1895-12-27 [P ]
4wWK ftf' ' TWi "4 $% 1 ^ a .'A... ir»' illlly fe« Mk NADTII fifty AT A kota soil, and a fort or trading port occupied the country, became an easy llVn I II LPfl IV Vr I fie »eems to have been established there Prey and soon became extinct. oS?ti?J 1892mwheS with the Indians in South Dakota; but John Elvelt, John Anderson, Danta! Th -<• , \ ^ *• w as early ia 1797, by Chabouilller, a ® expedition was under the com- *• *?• Allen appears^ as registerSSMSS i l oisen, TOomas Clover ChSS _j ^ , ,1 ' French trader, there was no permanent mand of Captains Lewis and Clarke. Wilkinson ae receiver. The first pre- was killed by the Sioux at Pembina, Bronson. LMi from the Hfstorv of Korth settlement,,till 1801, When Capt Henry." of the United States army. They left .emptlon claim in the two Dakotas was as late as 1878; Farmer Henry, at July 3,1871, an election precinct was tIhVnfa v_ fui Triii,ilImi. I. tutuM an agent ofthe Hudson Bay company, the mouth of Wood river, Mo., May ma^e by Thomas McLeese, two miles Maudan, as late as 1875; and the same established at Grand Fortes. In Sep> '• iTw vOL liO^BOefiy# MttOf established apost on the ground after- 14> 1804. The party consisted of the west of Yankton; the first homestead year a herder, named Wright, about tember of that year a voting preclnot Jf th# Rcoord, North Dakota's His* ward selected by Maj. Hatch for his two officers named, nine young men by Mablon Gore, but it was forfeited two miles north of Bismarck.
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