that it is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their application

FUNCTIONAL AREA: West Cork, Bandon/, /Macroom, /Carrigaline, Kanturk/Mallow, , , East Cork

FILE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME APP. TYPE DATE INVALID DATE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 18/0054 6 James Coakley, Mark McCarthy Permission 05/04/2019 Alterations and extension to 3 no. townhouses to include raising of roof level to provide first floor living accommodation, fenestration changes, provision of wheelie bin enclosure and associated site development works Clerkes Lane Off Townshend Street Co. Cork 18/00591 Lidl Ireland GMBH Permission 04/04/2019 For development comprising the expansion and associated reconfiguration of the existing Skibbereen Lidl Store car park by removing 15 no. car parking spaces and providing 63 no. new car parking spaces (resulting in an overall increase of 48 no. car parking spaces) on undeveloped lands to the north east of the existing Skibbereen Lidl Store, a new pedestrian access and vehicular exit only onto Townsend Street, boundary treatments (incl. a reinforced concrete retaining wall with 1.8 metre high Paladine Fence fixed on top of retaining wall along north western site boundary), hard and soft landscaping, services (including 1 no. below ground attenuation tank) and all other ancillary and associated site development works above and below ground level, all at this site of 0.2666 ha Baltimore Road Townsend Street Skibbereen Co. Cork 18/00673 Samuel Flynn Permission 05/04/2019 Construction of 30 no. dwellings including all ancillary site services,

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landscaping and access roads Milleencoola Bantry Co. Cork

18/00735 Brendan O'Neill Permission 02/04/2019 New access to agricultural lands, consisting of new entrance gates and bridge Bawnishall/Lickowen Toe Head Castletownshend Co. Cork 18/00756 Timothy Sarsfield Permission, 05/04/2019 Permission is being sought for the removal of condition no. 4 Permission for (restriction on change of use of the permitted garden room) of Retention Planning Reg. No. 15/155 and for permission for retention of (i) change of use of a detached garden room to an ancillary granny flat/studio apartment & (ii) installation of a replacement septic tank system Bunlick Skibbereen Co. Cork

18/00772 Paul and Sarah Wood Permiss ion, 05/04/2019 Permission for the following works to existing dwelling house Permission for (Previous reference (04/3658): (i) retention of existing detached Retention domestic store/utility, (ii) retention of fenestration changes to dwelling house, (iii) permission for construction of link extension between dwelling house and detached store/utility, (iv) permission for replacement of existing front door with window and installation of new front door in place of another window, (v) permission for all associated site works Balteen Lowertown Schull Co. Cork 18/05410 Vincent and Helen Molloy Permission for 02/04/2019 Retention for as constructed dwelling house & domestic garage. Retention Coolagh Newmarket Co. Cork

18/06104 Mark Kelly Permission 01/04/20 19 Construction of a two -storey dwellinghouse and all associated site works The Green, Gully Bandon Co. Cork

18/06117 Michael Curtin Permission 01/04/2019 To construct a dwellinghouse Knockahorrea East

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Rockchapel Co. Cork

18/06290 Gary Jordan Permissi on 05/04/2019 1. Conservation, renovations and alterations to existing castle (fortified house being a Protected Structure) and new extension at basement level to northeast with viewing terrace/balcony and ancillary landscaping, the provision of an upper study and flag platform, removal of late 20th century concrete balustrading and lowering of late 20th century patio both to west of existing castle, removal of garden rubble wall to east of existing castle, 2. Renovation and extension of existing building known as ‘The Huts’ for use as guest suite ancillary to the castle, 3. Renovation, partial demolition and extension of existing Gate Lodge/ Stables for use as dwellinghouse not ancillary to the castle, 4. Demolition of existing cottage and replacement with new dwellinghouse, not ancillary to the castle, 5. Widening the existing vehicular entrance to cottage at Church Hill to provide access to the Gate Lodge dwelling, the new dwellinghouse and the farmland, and reinstatement of lime tree avenue, giving a total of 3 dwellings and a guest suite, related parking and all associated site works and boundary treatments and landscaping and the installation of a waste water treatment unit to service the existing castle and building known as the ‘’The Huts’’. Carrigrohane Castle and Demesne Carrigrohane Co. Cork

18/06313 Ardmanagh Horizons Ltd Permission 03/04/2019 Demolition of existing agricultural shed, permission for construction of residential development of 10 no. houses and for 7 no. residential serviced sites and all associated landscaping, roadways and site works. West End Newmarket Co. Cork

18/06346 Bill and Audrey O'Keeffe Permission 05/04/2019 Construction of a two storey rear extension and alterations to the existing dwellinghouse and associated site works. Clashaganniv Conna Co. Cork

18/06356 Michael & D Murphy Unlimited Permission 02/04/2019 The construction of residential development of 20 no. dwelling Company houses and all ancillary site development works, including the diversion or undergrounding of overhead ESB wires. The proposed development consists of the construction of 14 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses and 6 no. 4 bedroom detached houses. Access to the proposed development will be provided via a new entrance from the R586.

