POINTE FEAT~RES NEWS CLASSIFIEDS EVERY WEEK Gross~ Pointe l~ews WORK. USE THEMI Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes '------...; .._---_.-

VOL:UME 7-NO. 42 Enured ... second Clus Matler at tbe P~t Office at DetroIt, MIch. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, OCTOBER 17, 1946 $2.00 Per Year-5c Per Copy Fully Paid Circulation SCHOOL TO COST OVER 400,000 Bad Qrivers DEADLINES 'Woods Residents Clean Up Their New Park I Council of Veteran Bids Reveal . , of th" Pay Penalty Drastic Jump "rEEK Affairs Cites Need As Compi~eJ by th. In Court In Costs Grosse Point. News Judge Belanger Imposes Stiff First Section of Vernier.Mlle~ Thursday; October 10 Fines, Revokes Licenses, For Time Extension Structure Will Contain THE FOUR POWER Allied Sends One to Jail Con trol Council. is scheduled to Greatly Increased. Use of Facilities Prompts Request for 18 Classrooms complete !!s review of appeals Judge' C. Joseph Belanger Funds to Continue Operations Until At a special meeting of the of 16 convicted Nazi leaders to. day. with all indications being disposed _of the following March' 15 Grosse Pointe Board of Edu- that the Council would refuse cases' in Woods Traffic Court ------cation on October 10 at 8 to ease the Nuernberg tribunal's held Tuesd.a' y, O"tober 8: Greatly increased use by veterans of the Grosse Pointe o'clock p. m., bids for the.lB- decisions. 't. Council of Veterans Affairs, and permission granted by the Sol' Ir'eland Finch, 38, of f th t h' h h ,. h h d room section of t.he new Ver- " " . owners 0 I e proper Y on w IC t e quonset ut ea. nier School were received and . fi MERT WERTHEIMER, gam- 24583 Colin Kelly, Detroit, for quarters of the, council are located, to remain there. for a opened by a committee of the bling operator, sought since Au- dnmk driving, causing an ac- longer period, have led that organization to request the Board consisting of Secretary gust 1, surrendered. Wednesday various Pointe communities to provide funds which would night to Circuit judge Hermjln cident, on August 30, was fin- enable the. council to continue to operate in its present Ralph M, Clark and Treasur- Dehnke, .grand juror investig"at- ed $105 or 90 days and license location until March 15, 1947. • . er Charles A. Poupard. Rep- ing la" lil\v enforcem.ent in Ma- r'evoked.for a year. ~revious plans called .for dos- I d t- resentatives of contracting comb County. Marvin John -Fabris, 20, of ing ,the9uarters and terminating n UCIons firms were present. • " 0 144 8 ""--tb D t it f k th'll. set;':lces for the veterans 8S Three types of bid.! were open. 'rHE FORD MOTOR COM- 5 ....." urn, e ro , or rec - nf November 1, when it was be- H It d H _ ed-one for the general archi. PANY will dose its automobile less driving -on August 5. fined lieved it would b; necessary to a e ere tedural contract; one for me" and truck plants at the end of $35 or 30 days and license re- remove the hut from the prop- chanical,. in c 1u din g heaUnl. the second shift today until voked for 3 months. erty. The owners have now indi- plumbing and ventilation; and Monday, and with layolI~ con- John Leo Tysar, 19, of 39M cated. their plana for building Floyd Beitxel, Chairman of one for electrical.. . tinUing at the Chrysler Corp: McDougall Detroit, for reckless l'-"e been postponed and state f d I I SilC architedural bids were r~ and the Briggs Manufacturing driving n' August 5 Ih~ed $35 or the cou!lc~1may re! ain until next Ora t Boar 57, ssues ceived, ranginlt from $349,850 Co., nearly 110,000 workers will o , . March.if It so_.jeslres. Announcement . I down to $279,770. be idle. 30 days, license revoked for a A canvass of services performed ~ Only three mechanical bids " " . year. at the council headquarters shows Floyd M. Beitzel, Chairman of were received, and these varied SIGNS MULTIPLIEo' that' the William, J. Eigeman, 36, of that dUring the past two months local Draft Board No. n,. Grosse from a high of $W3,665 to a low govcrnment might welcome Ar- 20629 Nesbitt, Gratiot Township, veterans have beenmakinggreat~ Pointe, announced tlre following of $99,800. gentine beef to America's meat- for drunk driving causing an ac- ly ~creased. use. of , th!! "council. regarding cancellation of induc- .There were seven electrical less dinner tables as a lever to cident on August 24, sentenced DU~Jng the SllCweeks period from tion call, effective Midnight bids lI)ld these ranged from a. pry home-bred cattle off west- to 30 days in the county jaiL August 10 to September 25, the Tuesday, October 15. high of $35,620 to • low of' ern ranges. Ambassador Oscar Richard Van Assche 19 of 735 counselors have assisted '193 vet- ''P . t to. tr t' 1 I $28,685. . _ Ivanissentine of Argentina said , ,. . . ersua;n -, inS uc 10DS, oca ,Following the re~el'pt and- Roslyn, Grosse Pointe Woods, for erans in on.e form of servi<;'ll or I d ill t f d any g ~ that he is ready to offel' Argen- reckless driving on __September another. ThiS contrasts. with_ 223 :,oar a w ~o orwar r~ • reading of the bids, President of tina's help to combat the short. 28, causing an accident was fined veterans servstart the work 'Of clean- months, and he was put. on pro- Of these 793 there were 718 reach examJn~g station on or aft- and the bids were referred for GENER~L JOSEPH W. STrL. mg. up th e VI'11'age s new Iy acqUIred. t.A""ac h par,''k a portion of the Edsel Ford estate. bation to make ,restitution. 'or . v; terans who were first-time cal!- er,.Oc,tober 1 " analysis and a report at an early' - WELL, 6th Army commander, is Weeds were mowed and burned, rocks were cleared from th~ waterfront" brush was daml}jles done to. a parked car ers and 75 repeat calls. Many of All local b?ards are a~o. ~l- date in the future to aconunit-. (~, critically ill In Letterman Ge,n- cu.t and shrubs trim,J~ed.-A,con""uat~on of, the Bee V>Il.I,IbeJleld th.,is. Sunday fro, m 1 and public property. Richard hit th~e_calls were for asSistance in ~ected to ~onl1.n.uetheir actlVlties tGe~II'cls0nsistidngvof1ltthe -IarChitMect, . eraosp-.1 H Ita1,suffe.riIll from .'0 t 6 :p.m. an.:.~d .11ires.. l 'd.epxr~e!l;ll'le_o.'on,t" ..d=t be h !1nc:iwithti.l~~r.1o<>_s,.~()1 - help, with .the . a,'fire. 'hy.dran,t and ,.• parked car applY'lng fO.=,rm'~.., L-eave,Pay- m, .thed ,regIStratIont b . t ,of dpersons,d .re-th RalIe_h M.anCl k a5 e" t nc., f thr. ;~~~~l~rca~'!~~~~~: . ,many, chores th.t';f,bli~\ti:f;!bei ?il4i.\:::~,~:1'',. ",':,~' t, .. 'i~~':i~~~.':!:F*,,~'....., .s;. a~ JloU~oyi"f;?~.and'..~,t~~; .. d' r:~!I~,~utjt,i&s~!1!!,i1}her~ i!: in.. ,Cl1¥rio o.. ~regls ere ~ 'Ilr: p ,ar _'. ecre aty 0 ,. ,junglH. B d f Ed - B h oory , c . 0 ca. es: e are'repeatiiig.tl1elr use of the ,. c •. n 0 ~ e Essert ';d Directo; of .Adminis. " " • oar 0 Dca"tlon e" s Ent u's' I"as" .. tl"C- was. found gll1lty - of, disorderly services on a wide. scale because cahon acllons, reqUIred under While cloudy skies cheated . .. ~ - ,. . ; _.. ..: . .. g conduct, for throwing bottles, in of new and 'difficult problems prest;nt provisi0.ns of S~lective ~~:~:hd~erv~:, ~~in:~te~a~~g " most DetmJt sky-gazers out of F' \ H". f. T'.."'.."'(~h""';:'::"}--..;' - - ..- , ks the street on September 20, fined that are just beginning to appear ServICe ,reg~lations. Action on report to the Board at a special T Gr' , $2~ ?r 30 d~ys, and fo~ reckless under G.!. legislation. veteran~ d81ms for re-employ- a peek at Wednesday_ night's. or .ome.s. or ea'.c.. ...e'rg. O.,U p- ',_..W.0."r dnvmg causmg an aCCident on Lett -h' b' 't b ment will be expedited." meeting this week. . shooting stars, scientists through. . September 12, f1ned $15 abd put ers ave een sen out y Certified check! to the amount 1f out most of the United States And Employes' Fam' I-I.I--es 0-n Ne' W'- . Par' k on probation to make restitution Dr. Paul L. Ess~rt and Mrs. Alger of $1,000 were deposited by each ij./ reported the most brilliant dis- . . for damages Sheldt!n, co-chairmen/of the coun- Ca Crashes biddel'. to be refunded in cue "r" play of raining meteors seen in Edna Leib' 42 of 22612 Gaulk- cil, to Grosse Pointe Park. Farms, r his bid ill not successful (: Amerlca this century. (Grosse H ' I .t' I N d dO 't I tOAd rf' ler 51. CIa!; Shores for faUure Woods, Shores and Gratiot TOWD- The sedion for .whlch bids . Pointe was more fortunate than ousrnq mpera rye y ee e espr e n enslve ve IS. Woods' Lake Front Property to 'have her ear under control, ship, apprising. them of the Into Hous.e .were received Is to. be part of most or the Detroit area as a -, inq Campaign Which Found Rooms for An ',' Shows Promise of Being -causing an accident, on October ch:rn~es and asking .thatappro- the new Mack-Vemier combina- fairly good view of the' show Single reachers _ . " Best .. 1''; Po,'nte 8. fined $15 and put on probation prlatl?!!S be gra~ted t? enable the tion elementary-junior high '''as obtal'nod here) to make restl'tutl'on for damages COunCil to contmue Its program A ~ar dr'I'ven by Mrs. Enadia school. section .is all thf ' •• 0." .. In spite of an intensive advertising ~~paign ~ll sum- . _. . -. . done. until March Hi. next. Stiies~ 54, of Ml Clemens. went School Board,is sllowedto built SENATOR MITCHELL, D, of mer the'Board of Education reports that. housing is still .ResIdents nf Grosse Pomte James R. Gustin, 25, Anchor- A budget of $2800 has been es- over the curb on East Jefferson at this time, by the CPA. Washington, publicly charged imperatively needed for some of its employees. The Board Woods who turned out las~ "me, for not having his car tablished for this extended period on Friday, October 11, struck Eventually the structure wiD American officers in Germany expresses its appreciation for the large 'number of rooms Sunday for the Community under control, damaging barri- and it has been pro-rated as fol- Vern Tyrrell, 42, of 456 Notre have 30 rooms, an auditoriulll w!th e?l:aging in indiscretions listed for rent by the, community, which made it possible Bee at the newly acquired cades on"Vernier road on Octo- lows:-Park. $1051.22; Farms, Dame, and crashed into the and gymnasiums.' an '\:llh hll:hl,!. conn~cted ,?er:n to. hou~e all its single teach«::rs; ~owever" a.c,ritical need lake. front. park. site. discov- betl.orn6to'f1nmedak!lr5esatnl.dtuptl.uotnofnorPrdoabma:$$297734,'9191',;GWraotol'odtS'T'0$~S.h491.p;,$Slh201r.le9s,.porch of 16939 E. Jefferson, resi- fO~ ~t~U:: s~~~~~~~rd~~S ti~~! ~\omen at. dImly hgh"ted drlOk. stIll eXIsts for houses, flats, or, apartments for. employes w.ith ered that the Vlllage has ,be- ~ .,.. dence of Richard Cadieux. Mr. . "" _ Ing partIes nd h th f h ages G P . t C't f' d Tyrell was taken to Bon Sec.ours ed in the Pointe in the past re- b. " a campagne families. . come epossessor 0 w at D;vid E Dl. _ 18 of 1922 rosse om e lyre use to H fr fr veals the tremendously increaSed mges. """ Three men teachers two of C h. may prove to be the, best., . oe..~:, make an appropriation :'lr main- ospital suffering om a ac- CIOStsof building. The bids shQ'w them velerans, with children have anine Teet water-front park in the whole H.unt Club, for failure t~ have tenance of the council when the tured knee. cap. . ' . that the, cheapest figure _ for Frida~., October 11 .. P . -... his. car under control causmg an previous budget was prepared and Mrs., told City Poll.ce whl'ch thl's IS-room secu"on ~an THE BULLET PIERCED bodl'os been' forced to take temporary P tIt La Olnte commUnh,{. aCl;ldent on SepteIl)be. r 27. fined has not been asked to partl'cI'pate h th h ~ of Albert Paxton, 44, and h'IS• rooms, 1.eavmg th'"elr f ami'1.les WI'th uno . W Th.e enhre tract of more than $15 a.n d. pu t on pro batIon t0 ma ke in thIS. approprl'ation. tth at ,some. mg we.n,,.t wrongd hit Wit now be built IS' $408,255...... eLU 1 t mother Anna, 79, ,"ere foun'd re a .lVI'S.. T wo women teac hers 43 .acres was overgro'wn. with res titut Ion for damages done. e t steenng1 f thgear an Shs e_ os highest bids total $489,135. This Thursday night in their' apart- a.nd_ th ~Ir ve teran h usban dsare , A dog has absolutely no re- weeds and it was difficult to. tell ------ticketedc~n ro. "for recklesse car.driVIng.. . e was foot.figures out at $1.05' per cubic ment at 1800 W. Bethune. Jack hvmg In rooms. Two women spect f 1 d. d Th'. much about the general topogra- Heavenly Show Farms Polioe Harvill, deputy chief. of detec- teachers and their mothers are I ,or awan 1;'1' er. IS was phy of the land before theSe . The Pierce Junior High School, tives, termcd the deaths murder living in rooms in different proved on Monday,.October 14. were cleared oU and burned_ It Seen IOn POIOnte R. h . S' Boy Dlosappears the last complete school struc- and suicide. houses. One office employe and Mrs. Max Kroeyr; 266 Gro~ was found the area is generally 19 t In eason ture to be built in the Pointe,' ° 0 • h~r mother, and another with a Pointe blvd., reported to the very_level, and when plowing, Aft S ld' was erected in 1939. It cost be. Id d ht - - . d. - -- er tween 38 and 40 cents per cubic PRESIDENT TRUMAN went mne-year-o aug er,' ~re_ In Farms Police that a small. white lScing and seeding are done next On October ~ there occurred The Farms Police are called on CO.. _ .lng,_ fMt, or $715,140 for the 32 dass- into an emergcncy huddle with desp~r.ate need of any kmd of dog, owned by Stanley Thomp. spring. broad, level lawns are what scientists termed, "the for the strangest things. On Tues- room building with auditorium his democratic party aides over housmg. . son. 126 Kerby lane, had bitten ?xpeeted to transform. the tract most brilliant display -of raining day, October 15, Patrolmen Cam. Mrs. Lyman, of 116.6Maryland, and gymnasiums and library. the gathcrinl': pCllitical storm These are all well-trained and her 6-year-old son Michael on Into a place. of .great beauty. meteors' seen in America this iei D'have1oose and Peter La- reported to the. Park Police that The 12-room addition to Mason about meat shortages. ~aluable ~mployes !lnd the .Board the hand while he was playing More than 500. residents of the century," and while Detroiters Ponsa were detailed to investi- her son, Robert MilleI'. ran away

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, Thursday, October 17,1946 <'Page Two GROSSE POINTE-NEWS man General HOllpital In the Iblack market rine t1yine mellt . IPierce SchoOl To San Francisco Presidio. from a into Michigan was touched off :Headlines of the Week liver ailment believed to have by the seizure of more than 600 New School killing two and seriously bum- been contracted in the Burma pounds' of uninspected meat found (Continued from Pale 11 Fete Parents (Continued from Pall: 1) ing seven of the workmen. jungle. . in two downtown cafes. Police '.ule s 1". School built several years ago, : Labor, rejected an appeal for the • • • • • • and Detroit health authorities in. was also obtained at a very cheap Open House for parents of 7B's • . AFLto join the World Federa- THE FBI ARRESTED three THE NEW YORK Journal. dlcll~ed that cold storage lockers figure, $1lJO,OO(l, although no and other pupils new to Pierce J CUSTOM JEWELS . t' f T d 11 . .' American brought to light that in of other restaurants suspected of heating or toilets were required Junior High School. will be held , Ion 0 ra.e n,;ons~ former service men for trymg to 1943, 500 pounds of black uranium black market dealings would be in this addition. Friday evening, October 18. in • Jewels for Ever)' OCCQsrOfJ THE R U S S I A N GENERAL sell photographs of atomic secrets Ioxide, used to make the atomic raided. , • • ,At a special meeting of the conjunction with the season's and have now launched a nation- bomb and the most closely guard- WITH VATICAN PRELATES Board of Education on October jirst P. T. A. meeting at Pierce. 807 MetroPolitan BId. , STAFF in Budapest rescinded a wide hunt for any similar photo- ed and precious metal in the hailing the sweeping nature of 14, following appraisal and study Guests and P. T. A. members mysterious order which banned graphs which might be in circu- world, was sold to Soviet RWi- the degree, the Catholic Church of the, bids submitted by contrac- will assemble in the auditorium : all foreign air travel over Czech- ',Iation...... : sla, throug~ t~e Purchas- excommu.nicated Marshal Tito, tors on October 10. bids were ac- at a o'clock for a short business 'oslovakia and HungEory for 24 . . ing CommlSslOV, whIch had re- all memberS. of his Yugoslav Gov- cepted for the construction of the meeting conducted by Lawrence : .. ., I FOR MAL DEDICATION of quested the refined product to ernment, and all others who par- section of the combina- D. Marr. president ,of the Pierce abc ! hours - :-.{ilitary .and dlPlo:n Gen. George S. Patton '\l:emorial we in medical and non-military ticipat~d physically. or morally. in tion.'elementary-junior high school P. T. A. Following this. the 'liources m Washmgton believed Park at Wilde mere and Dix wU~ scientific "research". the tnal of ArchbIShop AlOYSIUSbuilding at Vernier and Mack. meeting will be tumed over to : the Russians issued the order to be held tomorrow, after a p~rad~ • • 0 Stepinac, primate of Yugoslavia. At the meetine of the Board in the 7B. Chairman, Bob Hardies, 'conceal troop movement! and at 2 p. m. • THE STATE 'DEPART: lENT • • " . which this decision was'made. a who WIll take charge of the pro. : maneuvers. .• • • .'" expressed "concem and deep PHILIP H. COMER and WIl. member of the firm of Giffels and gram, planned and prepared by . • .. • ....\RTHUR HEL..VnCH~ 33J hang~ wo~ryt) over the conviction of liam W. Lake, convicts w.ho eS- Vallet, Inc.. architects for the 7B pupils under the direction of . Saturday, Oct. 12 ed himself in a detention cell at Yugoslav Archbishop Alo:\'sius caped fro,? t.he Federal pnson at1 building, made a careful analysis the 7th Grade Counselor, Hum- our Boat and Hardware i TWO PLANE crashes in a pea police headquarters. where he was Stepinac as a collaborationist, and Milan. M.Ichi!lan, were caPt\.lred[Of aU.bids that had been SUPmit-. phrey Jackson. Display at the New Product ; soup fog eight miles apart at held waiting extradition to Ohio hinted that the United States may by two Marmes on Gros~e Ile ted and a committee of the Board Features of the program will Exposition, Convention Hall, : midnight Friday killed all five where he was wanted on a burge intercede in the archbishop's be- late Monday afternoon, m an also made an appraisal and analy- be a dramatic skit which will i1- Oct. 19 thru 27th. , aboard an Army bomlrer but lary and larceny chai'ge. half. abandoned garage. sis' of the bids and both came to lu~trate the relationships main- I spared 26 persons who crawled • • • • • • ,0 • • the conclu.sion that" considering tal1~ed between 7B pupils and MICHIGAN HARBOR & BOAT CO. from the blazing wreckage of a LIFEBOATS of a rescue ship WILLIAM H. JOHNSON. re- THE PA.RIS CONFEREN~E lhe time and prevailing prices their counselor, and demonstrat- 24600 E. JEFFERsON 'AVE. Eastern Lines. D;-\ today removed eight injured cording secretary of Ford Local Ras.,ille 060& completed Its task of wfltmg that the low bids submitted were ing the nature of the various Belw .. n S " 10 ~1U. Rd.-Gn the Lak. persol1ll from the fire-ravaged 600. UAW-CIO. denied Saturday ~or five .former. the best that could be done. .e~ective activities open to 7B pu. Swedish freighter Kristina Thor- that the $6,000 contributed by his , A mGH OFFICIAL said that ~azl sa~e!hte natIons. Soviet For- The only other alternative left ,plls. The7B Chorus, directed by den, which wallowed helplessly in local to the. American Committee ~ President Tru'nan would decide el~ Mlruster. V. M. Molotov as- to the Board was to re:submit ~ Gwen' Brockmil1er, will "very soon" about scrapping or the itQrmy Nortli Atlantic with for Yugoslav Relief, was to be sailed: portions of the pacts as art or all of the bids and to te-: s~ng ''Far Away" from La Tra- ; .easing!meat controls. three of her 14 passengers dead. used. in "support. of Tito's Com- unsatISfactory, and accused the p .. vlata and "Loch Lomond" , famous o • • munists or any other Com. .i • • • United States of attempting to advertise. ThIS ~Duld delay 1m! S<:ot~h ballad ' a ~! HIGH TENSION power lines SWlday,Oclober 13 munists." dominate the Conference. start of ct'nstrucllon at least three Alt th' . • \. • or four and possibly weeks '.. er . e audtiorlum program, ; tell 'on a crew of road construc- 63-YEAH-OLD Gen. Joseph W.o. • sIx , .. with no assurance that new bids puplls .wlll take their parents on : tion workmen on M-23 three Stillwell. United' States 'army INFORMED diplomatic officials O. K .. FJETLAND. Michigan would not be 'even higher a tour 01 the building and intro- } ,mi!~s west of Grand Lodge, Mich., commander. died today in Leiter.' dillclosed that the United States director. of the United States,Em-. '.. '. duce them to their classroom MALLORY has asked Russia to begin ne- ployment Service. said that the The_succe~sful bidders to whom teachers. . gotiations on the Soviet's $11,000.- ." recent m.llSS layoffs in the auto ,contrac~. will ~e award,ed lire as . For parent" of 7B u ils the j' DCO.OOOwartime ac- industry because of steel short- follows. Architectural Trades-- evening w'n "1 ... ~ p • . HATS count. . ages have caused the first major Henry M. Martens Co., $279,770; period in ~e - ~se WI a soclIll • • • j Detroit area employment setback Mechanical Work-L. L. McCona- refreshme Is ~~e~m, MEN'S SHORTS, Monday. October 14 since May. chie Co., $99.800; Electrical Work Parents ~ t:'1 . 'lsPro~lded. CORRINE SYKES, 22-year-old • • • -<;;ray Electric Co .• $28.685. This . 0 0 er PUPI .,,:,ill be . housemaid, who. killed her em- ANGRILY ASSAILING "sell- gave a total low bid figure for. the received in the sc~ool hbrary, IN WHITE BROADCLOTH ployer, Mrs. Freda Wollinger in ish" politicians. Presiden.t Tru. la-classroom. . .. !rection of. ~()8 ,255. aswherehostes..Mrs.forHughthe D~llPIercewillP serveT A J : 1944, was the second woman In man abandoned price controls on . The architect ~as authorized ~o A group of 7B parents a;ebe2 the history of Pennsylvania to be meat, and announced that the give formal notice of the above ing asked to act a h t d 1k1i4~ . , electrocuted. The murderess was whole decontrol program. will be awards to the awardee' and the hostesses l'n th 7B sh os s an ., executed Sunday night at' 111:31speeded up. The meat mdustry Secretary' and President of the Amo g th eh homerooms. Exceptiona I l' d' di t 1 f .... n . ose w 0 ave consent- a.m.' 1 • • • ~~fc:lm:ont~:nefr:': r~~l~t b~t ~~~r~oo:i:uc~~~~:c~re author- ~'l~o Bassisbetare : Mr. an, or may POSSl y go ! fere d 10,000 pounds of buffalo A . Chi P l' As . down 'but the need for this par- Work of some of the Commun- meat for sale, at prices ranging ti:e~~~\~h sta~:d t~a~crhere s~~:~ ticula~ section of elementary class. ity Chest's 125 Red Feather serv- end ~, : fro;:,. 75 cents to $.2per pound, on no 'secret Potsdam agreements rooms was so great and would be Ices will be exhibited at the New a. first. ~?me. first. serv~d,. no between China and the United ev7n. gn;ater by the time the F'ost'' Products Exposition '1 bmlt baSIS but asked sieclal po- Slat bUilding IS compl ...ted that it was 19-27. at Convention Hall. I .Oct. I lica to handle the expected 5.01Xl es. ••• felt that the Board should p~o- The show wili be open daily and 1 custom':!rs.' • • • WednesdaJ, October 18 ceed. It is possible that the reo Sundays from 12 noon to 11 p. m. l I HERMANN GOERING and 10 maining sections of the complete I ! . At Wt we have them, , , those white broadcloth TWO PRISONERS who es- other high Nazi conspirators, who building to be built may have the , caped from the Federal Corree- once ruled Germany. paid with advantage of lower prices. I mottl rOIl have waited for •• , with the full, lional Institution at Milan, Michi. th~ir lives early Wednesday The cost, of the ,building Is to No finerh/lt in Ameri. I ':.. all around elutic waist Nnd. Profler tailoring gan, Thursday, were believed to morning. 10 were hanged 'hut be financed from the three and a .,.Op~n,; be near immediate capture on ea at these 'popular Grosse Isle, as police searched Goerir:g .cheat~d. the hangman by half mills voted by the t.axpaye~s 1..' lUld design. featuring the Jhmless seat, auure the. island, a Coatlt Guard boat committing SUICide three hours at the March,1946. el~~l1on. It IS Detroit's Newest '/' .. Eri'ce~Hli'C1dih9f~." ..~ . ,,,,,,,,,"="ou.~o.t.~:~,Io411,.~-.:nr,.~~Y ...,...,..~~, 'p*,","i'd"\li€"ilh'bt'8,"'aii4~~tt~~,~ ..l!e_~~.."~.~P:,,q:Il-,~"~~;. ,+';~~'l'''':;;< .."';,:_....:._..:...~ ....",;,:';.",.~~'~" "', I..;u-;o.,p. "';~'~~'''''''''''''' . 'L' .... ' ' .;' '~~~~~a~:}wi.'t\?;~~~trJ~~~Sporting Goods Store I broedclolth_v~ means longer wear, too. In sear~hed all cars ~nterl~g and • • • . days, possibly before the flrst of shades in a variety of 1 le~~lne on the IIland s two THE FINAL SESSION of the November. .3() to Siore Open shapes to fit eve;y 1 waitt sizes 42. bn f;es; ••• Paris Peace Conference ended ------I Thurs., Fri, I BRIG. _ GEN. WILLIAM H. with Yugoslavia. close ally of Heart Attack F.~l &- SII'. Eves, face. 1 . . Russia, dramatically walking out To Martl'n.Roma-*kl' 1 WILBUR • spea k mg as a represen. of the Conference. , ... Grosse Pointe Trade . I tatlve of Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- • • • I howeI' It a mass rally in Cadillac TWO HUNTERS WERE KILL- Martin Romanski, 57, of 1174 GUNS nSHING :ROD! ~ Square commemorating the 167th ED and five, includng one wo- Kensington road, died of a heart SHELLS .nd REELS 1 ;. anniversary of the death of Gen. man, wounded on the opening attack, Monday, October 14; after ACCESSORIES ARCHERY Casimir Pulaski. Polish' patriot day of the pheasant season. the Park Fire Department's ef- CLEANING KIT' TJ:NN1S. Etc. I. who. died aiding' the American • • • ferts at resuciatation failed. I I Revolution," told the Detroiters MAURICE MINIER, 31, his Dr. Lawrence A. Kroha~ de. j Bovtn Van that only the ,maintenance of our wife, Helen, 28, and their four- clared Mr. Monanskl dead at i OXFORD CLOTHES • DOllS HATS • IURIERRY COATS mllitary strength and a "get month old son James. were found 2:45 p. m. • w. . , ff.illiJL : 41 ADAMS lAST, DETIlOIT tough with Russia .attitude" can dead in a bed in their apartment 1- j prevent anot~er :,o;lit war. at 3740' Ludden. The cause of battle against inflation over to Men's Wear j ItA. 1605 kn wn I. HERBERT HOOVER assel1ed death is not ~t • 2 . the people e~d of the yenr. ! ON THI CAMPUS,ANN' AltO. that Finland would be unable to THE LIQUOR C01TTR'OL SUPREME COU::T 'JUSTICE Jefferson at'Chalmers i I pay .the' $3oq,O~,OOO war in- COMMISSION has arranged for ROBERT H. JACKSON,' chief I demruty to RUSSia recommended enqugh extra liquor to permit American prosecutor at the L: by a. Pans Peace Conference buyers to have two bottles in. Nuernberg trials, has recom- I committee. stead of one in December. mended to President Truman that I • • • .,'. • "many " German industrialists, I ~'.!HPo''''-'' L.'gllt Appli.ffU Sb'!t l Tual!ar, oetober 15 THE GOv.ERNMENT went In- politicians an d dipl/llOat! be \ ; Open Thurs., Fri. and Sat. till I P. M. A WIDESPREAD CITY and toaetion on a vast decontrol pro- brought to justice through war- 1-, Federal hunt for operators of a ~rllrn that promised to turn the crimes trials. Things * * * to Choose Early * * * * * * * for Christmas

