BETTING ON WORLD AGRICULTURE US PRIVATE EQUITY MANAGERS EYE AGRICULTURAL RETURNS BETTING ON WORLD AGRICULTURE US PRIVATE EQUITY MANAGERS EYE AGRICULTURAL RETURNS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Authors: Caroline Bergdolt and Anuradha Mittal The Oakland Institute is grateful for the valuable support of its many individual and foundation donors who make our work possible. Thank you. The views and conclusions expressed in this publication, however, are those of the Oakland Institute alone and do not reflect opinions of the individuals and organizations that have sponsored and supported the work. The Oakland Institute is also thankful to the fund managers who accepted to share information and data for this research and appreciate their contribution towards increased transparency in the current wave of land investments. Design: amymade graphic design,
[email protected], Editor: Melissa Moore Publisher: The Oakland Institute is a policy think tank dedicated to advancing public participation and fair debate on critical social, economic, and environmental issues. Copyright © 2012 by The Oakland Institute The text may be used free of charge for the purposes of advocacy, campaigning, education, and research, provided that the source is acknowledged in full. The copyright holder requests that all such use be registered with them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in any other circumstances, re-use in other publications, or translation or adaptation, permission must be secured. Please email
[email protected] The Oakland Institute PO Box 18978 Oakland, CA 94619, USA
[email protected] ABOUT THIS REPORT This report was researched between March and September 2012. Research involved an analysis of public sources and interviews with fund managers.