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Teadies Uppe r Enniskeane Co. Cork

18/06375 Catherine Wilson Permission 01/04/2019 Casino Ardbrack Kinsale Co. Cork 18/06416 Ger & Cathy Drinan Permission 02/04/2019 To demolish part of the existing dwelling house and the existing storage shed and for permission for re-roofing, renovations and alterations to elevations to the existing dwelling and a 2 storey extension and all associated site works. Broghill North Charleville Co. Cork

18/06458 James and Patricia Biggane Permission 03/04/2019 To construct a dwell inghouse with domestic garage, entrance, wastewater treatment unit with percolation area and all associated site and ancillary works. Meenatarriff Newmarket Co. Cork

18/06458 James and Patricia Biggane Permission 04/04/2019 To construct a dwellinghouse with domestic garage, entrance, wastewater treatment unit with percolation area and all associated site and ancillary works. Meenatarriff Newmarket Co. Cork

18/06484 Clodagh and David Monks Permission 02/04/2019 Alterations to elevations, enclose existi ng porch area and construction of first floor extension to existing single storey dwelling to include first floor balcony to rear. Bluebells Goats Cross, Ballinluska Crosshaven Co. Cork 18/06508 Tadgh and Ciara Long Permission 05/04/2019 Construction of two -storey dwelling and all associated site works (change of plans from that granted under Pl.Ref.No.14/06112. Site adjacent to 51 Greystones Carrigrohane Ballincollig Co. Cork 18/06687 Castlelack F.C. Permission 04/04/2019 Construction of two number 6,4 00 square metre soccer pitches, one number 1,500 square metre hard-surfaced multi-purpose

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playing area, 38 car parking spaces, new vehicular entrance and all associated site works. Brinny Innishannon Co. Cork

18/06738 Austin France Permission 05/04/2019 Ground floor rear extension to dwellinghouse, alterations to existing elevations and associated site works Coolbane Co Cork

18/06871 Colm and Breeda Murphy Permission 01/04/2019 Construct a dwellinghouse and garage with related site works . Meennaraheeny Co. Cork

18/06898 Helen Twomey, Donal Vaughan Permission 05/04/2019 Construction of dwellinghouse, garage and all associated site works No. 33 Cluain Ard Beennamweel West Co. Cork 18/07042 John Flynn Permission 04/04/ 2019 Construction of a new detached dwelling house, detached garage, waste water treatment plant and all associated site works. Garryndruig Timoleague Bandon Co. Cork 18/07042 John Flynn Permission 04/04/2019 Construction of a new detached dwelling hous e, detached garage, waste water treatment plant and all associated site works. Garryndruig Timoleague Bandon Co. Cork 18/07063 Hobleton Ltd Permission 03/04/2019 The construction 62 no. houses, realignment of the internal road and all ancillary development works. This is a modification to a residential scheme permitted under Ref. No. 06/11830 and extended by Ref. No. 12/4124 and 17/6075; and will result in an increase in the number of units from the permitted 57 no. houses to 62 no. houses. Access to the proposed development will be the existing access via Abbey Lane and includes dwellings that will be accessed from Sorrel Avenue and Aster Lawn. Rath-Beg Abbey-Lands Kinsale

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Co. Cork 18/07072 Joe Ward Permission 05/04/2019 A dormer style dwelling entranc e and all associated site works. Dromina Charleville Co. Cork

18/07077 Jeremiah Dennehy Permission 03/04/2019 Demolish calf houses and construct new farm building for rearing of calves and associated works. Boolymore Rathcool Mallow Co. Cork 18/07093 Ciara Francis Permission 04/04/2019 The construction of a new dwellinghouse, alterations to elevations and renovations to disused farmhouse for use as private guest accommodation ancillary to new dwelling, installation of wastewater treatment system to serve both, demolition of 3 no. ancillary farm buildings, alterations to site entrance and associated site works. Bricklands Bawnavota Kinsale Co. Cork 18/07116 Denis and Rebecca O'Flaherty Permission 04/04/2019 a) Extension & alterations to existing dwelli ng & b) Upgrading & relocation of existing septic tank to proprietary treatment system. Coolmucky Co. Cork