Shop th~ Ele&tro%01U $/01'. f01' JlSeful Christ_ gifts •• , tbey're here now. ~:=::~;ree~a:~~:~~t~~.~'1670 ~~r:::.t~~~.~..~.~~~.~...... ~'1750 Remlnrton Dllal '1575 with Leather Case . 00 =b~ ~:: $18 For Men With True Sporting Instind Sehick Shave.rellt (handy PI- ,et tor wall '795 A high-ranking favorite to hola shaver) . is this new leisure jacket Sporlsmen welcome the opening of our new Sporl Shop becouse- in solid-color Sand Dune See The they've ~ l,;orned to' o,so~;ole us with only Ihe newe,t Mol •• fic Consol. Itodlo. or Russet shade .•• and best in other merchondi,e for men. In this new ond They have • with smart brBl1!buttons. wolnut clblnet.f1neS18740 seporo'e ~ deportment equipment and POPULAR ALlUMS Westinghouse Radio.Phono- An easy:draping fabric; graph Combination Table cccessorie, os close to 0 sportsmpn', heml os hi, pipe on~ HOlgy Carmichael- Model. Radio removable for "Hong Kong Blues" 6tyled for lounging the tobacco ••• monned by personnel who lcnow sporls. Qur Artie Shaw pla:l's $9995 ;::~:n~~:.~.~ way •• Cole Porter Westinghouse . #mart 23,75 ,ports shop is elreody the meeting ~ pIece of men Ethel Merman- Electric Roaster $38&5 -it is another example "Annie Get Your Gun" and Broiler Grid . who believe Ihot ownership of a good fly rod J, eM' Doubling on the Ivories- For Grosse Pointe's Hard Whittemore and Lowe Water • • • Home Ease of our alertness to o fine sho'gun is one of life'. reol pl"ClSlH"es. KilIg Cole Trio- 75 the trend in,.porta clotheal Volume I IInd 11 :~::~er $219 Songs of the West Oil Hot Water $135" Heater, "( size Service .. R.,.ir, R.~ios, Refrigerators complete eleclritll1 t()ffstrt/cl;()ff, rep,,;r - home, reside,,';,,' t ~ "T.II A I..I N C.' S' :&LGOR~ ....HURD ,Elect'r.o-z;one Men', Weftr. -. 617_Woodward 1259 WASHINGTON BlvD.lIlTf THE B.OOK .lOWER , , ~[;>~(hQ~r.t9

CustOJD At a low ceiling price. Tailors er.o GENTLEMEN EVERYONE IN THE POINTE is doing it these days, especially on weekends. This 95 , scene, caught Sunday afternoon, was repeated a thousand times throughout the com- $3 munity .. The ,hard-working trio. is composed of STAN WILLETTS and his sist,er PAIR ..MILDRED, right, of 794 Rivard boulevard; and VIRGINIA OLIVA of 1318 Wayburn avenue. Picture by Fred Runnells 'ReC ...App ..lor. News Analyst will Opef}' Kids Can Learn Swirnming~Art Pointe's Le'cture Series Scoring Again! , These pojomo'i ore Telotorbllnt finis~ed, ~ modern;: Ford U 9f Provencal Road; and Th« Saturday morning classes miroc:le fobric' thot is 3 times. more Cardinal will be the in- structors, . , the Woods Civic League, to be , BICYCLE, STOLEN Information regarding either of Fine new fabries e~e here held tonight, .Thursday, at 8:30 Charh~s J. Harris, 1~29 Somer- set, reported to the Park police these classes may be obtained by end seleo:ticns should be Vernier road. Rex Johnston, that his daughter's bicycle was calling the Board of Education, Men's Wear JEFFERSON .t CHALMERS made early. league p~esident~ will preside. stolen from the front of nis home, NI. 2000, ext. 25. . around 4 p. m. on October 1. The Rev.'James B. Clark . bike is a 22" "", green and How little we, can do when we MARSHALL To Speakat;.convtlnt while. try to wor~ alone.

;::"Rev~...James .~. "Glark.' O~~.A.~.:of P}lillip:~,.;,C~inp ""...the ..."ftrs,t ..'~".;.-.~.,.:.':"..;i~~.,"r~,;~~~~\.i~~~.~,~~¥~~b~:6.~¥:t~.p./;;.~~~...~:~'~~~.~'l:ir ..__~ ':'~-.,oiJj\of.i\-..;"r4;.c' 'i-.i' Li. .!"l._ & 'O'CONNOR. -51:" Clare'Paiisti; will give a talk speaker ;ili'app'ear"Tuesd.ayive:' !Seolland Tailors Co.) on "Our Blessed Lady:' at 4:30 nl'n.gO,October 22 at 8:30. p. m. in S H • : m. Sunday, October. 20, at the tore ours: 9: 15 to 5:30 14127 E. Jeffenon Ave. Sacred Heart Convent. 171 Lake C.L Pierce Jr. High School Audi- , • LEnox 5344 Shore road, Grosse Pointe. All torium, Kercheval at ~alfdur. Mr. are invited. ,Cummings. wi! spukon "World


for you 5 ft. 4" or under

From the depths of Southern Seas come these romance- laden Cultured Pearls to enhance women's loveliness. Per- Fectly matched necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and ~ther Fashion '-.lccessorie~ artistically mounted with pre- cious pearls. ~~->-\ Cbn.r:e Accounts' The gay .glitter of gold and jeweled trims makes this 504son's soft wools .At'lIi14bl. Ficturebook beautiful ••. and our Petti size des'gners c:apture all of the excitement in these two fine check wools with '90ld buttons e,nd goldcoin trims ••• and, of (;burse, they are specially sized for ycu who ere fivl!t

~ feet fO~T or under. (left) Buttons assimilate I peplum loct Red. greerl,

gold or blue, sizes 10.18. (right) Gilt penny trirr., II gored Ikirt. Green, red, bluecr caramel. Miss'~s sizes, • each $22.95 budget shop, sixth l100r 17047 KERCHEVAL, GRqSSE POINTE 308 West Fourth St •• Royal Oak Pllrking Grounds in Rear 13.~I~~~I:. CU. Open Friday Tin Nine WOODWARD AT STATE -----_.,

,'1 •••.. , ,'I,' Thursday, Oeto()erl7, \946 G R ,0 SSE POI N TEN E W S ' ----.,j 1'fi'~;;n.~",";:n;n;'¥T;,;;r;",",,"""m;:nwn;m;:n:YYmii'i'9~: IEsther L. James Marries Library Friends '(' mirY. mary lo~is lekieh in St. Paul's To Meet Oct. 28 .. Watch and Miss Esther ~, James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reese,E. JameS The Great Books Program Quife of 336, Hillcrest, . Grosse Pointe which is sponsored by the De- Jewelry Repairing Farms, was married on October troit Public Library. University Conf,.~,.'J 12 in 51. Paul'~ Church, to. Louis of Detroit, University of Michi- L k' h t M d M L ' gan Extension Service and Wayne by mary madison ' e :c ; son 0 r: an rs. OlliS University, will be bl'Ought to Carefulness goes hand in hand with l~illfulneu In Leklch of 81. Clair Shores. A reo Grosse Pointe by the Friends of Our Text today, Girls and Boys, is Football Pads and ceplion followed at the Eastwood I the Grosse Pointe Public Library. the repair work done by cur repair craftsmen. Ballet Bustles. If we can lay our milts on these bits of Hal,l. The first meeting of the group young bravado, we shall send an extra set to the Messrs, ,I All work is insurod while in our shop and c:arri" I The bride's attendants were will be held October 28,. at 8 Eugene O'Neill, in care of' The Theatre Guild, and Brooks ToHet Soaps guarantee when it leav... Atkinson, in care of ,the Drama, Department of the New Louis VanderRoost, Margie Han- o'clock at the John D. Pierce York Times. Not as a fancy dress ball tip, but as prizes for son and M"argaret LeCourt. Junior High School. Any' adult their trophy rooms to hang up with the tiger skins and, sea Th. bridegroom's attendants in Grosse Pointe ''tho is inter- Nearly all of the best. Mit ALBERT MEYER lionL . were James Corey. Warren Piche ested in the study and discus. ~nown toiler soaps for A paradoxical presentation per- •.------and Robert James. sion of the classics is invited to ,"10Te than ~O yrars !17th Tifftm)' .6- Co., N. 1"J ;S u. ' haps, but if you follo:,' us down 1 an ugly duckling of disaster, like The young couple are honey- join. The class will be limited to i men ~nd women are found th~ dar~ alleys theIr labaryn- the Princess in some,very Grimm ~harg' 01 the Watch Repair DeptWtme"t. 0; mooning in Washington, D. C. 40 persons. For further informa~ 'at Kopp's! thme mmds, you 11 see what we Fairy Tale? Not SHE!' AU she and will reside at 336 Hillcrest, tion call the Grosse Pointe Pub. mean. •• wanted was the chance to dance Grosse Pointe. . lie Library. NI. 2191. ' It was when Eugene O'Neill --and be young once. Once is came to New York Ior'rehear- enough .. }. LOVELY, SERENE EARLY AMERICAN ATMOSPHERE PREVAU..s' sals of his new play. THE'ICE. '. 0 • ,MAN COMETH, that he told a Closing her eyes, we could see group. of us newspaper people the. ballet bustles mergi,ng with J'ltnEtrI ~ rlnallnspecllon of repair work (of all people), that he was no those. football pads," If THEY . /.Q~ 1nC'lu"des a lliclentlflc check on the longer reading the newspapers. weren't worried about. their ~ de~ed2Jot. COh~IiI--5~ . "Waloh Master" troubl, deleclot. It America couldn't learn the world why should we ee 'beatil)g lesson ot Brotherly Love, he our brains out? W.--, and the C)/arvaril C)/OUde I.T 'WOULD, .S.AX:t.:r' ... thought America was finished. Messrs. O'Neill and Atkinson and Now before it leaps to your lips the rest of the Wailing Wallflow- that it could be Mr. O'Neill who ers? When we picked up this DJ N'} NO' R.O OM is finished, ren'le~ber that he .is morning's newspaper, it might . iI'm ~de1ica.tely,sctn.!ed handful of pu~ still one of our guaranteed have been' pl'inted in Sanskrit goodhness .• ~. a cake of persooaLloveli.t Gdw:f1?~/!tJ. geniuses with the fire still burn- for all it bothers us now. The ~ess fo! your'.fa~e,' biath",orshower-:'\~' WATCHMA)lER ANI) JEWELER. ing_ven if it does bum you up. lost generation has been found .Impartlng my IOOrhing all1lofid qualitietl Now, Eugene O'Neill can and and found out! 'Open Daily 9'p.m. and treasured frigraQ~e to make a prettier~ 17008 KERCHEVAL AVE. does practice Brotherly Love, so 0' .•. , .• daintier>':0!J:;' " , that the pals of his waterfront SO WE'VE, STOPPED gam. Closed ~ondays Grosse Poin~", Pioneer Jeweler-Est.bli1hed 1930 days (the characlers in his new bUng for high sleaks and gone on saloon masterpiece) may still the prowl for football pads and buzz his Madison Ave. penthouse ballet bus pes. If and when we Serving Dinners' and get into his SALON as easy find them, the duplicate set goes ',.""'iffabre' il\" as. into a saloon. Their philoso- to the Messrs. O'Neill and Atkin- phy, he says, is that there's al- son. Just as a reminder that mid. ~1oI0NDCJ.~ and SILVEiPim° . ways one more dream in the bol- dIe-aged thinking can sometimes tom of the bottle - and wryly be muddle-aged thinking. Ah SANDAL~OOl), adds: "I know. because I saw it." Youth! Ah Love! Ah Nuts! Where Noonday Luncheons ,Lll.Y OP 'hi, vA1.L81 On the heels of Mr. O'Neill's ARE those football pads and bal. decision that no news was good let bustles in dear old F. O. B. news for him, up spoke that se. (Full of Birds) Detroit? MACK AT CADIEUX TU. 2.3271 GROSSE POINTE verest friend and best critic of 0 0 • our . drama, . Brooks Atkinson. OYER TWENTY ONE- • Musing on the revival of THE AND PROYE IT, PET! FRONT PAGE, he reflected th,at UNDER THE 'HEAD of Wish. no one could write such a down- ful Drinking, comes word to WI right funny play today, the rea- from Boston that the new Helen son being that the Front Pages Hayes play, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, were no longer the Funny Pages. turns out to be the One about 3 Sizes: Hand, -{to Box, S1.25; And the antic authors of that Addie Bemis, the lady librarian hit are occupied with more mor- lush (or lush lady librarian) - Bath, 3 to Box, $1.75; Jumbo, ,bid matters, especially Ben the one Helen and her husband $1.25 each. Hecht who is shedding his last were considering while in De. drop of ink on poignant propa- troit last. This is a Saloon Saga ganda for Palestine. They are not in three acls. The dear old Bas- in t,he moo~ to be The Middle ton Tea Bags, it seems, now feel Aged Man on the Flying Tra- they paid lor seats as hot as elec. peze. trio chairs in the Shubert Thea- o • • tre, from the voltage of shock NOW, AFTER THESE two die- they felt at seeing a First Lady turns from the mentors of our of the Theatre doing an apache Hrtnd s;z~ soaps lost generation, we gave up dan"~ in her big .010 drunk al'ailable in 2 m,u. reading. the Front Pages.' Quit sce,ne. I 0:-... ' &NIi"e r;dors: Piiu colafrAl1d~"'lf"':you""1.blnk"'it',re3.syt-" - lI1Ja Sa""l~wood. ostriching your way down Wood- NiagarA 8893 Houri: 9 A. tvI. to 9 P. M. ward Avenue with the siren voi- ces peddling the stuff, try total 4 Cakes in Wood Box abstinence yourself. Just one lit- tle headline won't hurt. you say, but one headline leads to .an- other and the next thing you know you're gassed to the gills with news booze. After a week, we/feU like Miss * '* * ~formation of 1946, living in a Kensington BATH SOAP vacant liWe fool's paradise of by Hewitt •. Il~lied,f!Ir ~;,.'~ for preclaiOft our OWIJ. Befuddled as a blind '; . ,J7. ie'-e15 • , • priced &om $35.00 'date-but happy as a butcher's dog. People began giving us that 0Il0!ll!'l: }laME:'. PION'IJ:Il J~Wh.ER - ESTABLISHED 1930 look. It was obvious that a cross section of the public-and a very cross section at that-began to wish they had enough pull to get us a reservation in some plush Snake Pit. , Heavens knows how long we might have lolled in this fool's !7008Kerchn.1 An. paradise of isolation, had we not been rescued by two blithe mem- BEAUTIFUL bers of the unsung young genera. tion. The first of the rescue par- ty'came in the form of'a 'mid- ,i night phone caU from the Junior Genius.~ The. objective,'Football Pads for the knees and shoulders. LAMPS It was a matter of life and' death -his life and our death' if we didn't turn up with them. Okay, okay, obay. pet-but how are you feeling? Says he, "It I, felt anl' better, I'd be dangerous, dear!" Light ond 'beoutygo Delicately scented,. luxurlous Bath 50;\1'5 in Pine, Were they. the Junior Geni- hand in h'2lnd in lhesa. uses, harrowed by the fear th'at Geranium, Carnation. Gardeni~, Lilac, and Bou- they might have to turn in their grocef~lIy pro p or- Iootball armour on battle jack" • quet fragrances. MagnulO Size. 3 Cakes $1.00 els? Were they. jumping like a tioned I~ml?s. The b~se5 in news ticker over world uphea. glowing hand painted china, ".. ..,.,~ ...... vals? Not THEY! , '.Y therapy lamp t . . .. I richly accented in color and ..,odllUS 95," wttiO¥ie>Ie' The morning after tl1e midnight I gold, are mode by Taube of II ,. .. ys with 0 ..-Oft% IVbe Paul Reverse Charge, in ankles From the' House of Wri'sley Ititot .. .,., Iwm. out I Sally-of-the-Ballet in our alley. lamp fame. The shades are allhond tailored and designed in • Sally, of the dancing eyes and harmony with the lomp ... Figurine lamp has a mate equally orna- INDUClS VITAMIN DI legs, was on the prowl for Bal. let Bustles. Was she worrying mental in lovely pastel shades. $67.50 a pair complete. DEVElOPS SUNaUItNI about the dan;o:er qf being HIGHLY GUMIC:IDAU changed by some evil spirit into ~ • Rose-bowl lamp h~s beruffled white shade edged in red wjth '.-bl. ~."mped._,.. pole blue, red, ~l1d gold predominating tlyoughout the color- Toilet Sup.rb. __ MIY Aulble .. ;_Hy ful bose, $87.50 complete. S hand.size cakes of Wrisley's .6jutebl. to ""t •.,. famous Supcrbe 50ap ,off CJf 1M 1Ndy1' < Let T"ube lamps be the 00 , carnes llIIfaelll el'S Cunltet high lights in your home. _ ...... COMPANION1 TO ~ .....-. You will find many other -~,-...... -....~ handsome lamps in our new shop as well as other ~ .....-....,.. -"""L- Bath ~up.rb. accessories for the home. 4 bath.siz~ cal:es rOO , • * * *

,.1 Other Fine Soaps hj 16926 KERCHEVAL AVENUE Chane!, 'Lucien Lclong, Lenthcric. Gourielli, Roger Gallet. Shulton (Old Spice) and many othera.

Grosse Pointe Farms Stores Open J() 10 10 Daily Delif'eries..,..Pbo,,~ NT. R900 G.lOSSE P.OJNTi '18650 Mack AvenLle at Warren . Page Five _G R 0 SSE P'O I N TEN E W S • Thursday, Oe+ober 17. 1946 q . . Doroth y Lovell William E, Br1)wnleel Fortnighters \Daughters of Colonists Health Council ~ Oble"e Anniversary To Hold Dance To Meet in DeHart Home Feted at Party A PREMIUM WILL NOT BREAKYOU- .'\' Starts NewY ear The William E. Brownlees of \ The first regular far meeting of ; 1094 Grayton road celebrated .--. - the Delroit Chapter of the Daugh. . Mrs. Harold Sachs,ofCounti")' their sixtieth wedding anniver-'. I Theb fFortmghters.h G theP . veteranst M' ters of th e A mencan. CaIoms'l s A LOSS MAY! The Mothers Health Education i Club drive, entertained last Fri- sary Sat.urday, Oc~ober 12, with cu. 0 t e r?sse am e e- will be held on Tuesday. Oct. 22 I. Council of Grosse Pointe held its a reception at thel~ home. monat church, IS planmng ~ Har. at 2 p, m, in the home of Mrs.' i day in honor of Dorothy Lovell first meeting of the new school Mrs.. Brownlee IS ~ veteran vest Hay dance. to be held In the Roy E. DeHart. 1147 Harvard rd. who will leave Detroit at the end •, year on F;riday, October 11, in member of the Salvation Army church gymnasIUm on Nov. I. . J of this month for Bombay, India. Auxiliary. and the chairman of Members and their guests will The co.ho~less Will be Mrs. , the home of Mrs. Stanley Mc- its sewing committee. - convene at 7 o'clock in the eve-' Eugene G. Klaver, and the ~e. , Dorothy and her family will ac- , Kenzie. of Lochmoor blvd. Mr. Brownlee is president of ning for the 1 gent, Mrs. Rudolp~ E. Hofel.lch, ART~UR RO~Df company Mr. Lovell, whose busi- J. Mrs: Dorothy Moore. Wayne the Brownlee Lumber Company. I Chairman of the affair, Sim \ \I'll conduct the .buslness meeting. • .. CO"" 0'" .. T a. ness will keep him in India for and formerly owned a paper in Lawmaster, is in charge of tickels. New by-laws \\'111 be voted on. County nutritionist, addressed about two years. Denver, Colo. Charles Toole is chairman of Tea Will be served during the the grouy and reviewed an inter- Among the guests were Mrs. ______publicity, assisted by Jo Ann Cos- soci~1 hour following the business INSURANC-e esting book on child care. An in- James Ask. Mrs. Ivan Lodin. ECCLESTONE HONORED grave. In charge of decorations sessIOn. Margaret Fritzie, Mrs. Leonard formal discUssion followed. E. L. Ecc!estone, of Lincoln are Art Dannecker, Carl Thrash- S?chs, Mrs. Everett Howrie, Mrs. Flowers are much like human road, was chosen chairman of the er and Bob CarletQn. Kay Dan- The co;oncil is now sending out I Ernest Hartwick, Mrs. Frank Mc- beings; they catch property management division of necker, Ginny Hoyt, Betsy Toole l214 Griswold St. RA. 4417-8-9 through the schools its monthly Donald, Mrs. George Ryan, Mrs. dra!t.<, are stupefied the Detroit Real Estate Board for and Barbara Thrasher are in bulletin of information impor- Jack Kennedy, Betty Lee Orphai, fo'rm, and become 1947 at the annu,,1 election last charge of dinner and refresh- tant to mothers. The next meet- Margaret Gay and Shirley Her. week. menls for the evening. with alcohol. ing will. be held on Thursday, rington. November 21. Any mother de.iring further info:mation on the work of the VIVIAN. ALLOR, daughter of council is urged to call on 'her Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allor of school representative listed here: Hillcrest road, was hostess at a ' Defer, Mrs .. Wallace Lamb; party in her parents" home on Mason. Mrs. K. Warren; Kerby, October 5, when the announce. Mrs. K. Michel; Vernier, Mrs. R, 'mimt of her engaA"ement was Nigro; Trombly, Mrs. Edwin Holi.' made. She will be the bride of han; Richard, Mrs. Dean Sellers; Henry Bonadeo. son of Mr. and Pierce, .!"Irs. L. Ratcliffe; Mothers Mrs~ Anthony BQnadeo of Wis. consin .avenue, Detroit. The wed. ~Iub. MrS. D. Hollister. ding .wiII take place in the spring. Attending the announcement party were Mandy Hurley and Fall Bride Bill Shier. Tweedie. Baker and Frank Slavie, Lenora LaGrow and Fred Stone. Barbara Ken- nedy and Bill Canning, Mary Jean Murphy and Lou Salim- bene. Nancy Joyce and Johnny C~rnegie. Ann Dooley and Pete Martin. and Betty Smith and Don Rightenburg. Congregational Women to Meet

The Women's Association of the Grosse Pointe Congregational Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernest L. Ray, 1251 York- shire road, on Tuesday, Oct. 22, at l..!:30 o'clock. Dl!5sert luncheon will be served by the hostess and co-ho~tesses, Mrs. Richard L. Hart, Mrs. Abram L. Brown, and Mrs. Earl Genthe. The group will then drive to the ~rewster Pilgrim Church; where Dr. Truman B. Douglas of New York will address a meeting . of the Midwest Regional Confer- The former K A R Y N ence. Dr. Douglas is executive THOMPSON, daughter of Mr. vice president of the Missions and Mrs. Hayward S. ThomJl.50n. C',uncil of the CongregatiiJnal of Lewiston road, was married Church. ' . •m October 12 to Victor Edward Miss Patty Lee Coghill, secre- ~errell, son. of Mrs. Charles tary of the. Council, who has just Meyer of Elizabeth. N. J. returned from India will also . address the. meeting: and there ,,,ill be music by the Tu'guloo Col- Daughters of 1812 Plan Bddge Party, ' ... ' !;~e Quar_te_t_. _ St~ Matthew's Sodality Mrs. Charles L. Bartlett, of Whitmore road, Ways and Means Holding Dance Friday chairman of Gen. Alexander Ma- -'- ,\ comb Chapter. U. S. Daughters On Friday night, Oct. 18, the of 1812, announces plans for a Young Ladies Sodality and Wom- dessert.bridge party Thursday, en's Club of St. Matthew's parish October 24. at Newberry House, are holding a dance at the parish on East Jefferson avenue, with hall, Harper and Buckingham, ';.. dessert set for 12:30 c'clock. The from 9 to 12. : event will benefit the chapter's There will be square and mod- charities. ern d a n. C i n g. Ins~ructions in Mrs. William R. Hutchi1)Son, of square dancing will begin at Evanston avenue, is in charge of 8 p. trio tickets; Mrs. Erich A. :Ta:strow, Refreshmen. will be served. of Westchester road, of door The callers for the evening will prizes. Assisting wit h other be Mr. and Mrs. Brennan. aspects of the party will be Mrs. Walter D. Dent. Jr., Mrs. Edward FORD TO SPEAK A. Fach, Mrs. James W. Partlan, Henry Ford II, of Provencal Mrs. Zeben R. Peterson. Mrs. road, will address 1,500 alumni Milburn E, Rice, Mrs. George D. and students. of Henry Ford Trade Schermerhorn, of Reading, Mrs. School at'the school's 30th annual Robert Vinl, of. Birmipgham. . banquet Saturday, October 19, fn Door and table prizes have the Masonic Temple. Among been provided, and other inter- guests expected to attend are esting features. Henry Ford and Benson Ford.

