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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

4-13-2006 Arbiter, April 13 Students of Boise State University

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NEWS -~------PAGE 3 Parking fees will increase by 15 percent this fall. Readers can also check out Monday's Issue for In-depth coverage parking fee Increases.


PAGE 4 Brandon Nolta reframes the Immigration debate to Inlcude countries other than Mexico



Artist Deborah Oropello keeps create paintings out of pixels.


PAGE 9 . PHOTOBY M GRACELUCA5ITIlE ARBITER Juan "Johnny" Morales leads protesters in a chant of "iSi, se puede!" at a student walkout Monday in the Ouad for immigration reform. Acording to Maria Alicia Harza, the phrase translates to, "Yes!It can be done!" and comes from the 19605 Mexican-American Chicano CivilRights Movement. c • , The Bronco D-Line fills the • gaps during spring training. 1 se. e! ONLINE , ------I Post your comments online at: Undocumented Immigrants WWW.ARBITERONLINE;COM BSUstudents walk out join the There are more than 11'million Illegal Immigrants In the. United States, up from an estimated 8.4 million In 2000. ON CAMPUS national' debate over who counts More than halfare from Mexico Families have 'mixed status' ------In 2005 Africa, . In 2005 FRIDAY No ch!ldren S9% ----,.--- and who's counting when it comes to Mexico S6% ~ other Blood Drive With only U.S. citizen children 23% 9 a.m.-2 p.rn, documented immigrant status Other Latin America 22% ::ope, i. With only non-citizen children 11% Jordan Ballroom B & C Canada ! With both U.S. citizen and 7% --===~ Asia 13% 6% ! non-cltlzen children To schedule' your appointment, : or for more Information, cotact in Idaho and the u.s. Many are new arrivals ! Where illegal immigrants get jobs Allison at the VSB 426-4240. Many illegal immigrants ! Major occupation groups of the 7.2 million BY M. GRACE LUCAS At this point, legislators from both have arrived since 2000, In millions ! Illegal immigrant workers, 2005 houses of Congress are starting to 31% . 1980-1989 1.8 ~ Service industries SATURDAY AND DUSTIN LAPRAY : back off from the strong language of Construction; mining; gas. oil extraction 19% Arbiter Staff 1990-1994 2.0 j Spring Into the Streets House Bill #4437, which would have i Manufacturing, Installation, repair lS% 1995-1999 2.9 9 a.m, made undocumented status a felony. 4.4 i Sales, administrative support 12% A classroom walkout for immigration 2000-2005 Volunteers will meet at the reform attracted more than 100 Boise This change has been attributed to the i Management. business, professional 10% Hatch Ballroom of the SUB, State students Monday, to the Quad to multiple,large-scale protests similar to Almost a third of foreign born are iIIegals i Transportation 8% the two in Boise. Farming 4% have breakfast. and sign up for rally for both documented and undocu- Illegal immigrants make up 30 percent ! mented immigrants' rights. At the BSU rally, there was no micro- of the 37 million U.S. foreign born population, 2005 one of many available projects. Jobs where iIIegals are concentrated The rally, which lasted from noon un- phone but, nonetheless, all speakers I Each project usually last about Naturalized citizens 31% ~ til I p.m., came one day after 5,000 peo- were met with rapt attention, applause ! IIlegallmmigranls as a percent ~ Refugee of all workers. 2005 three hours. Contact Maria ple marched to the Capitol in Boise call- and chants of "jSi! Se puedel," which i Rollins at 426-4240. translates to "Yes! It can be done!" 1:. .~. ing for immigration reform. ~~:~I~~::::::t828:~ ;~vals ~ The BSU walkout was coincided with "Moments like this are historic," - resident aliens '0 .,Qh ~ jli••••••••••••• I.~ other rallies in Idaho and across the speaker Leo Morales said to the attentive Temporary legal residents ·3% WEATHER country, and many speakers praised the crowd. "We all deserve justice. We all de- serve fairness. That's why we're here." Note: Percentages may not 10lal1oo percent due to rounding I. .~ local impact of the previous day's pro- Note: Illegal ImmIgrants refers to those who entered the country ------test. At both rallies, speakers criticized During the rally, Morales placed a without valid documents or those who entered wllh valid visas bul overstayed or otherwise violated the terms 01their admission lid ~ Congress and urged continued action 02l108KRT See Rally [page 4] Source: Pew Hispanic Center Graphic: Angela SmIth, Judy Trelb!e from all present.

FRIDAY High: 65F / Low 48F Partisan moves re-shaping immigration legislation . for further deliberation or directly sored legislation has sparked a lot Garza said. by Sens. John McCain, R~Ariz., and BY M; GRACE LUCAS to the Senate floor, according to ofthe demonstrations and changes Amidst the demonstrations last Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. Edltor·in-Chlef Senate aides. Sen. Arlen Specter, R- to the legislation are probably a re- week, Congress' effort to overhaul Itwould have established a guest ,J JJ ,J Pa., the Judiciary Committee chair- .. sult of the public outcry. the nation's Immigration laws and worker program and provisions to It appears Congress may be soft- man, said he planned to work with SATURDAY "What we've seen die last week shore up its borders appeared in put nearly 10 million illegal immi- ening the language in proposed staff members through the recess High: 58F / Low 45F is vast numbers of immigrants and peril after a Senate compromise grants on a path toward permanent immigration reform bills as the tolay the groundwork for further immigrants' rights supporters have collapsed amid angry partisan fin- legal status, while requiring those national debate over policy roars action. . come out in support of immigrant ger-pointing. in the country two years or less to ahead. This week, RepublIcan lead- Senate leaders declined, how- rights. These groups are demon- After weeks of concerted action return home. ers began suggesting that entering ever, to specify a timetable for de- strating in order to have their voic- to find a consensus on how to deal It also would toughen enforce- ,J,J J J ,J the U.S. illegally should not be a liberations by the fun Senate, and .. es be heard in the national political with up to 12 million illegal immi- ment and border security, boost- felony, according to SUNDAY grants now in the country, senators ing fines on the employers of ille- some members expressed fears This is a major from the harsh debate. This debate is helping to en- High: 54F / Low 42F left on a two-week recess with no gal immigrants and adding 12,000 the bill could be nudged aside by language of the much-disputed ergize the Hispanic community." clear schedule for resuming work border patrol agents over the next other issues, including a $106.5 bil- House Bill #4437, which made un- Maria Alicia Garza, a special as- on the legislation. five years. lion supplemental appropriations documented status a felony that sistant to the BSU Provost and a IntheSenate, the failed Martinez- For now, in the Senate, leaders bill that includes hurricane relief CONTACT·· would also implicate those who live professor of Latin American and Hagel compromise had embraced said they expected to resume work and money for the wars in Iraq and and work around undocumented Mexican American studies and lit------the basic concepts of a compre- on the compromise after Congress Afghanistan. NEWS people in crimes, as well. erature, called the proposed felony (208) 345-8204 x 102 hensive bill. that' the Judiciary returns April 24, but the next steps Brian Wamper, Boise State as- status un-Amencan. ,With reportingftom [email protected] Committee had approved March 27 were unclear late last week; The bill sistant professor of comparative "It terminates any possibilities of and a similar measure sponsored couldgo to the JudiciaryCommittee Kn~htRidder1tibune politics, said the Republican-spon- them becoming legal immigrants,' OPINION (208) 345-8204 x 112 . [email protected] Hall gets jail time, probation for role in fatal. crash CULTURE (208) 345·8204 x 104 [email protected] . for' his part in, a fatal high-speed Tony Perfect, Stephanie Perfect and a left-hand turn on to I-55 from was ordered to write a2,SOO-word BY GINNY Beacon Light Road. .' . . essay explaltting what be did Wrong EGGLESTON, crash outside of Eagle last spring. theirinfantdaughter, Zoe. .SPORTS .' Mark Lazlnke, the other driver According to prosecutors, Hall Hall.ln front, narrowly missed' ., thedayofiliefatah:raSh. . News writer (208) 345-8204 x 103 involved, was sentenced to three and Lazlnka were racing' down the Perfect family but Lazinka,:If lIallsuc~sful1Ycompletes [email protected] fopmvingdose behind," hiit!iethetenns Of:1Wl~atlol1i his. guilty ,consecutivelO-year prison. sen-i.. IdahoSSt around 7:30 p.m, ~ay 7, former BSUfootballsafety Cam tences, but will be eligible for pa- ..·oJ0ckeylngfOl'position.atspeeds perfil!=t's. Clll;' at full.speed,ldlliDg 'pleatothefelonycliargeofleaving ADVERTISING Hallwas sentenced to 180 days in the family...... :; the Scene ofiuucCideIJtWill be re~' role after 12 years. . .r: nearlOO mph...... (208) 345-8204 x 118 .the Ada County Jail, five years pro- . .In addltion to his sentence. Half" moved from liisree:ord;.. : ,c." The trash caused the death of ·.TonY Perfeetatteinptedtomake . ' ,. ... ' " ,',,' '. "<, " -,.,,' . ," ,.".,,-'" [email protected] '.batlon'anda$2t500 fine ori Monday, ",,,, •• , ",,',,_ , •• "-",,,0, .,", World/National/What the? Stories ". courtesy of KRTCampus Wire Services unless' otherWise credited. Local/BSU stories are courtesy of the Boise State Web site at All stories are compiled by News Writers.

world French qualms over needed eco- plct the .defining event of a young The event is sponsored by the nomic restructuring but also of century, a day on which nearly3,OOO Honors Student Association at Boise similarworries throughout Western people were killed? And what role State University. The Cut-off will be French angst Europe. do films that portray catastrophic held at Top Notch Hairstyling, 280 reflects anxiety in 'France is a front-runner, but historic events such as wars or as- North 8th St., Suite 120; Body and the tendencies exist elsewhere,' sassinations play in a society's Soul, 1760 West State St.; and Scot Europe as a whole said Rob Boudewijn, an expert on group psyche? Lewis Schools, 1270 South Vinnell European culture at the Clingendael 'Unlted 93' tells the story of the Way. Volunteers are encouraged to PARIS - Sitting on a curb just Institute, a Dutch research center. 40 passengers and crew members call 384-5696 for an appointment outside a barricaded entrance to 'Europe hasn't been this desperate aboard one of the four hijacked at Top Notch Hairstyling, 389-4786 the University of Paris-Sorbonne since the postwar period. People planes. From phone calls to family for Body and Soul and 375-0190 for last week, Pauline Artega, 21, are feeling lost in an ever-growing members on the ground, the plane's Scot Lewis Schools. wondered whether France - and European Union. They feel that ec- occupants knew that three other To donate, hair must be at least Western Europe - is dying. onomically they've already lost to planes had already been crashed 10 inches in length and bundled in Three events in the past year China, and they have no idea where into the World Trade Center and the a ponytail or braid. Hair must be in have rocked French society: French they fit into the world anymore: Pentagon. good condition with no bleach or voters' rejection last May of the The cockpit voice recording from recent perms; dyed hair is OK, as CURIOUS? long as it's healthy. The haircuts are European Constitution, the October .national the last 30 minutes of the flight, free, but the stylists accept tips as Have you become a victim of Religion? riots in Parisian suburbs by young which family members have said Muslim men and, in recent weeks, . Film about United includes the sounds of a struggle, they are donating their time. Have you 'Inherited" beliefs passed down to students' street protests against is to be played in federal court at The Cut-off will benefit.Locks of you from previous generations without a proposed employment law that 93 raises questions the death-penalty trial of Zacarias Love, a non-profit organization that scriptural substance? would have made it easier for busi- Moussaoui, whom a jury deter- provides children under 18 with Do you desire to discover the TRUTH nesses to fire young workers. NEW YORK - As the passengers mined last week withheld informa- custom, vacuum-fitted hairpieces Union leaders· and work- on the plane huddle in their seats tion that could have prevented the made entirely from donated human as it was taught by Christ Jesus through His ers pushed for the defeat of the and decide what to do, the ominous attacks. hair. The vacuum fit is designed for ministers in the Bible? European Constitution, the forgot- music builds to a climax. Following Universal Studios, which is dis- children who have experienced a ten poor staged last autumn's .ri- images of a plane about to hit the tributing 'United 93: ernphasiz- total loss of scalp hair and does not - Please visit our website at ots and the next generation of the World Trade Center and of a hijack- es in its prerelease publicity that require the use11iJftape or glue. Last to receive more information on subject specific topics French elite mounted the current er who appears to be wearing a belt British director Paul Greengrass year, about 100 volunteers donated using the scriptures in the Bible. . rou nd of protests. of explosives, words flash across received approval for making the their hair during the fourth Boise Or contact us at 719-573-4055. P.O.Box 9813, Colo. Spgs., CO 80932 But Artega sees unity in the dis- the screen. $15 million film from every victim's State Cut-off. parate groups. "On the day we faced fear: the family. For more information about "We are united by a hatred, and coming-attraction trailer says, 'we The movie opens nationwide the Cut-off, contact Kasey Reed, Looking For: a fear, of where France is heading: also found courage." April 28, with Universal donating . community services chair for the she said as another protest march Lessthan five years after the 10 percent of the first weekend's Honors Student Association, at passed by her. "We cannot see a Sept. II attacks, 'Hollywood is box-office receipts toward the con- [email protected]. Donate Plasma future where we will be able to live about to unveil its first attempt to struction of the Flight 93 memorial More information about Locks of as well as our parents. We are all make sense of - and a profit from in Pennsylvania. Love can be found on the Web at afraid ofthe future, and we are not - the worst terrorist assault in U.S. alone." history. local/bsu On Monday, French President Although the movie, "United 93'- what the? Jacques Chirac agreed to scrap will not open until April 25, it has the law and promised to replace it already provoked strong negative Honors Association with one that offers government reactions in at least two instances. . seeks hair donations Hey, I'm up here subsidies to businesses that hire A movie theater on New York's people younger than 26. It was un- Upper West Side pulled the trailer for Locks of Love A woman in Cardiff, Wales, had clear whether massive street ral- after complaints from audience her breasts enlarged from a B-cup lies planned for Tuesday still would members, including a woman who Volunteers can donate their hair to a whopping Double-D, because take place. burst into tears. And at Grauman's to benefit financially disadvan- she wasn't getting enough attention Even so, experts around Europe Chinese Theater in Hollywood, the taged children who have suffered from men. After returning to work, are convinced that the discord trailer provoked audience cries of long-term medical hair loss on she filed a complaint against her in France is unlikely to end soon, "Too soon!" Saturday during the fifth annual boss for paying too much attention and that it's a reflection not only of. Is it too soon for the movies to de- Locks of Love Cut-off. to her.