18/07149 Gerard O'Leary, Sara Toohey Permission 05/04/2019 Construct dwelling and associated site works. Farranhavane Bandon Co. Cork

18/07270 Mark O'Leary Outline Permission 02/04/2019 2 no. detached dwellings. The proposal is for both dwellings to each contain a two storey and single storey section and each complete with a site specific sewage treatment unit. The proposal includes for the existing entrance width to be increased and improved to provide combined access for the existing and proposed dwellings and for all associated site works. Seamount Curraghbinny Carrigaline Co. Cork 18/07334 Lynne Heeney Permission 01/04/2019 Kilboy Ballyfeard

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Co. Cork

18/07335 Conor Kingston Permission 03/04/2019 Construction of a two storey dwelling including new site entrance, on site waste water treatment plant, associated site works and alterations and widening of existing entrance from the public road to provide new entrance and access road and new entrance to serve the existing dwelling. Ballyorban Douglas Co. Cork

18/07337 Ciara Kingston Permission 03/04/2019 Construction of a new two storey dwelling including new site entrance, on site waste water treatment plant, associated site works and alterations and widening of existing entrance from the public road to provide new entrance and access road and new entrance to serve the existing dwelling. Ballyorban Douglas Co. Cork

18/07339 Shan e Kingston Permission 03/04/2019 Construction of a new two storey dwelling including new site entrance, on site waste water treatment plant, associated site works and alterations and widening of existing entrance from the public road to provide new entrance and access road and new entrance to serve the existing dwelling. Ballyorban Douglas Co. Cork

18/07379 Danny and Gillian O'Callaghan Permission 02/04/2019 Construction of one 1 ½ storey dwelling with garage and granny flat as a separate single storey building, for a new site entrance, for the installation of a sewage treatment system, for all associated site works and landscaping. Curraheen Freemount Kanturk Co. Cork 18/07394 Skinvet Ltd. Permission 01/04/2019 Change of use of existing building from office to veterinary consultancy rooms. 27 Cork Road Knockgriffin Co. Cork 18/07396 Gairdini Permission 04/04/2019 The construction of an open yard (8,234 sq.m) for operations relating to the manufacturing of doors and windows complete with storm water attenuation tank, interceptor, 2.4m high perimeter

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security fence, landscaping and ancillary services located in both townlands Mountinfant and Lackanastooka. A Natura impact statement will be submitted to the planning authority with this application.

Mountinfant and Lackanastooka Ballydesmond Co. Cork

19/00001 Ronan Daly Permission, 02/04/2019 Permission for retention and permission for completion of works Permission for to existing property, namely; 1) Renovation, alterations and 3 Retention storey extension to dwelling, II) Renovation and extension of outbuilding for use as ancillary workshop and carport with loft storage over, III) Renovation and reinstatement of ancillary outbuilding with loft over. Permission also sought for the installation of a wastewater treatment system, refurbishment and roofing of existing ruinous outbuilding for ancillary use and all associated site works Cregg Glandore Co. Cork

19/00017 Michael and Rachel Dickinson Permission 03/04/2019 a) Change of use of an existing store to a dwelling unit including a sunroom extension to the side, b) To construct a new dwelling abutting an existing boat store, c) Installation of a wastewater treatment system and all associated site works Main Street Castletownshend Co. Cork

19/00155 Community Childcare Bantry CLG Permission, 03/04/2019 Permission for Retention of site boundary wall and associated site Permission for works of dwelling. Permission is also sought for change of use of Retention said dwelling to crèche facility including alterations to building and enclosing of a covered area as usable space, car parking area and all associated site works Town Lots Glengarriff Road Bantry Co. Cork 19/00173 Jeremy & Anne Brosnan Permission 04/04/2019 to construct a new entra nce and access road to connect to existing supermarket carpark including all associated site works Ardmanagh and Meenvane Schull Co. Cork

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19/00208 O'Regans t/a Pike Construction Ltd. Permission 04/04/2019 The development of 60 no. dwelling units. The pr oposed development includes the construction of 20 no. terraced dwellings, 24 no. semi-detached dwellings and 16 no. detached dwellings. The proposed development includes provision for vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads/footpaths, 126 no. car parking spaces, public lighting, landscaping, open space areas, home zone areas and all associated site development and infrastructure works. Templebryan Co. Cork

19/00208 O'Regans t/a Pike Construction Ltd. Permission 04/04/2019 The develo pment of 60 no. dwelling units. The proposed development includes the construction of 20 no. terraced dwellings, 24 no. semi-detached dwellings and 16 no. detached dwellings. The proposed development includes provision for vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads/footpaths, 126 no. car parking spaces, public lighting, landscaping, open space areas, home zone areas and all associated site development and infrastructure works. Templebryan Clonakilty Co. Cork