PUBLIC SALES Not An Auetio~AlI !tems Priced HOIIs.ltold Flntfsltl.,s THOS. E. KAVANAUGH 455 b\elenc:l Gros$e Pointe, Michigan

living Room, Pining Room Four Bedrocms, library Recrelltion Room, Terrace Furnitur' Rugs, Rac:lio$, China, Bronze, Silver. Crystal. Pictures, Mirron, Bicycle, Electric Train, SporHng Gooc:ls

Sunday, October 20, from lOA. M, •

ROBE~T ORCHAR_O 715 Trombley Reed It[ ~te- 'f~1o ~Q//bf'liw ~ I1J<, OWV ~ ~""" ~e£ M.ekrlu-- Grosse Pointe, Miehigan Sunday, October 27, from lOA. M. YaTJA/1,d. Mtd ~J~4fiMJ ft~~2fS7J. Sales Conductec:l by ~& ~d (ft~./6f.f: H. O. McNIERNEY :t~e/: Appraiser. CH.9072 gea-eI: f>.tM~ kt ~ ~fS:...;t.. fA«

tef.' ,"~:H ,. 'f' ....~i 'ri~ri4 ., 'I "'."f" )" .•..•... )' !. ,t e " r \-c .. ThuNday, October 17, 19046 Page Six • GROSSE POINTE NEW S

-~~'Gr"s~ePojntl' New~'" 'Talley Rant p,..n,tieI. ~LISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE AB~E PRESS, me. 'GrQ)s~e';"- 'letters, to. the Edit9r ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE Dl!.'TROIT WESTWARD by J COIIJI.ntliIC.'~;- OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL Helen Ttl/ley .Editor, ,Grpsse Pointe, News;. correct in a~'erting "The major ". ".' • J GROSSE POINTE FARMS 30, MtCHlGAN lEEalggera1tiiGJl1ls Dear Sir. . ...' " • argument against this measure is By FRED M..J((tPP,:,~'~. 34 ,Ma'y I say that Mr. Maxon's .... (opposition) In principle' to .' ..' .. /,." Phone TU. 2-6900 A.-PRYOR. I Girls we're a mess. Miss letter :about"the MemoTfal :that the'sales," But if "This ar" From the fint reading of the Three Trunk Lil'es WANDA MEYERS of the you printed in. last week's. paper;gument:seemsstrange ... " it is prescription .thiough the Member Michigan Pr('ss Ass'n. and Nalional Editorial Ass'n. I typing of the lill5tword'of the "To calcb Dame l'ort/lne's goMe" smile, Southern Railways says so. ;x:resses my sentJmel)ts to..1I; T. bee a'u s'e' the Sup:ri~tendent doctor's directions.' Ii capable ROBEllT B EDGAR-EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER siduo/ls wal'l UPOII her,' WANDA says women wipe ' nhowthat many Gros.~e Pomt- knows'little of tax prmclples. . .and trusted pharmacist cor- • . GAR EDITORIAL WRITER As . . k h h Iers ave the same feehng about 'The opposition to Amendment rectly compounds, makes a MARK K. ED E'))iTOR WOMEN'S PAGES AJ1d galher "e:lr h)' ev'r:>, tl,ilB 1IpStlC. on t e up olstery; the proposed' library that u." N . ?...f l't h er A. PRYOR. , DVERTISING MANAGER <> t 1 d' . '1 ' . d M >JU~versity of Michigan).. .' . "isms."The' business talk revolves almost wholly .around cost about $12.00 ..... would Madam:'~il'\dI3;,.fill',out these forms (hdn t do ~ thing for her ~d R~p1:'bhcan par1y.?,~!fall"!l When', ':, '•.~~;,:' "'C4_ ... (CCCeCGCe4hili' foodstuffs. They are not' deeply interested in .toe ;s)'pthe~ic •• ~ and he handed her nine' large $iz,e'formS!.. ':E.' that please 1ake It hack. Really ladles, Wllham H. Gree~,;rJ;"'~J:was one "1;.o:tl:i:e',~ditol":- I" , I kind of social security that has been dished up' by t\iesoclal moment lIke KICKING the eggs as fa~, as B!!nnud!li sh,e never- let's try to improve. o~ the' outstandi~~d~lt~ll~ ..a.n~ .....:..~o..tH~se.who burn lheir leaves ~~ r.-. welfare highbrows-they have the pure quill themsefves.: _. theless sighed, ..,,' .: ., " '", .. ~ ! then. '011the staff'~t}~!f:G1J~~.f ~li~ili#}fall. lII' 'IfIf({II No bu,colic dullards are these folks. They are. remar.kab~y "Very well. Where can I find a pencH?." It's nice to reportth~t PAUL A~~ors, J H.~"'."':":"'~'~'!' ','>'know that you are well iiUormed, Their vision roams far beyond thell" own gram, "Oh," replieC\ the clerk, "You'll have. to ty.pethe answers :in or WHiTEMAN; playing with , pis came e~ecr~~~y ~f. stJ~ef:r-~i9~~~'iV~[rng 'o.~e::'?fr:~ture's best fe~~ I~ ..,rirait fields and cattle pen!!, They view the. constant world pan" ~~lthem in in ink." .' .' ..' . . . orchestra at the CA;PITOL. and .Y01JJlgb100d.~ecame' a m~lll;b:er ~~~~\w.e~I?~~ 1:1\ you gratis, .' , £i" I 'am'a with minds und.istorted by hechc local surroundmg's. "Well, WHERE can I find the Ink?" asked the harned houseWIfe. 11' h' If TH'E DE'AN OF o! the staff In the aulo llcense'l---' .J, ," '., .. , , ... me ' or . 1 1" f • ca Ing Huse ,.' .office 0, n Cass Ave. That I'S:p'.'';s':,",.-._,Wh.. ' Y.,'':..PP,t,''.co,vel' your .f1ower " ' .Nothing' is more ,re}'~aling of th~ substantIa qua Ity/o "We don't keep that around he~e:' sorried the n:an• "You'd be;~er AMERICAN MUSIC ., r d on P I t~ h t rt I1ltl life' in, this favored lancl'than the kmd of news that comes take them home and fill them In there, then brmg them back. . . • .IS accoln- itive proof that he. was a Repilb~b~~: ;oylJ1'i:'~eaves and In: the a nCall'l.~n<;;xaJft'8a , over the.'car radio a,s oile drives through the country~ide. The last time the woman was seen, she 'was prancing up and down paz:ied by his son PAUL jr., aged li~;n. 1 ~~s i!lHcha{dge 0f,:thadt ;ft~~gf~~~r~ them under WI~ a I .Appoln(m.n4.~clal bour. a 'll'ttle 50-watt and'500-watt local broad.casting stations C.'ake Shore Road, frantically tearing pages from "The Egg and I" 21. .funior' plays the drums. 0 Ice. a er ~ro rl!:.u~~e ,'. "',,,.,'.' , . .... '. "etl.ri"'lc .t .... ' to the county serVIce and temllJn" .Wb)'fonot: store them In one P" \,I' i The 1473UL' , 'poul>ih':theircol)stant flow of n~ws. Instead of'10,OOO:;'n:e~ and scattering them to the winds. PAUL also has an aliopted ed unW the Democrats tODk'~vel; c.l1';t?ut .o.f our psst when Rlcha~dJ;on,. the. famous her and said. "Ti:Jatburns me up. He NEVER knows." She then fro~l~ irool;shlpto a hIilieii,] R bO~I~~er.-~~l~~,E[._._ :__ .l!itl!;:Nm!'llgan,' hasle~tfor the 8qilare ..'Deal M' ar .tl:a.vel,ln.. 11,1:0. rr.elpol1~ent of theI, old New York T.nbune, wrote" relate.d to the man how she had bought,a,l1urni;lel" o! for her lhle't-tbe fasle.rl he.rt equiplotd Gr. 0 per. gN , UnIted State~ to be. discharged CLEANERS & DYERS ~~l b k t th t th G t W t t 1 . ' t',. rosse OInte ews. d th A .' Ad I t to't h e. '~i-" ac, ~as I a. ~ rea es IS ? ru.e ~s. husband on' their last anniversary •.. but waited before prescnting lllJer (m Ibe seas. LJall11ched I1t D Sf • un el" e rm) s r~ ep oymen "wn,~l~!'tue' },t~,ere is strengt!t a.nd. the lmpresslo.n. them ••. to see if HE remembered. When he, ~kin't,. shll..just put the 1938. sbe 1I1ml' rigbt 10 I/I"'.r•.~he e;~e p~Sltion'('IfDr. Paul L. E~- pr~~';g:7.' Westrick, a veteran of 152211CHARLEVOIX on the tranllJ~nt .v~lt.orls deep, that thIS nch land and these. gifts around the house, knowing he'd see tfieni'soolier 01" laler and carned. as lIIucb as a jull d(I'ls/~n sert in favor of Amendment No. 16 months overseas service, en- Grclse Pointe I~ fine people "constitUre",the firm foundation from which,tpe probably feel like a heel about it. tit a lillie. 1 s.tHP.b~! oflen In ~, as repllrled in the News 'ast tered the Army in January, 1945 I.E. 4225 curre!)tassaults 'on the American Way of Life will be suc- During the next few days, he did come acro~s some of the things the wtlr years, .,00 Ihe, BAT. week, is fn error since the Super- at Fort Sheridan. Illinois, and re', cessful1y resisted, and on which the national edifice of great- and would ask \Vhere they came from, how long they'd been there, TERY, gre)' al:dgrim IIlld /,uge: intende.nt. slides easily over the ceived his training at Camp Rob- ness and welll:!eing of which we have dreamed and for which :ltp. Finally, he came upon the piece-de.resistance gift, one she \vas NowsbB wi/! &aI'r)' 2314 (JlUS- salient poin~.Jlgainst adoption of Inson, Arkansat. before leavini weh~ve planned, will surely be erected. sure he'd treasure. When he saw it he called to her, "Jane, where ellgers. aud 1200 crew. There the Mnendment. Dr. Essert is for overseas in August, 1945. . in h ••• did this thing come from?" She explained that she'd bought was a measured 2 mile run in ,(Wtor'. Note:-Now on. vaeatlon, Mark K. Edlar" editorial It ••• whereupon he asked what she'd paid for it. "That's ~ty tbe CLYDE off SCOTLAND Ib, writer ., tbe New. staff, sent back the above from Mason City, ' d Iowa, :after a motor !rIp throulh the country whose people he has business," she replied. "1 bought it with my own money.' The ear olber dar. QUEEN ELIZA- .• de.eribed.). little man then put' his foot in furthe:: by 'sayIng ••• "Well you BETH and tbe Iwn PRINCESS. 'b Control probably paid too much for it! Anyway we've got a tot of these ES made the speed Tim. damned things around the house ••• why did you have to buy '" .;. ... Bo. rn another?" He STILL didn't know they were anniversar3'; presents l\IADELlNE KUDNER gave a Mr. Truman says the atomic bomb is to stay in the nor was he aware they'd had an anniyersary. house warming at her new bird- United State~. He means by this, we pres~me, that. the Just about the time .the woman finished telling her dinner I cage on East 62nd st. ycster- processes of Its manufacture are to remam With us as long partner about her gripe .•. the husband returned to the table and day. Her guest of honor ,Wall as '.possible. . .'.. . .' .• ~aid, "I remember 'our anni\i~r:Sary now. We were i~ Macki~ac and HOW~R~ ~~~EI\ ~he man who . ' ..sSE!T1 , ~ost Amerlca~s w111 approve thIS. Un~ess and until IIt was on a Fnday." The httle helpmeet gave him a WIthering dresses all those. HOLLYWOOD tI'...,'"1I.lrzi RUSSIa. accedes to ~!-S comple~e and ~vorld Wide c<;mtrol by Iglance and said, "Yeah ••• the thirteenth!" ,dames and makes them look 1IO .' "::::?h::e""" .. recogmzed and satIsfactory mternatlonal authOrity, thIS .,. .. .. divinely pushed .up and t.llcked ,\~~.:-t ~ country ~a~ do no FROM OUR LETTER BOX in. MADELINE'S house Is what: ,I.., [.'~ n Russla~ ~PP?SltJ.on to the ~aruch plan ..seems ~o stem. Dear Pryor, is known in the DEEP SOUTH: .". ,.', ' 7', '3! lli:j f~om her dls.m~lmatJon to per~llt any~ne, even ~n mterna- This is from Ibe la:ldscape arcbitect tl'/}() bappem 10 work as a shot run shack-thllt. is'; ".: :.<; :;::"J.. '. - ._.. -'" ,.. ~~-.?-",:l:> tlOnal cwnmlSSIon, to peer behmd. her.I~on ~urtam. for Ihe lo,'el)' lad)' de;,,~:;~"~i:'',," ..~ Thifs fc~eharflY:I'de~on~tr~~~dt dlsPt?sltl0 n IS a ~Gor guar. O&tober J(). S;llce snme. parIs of tbis il/ridclIl are fdmiliar 10 see stra!ght t.hrough the, back.' £_ .... ~ ;;;=..,.,""--"""""""'....~~~'. .'~'.~ 1 antee 0 alt. u nessIT? ue. m en:ta lona covenan s. . mc a11d sillce Ibe e,'1;sode 1I0WlI'ea,'cs ilsclf ;'1/0 a complell!' door. It all olle\ls up on' a lush: =c:7 -:S' _=~-,.-J Meanwhile, ~ve, WIth the whlphand. at least for a time, pal/em, I will lakc tbis occasion 10 e"iilfi.i1J the rirmmstauces garden equipped with sllimmin,;' -=- .....-. can only m~rk tI~e and h0I:e that a sh.ift to f.rankness and IInder lL'birh Jbe gardcller's gardener stool'Cdo to so bumble a pool, pale grcen /loodlightsand. honest deallng Will develop In her foreign pollcy. paslim~as rak:lIg leares. . ...~,.,. . elegant. trces. Pretty good for a .~lt'seems thllt Ibe estale had l;ecome.!lo.shaded' hI' large trees NEW l'ORK backyard. j .f. h S I'd 'f tlidt pltlll/. life 1l'tlS gradllo/ly. c01JJi,(~ hlto~'s~~/Q~~"d olice. ?" . 1.,' ':,' Verheyden Home has an ideal. residential ,etti~g, away from or~er a 1 romply INth IbIS order It u:a;. fleressRry for Ib, Ktlrde11er, who 1J , ' .,~ .... .* '. '., SOCIW::~~ eRamSey MacDonald took the premiership of the r~all.l' Ihe subject ~f Ibis slor)', to rtik,e~h~ ./tQves. f~~ns 16t1t sec. If l'oul,,~'i Jh/"Jrof ""yl//i"g noi,e, traffl~ '~'nJ '~~m~cr~i~l activity. It ha.e nation-wide connection, first labor government of Britain he quickly and easily lIOn, l;e!ore . appl:pl1g t~': seed, II~ opertll,o~.~equf:~l1g perbap1 else 10. do, In NEW, ;OR,:K, JOu ;. ada tei:ihimself to the ways and trappings of comt societv. forr).fire ~llJJllles., So It mllst b.:s,:e hem';t IJm crllICal sl~ge of c~n aluotlJs ,chtl~ge ,000r ,_me. with e'tablish~cnt.r of c~~Ja.I :prominence. It. great rooms of ,tate are kne~ breeches and all. And Prince Eddie, who long sin~e Ibc operalum Ibal 111!ldal~le,'1~f)klJ/g from !Jer b,!dmom fnl1aOlll, SImplest thmr. m the fl)()fld. If 'roved himself much more than the roya 1 pla~'boy, would sa//, ollr ber~ mgtlge~ m Ilus mU:1da11~ pursUIt al?d promplly .1 nil are .tI ':'ZZlE, Iltld fancy in soft pRstel shades and magni~cently furnisbeJ.It ha.. the new P readil ull an honest laboring oar in a labor govern-I actcd aC&ord~IIF1.r, II'Jlb. Ibe result, w/Jlch I hal'e "fst le~T11ed. )fJJrrself II" ER,~IU~TRUD~ .all . , .~ent.s y p .' I,bat tbe IIdd,llOllal secdtrlg fle'er f('as. done, hilt. tI'l'U.h ~slJ1ce I~.ou blll'e. to dn IS file tI petillon ,luID her. cham bel'S, family rooms, JreSling rooms and a~ English lounge, It is this capacity for adJ'ustment which demonstrates am realll' dCl'oted to lJ~rc!leu/) I fnll do 1011lgbt durmg the 1/1 !be (It)' cOllrl, /lay 4. ~1 a~1d . f h B 't' h . 1 d' t I! full of the IIJ(J{JU, 'Nil 40 Jars. Tben. JOfl re 1 Of 1" I"d I hi' l ER'flNTRUD. r!', All the etemal qua. Ity 0 ten IS socia an go\ernmen a. cflurse I)IS IS OfJ l f11(1 cllta to t e Tell POlllt 0f tie ; " Li. k'.Jmas 0t' system. ,,______i~";/;,.'I'h!t:b1;,"~ll::~Ci:'~::;:s h~a~lI~f::I:b/~I;~~rd~'l:;o~:t;: /Ok1;::~ ~~of~:f~oTt.. I~;e:dZ~/~h~A2Rj A 'can Tonic 1 bale IWOlt'11 Itldic.r '!l'ho likcd to lat: and men u..ho 'scol/red the. If to his flalll' i;, 1937".10 j". men world for Illil(qlie ust !;/Iltem. PCTJfJlJlIlIy 1 li,ke Jo gtlther 10ltls idicille tbe waytisjQ1I1i!.v tt'aI1t. Chas. 'Verheyden, Inc. /" It is the American seasonal sequence in sports, covering flolurs al sUllri.,c. "II'/. ft'!)tll amId scem' more qllaint to mosl cd tbe' name .pr'011iJ1lnccd-+to practi1:ally the :whole year's" calendar, which offers the people readcrs oj Ibc i'\CIO )'orkcr tllld Ibe Grosse PO;lIle News? rb}me fdlb "~pots", 110t "rtlts!' NIasara 6000 .', that wholesome surcease from their personal anxieties which Yours, tl'ilb or 1.l"ilboJit philosoph ..., --_._-- 16300 Mad ~"e. at Outu Dri... ,... ~.. so largely keeps the American spirit on a healthy le\'c1. Arlcesl, J,ONALD FOLl.MER BITTEN - These sports are a tonic y;hich makes a mighty contrihu-. ------'--- HOMld Foll~er. 8, of 3~74 tion to both the physical and moral strength of our peOPle., Whether as participants or witnesses in hleOlchers and ~r('rcC~r? W:l~ b~te; ~~ ~~~~~~ As the baseball season, with its m.ill!on:. of followers, galleries Wl10 take tl'cir excrcise~vic;lriol.IS1.\ .. there .is R 1,~.g;l~" '~:1~mi~k~n,5;0', Co!l;,«e has come to its close th~ football season IS Just gettm~ under wholesome concentration on fun whIch IS ~he m~dlcllJe IHospit:ll for first aid. Tile good headway. Th~n will come the indoor sports of basket.] which dIspels the dour and gray outlook on hee whIch ob- Farms Police are i1l\'~sti&:atingthe C 1l 0 SSE POI. N T Ii, rUNEllAL DIJ.ECTORS bOlYlini and, wintet .porta in ali their myriad fonns. sesses so many less happy people throughout the world. ownership of the dog. '

• 4.

"" ~ R 0 5S E I N'T.E N',E'WS' 11lljl'Sd.y, October 17 I 19-% '0

She is a~ an a¥thorit1 OD ~ I: Club President, Point~~ -Gitiefl,ppportunity POint. . All wbovare .iIItereated may make r_rvati()llll b~callin&. the To Study"NehJ,:,.,qOu:Tse in.Art Grosse Point. Board of Eduea. • tion. Nt. 2000. ext" :!IS.


Blaek Ilagie in Persian ..•

silken ono tightiy curled •••

II m<'JrKof the finest Persi<'Jn.•••

lightweight, to flo<'Jtfrom

your shoulders in shining blllcK

ripples ••• big. full sleeves

thllt fl<'Jreout or push up ••• smart

new. three-quarter length.

i Fur Salon, .• 898* p. 1 'Plla' Federal Tax. .!J. 1 :

Valparaiso Grads .. To Hold Luncheon '. , aeoe;t,to ~uddleinto_. . " ,A dessert.bridge party at Kern's Auditorium at '12:30 noon, .Friday, yes. for warmth, for stylet Oct. 18, starts the season's fund . , raising activities of tlte Detroit ValparaisO Univ.ersity' Guild. The. slip into this firie COllt of Cllmels Detroit chapter is OIle of.50 chap- ters contributing. to the support Hair wool ••• luxurious of Valparaiso University. the Md chapters. recently completing a pledge of $75,000 .andpledging an Earl Glolining • ,. ni!lturllishad. additional $25,000 toward .the .. consfri,lCtion of a girls' dormitory, at a convention held Sept., 27-29 •• ,.sizes 10to 16. at ValRaraiso, Indiana. Mr,s. ,William Fenske. il .chair~ man: of the party committee; Mrs. 45.00 Williain Gervais, chairman of tickets. Chapter president ili Mrs. .hrmk tallSond-'einl original.;... Calvin!J. Gauss. Hostesses.for the occasion are: Mrs. ' ;, .... , '"",'; ! . TlIblll,'and door prizes' 'Will be .. ;t~ . given and a desaer~ luncheon. will the;be~ue.:Jen9th'

,I getMredskitt •• , ~izes .,Oto. r 6.

'D~Shop ••••••.. : , ~. :8.1;.00. "PI.- ...... ,.; TiIII


Dapper Gr.,. ••_

. -~.~_..;. .._ ---_:.-- ,.inspirea ,.;y.ifie " .' perioCf of the English di!lndies , ...

executed with c!I casual flair.

Jc!lC~~t,'skiFt, jerki'n, slach and

blouse irl blendeCl shades of .gray.

J,. ~ ,fabric bfAralac Md rayon. done to your taste ... . . this .Kraus original of silliy

gabardine. with its taut waistline

2-pc:' jade+ and s~irt ..••• : ••.• /lnd big pocket look that's so 2J.80 typical of the 194Tvintage ... in colors 2-pe. jerkin,.nd slacks . 22.95 that bright~n 'your wardrobe, white 8louse ...... birch, d~rk brown, sugar pine, 10.95 Sport Shop' sloe gin. or black. SiZ9.S .10 to lb.

Suit Shop 119. 'Plus rederal T~"

K.rche.,.1 .t St. Cleir, Grosse P.oint. '

. . ," ',', _.,' ----!_~;~.'. "';';::J"'J~'~, ~'~:';'''';I ." .',. ," :.... '\ L,'., t' : l'r ..... zi' ,. .; .. j' /. ~ ,r. a .. f' '.~' j .",l ,:) .: ~\.~ l1tursd.y, October 17rl9..46 Eight -_.'G R.O. SSE p 01 N~TENE W S

f30ciety News Gathered from All ~of-; the Pointes... . From Another Pointe Short and to the Pointe Dorothy Motschall" of View " Music lovers from the Pointe flocked to, Mlsonic auditOrium ~~~,:iV::~ in",,":: 'Weds GeradyGrout by Mrs. Robert John Peterson last Monday for the concert by Orlando, .n&., where she .visited • . Jane Schcrmeehoro Yehudi Menullin. Glimpsed in the Mrs. A...C .. Banknight for the last Ceremony Performed In St. Clare d. Montef~lcoCh,ureh' audience were MRS. STANDISH three weeks. ! by Rev. Cyril W. Burke of Barry.Col1ege. ,.:' BACKUS, MRS. HENRY P. .:';'; : N,w5 'It' the Pointe thi~ week revolves its ch05rming w.y WILLIAMS and. MRS. JOHN S. . Ma.. AND.. • MRS.• •. ..JO S EPH llride's AmaI Mater_ ~.lo around young, marriedcouple~ ••• engagement rings ••• and NEWBERRY. --, tlie meetings whichalw.ys dot October's c05lend05r••• . .,. DFiGR~ returned. recer:tly , St. Clate de Montefalco Church was the scene last ~t- ,from a tnp to New YorK, durmg ul'day noon of the wedding of Dorothy Marie:Mot~h.alI. Mr. and Mrs. leland Dell Burton are going to b. hosh this Off for a holiday at the Home- Saturday evening at e reception. • .., stelld in Hot Sprinls, Va., the \lnd wlUch they $t,.ay~d~t the Plm. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Motsehall of Three Mile .:..":" 'Fcr their daughter, Jean and her husband, Albert J. Berres of the. month will be MRS. An~Vt' November wedding date drive, and Gerady Andrew Grout, s0!1 of .¥r. and 2 Mrs. ;':" "III who ~ecently return.ed to the Pointe lifter their wed. STANDISH BACKUS. MRS. tor your social calendar Novem" Seward G. Grout of Grand Traverse, flmt;:Mlch. .,. ,.., :,.OJ ding trip ••• " .' BOYER MILLER, who has just Per ~. when MARY KRENTLERTho Reverend 'Cyril W. Burke'j' '. '...... ,;'-. Albert, so'; of Mr. and Mrs, Albert J. Berres Jr. of Sh Clair returned from the Summer at ..-ill ~bme tl:ie bride ofMAs," " . iIl • • chapel. mony. . The reception was held in the )::. f;nd e place of the,ir own • •• . Off to New York for a few days . , ••• I 'l'he bride was lovelv in a bride's home, witli whitechtYs. , , YOUNG. BERRES' HONORED to visit her family is MRS. WIL- ,NeW. residents of Grosse Pointe gown of: Duchess cmdlelight anthemums and. ireenry 'at. Vital stetistics on the attractive yaung pair: LIAM C. CURRAN of CadieUX will be EILEEN GALLAGHER sa~in fashioned with a fitted r8l).gementsthrOughout the housl!l, J.ell is ,a Grcne, Pointe High, gr05duate aJ:l" attended idge. roacL &ridJAME~ SH~LDS who are bodice a!ld a full ~kirt ending in Young. Mrs, Grout. ~6te 0:_ I'~ ,~ter ParkCclleg'e in Briarcliff Manor, N. Y•••• • • • to ~ marned thIS Saturday in a long cI,rcul~r tram. The round winter wheat suit with .~ovilll .... AI was recently discharged at Great Lakes after his service Just a few of the interested ~e8u church, over o~ the Norlh. yoke of ,IllUSIOn was borde!ed by accessories when she left'Vlt!l. Y(ith the Third' Marin. Division ••• the young mlln sew .ction :visitors at. the Artist Market's Side. FollOWing their wedding' rose pomt lace, styled Into a her husband for. their' ho*ey. opening Tuesday included' MRS. at Guem end Iwo Jima • • • . ' trip, they'll make ,their home on round d~ep ~e~a, Her long veil 1Uoon in New .York City. Her EDS~' B. FORD, Y.P.S.DAVID Moross road at. the. Pointe. The ,of ,Elfglisht,illuslon fell from a brown hat was tipped""ilh beige nt.ring service, Al was in his se"ior yeer at G~ ;,", B~for•• O. 'HAMILTON. MRS. JOHN. P. bride-elect is the aaughter. ,of Juliet cap",a~nted ~y a tiara of ostrich feathers and" .she "W9re: a ",,,,Pointe High Sehcol : ; ; I 'HODGES (who was busywork- MRS. ;rAMES' A. GALLAGHER stephanotIs.: She ~arcJe~ a ~rayer corsage ,of bronze-green orchids. ~::;:;.", Th. reception will take place in the 8urtons' resid.nce on inc. too) ..MRS~ HOWARD GREE. andt;he lat~ MR. GALLAGHER, book ,ad~med Wilh. s~tm nb.tx>n. 'Upon their relurn, .the:' .. ,;~.University piece.' •• MAN SMITH; MRS. JOHN R • and. the brldegeoom-elect is the fills. 'R; M. McWilliams, Sisler couple will 'make .their ,home ,in ."1, BARBARA JOHNSON ENGAGED ODELL,. JR., MRS. WILLIAM son of MRS. JAMES A. SHIELDS o~;thebrl(;legroom, was Dorothy's Detroit. . .. ': Down in South Bend, Ind. there was engegement ring DENLER, MRS. BOOK BAKER, of Woodingham drive and the matron of honoe, and Belty Mol- MRS. ROBERT ANGELL . . of interest to the Pointe thi~ week •.• late MR. SHIELDS. . schall was her sisler's. maid of . . • " • honor.- '.T-!Je bridesmaids were '.'".:.', Former ',' • Mr. und Courtney E. John'son • • • Page Spilner' .--. Mrs. A .recital by Yvonne Chalfonte, Mary Louise Motschall, Anne'." . , ~~i~'lInnounced the .ng.gement of their dllughte!, B...rbllrll , •• Amonr those who ilso "worked" at the Market opening day were lyric soprano, was pre. Padelt arid E1;Jgenia Heiler. .Wedd' '. ~~~.1' .:' i'j " To Col. John Hugh.s Stodter of Sen Dle90, Ca!' ••• The attendaiib' w~re dressed tng L'JTw..a~,. - The young couple met. ovel5ell5, •• when Barbara was with MRS. JOHN NOR'.rqN LORD, ~ted lastSund8.y'evening at lhe alike in heaven .blue taffela MRS. WILLIAM ,McMILLAN, U. S. ForeigN Service ••• ' .nd he WIlS serving in the army. ! ' CHRISTINE CA l:'LKINS and Masonic Temple by friends of the gowns fashion"ed with sweetheart - Carlotta Anne Page, daughler SERVED OVERSEAS . BETSY HOLTON. Cattnelites. Proceeds of the iif- necklines, fitted. bodices and full of Mr. and Mrs. Blinn S. Page of .~' Berb.r.', Schools inc;lud.Kemper Hall , • ,. and St.r.h fair will he used to erect a new skirts. A stream of rUffles starl- 1128. DevllPshire road, will be. • • • monaslery for the Carmelite ing, at)he waist in the back, of l;(lm~ the bride of Alian 'John wlltTenee , • • .• . MR~ H~TON DAVID ~.. Sh. ~as jllst reeently returned from her two year stint ov .... ;JAMEs will lU'rive in the Pointe NUns; 'who are now occupying a the sklr,l& ~dedln short trams: Spilner Friday nIght 'at a 8:30 el '•• ~ during time she hilS been in,' Chin. end residence on Webb avenue. Among '!hey WCleepl!=t';lre hab of match- o'clock doubledri. cerenidnY in .u,,;.. wtlic:h this week.end after her first visit "-t f t d Ing Cillors. wIth. blue velvet Ch' ~h . ~iBt~,Albenle.. .., : . . . .' to her former home in Luxem. .th e ~. 0 pa rons were MR. ,an streamers and- carritod bouquets rlst t,; urc., Chapel. The'bride. ~ ,~" Caj. Stod+er, 1011 ,of Col. M. C; Stodter, retired, .nd Mrs. bour(,since before the war. She'll M1lS, JOHN L. DRUMMY.MR. of yellow chrysthemuiM groom-eleet .. the son of Mr. and join MR. HAMILTON at their and MRS. JAMES E. SCRIPPS ." '. ... ,'. Mrs. A. Walter Spilner,formerly .~",,:Stoclter ~s.n Diego ••• . m, MRS.: MICHAEL KEARINS, ';Young .Pa~l M°tsc~.ll, nephew of Elizabeth, N. J,. arid now of 15Ft, 0 • Is • West Point gr.du.t •• , • home on Rivard boulevard. .. The former EVELYN ZIMMER, daughter of Mrs. MRS .. ROCCO DI MARCO, and of the ,bride. was the ring bearer. Philadlephia. '" , ~t.,..'.. At. pl'eM.ftt~he is serving in 9icego, • colonel in the G.3, .. :: i-fjfth Army h.. ~uert8fS. ,. . - MRS. JOHN B. HARTZELL Linn L. Zimmer of Neff road, and the late Dr. Zimmer. ~irFFnd MRS. ROY FRUE. m;:.tnc:ea~~gs,;~:n~u~~: w~:~~.Donald Kastner,' the for- op"-:, No cMte' wa set for the wedding, •• has returned to her Ridge road was marrie,d, on Saturday in St. Paul's Church' On Lake '. • • Bob Motscball, James Cobb. m~r .Louis P~ge; sister of the ,,1I;ll,;'" .,. PAT TALBOTT WEDS DALE DAVIS home after a junket to Ma..'l- Shore road to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Peterson Frank Weeks and Charles S il- brlde-elecl, WIll be malron of of Glynn. court. Picitu',.,G.a.c.h. ¥R,. AND MRS. L, L. McCON- Ian!!. ' . p honor, 'and Elizabeth Lahr, the "i&T ',,' The Poin" WI$ fIl. seen. of • newspaper we~ding thi, hattan. • • • ~C~ of Harvard road. an~ . , bride.eleet'scousin" of 'Chicago, :..j;~f}j~' .• -...' " • ' • • ,': . • " • .. _ . Munce the engagement of their ~. Mots~ the bl'lde s bridesmaid Robert W ,

