A New Species of Hepatozoon (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) from Python Regius (Serpentes: Pythonidae) and Its Experimental Transmission by a Mosquito Vector

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A New Species of Hepatozoon (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) from Python Regius (Serpentes: Pythonidae) and Its Experimental Transmission by a Mosquito Vector J. Parasitol., 93(?), 2007, pp. 1189–1198 ᭧ American Society of Parasitologists 2007 A NEW SPECIES OF HEPATOZOON (APICOMPLEXA: ADELEORINA) FROM PYTHON REGIUS (SERPENTES: PYTHONIDAE) AND ITS EXPERIMENTAL TRANSMISSION BY A MOSQUITO VECTOR Michal Sloboda, Martin Kamler, Jana Bulantova´*, Jan Voty´pka*†, and David Modry´† Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Palacke´ho 1-3, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic. e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: Hepatozoon ayorgbor n. sp. is described from specimens of Python regius imported from Ghana. Gametocytes were found in the peripheral blood of 43 of 55 snakes examined. Localization of gametocytes was mainly inside the erythrocytes; free gametocytes were found in 15 (34.9%) positive specimens. Infections of laboratory-reared Culex quinquefasciatus feeding on infected snakes, as well as experimental infection of juvenile Python regius by ingestion of infected mosquitoes, were performed to complete the life cycle. Similarly, transmission to different snake species (Boa constrictor and Lamprophis fuliginosus) and lizards (Lepidodactylus lugubris) was performed to assess the host specificity. Isolates were compared with Hepatozoon species from sub-Saharan reptiles and described as a new species based on the morphology, phylogenetic analysis, and a complete life cycle. Hemogregarines are the most common intracellular hemo- 3 genera (Telford et al., 2004). Low host specificity of Hepa- parasites found in reptiles. The Hemogregarinidae, Karyolysi- tozoon spp. is supported by experimental transmissions between dae, and Hepatozoidae are distinguished based on the different snakes from different families. Ball (1967) observed experi- developmental patterns in definitive (invertebrate) hosts oper- mental parasitemia with Hepatozoon rarefaciens in the Boa ating as vectors; all 3 families have heteroxenous life cycles constrictor (Boidae); the vector was Culex tarsalis, which had (Telford, 1984). The Hepatozoidae is characterized by the for- fed on D. corais (Colubridae). The host specificity is probably mation of large polysporocystic oocysts occurring in the he- even less at the level of the first intermediate hosts. Various mocoel of a definitive host (usually a mosquito). In the first species of lizards, e.g., Oplurus, Podarcis, and Tropidurus, intermediate host (lizard, frog), cystic development occurs were found to be susceptible to the infection with Hepatozoon mainly in the liver; in the second intermediate host (snake), domerguei or Hepatozoon terzii, with the formation of dizoic, there are typically 2, or more, rounds of merogony in various tetrazoic, or hexazoic cysts localized in livers of these hosts internal organs (Smith, 1996). Because infections of snakes (Landau et al., 1970; Paperna and Lainson, 2004). Wozniak and with Hepatozoon sp. have been described in more than 200 Telford (1991) were successful in transmitting Hepatozoon sp. species (Levine, 1988), they are considered to be the most fre- Coluber constrictor Nerodia fasciata quent hemogregarines in these hosts (Smith, 1996). The major- from colubrid snakes, and , ity of descriptions made in the past were based mainly on ga- to the lizards, Anolis carolinensis and Anolis sagrei. Similarly, metocyte morphology without considering the life cycle, with various species of amphibians can serve as first intermediate most of the species being originally referred to as members of hosts (Smith et al., 1994, 1996). Congenital transmission rep- the genus Haemogregarina. Ball et al. (1967) first revealed that resents another route of infection, as described by Lowichik and Haemogregarina