Issue Number 444 December 2017, January 2018 From the Rector

Do your wurst

In the middle of November the bakery chain Greggs launched an OUR MISSION Advent Calendar. Its publicity campaign included an image depicting A community seeking to live well with God, the three wise men gathered around a crib containing a sausage roll. gathered around Jesus Christ in prayer and fellowship, It is fair to say that reaction was mixed: the social media group and committed to welcome, worship and witness. Christians on Twitter described the advert as ‘disrespectful’; the The Church Office Freedom Association (curiously one might think, given its name) , BD23 6AL called for a boycott of what it described as a ‘sick, anti-Christian 01756 710238 calendar’. On the other hand a member of the clergy commented in [email protected] The Rector a national newspaper that ‘the ability to receive (the calendar) in The Rectory, Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL good part is a sign of grace’. 01756 710326 Personally I was mildly amused that a bakery chain was marketing [email protected] an Advent Calendar in the first place (though I was astonished at the Curate 07495 151987 price of £24). As to being offended, I couldn’t really see what the [email protected] fuss was about: I simply do not consider a parody of a nativity scene Website a threat to my faith. A few days before Greggs launched the advertisement, news began to emerge of the extent and violence of

SUNDAY recent attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt. This is the true face of

08.00 Holy Communion persecution. By comparison, a rather vulgar advertisement is hardly life threatening. 09.15 Liquid Family Worship First Sunday of month The time when Christians in the should really start 10.30 Sung Eucharist to worry is when a major retailer’s advertising campaign can no 18.30 Evening Prayer (said) April to September longer rely on the traditional imagery of the Christmas story to sell 16.30 Evening Prayer (said) October to March its goods because nobody any longer knows the story. Keeping that WEDNESDAY story alive is the real, urgent, and long-term challenge for our faith, 10.00 Holy Communion not a rather gimmicky and ephemeral marketing ploy. Anne joins me in wishing you all a blessed 18.45 Choir Practice Christmas and peaceful New Year. All regular services are according to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), except for the Family service, an informal service for young and old. WEDDINGS and BAPTISMS: By arrangement via the Church Office.

