Letter to the House of Representatives Concerning The
Letter of 14 April 2015 to the House of Representatives from the Minister of Security and Justice, Ard van der Steur, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bert Koenders, the Minister of Defence, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, and the State Secretary for Infrastructure and the Environment, Wilma Mansveld, concerning the state of affairs with regard to the MH17 air disaster We are writing, on behalf of the prime minister, to give you an overview of the current state of affairs with regard to the disaster involving Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. This letter will also discuss the following: • the request made by the Permanent Committee on Foreign Affairs (and Security and Justice), hereinafter ‘VKC’, for a response to the report on RTL Nieuws entitled ‘It was a BUK missile’ (20 March, 201504979/2015D10238); • the VKC’s request concerning the consequences of the amnesty arrangement in the Minsk Agreement of 12 February 2015 for suspected perpetrators of or persons responsible for the downing of flight MH17 (additional to the previous response of 12 February 2015, House of Representatives, 2014-2015, 33997-35); • MP Raymond de Roon’s request (7 April) for a letter concerning the report entitled ‘Secret report leaked: the Netherlands knew about MH17 air defence missiles’ (Rtlnieuws.nl, 4 April 2015) and the debate requested previously by MP Pieter Omtzigt on the same subject (22 January 2015): • the actions resulting from the motion submitted by MP Sjoerd Sjoerdsma on consultations with the aviation sector with a view to improving information gathering and risk analysis (House of Representatives, 2014-2015, 33997-32, 12 February 2015).
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