rarefasciens infecting a snake (Drymarchon Yaeger (1987) in the ovoviviparous snake Nerodia fasciata. corais) followed the typical life cycle of a species of Hepato- In total, 12 species of Hepatozoon have been described to zoon. Then, later authors transferred several Haemogregarina date in snakes from sub-Saharan Africa (Table I); Hepatozoon species to Hepatozoon (i.e., Smith, 1996; Telford et al., 2002; robertsonae (Sambon and Seligmann, 1907) is the only species Paperna and Lainson, 2004). Because a comparison of both named from African species of Python. In addition to this tax- gametocyte morphology and sporogonic characters is essential on, there are isolates of hemogregarines reported, but not for the definition of a Hepatozoon species, the status of all named, from African Python regius and P. sebae (Bouet, 1909; species described without the life cycle is disputable, making Johnson and Benson, 1996). Python regius inhabits grasslands, the taxonomy of the genus more or less tentative. and dry and moist savannas from western to central Africa Among more than 120 species described from snakes (Smith, (Ghana, Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso, Uganda), where high pop- 1996), life cycles and host specificity have been studied only ulation densities are described even in anthropogenically dis- in a few cases. Various mosquitoes serve as definitive host, turbed habitats (Aubret et al., 2005). Python regius is very pop- including species of Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles, which are ular among herpetoculturists, leading to the alarming fact that considered to be principal vectors of Hepatozoon species from thousands of these snakes are captured and exported from Af- snakes (Smith, 1996). A relatively low host specificity is indi- rica every year. The greatest number of legally exported snakes cated at the level of snake intermediate hosts, e.g., Hepatozoon Ͼ sauritus has been reported from 4 snake species belonging to originates in Benin ( 820,000 exported between 1994 and 2004), Togo (Ͼ730,000), and Ghana (Ͼ480,000) (www.cites. Received 18 January 2007; revised 19 February 2007; accepted 4 org). Snakes are usually kept under insufficient conditions be- April 2007. fore the transport (illegal in many cases), suffering from many * Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, pathogens, including parasites (Divers and Malley, 1995). Prague, Czech Republic. Herein, we report on the occurrence of Hepatozoon sp. in † Centre for Biological Sciences, Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Faculty of Biological Sciences, imported P. regius, and we describe it as a new species based University of South Bohemia, Cˇ eske´ Budeˇjovice, Czech Republic. on results of experimental life cycle study. 1189 1190 THE JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY, VOL. 93, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2007 TABLE I. A checklist of Hepatozoon species described in Afrotropical snakes. Sporocyst size, Intermediate Gametocyte size, Oocyst size, no. no. of Original Definitive host host shape Locality of sporocysts sporozoites description Hepatozoon zambiensis Not mentioned Dispholidus 14.94–17.79 ϫ Lochinwar Not mentioned Not mentioned Peirce (1984) typus 2.35–5.7 ␮m, National bean-shaped Park, Zam- bia Hepatozoon bitis Not mentioned Bitis arietans 12.5–14 ϫ 3–4 ␮m Great Letaba; Not mentioned Not mentioned Fantham and Republic of Cantab South Africa (1925) Hepatozoon boodoni Not mentioned Boaedon fuli- 14–15 ϫ 2–3 ␮m; Sudan Not mentioned Not mentioned Phisalix ginosus 14–15 ϫ 7 ␮m (1914) Hepatozoon brendae Not mentioned Psammophis 16–17 ϫ 3–4 ␮m Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned Sambon and sibilans Seligmann (1909) Hepatozoon cro- Not mentioned Crotaphopeltis 20 ϫ 2 ␮m, slen- Entebbe; Not mentioned Not mentioned Hoare (1932) taphopeltis hotamboeia der vermicules Uganda Hepatozoon dogieli Not mentioned Bitis gabonica 14 ϫ 6 ␮m, bean- Mabira, Not mentioned Not mentioned Hoare (1920) shaped Uganda Hepatozoon enswerae Not mentioned Naja melano- 