I~RYING WALTOn-PIERCE ••••• ' •. CITY CL U. ...,.~ , ' ..... ,".. , A¥ I, ••• ~ ... ,~ ...... " l. "'",,~, .f , !,1j:)}'c,y~:~,;~;.ik.\\t;;J&J ...... -...------'-':'------$~\---~------..$-----.-..,,~.LII!IJ..::'l'S------~------~~--~~-..- Nine 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS . , Woman's Page • • • by, of and for PointeWom e! Big Gl'id 'Game I 'Mrs. Gerady Andrew Grout AWVS of Pointe Pegg'y Fenley Tells Inspire~ Pa~~ , Sole Survivor Evelyn ZimmerWe:ar

Prof. 'and Mrs. Robert Angell . Former activities of the Detroit unit of the American'Women's Ro'bert Joh n PeterSO added to the festivities of the Voluntary Services, which., has Her Wedding plans Ai-my-Mic\ligan game last w~it- dissolved, are being taken. over. ------. f!nd by entertaining at a ~unch- by the Grosse J;'ointe unit, now Couple Leave for Wedding Trip in.South Followinq Cer eon before the game. Clrol, Sister of Bride.Elect, Will Be Maid of Honor at the only A.W.V.S. unit in Metro- mony Performed in St. Paul's Church on lake Shore . Their guests were Mr. and Mn. poJitan Detroit, of which Mrs. ------. . -= Ceremony to Be Held in Chri~t Church on Nov. 2 t Donald M. Woodruff, of Lewiston Frederick Clifford Ford is chair- Before the flower banked altar of St. ~aul's Church. Bride-elect Peggy Fenley, daughter of the Greene Fen- road, and their house lUesu from man. Evelyn Marjorie Zimmer became the bride of Robert,John Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- leys Jr •• of University place, is busy attending parties, and The Detroit Consumer Division Peterson, son of the Edwin H. Petersons of GlYlID J~~urt, ward Atwood. completing plans for her for,thcoming wedding to Henry F. will be absorbed by the Grosse last Saturday at a noon ceremony. Making up -.other party to Pointe Division. under the chair- The bride. the daughter of Mrs.t ',c:. Vaughn, Jr. ' ¥ . attend the game wert Mr. and PeelY ,bas announced the' at- for the young bride-elect. That mans hip of Mrs. Stuart A,. Fraser. Linn L. 'Zimmer,. of NeH road. breakfast Wall served, irom the Mrs. ,Thomas Petzold, Mr. and The Cancer Pad Station,' ..estilb- and ,the late ..Dr. Zimmer. wore buffet table in the dining'room tendan\a for, the ceremony. which SaI!ltl evening Mary Elizabeth Mrs. B. D. Eblen, Mr. aild Mrs. 'vl'ill. Qe held at .( o'clock on Nov. Hodges will be hostess at a din- lished by the Detro,it unit. has an iV,Ory satin gown fashioned on also decorated with ireeri.{ and Lloyd Ecclestone, Mr. and Mrs. been transferred to the, American prince.'ls lines. The squilre neck. white flowers. ' '~ 2 at Christ Church. Her sister, ner for, Peggy and her fiance. George. Klein and Mr. and Mrs. 1 , Carol. will, be her maid of ,honor Mrs. Charles H. Fletcher will give Cancer Society. This .worksllop is line was edged with a small For her wedding trip south, the Herman L. Weckler. now in the Red Cross BUilding lIared collar of rose point lace. bride wore a three piece'~qua and ',Mrs;Edward H. Cook, of a : cocktail ,party and pantry The Joseph L. Hickeys and Cambridge; Mass., vlillbe. the shower on Oct. 30. where the making of cancer Evelyn's veil of heirloom rOlie gabardine suit and brown ac- their house guests, Col. and Mrs. dressings will continue under the point lace over illusion extended cessories. On their return; the matron, of honor., Mary Ander- Carol Fenley 'fill' be hostess Ferdinand Gallegher, of F;JTt ~ lIOn Coompe, of Cincinnati; Mary for the spinster dinner on Oct. direction of Mrs. Michael Waish. from a small coronet cap of rose young Petersons will reSide in Wright, L. I., w'"tchedthe. game Louis Hackstedde, also of Cin- 30, the same evening on which Other activities now directed poi~t lace and. fell inw a long Detroit's east side. with Mr. and Mrs. Greene Fen- linnati; Esther Palmer ,and Janet tile' bachelor dinner will be held. by the Grosse Pointe unit are the trill.n. She .carned a bou9uet of ley, Jr., and Peggy and her fiance. finnie will be the bridesmaids. The following evening, Oct. 31. Henry Vaughn, Jr. Marine Hospital Library work, white orchids, stephanotis and Republz'can C: I,,..tb 'David N. Mills will be best the Haldeman Finnies and Janet under the supervision, of Mrs. Yucca buds . • ' 'I- tnan for Henry. Seating' the will be hosts at a buffet supper, Charles M. Voelker' Mrs. Frank Attendants were the bnde s M t M cIa JU~ will be Robert Milligan, The rehearsal dinner will be Burton and her grdup will con- sister, Mrs: Richard ~., ee s on. "ji. Jr., Di," Edward P. MacKenzie. given on Nov; 1 at the Country Observe 45th tinue their work of usl!ering at and the bndegroom's sister. MISS '__ ,,' :~o Dr. 'Alexander W. Blain !II, Club with Peggy's aunt and Fisher Town HalLThe BoYs' Re- Margaret !,ete,rs0n. They were Mrs. Homer Ferguson., Mrs. Greene Fenley, Jr., Sherwin B. unci;, Mr. and Mrs. James Anniversary , publ.ic . AMVS Committee will d~essed ,alike In go~s of dUS,ty Harry, Z. Marx and MT.~'tred- French, Her~rt W. Hewitt. Jr., Coombes. of Cincinnati, as /lasts. lth \ co~tmue unde: the co-chairman- pm.k faille mnde v: basque erick M. Alger. Jr., will address Edward l'lrightweU, of Cincinnati Th'e brillal luncheon on the day Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 'J. ship of Mrs: Sidney R. Small and walS~ a~d ~Ull T~kirts of urr- an important' pre-elecUon',meet- and-Harry Calcutt, of Ann Arbor. of the wedding will be given by I Mrs. Jean Maxwell. press pea. ey wore C? - iog of the Women's Republican Holtz of KennSington r03d re- the. face ,hats of dusty pmk ',. Mrs. Longyear. Palmer and Dr. an~ Mrs. Henry r Vaughn, cently celebrated their forty~ftfth -_ ...... _-- trimmed with ostrich tips of an Club of Grosse Pomte on Mon. Esther will be hostesses on Oct. the bTidegroom.elect s parents, wedding anniversary. t American beauty shade. Their day, Octobe.r 21 •. .a 2 p.,ro.", 26 at a kitchen shower and tea at !he Country Club. In honor of the occasloJl'Mrs. .Trudells, S'cotts, flowers Were arm bouquets of The meetmg will, take place at E. Richard Holtz and Mrs. Fred- ' R' . American, beauty roses. the\home of Mrs. Phelps.New- erickJ. Holtz, Jr. were eo-bost- H,avl.ngeunwn Edwin H. Peterson, Jr .• was his be~. 110 Cloverly. road. drosS() Another Pointe of View esses at a dinner party for the brother's best man. Merle Mc. Pomte Farms, and IS open to all family. . (Continued from Pare 8) Fawn and Linn L. Zimmer, Jr., Republican women. Out of town guest. included the , Mr, and' Mrs. James,J. Trudell, -.) Wit;on wiH pf~side it the meetin:g ••• Holtz's nephews and nieees, Mr. Jr., of Lincoln'road, flew to New seated the guests. , And other oHi~$rs tiking over their duties for the first time and Mrs. William Petz and Mr. York Wednesday to visit, 'the . F~r .her daughter's wedding Casgrains Back.._ and Mrs. Wilbl!rtPetz of Narth. .Sherod Scotts, formerly of Roose. Ml'5.. ZlInmer chose a gown of +h•• d.y will include: MARIEMO'I'SCHALL.velt 'place and now'of Bronxville. fuchSia ,crepe. d.raped at. the neck, 'l.J Mn. Shelden Perry Th"cher, vice president ••• Mrs. Robert ville, and Mr. and Mri Waiter F' 10' 'T', daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John.M. Motschall of:Three "Wedn'esdaywa(the anniversary sleeves an,d'sklrl. Her'hat ":asTOm p H"nslcw, secret.ry • • . Mrs. Robert ,Winter, correspcnding Haessler, of Monroe, ng 'n , Also attending the' celebration Mile Drive, was married last Saturday in8t; Clare de ~of both couples. which called for made: of feathers flecked WIth Mr'-and Mrs. WilfredV.~Cas. Heretery , , • "nd Mrs. Willi.m Hurs. Mcntee, treasurer • , .' Montefalco Church to the son of and Seward' Ithe' joint c'elebration. ' .':, fuchSia and chartreu~e, and ~he grain have retu,rned .to .•~tlieir were the honorees three &rand- Mr..,"" Mrs. G. , ' ., '" ., ,. wore green cypropedium orchids, . MRS. WHEELOCK WILL LECTURE children. Lois, Janet, and Don&1d G rou t o.f Flint ,-lccure P ,by I?,elgh"~aVm . • !ht: fours,ome, \\'1,11,', ,go, la, West at' her shoulder. , home on .Willow Lane af~er a Pointe G"rden Club members will hear" lel:fure on "Prin- Holtz. . • • " ' 'pol1;1,t ~atur!layfor t~e Army- Mrs. Peterson, the groom's trjpthro~.g!t.the,Southa.J1d~ast. eipl" of Design in Flower Arrengem,ent" ',' " first of , series , Caulkzns' Fete, Coast Author . IColumb~a game. ,~d o~ Sunday mother, ch~ a gown of. royal Alter vlSltmg Hot Sprmgs ~nd to, be given by Mrl. Wendell K. Wheelock •• , Three Pointers Pledged " ' ~:re wIll be.. achrlst,enmg party blue crepe with a beaded bird of Ne.w York they, sto~~ ~t : " " . .." , ' , ", ' . III t~e Scotts Bronxville. hl,lme.;paradise design at the shoulder Prmcetown, N.J: to, VISI~~~l!1r . , Mrl. ,H.rold W. !Hiley end Mrs. Robert Winter will be 8y DePauw Sororities U. .Mr. and E.dward B. Caul. Among the, !Dany sIllall parties ',Little Sheryl Virgini9,oScott and oil the skirt. Her small hat son and daughler-m-law, Mr. and 8Isist"nt hostesses ••• ~, of U.r,uverslty Place. have for the ex-Pomter was. a lunc/l- will be the, center, at, attention of multi-colored ostrich plumes Mrs. CharlesW. Casgrai,n n, who. Amcn9 new committee ch.irmen eppointed by presiden!', Three Pointe, girls have been haco as their house guests Mrs, eon at the Grosse POInte, <;:lub on that occasion with the Td.l, was made of the, colors of the were married this lall. '. Mrs'. Wilson, ere: ". pledged to soro,r,ities ilt DePauw Ed wardJ; , daughter aJldsOnc~. given b~ Mrs. Edgar Lee~unk. dells acting in the capacity of 'beaded bird of paradise. She Last point on the,itineru)' Was Mrs. Eerl R. Bridges, par1i"ment.rien • .. , Mrs. Sterling University d u'r inJ ' the first law, M.r.and. Mrs. Jonathan Lab. Mrs. Lahmer greeted old fnends, god.parents. ' ,', wore ,yellow 'orchids. ' a visit with Mr. Cargrain's'father. pledging period of the ,wmter Senford, publicity ••• Mrs. R. Gerveys Grylls, year book , •• mer. Mr. Latune):, author of ~hose ~rs. Arthur H. Buhl, Jr., Mrs,' :Mr. T,rUdeell will. ,'flY,,b,aCk,"to I, ,The br,lda,1party receive,d th,Gir Charles W. Cargrain, and his I,is. semesler. . well-Ja;own ,mystery thriller~, Alexander L. Wiener, Mrs. Cam- the Pointe on Sunday 'nign.t; with guests heforethe fireplace, bank. ter, Miss Charlotte CasgraJn': wno Mri. Harold W. B"i1ey, scr"p book ••• Local' pledger'incluCle: 'Donrta Mrs. C. Bey.rd Johnson, program ••• Mrs. Watson Beech, and h.'s wife came f~om their cron Watterm~ lp and'Mrs.,A. Mrs. Trudell remaining in 'New ed with greens and flowers"in have their home in Whitlfield, Dahlen •. 253, McMillan, :,Kappa ~onlerv.tion ••• Mrs. CI"rence L. Fox, membership • , , Mrs. home m La Jolla, Calif. Ingersoll LeWIS, Jr. ,York for ,aJew days of shopping. the Zimmer home. , The wedding N.,H. .1 Alpha Theta; Marilyn Ruth Shaw, > Shelden P.Thacher, hcspitality ••• 225 McKinley road, A I p h a ., Mrs. Frederi~k J. Stevel)l, pl"nt exchange ••• Mrs. Wendell Gc,mma Delta; Frances ,F. Wertz, K. Wheelock, library • • • and Mrs. Arthur D. Sutherland, 1056 .Balfour, Del,ta :z:eta. bun.till , • • • • SAliS FIFTII AVENUE.. ... -:..... " Ragan.Lid. InstaU~tion " . -,' ~::<" ,." Seliedulid for .Ocfober2 f' Second at LothrOp' F1'ankSladms.S~ge.Reunion ' .:..' ,-" .. . , . .. . :,l'he' Army-Michigan game was another'son-iri.lawand daughter; ! Newly electedolticers.Of the the cause lor an impror.1ptu lam- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wardell 1i.agan.Llde Unit, Alriei-leanLe. .... ~,.;. . -: -. ily reunion for the family of Dr. and their son, John. came from gion Auxiliary; will be iriatalled on Monday. October 21. at 2.p.m. and '.Mis. Frank J. Sladen last Midland. ;- ',i'. ., I - in the,.WQmen's,City Ch"b, .. .* ... ~ ;::", S.tuiday" '.' With 'F k SI d J the ',~ , . The. : Sladen'! son-ln~law and . ran .... a en .. r., . Thll Beaudry,' Upit '.WiP, otfi;; ,Opea daily IUO. to I:00 ' , datighter.Mr:and Mrs.Rowhindf;or.1,ly attended the .ga,,"e at Ann ciate at :tne iJ)stallation,'l:e~ will ,~., ..Hall. and' their. IOn, Rowland, IArbor and then, returned for .dIn- be, serVed. fol1owin,the' ~re- lJ'r.• cAme fri!m Grll1l4 Rapids and ner at the Detroit Club. mony.

. ,

'Antoine designs. The Gift That . Starts A Good Habit! ev~ning c'oiffures 'llarqnret fl Brien tor, the glow'ing ~r-~gJ new make-up

You" have a bundle of ecstasy in your o;"'s 0"'" tMte ...... teNt."ies for YOU' favorite "'0 12er. Things for bath, ~ ..... fof hair ., • things for ev~ry beauty ccnlluMl ~ • ...... of "Ieauty SecretsH in each M4l

...... _ -..I I-.-L~ • ..' ~ ..... -. Ihe tift that makes "keeping ..- - -""111--Ita _ r-iiii ...... fuAl50C to $6.50.* -;:- ,_ ..... f« .....

1"/' ('/\ (JP/.J ~J

SIfH'ef O~ In If) If) D';1; GROSSE POINTI

drE ,...... M' s' n s •• 0#7 .' ,e~OSSE 'OINiE Thund.y, OetQbtr 17, 1946

Joan ZleCl.r ,and Tom Alv.reZt /1l.\nt, There WII I bit ot trol.\ble ST. PAUL man were some ot lh' girls who Peggy Wortly. othel'1 ,ivillS qut Martha JQhnIOll apd Crbel Mor. in flndin, some at the deil,nated '\*It the aftem09Jl ,xchangine with peppy cheel'li and. seen objects on the licavencer ttun.t, Y~ltion pictures and talkiliJ throWing confetti w, he". 5(. p.. au.l "I I" ts ris. Dick King lond Su •. Field, however smokine lhe long.hunt~ over lheir summer experiences. .... B Shirley Jerome and Charlie Mor- HI-LITES • '0 • made their touchdowns were: , d ris, Jane Kuhlman and ~il\ Ham- ed.for cigars added much humor By PAULA BEAUPIlE K I JUDY ATHMAN played h()steS$ Veronica Tamm, Nancy .. Schu- B,,'I, IUlllr'1 Prevo ilton Cynthia Wade and Post to the evening, Betty Graham, Ford~n,' il/'ona Hemmeter and linn. Lindh, Pat Day, Sara Ste. Some frlend$ of A~ CAMPi:N. at I wi~ner rout lut S4turda¥ ma<;h~r, P~I'Y liyde, Ellen Boult, tllILIlIJlIfllli l 1--,ilII_ Frank Wilton, S.lIy Ives lIPd phenson. Jennie Quirk, Joyce HOUT honored him with a party for II group ot her Sophomore Pat Van Tiem, Tnereaa L1.Ilfy, Gr6.m! Pointe High School Jack Foster. Ann Whltlingham Schcnburn. Mary 'McKay, Cyn- Jut Friday. The Occliionmarked frlend •. Itwu meant 10 \);I. i Rose Muie Cook, Carl Staub, I!'~ted HARRIET DORN Frid,ay and Tucker WHitehead. More thia Blean, Shila McComb, Mary Ai's Itlventeenth blrthday,HI. strictly feminine .ffalr but later Judy Henneck., Carol Boxrud, ,. hen she attended cl,asses wlt,h dallcing to recorded music were Luft, Jessie Farquhar, Verna Rob- date tor the bl, doln .. Wa' Joan In (he evenini lne mUC\lllne and Sue Bur~e. 0 ' ... :Barbara Carter. Harnet, who 18 Gertie Ford with Doug Donald, erts, Susie Johnson, Mary Nebel. mem~rs made .their Irand en.- Weidman. JOIn Athanson n' Ray St. Paul will play st, ~ilrtin well known to many of our younl JOllnne Ellis with Jim Touscany, Pal Rulh and Sharron Arnold Huetteman, Kay Mcd'onald n' trance, Joan 8cnummer, Marla. nflxl S\lnliay at ~. The ~la<:e: Grosse ,po!!!ters, hails from Ro. Dorothy Jean Ellis with B,ud were there. Don Simpson, Sandy Slttlncer n' ret Clark, Rila LeilhOl.llllr, Sally o .. • Murphy, Ann Meathe, PaJ Trafl\- Grosse P()intl' Hilh, Field. SEE meo, Mlchli:iln, \ FrueholY, Corinie Woodell WIth Art Smith, Dot Hl1Iebrand n' TtG YOU ALL TIiER!!!! • 0 0 flill Fisher, Kay Curtis with R~n- PAT BARNES'hag session Fri- Vernier, Jim Cavana\l,h' and bIey, PeliY Lllbaqie, and Chris' Another we~k.ender here In,H)e nie Milner, Dori! Shover. ',vlth day gave the eJght attenders a Shirley WllllalTlll, DoDo Hoffman tlne Weat were the lroup who Pointe w~ EILEEN lWBINSON, Jay Purdy, and Barbara ••1111er f 1J1lnce to exchange the latest gos- n' Kenny Am .. , Carolyn TriPP were very bu.y .ipplnlcokes New England Women illest of ELEANOR FAULKNER. with Bill Ghesqulere. ' sip and brush up oh harmonlzln, n' Howl. Meathe, Nelda Hoff. llnd munchin, potato chilli until Plan Benefit Lunl:heon Eileen comes from over Canada 0 • • those old song favorites. Invita- meyer n' n.lph Schneider were interrupted by Dick Morketter. \\'ay. BUNNY SHIPTON rounded up tions were sent out to Elaine thOle eeen swaylne to lhe latest Jerry Ho!lerboke, Jim Law, Dick Members of Detroit Colony. o 0 • several of her girl friends last Cabal. Joy Schriber, Marion Ren- Vau,hn Monroe recordinl'. HoakiM, Joe Cllvan,ueh lInd La National Society of New Enaland :Friday there was a hag dance Frid~y for one of those sleepless ni'l, Belly Pesamoska, Barbara 00. Verne Athman who joined in the Women will Wednesday, which was dreamed up by the "slumber parties." The evenlne's Carter, Pat Martin, Joann Lyons A lIambl,Jrler fry which served m~rriment. October 23. at t~e Inlleside Club. COUNTRY DAY JUNIORS. Lee entertalnmentlni;l1,lded a show at and Milrilyn Smith. a double pllr~,wal tile reason • • • Woodward and /ltkinsoll Ive- the Punch a,ld Judy, ~nd the .. .. 0 for the .aUi'nlnc at the home of , The Mlchigan.Army game was !'lues, A qessert.luncheon lit 12:30 McMahon furnished her abode lucky gals In on the fun were The hay ride planned by' DOT }dARY'ANN HILLEBRAND d. o'clOCk will precfde the business ~;AHtll~~Jt1~A;fAT~~:S~~ for the jolly event, The recrea- Sue Field, Shirley Davis, Doris KING was canceled Friday tMl- ter the ,St, Chllrles 'ame. It WII session at \ :30 o'clock which lhe tion room in Lee's Bishop road Wilson, Nancy Siever. Felice cause of weather condItions. orilinally mean t to be the first last Saturday. They went by lrain president, Mrs, Edward J. Savage, home was decorated with corn- Thorpe, ani Marge Shultz. Nevertheless. the party went on rll~1 I,t,lo,etiler since the open. to Ann Arbor to view the oul- wlll conduct. JitIlI!tJ and pumpkins. Cid'l!r and 0 • • with dancing, food, and gllmes at inl of .chool, bllt when the vie- standine lime of the season, , Edward D. Connor, eXl!cutive do.nutl added lc the October Celebraling lhe outcome of the Dot's' house. A late supper ot torloua 1'Iyel'l walked aw.y with o • 0 director of the Citizens' }iouling theme, and amf".g the many in- 12B class elections at G.P,H.5., macaroni and cheese was serVed, the 3rd lame of the .eUlln, it S(lm~ ot the mllny students lint! Planning Council of Detroit, formally clad couples were Lee several of the gals gathered for Addison Smart's piano playine alia a ceillbration. Joan who went by elll' and bus to dis- will be introduced as speaker by " McMahon and BlIl Beard8lee, a pot luck supper and Icaveneer added to the fiesla, and Dot and Beaupre. Marilyn OUIl, Jean Kul- tant Southwestern Field tor the Mrs. Harold H, Jameson, prolram Sf b Hancock were tops at jitter. ka, Joan Krausman, Alice 1'11.1. St. Paul.St. Vincent pig.~kin en- chairman. His subject will be bugging. Others doini ;heir part lIer, Mary Lou anll Pal Thibo. counter were: Betty Sheridan "Face-lifting Detroit!' to make the party a success were deau, AIda Marie Crowe. Fran with Alex. Moier. Henriettll Sut- Members will bring donations Allan Helquiit, Bob Ha, r.ock, Pat Ardilto and Betty Ann Hllelle- ton, Anna Marie Tamm, Jane of clothing for a, Tennessee Liddle, Wally Swayne, Dona L~e I.udwig, Madan 'McLauchlin. mountain school, for which a Davenport. Addison Smart. Erma :\I4artha Mauer, Eleanor Allard, Christmas box is being preparl!d. Walsh; and Patsy Erskine and 1 Hocking, Phyllis Cobb, Jim Mc- Tom Geist, Ralph DeCender, Luncheon reservations. m u s t Dave Belile. reach Mrs. Chrales B, Warner, of Nally, Dick Tideswell, Lucy 000 Beatrice Marchand, DoDo Back. Heims, Doris Simms. Elton Bam- man. Joyce AIel, Ralph Beaupre, S, Clarendon avenue, by satur' There was a caoin party at the ford, Gerry Haas, Dolores An- Joan Lemieux. Dot Hillebrand. day. CUDLIP'S Saturday! AUer din- scheutz, and Peggy McCarlen. l Why Do We Neglect ner the kids all, wel\t to the • • • Punch and Judy, and lhenlgain Playing a,~ JEAN SHORT- ret\lrned to the cabin tor danc- Our Doctor? Y.ROFF'S bridge party Friday Ini, On Belb'. 'list were Joan evening were Ellen Bery, Fay Gehlert, Shirley Jerome with Ed Pankow, Pauline Perrone, Jean- B;lker, Libhy Powelf with Tom l1ette Van Becelaere, JoyC'l Sa- W~en sidness strikes, we want the Dodor Joyce, and Gertie Ford with dowski. and Helene Himmeline: Dou, Donllld. qLlick\y. !,-nd h. r.sponds 10 .veryone .. 0 0 . .. . promptly, usu!llly i:Jn th811S!lme d!lY- Before trekking oul IQ the Mon- Joan McGinty was. the honored pMdenU sometimes within hours, The MediclIl l'oe game Friday, PEGGY TERRY ,uest at a' dilJner and card parly gave a dinner pady. The ials given by JUDY HARGER. The OF Profession' has II record of good f!lith ea'lng hot dogs and making with wonderful salmon dinner wu SPECIAL OCTOBER SELLING ,to ih duty. the chatter w~re Barbara Daugh- enjoyed by Joan, Judy, Jean Col- Come ~ misty, tery, Peggy Hatch, Elaine Buher, linson and Joan Schmidt. moisty morning 'an<:{you'll be 011set __ with " pair It's only. right to pey for his services 115 Margie Simons. Mary Ellen An- . . .. t~~$¥d promptly liS we like to hllve him respond trim, Joy Heidrich, Carol Shar- No pale faces were allowed out of PeterPon's boots, shiny block with bright shiny rer, Patsy Erskine, Sarol Chad. to our ClIIi. at GERY ROUNDS' Saturday red toppers! S,p!asho!l you please, you'll be nice wick, Carolyn Johnson, Carolyn when she threw a huge pow-wow Robinson, Janie Leininger, Janet in her home on Oxford road. and dry. Wear them without shoes and see whllt Hiles and' Jane Bundy. Among the squaws were Mary .. 0 .. Gratzer, Sue Cruikahank, Nancy fun you'!! have laughing in the rain "nd slush come Among the stout.heartpd Grosse Schmidt, Lou Ellen Marks. Mag winter. P/CII', ~ Pointers braving the not-sa-good Lamb, Joan Banchard, Felice ERSIANS ...... ". weather at the GROSSE "'OINTE- Thorpe, Rosemary Rae, Sharron $2.50 in sizes 6 to 10 .....- MONROE football came were Di Ford, Helen Plath, Mary Ann .~ Faulk, Joanne Russell, Loraine Mann. and, Barb. Mann, The 5495 $575 $650 $2.85 in sites I r to 2 -- Jones, Marilyn Smith. Doris I!u- lribesmenwere Dick Nighten- s...., Carolyn Orl'. Mary Ann gale, Bob Bolo, George Beramich. ~H~ Queen, Hank Brooks, D a v e John Titus, Doul Turnbull, Dick Thompsoo, Joan McGinty, Dav-e Forden, Bob Hiem, Chuck Mac- ~~r ...... O... V"""""ER"""""F...1F...T...Y=Y=E ...A ...R...S ... O...... F ....S...E...R...V ...I C...E...... ~~ I:rogey. Rose Schroeder, Buster rus, Bob. V~nHalteren, Bob Sn1- Pinkston, Myra Hahn, Don Gra- der, Ed Karr and Jim Leman. ham; Joati,SChmidt," Yeager, One of the'manYamuaementJ o£larguerite, /l;{jeftman. Ellie Shakleford, Barbara Daugh- during the evening was a con- tery, Bill Carruthers, Sparkie test to lee who WII! the bravest Farquhar, Dick Bracken, Gehard warrior. Dick Forden was the ~~,.l C)llrS Now in Progress G\lenssIe, Art Beck, Marvin Wea- winner. and the parly did a war 17045 "llrcheval, at Sf. Clair, GrOiN Pqin~ . , ver, Bill Galagher, George Man. dance around their chief. 108 MAD 150 N AY E,-'cor/l.r Wi,htr.1I tho, Janet Ried, Elaine Buher, Janet Dalrymple, Jean Gardner, an~ Mary Ellen Antrim. Others were Shirley Davis, Marge Shultz, Bill Mondry. Bruce Muir, Nelson McRoberts, Bob Grant, and Roy Marl,nau, To t1nlsh the list, there were Bay Grubbs, Dick Kremmel, Carolyn Jrhl1lOn, Jlllle Bundy, Mike Merwin, Harvey Reist, Artene Roy, and Dou, Buck...... '. A group of fellows planned a hay ride tor Salurday nilhl Be- forti and after. the ride,'there waa a huge bon.ftre, and c;ider and do-nutl,were .etved. Some of the folkK who are still picking hay seed of! of their \lllue-jeans Ire Margie Simons, Don Savaee; Elaim! Buher, Dick Seymour; Di New lengths.. : • oew .ltleVell ••• DeW colors ••• Faulk, 'Dick Wuerker; Vonnie every Coet I .p~did CDIIIple of A.nnis su. Weeman, Don Floer; Letty Krat. perior furcraltsmaiUbip. ' Come aad lee this schmar, Bill Wolfe; MVilyn collection and you will undental}d why Annu Smith, Doy Linewebber; Janie Furs Ire SOI.Ight.fter •• , each coat is an ex- Gehlert, Ray Schuman; PellY ceptional vllue! Hatch, Clune Walsh; Celeste Bel. aneer, Pele Klaver; Sally Mc- Use ONr i...J'!"~.~'Pl..! Donald. Allan Kidd; Carol How- e1l. Jim Trousdale; Doris Buser, libe'rty at E. Grand Riy';' , Jerry Scott; ~oy Heidrich, Dave Hunter; Carol Chadwick, Kirk

