User Interface Software Technology BRAD A. MYERS Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University ^
[email protected]& The user interface of an application is the application to draw pictures on the the part that the person using the soft- screen and get input from the user, and ware sees and interacts with. The part the window manager allows the end of the software that makes the user user to move windows around, and is interface work is often large, complex, responsible for displaying the title lines, and difficult to implement, debug, and borders, and icons around the windows. modify. Today direct manipulation in- However, many people and systems use terfaces (also called graphical user in- the name “window manager” to refer to terface (GUI’s)) are almost universal, both layers, since systems such as the and the part of the software that han- Macintosh and Microsoft Windows do dles the user interface generally takes a not separate them. significant percentage of the total sys- On top of the windowing system is the tem design and implementation time toolkit, which contains many commonly [Myers and Rosson 1992]. Therefore, used widgets such as menus, buttons, specialized software tools have been cre- scroll bars, and text-input fields. Tool- ated to ease the programmer’s burden, kits usually connect to application pro- and today virtually all new user inter- grams through call-back procedures de- face software uses tools that make the fined by the application programmer implementation easier. Many of these that are used when a widget is operated tools have demonstrated significant pro- by the end user.