St. Mark Street Sebert Stre et A SHORT St Oswald’s oad oad CITY PROTECTION OFFICERS s Way G Retail Park ad THINGS TO DO o n R HISTORY OF s R City Protection Offi cers (CPOs) are on patrol in the City Centre and the Dean’ GOING OUT Swa ercia Docks 7 days a week to help make Gloucester a safe, attractive place M oad Sweet ingsholm R R K briar St GLOUCESTER INFORMATION for students, shoppers, visitors and businesses. lk et Oswald’ d a St Serlo Rd o Westgate ’s Wa rade If you require our assistance or advice about a crime, anti-social behaviour a P rd R leisure area r or any other incident affecting your safety or security, please call: Pr Dean Union St iory Road te S s t Oxfo Catherine Str 079563 381659 or 07738 278814 orce Sherborne Stre oad Gou eet Skinner St ’s R W St Oswald da W ay Moun ose or email
[email protected] t St A lv Columbia Cl in t s S ee St P t St i re M et tt e a Clare St t r re Stre t y Mary’ et Oxford Str ’ St n S s e S t q u Street eaco a r We won’t ask your name. e J ark Stre Black D P Won’t judge. A W Archd D 4 e Clarem 3 stga orcester Just listen to what you know. 0 W te og W W R L Street Hare e oad And pass it on for you.