Dr. Arthur M. Majester' • Mnounces the Remov"l of his

Optometric Md Optico!ll Offices to More Spo!lcious QUo!lrters

at a More Convenient loclltion at

3181 Lakewood at Mack Avenue (upstairs) One Block West of

where he will render II promp-!, efficient opticlIl ser~ice, including optic III

repllirs with /Ill wor\: done in his own I/lborlltory on the premises. For lIel.w,-r.lhklll III • d ... le '.IIt', tt •••, evening IIppointments telephone Hickory 2266. Pi_lit /1oor.


• I 6 R 0 S5 E POl' N T E' N E' W S ..... Pointers Find 8asl8ile Home in L.A. The Town HOWM out in LoA Anielts \$. fast ~omi~ , verit. able "home awliy'from hQS1le" /?~$Itlenl$ for many Pointers. Among its Ia\etIt,ues4 from show an Michig~ were Mr. !Ind Mrs. Johli N. MtNaUllilton of, Ken woo d increasing rOild. The McNavahlons stayed there durmg their reeent vaca- preference Uonin California. for They returned this wee~ to their Grosse Pointe home. ,HARRIS P T B' 'Ii FUNERALS (:;:~lla:~r~t,ry.'serVice is cnarac;-.l Mrs. A\IPhO.~'~ ~ p.aepe., of ' " d b th b t LocMloor boulevard, II 'openml tenxe y e eau YI her" home on' Octl!ber ~11 for a

dignity and prestig, SUbSCriPtiO., n .t,ell,.a.nd .fUh. ion I.hOW. fitt' 0 t 't' fl' benefitt~n(l the 14arillac Guild of be I '119 e rOI s In. ISt. Marys Hospital. ed families. Memberl anli their frhmdl are . corell ally InvIted to, view ,the . latest in falhmd winter chapeaux ! as presented by Marsliall.Lynn l and enjoy the musical 'procram I fep.turing Mr •. Harold ~ilht. / Mrs. Harold George J'r.~r \lnd .Mrs. Arthur D. Kerwin, co-c,hair- I men, lire being assisted by Mrs. I It Dalton Snyder, Mrs. Lester 'Win- . slow, Mrs. Elwood Sh"rp. Mrs. Vincent Turcotte, Mrs.K Ii i 1 , I, Weber, Mrs. William Wiebelhaus, II .CA~twg~. ~~.ILD 'Mrs.lIe.pry Platz, Mn: JOhn.con- , ' Tf .. f. '.114" " j roy, Mr •. Raymond Mlcheu, :Mrs. , ',. Thomal 1\00"'11, Mrs. Leo Rey- --_.--"-~~ nold., Mrs. Euclid Joinville, Mrs. Eugene VanAntwerp, Mn;. John HOURS: . Od~rman and Mis s Mildred ~aily. 9:30 to 5:00 . Gah~gan. Mon., Wed., al1l1 Frl. EnOlnts Open from 1:" tD !I:OO CLoseit Tbundays Bethany Ladies SPECIALlZIIiI II To Hold Bazaar • ,Jonathan YOUR EYES lIivhigan . 'EXAMINATIONS. Bethany L1idfes' Society is liv~ GLASSES FinED, REPAIRED iOI it~ Bazaar and 'SupPer Wed. .JUST ARRIVU ••• AND nelday, October 23, in their .u. .lUST DEUt::IOUS llitllriuJll, Ovter Drive at Chau- worth, with the .. Ie b~,inning , APPLES .; at l' o'clock and ,servine at I .CAULIFLOWER o'clock. Mrs. Wilbur J. P.lec:~, chair. I ' O[~H6Elman, hu been ably aeilted by ,. .~... OPTOME TR./Sr Ml'I .. A. Dein2:l!r, Mrl. ,'F. Ohst, 3/ ••• ,::i TV. 2-"" tun I:. W.rr •• MTI. T. Schroeder, .Mrs. E. 'Flach 25u ; TV. I-11M oj O.t .. Jlrl,. Nexl Door 10 Aller The.ln . and Mrs. E. Bunkelake. An invi- . ;.1 tation to .11 friend. and neilh. Dors haa been e.xtended. • ••• e', f3.U - i: .--15J . ~,,'; TA•• I file Jonofhri~ -.. ":'....~_.~ ..... _~.... ~'~ Need'VQlunteers .II_tlea, famoullor their iuiey, SWHI, ,S C .. IHlDw" i, h.,e III aDunJa~ce M III"or. We of,o hlln tart on.. for - ~ For Chest Drive "yo., ..."f. ""f'; eIIp.rt"lte'eid- pifl, turno". t" and app/~auce, ,-, 'l" -, ,_._,-' 4.ltte,," /r(l'fe comDed tbe coultfry. .1Ki iii, .... for' Wilt" COIII.i"., Stop mlndiol your own busl- . aid., •• d .,,"rtlted iome of tbe ".IIfg. "...29c aMI pick your fgyorrte lrem fA'''. ;.'·,.excl usive ly. ,.." 1_,lInt "toris of cauli60wer tft"""Jous ~ariefy ~ (lppl... ; .. How'lio othe~ people live? HoW 1. tie /tittd. E~.ry one i, fre,b, cfo•• - do they raise their children? What do ~hey do about sicJm.B? What elm.,. fIIKi llIOffy.wlrite. T12k. "om. do they do for recreation? Where • cOfIple 01" tll.. , prl1" toritZYI O~c, you taste t~e rJ~ficiou. Ra'fOfof ib,., ric~, ree! gTOP" I~,\ t~e G~lrJe" do they;o wheri they have prob. W •• t, you'ff reolile wby Cafilornions Ort illclined to 6rog ,aDouf Ihlim. These Iems? lorge, luscioul Tokay., wltich grow now~.,e a/se "nusu.lly Iwe.t (I"J juicy, AU. of these thin,s influence (I" your l.ife., And thai's why Red. Gild so popular fAot we'~e "od dilFicufty in me.ting tit, 9rHf d.mGlld for tbem Fea ther serviCft ot the Cprn- in fhe post. Tltis y*Gr, how.".r, we're happy to soy t"fIt YOllr "'&1' ItGS" pf'lltiiuf The Crest COlJlpany munity Chest are impol~ant to lupply of tempting Tolay IJrapes , •• aHrfICti.,efy pt;ced, fool - .. '7J6CASS AVI. .. you ju.t al they are vitally im- portant to everyone In this com- MA.2747 * "fA., 'AL .... I munity. The Communily Chest, you see, Hit '.ro'" _,",CI.nlc" doesn't ,upport just one or two RECORDS. '. kll\ds ,of community services, It .lIb..... r Slal_ supporls( 125 servicl!ll ~ scout!, a.dlo. Clleeked ••• ~~ I Ionlr. !'r ... pl .. d ...... 1iIIt1to clinics, children's homes, family "~Drk J. GlI.n ..1rrdl! service agencies, community cen. I HARPEl-VOGUE ters, The manner in which these I RADIO St:U\'ICt: 125 services are ~upported during I 1"5"1...~r TV.I._ 1947 depends upon,the luccess of this year'. Community Chest Red FeatherCampailn, 'October 21 I THE GROSSE POINTE through November 1). And you I can help make this campaign l HOME BAKE,RY success by voluntee,rin, as learn. I At tile Limits aD JetrersCli1 pailn worker. Fresh Glued Donuts It means giving up two or three afternoons 'or evenings. It mean I I At 8:00 and 3:00 'SBcrificin, a, little bit of your I ______Itime to help provide milk and I ta\itoma Va\eltia I medical care for orphaned and ! neglected children, comfort for old folks in their declining yea1'8, Maille,U. S. No. 1 1 Deliveries w1iolesome "recreation for. boy. I Michigan I and ,iris with no place to 10 and I nothing to do, professional assist. O\\l~GIS I Again! ance tor families with problems. I Red Feather services depend on POfATOES how much you and every individ. 1 ual feel. They depend on how ONIONS I ... ,,, t I .. I badly you want to help a crip. pled child to wa"lk, a wayward 69 I adoJoesceni to grow intc a good citizen. a veteran's widow to raise GofJetI, ,,":Jrt"chd or"nlles or: a fatherless family. They depend 4'''. I waiting for yrw ri91t~ II0W' of yOil IOU I on how eaeer you are to ease I tragedy, that by plere chance. ... &1' Super. Come ,n today gnd l'ou'll ElIjo)' Shoppillg ill the struck someone elle instead of Ii. ,...... flfl t fOll'1I De migllty glad you had tAt . lale ito"" (I dOlln or two! lndu~. Nell', GreaJer Selj.Serl'e you. I fo 0 of Ilrem in YOUf men.' oIten ••• '~ Oll;on, art plentiful a# yo.r I , Mllr/ut Do you care enough to volun. loresi,1tt 1G'f ill' IUPPIy tlt'I' "''f . ,• teer your time and effort to help fi"., ,,({.purpos' potfltoes of ... ,P'... lads and fruif cups _ •• to ad 10 1I0W il tb. lime to Drightell '''IKh- or make the R~d Feather campai(ll la t eat to CIIr"nt low price. T.ltey'" a" OIItstand- edra .ye (lnd fas e °PP J' l _. .on IlnrJ dinll" m."lIlIo t a success? If you. do, call the ,-' nd poultry rln .... , SHOP IY PHONE Community Chest, TEmple 1-1600. i", ~ofu., .nd tbey'll hep p.rf.ctly your m... ' (I.. ' L_ "/dren loy' oranges, Tell them you want to become i" oily cool, dark, we(f.~enti1f1ttd R.m,,"_r, Cn'. , Lem in funchboxes. too. a member of the Red Feather pfa

r " --'-~-~~~---~~.~...... ------.....----...... _-----:-,..'," ..• .'

S ..R. 0 55 E P P I. NT, E NE W S P.~n.irt"", .. ' ..._- _ .._.''''"'. 'It holda enoullh for two people. Susan C.sgrain Williams As a maUer of fact the whole Ch . d' S P I' • Spanish Dishe~,Including meal is ~nough for two people. I t1Stene In t. au s haven't yet been .ble to eat , ..' It's not TOO EARLYto Females; Intrigue pointers everythinll that we've had. If we ,~'-'San Casgra!ll Wl1llams, youni have YCUF Christmas photograph keep on eating as we'are you'U daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George want to call us. "Blimpy" when H. Williams was christened last t.ken (The experiences of two young rich estates. and her way of liv- b (& - 'f B b Id ' . _. .• ., we get orne. .cu> I 0 cou Sunday at a ceremony at St. Pointers visiting Mexico are de. ing in Spam. t f t) , . d' t M" It' ever ie .. a • . P l' th k Fr Al scribed. in a series of letters Our foo 15 no eXlcan. s. The next tLtT!e r writ~ I'll. tell au 5 on e La e. • bert. I . , written 'to the NEWS by one of typically Spanish. Although it's you about some of the things Melvin performed the ceremony. them, Charles G. Fossati. This is different from what we're used we've found out about Mexico. Susan's sponsors. 'ere Henriet. the fourth letter received since to in the States it is not as a rule Hasta Luego. ta Kernan and her un~le. Thomas 5he lJ,.an~t'lStuJio. they leU the Pointe early in too ~ocking. I'm very grateful Carlos Chase Williams. 14526 EAST JEFFERSON AVENUE • LE. ll230 September). for that .peeaUlle I-have always _ Dear Folks:- hadiatreacherous stomach. Only Mary E. O'Connor Heads We've had Very good luck in twice have I had any qualms NOW FORMING' finding a place to stay here in about. what was served me and M"rygrove Fall Party Mexico CLy. We are getting only Once, have.I not been able room and 'board with a group' of to eat it. Miss ,Mary E. O'Connor, 1407 YOUR WEDDING High School Advllnced CI/lsses, Wednesd/lY\, Sto 10 p.m. i< DlIm/lsks D RA PER IESPrints Spanish refugees for the nominal Thatwas due toa litUe of Bob's Beaconsfield, Grosse Pointe Park, i sum ot 47 dollars a month. Our army humor which '-came with is chairman of. the annual Fall In Action High School beginners c1l1ss, Thursd/lYs, 8 to 10 p.m. ANY STYLETO ORDER landlady is tyPically Spanish and lliril out of .the .service. The Party sponso'red by the Mary- talks with, that, old Spanish lisp. SpaniardS eat a lot of Tice, and grove Collele Alumnae Oct. 20, Beautiful candids of 'your en. .Junior high beginners cI/lss. FridllYs, 7 to 8:30 p,m. HE"UPHOLSTERING Before Franco came into power it, is alwa)'s .mixed. with some- at 2:30 p•. m .. The party will be tire wedding. breakfast and he.r fat.her was the governor' gen- thing. On that particUlar clay the held in Alumnae Hall on the reception permanently mount- Junior high edv/lnctd cl/lss, Frid/lYs. 8 :30 to 10 p.m. . and SLIPCOVERS eral of the State of Leon in Spain. rice was .~ryed. with:- clams and campus arid' IClDiOl' students will ,ed in exquisite leather bound She is one of those persons whose a half a crab to each ,person. Per- !>e guests of_ honor. album. Adults CI/lsS MondllYs, 8:30 to 10 p.m. New. complete se:ection of bellu' a~e y?u could. never guess, and ha~ YCIU wo01dn't 'call if a crab 'Assisting. Miss O'Connor with' Bridal port~aits of distinction tiful fnbric.s tochoo~e from. Ex. so whIle I was talking to her'the but I'm afraid that lcan give it arrangement-, ,are Kat hie e 11 cellent workmllnship and good ser- other night I asked her how old creilit,fornotliing more. I was a O'D~nnell;.c~rman of the ~e- Photography by ,vrce, . ~he was. For reply I got a sad litUe leary abOut' that crab but ception coJJUAlttee: Mary RIta shake of the heild. a stoical smile felt determined to .do it justice. Marshan, ,cb.\inrian of tl:)e re- Junior high end high school d/lsses and, . . \ Bob clid.n'tgive'me 8 chance. fI:eshment co~ittee, and Aure- JJigginJ -75c per lessen. Adult cl/lsses- HI-ART STUDIO ':1 have suffered so much in uLook a.t that 1i1 ole eye s~.- li~ Panfil, ch'ai~an of the' J.w. $1.50 per lesson, the last te nyears that I have ing' up at you" he gleefu~ tamment cOmmIttee. TU OPEN TILL Grosse Pointe I ~~:~t;~ry much. 1 use,d to be 50 exclaimed.: .., '; . ,. , .. NL 5616 'l\IA. 7799 ' •. ' ',,1473Iat~~I?n~ AYE. Thurse. FrI. She's darn good looking now, That dId It M,y poor tummy CLASSIFIED ADS I I~ '' . ..'," Sat. Evu. so naturally I began wondering did a.couple()flo/J~s and ~ barrel 'GEl QUICK RESULTS! OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL NITE OR DAY what she looked like tell years roll. The:si!condthmg WhICh was ago. I. asked if she had a picture a littl,~ ,strange to u,s wa~ seryed of herself taken then. She did today~,OctupUS! By thIS tl!I1e and brought it out to show me, hq\lfeyer' wec;an takean~hin~ !twas the piCture of what looked an, I. Duh.y, Mgr, TO • .well FRENCH . , '1! • Children's Table and .CHAMPAGNE ..~. , : ;

.'" Come P. HENNEQUIN & E. BARBIER .:: . and VINTAGE BRUT 1937 SEE! Here again at Low P~ices Smooth ... lover's dream is the silken, palatable bouquet or this aristocrat of heverage!l .. From the suony climes of Fran.ce" world's fioest wine gro~ing region, DIRECT IMPORTING brings }'on De L~xe, me.time construction of h\~h qllality 'W'ooas. . Tables have metal comer braces. these internationally reD~wned champagne!l at OPTICAL SIlVie. So,uare or round top wood table $7 &25 an amazingly low price. Wo1th2 wood seat churs .. " , GraDel 'Illver GraM Itmr .For Parties .For Gay Suppen . . . ai Oa.lmWl at 1'iIIId hunl ~9.3D " .i():,~~~e~~pc~~~~~~~~ /' .For Real Pleasure square or round top table with 2 $13 75 leatherette seat chairs in various colors...... • i1UUt o. Porcelain top table with 2 $15'80 'leatherette seats in various colors...... • P. Hennequin No Dellveri •• Made - Pick Up at O.r ,Showroom-Will Fit.l" Your Cllr (aslly E. Barbier Open 5:30 P. M. Sat. till noon. Closed SundaYI Available at better ~n aDd SEE OUR FULL LINE OF ADULT druggiata iD Michigau BREAKFAST S,ETS WITH CHROME LEGS. VARIOUS COLORS. DELIVERIES lIfADE ON THESE SETS ~lfIh.ft'Y WtQJU't4J{fIC,.,• 11 I Industrial Furniture Manufacturing Co, •••• !; MIIUldt" 17910 Van Dyke at Ne~ada-TWinbrook 1.9OZ0 ,.,. .~ ." ', ...... ". '''"' • ". _ '.~ -...... _, "'.. _ .~, .M '"' .... ' _ ~ .. ,' '.;. '..... --..... _.,. ". ~.... - ..... ', '7<,,",~."''''".,'''',,,_~.,",.~_""',~.~""""""""."_."""""",,,,".,,,.+,",,",,,...... r."N"_~.-...,.".._~_....,...... -_~- ... ..--...... ~,.', .... ',.. ,...... '~.." .",

"'" nF'" , ; .__ .'a~e Four+ee" G R OiS S ~'.p 01 N lE NEWS ,",ursclay, October 17, 1946 I .. " .... I

, 'j/,,'