1 2 RECTOR’S NOTES If Christmas comes can Lent be far behind? Advent: There will be three bible studies during Advent after the As there will not be another magazine until February, I hope you will 10.00 Eucharists on Wednesdays 06, 13, and 20 December from forgive very advance notice of the dates of our Lent Study Groups for 10.45 – 12.00. The first of these will be in the Rectory, the latter two 2018. Ash Wednesday will fall on 14 February, and there will be five in the Boyle Room. On Thursday 14 December from 14.00 – 16.00 parallel study sessions on Monday evenings (19, 26 February; 05, 12, I shall be offering an Advent reflection at Parcevall Hall in & 19 March) and Wednesday mornings (21, 28 February; 07, 14 & 21 Appletreewick, BD23 6DG. This is a free event and all are welcome. March). More details will be published in February. Christmas: Anne and I will once again be holding an open house Congratulations before Christmas. We’ll be serving tea, coffee, and mince pies on Shelagh Marshall OBE, a member of our worshipping community and Friday 22 December between 10.30 and 12.30. All are very welcome. former county councillor, has been elected an honorary alderman in The Priory Christmas services: These are listed in full elsewhere in recognition of her ‘eminent service’ to North . We offer the magazine, and on the magazine insert. The insert is an ideal Shelagh our warm congratulations on this well-deserved honour. means to communicate to friends and neighbours the good news about what the Priory is up to at Christmas. I am delighted that this LIVE NATIVITY year we are once again cooperating with our friends from the Bolton The live nativity will take place on 09 December in the Priory grounds, Abbey Estate in a live ‘promenade’ nativity play on Saturday 09 with two ‘shows’ at 11.00 and December, complete with brass band. Details of the Christmas 13.30. I’m hoping that the majority services are also on our website and will feature as regular Facebook of the cast will be drawn from the posts throughout December. Boyle and Petyt School. Come The New Year: We will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany at the along, hear the story, get close to Priory on Sunday 07 January, and Candlemas (which marks the end of the animals, sing carols, and enjoy the Christmas and Epiphany season) on Sunday 28 January. seasonal refreshments at the The Flowers: The consistent care and skilful attention to detail Friends of Beamsley School shown by our flower arrangers adds a significant dimension to our Christmas Fayre which is being held ministry at the Priory, and this is especially true at major festivals such in the Village Hall between 10.00 as Christmas. All of us who visit, and worship at, the Priory owe a and 16.00. huge debt to Lorna Freegard and her wonderful team for their There are still opportunities to get unstinting dedication throughout the year. involved. Our Musicians: Every Sunday of the year, and at other major Contact me on 07495 151987, or festivals, our choir under the direction of Tim Raymond support our email [email protected] worship with great dedication and skill. At a very busy time of year for If you’re interested to help, welcome. them it is both good and important to thank them publicly for the Many thanks immense contribution they make to our witness as a living community Jonathan of Christians. 3 4 PARISH CHURCH COUNCIL, 31 OCTOBER 2017 PAT JOLLY RIP Our mother may have been small in stature but she was certainly not As part of his curate’s training, Jonathan chaired this PCC meeting to be trifled with. She was born in Lytham St Annes in 1921, the with true professionalism. youngest of four sisters. Their mother died when she was just four The PCC agreed to a request received from the Commonwealth War years old. She was brought up by an aunt and her father. Her sisters Graves Commission to erect a sign alerting visitors to the presence of no doubt had their say too. She left school at 16, having passed the grave of Lt William Sutton Smeeth in the Priory graveyard. matriculation, to look after the house in Heaton Moor near Stockport Lt Smeeth died on 17 July 1917 at the age of 22. where they all lived. Apart from the housekeeping, I think life was lots Tony Cantlow reported that he had attended the Skipton Deanery of fun. We have wonderful photos. Synod on 12 September at St Mary’s Kelbrook, where they had WW II was to change everything. Mum joined the WAAF and became resurrected the church community which was heart warming and a plotter, deploying the counters across a map to show incoming air encouraging. raids and fighter deployment. One particular air raid headed for their The electoral roll is now standing at 220 following the death of Pat station, and although Mum was safe in the underground Ops Room, Jolly. there were casualties topside. Tragically at about the same time The Rector and Margaret Cody now have the benefit of new lighting in Mum’s then fiancé, Bill Abrahams, was killed in a tank battle. Our their offices, which will make their lives more illuminated. parents, who had known each other for some years, were married in Unfortunately a lady visitor fell backwards in the Priory after catching 1944. After I was born we moved to a house in Cheadle Hulme. Dad her foot on a column. The ambulance took over one hour to arrive. played golf at Heaton Moor Golf Club and Mum played tennis at the We also had an abandoned stolen 4 wheel drive vehicle on the Club in Bramhall. My sister Carole was born and in 1957 we moved to driveway of the Priory. The police initially thought that the culprits Ilkley. In 1959 Dad set up Alan R Jolly Ltd. Getting the company going may have been in the Priory. This was not so but everyone must be was hard work and Mum became Dad’s secretary for a couple of aware of the rising crime in the area. If someone suspected of criminal years, and the company began to prosper. activity does seek to hide in the Priory the police must be called. Socially, bridge, golf and holidays flourished. Mum became the Ilkley After a lengthy and useful discussion on the progress of the heating Ladies Golf Captain and then President. On a more global scale she system Matt Hey, chairman of the Works Committee, proposed to was made President of the Harrogate and District Society of Lady Golf petition the Chancellor for a Faculty to undertake the works for the Captains. new heating system as recommended by the Works Committee. A Mum was also involved in fund raising for the RNLI. She used to visit vote was taken with 16 people in favour, one against and one Arden Lea on Queen’s Drive to see the patients there and became abstention. Chairman of the House Committee. Latterly she was a guide at the The Rector on behalf of the PCC thanked Jonathan for all his hard Priory, coffee maker and supporter of many Priory events. work together with the Works Committee, especially Matt Hey, who My sister Carole had a very special relationship with Mum who would willingly meets and greets professionals and contractors on site. always confide in her and latterly when Mum had any sort of difficulty Gerry Yates reported that he would be undertaking a review of the she would contact Carole first. Welcome Team’s season before the start of the new guiding season. I would like to thank everyone for the help and support you have The Rector announced good news about the Parish Share given to Mum which was so important to her, and to the family, assessment, which will be £6,000 less in 2018 than in 2017. particularly after Dad died. That support strengthened in the last few months. She was a remarkable little lady, mother, grandmother, great Sandra Stubbs grandmother who will be missed by so many people. PCC Secretary Peter Jolly 5 6 DOES BUSINESS SERVE GOD OR MAMMON? out-thought, out-loved, and out-lived their competitors in the quality This was the question posed at the second annual Thinking Faith of their lives. In a world scarred by the scandal of rising inequality, Conference held at Bradford Cathedral on 04 November. Subsidiary Prabhu suggests that this is our challenge now. questions put to four godly thought leaders included: What's the The fourth and final speaker was Stewart Davies, CEO of an AIM-listed impact of our business on other people, the planet and ourselves? PLC in the Environmental Services sector, with 30 years' experience in Whom exactly are we serving at work: customers, management or the petrochemical, steel and cement industries and Lay Reader in the God? How do we understand business and the kingdom? Church of . Stewart reflected on the fast-changing and The first speaker was the Revd Andrew Baughen, Vicar of Saint James temporary nature of business. In the 1920s the average life Clerkenwell, Honorary Visiting Fellow at Cass Business School and expectancy of a Standard & Poor Company was 67 years – it is now former management consultant in banking strategy. He looked at just 15 years. He argued that the role of leaders in organisations is to what we might understand about wealth from Jesus’ teaching in the create a culture where all can be whole-hearted in their work Sermon on the Mount (specifically Matthew 6). ‘Wealth’ he argued is (Colossians 3:17 and 23). about comfort, security, joy and identity, which in themselves are not The conference was a real encouragement because it provided great bad, they may even be a sign of blessing, but for Jesus the important examples of Christian witness providing ‘salt’ in places that are thing is perspective. Problems arise when individuals/businesses frequently ‘unsavoury’. I expect there will be another conference store up wealth and create scarcity; making wealth our treasure around November time next year and I recommend it to any who dehumanises us. want to make connections between their faith and the world of work. The second speaker was Jill Garrett, Executive Director of Tentpeg Jonathan Consulting, former secondary school head teacher and European Managing Director of Gallup. Jill looked at the story of Zacchaeus, GIFT DAY Luke 19. 1-10, a story of workplace transformation, noting that Zacchaeus: stayed working as a tax collector; made himself look Last year, 2016, we were unable to pay in full our Parish Share of stupid in his quest to meet Jesus; repented; was generous; £130,000 – the amount we pay to central diocesan funds to support demonstrated that he served a new master. Jill also highlighted ministry across the whole diocese. We fell short by £20,000. This year Gallup research which had demonstrated positive business impacts we have benefited from a £10,000 decrease in the amount we have when employees positively identify with the following statements: ‘At been asked to pay in Share, but we are still going to be unable to pay work I have the chance to do what I do well every day’; ‘My manager, the full amount from our ordinary income as we have a projected or someone here cares about me as a person’; ‘My opinions count’; ‘I deficit of £10,000. With this in mind, the Finance Committee agreed receive regular and appropriate praise’; ‘My work has meaning’. last month that we should have a Gift Day on Sunday 10 December. The whole worshipping community at the Priory is invited to make an The third speaker was Professor Prabhu Guptara, independent board extra contribution on that day to help us bridge the difference of member, board consultant and keynote speaker on the implications £10,000. Special envelopes will be distributed on Sunday 03 of global trends for organisational strategy. The professor sign- December, and will also be available on the Gift Day itself. The Priory posted us to a recently published book, God, Justice and Society, by benefits from two full time clergy whose stipends, housing, and on- Jonathan Burnside. He posed the following questions: why did the costs exceed our Parish Share contribution. Please bear this in mind early Christian believers overcome the Roman Empire? Why did the and give with appropriate generosity. Reformers overcome the Roman Catholic Church? Why did the 18th and 19th century Evangelicals overcome those who promoted early Thank you. capitalism and the slave trade? His answer, because they Rector 7 8