19/00208 O'Regans t/a Pike Construction Ltd. Permission 02/04/2019 The development of 60 no. dwelling units. The proposed development includes the construction of 20 no. terraced dwellings, 24 no. semi-detached dwellings and 16 no. detached dwellings. The proposed development includes provision for vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads/footpaths, 126 no. car parking spaces, public lighting, landscaping, open space areas, home zone areas and all associated site development and infrastructure works. Templebryan Clonakilty Co. Cork

19 /00213 Kevin O'Regan Fuscia Footwear Ltd. Permission 03/04/2019 Alterations and extensions to Protected Structure 20000107, consisting of: (A) new extension to the rear of the ground floor retail unit and new extension to the rear at first floor level containing retail storage, office, canteen & toilet facilities, (B) Change of use of the 1st floor, 2nd floor and 3rd floor of the existing building from commercial use to residential use, to incorporate 1 no. studio apartment and 2 no. 2 bedroom apartments. (C) Change of use of existing detached storage shed from commercial use to residential use, to incorporate 1 no. studio apartment, along with all associated site works 8/9 Pearse Street

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Clonakilty Co. Cork

19/04087 Sean and Dan Fitzgerald Permission, 01/04/2019 (a) Retain existing underground concrete slurry storage tank (b) Permission for Retain existing cubicle house/easy feed extension (c) Construct a Retention new animal house over aforementioned underground slurry storage tank. Proposed development to include external ancillary concrete. (d) Erect a new 19 tonne meal bin. The above to include all associated ancillary site works. Knocknageeha North Boherbue Mallow Co. Cork 19/04091 Maureen O'Connor Permission 01/04/2019 Demolish existing derelict timber dwelling and construct a one and a half storey dwelling house and all associated site works. Fatima McCarthy's Field Weaver's Point, Crosshavenhill Crosshaven, Co. Cork 19/04113 Timothy and Helen Buckley Permission 03/04/2019 A dwellinghouse, dom estic garage, effluent treatment system and associated site works Carhue Berrings Co. Cork

19/04138 Dan and Noreen O'Mahony Permission for 04/04/2019 Retention of rear extension to existing dormer dwelling, log cabin Retention with deck area for use as a gym, domestic garage, vehicular entrance, stone cladding to dwelling and extension and change to heights of boundary walls and associated site works The Windygap Farnanes Knockshanawee Co. Cork 19/04144 Paula Stack Permission 05/04/2019 To construct a dwellinghouse Ballyknockane Mourneabbey Mallow Co. Cork 19/04146 Jerry, Sarah and Brendan Murphy Permission for 03/04/2019 Retention of existing calf shed and extension to the side of the Retention existing cattle shed Kishkeam Upper Kishkeam Mallow Co. Cork 19/04154 Raymond O'Brien Permission for 04/04/2019 Retention of (a) first floor attic conversion, (b) dormer windows to

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Retention the northern and western elevations, (c) elevational changes, (d) out-building to eastern elevation, (e) outdoor store with terrace over to southern elevation, all to existing dwelling house. Coolkirky Riverstick Co. Cork

19/04177 Sean O'Callaghan, Eileen Ryan Permission 01/04/2019 The extension and renovation of exiting stone dwellinghouse, installation of a proprietary wastewater treatment system and associated site development works. Graigue Kilworth Co. Cork

19/04182 Joseph Hurley Permission 03/04/2019 The demolition of an existing outbuilding, the construction of a single dwellinghouse, the installation of a private well, the installation of a wastewater treatment unit and associated soil polishing filter, and all ancillary works Belrose Upper Enniskeane Co. Cork

19/04248 Sean and Maria Walsh Permission 04/04/2019 Construct a two storey dwelling, domestic waste water treatment system, new site entrance with walls and piers and all associated site works. Gortnagross Mallow Co. Cork

19/04312 Noel Cremin, Melissa Clancy Permission 01/04/2019 To demolish existing dwelling house and to construct a dwelling house and garage with related site works. Knocknanagh Commons / Foilogohig Ballydesmond Mallow Co. Cork 19/04450 Brian and Louise Whelan Permission 02/04/2019 To erect a dwellinghouse, detached domestic garage, entrance and all associated site works including septic tank, percolation area and bored well. Kill-Saint-Anne South Castlelyons Co. Cork

19/04475 Jeremy Jennings, Kim Verplancke Permission 03/04/2019 To construct a storey and a half type dwelling and the installation of a waste water treatment unit, together with all associated site works. Clancool Beg

