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\ ec5 : COURT EXECUTIVE TRAINING PROGRAM DESIGN Documentation of First Training Effort: Institute for Court Management , 1971 Geoffrey S. Gallas Assistant Executive Director and Educational Consultant, Institute for Court Management Research Associate, University of Denver College of Law This report has been made possible by a grant from the United States Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistanp Administration, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. P RE FACE The major use of this document will be in the design of University and extra-university development programs in the justice arena, Throughout the course of the first three Court Executive Development Programs, university professors (theoreticians) and active court administrators and judges (practitioners) have partici- pated in the design and redesign of the educational effort. In meetings, through correspondence and actual participation in the program, members of the Panel appointed by the National Academy of Public Administration, members of Visiting Committee of Judges led by Chief Justice Burger, and members of the outstanding and committed Institute Alumni have been able to guide ICM's program. The University of Denver College of Law has degree programs in Judicial Administration and provides a home to this project. Thanks is due to a loyal and honest friend and adversary, Becky Kechter. She served as a typist, editorial board, and critic. Judge Shirley Hufstedler took time from her demandinq schedule and reviewed a draft of this document. She significantly reduced the tenacity which would have been required of the reader. My bosses, teachers and tormenters are Ernest C. Friesen and R.T. Williams. The two of them aiong with the writer, R.T.'s wife, Marianne, and Bill Whittaker shared the mountains and valleys during the journey which are described in this document. i Table of Contents I. Introduction 1 TI. The Institute for Court Management: A Summary of the First Two Years and the Future 3 111. Institute for Court nlanagement Development Program, Purposes, Goals and Philosophy 8 IV . Pre-Intern Program 1971 13 A. Overall Program Sequence 15 B. Immersion 15 C. Development Seminar 20 D. Internship 24 E. Books Distributed Prior to Summer Classwork 41 F. Sumer Classwork 42 G. Closing Seminar 43 H. Present Professional Positions Held by 1971 Pre-Intern Fellows 47 V. Post-Intern Program 1971 50 A. Overall Program Sequence 51 B. Immersion 53 C. Summer Classwork 55 D. Internship 89 E. Final Seminar 134 F. Present Professional Positions Held by 1971 Post-Intern Fellows 147 VI. Selection Process - 1972 Class 147 VIl. Changes in Projected Institute for Court Management Program for 1972 150 ii Table ~f Cqntentg (cQntd.1 VIII, Workshops in CoprC &flministration 152 IX. Summqry of 1972 ghqmges 158 X. University and ExbrqnUniversity Adaptations 160 XI. Appendix A - Fresenf Ppsitioss Held by 1970 Graduates 169 XII. Appendix B - Brief Qiqqraphical Sketches, Pre-Iptern 1971 Class 173 XIII. Appendix C - Br4ef qlographical Sketches, Post-Intern 1971 Class 179 XIV. Appendix D - Brief aiographical Sketches, 1972 Class 190 XV. Appendix E - SmalJ Madel Library for Court Executives 207 iii 1, INTRODUCTION The Institute for Court Management (ICY) is a recent addition to the family of organizations serving the judiciary. One focus of ICM has been on the development of professional managers to administer the courts. (For a full description of the EIistory, Formation and Funding of the Institute for Court Management see G. Gallas, Court Executive Training Program 1970: Documentation of the First Training Effort - Institute for Court Management, pp. 1-12). During 1970, the Institute initiated its first development program with thirty-one particioants. This program is described in detail in the report noted above. The report to follow will be descriptive of the 1971 development programs. During 1971 two programs occurred. For lack of better terms, the first class consisting of twenty-two individuals has been called the Pre-Intern Class (internship prior to formal classwork); and the second class consisting of thirty-five individuals has been called the Post-Intern Class (internship subsequent to formal classwork). As of December, 1971, the Institute developed eighty-seven Fellows for Court Management and related positions over a one-and-a-half year period. SKETCHES OF PROGRAMS The first group of twenty-two (Pre-Interns) commenced their program on April 12, 1971, and concluded on Septenber 17, 1971. The second class (Post-Interns) began on June 15, 1971, and compJeted their six-month development program on December IO, 1971. PRE-INTERNS The Pre-Interns experienced a five-phase sequence which differed -1- two-week Immersign. The Immersion was followed by an eleven-day Development Seminar in which plans were $aid for gn eight-week Intern- ship. Following the Internship, this group was in residepce for class- work for nina weeks. Their prograp copcluded with a ten-dgy Closing -Seminar. In summary, the