THE WEDNESDAY NIGHTERS Wednesdays, Bolton Abbey Village Hall at 19.30 On the 06 December we will hold our Christmas Dinner at 19.00 for 19.30, tickets at £12 are available from Barbara Pickersgill 01756 710630. This is the last meeting of the season. We restart on 07 February with ‘Exploring a Dale’, a PowerPoint presentation and talk by Mark Saville. Everyone is very welcome to come along. Entrance is free, we hold a raffle to cover the cost of the hire of the hall, speaker and I am delighted to tell you that Baby Basics has been nominated for a refreshments, please be generous. If you would like to help with tea Community Star Award which celebrates volunteering in Bradford. and cake after the meeting please have a word with Margaret Cody The category Baby Basics has been nominated for a Better Start 01756 710587. Bradford Outstanding Achievement Award which recognises groups POSTCARDS FOR THE SUDAN supporting vulnerable families. Please remember that we are still collecting new and old postcards, Baby Basics has been put forwarded by a Health Visitor who has with their stamp on, for the Sudan. Stamps on their own are worth distributed many Moses Baskets to help some very needy cases. very little but with the postcard they are worth much more. We are up against two other nominees but, even if not awarded a WORLD’S BIGGEST COFFEE MORNING UPDATE medal, it will hopefully bring publicity and raise The absolute final amount of money sent to Macmillan was £1,000. the profile of this very Monies kept trickling in and yes this was the needy cause. Watch this exact total!! space! A great big thank you to everyone who helped Again, I cannot thank in any way to raise this amazing amount of enough the many money. people at the Priory who THE PRIORY CHRISTMAS CARD have donated so The 2017 Priory Christmas Card is available on the sales table at the generously to support back of the church. It is a watercolour of a local winter scene by Baby Basics. Catherine Bartle, do take a look. A pack of 10 cards costs £5. Mary Vineall