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'-- ..._...... " .....118AND DYERWELCOMEI...... :~!'.. .BIO'EASY ~ PEPSI~' ",,-SprinLALLSHOWS ALL AGES UNLESS Ncmm. TlCKl!TSAYAI~LEATAU. TlCKETWEBOuturrS, BY CALLiiNG..e&:TlXx,OROtwNE AT ______----_------!---=-A:-..:.P:..,.., :-..:.R~I:...:::L=__=1::...::3=____::2=_=_O_=O~6 Studentsface parking fee increases

BY JESSICA difficult for some to come up with the money and just having a hope CHRISTENSEN tliatthey'll have a spot in three News Writer years from now, which can be ...the dark blocks away, causing danger. Yet is afraid of Parking fees are expected to rise' you want them to pay more money by 15 percent fall 2006, and an ad- right now,"Blue said. ditionalI5 percent in fall 2007.The Everett responded by expressing increases wiII be used to not only to senators that "Yes,parking rates The Arbiter build a new parking structure, but are going up but we will add 300 ad- to improve certain parking lots on ditional spaces by next fall. Now, campus. The new financial plan .with the completion of the Indoor will also ensure the continuation Practice Facility, 100 spots have of services free to all employees been given back and by August and students such as: battery jump 2006, the rest of block six will be starts, vehicle lockout assistance, turned into parking." the campus shuttle and city bus For more information regarding rides. the parking fee increases, informa- Students have not seen a permit tion is available on the Parking and fee increase since fall 2003. PHOTOBY SEAN PBALl/lHE ARBITER Transportation Web site at www. ASBSUsenators met Tuesday in The parking increases for fall w1llpartially fund a new parking structure at Boise State. the Student Union Building and lis- tened to Jared Everett, BSUdirector In addition to the changes, New rates for fall 2006: ofPublic Safety and Transportation will include first level retail/office dressed to senators, in order to Student Housing and Parking wiII Student General: $80 Services. space, facing University Drive. build additional parking facilities begin charging residents for park- Student Reserved: $218 "I wanted to ensure ASBSUwas Keeping the gasoline increases, on campus and to offset significant ing, and wiII increase beyond Faculty/Staff General: $119 brought to the table early and was the newly organized campus-proj- increases in expenses, the cost of 15 percent, according to Stacy Faculty/Staff Reserved: $257 aware of the venues for future dis- ects, and the extra security hired parking services will increase. The Pearson, vice president for Finance cussion on the project," Everett in mind, "In my opinion, it makes amount of the increase will depend and Administration. All resident said. sense for student support. The stu- upon what amount of support the rates wiII be at or below current re- Proposed is a new parking struc- dent fees playa role, We'r.e losing Parking Department receives from served permit rates ranging from ture that will contain 780 spaces. 265 spaces with the new Health the university, and what parking $25to $218per year. Leaders have identified a leading and Wellness Center, 180 with the revenue sources are identified for . Sen. Cyndi Blue expressed con- site located off University' Drive SUB expansion, and an additional increases. The Parking Advisory cern for the new fee changes. near the academic core of campus, 80 with student services," Everett Committee will address these is- . "It seems not very logical. It's yet at the campus perimeter, which said. sues in coming months, and make making it worse for students. It's according to the design scenario, According to the memo ad- recommendations. . Boise State food service

Bring in this ad through contract awarded to Aramark April131h and sure that folks meet the quality that Center will feature a new food tarily too. BY MICAH "The contract returns approxi- Receive $5 off any jump MCLAUGHLIN your looking for, and It's not a iaste court. Also, Jay Hayes, Ararnark's mately $1 million annually to the test." 11 455 2359 4412 Aviation Way News Writer She said it was more about things General Manager for Campus University," said Terri Spinazza, (208J - Caldwell, ID 83605 like marketing, and residence hall Services, said that the meal plan BSU'sPurchasing Director Boise State's multi-month pro- options. Each company was rated for resident students is more value- cess to award the new food service on a scale of one to five for about 60 driven. contract has ended at the close of different items like these, accord- In regard to the upcoming SUB Get The Ball Rolling the business day Tuesday, April l l'" ing to Barrett. expansion, he said that they would with the contract being awarded to The next step was financial pro- continue to offer the service avail- able now but haven't determined Aramark. posals. Like the old contract, the new "We rated those based on their what else might go in because of it one wiII be for five years with the ability to contribute to Boise State," stiII being the design phase. possibility for five one year.exten- said Barrett, "the university re- However, Barrell said she thinks they wiII be at least somewhat in- sions. Aramark has been the food ceives dollars based on percentages service provider for BSUfor the last of sales." volved in the expansion process. three years, since they acquired Barrett said this was where According to Hayes, at top line Fine Host Corporation (who held Aramark earned the most points. sales this contract could be worth $6 million for Aramark this year the contract for seven years before However it was very close between that). Now, with the new contract, Ararnark and Chartwells. with continuing growth in the they could be the provider for the Students can also look forward future. Moreover, he said that Aramark benefits from the prestige next ten years as well. to some improvements in the food Although Aramark is already the service on campus. 'ofhaving the contract. food service provider, the new con- According to Barrell, there are "This is considered to be proba- bly one ofour top 50 accounts in the tract takes effect July I" 2006. some major improvements to the "We looked at both qualitative food services on campus. bne of country," said Hayes, "Wehave well into the neighborhood of 500 cam- comparisons and quantitative these is that the coffee shop in the imPact pus dining accounts across country comparisons," said Leah Barrett, Multipurpose Classroom building DIRECTORiES and this would be in the top tier." the director for the Student Union, wiII become a Dawson Taylor man- Hayes said that "we are very 208 375-2220 when explaining how they chose aged by students from the College pleased and excited to be able to Aramark. of Business. Another improvement continue our relationship with "We, [the Food Service Advisory will be the opening of a Starbucks Committee,] looked at the quality in the library in the fall semester. Boise State University." The university benefits mone- part first," said Barrett, "and make Finally, the Interactive Learning Art magazine editor to speak

ways, and Roy Lichtenstein, who BY EMILY POITEVIN was known for his pop art. Easy to Read News Writer C C. We are excited The lecture is free to all BSUstu- and honored to dents with a valid student m. Easy to Use Art in America's managing edi- The public can purchase tickets tor, Richard Vine, is scheduled to bring Richard -Vine at the door for $5. 3erv;ng: tdobo: 80;'50, Canyon COlln/y. Mounloin H()In~ • \'Vw;flitlf)fiol1"Yokimo, Ellensburg· Coo stal: ASlo/ia, OR speak April 13at 5:30p.m. His visit is part of the Visiting to Boise and cre- Artist and Scholar Program ate a dialogue at and sponsored by Boise State's , the university and Department ofArt. The lecture will take place at the in the community Idaho Historical Museum, located about contempo- in Julia Davis Park. Vine received a literature rary visual art. , " from the University of Chicago and has taught at New YorkUniversity, - Kristen Furlong, the American Conservatory of Visual Arts Center Music, the Art Institute in Chicago, Gal/ery Director and the University of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. In addition to his Vine's other achievements in- presentation,Vine will also visit Now Accepting clude articles in publications such with students in both the Bachelor as The New Criterion, the Georgia of Fine Arts program and the New Patients Review,and Modern Poetry Studies. Masters ofFine Arts program. He also served as the editor of The The lecture, titled' 'Why is Chicago Review. Contemporary Art so Weird?" fo- Vine found his way to Boise by cuses on the philosophical and way of invitation from Richard psychological factors that affect art Young, chairperson of the art de- today. partment. Vine will also analyze the role of The lecture is also being present- history and socioeconomics In art ed in partnership with the BoiseArt, today, and why some people view Museum. art pieces as offensive and strange. 'Weare excited and honored to Art in America is a magazine that bring Richard Vine to Boise and features a variety of art, ranging create a dialogue at the univer- from photography to sculpture to ". sityand In, the community about artist' cntlques, contemporary visual art,' said The current issue features artists Kristen Furlong, BStJ,speClal'lece such as George Brecht, a 1960's art- turer. and gallery director of the ist who was known for his Isolated Visual Arts CentC!.' . . L--' A_'__P__R_I_L:.-..1_3~2_0_0~6 --,- __ :.-.. ~------Transgender movement emerging from shadows l}ing and discrimination. Today, there are 40 campus BY BONNIE The sportsworld, too, is seeing more fluidity_ There's Terri O'Connell, a male-to-female transserual and chapters in 25 states, MILLER RUBIN "More than 200 schools have reached outto us: the only N..-\SCAR driver to compete as both a man Chicago Tribune W-JIchins said. 'It just shows the breadth of interest (T.). Hayes] and as a woman. Canadian cyclist Kristen Worley, who also changed from male to female, cur- right now," CHlCAGO - Shawn Coleman bristles when an appli- Veterans of the movement such as \Vitchins, 53, who rently is \1ing for a spot in the 2008 Ol}'lIlpics. The cation poses the question 'male or female?' - as if there transitioned to female in 1978 but answers to either International Ol}'lIlpic COmmittee allows transsexual pronoun, are heartened by the growing acceptance. are only two choices. ,athletes to compete if two years has elapsed since sur- When it comes to sexual identity, the 23-year-old Attending a gay youth conference in Des Moines two gery. The ~CAA is studying a similar proposal. Shawn - born Patricia - sees a broad spectrum, a man- years ago, Wilchins was greeted by more than 1,000 More \isibilit}· has fostered more understanding. to-woman or a woman-te-rnan continuum with many cheering, stomping "genderqueers: an increasingly 'It used to be that when journalists called, the first srops along the way. Think gender without borders. He popular term used to refer to anything off the binary question was about surgery: said Mara Keisling. -16, ex- (the preferred pronoun) looksmale but not completely. ecutive director of the National Center for Transgender gender map. ' He is not a lesbian. a cross-dresser or contemplating a 'All these kids were just so gender non-conforming Equality, who was born Mad and "transitioned" six sex-change operation any time soon...... ; and testing the limits: Wilchins said. '1 asked them, , ,.. years ago. 'Xow reporters are acknowledging the hu- "I always knew I was different than other girls: ex- .How do you do this in Iowa?' But kids always get there manity: plained Coleman. "I was never a fan of Barbie but liked Seven states have transgender-inclusive anti-dis- about 10 years before everyone else: sports with my two older brothers. People were One of those kids was Shawn Coleman, who says he playing crimination laws. Even the business world, while not always telling me to act more feminine - that I should Biki Wilchins, GenderPAC's executive director, exactly rolling out the welcome mat, is becoming more had problems with only one roommate during college sit with my legs crossed - but I found that stuff incred- stands in front of the Il.S, Capitol in Washing- receptive. ~Iore than 100 major corporations - -10in the and that his mom considers this "a phase: ibly difficult. It wasn't the way I felt inside: He currently favors close-cropped hair, baggy jeans ton, D.C., on March 30, 2006. last year alone - now include gender identity as part of A graduate student at Iowa State University. Coleman their non-discrimination policies. That's up from eight and polo shirts purchased in men's departments. is a transgender young adult and at the forefront of a Sometimes, he binds his chest with an ACE bandage selves differently from the sex indicated on their birth firms just five years ago, movement that some say represents a new edge of to conceal the silhouette of breasts, but usually com- certificates, Gender Public Advocacy Coalition. a human-rights grass- roots activism. fort wins out. Xo artifice can quite disguise the high- Became- of the range of definitions and the stigma. group, held a benefit in Chicago recently. sponsored Frequently lumped together with gays and lesbians, pitched giggle. reliable statistics are difficult to find. Pop culture has by such buttoned-down firms as IB~I Corp.i ll' Morgan who have no, always been welcoming, trans gender For Coleman, it's as much about power as gender. helped "trans" issues gain more visibilitv. Felicity' Chase and Citigroup. people are carving a separate profile and Hexing new "I feel more entitled as a guy .... I have the right to be Huffman's performance in "FransAmerica" grabbed "It's the next big social movement." said Riki political clout from campuses to corporations. more aggressive, to do and say whatever I want: said the headlines - and a 'best actress' Oscar nomination Wikhins. GenderPAC's executive director. Wikhins Transgender is an umbrella term that refers to people Coleman. who is living in Chicago's Edgewater com- - but "Rem" and "Breakfast on Pluto" included such compares these efforts to those waged by blacks in the whose sexual .identiry differs from conventional ex- munity while wor,king on his master's thesis in sociol- characters last year as well. On the Sundance Channel, 196Os, women in the '70s and gays and lesbians in the pectations of what it means to be a man or a woman. a documentary series. called "Transaeneration" fol- '80s. 0S;Y- It includes transsexuals. who have surgically moved Is sex-reassignment surgery in the future? , lowed fourcoll~ge students who morphed from one sex Xowhere is the activity more f\'idenr than on the from one sex to another. It includes those who hayehad "Xot at all: he says, without hesitation. '1 am about !O the other. nils "Surreal Life" also features trans- nation's campuses. In 2003. students organized electrolysis and take, hormones. h also encompasses so much more than anatomy: gender celebrity :'dexis :\rquette, GenderP.-\Cs first youth chapters to help combat bul- people like Coleman who idennfy and express them-_