: "!" :;: SpiJl'fj Blue Devils and Flyers Both Spol'b ,I'. Win , -. . ~,. -- ~ cJsbey Stars as Pointe Team Reserves Beaten Jackpot Isbey' Lingeman Ladies Three Fail1Jres to Convert 'Beats Monroe in 13..0 Tilt By Blo.cked Punt Leading in Loop Ctlst Flyers .19-18 Defeat By f'RED RUNNELLS The lead in the St. Paul's J:rojans Put Up Game Battle Despite Disheartening Break A big F'ol'dson reserve team I Ladies' Bowling League changed Ray Huetteman Scores Twice and George Heidt Runs 65 .~ on First Play of Contest: Devils Alsc , ! handed the Grosse Pointe re- hands again this week, with the . I serves their first defeat of tile Harlow J. Lingeman feam forg- Yards After, Interception to Give Boulevard . Muff Chances seascn, 13-7. on a blocked punt ing into undisputed possession of Boys Their Scores , ., h late in the third quarter. . first place with 14 wins and six By FRED RUNNELLS ,finest bl?ckmg the DeVIls ave Grosse Pointe's Tom Follrs put defeats. By FRED RUNNELLS ..U!1der the lights of. the Monroe .turned lz.t sofaI' thIS seaso,?, the Tractors in hole early in a Marian Roland of Verbrugge Well, it finally happened. The St. Paul Flyers took it TrOjans home gndlron the skIrted ngh~ end ~nd wen: ,4 the first period with a brilliant Groceries took over single and on the chin last Sunday for the first time this season when Grosse Pomte Blue DeVIls un. yards. for hl~ team s final SCOle. 20 yard off tackle smash and three-game honors for the seaS'ln .leashed a powerful aerial and Flaugner agam entered the game. . 0 t. d C f lei thus far when she rolled 193 and St. Vincent's came out on the long end of a 19 to 12 score . rUnning atUlck to deieat the Tro-I but this time had his altempted i ~~Ole ~ an mg u~. or ,e . 513. Tite Verbrugge team has the The Flyers have no one but themselves to blame for the . 13 0 f th' d conversion blocked and the score' kIcked the extra pomt and the I loss. After holding an 18 to 12 edge the third quarter Jans, ,to. or ell' secon I Devils were off to what looked high three games so far. with in fllr;secuhve league VIctory last stood at 13 to O. like 11 one sided victory. But the 1997 and Old Brick Inn is high let St. Vincent's get them' deep in their own territory on ~~y night. I Later in the last quarter Tratiors bad different ideas and I for a single game with 781. fourth down. The Flyers relaxed for a few moments after , .J;rp.e score do~sn't indicate how Gro~se ~ointe ha dthe ball on the came right back in the third STANDINGS the fourth' down kick and let S1. Vincent's right halfback' . ~ng th,: TrOjans are and only Trojans 30. A touchdown pass quarter to knot the count at 7-all. Won Lost slip through. the entire team for the tying touchdown. St . Li.1german. Flowers 14 6' by their own misques did they was incomplete, but lsbey smash. Follis uncorked another swell Vincent wasted no time making the extra point good for .eM up on the short end of the cd the line and was pulled down end I'un which netted 26 yards Pongracz Jewelers 13 7 Old Brick Inn 13 . 7 its margin of victc;>ry~ . ~'>------,------F;Core. On the very first play of on the 6 for another first down. but was short of pay elirt. It was St. Paul was the first to score its way down to the Flyers' eight the game the Trojans tried a pass A bad pass from center got after an exchange of '1'lnt~ !l'at Verbrugge Grocel'ies 12 8 GrOsse Pte, Florists." 12 8 when Ray Huetleman sc~red on yard line, from where Barbola play deep in their own territory. past Isbey and he was thrown Fordson forced the Devils deep a 12 yard end rUIl. The kick was scored 'on a line smash to tie the e-tching the Devils napping. The for a 21 yard loss back to the into their own territory and set Grosse Pte. Cab Co~ 12 8 Oak Cleaners 9 11 no g(loc;i: . . score at 12.all. 'fhe kick was no I?ass receiver worked his way be- 27. Isbey then passed to Ted the stage for the decisive play of Mondry Cleaners 8' 12 St. Vmc,ent t1e~ up the game good. "rind the Pointers' secondary and Mumford, who latera led to FI~m, the game. With their backs to the Grosse Pte. News...... 7 13 Ol a. bea.uhful a~rlal attack which The Flyers put together a ,sus- was in the deilr when the ball who. went over for the thIrd wall coach Peterson sent in his Pointe Cab Co. 7 13 c~rl'led It from Its own 30 to pay tained drive to notch their third bobbled off his finger tips for an Dev~1 touchdown. The tally was kicker to get the .team out of Stein lfardware 7, 13 d~rt as the quarter ended. The touchdown of the game scored by incomple~.pass. nullified when both teams were t bl b t th T t e- . .'. off side and the ball was put in rou. e u e rac or~ were I' Putnam Tool Co. 6 12 kIck w~s no good. Ray Huetteman. For the third Unda~t1!d, by. thIS bad break, play on the 27 again. . termmed to get possessIOn of th; .Startlng t~e' seco~d quarter St. ti"l1e in the afternoon the Flyers the Trojans tontmued to execute ball and 06tcharged the DeVIl .or' BI'ke Race Vmcent continued ~ts passing at- missed the point after touchdown. 'a razzle dazzle brand of football Again i\ was Isbey who put line to block the punt and re- Mot tack and was movmg dl)wn the This spelled defeat. which had the Pointers com- Grosse Pointe deep in Monroe cover on the six yard line. T\IIO I field for .ano~her score when It was at this point st. Vincent .pletely baffled throughout the terri~ory w~en on. fOUrth down plays later the Tractors pushed George HCldt mtercepted a pass scored on the returned punt first period and but. for bad he CIrcled rIght ena for 21 yaz:ds over the goal line on line smash- Set for Saturda Y and ran 65 yards for SI. Paul's The loss threw'the Class B divi- PI!!aks they would have held at to the 6. MonrQe t~o~ over WIth es. They failed to convert and the -- 3~cond tou~hdown... Again the sion into a four way tie between least a two.touchdown margin at only sec~nds remamlng to' pl!1Y' score stood at 13 to 7. Here is the chance all you mo-' kick wa~ ~ed. and the Flyers St. Paul, St. Martin, SL Rose and the end of the first quarter. The TrOjans gam~led everythm.g I tn the last quarter all the play tor bike owners have been wait- held a SIX pomt advantage. . St. Charles. . St"rting the second quarter the a~d starte~ passmg !ro~. theIr was in Fordson's territory but ing for. Next Saturday, October The St. VinC'Cntteam began to ..St, Paul meets st. Martin next Devils made ,a complete about SIX yard lme .. The. Devils pass when the chips Iwere down Ford- 19, the John Hawley Power Bike roll again after the kickoff and Sunday, October 20, at Neighbor- face!in their style of play and defense ,~as all' tight an~ the son got tough and took the ball Sales and Service Will stage a o~ a series of line plays smashed hood FreId at 3 p.rn. drove Monroli deep in their OVill Blue DeVIl stands went WIld as over on downs or intercepted a powerbike motor race .at the ------limtory early in the quarter. A the game ended. . pass to stop the Devils' despei'ate GUytOl1 School Field at Avondale long pass from. Ed Isbey, .stand- . Although the Blue Devids end- bid for victory. and Phillip avenues; ~g on the mid-field stripe, to ed. up on th~ long en.d of the The Blue Devils will traycl to All boys and young men who Swenson Leaps fr~ School ~"Dan Beck. who took . the ~cor~. ~hey paId for theIr vict~ry Highland Park to do battle with are inotor bike owners are in- .''N1I onca dead run on the Monroe In mJunes. Both. first strmg the Parkers newest addition to vited to participate. There is no .20 and went all the way, gave tackles. C~erl?e~s .and Brabb. suf- the Border' City League, next entry fee. . Reserve to College Varsity Grosse Pointe !lafirst touch. fered faCIal ~nJul'!es. but not se" Thursday at 3:45 p. m. Rudy E. Rahn, promoter, says, down. . !'ious en~ugh to keep the~ out From the Grosse Pomte High that his Weight is now 188. Hot CoiichWemet sent in his point of the bIg game. next Sa,urday "all races will be against time over a one tenth of a mile circu' School Reserv, football team to' viea-ther will do that. He p\aY1l .ttertouchdown. expert, Flaugh- against the Wy~ndotte B~ars. the Lehigh Unillersity .football an end position. er. to converl He successfully .~alfback L'O~le Cha~pme .de- G. P. Cab .Leading lar track with the contestant having the best. time receiving varsity in one short year is a Further news of Ched is that booted .theblill through the up- pnved. the DeVIls of hIS servIces feat that has been accomplished be was recently pledged by th. right$'tO (ive his team a big 7 early m the g~me wheJ.l the ref- Post Office Loop a trophy donated by the sponsor of the event." . by Ched Swenson, son of Mr. and Delta Upsilon fraternity. ~ 0 lead. '. .' . ere? caught hIm sluggmg Mon- Mrs~ C. Q. Swenson of Lincoln Grosse Pointe muffed a bE!au- roe s Negro end and he was Bud Farnum anchored the . With this annoWlcement this road. reporter recalls seeing several Jerrold Wm.Maben. Jr • tifuJ. oppOrtunity to collect an- tossed out of the game. Grosse Pointe Cab team with a Ched wa~ graduat!!d J. rom ether score:when !sbey recovered Next Saturday comes Grosse 237 game and swept th~~ points Pointe yo'ungsters buzzing around Accepted at Wayne U. )tf1(onroe'lumble on the return PClinte's biggest test of the sea- from Meyer Pharl1]acy ~o hold the street like so many mad hor- Grosse Pointe High in june and Jerrold William Malx!n. Jr .. ltickoffon ,the. Trojans' 38, The ~on when the '~yandotte Bears 'its lead in the Post OHice - East nets in match races which were went right to Lehigh two weeks Grosse Pointe Woods, who lives ;~a!lS ,'got mad and forced mvade t~e Pomt~. Last year Side League at the 20th Century probably born out of an argu- later. The university is still on an with his i'arents, Mr. and Mrs. ...-.mmyRummel to kick for the Gro~se Pomte took Its worst shel- alleys last Tuesday. ment during school hours as to aceelera ted' schedule and has Gerald C. Maben at. 1600 Hamp~ e lines' on fourth' down, the lacking, 25 to 0, at the hall;ds of The DeS ant i s Undertakers whose motor' bike is ,the faster. three semesters per year instead ton road, was a successful appli- " Now is an exc~llent chance for of the customary two. ' g9in.gOut on.theMonroe'14. the ~ears and they are anXIOusly to sec~nd place cant for study in the basic bi- e; DevilS g()t the best of the lookmg forward to October 19, by wmnmg 3 oul of 4 pomts from these kids to settle the question. He went out for summer foot- ological science program at the I. cl\ange ofplints and when the when .they can get rev~nge. St. Clair Shores. George Left halfback .Ed Isbey hit the football jackpot last once and for all, over a carefully ball and so im~ressed the coaches Wayne University ColIege of I IS prepared track. that he has made the varsity in gun sounded 'ending the hall To bcat Wyandotte a large rolled a 236 for the losers. Friday flight against Monroe when he figured iri both' df Liberal Arts this autumn. Monroe had possession of the order; but the entire team fee!S Holzbaugh Ford made the only the Pointers' touchdowns. Early in .the. ,second quarter It is hoped by the promot~r to his freshman year. Ched is six Maben is a graduale of. Grosse elusive oval on its own five yard it. is loaded this year and this clean sweep of the evening when Isbey flipped a long pass to Dan Beek for the first s~ore create enough interest in motor feet three inches tall and weighed Pointe High School in. the :June lin~... 'i';'::'.:";,-'. is' the day \hey will tack the it took the Wilsher Studebaker and came'back in the fourth quarter to romp 70 yards ~or bike racing to hold regular 196 pounds when he left the class of 1946. While attending Pointe. It is noted 011last week's in .'~' ,~~;fou#~ qu~ter was all Bear skin .to the goal posts. Wy- team for four points. The O. K- the Devils final ta)ly to win 13 to O. monthly meetings of boys inter- school, he was very active G ' .. Poiriti'after the Trojans andolte has not .been scored on Hat Cleaners grabbed three from ested in "souped up" motor bikes . foolball progrant from Lehigh! student activities .fa!l.!d. ,op. .&.'.dr. i."e ':.from:.midfield t.h.US..far and holds victories o~er Welding Gas as the Jeffer- In case of rain, the event will t~e 'Devils' 29 'yard line, to HIghland Park, Ecorse and Lm- son team over the cellar dwellmg .NewsSports Department~s be postponed to a future date ~.the:fotfrth~Period,on a sc- coin Park. . . 'lJ . . Kercheval' Clerks. which will be announced in the ~ 6~~~~~~101da, E,e. ~~. :'rli:;of hard line 'plunges. - The Blue Devils nave the stuff Fox Creek and Altes Lager Choi~esfor the \Veek, NEWS. ~~. . . Pointe: . stopped this to turn the trick,' but a good split' despite Ray O'Keefe's 221 teA WALLOPING GOOD SHOWr ,,~eJ:when it recovered a Tro- s~.4J.tor turnout would go far game for Alles. Nations which have long known Working with a 500 percent av~rage again we go -UN' *CMDII j.1Lfumble on. its own 26 yard to lIve the team valuable morale Standings way out on the limb with our predictions. . the value of coal may now begin :set ~e stage for the support.. Let's fill the stands to Team W L _ .':rhis Mlchil'an-Northwestem-We're sentimental. Mlchlr",n. to learn the ...alue of miners. MICHAEL TODD moat brilliant play of the game. overflowing next Saturday at 2 Grosse Pte. Cab ~ 20 4< Mich. Stale-Pelin State-Ditto, Mich. State. . .Ed hbey, aided by some of the p.m. . DeSantis Undertakers 16 1~ Detroit-Tulsa-U of D waa badly battered last Sunday, :!it. Clair Shores 14 Tulsa undefeated, Tulsa. ------.,...."rade before the Michigan-Army O. K. Hat Cleaners 14 10 Wayne-Geo; W3lIhinJ!on-Cannot tell a lie, Gee. Wash MAURICEEYANS game. . Jefferson Station 12 12 inl'lon. Ohio State.Purdlle-A }lllShOvtr for the BlIckeyes...... - EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND, Meyer Pharmacy 12 12 .. 'THIS WEEK Dlinois-Wisconsln-I1Ilni not u touch as pre-5Cason dope. FrIday - S.turdilY _- NINE HUNDRED THIRTY- Hohbaugh FOrd 11 13 Ia Wl5constn. Odobor 18 - I' EIGHT SPECTOTORS saw an Altes Lager 11 13 Indiana-Iowa-A touch time for hoth; Indiana but close. Evenlnls Only lIaMLEI explosive ArfrIY team qefeat a Fox Creek Meats 11 13 Minncsota-Wyominc-Gopbers I'et started on this one. Luelle BaU Georc,f: Brent SEATS'NOW SPORTS powerful Wolverine squad, 20 ~o Welding Gas , 10 14 Oklahoma A.M.-Georcia-Anies, but close. "I~ovtr Come nark" 13. in one of the greatest gnd Wilsher Studebaker 9 15 Army-Columbia-MichiCaD couldn't do it; Army. Salurday l\1atlnee It•••• : Orch. 1 3."; Ba)'. t .... 1M, Uf. Wed.-llaI.Ma~,: ': ';>.' By'FRED RUNNELLS battles the Midwest has ¥en in Kercheval .Clerks 4 20 Cornell-Yale-Cornell will muzzle the Bulldog. "Tbe Enchanted Fore-It'" or~h. 1.". Z ; Bale. %.41. JM. 1..21. All Prices laclude Tax.. ~....,=,. decades. Blanchard's drives, Da------Dartmouth-Brown=-Dartmoutb's Kotta win arain 5OOn. Fordham-St. Mary'5-St. Mary's on the rebound. Sun., Mon .• Tues~ , ~SDAY. OCT. 1B-REC~ vis' end runs and Tucker's cun- roared around the IOO-mile track Oclober 20-21-22 ;,'l)NClLIATION between' Connie ning generalship' spelled defeat at Langhorne Speedway in one Georgetown-VilJanova-VilIonava always Ccod. Holy Cros.~.Syracu_Holy Cross jllSt missed beating Alexander Knox CASS .~W':~~JQ~Y101. EVE.,Den;.28 ., KllClc. owner of the Philadelphia for a:. hopeful U. of M. team. hour. six minutes and 18 seconds . Villanova. Geraldine Fitzgerald '. Athletics, . and his 71-year-old After the game coach Earl (Red) 'to' win the Barney Oldfield Tro- Navv-North Carolina-Navy. hut don.t know why. ~ "4WUson" "A 'MUSICAL SHOW OF MAGICAL DELIGlir wife is rumored. Blaik said he was glad that game phy and top money of $1,000. in, PittSburgh-Marquette-Pitt Panthers roar. Wednesday-Thunl!a7 • ------N.y. Herald...Tribune October 23-24 "",ALBIN FALLON, Detroiter was out of the way because he the national midget a.uto racing I Alabama-Tenn~Both bowl bound, close one, Alabama . John C. Wilson (In AssocIation With Nat Goldstone) 'WhO pUrchased Dan Arena's Gold figured it to be the toughest for championship. . Arkansas-Tcx_Texas undefeated. Ella Rain •• Presenlll Roc! Cameron :Challenger. Miss Golden his team this year. . MON., OCT. l4-ALEX WOJ- Southern Cl'.l.-WasbinKlon-Solithern California by one Touchdown ';'The Runaround." THE ROLLICKING 'MUSICAL HIT ,'i'{.'has spent something like U. OF DETROIT F~OTBAL~ CIEHOWICZ, Detroit Lions cen- > UCLA-Californla-California heat St. Marys last week, ~ to satisfy his urge for team had a rough time of It ter for nine seasons, and two I repeat. '. t.....e.ii-DIUC'l', nov 2 n:-"w emDOADWAY ~. / Fallon and Dan Foster traveling .by air ou~ to the west other Lions players were fired Kentucky-Vanderbilt-Vanderbilt makes it two in a rOW. _the President's Cup on the coast for Its game Wlth San Fran- after Sunday's miserable show- ~mac this fall aft~r rebuiJdi~g cisco, \ SUJ.lday. The two planes Iiog aga'nst the Chi~ago Car- ~..;;...:-~------::;"...------t.lii:,poat and renammg her MISS battled wmdstorms for more t~an dinals. ThlS was the first of sev- BOAT HULL STOI.EN . Gfliat Lakes. Fallon and Foster half the way and when the gomg eral moves to shake up the team Tom Ronan. 862 University. re- will' attempt to break Gar Wood's became the rouRhest more th~~! before it is booed off the fIeld ported to the City Police that his r-...... , 15311 E. JEFFeRSON Unlimited American hydro plant haIC of the squad fell victims by home town fans .... sailboat hull was stolen from the at Notlln~ham recora of 124.915 miles per hour air sickness. ADVANCE TICKET SALES at foot of Lakeland av!!nue, on Fri" . 4Hm TU. 2.2760 day. October 12. on the river within the next few NEW YORK YANKEES and Ann Arbor indicates 75,000 fans Ope. MOll. to Fri., &:45 p.m,. Sat., Sen." HolldaYJ.12:4~ p.m. ~. the Clenland Indians took ad. wili travel to see Michigan tackle ,j;p~OIT'S FALCON RECRE- vantage of the lull in the World Northwestern Wildcats next s'at- iMION boasted the highest five- Series, while the two teams were urday. Michigan ha's already at- Clare Tree lajor NIDAY lIIHf SATUlDAY . OCT. 18. H- Chlldr •••• TboatIe .r N .... York ~ .bowling score rolled in the traveling to SL Louis for the t~acted 214,738 spectators for its I Kathryn Grayson and Pat O'Brien and (Adult prate.tonal PTaJe-rl, I ~ted: States this season-a 3369 sixth game. to announce the fIrst three games .... June Allyson in Ruth Warrick in .'~'1ashioned at the .Crest Lanes swap of Yankee Joe Gordon, TUES .• OCT. 15-A KNOCK- Orh;lnal N. Y. C.) while sweeping three games in second baseman. and Cleveland's DOWN drag-out battle raged in I IIr_nlll., "Two 51.hl'$ FrOWlIolto,," . "PERILOUS HOLIDAY" 'tire Michigan Major. Allie Reynolds. pitcher .The swap Sportsmen Park. SL Louis, today. MASONIC 'TEMPLE ::.F!UDAY, OCT l1-ST. LOUIS bolstered both teams Rnd ap- between the Cards and ,Red Sox (SCOlt15h JUt. Cathedr.1) SUNDAY a"d MONDAY' c:rARDs pounded out 20 safeties pea red to be the first move by in the ninth with two runners on Tn ..... Nov. 26th, .:15 p. m. "jptdefeating the Boston Red Sox President Bill Veeck. who bought World Series. The Cards squeezed "NO BODY'S GIRL" Barbara StanWyck: anti Dorothy Lamour and r conservation laws. ~ receiv~ $5.367.13 if the Red O. which was eventually turncd NOT SINCE 1925 has the THE BUds win the W~r1d Series, but into a 36 to 14 rout. Fans ~d World Seri~s dragged out to 1564 Broadway ft. they lose their ~ut will be lOUdly and Mandel. Coach Dorais. October 15. Once it lasted until It Circa Park $3,578.13. Red Sox players each and line coach Joe Bach nodded Octobi!r 26 after a week of rain (jroJJe pointe ClilJren ~ :Jlrealre stand to win $4,832.01 Or 53,288 in sullen agreement. in Philadelphia in 1911 ... IteltHrallt alMl if they l<*e. HOWARD S. (HOWDY) WIL- WED .• OCT. 16 - MICHIGAN and R AD 10 HUM STAGE HAL NEWHOUSER carded an COX, who finished second to Fred STATE COLLEGE sludent news- Sea Food ~ at Chick Harhert's "("e\'('I1", Frame. in the Indianapolis Speed- paper took another swipe at head Beet. • Wines • Liquors Enrollment Now in Progress from 4 to 7 P. M. paity at Meado',\'brook. Told Iway 500.mile race of 1932. was coach. Charlie .Bach,:,an a.nd the C1-.J-~. locker room companions he Hkes \.killed while be was officiating Istaff In an art]cle dlscussmg the Ope .. An Otlier DsTl 'TII 1 a ••• BoY' and ~irls 6 to I~ Years of Aga the Card~ in Ihe World Series. as at a dirt track race hoomg of Russ Reader 10 last Soad.y. &AdB.UdaTl Ope. Fr •• S;.:rURDA .....OCT. 17~EARLyiin the Converse Fairgrounds. Wil- Saturday's game with Mississippi 1'" ...11.Ill. O/m,;ng tItde fJoslpo"etl-io b, ",lnounett! 14," AF1UVALS at U. of M. stadium Icox stepped out on thp. track to State. Many answors have been CLltrord 2266 CAdillac 2230 :~.toYed watching t.'le .314 first gille the last lap flag to Jimmy gi,'en, including poor coachmg. 20947 Mack Avenue, at Hampton Roed Prltes PI... Tax "claumen (seniors) and lOB-piece Wilburn and was hit b)' the car The paper h" 1;('4'1\ ~n:ping at L~ed In Duneaa Bines' MAT!!. llat.-llltll.-2..3e • .2. t."'. t." LOCATUI IN THE GROSSE POINTE NURSrRV SCHOOL JlUILDINO NlG!lT&-1~. 2.3t, 1..... 1.. band that accompanied the team 1of Kenny Wines. Kokomo driver. ;Bachman on and off [or eIght "Adventn'rM In GoOd Eatt~" 2.". trom the Military Acaderw. pa- AL, BONNELL, Ene, Pa, I )'cars ••• ,.

.~. Pa9~ Fifteen Thu~.y, October 17, 1946 GROSSE POINTE NEWS MotioD Picture Cotmdl: Knights to Hear Jans, DeLand Approvea Lid of Movi~ Doctors Await Big Convention ILecture Go~rs Msgr. Hickey i At Sid's Cafe Following is the list of "po Many doctors of the Pointll are dress, entit1~d the "Preservation To Hear Taylor of Inteillahonal Peace," to be The Rt. Rev. Msgr. EdInaI'd J. ' proved movies listed in Sept~- planning to attend the eleventh y Chet Jans and his music. fea. , R BIll assembly and convoc. bers of Gabriel Richard Council. at Sid's Cafe Lounge. East war-I being approved by the Grosse Such notables as Fleet Admiral public address since his return Friday morning at 11 o'clock: Knights of Columbus. at their ren at Barham. ThIs versatile ag- Pointe Motlon Picture .C2Ufcil: Chester W. Nimitz, Vice.Admiral from Government service. His Mr. Taylor was scheduled to club house on Monday e\'ening, gregatiol) consists ot hilihly tal'l "Bowery Bombshell", "~dia Ross T. McIntire, former ambas- address will be broadcast. speak next December, but be- October 21, states Lecturer Earl ented musicians with an cxcep- and David" "Cuban Pete'''.::J'he aador to Japan, Joseph C. Grew, cause Governor Greening finds Thomas. tional .flai,' for solo and llroup Dark Hors~", "Down. M~uri it impossible to leave Alaska at Congressman George A. Dondero Msgr. Hickey's subject will be entertamment. Way", "God's Country"; ~G'reat Abandoned Tricycle this time. an exchange of dates and Dr. Morris Fishbein will lhe life and works of Fr. Gabriel The band can bO,ast of an ela~-I Day", "Holiday in Mexico". "My Sadly Awaits Owner has been arranged and Governor Richard, the Priest, patriot and orate background mas{lluch as It Pal 'j!rigger". "Return of .~y", speak to 'some 3,000 doctors in Gruening will be on the pro. I recognition of the pint doctors of educator. a topic on which he is scored. trE'mendous success at The "Sister Kenny", ."Sunset PaSs", medicine played in World War A small tricyle is sadly sitting gram in December. an outstanding authority. Ram In Sun Valley, Idaho, for "That Texas Jamboree". "Two in a large, gloomy cell of the City Carl Taylor, wel,! known Wis- ~nr' .'.- The meeting will sen'e to for- many winter seasons. Both .Jans Guy~ From Milwaukee" and 1I. Police station, anxiously awaiting consin banker. business execu- leader FRANI{IE CARLE and WXYZ's EDDIE mally welcome to their first and De Land acqUlrcd natlOnal "Two Fisted Stranger." The International College of its juvenile ownel'. tive. farmer and former univers- council meeting the iOO candi- prommence through these en. Surgeons is an organization em- CHASE drop in for food and thought about Carle's The "bike" was found at Char- ity professor, believes ('\11' price. dates who arc to be initiated by gagements. A "hot" election wa~'Jqt\lJ;old bracing membership in all parts theater appearance at the Michigan, during the supper le$ and Roosevelt on October 12 less American heritage is threat- hour at. the London C~lOp House. Gabriel Richard on Sunday. The former is considered one " th of the world and 51 surgeons at 11:30 a. m. by the City Police. ened more from within. than- October 20. in a class named in of. the best bass players in the at 4:30 p.m. October II, \11h~n;: e ,from England, Egypt, Prague, voting booth at SomerseL ~t:l~ St. It is a "Lee" make, red ,with from without, and that we will honor of District Deputy, Eugene business and the laUeI'. while Paul caught fire. Park ~!i!!Den. Peru. Argentina, Brazil, France J. Fisher. workmg at the p,ano. employs a while llim. go down to defeat only if we t and other countries, will present If thesmaU'owner, who must lose .faith. i.n .America and' Gabriel Richard's degree oHi- singing st}'1e that strongly rivals 1P..l out the blaze. ~.;,;;~ papers at th" twenly-four mcet- Adult Education CI~ses Starting oJ by now, be sorely in need of this Amencan mshtutlOns. -1S. ings to be held at the Masonic I ' cers wil' confer the firsl :md sec- that of Phil Harris, the radio and Husbands!. Wiu. ! vi:al means of transP9rtation, . He was born. in a 50(\ house. . This coming week several more structor, plans to study actual ond degrees. District Deputy, screen, star.. .1" Temple, Book.Cadillac and .Slal- w~:~ call o~ the CI~y pollee they m West~rn O~lahoma. attendedi interesting adult classes will hold cases to :explain the application John Dowd, will supervise the Durmg dmner. Harry French, -, leI' Hote1s in Dlltroit, WI •• gladly return It to them. th~ Un,IVer51tteS ()f Oklahoma their first me\l'tings~ These classes and interpretation of the law in- major degree. Exercises will a Sid's fal'orile, presides at the Operative surgical clinics in 15 Want new Pep and .ViIp? ______WIsconSin and .the'." t.aught ~~ lire sponsored, by thet Grosse valved.' , start with Corporate Communion novachord. ,"""",,''''01 hCJspitals will demon~irate the U- OVERWORKED FURNACE bo~h. of th?se mstJtutlOn~. HIS Pointe Board of Education and IifusicAppreciation-Ne"a Keys at SI. Jde's church at the 7:311 ----- "um"nUl, vilaJl1)'.••1<',1t)'-. QitreXb<>dToll,ie T.b~.';'(ron.. _f"JP9ttor advances in gastric, thoracic, White billowly clouds of sleam, daIry ancl ~IV~tock farn: 15 one provide an opportunity for many Prouty ~I'illbe the leader for this Mass, followed by breakrast at Democracy will lot be prov~d ~\i,~LO::&..~~ul:J~~~iUo.l biliary, inlestinal, !i:mito-urinary 101;; of it, were seen issuing forth of the fine"t In Wisconsin. adults to spend a pleasant. eve- in:tl!l"est~ng ,CQun;e which will pro- the club house, and the first de- until it's lived. F... a1.. , &I' ""'" """'" .v..,...... : ,,;i'; and plastic surgery. The modern from 369 Rivard. Upon po)ice In Mr. Tay~or's talk on "What ning with other people having vide the participants with a basic gree at IO 'a.m. Chancellor Joseph . • uses of wire in surgery wiU be investigation' il was found .out Makes Amenca a Great Coun. similar interests. The class schoo- knowledge of halmony and coun. Atkin is in charge of the initia- featured. that nobody was at 'home and try." he tells of the fundam~n. ule follows: . terpointe" the 100 Qest selections tory ceremonies. . The attention of the nation I the furnace was going full blast. tals t~a,. have made Amenca Thursday, Oct. 17-:8all Room including violin, voice, symphony On Saturday, OctobE'r 26, the :.::il'.. will. be on Joseph C. Grew's ad. what It. IS today-the greatest Dancing. Arthur Carty, popular and opera, memory teste. of com- council. will hold its 23rd annual :2;t\'>:' .} .I " . ".':,i..,o country In the world. instructor of social dancing wili positions, detection and identifi. Harvest dancing party for mem-' ," . DRIVE again direct this class. cation of orchestral instruments bel'S and friends. Ralph Ketche- .1 Yro'Mepointe. ScllO~t0lmu6ic Monday, Oct. 21 -.:Badminton by means of records. son and George Williams are .y.....:'~::;~ PIANO. VOICE - VIOLIN - THEORY - CELLO - CLMINET ,Town Hall Books Instruction. Jack Lavis assisied Mrs. Prouty. has had an ex- chairman and co-chairman of the .~ S A F EL • •• ,1 e:::~ BRASS INSTRUMENTS by Rola1)d Graywili be in charge. ,tensive fT\us,lcal? ,ac fg 1'0 U n~. arrangements...... This, is your opportunity to learn ,Bachelor of Muslc at the DetrOIt .. ;'h~ C~el:k +I~es, ,Itr~kes ~~ whHl:'~:~,~ PIANO DEP'ARTMENT I Dick Harkness how tei play the. game cor~ect1y., Conservalory \vilh an additional thlgflIl1~\1.. It s FREE. Ask fOf,.;..~[c Tuesday, Oct. 22-S11p Covers three years of ,gra'd!1ate study, Bobby ..Spx "Army 1:""tiiiif" on cowriesy card.. :::If INSTRUCT01lS LEONE HAHNKE \ FRANK BRIDGES Detroit Town Hall wiiI present and Draperies:This is an actual conductor' of music; for Detroit's . THRESA NOLL MURIEL BENHAM Richard Harkness, NBC's popu- work class and will be taught by first Civic Opera, teacher of piano Getting Recruits MILDRED KNAGGS 'HELENE NORDSTRUM lar commentator from Washing- Mrs. Gladys Vanden belt, formerly and, theory at. the conservatory, t t 11 'I k W d d associated with . Michigan State j'1s0 the aUlhor of i! book of A "bobby-sox army," 17li,OOO BOYER & SONS::. .,.~i;\3 .Instruction Lor Beginners an,d AdVanted- ChUaren and A,dults on, a 0 c oc, e nes ay IC'lI' ., preludes ' strong. swung Into action this . _ ~.or InformaUon and Calalor. wrlle or call morning OCtober 23 in the 0 ege. . . " .~ . , F'sh Th t .' ' We dn,e s d ay Oct. 23 -Four Enr~llments fo,I' these. ~lasses Week to iecrUlt parenl.$ as volun- .t Beiltonsfi',ld LE. 2895 I er ea reo _J " " '... mll-Y be made by callin" the teer workers' durlnll the Com. 1521~ E. JEFFERSON, The lecture subject chosen by cla, will meet for the first B d' fEd t" NI .. 00 MOTOR CITY TIRESERVI.O~~ , ,t'l ' . oar 0 uca Ion allara 2 ° munlty Chest Red Feather Cr.m- 3455 E. JEFFERSON MILROSI,MII the well kno~n radIO news me.. . '. ., Ext 25. ' , palgn Oct: 28 through Nov. 13. (;: analyst for his fIrst Detroit !fown ,Begmnmg Sewmc at the Mason WORLD'S LARGEST DR~ ••IN Sn\'lCK':: im!: Partll;ipatlng. youth orllanlza. < <..' ~tL: Hall appearance is "Do: We Get school. Mrs.H.elen J:ioll, alrai~ed .a.'",m'Pla' nned tloDS, all recipients ot Chest Iunds, the Whole Truth from Washing- home economist WIll be. the, In- Progr Include the BllY ~nd Girl SCouts. ton?". structor. . . .,' ,Ca,mp Fire Qlrl!, Girl Reserve.s, In his broadcasts five times Machine Shop ..and Welding"- U, CathoUc Youth Orglln~atJons, -.~~:,!~ weekI" Harkness has. covered The 'opt!l'lltion of the basistYP!!'J B,Y,..M Su; , Guild, YMCA, YWCA, and the Boys' WIII1RRIZE 10WI some ~fthe biggest news-making of melal working machines will Clubs of Detroit, Highland Park Shl",leloofs, Stel"edor'OUed _ .";'Hel oi~of' " events of the past few years. He be stressed in this class. Lathes, , The. Detx:.0it Music Gyild an- an<1 Dearborn. Children enrolled .I.y"+ .... ' •• CloaMd or won national recognition with mills, s h a pe l' grinders, drlll nounces the .first or" the Sea~on's .in, activttles. of Metropolitan De- '.1"~ ::-.;;~ his startling expose of the Pen_presses are available. Instruction informal musicates and member-I trolt's chaIn of community cen- 5""" Whtdow. '.IRtH - AWIII.. ~ lenuwH,.~ dergast political machine, and will also. be given in welding if ', .'t'" ..t th .,'SC' .... b Cl b teu and neighborhood houses are WI.cIows W.'HeI .. d WI.dew. I.rt.n~ has followed this up with a (flum- desired: Charles Peterson will be shIp ml!e m"s a eara u also Included. I'" bel' of news '~scoops." . the instructor. on ~arns~orth at John R, ,on Sat- Each chlld will be given cards Arr •• ,eiI N.w ,. HeY. ,n,. W.rt""~:::~o.iJ Allhough Washingto!l report. ,Commercial Law-This class is urda~,; October 19, at 8:30 p.m.' tor their parl!nts, asking them to ing has given the commentator not a course for a pre-law stu- A group.' from. the duildChatri- pledge their services as Red Feath. the inside track on developments derit, hut isa course th:lt, will be , : . ';." ',' .•. er volunteer workers during the BED.I FRill 00. '.~.~~ . in the nation's capitol and of value to everyone; housewife, ~r Orchel!t~a,;ul1.der t~e dlrec- $5,800,000 campaign, explahied LI. 9735 ":':!~ lhroughout .lhe country, he has business man, office \vorke~ or bon of. Felll'~~mck WIll play ,a Nate 8. Shapero, recruttment- nJaintliined his strictly non- salesman. It will provide inslruc~ prog.ra"1, tliat •.Iflc1ude~ .Mozart s chairman. ' partisan policy explaining "I tion in the fundament!!ls of law,Spass .. 1:- ieature?f "Parents whose chlldren belong have seen too much of politics covering contracls, insuran,e, ne- the e'(en:ng se~tert~mment: Will to one of these organizations know and politicans to be naive.'" gotiable instruments, warranties, be. a :t.iuslcal QUlz,wlth Al~Icha- better than most people how Im- ;;======;;;;;;;=;;; guarantees, bailments and 'real mm as master of cerempmes., portant such leisure-time Ilcttvl- estate. Lawrence Westerville, in- The evening has bee!,! planned tie. iare to chtldren," polnted out BACK YARD GR.I~t ALWAY'S DETROIT'S as a tribute, to the past presidents Shapero, who Is president of Cun- "t:'71 .n. . .1/ . I" t,/..... FINEST FOOD of the Detl'olt: Music' Guild. who nlngham Drur Stores. ., will be present as honored guests. "That's why we're asking the Jhll r,cm...J\ook . . 'U:'" AND NOW ••• There will be refreshments. parents ,to help us by soUclt1ng- There is. no admission charge In their own neighborhoods If Tho Ideal Irll1 'a~ .e'.1 t"" ...... ," IJ,j eookhl. Sele.lIfte.n,. ls'.' I " (iJ to members and prospective they like-the funds which ~ake Chicken Pie- Hot from the Oven at.ll A. M. and 5:30,P. M. , THE YERY FIN.EST . fI.~.No ._olle. Bar••. w aM members of .the Detroit Music thes~ Red Feather services pos- e~ar.. al, .. b.ldl Guild: sible. It's a'dlrect application of c.. r...... F()f VegelllNIl" Irelll, Iry our ENTERTAINIEII1T ______'the Community Chest slogan, .'Ev- mUDIl requJr.emf' \ ' DINE 1111.SWEDEN Chef'i Salad Bowl; Hard to Beat This Lunch~on Special! erybody benents - everybody • Just the Ink Spots? . AI lives'.'t ...ArmoufWall Til. Delieioul Cheele Cake - Deep - Di.h Apple Pie • Just the Mills Brot!lers! re.mi ••• l , .. UI7, tlO .. p!fle ,,'a:terpr~onni. low, c~ . nay Artd just 1111the o/her Fine Foods Ihlll .hLrie iI ••• • Just the Kin&, Cole Trfo! THE STOCKHOLM 1'';1&11.,110., ...Id. ..Iedl.. .c ______f..8n~ois8. _ MI ...... "OrigiHlors of the All THREE - aid lORE Smor gllS.ord iff Delroit" IT'S THE 'E~ 81.,... tltU. fr.r the * L_ ..... ard BaUder 1014 I. JeW-no. Ia II.. IV••'d VOCALIONS at Rivard Irvin~ Grandy • Eddie Pailley LUMIEI Chuck Leonard LUllehe