CHRISTMAS TABLE There is a special Christmas section on the Lorely Rossell, pictured here, who runs the group, said: ‘It’s fantastic, sales table. Please take a look at the we are quite a new group; we have only been running for a year. We Christmas ornaments, baubles and ideas for work with midwives who identify women who are in need, and they Christmas gifts. New items are arriving all the pass on their details to us. By giving them the packs it gives the baby time so please keep looking. There are somewhere clean to sleep and nappies and wipes, which is one thing children's Christmas books as well as all the less for the mothers to worry about. A lot of them are vulnerable, usual items. asylum seekers or coming out of abusive relationships, often living in hostels’. 9 10

DECEMBER 24 SUNDAY ADVENT 4, CHRISTMAS EVE 08.00 Holy Communion 02 Saturday 09.00 Meeting of those wishing to be 10.30 Sung Eucharist married at the Priory 16.00 Christingle 03 SUNDAY ADVENT SUNDAY 23.30 First Communion of Christmas 09.15 Liquid Family Service 25 MONDAY CHRISTMAS DAY 16.30 Advent Carol Service 08.00 Holy Communion 17.30 Friends Advent Supper 10.00 Festal Eucharist 06 Wednesday 10.45 Advent Bible Study 27 Wednesday St John 19.00 The Wednesday Nighters 28 Thursday Holy Innocents Christmas Dinner 31 SUNDAY FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 07 Thursday 19.00 Bolton Abbey Estate Carol Service in the Priory JANUARY 2018 09 Saturday 11.00 Live Nativity in the ruins 01 Monday The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus

13.30 Live Nativity in the ruins 06 Saturday The Epiphany 10 SUNDAY ADVENT 2 07 SUNDAY THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST 15.00 Roaming Carols 09.15 Liquid Family Service 12 Tuesday 19.30 PCC 14 SUNDAY EPIPHANY 2 21 SUNDAY EPIPHANY 3 13 Wednesday 10.45 Advent Bible Study 14 Thursday 14.00 Advent reflection at Parcevall Hall 27 Saturday 09.00 Meeting of those wishing to be married at the Priory 16 Saturday 12.30 Marriage of Jonathan Burton and 28 SUNDAY SEPTUAGESIMA Jenny Bollington 30 Tuesday 19.30 PCC 17 SUNDAY ADVENT 3 FEBRUARY 12.30 Holy Baptism 02 Friday The Presentation of Christ in the William Wardrope Temple, Candlemas 16.30 Service of Lessons and Carols 04 SUNDAY SEXAGESIMA 19 Tuesday 19.30 Bolton Abbey WI 09.15 Liquid Family Service 20 Wednesday 10.45 Interment of Ashes, Maureen Roberts ASH WEDNESDAY 10.45 Advent Bible Study If you have any palm crosses left over from last year we would be very 21 Thursday 18.00 Boyle and Petyt Carol Service grateful to receive them to make ash for Ash Wednesday 14 March. 22 Friday 10.30 Rectory Open House Please leave them in church.

