Schools Sports Town Traveler Foothill-De Anza trustees Los Altos falls Local preserves offer support move to mandate in CCS baseball outdoor adventures COVID vaccines for final and a dose of history students, staff Page 12 Page 14 Page 18 Vol. 74 No. 25 • 50 cents WEDNESDAY • June 23, 2021 Community news for Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Mountain View since 1947 Retiring Hills Celebrating a grand reopening LA council city manager Residents herald end set to hire of many pandemic gets contract health restrictions new city extended By Zoe Morgan Staff Writer/
[email protected] manager By Megan V. Winslow ocal officials, business By Bruce Barton Staff Writer/
[email protected] leaders and residents are Staff Writer/
[email protected] Lcelebrating as the state’s os Altos Hills City Man- tier-based COVID-19 restrictions rospective Los Altos City ager Carl Cahill will re- are lifted and more than 70% of Manager Gabriel Enge- Lmain at his post through eligible Santa Clara County resi- Pland doesn’t shy away Oct . 29, the city council decided dents are fully vaccinated . from challenges . He embraces Thursday . As expected, council The early days of the pandem- them . members were divided on the is- ic were “exceptionally scary,” Engeland, 42, whose three- sue, with Mayor Kavita Tankha, but the community stepped up year agreement was up for ap- Vice Mayor George Tyson and and rose to face the “daunting proval at Tuesday’s city council Councilmember Lisa Schmidt challenge,” Santa Clara County meeting – after the Town Crier’s voting in favor of extending Supervisor Joe Simitian told the print deadline – comes from Cahill’s contract as his replace- crowd at a June 17 reopening Sierra Madre, a Southern Cali- ment is identified; council mem- celebration at Rancho Shopping fornia community that faced its bers Linda Swan and Stanley Q .