Pre-Iqterp's program had the following design: Immersion, Development Seminar, Internship, Classwork, and Closing Semingr . POST-INTERNS This second group experienced the same sequence as the 1970 class Qf thirty-one. They began with a two week Lmmersion; this Immersion was folloyed by a nine-week Classwwk seqtian. (The two 1971 groups and their families were in residence together during the nine-week Classwork section). The Post-Interns moved from Classwork t0 a thirteen-week Internship. The Internship was folJowed by a two- week -Seminar which Concluded a six-month development program. In summary, the Post-Intern's program had the following sequence: Immersion, Classwork, Internship and Seminar. This report begins with a capsule of the Institute's past and future and a summary statement of what appears to be ICM's education44 purpose and philosophy. Following is a detailed description of the two 1971 development programs. The report concludes with a description of some of the basic changes to be implemented in 1972 and recammendations concerning future efforts and university and extra-university adaptations. ILTHE INSTITUTE FOR COURT MANAGEMENT: A SUMWRY OF THE FIRST TWO YEARS AND ,THE FUTURE' I 3. .I 1, Lk There is no organ of the society whose present state is more I L symptomatic of the challenges that face us than the justice system. Jl i' t The Institute for Cour Management was formed in response to a plea I for change by the Chief Justice of the United States on August 12, 1969. Under the lea ip of Ernest C. Friesen, Jr.,, the Institute I has developed into a le-oriented (justice administration) organi- zation that will not only train and develop court managers, but will \I also participate in the efforts of other groups in the field, provide 4 service to the organizat , and stimulate and conduct research and scholarship. i Like any organization, the Institute for Court Management (ICM) 43 has a modus operandi. .a set of norms and predispositions that control its collective behavior. As ICY'S first class completed their training, the Institute became increasingly aware of the necessity of making explicit a consistent educational philosophy. From its beginning, the Institute had a strong commitment to a total system orientation to the judicial environment. James Webb, formerly the Administrator of NASA and a member of the Institute's Board of Trustees, articulated this bias most eloquently when he told the first claqs, "Know your arena." The Institute's six-month course is designed to give each indi- vidual Fellow immersion in the judicial arena. One result is the Institute's emphasis on field experience rather than classroom instruc- tion. While in the field, trainees study relationships and interfaces -3- l and focus on functionally interacting systems (e.g. , sentencing and information sub-systems) in contrast to isolated structural sub-systems (e.g., the Probation Department and the Clerk's Office). A major aim of the program is rigorous exposure to the internal and external envi- ronment of the judiciary. Approximately one-half of each Institute class are making a career change. The Institute supports their attendance through a management fellowship, The other half are federal and state court employeee, usually in an administrative capacity, sent by their courts at court expense. During 1972, the ratio will change to one-third with fellow- ships, two-thirds with state or federal support. The first class was composed of 31 members, 22 of whom presently hold positions as court administrators. Six are State Court Administra- tors or staff to State Court Administrabors; eleven serve in State Trial Courts and five work within the Federal Judiciary. Six are employed in related areas, such as the National College of The State Judiciary, The Institute Of Judicial Administration, The Federal Judicial Center and The Institute for Court Management. Three are in teaching positions. Appendix A includes a complete listing of the positions held by the 1970 class. During 1971, the Institute conducted two classes with 56 students. The second of these two classes graduated on December_- 10, 1971, in Denver I at the Colorado Supreme Court. The twenty-two men who made up the first 1971 class were generally senior executives with extensive administrative experience in government. -4- Twelve were federgl executives, five caqe from the federal courts, and five from state court systems. This senior group wrote an extensive report on the federal judic- iary based on their observations during the Internships and the learn- ings of a six-month experience. The normal sequence of the course (see pages 1 & 2) differed for this group. They began with an Immersion, followed by a ten-day Development Seminar, a nine-week Internship, a nine-week summer Classwork section, and after a brief break, a two-week Seminar devoted to the preparation of a final report on the fedgral judiciary. This course design proved educationally sound with this group of experienced managers, but it was expensive in time and money because of the logistics involved.