Direct the World Over Dell Fiscal 2006 in Review DDellell iiss aann EEqual-Opportunity/Affiqual-Opportunity/Affi rrmative-Actionmative-Action EEmployermployer DIRECT THE WORLD OVER DELL FISCAL 2006 IN REVIEW TThishis rreporteport wwasas mmanufacturedanufactured eentirelyntirely wwithith nnon-polluting,on-polluting, 110000 ppercentercent GGreen-ereen-e ccertifiertifi eedd wwindind eenergynergy aandnd pprintedrinted oonn 1100 ppercentercent poost-consumerst-consumer rrecycledecycled ppaper.aper. 662315de_cvr2315de_cvr bbc1-fc1c1-fc1 33/28/06/28/06 11:16:52:16:52 AAMM OPERATING RESULTS Fiscal-year ended Feb. 3, 2006((1)1) Jan. 28, 2005((2)2) % growth rates ((inin mmillions,illions, eexceptxcept pper-shareer-share ddata)ata) Net revenue $ 55,908 $ 49,205 14% Non-GAAP gross margin $ 10,288 $ 9,015 14% DDell,ell, tthehe DDellell llogo,ogo, PPowerEdge,owerEdge, PPowerVault,owerVault, PPowerConnect,owerConnect, DDellell PPrecision,recision, IInspiron,nspiron, LLatitude,atitude, OOptiPlex,ptiPlex, DDimension,imension, XXPSPS aandnd AAximxim aarere ttrademarksrademarks ooff DDellell OOtherther ttrademarksrademarks aandnd ttraderade GAAP gross margin $ 9,950 $ 9,015 10% nnamesames uusedsed inin thisthis ddocumentocument referrefer eithereither toto thethe entitiesentities claimingclaiming thethe marksmarks andand names,names, oror toto Non-GAAP operating income $ 4,789 $ 4,254 13% ttheirheir pproducts.roducts. DDellell ddisclaimsisclaims pproprietaryroprietary iinterestnterest iinn tthehe mmarksarks aandnd nnamesames ooff oothers.thers. GAAP operating income $ 4,347 $ 4,254 2%
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