos by publicly W&! of Coalawl, but ex&.a. l'recl point for the lace's prospects and{or quali H.arria (D-Qkla.,) is baebd ... .,VeJ'!Mn' .PO~cal enthut- 18m ftve point to Waiaee's fications for the preslcleaq. the belllt p'olltical Grganiter Ill N orthem Demoerats made lardonic comment ~ "eveey clear their oppoeition e.en as the !Aeral stronghold of llf.a.. 'body seems to be in bYateria they talked in awed tones disG~t, Michael Bleicher. about the fellcnr frolir· Ala about Wallace's vote-gettlnC How effective the govt!'l'lltft bama." power. Wisconsin Gov. Plr could lie as at group in &- 8trauu waa teUiD& the Lucey, state certain candidaelll I trut wben be said that trick J. whose iS·~ d.. ul. gave Sen. George McG~em llere ta no orehestra.ted (D-S.D.) his first key Wia on To JUdge by private COlD plan' to atop Wallace but ~~ the governors of ~ the lf&'Y to the 1972 nomilla that is only beeaUBe no two Uon, Mid he would pick ..Wal zona and Texas think thetr laee again8t the tlekF' In a states• presidential ho~ JOvernors seem able to r-ee primary today in that liberal Udall and Sen. IJo,d M\ on wtiat Jt should be butlon. Bentsen Jr. <D-TeX.), might Some thint Wallace lbould be wen advised 1'f4t _... to be cballenged on hia ldeoloo or their WJajje Woa.e some on h t a Washington Post Wednesday, June 11, 1975 The ~Hugh and John ShoU' GOP LeaderS to Give Views Periodically By Spencer Rich R. Ford tried to keep it alive tled in only seven weeb, W&ahl~ Pl>el Staff Writer as the "Hugh and Jerry and that only 1,563 had re· Th~ "Hugh and John Show." quested repatriation to Viet Show," a new entertainment Now, Scott and Rhodes nam. ''This report was the llepublicans hope will wiult to give it another try. an attempt to gain poli~ be a long-running hit, made Their opening performance profit," he said. ita debut on Capitol Hill yes yesterday, though not ex· Scott also said he'd like to 1 terday in the ornate Ray actly a slam~ang hi~, had correct a W asbingtQn Pest burn :Room of the House. momenta of acerbity and report !Blat many Rep-.n House GOP leader John J. amusement. It started with can !id"&lors had declinqd to Rhodes (Ariz.) and Senate a joint plea for Democrats s a petition declarlDI "' GOP leader Hugh Scott to join with President Ford hemselves 1n favor of Mr. (Pa.) premised ~c joint and congressional Republ" Fard's 1976 presidedUtl press eonferences to give nomination. The story said the world the unified views only 16 of the 38 GOP sena ol what Scott called "the ~oyal opposition" to the ma· tors had agreed to siil\ llut jorl~ Democrats in Con Scott said it left a mislead ~ - ing impression. The move is an attempt to ActuallY, he said, 22 of 29 reviv~ the ses,sil)ns started senators approached by bim more than a dectade ago by then-SeDate leader Everett ~-setr:Ted' SteveM (:R Mc&i.DJ.ay Dirksen 1 Ul and ~) had indicated sup then-Housa leader ~arles pronuse~ but fails to keep Port for Mr. Ford's nomina A. Halleck (IJl4.). ~eml' said Sco~ ~"Congress tion-18 si~ing and the The "Ev and t;harlie so far has not sav~ enough other four declarina that Show': wall 1 ~ amus· energy to' light a fi'fe-watt In«, useful veDilire ~or the bulb." Rhodell prc)posed a they supported Mr. Fotd but GOP bec4uc 'ot ~ksen's joiftt eom~ttte. on -energy would speak to him perso• outstandifii te,iUlsio'n pre~ as a way at. getting legiSla· ally rather than stgn. enee. A great stump speaktf' tion movill& ·Of the remainfng seven.