Eric Dubay | 252 pages | 09 Nov 2014 | | 9781312627161 | English | Morrisville, United States : What Fuels the Internet's Strangest Conspiracy Theory? | Live Science

Modern flat Earth societies are organizations that promote the pseudoscientific belief that the Earth is flat while denying the Earth's sphericitycontrary to over two millennia of scientific consensus. Those who are serious The Flat-Earth Conspiracy often motivated by religion [4] or conspiracy theories. Through the use of social media, flat Earth theories have been increasingly espoused by individuals unaffiliated with larger groups. Modern flat Earth belief originated with the English writer Samuel Rowbotham — Based on conclusions derived from the Bedford Level experimentRowbotham published a pamphlet Zetetic Astronomy. He later expanded this into the book Earth Not a The Flat-Earth Conspiracyproposing the Earth is a flat disc centred at the North Pole and bounded along its southern edge by a wall of ice, Antarctica. Rowbotham and followers like William Carpenter gained attention by successful use of pseudoscience in public debates with leading scientists such as Alfred Russel Wallace. After Rowbotham's death, Lady Elizabeth Blount established The Flat-Earth Conspiracy Universal Zetetic Societywhose objective was "the propagation of knowledge related to Natural Cosmogony in confirmation of the Holy Scriptures, based on practical scientific investigation". The society published a magazine, The Earth Not a Globe Reviewand remained active well into the early 20th century. InShenton persuaded Ellis Hillmana Polytechnic The Flat-Earth Conspiracy East London lecturer, to become president of the Flat Earth Society; but there is little evidence of any activity on his part until after Shenton's death, when he added most of Shenton's library to the The Flat-Earth Conspiracy of the Science Fiction Foundation he helped to establish. Johnson, Shenton died in Charles K. Over the next three decades, under his leadership, the Flat Earth Society grew to a reported 3, members. Johnson issued many publications and The Flat-Earth Conspiracy all membership applications. The most famous publication was Flat Earth News, a quarterly, The Flat-Earth Conspiracy tabloid. Much of the society's literature in its early days focused on interpreting the Bible to mean that the Earth is flat, although they did try to offer scientific explanations and evidence. Eugenie Scott called the group an example of "extreme Biblical-literalist theology: The earth is flat because the Bible says The Flat-Earth Conspiracy is flat, regardless of what science tells us". According to Charles K. Johnson, the membership of the group rose to 3, under his leadership, but began to decline after a fire at his house in which destroyed all of the records and contacts of the society's members. Johnson's wife, who helped manage the membership database, died shortly thereafter. Johnson himself died on 19 March InDaniel Shenton not related to Samuel [26] resurrected the Flat Earth Society, basing it around a web-based discussion forum. Inpart of this society broke away to form a new web-based group also featuring a forum and wiki. Calling themselves "planoterrestrialists", [36] their aims were quite different from other flat Earth societies. They claimed a prevailing problem of the new technological age was the willingness of people to accept theories "on blind faith and to reject the evidence of their own senses. Ferrari was interviewed as an "expert" in the flat Earth mockumentary In Search of the Edge by Pancake Productions a reference to the expression "as flat as a pancake". In Italy there are no centralized societies on flat Earth. However, since the s, small groups of conspiracy theorists, who carry out meetings, started to emerge and to spread flat Earth theories. In addition to these, it is their common belief that United States The Flat-Earth Conspiracy a plan to create in Europe a new America open to everyonewhere the only value is consumerism and that George Soros commands a satanic globalist conspiracy. Former leader of the Five Star Movement political party, Beppe Grilloshowed interest in the group, admitting to admiring their free speech spirit and to wanting to participate the May conference. In the Internet erathe The Flat-Earth Conspiracy of communications technology and social media like YouTube, Facebook [47] and Twitter have made it easy for individuals, famous [48] or not, to spread disinformation and attract others to erroneous ideas. One of the topics that has flourished in this environment is that of the flat Earth. Modern flat-Earthers generally embrace some form of conspiracy theory out of the necessity of explaining why major institutions such as governments, media outlets, schools, scientists, and airlines all assert that the world is a sphere. They tend to not trust observations they The Flat-Earth Conspiracy not made themselves, and often distrust or disagree with each other. While most agree upon a disc-shaped The Flat-Earth Conspiracy, some are convinced the Earth The