19 ϫ 3 ␮m, slen- Entebbe, Not mentioned Not mentioned Hoare (1932) leuca der vermicules Kampala; 15 ϫ 3.8 ␮m, Uganda bean-shaped Hepatozoon minchini Not mentioned Crotaphopeltis 13–14 ϫ 3–4 ␮m, Kavirondo Not mentioned Not mentioned Garnham degeni sausage-shaped Gulf of (1950) Lake Vikto- ria; Kenya Hepatozoon musotae Not mentioned Boaedon li- 17 ϫ 3.8–4.7 ␮m, Entebbe; Not mentioned Not mentioned Hoare (1932) neatus bean-shaped Uganda 15.2 ϫ 6.6 ␮m, broad forms Hepatozoon robert- Not mentioned Python regius 12–16 ϫ ? ␮m Gambia Not mentioned Not mentioned Sambon and sonae and Python Seligmann sebae (1907) Hepatozoon vubirizi Not mentioned Simocephalus 15–17 ϫ 3.8–4.7 Entebbe; Not mentioned Not mentioned Hoare (1932) butleri ␮m, bean- Uganda shaped MATERIALS AND METHODS ϭ 55) were randomly chosen and dissected, and at least 1 tick was dissected from each snake. Dissections were performed by placing the Examination of imported snakes and ticks ticks on a slide with basic saline solution (0.75%) and by an incision In total, 55 P. regius were examined. A group was imported by a around the idiosoma on the marginal groove. The dorsal tegument was pet-trader under license from Ghana in 2005. All snakes were measured, folded back and the body cavity was flushed with cold physiological weighed, and sexed using cloacal probing (DeNardo, 1996), and they solution (6 C) to increase the rigidity of the internal organs and to were examined for ectoparasites. Blood samples were obtained by ven- facilitate the search for oocysts. The suspension obtained, as well as the tral tail venipuncture (Jenkins, 1996). Blood smears were rapidly air- gut and salivary glands, were examined using an Olympus AX70 mi- dried and fixed in absolute methyl alcohol, and staining was done using croscope. the May-Gru¨nwald-Giemsa method. The remaining blood was stored in absolute ethanol. Blood smears were examined using an Olympus AX70 Experimental
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    1 CATALOGUE OF PROTOZOAN PARASITES RECORDED IN AUSTRALIA PETER J. O’DONOGHUE & ROBERT D. ADLARD O’Donoghue, P.J. & Adlard, R.D. 2000 02 29: Catalogue of protozoan parasites recorded in Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 45(1):1-164. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Published reports of protozoan species from Australian animals have been compiled into a host- parasite checklist, a parasite-host checklist and a cross-referenced bibliography. Protozoa listed include parasites, commensals and symbionts but free-living species have been excluded. Over 590 protozoan species are listed including amoebae, flagellates, ciliates and ‘sporozoa’ (the latter comprising apicomplexans, microsporans, myxozoans, haplosporidians and paramyxeans). Organisms are recorded in association with some 520 hosts including mammals, marsupials, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates. Information has been abstracted from over 1,270 scientific publications predating 1999 and all records include taxonomic authorities, synonyms, common names, sites of infection within hosts and geographic locations. Protozoa, parasite checklist, host checklist, bibliography, Australia. Peter J. O’Donoghue, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, The University of Queensland, St Lucia 4072, Australia; Robert D. Adlard, Protozoa Section, Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane 4101, Australia; 31 January 2000. CONTENTS the literature for reports relevant to contemporary studies. Such problems could be avoided if all previous HOST-PARASITE CHECKLIST 5 records were consolidated into a single database. Most Mammals 5 researchers currently avail themselves of various Reptiles 21 electronic database and abstracting services but none Amphibians 26 include literature published earlier than 1985 and not all Birds 34 journal titles are covered in their databases. Fish 44 Invertebrates 54 Several catalogues of parasites in Australian PARASITE-HOST CHECKLIST 63 hosts have previously been published.
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