For Your Enjoyment Make your "evenlng out" a luxury event by choosing We Still Have the Finest

STUIS I.TOW' The PUNCH and JUDY _;~'"J PrictS Right . Will the Republicans eaptare Congress for the ri51" Try O"e .And B, Co"v;~fcd VANDYKE COCKTAIL LOUNGE time smce 19211 . ',.=.- ••••••••••••••••••••• B •• I. there a ,GOr Iround swelll ,~'" What ia ~ New England, in tbe'bfc' Eastern statc:ll. In the M,d-Wc:lIt, on ~ Pacific Coast" luncheons, 75e Dinners CLUB Bl,air Moody. of the Wubington Bureau of ~ 11.2:30 5.}0:00 Detroit News, is malcinlr a apecial survev for Detroit: Detrolt.~ smart cast side ntght News readers, and ....111. tover such states a. Missoury,- Special Parties Our Specialty 'spot. Accesslblc to all sections We lire hllp!,y 10 inform,ollr plltrom /hal IInample Ken~uclcy.01110.Wyoming. Montana. Washington, SUh , o( the city. tt ts particularly stodt of heer, liquor ""a imporled ford;1I1s is tom,a, Ok13~ma. Pennsylvani.... N..... Jersey. Nc~ convenient to Grosse Point :York. Connecticut and elsewhere . , . ,,~rp tll'tli14bl! III our eslablishmellt. Drop in OPEN SUNDAYS and Indian VlIlage pleasure This .erie. beginninll: in Thursday's News .' ~eekers. Superbly prepared "'Ith )'0111' frtends for /1. p/ellsant IIfternoon or ~rt on the intimate. inside incident. and persoria~ (ood and Ihe choicest liquors bich turn the tide in key .tate.. .. :t For Re,ervations-Call "Gene"- et'en;ng of rel....\.tllio" /1.lId.enjOl'menl. htJorm.:l aa .. . - .,' are served. Dancing every IIlmosphere, pillS II sitlCere desire to make l?U ...',.~~ NI. '9693 night to thc ~mooth rhythm ot Gordon Welch's Music. feel III home, hal'e tllade the "Prmfh aM JUdy" Grosse Pointe's f/u'or;le fOfill,il lounge, , Now Appearing in STORK, CLUB Your host of the evening. Us, Detroil's fi"esl Sr/pper Club lOW The Detroit News:~ .John Peters SERYIII1G THE HOME NEWSPAPER : ..':: 16352 Ea'st Warren Avenue -1-- FOR RESF.RVAT10;.lS CALI. Phone Randolph 2000 for Home Deliveri;'.~ NEAR OUTER DRIVE ME. 9~36 l\IE. 9565 ~.-. 7909 Eilst Jelfenon

.. ",,,~ ... _,j.;t.,. .. $ $

S R 0 SSE. POI N TEN E W S Tnursday, October 17. 1946 Page Sixteel\ 1 SO%" headern w. oman's plete the woolen lap robes for I'. I Emeritus of the. Grosse Pointe the c.ongregation will iltt.end, All Iyea~ of age are in.vited to at- :!/llIlJJtIJJlJJlIllWlllllJlBIlJlIUllUldt1mUllllUluttIIiJlllUlUIlJllIUUIIJIlJIHIl1llIJlIUUill1IUIlJHIUIJI~ItiIUIllUIIlJIIJIllIlilIIMJ~1WlJJIlI1llIlJUllII" the men at Persy Jones Hospilal. Ch h N Unitarian Church, and it was are invited. tend ~ ' ,. CI to Meet Oct. 21 Mrs. Miles sutton is the chair- . urc ew5 largely' through his co-operation • • • 1:30 p. m. Tuxis Club Outing ! ; ..i man. IL -' t~at the local church was estab- The Married Couples Group under the leadership of Mrs. i1i _~ onh e Southeastern Woman's Federation reports will be giv- hshed '11 . T IH h M T . h - -- Cll.ifl will meet at 11 o'clock on I' en, Hostesses will be Mrs. Ed- POINTE CONGRE~ATION~L The'death of Dr. Reccord was WI, meet on uesday _evening, ~~ c aVls . I ~ Oc.ber 21, when the Veterans' ward Malo. Mrs. Elmer Rice and On Monday evenmg the fmal a great loss to the denomination Oclober 23. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. S .30 p. m. Tor~ey Club Tureen ~ ~ S'-' C ' I I d G'lb t session of the Teacher Traininl: for he served well the liberal Buckenhizer and Mr. and Mrs., fuPMperandd MmeelJGngat tl~e. home I~ . e.~ice ommlttee p aos to com- Mrs. Ro an 1 er. Cl \'iIl be held at the home. . . .. A. 0' "I . 0 r. an, rs. eorge moffat! '" ~ • . a.s~ \ ., ,,__ ~ faith both lfl DetrOit and m . Ie.. WIll be hosts. 636 Notre Dame Avenu". • ~ = ;;. ~I ~~lr. allU "II •. L. C. Pacc. Iv73 Springfield. During his pastorat" \ • • • . ••• I~ i • a leux. ••• of tw<,nty years in t~e Church of The ~hurch ~choOI T~achers . Tuesday, October 22 ~ ;s I\CK ,.,DO The Bazaar Apron Committee Our Father, I?etrolt. he ma~e and OffIcers Will meet In the 8:1..i p. m. The .~xecutiveBoa,d ~ RILEY ltlOTftB SALES. In~. i !" .£ h many, many fnends. not only m Church Study on Wednesday f th :"1 'A .. . ~ ~ P 1. Wlll .,. will meel at day Tuesday at I e his own congregation hut in the evening, October 2: at 8. ~eel eat" t~r;:e~:m ss~~tlOn K ~ 6430 East Jefferson - FItzroy 6122 i ,. New and Rebuilt home of the chairman, Mrs. community at large .. His pro. . e o. rs. en- ~ Ch - .. James G. Cunningham, 472 N. gressive ideals, his public spirit.- WOODS P,~ESBl'TERIAN neth Higgs; 2;8 !'1c~mley. ~ r)'s/er.Pl)'1JlOuth SlIles & Sert'ice ~ ~ Colonial court. The Committee edness, his vision and courage ~ ji '11 I t the k n fancy 10:30 a. m. There will be the ThU~ay,.Oclaber'" SERVICE .BRANCH = , E~TGI~TES.l~ .l~ WI comp e e wor 0 made him an outstanding cilnen b ".. ~ ~1iI_ and practical aprons. Members f D tt d f 'ts t t apt.ism of children during the 7 p. m. G Is' Choir Rehearsal. - ;I of the committee are as .follows: porea~;:~: an one 0 1 grea e,s servltk. All girls 13-15 years of age are I 112 East G:rand Blvd. FItzroy 1413 !l!!= A' th' M V I 11:40 a. m. Junior Choir Re-I invited to attend. Comptet ser filCh I d B d b 6 & 8 CYLIXDE8S SSlstan .c aIrman, rs, er e The congregalion of the Grosse hearsal. All boys and girls 7-12 8 p. m. Adult Chol'r Reh'arsal. i . ,e . t'lee o~ a rys er. iJro lletS. 0)' ump. 1!! Ryon; Mrs. Clare L. Sober, Mrs. Point Unitarian Church has es. " ~ mg,. pamtmg, weldmg, wheel IIltgtlmenJ and wheel bal- = ,.- , O. L. Wigton. Mrs. Joseph Ding- tablished an Augustus P. Reccord ane/~g. =1 man, Mrs. John Bell. Mrs. Edgar MerooTla. I F un d t0 perpe tua te h'IS CALL US ALL HHllllllllimUlllm:IIIIJIIIIIIHlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIII1II111111111111111111U1UUIIIIIII 2.DAY INSTALLATION H. Sims, Mrs. Clinton F. Berry, memory for 1111 time through MAKES Mrs. Ernest L. R.ay. Mrs. Paul some lasting thing of beauty. ------SERVICE Griffin. Mrs. McBrien, Mrs. Theodore Hunt, Mrs. James T. POINTE MEMORIAL We Pay High Dollar-Car or Truck Huette, Mrs. Charles M. Marzolf, Sunday, October 20: For Real Ford Sel.,'i~e Mrs, H. G. Reed. 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday Morning' Dinette linens including dish Forum: Speaker. Miss Alice Limited Supply Available towels, colorful place mats with Frieder, r('cent graduate of Vas- napkins, dinette cloth with nap- sar College, delegate to the 1946 EARL HOLZBAUGH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL kins are being prepared by the World Conference of Jews and committee under the'direction of Christians at Oxford, England.- 10900 FORD DEALER LENOX Mrs. Arthur W, Williams. Mrs. "Let's Live Democracy," CHARLEVOIX 3120 ." B. J. BOl18 &; SO~'S Williams is being assisted by 7:30 . p.m. - Tuxis Club for Mrs. David M. Davidow. Mrs. AR. 1515 Young People - Men's 'Lounge. .. '13118 GRATIOT Abram Brown, Mrs. Warren Speaker, Dr. Paul Essert, super- There!! s No 1.liu~eLike Home Helle. Mrs. Max Etling. Mrs. intendent of Grosse Pointe Frederick Tomlin, Mrs. Paul Kol- I1lII!IlUll1InmIIlllUnllllR:IIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIWllllnmllllllllnllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll~1I111111111I11I11 Schools - 'How to Think." voord, Mrs. Edward L. Yeager, Cadillac OWnersH ALFRED 'F. STEINER CO. Mrs. William M. Browne, Mrs, A. , MESSIAH :LUTHERAN YOllrGrosse 'o/"te Vic/nify Ford Dealer Dell Wilson Jr. Holy' Cpmrnunion will b7 cele- P,ETZOLD • • • brated In the 10:30 a. m. service ~ On Friday evening the Pru- on Sunday, October 27. Oldsmobile Owners!! NOW'S THE TIMETOWINTECIZE _=_~=_ dential Committee will meet in YOUR FORD ltlotor Sales . == the minister's study, 707 Univer- GRACE CHURCH sity PI. The new Evangelical Home for Authorized Sales and Service , Wit/; Tbii Month's Siucial L"brlcalion Fea/ur, ~ .• • • I Orphans and old, people located = Sunday afternoon and evening at 6700 W. Outer Drive Authorized parts and factory-trained mechanics. CHASSIS - Lubricate com. /TRANSMISSION -IDrain, Announces ~ the youth groups will attend the dedicated in a .service to be held .. No job too bil:" or loo small. Brlnjt in )'our car pletely,' using special Fac- Flush and Refill with speci- 1~ ,. I. ~ youth rally at the North Wood- next Sunday afternoon at 3. Mem- [or a thorougb cheek-ull . . . No obligation. tory Specified Lubricants. ~ ward Church. The guest speaker bers of the Church School and of , ' fied Lubricants. ;The NEW- Lee COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE FRONT WHEEL BEAR. ;1 ~=$i=_ wihH bhe Miss Pta1tlie t CdOgfhill, DIFFERENTIAL .,.... Drain, _ w 0 as recen y re urne rom' HYDRAMATIC EXPERTS • INGS .:- Clean and Repack :PLYMOUTH .Household ,Radio !India, ••• Sixth Church of Christ with proper Lubricant and Flush' and Refill with Fac- FREE INSPECTION adjust. tory-SPecified Lubricants. MADE BY INTERNATIONAL DETROLA ~ The Women's Fellowship of Scientist, Detroit _~__the Congregational Association is 1<4730Kercheval Avenue Combination radio phono- sponsoring a Card Party for the lUMPING & PAINTING ~II for onl, $3.95 rraph, 5-tube, 115 Volts AC Sunday Sen'ices 10:30 a. m. ~ b~nefit of Olivet College in the and 5;00 p. m, ONE.DA Y SERVICE or DC. Pla)'s ten 12-lnch Crystal Ballroom of the Masonic reel}rc!s or lwelve 10-inch ..• i Sunday School ~=- Temple on Friday afternoon, No- FIrst .esslon - •••• - - 10:30 ft. m. ALFRED F. STEINER CO. Crystal phono~raph pick-up. Second sessIon.;...... ' ~ 11 :45 'a'. m. Loop antenna, Cable driven, vember 8th. Tickets may be Allthorized ford S"les and Serr,h;i slide rille tiial... , S86.35 ~ purchased in the Grosse Pointe Wednesd.~ •• ,'enlng T.,limonl.t KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO. ~ area from Mrs. Frederick V. '!IIe.lIng 8:00 p. m. 16901 MAClc at GRAYTON Niagara 4000 ~ Slocum; TV. 1-2684. and Mrs. Relldln~ Room ooen \\'~k rtays 14350 E. WARREN, at Chalmers LE.2060 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

=_='. Edward L_._Y_ea_'g_e_r_,_P_R_.6029. Sunc13jo's •. 2:30 lo 5:00 p. m.

l'- . POINTE UNITARIAN The Grosse Pointe Unitarian 't Church will hold a commemorac ~ tive service on Sunday, October liS vorh,, AC or DC.- 20th, for Dr. Augustus P. Rec- BRING IT IIO~IE • • • I cord who passed away in Spring-I ~Slide rur. dilt 511nted - for field, Mass .• Friday, October 4th. Dr. Reccord was Minister I LECTURE IllY rLedi:'lg- from e riend. There!}s No Substitute ='~I.i ~ Ii: ~~,:,g position •• , • $36.85 The Call of ,J)!W~ ....' • ~~. Christian Science for BOYD~S ~~- EACH SET FULLY GUARANTEED WILl,. SIT UP and LISTEN JJ when YOIol C1lo1atefrom ta by Lieut. Col. Robert E. Key; BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ••• THE CHRISTIAN KliNe! MCNITOR CSB ~ WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE , A newspaper distinguished far lts importicl and unprejudiced pres"" of FORD-MERCURY - LINCOLN ~ entation ct the news. Wh." you quole it. you'll win respectful London, England attention. While Shopping- Member of lhe Board of 'Service ~ U.. thlo ~.,"; ,.. IrICIAL He~e your gr completely servicr,d hy our IIttf"OdllChM'y swlts.cnpr .... - fin ...... a-- Lectureship of The Mother n 4.r>-'eftly ,.1 I: FACTORY.TRAINED MECH"NICS Chur~h,The First Church Whefher 'it's a new battery for better winter driving, a Itil I" L . "'!!'~~-.<1 __1) of Christ, Scientist, in brake iob. motcr overhauling, complete lubrication, fl<1int. I!ll Boston, Mass. ing, bumping or any other service; you'll do best to bring ~,c~=" s~~r;cePwblioIlitIII Society tel Iloston 1S. Massoch ..... 1tI Mo~'day, Oct. 21, 8 P. M. it home • , ~ to Boyd's, where servio:e IS to tn. Poi.n .Petzold Motor iSales ~=on en:~rTn.spe&ri~ti~~:: ::=_o,_-_s_wee_ks_13_0_'-__ I_fc<_$_'_ In tne Church Edifice We Will Service AIIYo.r Cars. Regardleu of Make S1reet _ 1<47E.ut 'Gr~nd Boulevard Oty_" -"-_,- _ 11 (2) given. by 1lIRlIlll1ll11lllll1llJlQlnllUUmlJllIIOlllllnl1llnUllllllllnmllll11ffiJIIKlDmnlll"lIl11l1lJ1nlJlllllllllllmlllllllllJlJIJIIIUIr.IIIJ1IJ1I11I11 Second Church of Christ, Scientist Inc ~ Detroit, Michigan '2!!!FO~~!~' 1540 I E. JEFFERSON, at Nottingham' All Are Welcome r....: ",.,,11' 1tJ. 'f~•. ' WINTERIZE Be 'f" ~. ~e "More of Everything for .Your Money .. #III' 0L.D S Early! .. \\rIse! "" IS ONE way BATTERIES , " Now in stock-a limited supply of top grade, huskybatteries-

ANTI-FREEZE i Better hurry to get your share of this winter time safeguard for your c...r. By bringing your Lincoln or Mercury We recommend only such repairs as Some of you may have experienced the expense and ICJSSof time incurred by home, where it really belongs, your car will relieve you of present, day driving a cracked block or a burst radiator. We have only a limited supply of ANTI. 'headaches and forestall any mechan- FREEZE on hand. will receive the undivided attention of service specialists, These men know ical failures during the winter months. Only genuine Lincoln and Mercury the answers to your service problems COOLING SYSTEM FLUSHED AND CLEANED parts are used. Right now we are spe,. , and take a personal interest in solving Befo~e investing in AI\'.'I.FRF.F.ZE. it is wise to have' your entire cooling sys. cializing. in winterizing, minor adjust- tern IOspeCled, flushed and cleaned. We will thoroughl)' check )'our thermostatS them. They know that their jobs "and ments, major olyoerhaul, bumping and . and hose connec;ions. replacing them at low cost when necessary;. We will also ,the reputation of this establishment- painting. We also recommend our check your radiator for leaks, a timely precaution for winter dri\'ing. ' of which they are a part-depend on Porcelainizing service, wmch, if applied rendering you service that will satisfy now, will save you a paint job in the you c!lnClbring you bad again, spring_

Whyte Oldsmobile Co. UOnly Satisfied Customers Keep Us r~Business" HYour Grosse Pointe Dealer" Jefferson Lincoln and Mercury Co. 15218 EAST JEFFERSCN at IEACONSFIELD 3700 East JeHerson at Lieb MElrose0500 1£nol{ 41070


\ \ , _.~ , '~, G It 0 SSE P.(fl N TEN E W S Page $eVerl+e.:",q p - "1 02 Chrysler-Plymouth Service' HERE'S A PAGE OF INDIVIDUALS AND' FIRMS A Wa, For Qlick.r CAB Service! j,] READY, TO RESPOND CLIP THIS AD LEnox' 5777 MIll phone book WHEN YOU NEED/RELIABLE SERVICES QUICKLY pltlce ;1 ;lIside Jour covel'. THE .1 Compl~t6 service for Chrysler and Ii: - \ Plymouth ears. We specialize Tn IiiI' pick-up and deiivery. Moto~ over- Pointe Taxicab Co. I\l III h'luling, bumping. painting, simonizing Niagara 5400 1,1 and polishing. Complete brake 1'1 service. Most modern front end align- :..4nywheJ'e--4n!i 5,'me-..Any plae. Ii! DEPENDABLE COURTEOUS SERVICE ment equipment in the city, I:l 24 HOURS A DAY H "t / . Brnuled Chauffeur StTl,he With or Wi/houl OUl' eMJ Fisher & Record Motor Sales In.,' East Jefferson at Nottingham ii! . . 15000 Kercheval r; I:l ... . I.; ~------. ' , !iiIII rSOMiTiiiNGNi'Wi.-ciit,iiiITliitl r'" .~~~~;~;~..... ~ ' ...... •.••.••••••••• ~ ,:: : Comn,lele : 1:1 I ; r.f t . PRospe~12222 j : Co",p'.f. P/illiJDi"9 and j Our modern SANDBLASTING equipment l : HeatIlIg Service BUICK .u;j:~ , com pIe tel y removes old paint and , : , rust from your entire car.. $35.00 ., • Sales and Se,vice .~~ -- ct~I'.'!t..a t., Sultan Motor Sales l ~H. Duckeridge & Son: TURNER MOTOR SALES, 'InCi:..', : I j . l . 15108 KeI'ChevaI • . ... 1-1077 Gratiot near Ollter Drlve, ( • : 15103 KERCHEVAL LENOX 3otot .: I' l' . - .. • . , ~.~ ~~•••...... ••.•.••••..... ~ ~..-.~.~~ ~,~i 1\~mllllUlImunpLUililliIGmlinIl1HUTliill1~SERVicElIIlIIl1lll1l1l1l11l11ll~------TYPEWRITERS ,.,..------.-..-.-..-.~1i:lI ADDING MACHINES t CPRDWOOD-SLABWOODI I $ 'TUxedo 2-9503 I REPAIRED anc:i Complete plumbin!l an!i heatil\l: service. I •. . LEnox 8500 . Installation and servtce for gas. and $ SERVICED '~~I. 0\1 flrp.d water heaters and bOilers. = LEnox 35&0 ~ F/rep/erce fue' - Domesfic sfoker co,d. ' .-''!. 1i;' "lr/o/veri"tI BRUCE, WIGLE .CO. TypellJriter Sen'i~, t j.\ Cony'rs'on Gal IlIrn'" • MciNTOSH COAL CO.. .14343 E. J.iferloll HOME HEATING HEADCjlUARTERS, . 1'5304 ~ERCHEVAL ! t I." J 11850 Kercheval. ~ ill1ll1llllmlllllllllllllllllll"lIml1ll1llll~mlll1lllllllIlWlMlIIIUIIllllUalllllII11I1lI1lIIUIIIllllllllll1ll1ll1111mIllBlIIlI1lI1 '"'~~-----~~.....~...... -:.~~;i ------...... -~..",.--~-~--1 ~i5!lllUWiJrn~urlUltlnnlrJllluillllml'.llJ[Ulru'lll'!lllljlnIIJII1111ll~lnmllluljlullllln"nanllUlltmlnllnllllumlmnn_nmnlnlrn.' i~ r .....-".~p_PIJIIIOltk Senice t j FORD SERVICE l i BUIC~ SALES&?,ERX1C~ ..~.. i. j MElrose 0450 l: ARlington 1000, j i PLaza .3944- 5;,' i ~ Leave YOllr car Gft YOllr way dowlttowlt j, Co",plet. Ford Service i Complete motor overhauling -brake sernce ":"wheeIiliaJ;g-. I:". l =1' b:la: - lubrication -- headlili:h ..t. alignment- front end. alip-' f Till Ead Side'. Mod Co",pl.t. Sfock of 'arf.' , • ' Facilitle. t ment. - bumpin~. - paintinlt and slmol1izint." . '.a j KEN BROWN MOTORS t~, AL LOIIG t ~lMOrOR. ~~~~i!~P~~COR~•.~,,~i; ,• 3131. EAST. JEFFERSON AVE. .' ...:.- j.t /,;,14606 Gratlot ~~. ! 8740 MACK ' •~~ l .!-._~--~------_.. mml1nnl1mlllllllllll1l1l1LlJ1llmllll1m~l1l11lHnmmm!l1llIllIl!llUllmnmlllllnlllllllllllmllmlll1m1ll11lUm!Umllillmllllm1l\lll1i11\1l~;. I" I' COMPLETE T•• H', Generator,' Oarblrelor~-. Brlk ... ~ Keys. Made - Locks Repaired .j i: 4577 -CA. 2.9.'3', HUDSON :CA. AllthoriJ.d S.rvle. .:fltzroy 477?,_.~., .' _ A' BONDED LOCKSMITH 'arts alld Ace.norl.' Pirta for all car~. Compiete ~erviee by specIalists with know-how for motcr tuning, generatcr. car- I Hom, .• fUl ShopS",v;" HUDSON buretor and br~ke service. . I, AUTO .nd TRUNK KEYS. SPECIALTY TAPERT 10TOR, Inc•. .GREENLEAF~ -INC. IARKOWITZ I 00., HARDWARE 13245 East .Te1fersou; ZW EAST. .JEFFERSON . LEnox 7739 i iiiiiiiii~~: If1ii----_. Ii Oollpl.'e DeSOlo-flJlRo." Service .'.J i.. Authorized ~::~ '[~'~ r~ I Ford Service .Fitzroy 32.51-6'033 ~LEnox 4464' I i IIPld.1If aId COIIriaollS S.",lce for ~ Con'tertlble tops custom made. Interiors retrlmmetl etlmplrle. i Niagara 4000 ~Opera .eat.. installed. Truck and car cushillllS re~lIt. Pre-war ~ rlck.Up and All Clrry51er "rodllcfs ~ quaUty materials and pri~es. Select F01l! materlala from the ~ Delivery Servie. ~ ~Ie Jtec;k ondlsplay.. ~ NEEDHAM -WARD.:'.=~~~:; e.' Earl' 5 CoUision Servjce ~ Alfred F.Steiner Co. 2970 East Jetfe 1'5OJ!at MeDougan ~; 16901 MACK .' ~ 10627 MACK J ~ - "'," !l!lIlllll1l1Il1IWl1ID1I1D1I11D1UIII1II11nllnnmmnIlIIII1Q1!!!1!'Il!i!IlIII111RDlIlJlIBIlIIl1II1lI1llIH!1ImnnnDlBlnl1lftllftllllllll1ll1ll!lll1ll11!l1llWllll1l1lmm.I11IIIl1IUnRl1I1DDlllllnl1U~mUlll1lll1ll~. ,. -....,----,------.J! g ~"""~"-"-""""-,"-"-''"''-''-''~,''-''''''''''-~ ~'.' I Complete Oldsmobile Authorized Service. .' YOU Wll.LNOT GET FULL SAnSFACTlON fo,' ~ ' . ' IF YOUR CAR LACKSTBESE REPAIRS. ... II~ ~';;;::~::';;:;:;:==~~gCAR RADIOS ~ LEnox 9070' 'Ii cr :l g " OVERHEAD.TYPE .REPAIRED ~ Brake ReliniftC) 'Motor Overhauling. WashillClJ I KLANN if. -I!!' Wheal Alig"infJ CarlMlretor Service ShnonilinCJ i! by Wh .. 1 lakllllClllf 1,..lfloll 5eo,vice Ilu. Coral J!1 AUTO ELECTRIC : ~ GARAGE DOORS ~ Ii ~ ' . , . ~ ~ LEnox 4000 " Factory TroT... Raell. ~ Complete IlIbrleafio" servIce. Oll'r mecha"lcs .'acfory frailted. Ii UNITED lUOTORS SER\'lCE • AUTOLITE SEl:VICE MOTOR TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS I ~ LEADED GLASS REPAIRtNG-Gl,ASS FOR ALL PURPOSES ~ • Technicians Authori1ed Service on All )Iakes 4y ALL MAlES & MODELS ~ WHYTE OLDSMOBILE CO. I Starters ~ Gent:-rators - Cacbure[o:-s ~ Speedometers - Ignition ~ C.- Glass, Co. ~ 1521' EAST JEFFERSON at IEACONSFIELD Wll1dshleld Wipe" - Shod< Absorh<>r, - Magnetos - B'roJd.y'.morlcei. y~a. p._t .at.moblle II .... rth • 'ort •• o to yo" or to • prospectl...o b"yer. G".. a tto 0". ( II • Ho Obl/9afio" .... rd .pp •••• n'. b)' k.. pla, Ih ,Iuml., flnl.1o I" Iliter.llke conditio•• .ra.t Ono applltatto" 0' l'OBCELAlxtU:, Our new F!eetwlng Service Station f! now open dallv II to 9 II NASH ~ . I•• "trldent for t...o y•• '" p... te