Rally [from page 1] me55a£e. constrU(tiOrl'" Robles asked to 11- think thar's a big policy issue "\ don't believe in borders: she [U:;U,.HC her patr.L and we haw to pay attention speakerphone call to Idaho Sen. s.lid afterward. Garza sald due to \Iexico's un- to the incentives we're set- Larry Craig's office in Washington. Other speakers said Congress srab:e economy, it has been unable ting up: D.C.. and lefr a message criticizing and .\mericans need !O see the is- to compete \t.iti~ high wage'S in the She said that more people some of the language in possible sue as more than just a maHer of in- U,S, for decades, This attributes to would go through the pJoper legislation as the crowd listened, forCIng the ia\' ... the nse of people wishing to U\'e in legal process if they felt they ~lorales asked for two \'o!unteers 'What e\'eryone wants IS com· the U.S. 'The thIng with ~Iexico is had more incenti\'e.' to make similar phone calls. much prehens!\'e reform: said :\n!Onina the political structure there has to For now, ,orne statistics to the delight of the crowd. Robles after the rally. "People are change: suggest nearly 500.000 ille- Dr. ~laria .-\licia Garz.l. special asking for a path to citizenship" Charlotte TWlghr. a BSU econom- gal immigrams enterthe U,S. assistant to the BSU provos!. profe;- Robles a ESU senior stud\'inc ic; professor, said U,S. immigration each year. ~Iembers of SOToi Latin American and ~le:tican computer infornlation systems p{)licy has taken many forms in the OEL\ and ~IECh.-\ \'ith as- .-\merican studies and literature said the economic opportunities in pasL She saiLlthe main goals should sistance from other student called and said that she'd been p"r- the United States are far b"ner than be respectful conwrsation and ra- organizations and the Idaho sonally asked. se\'eral year's before, in orher countries, and the U.s. Im- tIonal application of the facts, eco- Community .-\ction Xem'ork to call ii she had an issue to discuss migrant workforce plays a large role nomic and othen~-ise. organized the rally. and that she felt the legislation was in the low prices of goods and ser- • ~h's important: to be able to ha\'e The rally took place across from BSU', re-cently harmful. \-ices. this cOn\'ersa!1on on a rational ba- BSU graduate Sam Byrrl urges students to get politlcaly active The other \'olumeer, t.:imberlv "Idaho IS an agricultural Srilte. Sts. to figure out what will work and re-named Cesar Cha\'ez 8uringrude, also left a critical Who dOh the farming? Who does what will no~ wolk: TWight said, '1 Lane-. while speaking at an immigration rights rally-on Monday. APRIL 13 200 THE ARBITER 15 ------,...------_----.:._._------...,------_.-

"EDITOR: DrewMayes ([email protected]) inion

American citizenship Not all men are rapists

hangs in the balance of to any effort made towards human aware of the negative messages Women Center's equality. How am 1 supposed to they are spreading around this interpret this overly general state- campus. The Women's Center is a posters exclude an - ment? The way 1 read it, it's say- great organization and wonderful immigration controversy entire gender in the ing that not some, but all men are resource to women who have been responsible and guilty of rape. hurt, and Ido think that it is up to war on sexual abuse Which implies that there are ab- every person to research the defi- solutely no men working towards nition, signs and effects of rape. a solution. Neither of these state- However, inciting anger among BY KYLE SCHLAGEL ments are true, as I'm sure that men is certainly not the way to Guest Opinion there are a number of men who are motivate them to do so. I believe positively involved with the strug- that with this poster, the Center Do you believe that all men are gle against sexual abuse and rape, has dipped too far into the nega- guilty of rape? 1 most certainly do even in our own Women's Center tive type of feminism, causing a not, but 1 was recently confronted on campus. need in, my mind, to reexamine with a similar message 'on cam- I know personally, 1 would nev- . what it is they stand for. Perhaps pus through a poster placed-by the er mistreat somebody or think of they could even take a look at what Boise State University Women's them as' anything less than hu- Albertson College in .Caldwell Center. This poster shouts, "Rape man based solely on their gender. has done. through their Men and will end when men become part of 1 wear my "F Word," "Know Hate" Women's Center, a non-exclusive the solution." and "Friend of a Second Class organization that offers the same Now,as a person whose person- Citizen" pins proudly, but 1 find help to all students, regardless of al beliefs are based entirely upon that this one poster opposes the their gender. the equal treatment of all people . ideas that those pins stand for. Just a thought. (including men and women), I While I hope that it wasn't the found this poster to be extremely intent of the Women's Center to Kyle Schlagel is a offensive, as well as contradictory say all of that, 1want to make them student at Boise State


Everybody's talking about il- legal immigration lately. From the estimated 5,000 marchers who gathered peacefully in Boise last lit- Sunday to the pols on Capitol Hill, tie may it's one of the hot topics in the na- quicker get , tional consciousness. As it should than the sys- their argu- be; for America, immigration is an tern allows, ments are issue that addresses the roots of our How many people from not without national identity. We are a nation of China and Southeast Asia have merit. Despite the people who came from somewhere smuggled themselves over here in push to call people who else. . the holds of cargo ships? How many snuck in here "undocumented However, we need to clear the air .refugees from Africa have done the immigrants," the fact of the mat- a bit. First off, we're not just talking same? Not nearly as many, but it ter is they're here illegally. There i about Mexicans, though the terms happens steadily, and for the same is-a legal process to get here, and of the debate are rigged to support reasons: war, disease. poor eco- many follow it to the letter, thus like the view? I that thesis. 1 nomics, and above all, hope. earning their right to be here and There are lots of people trying to Now accepting applications for 'graphic designers. Some of the more histrionic calls gain citizenship. get here, and they're not all sneak- against illegal immigrants take a Many more do not, and while ing in from the southern border; for demonizing path, painting these there is an undoubted need to fix that matter, not all of those sneak- 'E-mall [email protected] people as thieves and criminals the immigration' process and laws, ing in over the southern border are Deadline: April 21 st by 5:00pm. and drains on our American pros- should we just turn a blind eye to The Arbiter' Mexicans. perity, using undeserved services those who violate the law? It's easy to assume; according and tax dollars. Why should those who start their to the 2000 U.S. census, Hispanics That seems unlikely; do we really lives here as criminals have protec- make up roughly 13% of the pop- think that the estimated 11 million tion and be given the chance to gain ulation, and a little more than illegal immigrants came to dam- what others lawfully seek? 7% of America identifies itself as age the American system? It seems The one thing that nearly every- Mexican. more likely that they came here to body seems to agree on is the need Many times, especially from be part of it. Citizenship, for most, for immigration reform. It's not fairly monochrome states, people is the gold at rainbow's end, the much, and nobody knows how to see as far as skin and label them all Emerald City to the Oz in which best make it happen, but that's OK; the same, not out of malice, but be- they live. The American Dream is history has been built on a hell of a cause of naivete. That doesn't make real, we tell the world, but espe- lot less. The marching will contin- it right. cially for Americans. Who wouldn't ue, and the fears will still be there, Furthermore, looking at the want that? but maybe-just maybe-We The Hispanic face of immigration, as Let's not just join hands and sing People will truly warm up to the we tend to do, obscures the fact that Kumbaya, though. As shrill as some idea, and do what we do best: get there are plenty of others trying to of these Robert Vasquez-type folks things done. get in a

to editing. Both guest opinions and let- tJ ters to the editor may be sent via e-mail should to [email protected]. The Arbiter cannot verify the' accuracy of statements made in letters to the editor; they re- flect the opinion of the writers. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists like the view? now reflect the diversity of opinion in the aca- Now acceptlnq applications for photographers. Guest opinions of no more than 500 words may be submitted for publication on demic community, and often will be con- any topic. Letters to tile editor must not troversial, but they do not represent the E-mail [email protected] exceed 300 words and must include the institutional opinion. of the Arbiter or any Deadline: April 21st by 5:00pm. TheArbiter organization the author may beaffiHated writer's full name,' city, state, and major (if applicable). All submissions are subject. with unless it is labeled as such.

ARBITERONLINE COM BUSINESS EDITORS PHOTOGRAPHY PRODUCTION Webmesters . Photo EdItor Producllon Meneger Generel MenelJ1ll' EDITOR-IN-CHIEF M.Grace Lucaal,I05I tdll"@orbll,,,.U.uom . M@ Allred Ix12l1 Frankie D. [x1IDI Harsh Mantrl [xl001 Brad Arendt [xlO1I The Arbiter Lisa Chugg !xIDOI [email protected] NEWS EDITOR Sara Balinson (x102j .... @orbll.. "il.uom otltrlbVted Honda". Ct Thursday' ctvrlng Photographers Asst. Producllon Meneger 1910 University Drive Business Meneger ttM ocadM'k: IChOOl..,.at. The Albtttf ASST. N~WS EDITOR .Tsssa Schwalgerl !xl02I .. ·[email protected] .. '''''' Heather English (x1101 - WRITERS Stanley Brewster Marcus Hacklar [x117J lithe ofrtdal ~ecMnd.nt student Allee Scully bUlllllnmllllgtr@lrblluDullnl tam Boise. 10 83725 OPINION EDITOR Drew Mayas 1,llJ6jl.ll.n,@"bll,,,.U .. ,,,m Graph1i:Deslgners Shawn A;hby, Jessica Chrls1snsen. April.. n.w.PoPer of BOIH Stot!t Unf'tI!'IItU Sean Prall Rum"",, Tam... Parlen, GregWallaca, and 0 dlllgnatild PUb~ forum. SPORTS EDITOR 0ustIn Lapray (xlO3J .p"Ix@"bll.".lI .. "m Leona Ellswarth (xllli .AdmUslDg CoordInetor Phone: 345-8204 [xlOOI studafrt edllOrs moke crU content OFFICE . Steve Norell (x111) 1Jndse, Parker, DanIel Ked1sh,Cbad Tlllani IsaacsoD (xl091 ASST. SPORTS EDITOR Naw Hlrlng'lt,,,,I, ... ,,m bUlllllnmIDlltr@lrhll.,1111llnl.COtll _~ons and _rmponslbllllil"" John Smith [x111J Mand.nhiU, J;;;O"", Wigley.Travts Fax: 426-3884 thoM~ons. Th!Arbltet'.~ CULTURE EDITOR MarIani Bakker (xlD41.. 1"[email protected] .. ,,,m DIflJ:e Mlinager' E'\vold, litnn,Eggles1oll. Amber Fu~, CIJpy EdItors . <...... ,--..., - Hilary Roberts [x1001. Btlan Holmas,Micah McLaugbloi,!lyan bOdy ond·...... _ io ,tho flnI ASST. CULTURE EDITOR Danlal Kedish (xlll4j .. ltu';@;r1r'lt,,,,u .. ,,;' Taylor NewbDld MDr!IllISIID, Brandon Nalta. EmIly I'aUn\D, CoP\! ~ PM: Mdltlonot 'COP," be , Olllcs Asslstents tel" EDITORIAL ADVISOR MerJnT,gerl • Badley R.w..'lfuv Sparl1Jli, pureh_ /0<$; ap_at_libfter 'Kelly Dey (xlOOI Itmatbin SawmllIer, JUDlI Word • offleft· NaTash~ Ga~bllllxlli1il _'L' .=..:.:A::..:::,P.;·=...::R::..:::I::--=L=-· ., 1=--=.3-2-0-'-0--6------..:----'------=====------:----:---

ure EDITOR: MarlanaBekksr ([email protected]) ASST. EDITOR: DanislKedish ([email protected])