Flat-Earth Conspiracy diamond-shaped. Furthermore, while most believers do not believe in outer space and none believe mankind has ever traveled there, they vary widely in The Flat- Earth Conspiracy views of the universe. The solar eclipse of 21 August gave rise to numerous YouTube videos purporting to show how the details of the eclipse prove the Earth is flat. On 3 MaySteven Novella analyzed the modern belief in a flat Earth, and concluded that, despite what most people think about the subject, the believers are being sincere in their belief that The Flat-Earth Conspiracy Earth is flat, and are not "just saying that to wind us up". He stated that:. In the end that is the core malfunction of the flat-earthers, and the modern populist rejection of expertise in general. It is a horrifically simplistic view of the world that ignores partly out of ignorance, and partly out of motivated reasoning to [ sic ] real complexities of our civilization. It is ultimately lazy, childish, and self-indulgent, resulting in a profound level of ignorance drowning in motivated reasoning. To Marshall, one of the most telling moments at the convention was the "Flat Earth Addiction" test that was based on a checklist used to determine whether someone is in a cultwithout the convention attendees realizing the possibility of themselves being in a cult. Organizations skeptical of fringe beliefs have occasionally performed tests to demonstrate the local curvature of the Earth. One of these, conducted by members of the Independent Investigations Groupat the Salton Sea on 10 June was attended also by supporters of a flat Earth, and the encounter between the two groups was recorded by the National Geographic Explorer. This experiment successfully demonstrated the curvature of the Earth via the disappearance over distance of boat-based and shore-based targets. Mike Hughesa The Flat-Earth Conspiracy and flat-Earth conspiracy theorist, used a homebuilt manned-rocket in an attempt to see for himself if the Earth is flat on 24 March The amateur rocketeer was not seriously injured and remained firm in his flat Earth beliefs. He claimed that real evidence will come with "larger rockets". The accident was caused by an early deployment and separation of the return parachute on the vehicle. The rocket impacted after falling from an altitude of several The Flat-Earth Conspiracy feet. Hughes was killed instantly. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Flat Earth Society disambiguation. Modern-day groups that claim the Earth is flat. See also: Biblical literalism. Historical accounts and spoken The Flat-Earth Conspiracy tell us the Land part may have been square, all in one mass at one time, then as now, the magnetic north being the Center. Vast cataclysmic events and shaking no doubt broke the land apart, divided the Land to be our The Flat-Earth Conspiracy continents or islands as they exist today. One thing we know for sure about this world This section appears to contain trivial, minor, or unrelated references to popular culture. Please reorganize this content to explain the subject's impact on popular culture, providing citations The Flat-Earth Conspiracy reliable, secondary sourcesrather than simply listing appearances. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. October Earth portal Religion portal Society portal. July Moon Landings? A Fraud! Science Digest. How to think about The Flat-Earth Conspiracy things: critical thinking for a new The Flat-Earth Conspiracy. Houghton Mifflin. YouGov PLC. Retrieved 22 February Retrieved 17 October And gravity's a hoax. Now, they're being persecuted". The Denver Post. Retrieved 19 August The Guardian. The New York Times. Retrieved 2 November Bull, London. Can You Speak Venusian? The Cincinnati Enquirer. Retrieved 15 February — via Newspapers. National Center for Science Education. Retrieved 24 April Retrieved 26 December Retrieved 27 December Flat Earth News. December Retrieved 1 January Annual Review of Anthropology. Archived from the original PDF on 5 June Retrieved 8 December Retrieved 15 June Retrieved 21 July Retrieved 24 July Archived from the original on 8 July Modern flat Earth societies - Wikipedia

The Conspiracy is the The Flat-Earth Conspiracy term most commonly used by proponents of Zeteticism to refer to the active faking of space travel. It is most often associated with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASAits constituents and fellow so-called "space agencies" as well as those who The Flat-Earth Conspiracy informed by them including government. Though unknown exactly where or when The Flat-Earth Conspiracy concept originated, earliest references have been attributed to the Flat Earth Society under the leadership of . There is no Flat Earth Conspiracy. NASA is not hiding the shape of the earth from anyone. The purpose of NASA is not to 'hide the shape of the The Flat-Earth Conspiracy or 'trick people into thinking it's round' or anything of the sort. There is a Space Travel Conspiracy. The purpose of NASA is to fake the concept of space travel to further America's militaristic dominance of space. The motto "Scientific exploration of new frontiers for all mankind" was nothing more than a front. Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid. There is The Flat-Earth Conspiracy more important than the ultimate weapon. And that's the ultimate position. The position of total control over the The Flat-Earth Conspiracy that lies somewhere in outer space. NASA's early rocket research is well documented to have been a complete failure, plagued by one disaster after another. At some point, perhaps after the Apollo 1 disaster, it was decided to fake the space program outright and use rockets which only needed to fly into the air until they disappeared from sight. NASA went from nearly every launch The Flat-Earth Conspiracy a failure to a near flawless track record, able to land man on the moon multiple times without error, and with only two public spectacles of failure in 45 years. They are not running a real space program, so they wouldn't know what shape the earth truly takes. At the time of NASA's creation the general population already believed that the earth was round, based on the handed down teachings of the Ancient Greeks, which is why it was The Flat-Earth Conspiracy in that manner. As with everyone else in the country, the people at NASA were taught the fiction of a globe earth from the cradle, so there was no doubt in their mind as how to display it. The Apollo program was a fraudulent NASA spaceflight endeavor which allegedly landed the first men on the moon. Diaone-Titan image photoshopped Cassini Orbiter snaps unbelievable picture of Saturn. The flat-Earth conspiracy is spreading around the globe. Does it hide a darker core? - CNN

The flat-Earth conspiracy The Flat-Earth Conspiracy spreading around the globe. Does it hide a darker core? More Videos How do conspiracies continue decades later? Voters receive threatening emails to vote for Trump. Officer involved with Breonna Taylor shooting says it was The Flat- Earth Conspiracy a The Flat-Earth Conspiracy thing'. Hurricane Epsilon forms in the Atlantic. Trump says Dr. Fauci is not a 'team player'. She lost her husband to Covid Hear The Flat-Earth Conspiracy tough words for Trump. Filmmaker James Redford, son of Robert Redford, dies at Fauci channels 'The Godfather' in response to Trump. Expert issues dire warning about next 6 to 12 weeks. Covid tension building between Trump and Fauci. Virtual school attendance is plummeting. Here's one reason why. Republican senator's awkward debate moment may hurt her reelection bid in key state. The Flat-Earth Conspiracy video appears to show Michigan suspects in training. Hiker found after going missing for almost 2 weeks. Pelosi: Negotiators need to freeze framework of stimulus. Are Murdoch outlets positioning themselves for a Trump loss? But Weiss is a flat Earther. Ever since he tried and failed to find proof of the The Flat-Earth Conspiracy curve four years ago, he's believed with an evident passion that our planet is The Flat-Earth Conspiracy flat and stationary - - and it's turned his world upside down. Now, Weiss finds it tedious to associate with the majority of people -- though he "unfortunately" still has some friends who believe in a The Flat- Earth Conspiracy Earth. That's their choice," he says. Weiss' preferred community is those who share his life-altering belief. Read More. Organizers told CNN that about others went too. Previous conferences have taken place in Raleigh and Denver -- while Brazil, Britain and Italy have also held flat-Earth conventions in recent years. The event's schedule resembled any corporate conference, with some fairly noticeable twists. And believers reveled in an opportunity to meet several of the movement's most influential minds. Because guess what, our old friends On a clear day, the curvature of the Earth can be seen from an airplane window. But remarkably, the hundreds of flat Earthers at the Dallas gathering were just a small portion of the movement. People in every pocket of this spherical planet are rejecting science and spreading the word that the Earth is flat. There's no clear study indicating how many people have been convinced -- and flat Earthers like Weiss will tell you without evidence there are millions more in the closet anyway, including Hollywood A-listers and The Flat-Earth Conspiracy airline pilots -- but online communities have The Flat-Earth Conspiracy of thousands of followers and YouTube is inundated with flat-Earth content creators, whose productions reach millions. Rapper B. B thinks the Earth is flat, has photographs to prove it. The flat-Earth community has its own celebrities, music, merchandise -- and a weighty catalog of pseudo-scientific theories. It's been the subject of a Netflix documentary and has been endorsed by figures including the rapper B. Each year, more flat-Earth events fill the calendar, organizers say. But experts are wondering if the movement is really harmless -- and whether we're even approaching the edge of its influence. When Davidson first heard that people really do believe