11 12 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING MANAGER BOLTON ABBEY CRICKET CLUB Andrew Hartley has undertaken this job with great success and the 2017 SEASON minimum of fuss for the last few years. He is now relinquishing this The 2017 season was a good one for the role. The magazine team wishes to express their heartfelt thanks to club. The 1sts were competitive throughout Andrew who quietly gets on with the job in his own inimitable fashion the summer and were in contention for and the adverts appear painlessly. As a consequence of his efforts we promotion until the final few games of the are able to deliver a copy to everyone in the parish of Bolton Abbey, to season. Finishing third again in Division 3 is the congregation and to the many visitors who pick up the magazine, an excellent team performance and free of charge. We are enormously grateful to Andrew. congratulations must go to Dave Burton, We need someone who will pick up the baton or should I say in this who captained the side well throughout case, the gavel!! the season. The 2nds also had some great games with several very Andrew has kindly written a short job description, see below, and he close finishes and they did well to remain in Division 6. has also penned a fuller explanation of the job. The 1sts had at least seven games in which victory was secured in the If you are interested in taking over this role please contact: final few balls of the last over (who said cricket is boring?!) and as ever Val Middleton, Editor there were many fine individual performances. Kev Holme, Phil Email : [email protected] or Tel: 01943 430654 Midgley and Josh Haig demonstrated imperious batting throughout the season. Opening bowlers Will Lord and Will Patchett both had fine JOB DESCRIPTION - MAGAZINE seasons, with Will Patchett ending as leading wicket-taker; Jake and ADVERTISING MANAGER Ben Parkinson were as usual match-winning all-rounders. The highlight of the season for me was the game against Rainton. With This is a job which covers mainly just a strong batting line-up Bolton Abbey batted first but collapsed to a four months of the year, February to very low score; plenty of overs remained but the side had just one May. wicket in-hand. In the face of what seemed certain defeat Andy The manager needs access to a Jennings and Merv Holme batted with resolution and style. computer, a printer, the internet and Circumspect at first, they gradually started to punish the bad ball, the of course snail mail. He/she will be last-wicket partnership steadily gathered runs. Andy Jennings is a contacting existing advertisers, classy batsman and is always a pleasure to watch and he led the updating copy, canvassing the odd partnership ending with 99 not out. In a supporting role, Merv was new customer, and of course chasing brilliant! There was no way he was going to get out and he despatched unpaid accounts which have been the bad ball to the boundary with powerful stroke-play ending with 24 previously sent out. not-out. The pair gave the Bolton Abbey side a total of 175-9, and the The advertising year starts with the opposition had gone from giddy euphoria to despair! Opening bowler May magazine so the run up is really late February to mid April when Will Lord then produced a devastating spell of swing bowling, taking -7 the new full set of copy goes to the printers. 16 which totally destroyed Rainton’s batting line-up and secured a It is therefore a job which is carried out entirely at times to suit the stunning victory which took the side back to third place in Division 3. manager, with just external deadlines to meet. Computer skills are restricted to exchange of correspondence and attachments. Any The 2nds had a much better season in 2017, with player availability far design work is done by the printers or the advertisers themselves. less of a problem and the team scored a respectable 35 points in the It is an uncomplicated but essential job. Andrew Hartley 13 14 season helping them remain in Division 6. Highlights of the year MARY’S MEALS – PROJECT SALT include Jeremy Harrison’s 115no supported by Graham Lord, who Fundraising has been going at quite a pace, and we scored 37, against West Tanfield. James Crozier’s 79 and Tom have managed to achieve a total of £9,604. We need Eggleston’s 35 helped secure a great win against Blubberhouses. to raise £9,980 by the end of November - a shortfall Jeremy Harrison was again in fine form when he scored 119 against of just £376, so any final donations would be Thirsk supported by Leon Onosko who scored 59. Leon’s 66, Pete gratefully received. Cockcroft’s 5-22 and Tom Pugh’s 4-27 were impressive performances Over the two years since we have supported the Sawali School we which helped the team to an excellent win against Marton-cum- have raised £18,279. This is a real achievement, and I'd like to thank Grafton. every person who has been involved in any way, large or small, for Following the success of the 2017 annual dinner, where Yorkshire and all your efforts! THANK YOU SO MUCH! England fast bowler Ryan Sidebottom was guest speaker, the 2018 Jonathan and I have decided we won't re-sponsor the school next dinner is planned for early 2018. If you would like to attend, or year as a particular project, however we will keep fundraising for perhaps would like to play cricket for Bolton Abbey, please get in Mary's Meals and the amazing work they do. Please continue to touch with Rob Mayo [email protected] or 07808 771264 support us in any way you can. It's much appreciated. Rebecca Cain PARKING AT THE PRIORY The stakes are now in around the grassed areas. Please be aware that FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS parking is very limited near the Church so please park in the village car INTERMENT OF ASHES park, free of charge, and walk down to the Priory leaving what parking 08 October Winifred Styche there is for those less able. You are very welcome to drop passengers 15 October Colin Crabtree off and then go to the village car park, via the north gate. OCTOBER FIGURES BOOKING BOLTON ABBEY VILLAGE HALL The average weekly attendance at all Sunday services of adults and children was 129. The average weekly receipts to the Priory in If you are interested in booking the hall please either October was £1,815. In October 11,562 visitors were recorded. email, [email protected]