BY TRAVIS ESTVOLD .. Culture Columnist .- I've mentioned it before, but this is my final semester at Boise State, and I'm taking the ap- propriate cake classes to prove it.Among these courses is Bowling, a class in which we are "The Squid and the Whale" taught the history of the sport, how the equip- Maybe stupid .people shouldn't ment works and, of course, howto impress the breed. But if the Berkman family ladies with one's incredible bowling talents. teaches us anything, it's that love- Okay, that last one is just more of a personal less, privileged intellectual snobs goal, but I do one day expect it to pan out. shouldn't, either. There are a to- Before I began this semester, my concept , tal of five Berkmans in "The Squid of the sport of bowling was throwing some and the Whale"~ father Bernard heavy, spherical thing down a wooden runway (Jeff Daniels), mother Joan (Laura at some white things, hoping that the round Linney). teenager Walt (Jesse thing would knock the white things down. Eisenberg), young son Frank With every ball I'd throw, I'd aim straight (Owen Kline) and a cat. Of the five, PHOTO COURTESY BOISE ART MUSEUM down the middle and hope my arm didn't flop only the cat can be accused of be- the wrong way, sending the ball careening ing anything close to likeable. But into the gutter. while the Berkmans themselves are Well, now I know to take three steps on the nothing to delight over, their film is approach, aim for the third arrow from the another story. "Whale" is just that right, and when I don't knock down all the . a big, honest, sometimes bizarre, Painting with Pixels pins, I know the names ofthose left standing. often explicit beast of· a film that I'd like to call them Larry, Steve or whatever, savagely dissects divorce, material- but I guess in professionai circles, it's more ap- ism and the pursuit of empty ideas ate rather compelling TAMARA PARTEN propriate to refer to them by their numerical and accomplishments in lieu of any pieces of work which Deborah Oropallo's Culture Writer distinctions. real humanity. Even when the film blur the distinction be- "Snow White". One daywe got to go behind-the-scenes, so is in downer mode, which is most of Nearing is the dreaded time of finals, and thus, tween what is "real" gallery opens to to speak. Many people walk by the six lanes sit- the time, you can take solace inits the issuing of finals advice. We've all heard it: and what is not-- what uated at the end of the Student Union Building delightfully ironic skewering of the the public for free Don't cram, get plenty of sleep, take time to ex- is painting and what is every day, but how many ofthem do you think same art-house crowd to which it's ercise and eat healthy food. And since we're on digital imagery. Her at the Boise Art get to poke their heads around the pinsetters also marketing itself. Here's hoping the subject, here's yet another piece of advice. exhibit, entitled "Twice, in the back? Well, I'll venture a guess and say some of its stuffier patrons got the Museum, . If you're on campus studying between the hours Removed," highlights not.many. But, what, are people supposed to hint. of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m, and you just need to take three' series of y>Jqrk" be impressed 'by that or something? Sheesh, I a break, do this: Put your books away, go out- "Replica," "Pitfall" and sure hope so. "Stretch," which she created from Honestly, I never really knew what went into CELEBRITY NEWS: , 'side, take a nice big breath of fresh air and go for a walk. If y'ou cross the Friendship Bridge and 2603 to 2005. setting the pins down on the lane, ball after head west on the Greenbelt, you'll shortly find "The manner in which my works are conceived ball. Well, to be more honest, I still don't know. yourself at the Boise Art Museum where, free of and executed includes a deliberate layering There were a bunch of whirring machinesand pins were being knocked all over the place charge, you can' peacefully nourish yourself in an and repetition of objects to try to elicit multiple .then rounded up on little carousels. Our in- artistic, creative, and academic,atmosphere that meanings that often include themes of vulner- structor said that if you want to select a career has nothing to do with the stats test you still ability and survival," she says. "I am looking for path with great job certainty, become a pin- haven't studied for, or the final paper you still the tension that subsequently develops between setting repair person. I, for one, would have to haven't written. the examined and the revealed." Her print titled "Fall Out," for example, depicts back him up on that claim. I have no idea how , Premiering at the Boise Art Museum this something like that would work. Though my three computer generated "balls" of leaves tum- month, and through June 18, is an exhibition high game prior to the onset of this class was, bling down a comic-book-style drawn tree. This by renowned Bay Area artist Deborah Oropallo. I believe, somewhere in the neighborhood of print seems unimpressive until you examine how Oropallo is known for her somewhat unorthodox 140, I've actually rolled a 198 since. Yes, ladies, she constructed it. First she had to photograph style of artistry - she essentially "paints with a I can be reached by dialing - okay, no, I'm only computer." By combining paintings, photography leaves. Then she had to digitally alter them, kidding. The neatest part about getting better and computer technology Oropallo has succeed- making sure that their shape, curvature, light in bowling is that 1feel like I'm taking part in ed in coming to the forefront of new art media. and shadows were natural. some family legacy. Both my father and grand- Theron won't marry _ She's the Andy Warhol of computer art, if you This print is a part of what should be considered father have bowled in leagues. Don't tell them, We're still not sure if it's the real will, and she has no doubt concerning the "va- her most interesting series, "Pitfall." All of her but I'll never be quite that good. However, the reason that Charlize Theron and lidity" of her artistic style:. She asserts, " If for- work in this series is made by combining photog- ball I now bowl with is a third generation ball. Stuart Townsend have stayed away ward thinking artists like Pablo Picasso and Andy raphy with black and white comic book style art. My grandfather bought it for a dollar at a sec- from the altar. But the glamazon What results is a very Quentin Tarantino combi- ond-hand store, then gave it to my dad. And actress - who has said that she will Warhol were around today, they would certainly recently, it was handed down to me. It's an 11- not wed until gay and lesbian cou- be working with a computer." See Painting [page 8] Oropallo's "forward thinking" helped her ere- pounder, it has finger holes the size of quar- ples have the legal right to marry ters and is the only ball I've ever really enjoyed - was honored with a top prize bowling with. (Backing up my claim that I'm from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance the fattest skinny kid who ever lived, I some- Against Defamation on Saturday how always manage to get my fingers stuck in night. The group gave Theron every other type of ball.) its Vanguard Award for increas- So, anyway, bowling has really changed ing "visibility and understanding Celebrate Asian Pacific Islander awareness month my life this term. My self-confidence is at an in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and all-time high, my fingers feel-skinnier than transgender community." Theron sentation titled, "How Hawaiians view ever and I'm getting all sorts of girls' phone won an Oscar in 2003 for her por- BY: DANIEL KEDISH when many leave the Treasure Valley for the land." This informative lecture will numbers. Who would've ever thought "Yeah, trayal of lesbian serial killer Aileen Assistant Culture Editor summer vacation. give an understanding of a place many . I bowled a 198" would be a great pickup line? Wuornos in "Monster." On April 7, events began with the Hui- students find somewhat familiar, since Well, who, other than Don Juan from lane six This month students get the chance O-Aloha Polynesian Dancers; who per- Hawaii appears as a popular vacation who bowls the 230, anyhow? HEALTH AND to experience a completely different way formed on the Brava Stage. Thursday, hotspot for the public. BEAUTY TIP: of life. April is the month celebrating April 13, different activities get under- . Finally, the month-long events of the various cultures of the Asian Pacific way. Beginning at 4 p.m. in the Culture Asian Pacific. Islander Awareness will Islanders. Time to go shoe shopping end with a day full of celebration in Boise State's Cultural Center plans Center Lounge, a presentation Ifyou walk, run or stair-climb, the theme of a Tibetan Festival. begin- to show movies, host events and put on on Minidoka, an Idaho japanese • you should regularly replace your ningat noon, in the Cultural Center. At Ii other activities to bring students a taste Internment Camp will take place, pre- tennis shoes. But how often is what this time, a tree blessed by the Dalai • of what life is like across the Pacific. sented by Hanako Wakatsuki. • stumps many people. A common Lama will be planted at the Anne Frank • Although the' celebrations kicked off 1\\10 days later, on April 15 in the rule is to change your shoes every Memorial, followed by procession to the April 7, there are still various opportu- jordan Ballroom, therewill be a chance 300 to 500'Tlliles. For the serious Friendship Bridge for a rainbow ribbon nities available to students and the pub- to experience Polynesian culture runner, the need to change could ceremony. lic who are interested in learning about through oneofthe most well known cel- be sooner. You need to examine the - Children activities will begin after , Asian Pacific Islanders. More events ebrations: the Luau. The doors for the breakdown of the sale - whether this event, lasting until 2:30 p.m, At that begin Apiill3, and last until April 30, event open at 5:30 p.m, Tickets are man- the rubber compound in the shoe time, the premiere screening of a docu- wrapping up the month with a Tibetan datory in order to attend. Student prices has maintamed its resiliency mentary about the Dali Lama and Idaho festival. are $15, general admission are $20, and - rather than simply gauging by Children will be presented. The Boise .Ironically, the-Asian Pacific Islanders reserved cost $30. This event sponsored mileage. State University Cultural Center, YMCA recognize May, as their month for cel- by Hui-O~Aloha. Reward your steps! and Idaho Human Rights Center spon- ebrating, according to the Asian Pacific South Asia gets their chance to enter- If you've invested in a pedometer sor this portion of the event. Tickets are American Heritage Association. tainonApriI17, beglnningatfip.m.inthe and still find yourself not walking $5 for adults; while admission is free for However, BSU hosts their activities jordan Ballroom, with "Mahabharata" as much as you would like, a tool on children. The film Will also play at 4:30 . a month early to inform people of the which Is the South Asian tale of the fight the American Diabetes Association 'p.m., 5:30 p.m; and again at 7:30 p.m. different lifestyles the Asian' Pacific between good and evil. Web site can help. "My tracker" The Cultural Center hopes the events Islanders live, while making a small per- This event Is free for admission and on the ADA's ClubPed page allows fulfill their mission to Inform and edu- centage of those who live iii Boise, and Includes an. introduction' by, Professor you to set your walking goals, track cate the public on varlouscultures. attend classes on campus, feel right at Huber Robinson. ' your progress and even choose For Jurtherinformation on the cele- .home. Starting festivities early gives stu- , April 19, Victoria Hammrickplans to a reward. bratlon and the month's events, contact dents a chance to understand these vari- educate. people about' Hawaii and .the the Cultural Center at (208)426-4259 .. - complied from Knight Ridder .. ous societies before the end·of semester . culture of those living there. in her pre- ...... , ..Tribune wire services .: l!IiIIMW Wi § I~:<. ,j••....··¥?b&1~;:j:\.a~.;:~'tAi1;i;1a"1¥;·itW~~.:i.:..i~j~rti#t17ttf~$""1~;fj$w7t$;;ifri~;·if$*?tW!t!ftftWtf1fimt1itittStrtf'~·Y1f.ti_ APRIL 13 200 t;ULTURE 17, -Minmae is filled with psychedelic rock influences