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Bandon Co. Cork

19/04477 Lorna Ryan, Joseph Ryan Permission 04/04/2019 Construction of a two storey dwelling with associated landscaping, drainage and entrance Garranefeen Kilbrittain Co. Cork

19 /04483 Jerry, Sarah and Brendan Murphy Permission 03/04/2019 1) Demolish 2 no. existing storage sheds, 2 no. effluent tanks and existing dungstead, 2) Construct slatted cattle shed with underground slurry storage tanks and 3) Construct new entrance to the farmyard at the east side of the yard. Kishkeam Upper Kishkeam Mallow Co. Cork 19/04504 Donal Keohane Permission for 05/04/2019 Retention of first floor office extension to rear of existing first floor Retention office, change of use of 2nd floor from permitted office to 1 bedroom apartment and retention of outbuilding (toilet and store) ancillary to existing ground floor retail unit 13 Main Street Townparks Midleton Co. Cork 19/04517 Presentation Sisters Permission 01/04/2019 The construction of a ca r park comprising 26 no. car parking spaces and set down area serving Scoil Bhride Primary School Crosshaven and St. Brigids Church (Protected Structure) including a new vehicular access and the construction of a pedestrian footpath on Upper Road, and all associated ancillary development works including traffic calming, signage, bollards, road markings, fencing and site development works. Knocknagore (Townland) Crosshaven Co. Cork

19/04518 Presentation Sisters Permission 01/04/2019 Construction of a ve hicular access to the existing Presentation Convent including the partial removal of an existing wall and the construction of a low level stone entrance wall on to the access road serving St. Brigids Church (Protected Structure), the construction of a pedestrian crossing on the R612 road and the provision of new pedestrian access on to the R612 to serve the existing Colaiste Muire Secondary School and all associated ancillary site development works. Knocknagore Crosshaven

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Co. Cork

19/04527 Christy Murray Permission 04/04/2019 New entrance to property. Works to include setting back the existing roadside boundary and construction of a new splayed entrance along with all necessary drainage and site works Lackenroe Glanmire Co. Cork

19/04532 Kevin and Jacq ui O'Regan Permission 04/04/2019 Construction of new split -level dwelling and all associated site works (change of plans from that granted under PL. Ref 14/6332) on site. Lower Cottrell's Row Carrignafoy Cobh Co. Cork 19/04557 Flowfin Investments Limited Permission 02/04/2019 Phase 1 of a residential development consisting of the removal of all existing glasshouses (4no. in total), the removal of 1 no. existing water tank, the removal of 2 no. raised tanks and the removal of 2 no. sheds and the construction of 22 no. dwelling houses (10 no. houses will have an option of a rear extension and 4 no. houses will have an option of a rear sunroom) and all associated ancillary development works including access, roads, parking, footpaths, drainage, landscaping and amenity areas. Woodside (Townland) Kerry Pike Co. Cork

19/04612 Scariff Plant Hire Ltd Permission 05/04/2019 The importation of soil and stone for the raising of an agricultural field and the construction of a temporary new haul road in order to improve the agricultural output of the field. Coppingerstown Midleton Co. Cork

19/04639 Jim O'Regan Permission 02/04/2019 Demolish existing dwelling and domestic garage and to construct four no. two storey, semi-detached dwellings. Main Street Carrigrohane Ballincollig Co. Cork 19/04640 Talkstreet Limited Permission 04/04/2019 A residential development of 30 no. dwellings and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development consists of 29 no. two-storey townhouses comprising of 4 no. 2 bedroom dwellings and 25 no. 3 bedroom dwellings and 1 no. 2 bedroom bungalow. Vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development will

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be via a new entrance off Warren’s Court and makes provision for the upgrade of the existing access road, the provision of a public footpath, public lighting and upgrades to the junction with the N28. Barnahely Ringaskiddy Co. Cork

19/04725 Pat Leahy Permission 04/04/2019 Alterations to existing dwelling house, namely; Demolition of carport and sunroom to sides of dwelling, construction new two storey extension to rear elevation, new roof dormers to sides, extensions to ground and first floor on front elevation, and elevational alterations. Cloverfield Mitchellsfort Watergrasshill Co. Cork 19/04757 John Ryan Permiss ion 02/04/2019 Construction of dwelling house, detached domestic garage, the installation of waste water treatment unit and percolation area and all associated site works. Garrane Banteer Co. Cork

19/04820 Ciaran Murphy Permission 05/04/2019 The demoli tion of an existing dwelling house, demolition of outbuildings and concrete slab, removal of slatted tank, and the construction of a dwelling house, car port, garage and all associated site works. Ballyveerane Macroom Co. Cork

Total 74

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