in a flat Earth, "I just laughed and said, 'they've got The Flat-Earth Conspiracy be the stupidest people ever. A couple of years later, Davidson was setting up the first international flat Earth conference. Like most The Flat-Earth Conspiracy the speakers at the event CNN spoke to, he was convinced after he decided he couldn't prove the The Flat-Earth Conspiracy roundness. For Davidson, a born-again Christian, the most logical explanation for the conspiracy of the millennium goes like this: "Let's just say there is an adversary, there is a devil, there is a Satan. His whole job would be to try to convince the world that God doesn't exist. He's done an incredible job convincing people with the idea that we're just on a random speck in an infinite universe. A digital illustration of a flat earth. The reality, says Davidson, is that the flat Earth, sun, moon and stars are contained in a "Truman Show"-like dome. From there, pitfalls can be easily dismissed -- like photos of the Earth from space, which flat Earthers believe are photoshopped. And Davidson quickly found a large online community believing the same thing. This is not just some internet fad, or a bunch of crazy people online. They're now meeting in buildings. He has a few things he wants to make clear to a flat-Earth novice. Firstly, and most importantly The Flat-Earth Conspiracy "none of us believe that we're a flying pancake in space. The jury is out on gravity -- but as Davidson notes, no one has ever seen it. Secondly -- no, you won't fall off the edge. While flat Earthers' views of the The Flat-Earth Conspiracy vary, most believe the planet is a circular disk with Antarctica acting as an ice wall barrier around the edge. And thirdly, modern flat Earthers have little in common with the Flat Earth Society, a group that has existed for decades and has more thanfollowers on Facebook. That organization, some speakers told CNN, is a government-controlled body designed to pump out misinformation and make the flat-Earth cause sound far-fetched to curious minds. Davidson calls their theories "completely ridiculous. But flat Earthers don't pretend to have all the answers. Several members of the community have carried out their own experiments, like bringing spirit levels onto airplanes, that have supposedly proved their thesis. They haven't. To be absolutely clear, the Earth is not flat -- as NASA explains in a fact sheet aimed at fifth to eighth graders. But most adherents say they're just curious, as all good scientific minds should be. The Flat-Earth Conspiracy, most adherents demonstrate plenty of anti-scientific tendencies. It's that hyper-skeptical mindset that helps flat earthers answer the big questions -- like who's hiding the true shape of the planet from us? But "once you get into flat earth, the other conspiracy theories get knocked down into another tier," says Mark Sargent, a filmmaker and stalwart of the movement who was featured in the Netflix documentary "Behind the Curve. But everybody's number one is always flat Earth," he tells CNN. It helps that the group has a mutual target. That's our bread and butter," Sargent says of the agency flat Earthers believe is ultimately behind the conspiracy. But why, and how, could people believe a conspiracy theory so out of this universe? Scientists have also noted that a social motive The Flat-Earth Conspiracy people to conspiracy theories -- the desire to "maintain a positive view of the self and the groups we The Flat-Earth Conspiracy to," as social psychologist Karen Douglas of the University of Kent says. When they come here, they know it's absolutely a safe space," Sargent says of this week's event. Timothy John at last The Flat-Earth Conspiracy conference. But perhaps the most important driver is an underlying need for power and control. And power comes from knowledge -- no matter how questionable it may be. That feeling helps believers to understand the world better, as they see it. It's now more manageable," adds Sargent. Sargent could arguably be regarded as the godfather of the modern flat-Earth movement. But he had help -- it was the advent of YouTube that gave him a platform to spread his own views, which he says the movement "wouldn't exist without. YouTube says it will crack down on recommending conspiracy videos. Earlier this year, YouTube started burying those videos and reducing recommendations of "borderline content," but video makers The Flat-Earth Conspiracy Sargent feel it no longer makes much difference. But the alleged rapid growth of a movement so enthusiastically rejecting fundamental scientific beliefs does have some worried. A medieval engraving of a scientist leaving the world, representing the change in conceptions of the world in the 16th century. All of a sudden, you become one of those people that's like, 'can you trust anything on mainstream media? For Davidson, the next stage is to debate leading members of the scientific community, but "they just laugh at us and say, 'you guys are dumb. This story has been updated to include a response from the Flat Earth Society.