APRIL RUMORE trancing into a type of Swedish "The Once Cocked Gun: "Let it Culture Writer massage for your ears. Life can. Ride: and "Where's the Fashion?" , get so hectic, tedious, stressful, are some oftheir big hits. Ifthe song Sit back, relax and bring out the jam-packed with endless lists of rubs you the wrong way, you can new Minmae CD. The three-mem- "to-do's." The slow tempo in the always fall back on whippin' out a ber indie psychedelic rock band background of any room doing any song title or two at a party for a fresh started out in Portland, Ore. and is repetitious chore, assignment or and funky conversation starter. spreading their fresh tunes around daily activity, will enlighten, you You can take a gander at this new the country for all to appreciate and to change your pace and breathe in age comfort band yourself. Minmae experience. Quoted from the of- the beauty of the priceless moment will be here in downtown Boise, at Fan plays ficial Minmae Web site, "Minmae of now. the Neurolux, with El Ten Eleven drums' for is an ensemble of both classically This indie music is filled with a April 21, 2006. Since their "Le Grand trained and self-taught musicians 1\vilight Zone twist. Minmae col- Essor de la Maison du Monstre" CD Motley Crue . who have come together to create a laborates some ofthe most peculiar whooshes, all followed by kooky, doesn't come to a record store near He works at StarbuckSi. paradoxical sound." sounds and then smacks eclectic yet calm kazoo koo-koos, you until May 9,this show will be his name is'. Harvey Soft, slow, silky, smooth beats names on them. Mysticwind-chime The song titles are loaded with quite the' sneak preview. Let your Warren, and last week he, slither sweetly throughout each piano tickles with cryptic and crazy meanings that can be taken lightly, ears soak up the fresh new music, played drums for Motley song. It is so tranquil and peaceful, honest lyrics, backed by guitar blue- or be understood for what they're and enjoy an evening of funky and Crue. He was given oilly a playing it loud can get you caught grass blues and wondrous warped designed to be. "The Winking Lass," entertaining relaxation. couple hours notice that he would be playing to The Idaho taw Review 2006 Symposium packed arena for one of the biggest bands in the world. Metal Sludge report- April: month ed Warren receiving a phone' call at work asking to come play the drums. of .Chocolate, Initially he thought it was a radio station playing a joke. After a second phone call, he real, ized that it was the real deal. Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee Chernobyl was suffering from an injury and needed th~ night off. Warren arrived at the arena at 5 p.m., the show started at seven. He spentthe next couple hours working with bass playerNikkiSixx BY LINDSEY PARKER The Easter tradition originally on intros and endings. Later, Lee helped him put a cheat sheet to- Culture Writer stemmed from the celebration of gether, and sat beside his drum set during the show to coach him. Lent's reprieve . Friday, April 14 April is a month of dualities, . Eggs, considered as meat in the west, and dairy in the east, would 8:30 am to 2:30 pm both a time of celebration and me- Doubletree Riverside Hotel Pearl Jam' moriam: In April's past, President have been forbidden during the is back Lincoln was assassinated, the fast, and eaten with delight when 2900 Chinden Boulevard, Boise Pearl Jam will release Revolutionary War began, the finally consumed. A day of discussion on innovative approaches to their eighth studio record Columbine high school shootings But the cusotom of painting eggs crime and justice, with talks by national experts on: , on May 2. The record took took place, and the Chernobyltrag- are much older than Easter. Age- 18 months to record, and edyoccurred. old fertility symbols, both eggs and Community Prosecution should be their strongest But surrounded by the blossom rabbits, were celebrated when win- Community Policing in years. . of spring, we choose to celebrate ter frosts finally left. Communitu Courts Eggs were then painted and giv- . The first single "World this fresh month with a rather odd Drug Courts Wide Suicide" has already national holiday, and -a religious en to friends and families as a sym- hit number one on mod- one: bol of new life. and Today, Easter is a family holiday, ern-rock radio. The song April is national chocolate eater's Navajo Peacemaking associated with both a bunny and was also downloaded 250,000 times in five days, according to month, where America get tosee hidden eggs, and the resurrection Complete information at: Rolling Stone magazine. . the joyous union of chocolate lov- of Christ. Feeling rejuvenated with a new record label, and ready for a new ers across the country. It's mid April; so stop studying start, the band is exited to be hitting the road this summer. They Eating chocolate is a tantalizing or call 1-877-810-1573 (toll free) for that test, and take some time to will headline some dates and tour as an opening act on the Tom experience for people of all ages. indulge in some sweet stuff. This event is free to the general public. Petty tour. It's one of the few things that sev- Whether it's eating chocolate, Registered and paid attendees will be eral generations have in common: gIVen priority seating. a love for all things chocolate. But hunting for Easter eggs, or just en- New York this is no mere concidence because joying nature in blossom, April is Dolls record chocolate has a very "chemical" ef- the month to appreciate it all. fect. first new A research group led by Daniele Piomelli, at the Neurosciences record in . Institute in San Diego Calif., pub- .32 years lished controversial findings link- A reunited New York ing chocolate and marijuana. Dolls will have a new Piomelli believes chocolate con- record out in June. This tains pharmacologically active is the first new record- substances that have the same ef- \ ing the band has done fect on the brain as THC (tetrahy- J .... . since 1974's "Too Much drocannabinol), which is the ac- 1" Too Soon:' tive ingredient in marijuana. r' The band has original This might be responsible for singer" certain psychoses associated with and original guitarist chocolate craving. Though THC . These is not found in chocolate, both 'two are the only survi- contain a chemical which affects vors from the old line-up. Guitarist and drum- the anandamide receptors in the mer Jerry Nolan both died in the early '90s. And drummer Arthur brain. Kane died of Leukemia shortly after the band reunited in 2004. The research doesn't mean that Drummer Brian Delaney, Guiatrist and former eating chocolate will get a person Hanoi Rocks bass player Sam Yaffa make up the rest of the 2006 high, but there are chemicals in chocolate that is responsible in creating that great feeling you get while eating it. Alice in Chains will play u.s. shows As if national chocolate eater's Launch Radio Networks has reported that Alice in Chains will month wasn't a good enough ex- be playing five shows in the U.S. before heading to Europe this. cuse to gorge on chocolate, Easter, summer for some festival dates. with its marshmallow munchkins, The band's Web site lists May 18as the first show, And although candy eggs, and chocolate bunnies, no city or venue is listed, it does say all five shows will be club sends April sugar sales through the dates. This will give fans a chance to see the band in a very inti- roof. mate setting. And rumor has it former Guns N' Roses bass player Christians celebrate Easter as DuffMcKagan will be playing rhythm guitar. the time Christ rose from the dead after saving humanity from sin. money feels nice Get a job with rewarding pay and flexible hours. The Arbiter is accepting applications for ad executives lor Fall/Spring 200G-2007.

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With their garage rock sound and eccentric lead singer, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs exploded onto the 2003 mu- sic scene with their breakthrough album "Fever to Tell." Combining Brian Chase on drums, Nick Zinner on guitars, and Karen O. on vocals, listeners delighted in rocking out to their rough, edgy music. Since then, fans have waited im- patiently for the band's follow-up to hit music store shelves. But was the wait worth it? Unforttinely, the New York group's second album, "Show Your ~:\":,,-. ~, ~: < ' Bones" falls short of the first CD's caliber. Everything that was loved r;n;~~·Jlh~~"'0~;;;~)'iL,·,..· about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, includ- ing their wild and unconventional sound, daring lyrics, and Karen O.'s oddball quirks and voice changes were missing. The first track, "Gold Lion," is as done In the past, their new CD is close as listeners are going to get different collages accompanied by just plain dull. I, like many other to the originality present in "Fever a track name. Since the Yeah Yeah fans, will stand by them, but if the to Tell." From there, "Show Your Yeah's songs can be difficult to un- Wah Yeah Yeahs continue to follow Bones" goes through a downward derstand, lyrics would be a nice ad- this disappointing path" such sup- spiral, with nothing but a series of dition to these eclectic graphics. port will quickly vanish. songs that sound so ordinary, they Iwas initially drawn to the Yeah If you haven't heard the Yeah could be by any band on the radio Yeah Yeahs because in both "Fever to Tell" and their 2001 EP, they were Yeah Yeahs yet, check out "Fever today. to Tell" and their self-titled EP for However, gems like "Phenomena" risk takers. It was like they were a positive first impression. The medi- and "Mysteries" keep the Yeah Yeah saying, "We're going to say this, and we're going to sound like this, no ocrity of "ShowY our Bones" will not Yeah's ole! flavor alive. wow the first time listener. Ifyou're Though a superficial aspect, questions asked.· So why are they an old fan, don't lose hope. The few the boring with a capital B album suddenly playing it safe? quality songs on the new CD prove cover does nothing for the already Understandably, the band does that the Yeah Yeah Yeahs we know disappointing CD. It contains one not want to become predictable, and love are still out there. picture of the band, and aseries of but compared to what they have

'Benchwarmers' star doesn't have a 'Napoleon' complex

BY DANIEL FIENBERG While Clark eventually develops some hardball skills in "Benchwarmers," and although Heder's next film is . Knight Ridder Trubune the figure skating comedy "Blades of Glory," the actor swears he isn't naturally drawn to sports movies. LOS ANGELES - Jon Heder's attempts to prove that his "Honestly, I'll say it here - I'm not a sports fan," Heder character in the new comedy "The Benchwarmers" are says. "I like to play now and then, but I don't know who nothing like his breakout turn in "Napoleon Dynamite" anybody is or what teams are playing. I'm out of my ele- are, at best, half-hearted. "Did you see this movie?" he asks, as if that would ment in that world." Even if "Benchwarmers" becomes a huge hit,' Heder suffice. "He's kind of a bit like him. It's kind of a watered knows it's unlikely that it will stop people from ap- down ... No, it's different because he actually smiles proachinghhn in public to quote whole scenes from and you get to see his teeth. You see a little bit more dif- ferent sides and he's a much nicer guy straight-up than, "Napoleon Dynamite." "Obviously it will be hard to top 'Napoleon,' not just I goess, Napoleon. But it was nice .to do something dif- - performance-wise, but 1 want to do different perfor- ferent, I guess." mances, and there are a lot of other things to do," he Given the degree of mainstream saturation achieved explains. "(Ilt's got a lot of good lines, and that phenom- by "Dynamite," it's doubtful that Sony would get upset enon might not be topped again, which is fine. We all if viewers decide that Heder's new role - paper-deliver- get one of those in our lives." ing mama's boy Clark - was a lot like his more famous Heder has a production comedy with his brothers, turn. and he continues to work on computer and traditional In "Benchwarrners," Clark and two fellow outcasts animation, all in the hopes of expanding his artistic ho- (Rob Schneider and David Spade) team up to become rizons. One thing viewers shouldn't expect, though, is a baseball champs, providing inspiration for a legion of dramatic Oscar-courting performance any time soon. kids picked last in playground games. Heder admits "I would like to do something that's somewhat dra- that growing up with his twin brother, he had more ' matic, but I don't see myself ever becoming that seri- than a few geeky tendencies. ous or doing stuff that's really dramatic, but somewhat "We weren't that athletically inclined," says Heder. dramatic," he says. "I'd like to do something that's more "We were making videos with our Ninja Turtle toys, and real and doesn't have to be laugh-out-loud funny. I'd !was kind of nerdy, and we were making up languages, always like whatever I'm involved in to be somewhat and we watched 'Star Trek,' but we did it all with a cool funny. I'm not ever going to get people to really cry or sense of.humor. We knew how to blend it into the regu- lar lifestyle and make it cool I guess." anything."

hazy "blinds," you can vaguely nation of realism and fantasy. are true to their titles: Her print "Fight," for example, "Replica" is comprised of identify the seven dwarfs. The Boise Art Museum is is a realistic representation of prints that use the same im- open Tuesday - Saturday, 10 a cartoon fight. To picture this age replicated, while "Stretch" a.rn. to 5 p.m., Thursday 10 print, imagine a fight between is comprised of prints that use a.rn. to 8 p.rn. and Sunday, Tom and Jerry-all you see is images stretched. Many of the noon to 5 p.rn, you're burnt a big cloud of dust with tails, prints in her "Stretch" series If out from studying for finals, fists, stars and black eyes jut- are characterized by what. re- walk over there - it's com- ting outfrorn within the cloud. semble vertical window blinds. pletely free for students. And Fight follows the same prem- When observing. these prints, if Oropallo's work interests ise except that it uses altered there is a strange, almost you, mark May 4 on your cal- photographs of boots and voyeuristic sensation of look- endar. At 5:30 p.m. that day, gloves, jutting from a cartoon ing through a window with Oropallo will be visiting the "fight cloud.", its blinds only partially open. Boise Art Museum to discuss The art in her other two se- Her print, "Snow White" is a ries, "Replica" and "Stretch," good example. Through the her work.

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EDITOR: DustinLapray ([email protected] I

[THIS WEEK IN • SPORTS] The first of defense Football PHOTOBY STANLEY BREW5TIJVl1IE ARBITER Friday, 7 p.m. The Blue & Orange Game Bronco Stadium

Women's tennis Thursday-Saturday Barbara Chandler Classic Thursday Boise State vs. Utah State Friday Idaho vs. Utah State Boise State vs. Nevada Saturday Nevada vs. Utah State Boise State vs. Idaho Appleton Tennis Center

Track and field Saturday Golden Bear Invitational Berkely, Calif.

Men's tennis Friday, 1 p.m. BSU @Colorado Boulder, Colo.

