Serializability, not Serial: Concurrency Control and Availability in Multi-Datacenter Datastores Stacy Patterson1 Aaron J. Elmore2 Faisal Nawab2 Divyakant Agrawal2 Amr El Abbadi2 1Department of Electrical Engineering 2Department of Computer Science Technion - Israel Institute of Technology University of California, Santa Barbara Haifa, 32000, Israel Santa Barbara, CA 93106
[email protected] faelmore,nawab,agrawal,
[email protected] ABSTRACT create applications within the eventual consistency model We present a framework for concurrency control and avail- [21]. Many cloud providers then introduced support for ability in multi-datacenter datastores. While we consider atomic access to individual data items, in essence, provid- Google's Megastore as our motivating example, we define ing strong consistency guarantees. This consistency level general abstractions for key components, making our solu- has become a standard feature that is offered in most cloud tion extensible to any system that satisfies the abstraction datastore implementations, including BigTable, SimpleDB, properties. We first develop and analyze a transaction man- and Apache HBase [17]. Strong consistency of single data agement and replication protocol based on a straightforward items is sufficient for many applications. However, if several implementation of the Paxos algorithm. Our investigation data items must be updated atomically, the burden to imple- reveals that this protocol acts as a concurrency prevention ment this atomic action in a scalable, fault tolerant manner mechanism rather than a concurrency control mechanism. lies with the software developer. Several recent works have We then propose an enhanced protocol called Paxos with addressed the problem of implementing ACID transactions Combination and Promotion (Paxos-CP) that provides true in cloud datastores [3, 11, 12], and, while full transaction transaction concurrency while requiring the same per in- support remains a scalability challenge, these works demon- stance message complexity as the basic Paxos protocol.