PRIORY MAGAZINE DEADLINE – FEBRUARY MAGAZINE Please may we have any copy by 15 January sent either to the Editor or the Church Office.

Ilkley and Otley Choral Societies Handel’s Messiah St Margaret’s Church, Ilkley Saturday 09 December at 19.00 Tickets at £12 are available from the Grove Bookshop, Ilkley or from choir members and on the door at the concert.

15 16 GIVING TO THE PRIORY MAGAZINE ARCHIVES £250,000 is needed each year to continue the 100 YEARS AGO-DECEMBER 1917 ministry and mission of the Priory. Whether you PAR0CHIAL NOTES are a regular, occasional or one-off worshipper, parishioner or visitor please consider giving to Halton East Mission Church - The attendance at the services on support the work of this ancient church. Tuesday evenings has been most encouraging since they began on If you would like to join the planned giving October 2nd. The choir, under the assiduous attentions of Mr W scheme, please contact the Church Office. Leech, though small, is enthusiastic and Mr Stephen Lawson is You can also make donations via text … becoming quite an accomplished organist; the church is always clean Text BOLP05 £10 to 70070 to donate to Bolton and warm under the care of Mrs Lambert. Priory. You can make a different donation by Carol Service - The Abbey Choir is preparing some Christmas Carols changing the amount. to be sung at the evening service in the Abbey on the Sunday after …and on-line at Christmas; no carols have been sung there for many years and it is hoped that many people will avail themselves of the opportunity of acquainting themselves with one of the most beautiful forms of Thank you. church music. Organist - Our readers will be glad to know that Mr Moore is now able to bicycle again from Ilkley to take up his duties as organist. It is RAG BAG TEXTILE RECYCLING SCHEME about eight months since he broke his thigh and many people at the time thought he would never cycle again, but pluck and The Friends of Boyle and Petyt Primary School raise funds by determination have carried the day and we tender him our heartiest participating in the Rag Bag textile recycling scheme. There is a large congratulations. metal bin in the school car park to deposit Barden School - The Day School has reopened again after being items that you no longer want but which can closed on account of whooping cough; It has been an unfortunate be re-used. Rag Bag welcome wearable year for epidemics at Barden, but we hope they will be clear now for men’s, ladies’ and children’s clothing, paired a long time. shoes, handbags and belts, deposited in the bin in a securely tied plastic bag. The items The Abbey Boiler - The Heating Apparatus at the Abbey - The boiler will then be sorted and graded for re-use or has been found to be leaking so badly that it is at present quite recycling. impossible to warm the building sufficiently to hold services there The bin, which has frequently been full in the during the rest of this winter. It is probable that we shall be faced past, will now be emptied on a fortnightly with the difficulty and expense of finding a new boiler. Practically all basis, but please note that Rag Bag do not boiler making firms are now on war work and give very little hope of take other items such as pillows, duvets, our obtaining a new boiler during the war. The Bishop has been towels or curtains. applied to for permission to hold all services in the Boyle Room until further notice. Friends of Boyle and Petyt Primary School 100 years later the heating is still a cause for concern. Editor