Saturday, 6 p.m. BSU@Denver Denver, Colo. [SIDE LINE] Bronco women host three matches The Boise State defensive line' takes a breather at spring practice. The Broncos return three- of four starters to the line for the 2006-07 season. What's happening - In the fi- nal homestand before the Williams isn't small, but he's not huge either (6-3, 'to react as naturally as you can.' Our coaches try to BY DUSTIN LAPRAY Western Athletic Conference 244), but he says that he has .something in him that teach us muscle memory, where we don't have to think Sports Editor Championships, the Bronco wom- makes him stand out, be it the metaphoric heart, or about what we do when we are placed in a certain situa- en's tennis team. will play host to tion. When it comes it's like a reflex and you know what whatever. - Stop the run. Sackthe quarterback. Take up blockers. Utah State, Nevada and Idaho, "I think that I bring my own personal spice to the you're supposed to do without thinking about it." in the Barbara Chandler Classic, Doyourjob. bratwurst that is the defensive line; Williams said. That reaction is vital to the success of the defense. These are the mantras for the Boise State University April 13-15. ' The biggest change this spring has been the empha- And each member ofthe line has the responsibility of Schedule - Each of the following defensive line. - sis on the pass-rush employed by new defensive line maintaining his duties. Each must do his part to com- The line returns three starters from last season. The matches are scheduled to be played coach Pete Kwiatkowski, the former defensive coordi- pliment the strategy of the whole'. at the Appleton Tennis Center. four-man unit is the only short standout tackle and "Asfar as the whole d-line goes, you always have con- nator at Montana State. April 13 - Boise State vs. Utah emotional leader Alex Guerrero. His spot is still un- "It's a matter of what you concentrate on in practice, fidence that the guy next to you is going to get his job filled. But a plethora of young, talented tackles look to State - 3 p.m. your hands, your feet, your timing," BSUdefensive end done, be in his gap; senior starter at tackle Andrew April 14 - Idaho vs. Utah take over the position. Nick Schlekeway (Jr. 5-4, 262) said. "Pass-rushing is a Browning said. "The way we do things around here "Alexwas a really good player," senior defensive end State - 10 a.m, - Boise State vs, little bit more technical as far as the timing of things, Is that you don't want to be the guy to let the defense Mike G. Williams said. "But people leave all the time Nevada - 2 p.m, when you do certain things; it takes getting used to." down. Youdon't wantto be the guy who is out ofhis gap. and you just have to move on. He's gone, but we have April 15 - Nevada vs. Utah Schlekewaywas ninth on the team in tackles lastsea- We play with that mentality to say 'I'm going to do my State - 9:30 a.m - Boise State vs. other people who can play." son, with 33. He may also spend some time at tackle this job and I know my friend over here is going to do his Those other players make up a long list: Sr.Tim Volk Idaho - 1:30p.m, season, the position he played as a freshman. He said job.'" (6-2,289), Jr.Ian Smart (6-3, 278) and Jr.Dan Gore (6-5, ' The Teams -The Broncos, ranked that the team is getting along well with the changes to Browning was a second-team all-Western Athletic No. 63 by the Intercollegiate Tennis 300) all look to fill the role. the staff and the procedures ofthe team. Conference pick as a junior and is expected to anchor Williams is a four-year starter at right end. He fin- Association, are 17-3 this season "It's going good, we just got a new bunch ofcoaches in the line. He finished eighth on the team in tackles last ished last season with 24 tackles and three sacks. He and have won each of their last so obviously the stuff that they do is going to take some season, with 35.He has been named the team's top de- said that though the team is learning a great deal this nine duals. Six of the victories dur- 'getting used to, but everybody is kind of picking it up fensive linemen the past two seasons. ing the winning streak have come spring, playing d-line i,spretty much the same. quick and things are going well," Schlekeway said. "I like to think that I compete," Browning said. "You "It's never that much different, technique wise, but viashutoul. The defensive line is charged with the initial duty of compete and don't let yourself get down, 'cause you're the attitude, the content is different, not the message," going to mess up every once in a while. It's just being Of the three schools visiting this stopping the offensive attack. Williams said. "Westill have to take on linemen and try weekend, Nevada has the best re- "There's clues and stuff, but you don't know for sure to sack the quarterback and make tackles and that sort See Line [paqe Ll] cord at 12-8. The Wolfpack won what's going to happen," Williams said. "Youjust have their last match over Pacific, 4-0, ofstuff, but we're just learning different ways to do it." but have yet to defeat a ranked op- ponent in three duals this season. The Vandals are 7-14this season and 0-2 against ranked Division I opponents. Also winless against ranked op- ponents, the Aggies are 4-9 this Adding an asterisk could change the game forever year and have lost each of their last four matches. name is involved. next to the names of players who worms and Pandora's box thing." a congressional hearing. "Their re- BY DAVID WHITLEY "It'spatentiyabsurd,"RodNelson took steroids or other illegal sup- You could start with Mark cords and stats from when they use Knight Ridder Tribune said. "Youjust can't go there." plements. McGwire. If Bonds' 73-homer sea- Putnam named WAC steroids should be wiped out." He is the research services' di- Get it? Rx - prescription for what son gets an asterisk, shouldn't Big Bunning is not just another pon- athlete of the week ORLANDO,Fla. - To' or not to', - rector for the Society for American ails baseball? . Mac's 70 get cut down to size? tificating politician. He's a Hall of that is the question. Baseball Research. The : 7,000- It sounds good in a congressio- How does baseball determine Fame pitcher who speaks for a lot BOISE, Idaho - Posting a per- With all due apologies to William member group is dedicated to pre- nal hearing. But an Rxwould raise which of Rafael Palmeiro's 569 of people. sonal best in the' javelin throw Shakespeare, that is baseball's big serving the Integrity of baseball's issues that defy simple solutions. horne runs were legit, .and how A USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll this past Saturday (AprillO), Boise question this season. The game is records. Does Major League Baseball sin- many were juiced?_Do the Braves showed 52 percent ofbaseball fans State University's Nate Putnam has mired in a Shakespearean tragedy It will spend years research- . gle out only the lead player in this get stripped of two division titles believe Bonds' records should be been named the men's XBOXLive worthy ofthe record books. ing boxscores from the. 1920s to pharmaceutical drama? . because GarySheffield was roam- taken away if he's found guilty of ~ WAC Track and Field Athlete of Or maybe it isn't. taking steroids. One of baseball's verify or debunk the most arcane . Bondsmayhaveingestedenough Ingtheoutfield? The player who would be the statistics. The members like to ar- human growth hormone to turn a Jason Giambi admitted to taking the Week. corporate sponsors isn't waiting on Putnam won the javelin at the , game's biggest hero has turned into 'gue about the smallest baseball tree shrew into Sharon Stone. All steroids such as Clomid, a female Pepsi Team Invitational in Eugene, a super villain. NowBarry Bonds Is those findings. According to Bloomberg News, mlnutiae, but all agreed at their he's admitted to, however, is ac- fertility drug. Ore. with a throw of224-3 (68.35m). seven home runs away from break- last convention that Bonds arid his cidental exposure to steroids from He didn't give birth to any chil- Bank of America Corp. will not His previous best throw was 222- Ing Babe Ruth's iconic mark of714. ilk should not be asterisked. his trainer. dren, but Giambi did pop out a participate in any celebration -for 6 (57.82m) set the NCAA West What could have been a national Bonds. It doesn't want to be assocl- The objection is mainly philo- Pending the findings ofbase- MVPaward with Oakland. Regional Championships last year, celebration has turned Into a rag- sophical. Numbers have nomoral ball's investigation, that may be all . Does baseball take away that, as ated with controversy .. also at the University of Oregon Ing debate. Should Bonds' records The asterisk debate isn't so easy value, Nelson said. They are' data the semi-hard evidence Bud Selig well as the four consecutive MVPs track and field complex. The throw count, or should baseball break and should not 'be judgedsubJec- .' has to go on. . Bonds Won during the tail' end of to walkaway from. Putting a foot- also surpassed this year's west re- out the most dreaded punctuation note next to. records .hasbeen a tively forworthiness.',i /", .What about those who've been . the Steroid Era? . gional qualifying standard. . mark In Its arsenal? contentious issue since Roger That certainly flIesagalnsttbe caught or. acknowledged taking . Giamblhit two home runs Based on collegiate marks pri- The asterisk. Marls broke Ruth's single-season howlingwil1dsoLrevisionism. steroids? r ',. . pedro Martinez in Game 7 or to last weekend's. competition, ·Players ~ho break the law and record 45 years ago;~lot of fan's Bunninglll1dothersn~tl)nlywant. "Where do you draw thellnet" ·,_S.e.•', e.'. A, •.··.s··.t. ·.e..·•.n.•·.sk ... [,P'.·age 11.··.] Putnam's throw Is the eighth best cheat should be severely pun- ~on't1ike it, regardless of whose an- ilsterlslC,Thl1Y.wlln~:.llJ1"Rx~ ~elsonsliid; "It's the whole (Bnllf' 'in the country this season and the ished; Sen. Jim Bunning roaredln fifth best in the west region. ..'"' 13 .2006 Pros understate backup quarterbacks

Just as in Baltimore, it didn't take quarterbacks. "0 •• It's an explosive in at all. BY DAVIDJ. NEAL In the AFC,the Dolphins were 5- long for Morrall's team to be thank- Knight Ridder Tribune game." ful he was around. In the fifth game, Said Florida International 1when Jay Fiedler got injured, then San Diego broke Bob Griese's leg. - University coach Don Strock, one of went 2-3 with Ray Lucas starting. Any football fool knows the "That we had Earl made me feel the league's ablest backups during They scored 10points in each of the Miami Dolphins' most important a lot better because of what he had his 14 seasons with the Dolphins: first three Lucas games, all losses. offseason acquisition was quarter- done for me in Baltimore," Shula "Miami coach Nick Saban under- Their 9-7 final record was enough back Daunte Culpepper. said. "He was justthat type of influ- stands the importance of the sec- to lose the division and a playoff Wanted: MLKStudent Chairperson But only a fool would think the ence on our football team. They all ond guy, or they wouldn't be going spot on tiebreakers. continuing search for someone to realized that Griese was our' start- through everything they~egoing Those three or four games will Salary: approx. $250/month .fill the role of backup to Culpepper ing quarterback and the quarter- through - working guys out, wining be the first three or four for the isn't in the top five of importance, back oCthe future. But they all knew Responsibilities: Coordinate a committee (membership of and dining guys, assistant coaches Dolphins as they likely open the maybe even No.2 - especially be- Earl was capable of being a great students, BSUemployees & community members) that plans meeting with them, watching films season without Culpepper and his cause Culpepper is recovering from backup, and he proved that to ev- and implements the annual Martin Luther King,JrJHuman with them. injured knee. major knee surgery. "When you look at the schedule erybody." Rights Celebration. "That should tell you the impor- "How many Peyton Mannings for Miami, they could come out Morrall not only was an able and Brett Pavres are there?" ESPN's tance of the position." backup that season, but he helped How to apply: Applications and job descriptions Or,you could just go to the num- smoking right offthe bat," Salisbury Sean Salisbury, a former NFLback- groom Strock when he had to step can be picked-up at the Student Activities Office bers. As important as backups have said. "I think they're the team to up and sometime starter, asked of in during the 1975 and 1976 sea- (firstfloor,Student Union) or call 426-1223. been throughout NFL history, from chase in that division right now. the NFL's most notable iron men sons. Norm Van Brocklin to Earl Morrall The only difference is the quarter- That's one reason Salisbury fig- to Doug Williams to Jeff Hostetler, back position. ures a veteran - as was the case witn they might never be more inte- "Ifyou can hold that team down, Morrall- is the best kind ofbackup, gral to a team's success than in maybe even just split, give them .500 football until Culpepper as opposed to the young prospect .today's NFL. or a former starter trying to resus- , Starting quarterbacks have gets back ...." citate his career. missed an average of three to four Backups aren't underrated "The young guy is still brash games a season from 2003 through around these parts. Strock and enough, especially if he's a first- . -.2005. If the trend holds from those Earl Morrall would be in the inau- round pick and has everybody in same three seasons, only 12 or 13 gural class if there were a Backup his ear telling him he should be teams out of 32 will have the same Quarterbacks Hall ofFame. playing," Salisbury said. "Joey guy taking the first snap for all Nobody had to sell Hall of Fame coach Don Shula on the value ofthe Harrington, he's at a point where he , 16games. still thinks he's a starter. (Ironically, the Sweet Sixteen No.2 guy, even before The Perfect He also thinks he has something Club included Joey Harrington; Season. In fact, Shula's experience' to prove, that he's not a bust, and whom the- Dolphins are Interested with the 1968Baltimore Colts might maybe he's not. A change of venue in getting out of Detroit for backup be why there was a Perfect Season. .might do him good. But his whole duty, who started every game in the That year, the 8hula-coached Intention is he's going to start some- 2003 and 2004 seasons.) Colts signed Morrall to back up where." Three or four games can be the Johnny Ilnitas, who had led the Then, there's the veteran thirty- difference between first-round Colts to an 11-1-2 record in 1967. When the NFL's best quarterback something who, as Salisbury put it, playoff bye and just "bye." "realizes he's in the second part of The Super Bowl champion couldn't shake a sore right elbow, his career." Steelers almost failed to make the Morrall put together an MVP sea- Strock turned 31 during the 1981 playoffs because of backup Tommy son that included a league-high 26 season, when his status as an ace Maddox's troubles while Ben touchdown passes. relief quarterback was cemented. Roethlisberger was injured. By 1972, everyone else remem- His substitute appearances for Or, consider the 2002 NFL sea- bered the Colts' shocking Super Bowl III loss to the Jets in which David Woodley got the combination son. nicknamed "Woodstrock." Strock Philadelphia's D0I10vanMcNabb Morrall looked like a 13-year jour- brought the Dolphins back from 24- got hurt with the Eagles holding an neyman quarterback. Shula re- down in that season's 41-38,over- 8-3 record. A.J. Feeley, though he membered that Morrall got the ° time playoff loss to San Diego. - was a Dolphins disaster-to-be, went Colts there. Throughout his career, Strock 4-1 in those five games. The Eagles "When we had a chance to pick struck that delicate mental balance went into the playoffs as the No.1 him up in Miami, I didn't hesitate to backups have to maintain - enough seed, Had they gone 1-1,the Eagles do so," Shula said last fall during a confidence in his abilities to do the would have finished 9-7. conference call. "Although, owner job when called upon and competi- They would have qualified forthe Joe Robbie had to approve the con- tiveness to keep his NFLjob, but the postseason because of a tiebreaker tract. Earl was making $90,000 at willingness to accept when some- or, if Philadelphia's spinout some- that'rime, and Joe Robbie reluctant- one else was tabbed as the starter how inspired New Orleans·to stop ly agreed to pick up that salary as a and prepare as a backup. its own spinout, wouldn't have been backup quarterback."