Cash 2w: WORD MinImum SOe Can be Plaeed at New. OWee cr al one ot 14 con\'enlenl1y located sub-- 3 Trunk Lioes .t..Ucn•• DEADLINE Vv'EDN~SDAY NOON .... YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED CALL TUxedo 2-6900 To Serve You Quickly c S-ARTICLE5 \iOR SALE S-~lTICLES FOR SALE ~harge 3 WORD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 8 m. m. KEYSTONE projector JOHNSON'S outboard Sea Horse Mlnlmum 60c lens F-1 85, Reasonable. Call 2Y" H. P. In good condition. Wirinig ond Repairing New OIId Old Wor~ n be Plated by Telephone cr In • Residential _ CommercIal _ Electric range ""lrln. :-euon at New. Olllce till noon ARlington 6783. - Call NIagara 1135. • Altle rooms and recreallon rooll15 wired 'Vedncsda)"s. • S~'I..ItC'hes..base plugs. bells. chkme$-mlsce\~aT1.f'nu.srepairs G@LS' bicycle, 26", like new; 7' NORGE refrigeralor in perfect SAYER'S ALL ELECTRIC PHONE gateleg table. solid mahogany condition, semi. antique love Bu •. ' TUx. 1.()440. 17330 E. WARREN R ••. , TUx. 1-l5T.l top; ping pong set, prewar, n'et seat, solid mahogany also in "ATTENTION" and paddles. $4.00; 5 sectional TUxedo2~6900 perfect condition. Call NIagara 3 Trunk LIne. bookcasse. mahogany fin i. h; 8116. davenport. Valentine - Seaver EDWARD. F.' LANGE Co., needs recovering; refrig- SIX genuine goose feather pil- DECORATING CASH RATES EAST SIDERS erator unit. TU. 1-1257. In Ellert at Th .. e ConvenIent lows, large size, $25. Call INTERIOR and EXTERIOR LEnox 0295. NEEDLEPOINTE ladies' chair, for Particular People 14 Sub St,!ltions walnut. 75 years old; ladies' T1U Noon Wedne,da)'. --high riding boots, tan, size 7; BEST & CO. bright red gabar- MUrray 7854 PROMPT SERVICE MUrray .8283 occasional chair, fabric clciin.. dine s~it, top coat, hat and bag, PERMANENT POSITIONS 9-ARTICLES WANrED 21-SERVICES JEFFERSON AVENUE springs good; ladies' black wool matchmg, siz~ 12-14, complete. suit, size 16, txcellent COndi- $100. Light 'gray belted coat VIOLIN for child seven, begin I (a)-Generat :* Schettler's Drugs .tion. TU. 2-7559. with matching hat, $75. 'White nero Call HOgarth 4226. i 15324 E Jellerson. at Nolting. IN OUR Monroe tweed skirt and jacket. : ham RIDING BOOTS, ladies' size 6B. $30. All excellent condition. ANYONE having a used kitchen UPHOLSTERY ~ KERCHEVAL AVENUE men's size 11; Jodhpur shoes, Call LEnox 0295. set Or bedroom furniture. Rea black, size 6B; 2 pairs riding) sonable. Call .F~tzroy 2194. r * Miller Pharmacy EAST SIDE BUSINESS OFFICE breeches, size 14; beal\tiful RUGS: American Orienlal 9 by CARPETS '" 149-15Kerche, .. I. at Wayburn three piece Jodhpur outfit, size 12, beige carpet, also miscel- STUDENT wants to share a ride 9. Boys' brown leather jacket, laneous arlicles. Call .TUxedo from Grosse Pointe to Uni RUGS ~* ~~f~e;c~~~~~r Not:e Dame versity of Detroit. Call NIagar~ FOR GIRLS WITH COLLEGE plaid lined. Call TUxedo 2-1686. 2-8048. I ~* Cllnningh"m's Drugs 4049. CLEANED ~ Kerehe\'!!l at Notre Dame ; ITHACHA hammerless double FULL dress suit, size 38. Man's IN YOUR' HOME t * Notre Dame -Pharmacy barrel 12 gauge shotgun. calli chesterfield, size 38. Call TUx- WANTED fOr Resale-All kinds f: 17000. Keroheval. at Notre Dame of children's clothing. Kath Domestic and Oriental EDUCATION OR BUSINESS TUxedo 2-2730. edo 2-1106. Guaranteed Moth-proofing ~* Grosse Pointe Drug Co. erine's Resale, 14132 Kercheval : 17C!51Ker""eval. al SI. Cla!r \ BEAUTIFUL French turquoise PHILCO radio, 1937 console . 2 doors east of Iibrary, betwee~ , Furniture and Carpet Repairs Newport and EasUawn. LEnox Stairway Carpets Turned !i Titus Drug Store brocatelle sofa, de:;k and small model,shorl wave,' automatic ~ * 1, Kercheval. .t FI.her Road EXPERIENCE table; also radio combination. tun i n g. Excellent condition. 8776. DURAWAY FABRIC SERVICE ~ (Farms) Call after 12 noon, TUxedo Call Tuxedo 2-1106. TUxedo 2-6249 Free Estimate. , 2-7872. BIC . E WANTED-A Tux e d 0, double YCL ,full size, girls' bicycle, breasled, in good condilion. size ~ MACK AVENUE CARPET OW~ERS -: Attention. :* Swhier Drug Store ANTIQUE lamps $25, antique like new. Call TUxedo 2-1105. 38-40. Call TUxedo 2-6266. Repair now and save the wear. II 17201 Mack Ave .... t Notre Dame sofa with rri~hogany frame, BIKE-Boys' 26", balloon tires, ll-AUT05 FOR SALE Also'stair em'pet shifted. Day :!t * Blue Cross Drugs Apply In Person maple cot, tennis- net. carpet hevay duly tires; kick sland. Or evening. NIagara 0703. & 17311 Maek Ave .• at Nell Road sweeper, hirge p'anel picture for large basket, good condition. CAR it * Hukness Phermacy . recreation room. TUxedo 2-7898 Reasonable.' Call TU. 1.12~6. 1936 TERRAPLANE. Best offer STORM WINDOWS for Immed- II 20313 Mack A,'e.. ..t Loehmoor takes. Call NIagara 1839 after Iate delivery. Largest stock in It Blvd. DINING ROOM TABLE and six HERSHED quarter chime clock, 5 p.m. the city. Buy now lor winter. I = *:.Clair's Confectionery chairs, fine solid- mahogany, highest grade, $35. Experl servo Phone us fOr free estlmate. I '!< .:rYl92 Mack Ave .• at Anli. MICHIGAN' BELL TELEPHONE 18th Ceiltury. TUxedo 2-6323. ice on all clocks and watches. 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE F. H. A. terms. Grandfather clocks repaired in City SlISh & Screen Co. FiSHER ROAD HARVARD ROAD, near Warren, I ~ .' CHILD'S chifferobe chesl, clothes your. home. Pick up and de- 1361.4 E. seven Mlle. near Gra- 3 bedrooms, breakfast nook, ! )!l Schettler'. Drugs rack, table' and chairs. Call livery service' available. OPllll tiot. PRospect 3700 or C. O. * lava lory, recreation; oil heat, i = 337 FIsher Rd..' at l'iaumet COMPANY TUxedo 2-6323. Saturday until 8 o'clock. Closed Campbell, owner. Res, Phone Mondays. 2-car garage. $17,000. ROse- TUxedo 2-9792. : ~ ' HArlPER AVENUE RUG, 9 by 10' 6"; drapes coffee ville 1028-F. 'Sfqcf~~'1 Drug, Store table, down. filled sof~, ~win . EASTSIDE CLOCK SHOP LET, US REPAINT. repair and i ,19253 Super Ave., ..t W .. htenaw 1365 CASS AVE. end tables; all in excellent con- 13234 Kercheval DOUBLE lot for sale on Country hang your storm windows. Work dition. LEnox 0625. LEnox 3645 Club. Call TUxedo l!-3506. done by experts at your home. {; { -;;:DETROIT STATIONS Phone us for free estimate. GOING to Califon.;ia', living room, ~*' Whittier Hotel Drug. REMINGTON typewriter $15. al! A Good Rent~1 District City Sash &. Screen Co. td ~ Burna Drive at the Rh'er MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAYS aluminum reducing machine Knabe piano, garden, camping, 13814 E. Seven Mile Rd., near loll "" , overcoat. skates, miscellaneous. 6 UNIT face brice building on ~i " $10, Philco console thr'Je band Gratiot. PRospect 3700. orphonlt radio $25, blond maple tapestry No Sundays. 7708 E. Jefferson. large lot. Renls-$250.00. Heat, light' and gas separate. Will C. D. Campbell. owner, Res. ic~'L'C NOnCIS covered easy chair $50. 12568 Apt. 101 or Call FItzroy 1477. phone TUxedo 2-9792. Wade. vacate one 7 room apt. Mrs. BOY'S 28" bicycle, good condi- Bonnen', PI. 4500. J"" 'CHICAGO MILLINERY ~TUDENTS 7-WANTED TO RENT 7-WANTED TO RENT ANTIQUE marble topped dresser tion. $30. 3606 Cildieux Road. $3.80 INCLUDING TAX S-SITUATIONS WANTED HANNAN Millinery supplies con be L (Houses, Apts., Flats, etc.) (Houses; Apts., Flats, etc.) and commode, walnul finish, NEW HANOVIA SUN LAMP, Real Estate Exchange Inc. lllaUna ' fl.2l C1llltoa$1..U (Male, and Female I . $50 takes both. Call NI. 0360. purchased at l Jonl!lVlU. $2.42 QUln~ 12.70 prescription model, $90. TUxe- ARE YOU GOING SOUTH - AIR. LINE PILOT, wife and child 14900 Harpet: cor. Outer Drive I Coldwater £B:l Sturg. $3.51 GIRLS to take care of children do 2-4858. ' LALADGE DO YOU WANT TO RENT want furnished house. apart; BOY'S navy blue double breast. NEW VETERAN'S HOME 16724 Eost Warren Nlagaro 1913 IM~"'~ TU.


f " ...... t •• M«« • 't ')c AN ",' ,. '1',:'15 t 'fS.t'rr L, bop' w' .. " tit rie M".' >1'2 n , 'tit It ..t t~ ..r n,u~ay, October 17, 1940 GROSSE POfNTE NEWS . Page r-lineteen~" Zl-SERYICES ' 21-SERYICES 21_SEIVICES' Zl-SERYIC1S 21_SEIYICES (t)-Drell MaldlMJ I;ANDSCAPING m...,.paillt aId Decor'" en-Wall Wal!li., , I. )-lacli. lepalrs GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE J iNTERIOR and exterior painting. A-I WALL washing; screens pu-t COMPLETE radio repairs and BRING.your furs to MlU'le Steph- EVERGREEN NURSERY short and to I All types commercial work. up; storm . sasl1- down. Pr-ice reconditioning; 15 years' ex .. ens for'repalring. mtyllng and OFFERS perlence. Expert, cc;urteow Call Mr. Brown. TUxedo 2-2664. right. Call PLaza 2010. clean1~g. Reasonable prices. Speciel low prices, 0(1 se~din9, service. All work guaranteed. The Pointe Call MUrray 57.40. 13n1 Ker- greding and. sodine. Hedges end Ready for the Preview? (k)-Lau.t1ry LEnox 5688. • cheval. shrubs trimmdd. Trees removed or LAUNDRY done by hand, per- (Continued frOID Pare I) S~e the New VINCE'S RADIO SHOP sonal or bundle. All hand iron- LET ME help' you with your trimmed, Fresfl. stock o~ Ever- Pre-War R'adio Experience BARBARA CHRISTIE'S home, ed. Call NIagara 7547. . .' . . greens et low proces. Tulips and Radio. Electronics,' Television your mendmg. Plam sewmg. daodils, . bulbs, fertilizer, grass "Brown Gables," in Birmingham Wallpaper Samples ... School Graduate (Il-WilldowWa,hi., reasonable. Call PIngree 5401. seed, peet humus. Dry fireplace was the scene of a rush tea last Sunday for Nu Beta Phi sorority. We have 1941 Sample Books Vincent T. Bertell wood, 16" end 20" at $10 end ready for your selections. R&M WINDOW CLEANING CO. 5020 La Fontaine NI. 7607 y_Pia,!o Rushees attending .in c 1u d e d residential $I? lmmediete delivery. Spccializin,in blending rich.' Specializing in SALLY and PEGGY RONEY. work. Storm windows. screens, (p)-Fu'""ltllre Repair IPIANO tuning; electric cleaning. ~ALLY DUNN, DOROTHY er.darker values and color EVERGREEN NURSERY awnines. Wall WiiShing. Free Clifford L. Edwards, TU. 1-3173. DOWELL, SUE. MERCIER. PAT tones, also intense colors. ' REPAmEti IN YOUR HOME! 17331 Harper esUmate. VEnice 1-1671; VE- reliable. TUx. 1.0850 TUx. '-0926 ZIMMER, PAT POTVIN and nice 9-1248. Springs. chairs. sofas; Lamp Service guaranteed work: very reason- ELAINE MeCREARTY. NI,4255 PRUNING STORM WINDOWS washed and able. Call City-Wide Service. LAMP REPAIRS; vases. 011 lamps. • • • TRinity 1-4600. FERTlL.lING CYNTHIA DEAN, daughter of hung. screens taken down. Call keepsakes and other objects (i)-Wall Washi., TUxedo 2-2734. or )'our trees, shrub., e\'er~r«nl, the CHARLES A. DEANS. JR., electrified and made Into beau- etc. of Lewiston road, spent last week- WAIL WASHING - Best work. (r)-Cemellt Work A-l WINDOW washin~. W~ aim tiful table lamps. Old style floor • P~e.lon Tree bped CO. end as the guest o! :MR. Ilnd MRS. Well recommended. TUx e d 0 work. Re. to please particular people. BRICK and cement NIB. 5140 • • TUx. 1.3930 ROBERT W. KNAPP at their 1-201:1. Call evenings. ' pair and new. Driveways. Ga. lamps remodeled and refinished Screens taken down. storm sash •~to latest type of Indirect home in St. Louis. EDWARD G . WINDOWS cleaned on call or by put up. Wall washing and rage, rat wall, basement flo~)rs, llOTCHKISS, JR., of St. Louis, contract; . screens and storm porches, steps. Call DRexel lamps and torch\erers. Lamp Judgeship Sought house washing; also painting. , will be the houseguest 'of the WINDOW changed; caulking, eves troughs Call PLaza 2010. 1163. "hades made and recovered. Dean's when he arrives this week cleaned; kitchen and bath Pick up and, delivery serylce. V. lor the wedding 'of FRANNIE U)-DreSil MakhllJ By Mary Beck , cleaned, MUI;ray 3123. ,Banner Lamp & Shade Co. 2031 STROH and DAN SIMMONS • CLEANING .CLASSIFIED ADS BRING YOUR alteration' trouble I ~W1NDOW, and wall wash- . Canl!!, TOwnsend 7-7181 days. Mary V. Beck, 'th~ only woman • • • and Always Smiling Servlc.' : ing. outside painting. One-day to Marie .stephens. 13327 Ker- candidate for the office of Pro. Returning to the Pointe recently GET QUICK RESULTS! TOwnsend 8-5435 evenings; j service. Call TUxedo 1.3870. cheval. MUrray 5740. ~ate Judge in the coming elec- from East Hampton, L. I., was ., hon, has an outstanding record ANN MITCHELL. She has been Wall Washing .' ; of eleven years of service on the spending the summe.r with her OLD staff of the Juvenile Division of parents, MR. and MRS. LED. ESTABLISHED the Probate Court. The experi- YARD MITCHELL. at their sum- ;- ~ CITY OF .1 ence thus gained in family case mer home, "The Dunes". Mr. and FIRM • I work and child welfare work Mrs. Mitchell will be returning to .-! GROSSE POINTE with special emphasis on the reo Michigan soon. habilitation of juvenile delin- • • • WAYNE COI,lNTYI MI~HIGAN Fr•• W ~shers ..Radioi ;..;~ quents has given her an unusual MRS. ALEXANDER L. WIEN. insight . into the problelDJl of ER left last week to join MR. Ilt/maf., , Sewing Machirie.s ~.: adolescent children. WIENER in Chicago. They'll, pe Ironers; Phonographs: Miss Beck has never held a reunioning with a group of friends 1lIII~_n, public office. but in her capacity from Robbins Field, where Mr. Automatic Changers l of a member of the Juvenile Wiener was stationed when he CoIIplell Senice ~ , Vacuum Creaners : was in the service. GENERALELE,CTION, NOTICE Court staff, she has been a public 10 li servant lor many years and be- • • • 'Table ~l b.. v'.. Storlll iili cause of the high type of service Bermuda is fast becomln, one Sa,. " Applian.ces that she has rendered she has of the Pointe's favorite .pots. and ';! the earned the respect, not only There are many residents who PIlttJ., Up Sere.. , ~l ']Ii. I practically commute between the of the .parents and children with .1IcI ,Awe"" ~ POINTEj~ I TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,' 1946 whom she has worked, but also sun swept island and their Pointe 1llI11I•• M.1iij the respect and love of her co- homes. Of course the most notable workers. examples in this. category are APPLIANCE SHD'! TO THE QUALIFIED~LECTORS~ Although Miss Beck is a lawycr MR. AND MRS. WENI)ELL W. 15318 E. JEFFERSON : and a member of the .State Dar ANDERSON who own one of the ALL-BRIGHT OPP. t'.Iqail'e Th~tre: \, I CITY OF GROSSE POINTE :

REGISTER OF DEEDS GULF REFINING COMPANY We Do WeJcflag Mack A'!e., Cor. RoslYJI lei." TWO CORONERS 1846 l'ENOBSCOT BLDG. Detroit 2ll BA.!165 J OINYE CLEAIERS I TAILORS YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED thet the following propositions will be submitted to the Electors ~t P II Mal', and Ladlft' li':J~D~r~~.'~B)Order LEe .. said election: AlterationS. Relining. CJeaD1n,. llIId PressinC j . on " ~ Teachers Institutes comint dur- YOU ~RE FURTHER NOTIFIED th at t.he polling places for said Election shall goes-well, that's lip U) you. And the LahlPLCba. np8erviceman t ,i' ~ ~l _y 10 ,u1ly ."ow that your will beJIar Starting off the convention. on North end, of the Robert Trombley School. L 1tCiCIlSS8t)'. mow bow you can being ~ doesthis.. itba 1i,cbt-_. The Southeast comer of ~ittier Road and Mack Thursday evening, Oel. 24, at 8 VOTING' PRECINCT NO.3 Avenue. p.m.,' at. the Rackham Building, The South side of Jefferson Avenue. James G. Crowley, Washington between Balfour Road and Westchester Road. VOTING PRECINCt: No. 16 commentator and newspaPerman. The East End gf Gabriel Richard School. i will address the .teach~rs on: VOTING PRECINCT No. 4 The DETROIT EDISON Co. "Whither America." On Friday, The Southwest corner of Jefferson Avenue and VOTING PRECINC'T No.1 7 , Park Lane. ~ Oct. 25, at the mornine 10 o'clock Kercheval Avenue, between Moran Road'and session, members of the adminis. VOTING PRECINCT No. 5 Merriweather Road. trative and teaching staff of vari- Municipal Building, Jefferson and Maryland ou:; Metropolitan' schools will Avenues. VOTING PRECINCT No.1' participate in a Round Table dis- Grosse Pointe Farms Municipal Building. cussioh on the subject: "What VOTING PRECINCT No. 6 Tcach"rs Expect of !.dininistra- Somerset Road and St. Paul Avenue VOTING PUCINCT Ne. 19 tors." The West End of the Gabriel Richard School. . VOTING PRECINCT No. 7 From all reports by Miss Tillie S:lUlh side of Sl. Paul Avenue. • . VOTING PUCINCT No. 20 &hubert, local representative .of between Three Mile and Audubon Avenue. Outsianding Leadership the Grosse Pointe Federation of Kerby Road'l_West of Beaupre Road. Teachers to the National 'Conven- VOTING PRECINCT No. 8 tion, the bighlight of the Institute Kercheval Avenue and Bishop Aven~e. VOTING PRECINCT No. 21 will be the :Address by Honorable Moran Road, East of Mack Avenue. KIM SIGLER SENATOR VOTING PRECINCT No. , Hubert H. Humphrey, Mayor 'of VOTIN~ pRtCINCT No. 22 for Governor MitUleapolis, who will discuss The East End of George Derer'School VANDENBERG The Mason School. "Education at the crossroads'''1 VOTING PRECINCT No. TO The addrellS will be given at a Pierce, School. YOnNG PRECINCT No. 23 luncheon scheduled for 1 p.m. at Grosse Pointe Woods Municipal Building. * the Book Cadillac Hotel, Friday, VOTING PRECINCT No. 11 Oct. 25. The West End of George Defer School. VOTING PRECINCT No. 24 Mayor Humphrey Isa former VOTING PRECINCT No. 12 Grosse Pointe Shores Municipal Building. teacher and a member of the Charlevoix Avel'lue, between Maryland Avcnue and * American Federation of Teach- VOTING PRECINCT No. 25 Lakepointe Avenue. ers. Delegates to the National Mack Avenue at Kenmore Drive. ... EIliOf( l. mu The Republican candidates offer lUlU Il AlSO. to Convention thig gummer were VOTING PRECINCT No. 1l lorU.S-mor captivated by his ideas on where YOTIN~ PRECINCT No. 26 you the opportunity to elect men lor $«, of Stal. Charle\.oix Avenue. between Lakepointe Avenue education should go from here, and Beaconsfield Avenue. The Mason School.' of proven ability and integrity. and what teachers and the public I should and can do about it. Kim Sigler, as GOvernor, will head YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if you have not already registel'ed, you an aggressive, forceful administra- * may do so by 'appearing before the Township Clerk at his office in the Municipal tion giving Michigan clean, honest, I Building in the Village of Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Michigan, any day progressive government Senator STOP prior to the twentieth (20th) Ii ..,; preceding such General Election, and that the Town- fUGfNf f. BLACK D. HALE BRAKE Juvenile Delinquency ship Clerk will be in his office on the twentieth (20th) day preceding such General fer A-.ey c... ,.. Arthur H. Vandenberg, acclaimed Treas..".. fer I Election between the hours of 8 :00 o'clock in the forenoon and 8 :00 o'clock in the eve- ~-:-'i the "most useful member of the Elect .? U. S. Senate," is the key American ning, Eastern Standard Time, for the purpose of registr~tions . ..l'.. statesman at the peace tables of illary \r.Re~k YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you may also register with the Village ~ the world. Act in your own best ATTORNI':\" Clerk in your respective ViI1a~e on any day up to and including the twentieth (20th) day prior to such General Election. Judge of Probate ~e~7.':-:;:"to~:;'::~:.ovem- L~' HENRY LAVERS, I.::.::.::. ~0!'! -!" ARTISA N Township. Clerk, Grosse Pointe ToWnship, " 1',... 1':,,,,rI,",, with I'Tllbat. , Wayne County, Michigan. l'l\tt18<..' '. . . Cour~ Juw'nl1e nlvlsloa. GIVF: WOMr.N ..'j%f;~I•• !'ROPER REPRESENTATION ::';~;':::.:;).':~f::~!/?;;>.');::<;

.1 '. ' P;l'I~_._,,, ..~__,_~,,_ ~ _'..~' ." ". I ..... ,..-. ~. ,,' .. " . ..,_ ...... "'.,.' ..-~~ ..~