17 18 National Egg Collection for the Wounded - Mr W B Lawson who is BOLTON ABBEY CHARITY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR secretary for the above collection in Bolton Abbey Parish, sends the following report of the collection begun in March,1915: Thank you to everyone who helped and those who bought from the charity stalls at the Bazaar. The Bolton Abbey WI supplied excellent 1915….3850 eggs. teas and everyone had a 1916….6728 eggs and £1 in cash. splendid afternoon. The Priory stall had a 1917….1665 eggs and £4 in cash. wonderful Christmas Mr Lawson has recently received the display. Carol Wade and following letter from Mr F Carl, the Val Middleton who Hon. Director in : coordinated the stall would like to thank ‘I shall be obliged if you will convey to everyone for their support the members of your society and and donations. There will accept also yourself the grateful be a Christmas Sale in the appreciation of my committee for your Boyle Room after the kindly interest and practical support. morning service on 10 It is doubly welcome at this time when December. The Priory Table eggs are so badly needed for our brave Margaret Cody lads lying in the Base Hospitals in France, far from kith and kin.’

ROLL OF HONOUR 1917 Mr and Mrs Henry Holmes have received news that their son Herbert Dates for your diary: Priory Concerts in 2018 has died of wounds in France. Private Herbert Holmes was living in Doncaster when he joined up, but he was well known in the parish Saturday 28 April Manchester Chorale and we are sure that our readers will join in offering sympathy to his Saturday 26 May Settle Orchestra bereaved parents and to his widow and children. A Memorial Service was held in the Mission Room at Hazlewood on Friday, December Saturday 16 June Cantores Olicanae st 21 , close to the house where Mr Herbert Holmes was born. Saturday 30 June Leeds Philharmonic Chorus Private Charles Binns has again been wounded and is in hospital in England. Corporal George Robinson and Private John Hartley have both been suffering for some weeks from the effects of gas poisoning. Private James Atkins has been missing for some months and much sympathy is felt for Mrs Atkins, of Deerstones, in her suspense.


Rector The Revd Canon Simon Cowling 01756 710326 LOGS TO BURN Curate The Revd Jonathan Cain 07495 151987 Beechwood fires burn bright and clear Hon Assistant Clergy The Revd James Turnbull The Revd Christopher Armstrong If the logs are kept a year: Church Office Margaret Cody 01756 710238 Store your beech for Christmas-tide, Churchwardens Paul Middleton 01943 430654 With new-cut holly laid beside. Matthew Hey 07702 555339 Chestnut's only good, they say, Deputy Churchwardens Susan Barker 01756 711260 Barry Cody 01756 710587 If for logs 'tis stored away. PCC Secretary Sandra Stubbs 01943 463332 Birch and Firwood burn too fast, PCC Treasurer Michael Heatley 01423 509629 Blaze too bright and do not last; Gift Aid Peter Loweth 01756 711129 Flames from Larch will shoot up high, Director of Music Tim Raymond Dangerously the sparks will fly. [email protected] Works Committee Matthew Hey 07702 555339 But Ash-wood green and Ash-wood brown Deanery Synod Andrew Hartley 01943 600645 Are fit for a queen with golden crown. Tony Cantlow 01756 797478 Diocesan Synod Andrew Hartley 01943 600645 Oaken logs, if dry and old, Verger Tony Cantlow 01756 797478 Keep away the winter's cold; Sacristan Jennifer Hardaker Chalicists’ Rota Mike Vineall 01756 753013 Poplar gives a bitter smoke, Liquid Worship Judith Schofield 01756 720065 Fills your eyes and makes you choke; Electoral Roll Margaret Cody 01756 710238 Elm-wood burns like churchyard mould, Child Protection Libby Packett 01943 817450 E'en the very flames are cold. Disabled Representative Sidesmen’s Rota Stephen Murgatroyd 01943 880091 Hawthorn bakes the sweetest bread. Flower Rota Lorna Freegard 01943 607907 So it is in Ireland said; Welcome Team Leader Gerry Yates 01535 610690 Apple wood will scent your room, Cleaning Rota Andrew Wade 01943 862614 Pear wood smells like flowers in bloom, Magazine Editor Val Middleton 01943 430654 But Ash-wood wet and Ash-wood dry [email protected] Magazine Deputy Editor Judith Allen 01943 434434 A King may warm his slippers by. Magazine Advertising Andrew Hartley 01943 816363 Magazine Distribution Rosemary Murgatroyd 01943 880091 Priory Friends Jill Riley 01943 830190

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