Captains' club auction begins April 17

when dealing with personal, By Wire Services the Premier 'AP: Hockey League will be auctioned online at ECHL. work-related, and behavioral health concerns. PRINCETON,N.J. - The ECHL in .com, and "The Captains' Club is a great association with the Professional beginning Apr. 17at 6 p.m. ET and way for fans and collectors alike Hockey Players' Association and continuing until May 1at 6 p.m. ET. to obtain a one-of-a-kind piece of The MeiGray Group on Tuesday The Captain's Club Jersey game-worn memorabilia, while as- announced the 2nd Annual Auction was initiated in 2004 in an sisting all ECHL Players and their Captains' Club Jersey Auction to effort to help fund the Membership families through this unique benefit the Membership Assistance Assistance Program. program," said PHPA Executive Program (MAP). It provides all PHPA Director, Larry Landon. Game-worn jerseys from the Members and their families ac- Captain of each of the 25 teams in cess to counseling services

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starters and we have great guys that are battling BoiseState has been one of education, of experl- [from page 9] The.Arbiter Line to fill the other spot. Things are golngtowork out mentation and training, blending and accepting able' to come back and. compete against those welL" changes to the team and staff. guys who are trying to block you: The line doesn't have any set goals, but has "The vlbe is very upbeat," Schlekeway said. So far this spring, the defensive line has only many that are unspoken, eng rained in the fabric "With all these new coaches and all the changes, been able to compete against the.BSU offensive of the linemen's minds. everybody has kind of a new energy and sense line, also an experienced, unit. The two literally "I think our biggest goal is to know what we're of direction, a new purpose as to where we're at must playoff one another to get better. doing all the time," Browning said. "Once you get and where we're going. 1think people are fired "We match up well," Schlekeway said. "We to that point you're able to playa lot faster and up and everyone is just trying to get better. This have a good defensive and good offensive line, a lot harder. There's a lot of stuff we're learning is our last week and then we can't put the pads on so there are definitely some battles out there. It's and once you get to the point where you know ev- again until fall." good for us to go against each other, because we erything as reaction. Our biggest thing will be to The Bronco's final scrimmage is Friday night give each other good looks. We get each other a play at that intense level and maintain it through at Bronco Stadium in the Blue and Orange game. lot better that way: the whole game." The Broncos will be divided into two teams: the Despite the daily banging of helmeted heads, "Just be the best defensive line, the best foot- No.1 offense and the No.2 defense vs, the No.1 Browning said the two lines understand the im- ball players we can be and just help our team out defense and the No.2 offense. portance of the other. the way we know we can," Schlekeway said. "I think we've gotten better in a lot of areas "There's no negative kind of stuff going on," "Our responsibility is just to know our assign- and there are areas where we need to get better," Browning said. "We all know we're out there ment and be where we're supposed to be on that Browning said. "I think the second scrimmage to get better and compete. Guys are definitely given play," Williams said. "If we're there, good. was a little disappointing for the defensive line, pushing each other to the point where you might Ifwe're not, then we've got to fix something." so we're looking forward to doing well at this get frustrated with someone, but it's all for trying The mentality of this spring football season at next one." to get better. On the field you might have a prob- lem, but off the field everything is good." Schlekeway said that although it is important to have personal football aspirations, they are insignificant when compared to the successes of the team. "It's something you get used to as a defensive lineman, as a defensive player, as any player on the team," Schlekeway said. "That's what you have to do, you have the things you want to ac- complish and then you have the team's goals, and the team's goals always have to come first, and your goals are always secondary." The defensive line, the first defensive front for the Broncos this fall should be solid front. It may Travel Historic East not be Impenetrable, but it is solid. Coast Cities "I think we're going to be great," Schlekeway said. "I think we're going to have one of the best while continuing your education defensive lines we've had here. 1think things are' ring Anu-r ican l l istorv alive with a semv ...tvr ill going to work out well. We have three returning B till' New Fngl.ll1d ~tlltl'~. TIll' l'almvr.i Edlh:.llioll Center Travel Studv I'roguull in v itcs stu dents to tr..n'l'] to New York. lhbton, \Vflshingltln D.C., and

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PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. - Boise Smith finished tied for 23rd with State University seniors Graham a 54-hole total of 229 (+13). He has DeLaet and Brian mith each fin- now posted top 25 finishes in each ished in the top 25 at the Saint of the last two tournaments, and Mary's/Merrill Lynch Invitational, four times overall this season. April 11, leading the Broncos to a With a team score of 922, the 10th place finish. Broncos finished in 10th place of 19 DeLaet finished tied for 19th with schools competing in the event. . a three-round total of 227 (+11) at Rounding out the scores for the the par-72, 6,833-yard Poppy Hills Broncos were senior Jason Williams Golf Course. He has now finished with a 232 (+16), sophomore Matt in the top 25 in each of the Broncos' Hastings with a 234 (+18), and se- nine tournaments this season. With nior Jake Sestero with a 247 (+31). one more top 25 finish, DeLaet will Boise State will compete in its tie his own school record for top second tournament of the week, 25 finishes in a season, a feat that and its final event before hosting has only been accomplished three the Western Athletic Conference times since 1997 (DeLaet in 2003 Championships, at the Brigham and 2004 and senior Adam Choy in Young University Cougar Classic, 2004). April 13-14, in Ogden, Utah.

Saint Mary's/Merrill Lynch Invitational April 10-11, 2006 Poppy Hills Golf Course; Pebble Beach, Calif. Par 72; 6,833 yards

PIIOTO BY M~" ALLnEurrllE ARBITER Final Results Boise State tennis player Luke Shields hits a forehand in his loss Wednesday. The Broncos fell to San Diego5-2. Boise State Results, - T19. Graham DeLaet(72-75- 80-227, +11), T23. Brian Smith (76-73-80-229,+13), T38. Jason Williams (76-76-80-232, +16), T49. Matt Men's tennis fallsto San Diego 5-2 Hastings (78-75-81-234, +18), T91. Jake Sestero nation get seeds at the NCAA tour- Shields and Schoeck doubles com- (82-80-85-247, +31). COMPILED BY. Diego. ARBITER STAFF "In the doubles we played great," nament. bination is also ranked 1B nation- Team Results Graham said. "I think, almost, the "These guys are fired up," ally. 1. Lamar (891), 2. Xavier (892), 3. Fresno State (908), The Boise State Bronco Men's " doubles point made us a little bit Graham said. "This is big for them, San Diego (No. 37) is 13-5 this 4. Texas-Arlington (909), l5. UC-Santa Barbara (916), tennis team won the doubles too casual going into singles. It was this is big for us. These guys came season and has won each of its last T5. Cal Poly (916), 7. Santa Clara (917), T8. Loyola point in their match against Sart like playing a great first half, but out like a bunch of hungry coyotes five matches. we had a second half to go." against us. I know how much this The Toreros arc 6'5 against Marymount (921), T8. Saint Mary's' (921), 10. Boise Diego University Wednesday at the Appleton Tennis Center in heart of Graham was worried about his means to them.I think we're play- teams ranked in the ITA's top 75 State (922), 11. San Francisco (925), T12. Weber State the Boise Stale campus, but ended team's performance, but not about ing not to lose, rather than playing this season, but are 0-2 against (927), T12. C5U-Northridge' (927), 14. Idaho (930), 15. up losing to the Toreros 5-2. his team. to wln," teams ranked in the top 25. Senior Portland (947), 16. UC-Riverside (948), 17. St. Joseph's "It means everything for seed- "It's not hard (to turn a match The No. 23 Broncos have only Pierrick Ysern is the nation's 47th around)," Graham said. "I just gotta two dual matches left before going , ranked singles player. (959), 18. Sacramento State (960), 19. Gonzaga (966). ing in ·the NCAA's and for our con- fidence," BSU head coach Greg keep the guys believing. You wake to the Western Athletic Conference Boise State (17-5) had won each Top Five Individuals Graham said. "It's big. It's like go- up on the wrong side of the bed, by Championships, April 21-23. of its last seven matches and 17 of 1. Jason Anthony, Fresno State (70-73-75-218, ing to see a judge about the settle- the time the afternoon comes, you "Momentum can change right its last lB. +2)*, 2. Oliver Bekker, Lamar (75-72-71-218, +2), 3. ment for a will or something. We can have a great lunch and a better away," Graham said. "You just got Boise State is 7-5 this season John Streibich, Xavier (72-75-73-220, +4), T4. Barry want to make sure we have a lot of evening." to be waiting at the door when it against teams currently ranked in Schenk, Weber State (74-71-77-222, +6), T4. Dawle money in the bank going into the There was a lot up for stake at opens up for you." the top 75. ' VanDerWalt, Lamar (75-74-73-222, +6). NCAA tournament." Wednesday's match. The Broncos BSU has two players national- The Broncos travel 'to play the The Broncos lost five of the need the win to inch closer to the ly ranked, in No. 29 Luke Shields University of Colorado Friday af- sox singles matches against San top-16. Only the top 16 teams in the and No. 122 Thomas Shoeck. The ternoon.


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"Libraries take a page from business world

BY JEFF OVERLEY Much of the library's evolution is able .... We want it to feel like peo- The Orange County Register rooted in the halls of higher learn- ple's living rooms." (KRT) ing, Haycock says. Also jettisoned are restrictions "Our students are taking many on snacks and beverages, a bow to SANTA ANA, Calif. _ Orange more courses of their own volition the allure of bookstore-coffee shop neon and iPods.Espresso bars and in areas like marketing, human-re- fusions. flat screens. Internet sites with ad- sources management, interperson- "We used to actually have securi- vice about sex, drugs and rock 'n' al communications," he says. ty people, and one of their-missions roll. Theresearchiscarryingoverfrom was to walk around and tell people Libraries ain't what they used to the classroom to the boardroom, to return back to the snack area," be. where officials seek to emulate suc- says Ron Hayden, director of the With funding tight and competi- cessful companies renowned for Huntington Beach Public Library. tion fierce, the hushed repositories their treatment of guests. "We now have an actual coffee cart of worldly knowledge are undergo- At the Cerritos (Calif.) Library, ... we've not only relaxed our policy, ing an extreme makeover. Far from officials study hospitality practices we've actua!ly encouraged people a simple shift from encyclopedias at the Ritz-Carlton, Trader Joe's and to kick off their shoes." to laptops, the institution is em- cruise lines. And libraries aren't just mellow- barking on a cultural time warp to Newport Beach officials look ing out _ they're trying to tune in as keep pace with modern tastes .. at Starbucks, and for the past six well. "People are trying to make librar- months have employed secret shop- In many places, that means tar- ies happening places," says 'Ken pers to gauge librarian helpfulness. geting youths like never before. Haycock, director of the School of "It's truly a sea change in librari- Whereas the library of old had sto- Library and Information Science anship," says Linda Katsouleas, di- ry time for toddlers, Anaheim now at San Jose State University in rector of the Newport Beach Public targets four distinct age groups _ California. Library. toddlers, elementary-school pupils, It's not happening at every local The most momentous finding: ,"tweens" and teens. library, but the trend is not naper- People hate being shushed. In The Orange County Public PIIOTO COURTESY ,KNIGIIT RIDDER TRlDUlIE thin. In several cities, librarians are many libraries, conversation is now Library; serving nearly two dozen steeping themselves in business- encouraged, with only certain ar- cities, offers a "Real Life" teen Web Kyle Hesley and Ilanialla Walker, both of Newport Beach, California, enjoy the Wireless management theory and marketing eas sectored offfor silence. page with links to information on Internet and comfortable furniture at the Newport Beach Public Library, February 19, 2006. to niche audiences. They're study- Four months ago, the Anaheim sex and alcoholism, music and veg- The couple visits the library ever few weeks to relax. ing service at five-diamond resorts Library abolished its ban on cell etarian eating. It's "all part and ditching rules on noise, food phones in recognition of a "cell- of responding to the changing used-book sales fatten their braries need to get the word out. Noble in comfort, Amazon in value and drink. phone culture." needs of our constituency," says wallets. That's where marketing, once _ the library has all that and more, And there's no such thing as a li- "Years ago, we would never have Katsouleas of the Newport library, In Huntington Beach, officials only word-of-mouth, comes in. theyargue. brary "patron" anymore _ visitors to create a quiet zone _ we were which offers audiu books on iPods rent out rooms for family reunions, Ads adorn bus shelters and school But, they concede, any sense of are now known as "customers." the quiet zone," says City Librarian and a teen room with a neon sign. wedding receptions and religious lunch menus in Mission Viejo, city pre-eminence is now a footnote in The public library's emulation Carol Stone. "A 6-year-old does not need the services, events that netted the li- newsletters in Newport Beach. history, supplanted by an eagerness of private enterprise comes as the Gone too are stodgy desks and same kind of materials and envi- brary $400,000 last year. Mission "Back in the good old days, mar- . to please. Web challenges its monopoly on rock-hard chairs, replaced by leath- ronment as teens." Viejo proctors tests, and doles out keting and PR for libraries con- "Once upon a time, we saw our- information, and cozy bookstores er chairs, ottomans, end tables and But behaving like a business passports, pocketing tidy commis- sisted of a flier or a bookmark," selves as gatekeepers ... but you expose its staid reputation. wrought-iron lamps. means more than accommodating sions from each. Maginnis says. "Now, we have to be can't do that now," Buckley says. "For our own performance and, I "You're talking about getting finicky consumers; it also means "We celebrate our entrepreneur- just as commercially minded as the "You want to get people in the doors would say, for our own survival, we away from the institutlonallibrary making money. ialism here," says Maginnis of the private sector." ... you have to show your value. You need to stay competitive and move feel," says Don Buckley, a manager With budgets increasingly dedi- Mission Viejo Library, which may Officials say they're confident. can't just sit back and say, 'We have forward," says Valerie Maginnis, at the Cerritos Library. "We didn't cated to technology and munici- soon partner with a private copy that libraries are here to stay, in all the knowledge in the world, library director in Mission Viejo, buy library furniture _ we just pal funding often flat, libraries are center. one form or .another, What Google come here if you want: We have to Calif. bought furniture that was comfort- charting. new paths _ far beyond With all their new offerings, Ii- offers in accessibility, Barnes and .do more than that:'

. hiring WOAK IT WOAK IT. WOAKIT WOAK IT WOAKIT WOAK IT graphic FREE to join. Click on nationwideeggdonation. HEALTHCARE PRO- If-Haul Co. of Idaho seek- Work for a non-profit designer careen .' VIDER Surveys. com or call Tiffinay at 695- ing motivated professionals across the street from Local Homehealth and 6644. in the following positions: NowaC(l!pling.ppli(.:lflOn~forgfa.phl( designer center BSU. Phone workers Pff to createads and layout paper. _SID_ Staffing Agency seeks Mobile Repair Specialist Childcare providers need- Atllll Caregivers for full and or FIT eve/weekends re- ft

, , . .. . . tor infonnoo about your ' $8-$10 per/hr, + bonuses! FOR MORE INFORMATION. ...,.'pro~ss. Send resumes to. No experience necessary.>nl' Jobs' ill WA,OR, ID~Ap~· CALL658~~ '~ ...... ,.....~ ...... -..;.' ply~ ,aI888-2n-9787 or .'~.~Uegep~~~m Arbiter classified advertisements are free to students. Classified ads may be placed three ways: email: [email protected] . phone: 345-8204 x 100 or stop by the office at 1605 University Drive (across from the SUB). APR I L 13 2006 SAY IT SELL IT SELL 'IT RENT IT Crossword chest, TV armoire, dove- Pool table, 8 ft. table, I" bath, 1258 sq. ft., $10001 Like to have your face ACROSS tail drawers. Will sell all mo + $IOOO/dep. Please rockedoff? Junior Private slate, leather pockets, Ar 1 The ones here call Lisa to schedule appt. Detective playing at the or part. Cost $10,000, sell amith balls, ace. pkg, in- 6 Coin opening #2,900. (208) 362-7150. if you are interested 869- NEUROLUX 15 April. cluded. New in box. Cost 10 Coffee, slangily 5761. 14 Horse opera $4,500, sell $1,450. (208) niorprivatedetective Cherry Sleigh Bed, solid 15 Secrete wood. New-in-box. Value 362-7150. Fourplex for sale. Call 16 Has creditors Reward for lost' dog! 6 $799, sacrifice $195. Call 17 Of an arm bone 208-860-1612. mo. old male chihuahua 888-1464. Queen orthropedic pil- 18 Type of triangle mix. black/brown/blond. 20 Spanish lariat low-top mattress + box. Room for rent in cozy Last seen 4/2-0verlandl Computer. Includes Win- 21 Boglike New in plastic. Cost $400, Targee. 541-602-1562 dows XP, Zip drive, CD- house. Female preferred, 22 Bouquet RW, 17" monitor, scan sacrifice $195. (208) 919- No/Pets, 12 min. drive to bottoms ner, and more. $350. Call 3080. BSU. $300 mo. to mo. 24 Shiite's belief 336-4889. 867-1850 28 At the stern SELL IT Red Ford F350.Runs/ 31 Woodsman's Dining set, cherrywood, tool 100ksGood/132K/4WDI Roomate wanted for 3 bed 16" Alloy rims. All 4 for 63" hutch & Buffet, 78" 32 _ Rafael, CA 2 bath apt. $210/mp. Call only $200. Call Nicole table w/2 leaves, 6curved shelitop/6diskCDchangr 34 New Haven David at 323-9235 . scholar 440-0087. back chairs. Dovetail' NewerWheels $54000bo 35 Jolly old salts drawers. Side server also 2in.lift (541)602-1562, 37 Overstep 2001 GMC Sonoma SLS. available. Cost $9,000, Roommate wanted to live 40 Vivacity 37,000 miles. "Sports in 3bdl2ba house in SE sell $2,800 firm. (208) 41 Ticks off package. Extended cab. 362-7150. Boise, 10 min. from cam- 42 Periods $10,000 OBO. Call 939- -RENT IT pus. $300/mo. 859-3961 43 Part of the 4983. For Sale 2 fish tanks wI 2bdllba House near BSU. Indian Ocean gravel and stands. 30g. 45 Confront 2002 Yamaha V Star 650 WID, new Fridge, nice © 2006 ~ribune Medie Services, Inc. 4/13/06 $100 & J 50g $250. Both . 46 Earmark Ali rights reserved. Black, V and H pipes, are ready for fish. 921- yard and deck, driveway. 47 NYC arena Perfect starter bike. $4000 8302 or 344-3046. $695+Dep.426-8702 48 Type of whiskey OBO. Call 2087602-8380. €~ 50 Kennedy or 8 Scent Solutions Full size orthopedic set. • S V I~ S· Koppel 9 Hardy heroine Affordable rent. $399 . -7-Piece Cherry Bedroom Brand new in package. 5-1 Flock members 10 Young set, Brand-new in box. Sacrifice $99. Call 921- and up. Call Allen. Prop 53 Pugilist's kangaroos Retail $2250, sacrifice 6643. erty management. 208- .weapons 11 Punching tool 55 Astronaut Buzz $450. Call 888-1464 467-2132. 12 Churchillian Kiug size pillowtop mat- 58 Japanese verse gesture Bed-Queen Pillow Top tress set, brand new in 62 Putting to death 13 Pompous one Affordable rent. $399 for beliefs mattress set. Brand new, bag. Must sell, $199. Can 19 "I _" (Taoist 65 Life-drawing still in plastic, warranty. Deliver. 921-6643. and up. Call Allen. Prop- book) subjects Must sell $119. Can de- crty management. 208- 23 Pluses Private Living Areas & Bath 66 Toledo's lake 25 Ogle liver. 921-6643 Mattress, king pillow-top 467-2132. Shared Common Amenities 67 Lat. list-ender 26 _-Lorraine mattress & box. Never 68 Foolish Bedroom set, cherrywood, All Utilities And Basic 27 Failed to hit used. Still in factory wrap- 69 Author Uris solid wood construction. Close to BSU, nice, re- Cable Included 28 Plate per. Cost $550, sacrifice 70 John of the appearances Sleigh bed, 2 nightstands, modeled, 4 bedrooml 2 EVERGREEN SUITES 384·1600 PGA, 29 Actress Fawcett i-=-I~~'::' dresser w/mirror, tall $295. (208) 919-3080. 71 Selects actors 30 "M'A'S'H" procedure DOW~J 32 With scorn .1 de force 33 Puts to a test ~Arbiter 2 Patriotic Nathan 36 Weep 53 Last 60 English 3 Sicilian volcano 38 Gore and Capp 54 Dry-heat bath county 4 Chairs 39 Ring off. 56 The Scott 61 Employs 5 Mistakes list 44 Say without Case 62 Singer Torme 6 Flickering saying 57 Comic. Rudner 63 "We the 7 Alther and 49 Cultural 59 McKinley and World" Kudrow 52 Devoured Lupine 64 Grande

THE INTERNET opes BUSINESS. like the view? BY LINDA C. BLACK Now accepting applications for graphic designers. THIBUNEMEDIA SEHVICES

E~lllail jobs(~;) Today's Birthday (04-13-06) Cancer (June 22-July 22) Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Deadline; April 21 st by S;OOpm, The Arbiter You can't get from where you Today is a 5 - A beneficial Today is a 7 - You may find development helps you wrap yourself, unexpectedly, at the are to where you want to go. up a difficult project. Schedule head of the pack. People are You'll have to get somebody extra time for relaxation, beginning to understand what else involved this year, to fun and games from tonight' you've been saying for years. win. To get the advantage, through tomorrow. check-the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 5 - You'll find out challenging. comics Today is an 8 - You're very who your friends are, 'in the interesting now, and also very next couple of days. A shrewd E Aries (March 21-April19) charming. You could talk the partner is also of great help in ~ THEN I'LL KEEP YOU YOUR FIRST MISTAKE I'LL BRING Today is a 7 - Toss the ball to paint off the walls. Don't use this situation. WAS ASSUMING THAT :.11.· MOTIVATED BY DANG- YOU ON AS a teammate. The other person your gift irresponsibly. w LING THE CARROT OF HE UNDERSTANQS A CONTRACT " BECOMING A REGULAR METAPHORS. can score, when you cannot. EMPLOYEE. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ~ EMPLOYEE. This is why you have each Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 5 - Negotiations E o other. u Today is a 5 - Shop early for should go well now. Call a t: best results. You'll find exactly meeting of people who've had ~ Taurus (April20-May 20) what you need to brighten conflicts in the past. Odds are Today is a 5 - Work doesn't up your home dicor. Later is good they'll finally discover better for buying books. something upon which they UIo~~ """'i__ ..a.I,.;"ol.,;lo.lIo.l;;l,l,l", __ --' always transform into money, can agree. but this time it can. Resist the Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) temptation to spend it, for Today is an 8 - Hurry and do Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) I-_T:..:H..:.:E=-C=:O::;;N~T.:..;R:.::A~C=-T:..:O::.:R-=----l! THERE ISNT EVEN anything but paying debts, the homework. There will be Today isa 7 - Conditions are NO PRESSURE, BUT ~ ANY PAPERWORK. I HERE COMES THE and building up your reserves. a test tomorrow, and for the excellent for gentle loving DO YOU HAVE ANY ~ JUST POINT MY FIRING FINGER. FINGER AND YOU'RE OOOH... WATCH next several weeks. Do your exchanges. But, wait. There's a IDEA HOW EASY IT ~ bestto be prepared. touch of sorrow. Don't get too WOULD BE TO GET ~ HISTORY. OUT! Gemini (May 21-June 21) committed to fantasy. RID OF YOU? EI=F==::;==F=F====1 ) Today is a 9 - Love's the 8 Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ) t: most powerful energy in the Today is a 5 - Finish up (c) 2oo6,'TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC. ~ universe, theysay. You can old business and collect Distributed by Knight Ridder-- prove whether it is or not by what you're owed. When Tribune Information Services. that's done, it'll be easier to what happens to you today. U~---I~==:::Ji-.....- ____ . concentrate on a new project. P.S.: It is.